Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 17, 1880, Image 3

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How mneh the heart inay boar anil yet no
How much the fleeh may sudor and not die!
I quration much if any pain or ache
Ol soul or liotly bringe our end more nigh.
Death chosen his own time, till that has oomo
All evils may be Ixmic.
We shrink and shudder at tho surgeon's knite
Kncli nerve recoiling irom the cruel steel
W hose edge seetns searching for the quivering
Vet to our sense the bitter pangs reveal
Hint still, although the trotnlding flesh be
torn, "
This, also, can be borne.
We see a sorrow rising in our way,
And try to flee Irom tho approaching ill;
We seek some small escape, wo weep and
But when the blow talis, then onr hearts
are still—
Not that the painisol itssharpnossshorn,
But yet it can be borne.
We wind our lile about another life;
We hold it closer, dearer than our own
Anon it faints and tails in deadly strife,
Leaving us stunned, and stricken and alone;
But, oh, we do not die with those wo mourn;
This, also can be borne.
Behold, we live through all things, tamine,
Bereavement, pain, all griei and misery,
All woe and sorrow; life infliote its worst
On sould nnd body, but we cannot die,
Though we be sick and tired and tiaint and
Lo, ali things can be lairne.
Elizabeth Akert Allen.
I wish I could tell you—l do wish
I could! I hate to nave a secret;
it burns, like money in my pocket.
It's an unnatural tiling, anyway. One
wants sympathy; if it's a gloomy secret,
somebody to be gloomy with; and if it's
a glad one, somebody to be glad with;
somebody to talk it over with, 19 make
much or little of it with, to conjecture
concerning it, its beginning and its end,
to dwell upon it and gloat over it; how
in the world is one going to epjoy any
thing all by one's self! If I'm eating a
peach, I want somebody to have part of
it, to know how luscious it is; and I
wouldn't give a sixpence for a coach and
four unless there were somebody by to
see me riding. So i say to myself, what's
the use of knowing it if you're not to
speak or look, or wink, if you're to be
no wiser than other people, and let no
body see that you are? And as for me,
I ant always blushing, and my tongue is
tripping, 'and I'm sure to be on the
point of betraying the whole thing by
something I say, and clapping my hand
on my mouth like a silly child.
Still, although it's nervous and anx
ious work, I can keep a secret if I try.
or else when he—l mean she—at least I
mean I shouldn't have been trusted with
it if I couldn't. Some people are so im
portant with a secret, and go about as
if they knew enough to hang the rest of
the world. But I never am; I only long
to tell it; and I do so want to tell you
this one. But there—l promised I
wouldn't breathe it, and a promise is a
promise, you know.
I suppose I wouldn't care half so
much to tell if it were only a common
place affair, if there were no romance
about it all. But there is. Some people
arc so fond of romance—our Romaine
is; and I don't believe that nnything
could have pleased her half so much
that happened in the regular, expected
way. Our Romaine always was so full
of fancies and ideals, and when there's
anything romantic going, it always falls
to her lot. Don't you think she's a
beauty? I do; so tall, so beautifully
made, so gracious, suclt hair—such sort
fragrant hair—such eyes like jewels,
ana her skin so like a tea-rose! I don't
believe any of those famous beauties
that you read about can hold a candle to
her—that I don't! I always wondered
why she didn't take some one of her
lovers, although I knew, too, or thought
I did; for she was just as lovely ten
years ago, when she came home front
school at seventeen—the very day those
dreadful soliders came, you recollect —
as she is to-day. She had been gone so
long—four years—that everything about
the place was just as sweet and strange
to her as if it were a kingdom ste had
just come into; and she was going
round, looking at this and exclaiming
at that, caressing the creatures which
knew her, every one of them, even to
the parrots—just rejoicing in every
thing; and I, a little six-year-okl wor
shiper, was following hpr in adora
tion, with the peacock followibg me:
when ail at once the lawn was crowded
with soldiers, and the yard was full of
foragers, and the horses, Romaine's
own Gulr.are, and mamma's, were
bring led away, and all tRe cows
were lowing, and the pigs were squeal*
ing, and tlie fowl were cackling, as
those wretches took possession; and
some were building fires In the yard,
and the rest were swarming into the
house. And they were in the china
closet, ravaging the store-room, were
in the bedrooms, in the wardrobes, and
a parcel of them bad poor ntamma in a
corner, and had torn away her shawl
and one was flourishing her cap on the
point of his bayonet, nnd Romaine Lad
sprung into the midst of them, threaten
ing them with a wild fury, when sud
denly a voice rang over the uproar, a
terrible common-ling voice, somebody
strode through the throng, and seizing
by the shoulder first one nnd then an
other of the men who had cornered
mamma and Romaine, flung them on
this side and on that, and in one mo
ment silence fell, and man by man they
slunk away, and presently they were
tumbling down the stairs, and march
ing out of the hall by files: and the offi
cer who had wrought the change— a tall,
slender young fellow of whom one could
see little but the eyes blazing like wild
fire, for the torn and dropping visor of
his cap, and for the brown beard cover
ing bis brown fare, and the smears of
smokennd powder—put mamma's shawl
about Iter shoulders, bowed low to
Romaine, and took me in his arms a mo
ment and looked at me, and set me down
again, and was passing out, when Ro
maine ran forward and caught his hand,
ana began to pour out a torrent of
thanks. He turned and smiled. "I de
serve no thanks." he said. And
then, half hesitating a single in
stant, he raised Romaine's hand, that
■fill forgetfully held his, and pressed it
to his lips, nnd was gone. And a curl
ous old silver-set diamond on his hand,
whose stones made a tiry crest, took my
babyeyo, ao that I always remembered
it. But as I turned to Romaine— oh,
how she looked then! I've never seen
anything so beautiful sinoe, she blushed
such a rosy red, and her eyea lighted,
and her smile grew dazzling, and I've
thought, as I remeinhered it, that just
so Eve might have looked when she
woke and looked upon the world before
her. And he turned in the door and
saw her, and then he ran down the
stairs, and mounted his horse; and pres
ently we heard the lastoi them trooping
over the hill. They took Gulnare and
Ali with them, though, for all of tire
voung officer; but the very next day
Gulnare came into the yard by herself,
and neighed for her onta.
Well, now, do you know, I believe
that from that very moment Komaino
made that young officer her hero and
her ideal. She didn't know his name,
she didn't know his regiment, she didn't
know his rank, she had hardly seen his
face; but, for all that, she just resolved—
very likely without putting it in so many
words to herself—that it she couldn't
marry him, she would never marry any
body, and she would keep herself and ah
her thoughts sacred to this hero. And
she did. And that Is what has given her
this air of remoteness, almost s she be
longed to a superior race, you know. She
didn't know whether her hero was alive
or dead; there were skirmishes in
the neighborhood, and before long
a great battle farther off; but there
were no means of learning anything, of
course, and he nover came back.
Somehow I think she felt that if he
were alive he would, and I thing she
began to look upon him as dead, and
herself as—well, don't you laugh—as
something like a widow; at any rate,
as vowed to him. She was only seven
teen then, know. Oh. yes, I know
I'm only sixteen myself, and a terrible
chatterbox too, Pnul says; but I know
that things get fixed in one's mind at
seventeen that even seventeen more
years won't undo, and Romaine has
only ten years more. But Romaine has
the poetical temperament.
W ell, in a year or two Uncle Paul
died, and left mamma a comfortable
fortune. As the fkrm really belonged
to Paul, when he reached home mamma
decided to come to the city for our win
ters, and to build this little villa for the
summers, and sometimes Paul comes to
us, and sometimes we go to him. A
year ago nearly I came back from
sehooi, Mamma said I was very
pretty, but very unformed, and she
wondered what my teachers had been
about to leave all this trouble for her,
and she doubted what sort of a match I
would make. I said how could 1 make
any with Romaine still hanging
on her hands? Whereupon mamma
said Romaine was the most pre
posterous girl alive; she had just
let millions slip through her fin
gers, and she didn't believe the
Archanglc Michael would make any im
gression on her. 80 I began to watch
ioniaine, and I found an old brass but
ton was one of her treasures, and I
learned what sort of people it was in
in whom she felt an interest; I ob
served the care she took of Gulnare, al
though Gulnare was twenty years old;
and I discovered, hv accident again,
put away with a lock of Mrs. Brown
ing's hair and a leaf from Shelley's
tomb, that brass button and an old torn
visor of a soldier's cap. Again, onoe
when we were all recounting old times,
and mamma was telling of the fright
she had when the soldier was flourish
ing her capon a bayonet,and the grati
tude she felt to her deliverer, who, she
always did feel, came straight from
heaven to help her, and, for all she knew,
went straight bark again, I happened
to be looking at Romaine in the glass,
whereupon she turned as red as a reef rose,
then all at once grew white as a white
rose, was faint, and had to get out of
the room. I made up my mind about
I was sorry, too; for some of Paul's
people who used to come mooning round
her were mighty nice. There was Col
onel Rice -I don't know what he was
colonel of, some fancy-fair or sidewalk
regiment—l'm sure he'd never smclled
powder except when shooting pigeons:
but he had the littlest foot and nnnd.ann
oceans of money, and a drag. And he
did send Romaine such flowers! and it
she had but thrown Iter handkerchief,
there was nothing he wouldn't have
given her—cashmere shawls to walk on,
and diamonds hrightenough to read by.
And there was an English earl's son
just back from buffalo hunting, who
wouid have made a countess of her. only
give him time enough; and goodness
knows how many more of Paul's chums,
and Senator Catchpenny, and the regu
lation swells. and Cousin Nicholas.
And Rumaine disdained them all —
every one of Paul's chums of course, and
Cousin Nicholas on account of the old
family lud that had always kept us
apart; he was a hundred-thousandth
ousin or so. And when the English
man was round she just out-Amcricaned
the Americans; and nothing hut the
drend of a scene with mamma could get
her behind Colonel Rice's horses, al
though I should have been glad of the
chance; and that is the way it had been
with one or another for nine or ten
years, mamma said : and Romaine was
undoubtedly a fixture.
" Idon't know about your having the
right to hold yoursell so inaccessible,"
said mamma to her one day, as the wind
ing up of a ta'king-to that sent Romaine
out of the room crying. " What is there
about you that no man in America, or
Europe either, that I can sec, is fit to
marry you, I should like to know?"
Romnine was dancing that night with
Cousin Nicholas at Mrs. Glance's ball.
The delicious waltz music made my feet
just tingle. Mamma let me go to a ball
now and then, to show people what she
bad in reserve, Romaine said. But
there was Romaine, so listless, so lovely,
so indifferent, and Nicholas looking
down at bet so eager, so intent, nnd then
leiding her out into the moonlight, ns if
he would take her away from all these
people, and into another world. " It's
no use, Cousin Nicholas," I said, when
he happened to think of me, half an hour
afterward, and If ought me an ice;
"she wouldn't marry you if you were
made of gold. She wouldn't marry any
body but a soldier anyway " (all at once
Nicholas' face lighted up), "and him
only if he iiad been nearly shot to
pieces; and only one soldier out of all
of them, I do believe," I made haste to
add, for I didn't want to encourage
" How much must a man do to earn
his esse?" said Nicholas, in his slow
lanquid way. which always did seem to
make him tailor and more broad-should
ered than ever. He was a hnndome fel
low, with bis fresh color, his white
forehead, bis grizzled curling hair in
tight rings like that of an old Greek
head, his teeth gleaming from under
the dark mustache when he smiled. I
didn't see how she could help being at-
traded to him, being—being in love
with him, yon know. " How many scars
must he show?" lie drawled. "Does
she want you to wdaryour uniform and
your bandages nil thetlmcP" And then
his eyes flashed, he thrust his fingers
through the gray rings, and I snw
whore a bullet ha<l plowed its way
among them. " That was my ticket to
four months of unconsciousness in a
hospital," he cried. And then he pulled
up the cuff from his right wrist, aril
drew his fingers across an indentation
there. "That lost mo my sword-arm."
lie said. "What more does she wantP
Shall I toll her a ball made this dimple
in my chinP that I carry the five
wounds about meP I suppose if I took
off both arms and both legs every night,
she would have me out of hand."
"No. she wouldn't," I said. "She
wi/hldn't have you unless you were a tall
slender fellow whose eyelashes were
burned off, whose faco was covered to
the eyes by a torn visor above and by
a brown beard below, who kissed her
hand, and wore an odd silver-set dia
mond crest on his—llnw it—and whom
she has set up in her shrine for ever and
ever. Why. Cousin Nicholas, what is
the matter with you ?" For ho hail sud
den ly burst into the giuest and most
uproarious laugh. "You had better
tell me, so that I can laugh too," I said,
feeling as though I ought to be angry,
but deciding that I could not bo vexed
with Cousin Nicholas. "I've no doubt
she'll think better of you when I tell her
about your scars." I said.
" When you tell her nhout my scars!"
110 exclaimed, so that I started and
trembled. " Open your lips to her about
tliem, you blessed little chatterbox, and
I'll kill you! If she won't care for me
without scars, she sha'n't care for 111 c
at all!"
" Well, I declare, I never—" I began.
" Just take me tomatnina, if you please.
If Paul heard you speaking so to his—"
"Hang Paul! Hush! hush!" he said,
drawing my hand through his arm and
holding it. " You have made me hap
pier tc-night than you ever can again."
" I think everybody has gone crazy!"
I cried. And then, instead of his tak
ing me to mamma, Cousin Nicholas'
arm slid round my waist, and be was
whirling me round the room to the mad
dening waltz muHic in away that
raanunn asserted afterward was utterly
inexcusable, and that Romaine declared
took her breath away. " I should never
have thought it of you," she said.
"Dearme!" I answered; "you don't
suppose he's going to go sighing like a
furnace for you forever, when you—"
. " When I what?"
" Have refused him twenty times."
" I've never bad the chance to rcfrtse
him once. I don't want to have it—"
"You're afraid you'd accept him,
miss," I exclaimed.
" 1 don't want to accept him."
" You'd accept him quickly enough if
he was a slender young officer with a
face hidden by n bright brown heard
and smooches and smirches of powder, j
driving his soldiers out of the house—
the first man thaUiver kissed your hand,
Miss Romaine,wifli an old silver-set dia
mond ring on his. You needn't think I
hadn't any eyes, it I wasn't but six years
old. or any memory, or any faculty of
putting two and two together."
"Oh. how can you so cruel!" she
cried, hiding her face in her bands.
"I'mnot cruel," I said. "It's you
that are cruel, and silly too Cousin
Nicholas is worth a dozen of that fel
low that you set up for yourseff to bow
down to. Don't you suppose Cousin
Nicholas would bavedriven the soldiers
out. and have kissed vour hand too?"
" Nicholas, where bullets were fly
"Yes, where bullets were flying, and
riddled with them, besides. And yon
don't deserve him, that you don't, if
you are beautiful. But, oh! I do de
clare, Romaine, when you are so per- I
fectly lovely, and he does love you so,
for vou to—"
"llow do vou know he loves me so?
He never said it."
"As if there were no other speech
than just so many words! I can't see
how you can be so unfeeling."
" I never said I was unfeeling."
"What? Really, Romaine? Arc you
in earnest P Do you really care for him,
just a little?"
" I—l—l mean I could—maybe.
But—hut then, yon know, dear, I—l
can't talk about it. I feel ns if I were
as if 1 were breaking a
"To that other fellow? Fiddlesticks'
ends! You, twenty-seven years old, al
most an old maid, and us silly as that!
Now I'll tell you what, if you don't turn
a short corner, I'll se what I can do
myself: nnd when it's too Into for you,
you'll He eating jour heart out with
envy and rage. There he comes now,
nnd I'm going out to see him and be
gin;" and so I ran down the lawn to
meet him as lie gave his horse to the
groom—it was only the next day after
Mrs. Glance's hall.
" I've something to tell you," I said,
taking ids arm and holding it in away
to drive vexation to Komainc's heart,
for I knew she was looking at us behind
a curtain somewhere.
"And I've something to show you,
my dear child," he answered, and he
fumbled in n pocket a moment, and then,
opening his hand just a ittle'way, let
me see a gleam of something spnrkling
"Nicholas!" I cried. And I stood
open-mouthed, looking him over from
bead to foot.
•"Tan years make great alterations,'"
he hummed.
" But. Nicholas-"
"Hush! hush!" he said. "Do you
believe she has suspected?"
"Oh, never! Oh, make haste! Oh,
do go in! She's in the musio-rooni.
looking nut behind the curtain." And
1 never was so impatient with anybody
in my life as with the slow, careless
f ait at which he went up the lawn and
nto the house.
I ran in, half an hour afterward, to
get my Japanese work. They had gone
out on the balcony, and were loaning
over the rail together, looking at the sea;
and as I just glanced at them there was a
color in Romaine's cheek and a glory in
her eye that almost made my heart stop
beating. And suddenly I made a dart
at her, and caught her hand and held it
up. And they hoth seized me with one
accord that moment, and swore me to
secrecy. And I promised; and a
promise is a promise, you know, and
although I'm dying to tell you. wild
horses won't get it away from me, and
I never, never shall tell you what it
was I saw on Romaine's finger.—
ffarpr's Bnaar.
1^— JU—JL. '
"Silence is golden." Aunt: "Has
any one been at tbese preservesf
(Dead silence.) "Have you touched
them, Jimmy?" Jimmy: "P* never
'lows me to talk at dinner."
Emigrant*' Costumes,
One thing that strike the observer
contemplating the cmlgrnnts as they ar
rive, ways a New York paper, is the
fondness for vivid rolors evinced by the
people of the old world. The national
costumes thnt formerly gave such a pic
turesque iippenrnnce to the emigrant",
am' marked each people distinctively,
are disappearing. From Germany, Hol
land, England, Sweden mid Ireland copie
now about the same general style of gar
ments, varied simply in cut and color,
all hearing a close resemblance to the
genera! fashion of raiment worn here.
Yet, occasionally, one still encounters
groups from countries more remote or
further in the rear of universal progress
toward assimilation who are well
worthy of attention and remark. A
party of Icelandic men, six in number,
arrived here not long ago, whose garb
would have been a prize lor a side
sliow. Their pantaloons of dark gray
frieze extended up to their armpits.
Their vests and coats just met the upper
edge of the pantaloons, and from each
coat dangled between the shoulders of
its wearer a pair of the funniest, most
ridiculous and diminutive tails it is pos
sible to imagine. Big silver buttons
that bad been bequeathed from father to
son for many generations studded the
garments. The handsomest men's cos
tumes worn by any emigrants are those
worn by the Tyrolese, consisting of
long stockings, velvet knee-breeches,
emoroidered vests, short cloaks, cone
shaped hats adorned with feathers, etc.
It is a dress that has been familiarised
throughout the country by the many
hands of Tyrolean singers who have
"vodel-ed" all over the land, and one
which, by its beauty, deserves to be re
tained. The women from the same coun
try have brightly-striped petticoats,
sometimes with strips of p/ld or silver
lace that make a very bright and pleas
ing show. Almost always both men
and women have finely developed, liana
soine forms, which their costume dis
plays to the bait advantage. Their
faces are generally very good—the
women often very pretty— and of ail
emigrants they are among the cleanest
and neatest.
The gayest-plumaged emigrant birds
arc the Tin landers. They wear mostly
homespun materials, but gaudy with
bright colors. Generally they come in
colonies of forty or fifty persons, and
when such a band arrives tliey seem to
brighten all their surroundings. The
women's dresses are like very fancy
bathing suits of red. white and blue—no
half tints or shades, but strong, pro
n< unccd colors—and their headgear
consists of snowy white frilled mob
caps. The fondness for color which dis
tinguishes them is shown even in the
dress of the men, who wear coat bind
ings of brilliant contrasting tints. On
their heads the men wear ooiorcd caps
of knitted wool like the fishermen of
Brittany. Finland balnea are brought
here slung conveniently in leathern bags
on their mothers' backs, in just the same
fashion tliat an Indian squaw carries
her pappoose. They seem to be a seri
ous, sedate sort ol babies, weighted
down by the depression thnt must nssail
a baby's mind when it finds itself slung
alxut like a package in that extraordin
ary way. The last colony of Finlnnders
that came here, only a few weeks ago,
all seemed well-to-do, and brought with
litem from their home a sufficient quan
tity of dried meal, dried fish and other
edibles to last them until they reached
their destination in Minnesota.
They Missed the Hoy After All.
Jack was not a Imd boy, but be was a
terrible mischievous one, and his pa
rents really felt relief nt the thought
that he was to start (or boarding-school
the next day. His father thought of it
when he found that Jack had used his
razor to whittle a kite-stick. He thought
so again when he discovered that Jack's
bnll had gone through the parlor win
dow. Jack's mother thought so when
she found muddy footprints all over the
parlor carpet and a great scar on the
piano leg. Tliey l>oth thought so when
their chat at the supper table was in
terrupted by whistling and the upsetting
of the milk pitcher, and they told Jack
so. when, after having driven almost
wild his father, who was trying to read
the evening paper, by getting up a light
between the dog and cat, lie sat down
on his mother's new bonnet she had
just been fixing, and utterly ruined it-
Early the next morning Jack was
packed off. Oh! what a relief from
noise and trouble it was His father's
razors remained undisturbed; no sound
of breaking glass was heard; the par
lor carpet was unstained by mud. But,
somehow, the house didn't seem cheer
ful to its occupants. It was a longday.
Tea was served. Tltere was no whist
ling and upsetting of dishes to inter
rupt the conversation, hut the talk
dian'l seem to run so smoothly after all.
And when it came to reading the even
ing paper and fixing up another bonnet,
the dog and cat slept serenely on the
hearth-rug, and no disturbance inter
rupted the proceedings. That's tiie
difference between having a boy in the
house and having him away, and the
gentleman put down Ids paper and re
marked as much to his wife, when he
noticed a quivering about her mouth
and two big drops on her cheeks, and
there was a kind of mistiness nbout his
eyes that bothered him about seeing
"Yes," she answered; "It—is nice—
and—quiet; uh, uh, oU-U-u!"and he
got up and went to the window and
looked out and blew his nose lor twelve
minutes steadily.
A Morning Star of Memory.
The Chicago Time* relates a sad hut
beautiful incident of woman's devotion.
In the fashionable west division of the
city there lived a young couple who
were engaged to be married, but ere the
ceremony had been performed the gen
tleman was taken down witli that most
loathsoue of diseases, smallpox, and
was conveyed to the pest-house. Thither
the young lady followed, and there she
nursed him bark to life but not to one
of il,p greatest blessings. The case de
veloped into the dreadful type known
as "confluent," and when the young
lover arose from his couch he realized
the doom of desolation entailed upon
him —he was stricken blind. And now,
says the Timet, while the warm tun is
waking into vernal beauty park and
boulevard, and while the shade trees
are throwing out their umbrageous love
liness, a stalwart rami, erect and stately
still, although destitute of vision and
with a face scarred by that fell malady,
may be seen walking slowly amid the
beauties of the summer time, and by his
side a young girl, upon whom ho leans for
guidance, and who is to him "the morn
ing star of memory" that cannot fade or
faint, or die until the last dread sum
mons make even such sufelime devotion
vain to preserve a life that must he.
without such solace, worth loss and deso
late beyond expression.
Somr of IU Advantages Tersely sitnted.
The beautiful 'dca of getting some
thing for nothing is nowhere more
readily traceable than in u newspaper
So much ban been spoken, writ'en
and sung about a " free press," that peo
pie have come to accept the term In a
sense altogether too literal.
If a man has a scheme of any kind
germinating he just steps into the edi
torial room and details it with the re
mark : " I'm not quite ready to advertise
yet, hut a few words will help me along."
He gets the few words ana never gets
reaily to advertise.
Two tickets odmjttiirtf lady and gent
to the "G. It. X. M. T.'s grand ball,"
are expected to produce a six-line lo
cal and n quarter of a column descrip
tion of the ladies' toilets after the ball
is over.
Church fairs and the like are worse
than balls. Tliey never leave tickets,
but demand more space, because "it's
a matter of news and a help to the
Should a boy saw off his finger, "Dr.
C. O. Plaster dressed the wound with
great skill," would be a graceful way of
stating it, and besides it is "unprofes
sional" to advertise.
The patent rat-trnp man brings in one
of bis combinations of wiro ana moldy
cheese bait, sticks it under the editors
nose, wnd explains how they catch 'em
every time the spring works. "It's
something of interest to the community,
and if you put in a piece save me a dozen
papers," which he quietly walks off
with as though be had bestowed a favor
in nllowing editorial eyes to gaze on
such a marvel of intricacy.
An invitation "to come down an/1
wrile up our establishment" is a gnat
deal more common than a two-souare
"lid " from the same firm. New*,,„pers
must he filled up with something or
other, you know.
The lawyer, with strong prejudices
against advertising, is fond of seeing
his tones reported in full in the news
papers, with an occasional reference to
his exceedingly able manner of con
ducting the same. It is cheaper than
In fact everybody, from a to izzard, :
w bo has an axe to grind, asks the news
papers to turn the crank, and forgets to
even sny thank you, hut. will Kindly
take n free ropy of the paper as part pay
for furnishing news.
The press being " free" all hands seem
bound to get aboard and ride it to death.
That is why newspapers are so rich that
they can afford to pay double price for
white paper, and never ask Congress to
aid them by removing the duty on wood
pulp.— Sew Haven lUyiticr.
A <{ueen as a Circus Rider.
The ex-King and (jueen of Naples
live at the Hotel Vouiliemont, in Paris,
in the Rue Boiasy d'Anglsis, a life oi
perfect seclusion. The king cores only
for two things—first, his crown, which
he still fondly hopes to regain, and seo
ondly, his consort, whom he worships
and whose every whim and caprice he
humors and obeys. He himself cores
little or nothing about horses, hut as
the queen, like her sister, the Empress
of Austria, adores horseflesh, his majesty
is ever ready to give any price for the
best cattle. The life of these royal ex
iles is tedious and monotonous enough.
The king spends his days, when he is
not with thequeen, reading or dictating
to his secretaries, fondly imagining that
he is really the bend of a party, and
that the few Italian noblemen who
gather round liim care more for the suc
cess of his cause tlian lor the pecuniary
assistance_ he may afford them. His
majesty will sometimes dictate or write
fnr into the night.walking up and down
the room in a feverish state of excite
ment, and at length, when rosy-fingered
dawn liegins to spread her palms in the
sky, going to bed to dream of a triumph
ant return to the throne of his father
Bomba. The queen has nothing to
occupy her "time but her toilet and her
horses. She will have her hair dressed
four times n day to kill time, and keeps
five maids, although she docs not re
ceive and goes nowhere save to her
sister's, the Duclics* d'Alencon. Her
great pleasure, however, is riding, and
she is even a finer horsewoman thai, the
Empross of Austria. During the bad
weather her nuyesty went every day to
the circus or hippodrome, and latterly
has actually been taking iessons bow to
do circus tricks on horseback, a servant
throwing balls to her, which she
catches, goii gnt n gallop and leaning
back so that her bend almost touches
the horse's tail. The poor king stands
liy admiring and ever at hand to see
that his bcioved consort, whom lie
worships as a goddess, meets with no
The Brest Lakes.
The latest measurements of the'great
fresh water sens arc as follows: The
greatest length of I.ake Superior is 335
miles; its greatest breadth is 160 miles;
moon depth 688 feet; elevation,697 feet;
area, W.POO squar • miles. The greatest
length of l-ake Michigan is 300 miles;
its greatest breadth, IOH miles; mean
depth. WH) feet; elevation. 506 feet; area.
93,000 square miles. The greatest length
of lake Huron is 900 miles; its greatest
breadth, IAU miles; mean depth. 000
feet; elevation, 974 feet; ana, 90.000
mUes. The greatest of
Lake Erie is 950 miles; greatest breadth.
HO miles; mean aeplh, B4 tect;
elevation, 555 feet; area, 0,000
square miles. The greatest length of
I-ake Ontario is 180 miles; its greatest
breadth, 65 miles; mcsn depth,
500 feet; elevation, 961 feet; area, 6.000
square m lew. The length of nil five is
1,966 mil es, covering an area of upward
of 136,000 square milt s.
Tho "Great Hurricane."
The most terrible wind storms d noo
occur In this latitude. What is known
as the great hurricane started from
Barliadoes October 10, 1780, engulfed an
English fleet anchor* d before St. I.ucia.
ravaged that island, where six thou
sand lives were lost, traveled to Mar
tinique, where it sunk a French fleet of
forty ships, rsrrylng four thousand sol
diers, devastated Bt. Domingo. Bt. Vin
cent, St. Kustache and Porto Rico, and
sunk many vessels sailing in the track
of the cyclone. Nine thousand per
sons perished at Martinique and a
thousand at St. Pierre. At Port Royal
1,400 houses were blown down, and
1,600 sick and wounded were buried
beneath the walls of the hospital.
Great as has Iwen the suffering and loss
of dfe from tornadoes in this country,
they cannot he compared to this truly
great hurricane of a century ago.
Killing Kftur Panther* In Two Hours,
Panthers miut be quite abundant in
Oregon, judging Ironi the following
story, which we find in tlie Buller Orttk
KttUrvrite, of that State. A few days
ago Mr. Haugh, who iives near Scott's
ruills, started for Heaver lake to get
son e cedar limber. He had nlong a
large-l/orcd rifle, a l'ttle rat-terrier and
a rather large dog of part Newfoundland
breed. After leaving tlie uiain road and
getting on an niujost blind road he saw
a panther cross the road ale-ad of him,
He stopped the tram, tied them to a
small tree and followed the dogs, who
succeeded in treeing the pantlier in a
very short ttnie. It was on a large oak
tree, about thirty feet from the ground,
and growling savagely. Mr. Haugh fell
back a short distance, in order to get a
rest shot, fired and his game fell dead to
the ground, having made a final leap
which brought him about fifteen or
twenty feet from the tree. On going
back to the wagon the children pointed
out another panther, back on tne road
over which they had passed. On ap
proaching it to get a shot it darted into
the brush, followed by the two dogs,
who succeeded in treeing tl atone with
out any difficulty. On following ths
f'ogs Mr. Haugh found it on the large
limb of a fir tree about twenty-five or
thirty feet from the ground.- (jetting a
rsst on the side of a tree some distance
away, be shot this one. At the crack of
the gun the oanther jumped from the
tree and was followed by the dogs. On
following them it was found dead aboo,
IWO yards from win re it was shot. On
approaching the ranch where Mr. 8.
liuelet once embarked in the cattle
business he found that the little dog hud
succeeded in treeing a panther &bojt
two-thirds grown. This one was shot
dead. Before Mr. Haugh taut time to
load he heard the big dog barking at
something about SIOO yards off down the
hillside. On going to where it was he
i saw the biggest p inthei he ever saw—
a very large female. She was growling
and snapping her teeth at the dogsso
much that she formed the must sav utc
pieture hje hd ever seen. It was diffi
cult to get a good shot, but on firing she
came down and the limb on which she
was with her. Ae she ran off tlie dojre
followed her, and on coming up with
th<m he saw her on a stump about
twenty-five feet from the ground. Mr.
Haugh shot ngain, but as no vitil part
was struck it only succeeded in making
tier growj and lash her tail fiercer than
ever. On looking for a bullet Mr.
Haugh found that he had only half a
bullet left, with which he had to make
a successful shot or lose his game. His
patching was ail gone as well, so tearing
off part of the lining of his coat, he put
it round the bullet and rammed it home.
Taking a careful aim he fired. This
time he saw the huge beast tumble to
tlie ground, to be seized by the dogß.
Site seized the big dog by the scalp with
one paw. and had succeeded in tearing
the scalp nearly off when death put an
end to her struggles. The last one,
on being measured, was over nine feet
long from tip to tip. Ali the panthers
were full grown, except one, which was
oniy about two-thirds grown. They
were all killed within two hours.
Tasked by s Wild Boar.
Tlie tule lands of San Joaquin valley,
California, are several feet under water,
and as a consequence the farmers can
not work, but devote their time to hunt
ing wild hogs, which have been driven
to the hills by the overflow. W. H.
Tredway. late of Reno, but now a ran
cher down there, was the victim of an
unpleasant adventure recently. He
went out in company witl his son Syl
vester to look after some poison he had
fixed for coyotes. When two miles from
home they Beared up a wild boar, which
must have weighed 350 |rounds. liu-
B revising a lasso out of his saddle rope,
ir. Treawny caught the beast over his
mouth, which infuriated his lordship,
and he charged.
Before they could get out of the way
it was upon them. f red way's horse
was the first victim, and was badly
wounded by the tusks of the hog.which
were nearly six inches long. To rescue
his horse Tredway jumped to the
ground, when the hog rushed upon him,
and before he could gain his balance
one of the tusks pierced bis right leg,
running upward and coming out back
of tlie knee joint, making a frightful
wound. Mr. Tredway mounted his
horse and started for home. He had
not gone far when he became faint from
the loss of blood, and had to dismount *
and lie by tlie roadside while Sylvester
went for a wagon. He was soon con
veyed to the house, where he is now
laid up tor repairs under a doctor's care
Artificial Respiration.
Tlie Malval Prt* and Circular, "1880,
informs us that in a recent communica
tion to the +'reneh academy, Professor
Fort raises again tlie question of prema
ture interments. One fact he mentions
is. that he tyas enabled to restore to life
a child three years old by practicing
artificial respiration on it four hours,
commencing three hours and a half af
ter apparen' death. Another ease was
communicated to him by I)r. Fournol,
of Biilancourt, who, in July, 1878, re
animated a nearly drowned person alter
four hours of artificial respiration. This
person had been in the water ten min
utes, and the doctor arrived one hour
after asphyxia. Professor Fort insists
nlso on the utility of artificial respira
tion in cases of poisoning, in order to
eliminate the poisons from the lungs
and glands. The length of time it is de
sirable to practice artificial respiration
in any ase of apparent death from aa
pliyxia Professor Fori has not yet de
termined. but his general conclusion
is thatit should be maintained persever
ing iy fors evfral h urs. •
In One Lifetime.
Some one has recently written: lam
not an old man; yet in material things
I have seen the creation ola new world.
I am contemporary with ths railroad,
the telegraph, ths steamship, the photo
graph, tlie sewing machine, the steam
plow, the friction match, gnalight,
chloroform, nitro-glvoeiine, the moni
tor, the caloric engine, Lite California
gold discoveries, the oil well discoveries,
Kit* pereiia, canned fruits, the electric
bt, the telephone, etc. These are
some of the footprints of material pro
grew of the present generation. Do yon
think the moral world will remain the
same as before? That society will re
main unaffected by these changes? If
yon do. let me call your attention to the
fact that the tame generation baa seen
the abolition of slavery on a grand scale,
the ascendancy of republican America,
the opening of China and Japan, the in
stitution or wot Id's fairs, and the agita
tion for the freedom of women. And
the ma' ch i< steadily on. With accelerat
ing motion. What is its meaning?
Wlicre will it end?