It A I' LA Xlt ('• A K 11.W.1 V, Allegheny Street, licit efinite, I'd. tfFADQUAFTEBS FOP BARGAINS j —AT — HA U LAND & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STOKES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DliV GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, GENTS' FTTRISTIBIIIISra GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., &c., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL or It GOODS AHE MA It LED IX PLAIN EIGIItES. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT FOPI'LAII PRICES.— Oi R MOTTO IH —"ONE PRICE—THE VF.RV LO WERT—A ND NO MISREPRESENTATION.'' NEW ENTERPRISE. I LEXANDER TFC CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AM) — SEED STORE, BSLLXTONTK, PA. They moan by this all tho name import*, Hint in, to deal in and to furnish to farmer" at the lowest | H naible price everything in the shai* of tut agricultural implement that farmer* use, including SEEDS of nil kind*. At preaent we have on hand and are the authorized C' nt* for the Kale Of the OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, ■lade t Booth Brad, ladfeM. It to tho boot chilled plow now made; alno the Keystone and iron brant pi w< made at Centre llall. No twtter plow* than Rhol <>f repair* for theae n..w in the county, please call. II BERN Kit 8 PATKNT LEVEL TREAD n hand and affixed the *ea| of said Court, at Bellefbtite, the JCtli dav of April, A. I !**• w B BDRriI FIELD, C O.C. Attest: J IIN Ifiwm,RnrlE vi M() \KV To Loan at 6 per (t. W BY THE MCTUAI. LIrK IN 8 IK- | ANCK (M OK NEW YoRK, on flmt mortgage, on , Improved farm property, iu sum* not |e** than $2,"00, and not exceeding one-third of the present value of th- property. Any portion of the prinal .on I* 1 paid off at any time, and It has he* n the customed' the company to |*ermit the piinri|>a| to remain as long a* ; the borrower wishes, If the interest is promptly paid. , Apply to CHARLES T. SHERMAN, Attorm j-at law. h'Tt Court street, K-ading, IV, ' or to DAVID Z. K LIN K, Co s Appraise . S It Bel I-f. .rite. Pa* Ml PAD' THE ONLY CURE Far DuihcUi, (Jravel, Ihopny, Brightt Iht rti the receipt of your addr-ss. DAY'S PAD '• I'J Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, BKLLF.FGNTB. FA . MKG LEGALE AGENT FOR CENTRE CGI NTT f PATENTS. I>ATKNTS prorurwl ujKin Inven- , I- linn. No Amnrt'i F i* Al>*rr Our IIUIIM . In IMH' W. At. CAY*RATA, nl obtoin TKAIO. MAKKA, DKAIOS I'ATKNTH.An. , I N V E N TO RH send us a M"de| of your Invention, with your own description of It. for our opinion as to patentability. 1 No Awonviv's FM t WUUM I'ATKVT IS HN RIIN. Our Rook of In.trurti ui. A• , "How t Pam i srlGrxsT*." i sent free ori re.j u-et; al*o sarnfde roplee id th* lis- I Ttnc KK< oßD.the Inventors' Journal. HS.A. P. LACKTt Potent Attorn* y*, j fUH F ?tt., near Pat-nt Office. Waahiugton. D. C. I 1 .JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT, Per ho tut I Kjprrienres in thr initial State* anil <'onpat era te State* Arm ir* : BY GENKKAI. B. HOOI), Lieu tenant-Gen era I f'nnfsstonil* Mat*-# Army, published for i The Hood Orphan Meinnrial I'und —T— ORRICRAI. O. T. BKAURRQAKD, NEW ORI.EANR, 1880. Th- -rillr- J.rnr—.l. nrl.tnK from th UL- of IHL. , work r..|-v.t~l to th- Th- 11..-I itrphnn M-M.WI.L , I'IIIID. whl'h i lnj-.t-.| in I'NIUD I>UI-. K.„,.|. R-D | H.ML. f..r th* niirtnr-. Rr, .UI.J-.rt AND -dumtl.Hl nt I thr t. n InfniiU d-|.rt*-.l uf th-lr |r-NLI IWL inmn.-r -t N-W Otlrtnt. I thr m-lancholy In-ld-nt. .if which —I h-t-W-tnrnt .RT .till frw), in Utr public mind.) Tn HOC* n w urrtTn, nnTtttiiia 3W) pe r., WITH > NN* PU-TNANNRH utiant t * R> •TIM. ■S**VI9A, IT• II tttaiMir tot THI KI, R>IFL L 1.. MM or URTU PITLM, not *■> IN ntnn •OMltintT )>..L111 I'LOTH, t THREE IMJI.I.AKX - I* El*lHK>r Iliwt'TTlT, wtru M.HHI < TIIRKR , IMJI.I.AKS ASH PIETY CENT*—IN L!IR llorTt. Mo- NEVW, UNNTKT rnt.T. EOL R IKII.I.AKJ*. O* I N.T TI KtT Mow ... rt-M tint Etnu txn ET-.T., FOE I-'I.I.AIUt. tin thr rrcrlpl frewn M))r (wtwen r-mlttlnp hj mail or r|r.w,i.f thr amount In a r-rtat-r-d lattrr or by a fwwtal ordrr, draft, or chrrh, a oo|.y will 1- na m-dtalrlT >Olll frrr ~f , rrxlatrt-d u nruad -la— matt-r. Thr rolnni- 1. pnl.ll.h-d in thr haaf t,l- of Ijpo. (raphr, on . I. JANT paprr. with llluatratioua, ->-rut-d a. HIGH—T •pr-LNT-n. of art. Th- anth'W. Ih- •!.)—T, th- par;—, all altkr R-nd-r It W.irth; a |'lac- in rrrry library.— on <-r. I—K —or 0(..n thr U..k MI-lf of --ry h..a— In tha country Afrnla wantrd In r-ry town and county In Ihr t'nilrd ntat-a. and a prrfrrrncr will br FTRRU' t hnn orably dl—barg-d rrtrran* of thr army TO tt.r ta.ll—, WHO f-*| a d-wtrr to TT|.r— thrlr JM rwlhy With Till llon 11 imrma >)r. aut Ftlltb. th —l- of Ihta L—.K anv.nj thrlr • lr-1- of frl-nda, will afford an rxrrllrnl wray of cmtrlbnttac auUlantlal aid to "O d— CRTINT a ran*-. *ot trrm, tatra to agenta, Ac , addrraa with full pairirnlara. DH I. O. T. IIKACREI. AURI, Puhli-hor, Off MNLI r or TBI LLOON $1 >U"SIAL FL it), NIW OTUISA, I-A Bottling Establishment. iMirTI.KI) PoUTKR, ALE nd liKKR. r PHE untlersignetl respectfully in * frtns the ciliiena of Centre county thet he B*s O|M*ED S Bottling EsUldishment, on Bishop street, in the IFC.rnnghnf Itellef.nte. sn T will IRE *| wll timsw prepnred t. furnish PORTER. ALE end BEER Wv the DOZEN <>R RESE In up|dying the*# U-R|E., whether F • hotels, restgumnts R pnvete RESIDENCE*, they will LIE found of the purest end best qnullty. T*Dl**l in snrh s manner thst their life *nd spirits *re preewrved AS fresh as though drasn from the cgsk or bur ret. THE CRLRRKATKD HOCIIRSTRR STOCK ta 1 •ran AI.TT. Ordrr. loft at hi* |.l,c of towin— . or —NL by |NWsI card, will rwerire prompt attention. Addrraa, ] |J .SPITZRR, '• 3M Rrllrfontr. f'rntrr Co , Pa. CANCER REMOVED, \\riTHOUT KNIFE, sod in most ™ R CA-.w withont twin. Apply to C. W p. riRIIER. RrwUbitrg. O 3m- Ontr* County, Fa. (iOLItSM ITIIf NTKfN ('• UK XT Kit. Allvyhony Street, JieUrfoittr, i'a. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! TIIE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH Oi INJortli Third Htroot, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., HAS OPENED A. STOCK OF 1 CLOTHIITG Such as has never been seen in Beilefonte, which they will RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. THK 1M BMC 1H KEHPKCTKUI.LY INVITED TO CAM. AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. The motto is, "ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY." SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager. A. STERNBERG WII.I. BE POITJD AT THIS STORE. Harry K. Hick*, Hardware. HARRY K. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. HICKS A 11R0.,] DEAI.RR IS HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, PAINTS AND STOVES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. l'ro/<**ional ( it•'/*. tfRAKK FIELDINO, 1 i.AW AXI COLLECTION orncß, , • 4-1 JF I I.KAKFIKI.I". r* I W A. MORRISOX, ! * • ATTORN BY-ATI.AW. 111 L.T.KPOXTE, TA Ofllr* in Wo.lrlntf'a RW % . ..j|a.,Nit* tlr Ouri H-yi*# romiilUUun in Kngti*h or lirrmnn 2-Jj j f. T. ALII 4* Ml. r n lovll i A LEXAKDER A BOWER, -t w ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Pn., mny br con*lil in Kugh*)i or rnnn OflW in (Urmnn * ItuiMing 1 -ly jamks 4. lum. s *mn uritir. TJBAYER A OK I'll ART, * * ATTORNEYS AT LAW. <>c# on AlUghmy tr+t, nril of lligb, b>nU, P. i-l j Dy. FORTNEY, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. BXI.I.KroNTR. TA. I Laat A lo th<- left In Ik* CMII HUM*. -Iy nB. KELLER. • ATTORNRT AT I.AW, oflfo* on Allwghnny |urt n*4o of Lyon'* •torn, My Koiiwf nt*. r* IOIIN BLAIR LINN, ** ATTORNEY AT LAW. RELLKRONTE. PA. CMIIf# Allegheny Atr***, otrr fi Oißr# tl-ly T L.BPANGLER, • ATTORNET AT LAW. RELI.KPOMTE. CENTRE COUNTY, PA. Special nlOntk.n u> Coll—Hnoa. prwtk— In nil lb* lonrta, ConaultaUnn. In il.rm.ti or E> (link. My t. ■. nonn.r, rnti son no*. \f URRAY A GORDON, ATTORNEY*AT LAW, CLRARPIELD. PA. Will tllmd tkn klbbaU Court, wban nrMlr .mplnyed. | I, r p amppLE, A • ATTORNET AT I.AW. MCK HAVEN. PA. All Imalnrm promptly atlrnrlrd to. I ly WM. P. MITCHELL, PRACTICAL Rt RVETOR, UCK IIAVEN, PA, Will attend lo nil work In OrmriMd, Centre and Clinton eounttea OSkt. Lark Harm National Rank KMy WC. HEINLE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. • RELLRPONTE, PA. 0r la Conrad Hum—, All*ti*ay atreel Special allantlon firm In tba nollecttoa of claim* All bnalaea* attended lo promptly. tl-ly w. A. min , p. IUM. WALLACE A KREBB, * * ATTORNETB-AT-LAW. ( LEARPIBLD. PA. Will attend and try rattan* at Relleftmt* wkna 'pa etally mtnlnad. ].|, WILLIAM McCULIX)UOH, " " ATTORNEY AT LAW. • CLEAKriELO, PA. All boainma promptly altnndmd to. My m. J. w. RHONE, PenUit, cn • "und at in. m. r and rrWdenae on Narth P|R. J AH. H. DOBBINS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND EL'RORON. OMco Allegheny St., orar Rainier', I Nun Emm. ®-f BELLEPONTE, PA. 4iroccrle* and Provision*. NEW GOODS FOR THK— SPRING TRADE We hare. given very clone and careful attention to the Detection of goods for the Spring Trade, and feel justified in saying that our present Stock cannot he excelled either in regard to Variety, (Quali ty or ]*rirc, and we doubt if it is equaled in either of these respects by any house in Centre county. There are too nuiny lending ar ticles in our stork to make special mention of them all, but call atten- ' turn directly to a few items that are now being sought after every day. TIS H . Mackerel are of good quality this season and are selling rather faster than usual at this season of the year. II e have been telling noth ing but full weights —so lb*. offish , tn etieh quarter barrel and 100 lbs. tn each ludf barrel. They have i better value, for the money than short weights. 1/ake Herring and M'hite Fish are very fine this season and sell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured Hams, Dried Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Cheese are all worthy of sjireial mention. F RU IT. Oranges and lemons are very fine ana the price lew enough to to brmg them into every day use. Bid the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats. He kill the best Beef, Mutton and I eal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. .Yo house in the Grocery and l*rori*ion business in Bellefonte is jirejiared to supply all the iron Is of the family so well as we ran do at present. SECIILER & CO. OROCEES. Bush House Block, Bellefonte, Pa. GBOMB W. THOMAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of FRESH MACKEREL. Ami tn h* told *t Mini In* prim : Qt'ARTKR* at...„ $| M | KITSnt JhV PRODVCR ik in mtnnjr lor jtn,l* .*' to *ry train. At th* MillSdm 11-.t-l icon landatloaa will h* found Rrut-rlaa* and forma mod*. • Jnn* It, IkJP-ly* A New Early Sweet Potato, EARLY GOLDEN. SUPERIOR in earlioem, productive- K na, color and quality. I*rwdwr*d tnh*ra larg* Mnnith fcw th* mark*< In dghtr d*j. On account of its Early 'Maturity, it is be tiered to W better adapted for Culti vation in the Northern States than any other variety In tto|* th.jr nr* "mwnwhat *hort*r than th* ordinary •artotlan, of a gnld*a )*llw color, n*>k **rj dry, and •rw of an parlor Ran*, will grow on quit* ordinal) anil with bnl a alight mat of manor*. t trl.lod a largo crop th* punt awnmn n|n land that wow 1,1 not grow nbon Bft**n bnrdtotoof corn to tb* nor*. An raordtont k**a ar. Th* mmt .aluatd* wnrtnly la mrlOratk*. Mr* of allpn, with dllwrUon* lor planting, by mall, poat-pald, ko twain p*r down; fl U ft.r RAc , SZliO par nnadtwd; sll tot n*r tboaaand D. K. BLISS ft SONS. •*-31 .1* Rarrlay (trwot, Rw York. !>r)f flood* and flrorcricn. 1 J JAH PER BROTHERS, grniso PTKEET, B*llefoxtk, PA., I ' Hue their counter* and *helve filled with 'I NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES j Pure limed at J BANKRUPT RATES (BANKRUPT RATES W IIICH TFIKV orPKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOXSIFTINO Of Pry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, „„ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS LaU*t itylea of HATS and CAPS „ „ HATS and CAPS CarjK-t Bag*, Umbrella*, Parmaol*, Lad>e*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceriot, Q&;en*ware, Ac. OanprtMiif r,.ry thing that can b. funad la • Brat tlate .tor a. harper brothers, (PKIXG STUKBT, . . BEUACFONTK. PA. i.i^,!'j ßT l r ßor,,c uk ' B ,b •**-• •• k. titjrh**! Buuk+t j M ifirr/iattrou*. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Sormat XeKool Dittrift,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAI B, A. M., Principal. \ r PHIS SCHOOL,an at present con ** Ratldteg, .pariooa, inviting .ad rmadlon. oom. kevtelbj •'"•ni. a all vantll.tad. nwd fnrtuab- * •"PP'J •' par, walar, auft apring Lmattaa healthful aa.f -aa, of aorea., Burma wdlng armory uwum',....rr|. JS*"*" '*Pl-a their Warifdlna, arm and kind, aaifora and thor„uk gtfanaa, moderate. " <** u *♦< dad union to tfcnao procuring to *i adnata admitted at an? time. Oonrw rd Mod, pruanibml hy tk. fttete: I. Modal Srhnol. It. Pnparalory. 111. Kerne, t r j. IV. (*,. 4wr*(t oouuti • I Armtemir H. (Mm martial. 111. IV. Art. , P** IBamaatary and Rtieatigc caaram an Pm iMftitlflftl, knd •IllitPhtl KtA'hlAtinK Ikarwin ami. r„ n( .muj ponding degree, : Maatar of lha Klaaiauu and Maaur Vorm.MWum "" """ r ratal,.. " ,b *" -Or* hy Ihl^.aho'irt^' 11 la Tim h.L'.7~ *—*• t—t oollagaa. iSmt*aaAtefeL Br * U *1 fn mite tag latet await apt trite young |-ra..n of good at, ll, Uea and g""n rhiaa who daalrw to fail trot, their U. ami lhair tela ate, a. .tudmU fTSTowSTtt proteiea, aid in daralofdn* lhair |wwar* and ahandaM optmrtunltte. tor -all paid labor Lfl.r ItevlrJOrtwrf r For ratalog a, and tarm, add ma. th, Prtnct|l . .. .. aorar. or rairtua: Wot hholdar. Trwtete-J. H. Barton. M. A. H. Wrhfnrt. Aaraual ChHot, A. 2 Raah, A. O. Omh, T. C Utopia, *>, . 0. Kintaiu * "mklOoha A Itoht. Plata TmMaaa—ll ,m. A O CarUa, Hon H L Dtrf ilTT H ' William Blglar, J.C C. 1 )!•> ,H. Millar Virtnßk. Em 4 omoMt Hon. WILLIAM BIOLUL FtwMmiL CWHMd n. M *ll*l LLA wsstft.Tsa'i'ssjKr'- : T WOODWARD SEMINARY. Bonding ud Dty School tn Touc Uditt tad laittlt Ohfldiwa. SECOND AND LOCUBT STREETS, HARRISRURG, PA. ' ,rn * M * M. im. Art 7 - ' WraMOc, with Hate For tirrnlar, and all AtadraW, iaf.vm.tb.a addra , ""** _ rBIWCIPAL PENSIONS. A LL diMbletl Soldier* ami beira of Xm. d.r.aa.d (Writer, who died from * n " 7 i ■'v aauited to panVioita NO AUK K a** alio wad after JIH.T 1 igaa mj Mamjai fcr hit IwtenKUotw la all klai, of aoMlrra* J. H. ST PHKRD A CO., Pmnian Alfy'i. m F Ptnwt, WASUINUTON, P.O.