©he €eutw sewnat. BELLEFONT E, PA. The Urgeit, Cheapest and Beat Paper PUBLISHKV IN I (tNTRK COCN'tV. A TT El'ftEllE'S ESCAPE. VIVIII NARRATIVE OV THE EVPKF.Ss' FLIGHT ... TROM PARIS. Prom tlio WlittidinJl Bevlow. , IfcWhen, on that terrible 4th of Sep tember, the mob forced its way into the Pahtis Bourbon and quelled legal opposition by tumult, it becaitie evi dent to tlie ministers of the crown that all was lost, and that the next thing was to insure the personal safety of the Empress. At 2 the Princess Clo th ilde caicc to say good-bye to her cousin—sho was leaving Paris the fol lowing day. From time to time the gallant Gen. Millenct enmo to ask his imperial mistress if it were not best to repel by force the mob that was already surging at the very gates of the palace. The Empress expressly forbade any violence to he used. At 3:30 M. Piutri opened the door aud said iu a low, earnest voice, "Madame, you have only just time." "Make haste, Madame, make haste," exclaimed at the same moment Prince Metteruich and the Chevalier Nigra, who had heeu watching the movement of the mob below from the window. The Empress went hurriedly into her bed room, put on a brown waterproof cloak, a round traveling hat covered with a veil of the same color, took a green parasol, began to collect in great haste all the miniatures of the Emperor, of her son, of her sister, the Duchesse D'Albe, and of her niece, and put theia into a lapis lazuli box, which, however, in the haste of her flight she wr.s destined to leave behind. "Make haste, Madame, I hear cries • they are mounting the stairs; they are conrngcried M. Nigra. Prince Meti(s.-u ; eh went boldly into the bed room ard took the Empress by the arm. -'Madame, where are you going ?" asked M. Cbevreau. "Metternich will tell you," replied the Empress. Then coming back as she was leaving the room she added, "Say good-bye. to my good Sister of : Charity, whom I was forgetting, and take care of the wounded !" Her first thought, even in the excitement of this 1 terrible moment was for others. Every one had, more or less, lost their presence of mind. The Empress left without taking any money with her, although there were about 40,000 ! francs in the drawers. As Prince Metternich'a cou|e was j supposed to he stationed iu front of| the Louvre by the Church of St. Ger- j maiu l'Arxerrois, it was through the famous galleries that the imperial party fled. At one moment the Empress, seeing from the window the mob rushing into the courts of the palace, stopped short and said : "See ! it is too late, we must stay ! It is too late, we cannot pass !" Prince Mettemich, however, hurried her on, exclaiming: "We must, Madame, wc must." At the top of the Egyptian staircase her majesty held out her hand to Messrs.' Conti and Conneau aud said sadly: "You had better go no further, Something might hap|>cn to you." At last they got out of the palace and reached the street. I'n iuekily Prince Metternich's coachman had stationed the ambassador's coupe on the quay. The Prince rail to get it, but during his absence the mob, in creasing every moment, threatened to overwhelm the little knot aecompann ing the Empress. Suddenly a gamin bawled out, "Tiens! There's the Em press 1" "What, little wrecli! Do you dare cry'Vive la Prusse exclaimed M. Nigra, with wonderful presence of mind. Just at that moment a fiacre passed. The Italian ambassador made a sign for it to stop and pushed the Empress and Madame Le Breton into it, whispering, get in Madame, get in; we cannot wait for Metternich's brougham." Madame Le Breton gave the first address that came into her head, and the cab rolled rapidly away. The next question was where were they to go to. It was necessary to get some money, and obtain a temporary refuge. They went from house to house; all their friends were absent from home. Suddenly a lucky idea struck Madame Le Breton. Dr. Evans, the celebrated dentist, inhabited a ho tel in the avenue Malakoff, and the Empress could rely upon his loyalty aud devotion. They drove there with out delay, and although the doctor was not at borne took refuge until his return. Two days later a carriage, containing Dr. Evans and two ladies, lxith closely veiled, and one apparent ly old, tottering and infirm, drove up to the door of the Hotel du ('assino, at Deauville. The doctor alighted and engaged rooms for himself and companions, asserting that he was ac companied by an invalid lady who needed the greatest tranquility and repose. The invalid was apparently too ill to leave her room, and her meals were passed through the half opened door and taken by the younger lady. It so happened that Sir John Burgoyne's yacht was lying at that time in the Bassin du Deauville, on the very eve of the departure for England. A gentleman casually said one afternoon to a lady, after the table debate: "You know Sir John Btirgoyne very well, I believe?" "Oh, yen," wan the reply; "I have tea on hoard his yacht every day." "Would you inind asking him, then, iT lie would be kind enough to take ehnrgo of SOirc \cry va'uahlq jewels belonging to a lady of rajik which 1 wan* to send iu safety to Knglund ?" The lady consented and Sir John readily promised to take charge of the jewels. When this fuvorahle reply was made known to the gentleman who asked the favor lie hesitated for a moment and then said : "Since Sir John is so kind, I am almost tempted to ask him if he would willingly take charge of the lady herself in ease she would want to take refuge in Enjg laud." "I have no doubt ho, would gladlv do so," replied Sir John's friend. "I will ask him to-night." Whoa this second sequent reached Sir John's ears he begun to have some inkling of the truth,-especially as the gentleman who was so anxious übout the welfare of this mysterious lady and her jewels was none other than a chamberlain of the Empress. Of course he consented to take charge of the lady, and pledged his word as an English gentleman that no harm should come to her. This was in the evening, ami the yncht was to leave at early dawn. At about midnight a small party, composed of two ladies and two gentlemen, came on board, and one lady, throwing hack her veil and revealing in the full moonlight one of the most beautiful faces ever given to mortal, said sadly and sweetly : "I am the Empress, I put myself under the protection of the British flag and under the Care of an English gentleman." Sir John bowed his knee. The following morning, when peo ple rose to throng the bench, the yacht was standing boldly out to sea. A .Marriage Romance. THE CLE ASA NT KNDINO OF M HAT THE CRESS IiESI'ATcHKS OF TWO VKAUs AGO CHAR ACTERIZED AS AS RI.OFEVKNT. From tlm York World. A private cable despatch received on Saturday last announced that in J the morning, at the famous ohl Church of St. Paucras, London, a marriage ceremony was performed by the Ilev. 1 (.'anon 11. Donald M. Spence, Vicar and Rural Dean, between Mr. Anson G. Phelps Dodge, Jr., and Miss Ada ' P. Dodge, grandchildren of Mr. Win. 1 E. Dodge, Sr., of this city. 'lbis is the scqiial of a romance which about , two years ago interested the society of Washington, Philadelphia anil New- York, and which was reported to the Worhl during the first week of Scj>- teinber, I*7B. The romance toirk the form of a dispatch, stating the attempted elopement from lioxbor ough. near Philadelphia, of a young gentleman and a young lady aged respectively seventeen and sixteen. The young man was the grooin and and the young lady was the bride of the Ismdon wedding of Saturday last. At the time of the elo|>ement the young people were at the residence of the father of the lady and uncle of the young gentleman, near Philadel phia. Their attachment was recog nised, but their relatives opposed their marriage principally because they were cousins. '1 he cousins, however, did uot view things in the same light, and determined to take the matter into their own hands. They left their home on the night of Saturday, Au gust .11, 1880, with the intention of going to Canada to he married. At the depot the young lady made up her mind that she would rather go to Washington, to which the lover a.-vout ed. Arriving at Washington they engaged rooms at the Ebbitt House, under the names of M. C. Young and Miss Mary A. Young, and the young gentleman went nut to obtain a mar riage license and to consult a lawyer with regard to their case end as to what ceremony would make a mar riage lauding. They were missed almost as soon as they left their home and traced to the West Philadelphia depot, hut the direction in which they had gone could not be ascertained. Despatches were sent to Mr. Wm. E. Dodge, of this city, arid to friends in other cities. A gentleman in Wash ington received one of these missives, and made a thorough canvass of the hotels there. At the Ebbitt House he found two persons who answered the description, and after communi cating his nusiness to the clerk it was arranged that he should be shown into the room as if by Hecident. There he saw Miss Dodge and recog nized her. He did not then make himself known, but giving an excuse for having blundered into the wrong room, left. fie telegraphed the re sults of his work to RoxWough, and was told to employ a detective and send the young people back rnder his charge. The detective was engaged, and together they again called on Miss Dodge and made their business known. While they were talking to her, young Dodge returned with the marriage license made out in their proper names ,m my son's house at Philadelphia, aud they have not been heard of since. No doubt it is a mere childish freak. They start ed east to give their relatives a pleas ant surprise, nothing more. Nobody would marry them, of course, children as they are. We shall probably hear from them before long, and we shall see that my conjecture is right aud that the young folks have simply gone off on an innocent freak." As the recent result shows, the youug people were more in earnest than Wieir excel lent grandfather then thought. With in the past year, the father of the bride the Itov. I). Stuart Dodge, litis been visiting Syria upon missionary business and bis daughter accompan ied him. Her young cousin met her abroad with the full approbation of the families and the marriage was allowd to occur iu London. It was learned yesterday thut the young coup le will not return with the bride's father, but will remain for the summer traveling on the Continent, where friends have gone to meet them. A Parrot us a Teaser. HOW A IKXI OUTWITTF.tI IIV A VILLAIN oca i-oi.LV. Kmm t!i UtlHk Ot**fYer. A lady on Seneca street is the owner of a small, frisky dog and a very talk ative parrot. Oecasiotially Polly gets demoralized, and, instead of behaving herself like a good ladv bird should, she gives vent to some terrible shrieks and endeavors to lie as bad as she pos sibly can. When she takes these spells the dog, knowing that a repri mand is needed, goes to the cage and administers several severe rebukes in the shajie of a savage little lmrk. Yesterday afternoon Poll sat ujwin his perch with all the dignity possible. HIP dog was taking a nap in an ad joining room. Suddenly, without a moment's notice, I'oil let looe two or three unearthly screeches., The dog was awakened of course and imme diately started toward the cage at a full run, barking as he went. After be lind seolded, as he thought enough, lie adjourned to the other room and tttuggyd himself for another snooze. He had no more than closed his eves before Poll shrieked again, longer and louder than before. I'p jum|x-d the dog, and out he went barking furious ly. When he readied the cage, Poll, svho had slopped her noise to give tin dog a chance, began to bark jnst as loud as her four-legged associate. Pi tiny choked hiiuseli oil'and gazed ou in holy horroj*. Jle stood looking at the cage for several minutes. Finally his tail dropped between his legs, and be turned around aud left the spot. Just as he was going out of the room Poll stopped.harking, a sort of pleased expression crept down her jagged beak, and as the dog faded from view she yelled after him, "Good bye, Penny," and without further ado resumed her meditations upon her perch. A Very Strange Story. Ilow A NKfiRO CONriDERATB SPY W AS ARRRS TRO AFTER THE W AR AND SOt.tl INTO SLAVERY IN CITIA. Frm th* Washington i Mint) <;*/.■ Up. In 18(5.1 Colonel Pemberton com manded at this jHiint. Colonel Hem ingway owned a faithful slave—Pey ton by name, a noted negro tiddler, known for miles around, and highly respected by both black and white. When his young master, W. Lynn Hemingway, at present State Treasur er of Mississippi, joined the old "Car roll Hides," he took Peyton along as a trusted servant. He went with him into Virginia and returned home in 1803. In February or March of that year a faithful spy was needed to visit the Federal gun bobts then coming down the river on Fort Pemberton. Peyton at once undertook the mission, and representing himself as n fugitive slave to the commander* of the boats was well received, lb-ing bright far beyond ordinary, he managed to se crete their official papers, maps, Ac., and escapod with these documents to Fort Pemberton. After the fall of Yirksburg, in July following, Peyton went with hi* young master again to Virginia, where he remained until the surrender of General I>n. The for mer being compelled to remain a number o ? days thereafter, in order to comply with" the formalities of the surrender, sent Peyton ahead of him to his home, near Carrollton, Miss. On his way, however, he was betrayed to the enemy by some Confederate as the sjiy who hat'-n --tialilic* of reigning royalty. The princess, too, is peculiarly unostenta tious, ami evident limb the magnificent loneliness of her position an actual trial. To beyoungand beautiful, and idolized, and yet be shut out from most forms of social amusement, can be by no means delightful. Yet there are, of course, very few houses, even among those of the highest nobility, to which the Princess of Wales can go as an invited guest. And, when she does go, an awful state hedges her around. She is passionately fond of dancing, yet no gentleman can ask her to dance. She it is who signals out the personage whom she desires as a partner, and, when she stands up to dance, all o.hcr dancers must sit down. After circiiug round the room some half a dozen times she pauses and sits down to rest, and then the remainder of the waltzers may take a turn, hflt, a* soon as she stands up ngaiu, they must stop. The solitary (iratid Lama kind of performance* cannot be very amusing to this kind ly, gentle, ainiable lady. She is, lam told, a n'ost accomplished dancer, de spite her lameness. But, of nil the recreation" of her life, she most enjoys driving in the park. In her little vic toria, with her dame de cam//a>/nie Uv .-ide her, she is free to enjoy the testi monials of nfTeetiou and enthusiasm that meet her everywhere, and no one that notes the gracious smile and bow wherewith she returns every salutation 'ran doubt her dJlight at her own pop ularity. Her beauty and her winning ways, and all the kindly gentleness of her nature have greatly endeared her to the English people. In fact, it was the recollection of her loveliness and her gentle and gracious manners that rendered the duchess of Edinburg so unpopular. The haughty and high spirited daughter of the czar, with her coldly proud look and heavy features, was a disappointment to those who had hoped to hnd in her a second Alexan dra, and her quarrels with the tjueen and the Princess Beatrice did not tend to make her letter liked. She is noti in London this season, being still in attendance on her dying mother. M'Mane* TS. Cameron. A letter from I'hiladelphi* to the New York SUA declares that the rebel lion of .lames MoManea, of Philadelphia, against I>on Cameron will never be con doned by the Itos* of the Republican machine in this State. "The < '-arneron* never forget a friend or forgive a foe," is a saying that prominent party men in every county in the Stale knows to be true —many to their profit, and even more to their sorrow. Wot. R. l>eeds, who has been the ablest aid to Mr. McManes at Chicago in his anti-Grant battle, baa been the leader ol Cameron's forces. In turn the Camerons have promoted him with amating rapidity fiom the position of a fetter carrier in the Pnatoffioe to that of High Sheriff of Philadelphia, and even leas than a year ago they had Gov. Hoy t appoint bitn Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia at a salary of $13,000. Iy the I'hiU'ielphia t hruniele, mi'l it may bo tlie leading one : Cameron'* rule wa* well enough for the local leader* n* long as he did the fair thing hy them, but he ha* of late shown a disposition to over ride Philadelphia, and the lead era thought it time to call a halt. They are not plea*ed with >luay'n removal to Philadelphia and hi* assumed right to run the machine in these part*. They look upon that step a* being fraught with danger to their supremacy and they mean to rebel while they have power to make trouble. Pittsburg has its Chris. Magee, but the local leaders do not intend that Philadelphia shall have its Matt to run the party from Harrisbiirg in the interests of the .State ring. They want their own little city ring all to themselves, and that is what is the mutter with the kickers. The time is opportune for the revolt, because the leaders are thus enabled to do what is popular at home, looks like a concession to public opinion, and will strengthen their hold upon the party machinery in Philadelphia. Rhode Island Republicanism. Has the Republican Slate of Rhode Island "a repuUican form uf government Senator Wallace lets in any quantity of light on this disputed question. In his report to the Senate, embracing a moun tain of stubborn fact* and figures, he proves that popular suffrage in that | State is a delusion, and that government j there comes nearer that of an oligarchy than a democracy. Not only are nat I uralixcd citizens absolutely disfranchi*- j ed unless free holders, but the registry and tax laws are so severe that the poor are practically disfranchised unless itiey ell their votes to some wealthy candi date who pays their taxes. The census of voters in IK7."> embraced 42,741, but I even the heat of the Presidential con test of IK7C. called out but 29,6517 votes actually polled. The vital point of Senator Wallace'* report i* in the fact that the enforcement of the Fourteenth amendment would deprive Rhode (aland of one member of Congre**, and neces sarily of one of her four electoral votes. That one vote cast in lX7f> gave Haves hi* one majority even after the success ful frauds in Louisiana and Florida, and it is j>ossible for one veto to turn the scale in future struggles for the Presidency. Viewed from any stand nnint, either of law or equity, the mani fest purpose of the nntional government to deny representation where there i* a denial of suffrage, should be faithfully maintained by *songres. and a bill is proposed with the Wallace report to carry the constitution into effect. This report will revive a discussion touching the government of Rhode island, that has been memorable in the pn*l history of the State and that once culminated in open rebellion under Dorr; but both Rhode I-land and the country need the agitation it must bring; and there is now reason to ho|w> that, after more than a hundred years of most oppressive laws, the little New England /'omuion wealth will begin tA breathe the atmoa- I pherw of freedom that prevail* every where outside of her petty despotism. The Foes of Demorrntlr Instltßtlon*. From th# WillUm#|r>rt K*nn#r How few of the men who fret and atew, swear and get drunk in the strug gling at a nominating csnvention be it where county, state or national tickets are formed, really receive anv remuner ation for waste of time, money and word*. Not one in ten now assembled in Chicago will be recognized should the party succeed at tlie poll*. A proper interest in political affairs should ani mate the mtiids of every citizen-voter, and at the opportune time in the stage* of political work from the primary lo the selection of a candidate for Chief Magistrate, the individual should make hi* influence felt. This ta not accom plished, by any means, through blow and bluster; it comes in the develop ment of such p.tnciples a* a careful study of our institution* and peculiar relations to each other develop. Made up of almost every nationality, we need liberal, ju#t and humane lawa, so clearly defined and so judicioualy framed that the people can readily divine their meaning, and recognize therein princi ple* of government that protect the high and low, the rich and poor, the native born and those of foreign ex traction. Democratic institutions are calculated to accomplish thia great end, and de spite the abuses of corrupt officials, the doctrines of -lefferson have survived a bundled years, and will continue to work in the hearts of this people. Fraud, corrupt practices, the combina tion of ambitious and designing men for the past.few yeara have threatened to subvert our institutions and place rings around the liberty tree, thereby taking therefrom much of its vitality. D droops somewhat, showing a lack of life giving properties. The people, however, show signs of new life, and in their might can remove these rings and alb w circulation to again infuse its forces to every branch, causing it to revive end grow. Imperialism under Grant or any other man cannot exiat unless republi can Democracy die*. May November's vote decide that Democratic principles ■till live. KVZRV cloud has a silver lining, but that of the looking glass is usually quicksilver. Two heads are better then one, but not on the seme pin. THANK heaven there is no spring fash ion* in tombstone*. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Bunata Tom or fktvnr— tWil. . , , nary, Apri), Aognt mi•.! A' . Wit,i.j,w a T'.ai.n lilalili I Attorney—bitm A. four mr Hharlff—J on * (nwiut. I(HHiUO-ilm) tUUI. 'Juiinly Surveyor--Jo* ten ilcvuv. Coron*r —Dr. Juiit Html. County Coruil**lo*ra— AmMa (I*,/,,. <;,, „ JAMB Dnsia, H*rk to f'oiiiily OMMMOH*. llkakr Hr. r. Atiorr*y lo County CoMmfMloo*r I' VI how,* Jnriltnr i.f I)..- Court ll..MM—lStkrkiM liAikkvMM j County Auditors—.l.m T HrtwAkt ',t/,k.,. n u Ulkl, Titos** 11. JUtn ,l " Jury Comf**[on*r* Jon* Kmrrvo*. Invtn W r ... i Hll|>*rlril*lldrrit of PuMli Kliools Pr..f H,,, v',' " I Notarto* l*u.U'~KAk M vs w i- It. <' < HUlk, ll*|l*f>,|,t<- DIRECTORY. fill K UK*. A< I I'HKFIHYTKKIAN. kitoM- I , , , HoWkld ktr. it> A*rr|. <-•. tumUt >t 1 . j\ A > .. • "Jr.* PitjwßH'tliiii. WidDuUf al'l K - d. . H 1.0.1, t* A. M. 11l ttlk H'llfkAtll, liortliaut ...i„... . Hpring and lAint'. I'a.t'.r, Tl<- William L*ur- ... d-uc, Rpriiiu tr*t, south ~f Mwthudwt , |,„ f , ~ MKTUuDIKT UU*Clt nr uf Hpring and II .ward u~ t> San,.. - . , at I'I.'KI A. a and a u L'ray*r-tn~tliir MA. at T'< t- M gundat •. hool, gun —■>>. M ..I (trunk. Paatnr, Hi*. J. iK'hatiu*. n-. furlln itrmt, w**l of K|.rib]t, HT. JOHN'S ROMAN CATHOLIC, f*|t.j a • Bbbo|iutrwl l>tin*n Allrfimi.r and Jv. Kunda> k and l'r k> a u. and 71-, M all ~t!,,, ' 7:.VJA m I'aatdr. iter. A. J OHrln,. ra.. , aid* of Hlilio|. Uiawtt Alir|ljrii,r and f'--nI,, IT. Mm BUOBMIv MtwM Mlktiai of Altrytheny and l>arnl' *(n*li N-ni -- • I", a ■ arid 7' * a 1"- !■ 11l < j u arid Piindav •erhii 1 fiii.iiar :* a . ti* i ... church. Knlur, K-v John ll*,it l.ajiil. AtraH oat uf fc|ii..pal church I.UTII EllA N, Sitijatad a.utliA*i corner . f j| . and Patrn atra. t# Surrloua. ftonda* In/, A K an!*' V u. gunilaj-*r||o,| Sunday In la. turi ria.fn ' t Pra>**r-!nu*ttti£. Wadaaadav 7k. u. I'a-r. . It.. n*l K Purat; ri-ai'la-ni >, at l'ara..na*'i, 11 . ! no it lh* rliurrh. I I XITEIt BKKTMRKN. Htuatd ...mar K tl, |( and Tli'itnak *traat>. Srf*l' •-* Sutidav at 1" . w I>ri'l7Ut a FrajntdraaUiiir. Wnluwlai 7 rat-, tor. J M. Hmltli. I'lal-offl.* addrn.. Ilrdlafont* APKICAN KmcMR. mmm ... j fllitli tr~-t Htm™, Sunday In tu aa >• - , I Pray#r*Hi*aditi((. WSalnuaday "j r a Stir,da. *. ■ Ichun li at i r u Paaior. I'.* v John | J-. . | rnilrfira, Th.isuaa atmat. j PHIKN US. Situatrd nd of Loyan I B*ll*P*nta Aradaiur. Mftlt'd>. pti-.lai it , , Wndnaaday II A.M. , V M f A.. I'ravar m*tlnr> ar* l.al lavar, - jat land *-**ty Pn U< at *a m tho r .. , • I Aaaru-latlon aim** th* P.iat itffli*. y| , . . I hald in lh* Hon th* ftrut Hurt.lav in *H( h n ~•> a 1t...m op*n *r> nitit from eto / r a Th* I.AI>IK Tl WPKHAN'K fit AVI It Ml IT!\ , . rn.**u in th* l*ofart ll.a* Hoiia*. Thuralav ..t i * PrOHpcrtim. THE BEST OFFER YET. | A tiaoj N*tr*pap*r at (haap Ratoa an ia : n, r ' i liiaal Iha.k* Into th* llaryain A Utaratur*. Ajt-'i' . I r* p i lira. pk'iakK* and Xawa. It *tr* all tl., r. • f *., j **nh In nnnd*n**d form. P*nn>ylvania r,** . a I *prt| fatnr Parh nntntu-r r. ntair,. a • u ; 'ol ' •h'ty. ardnctrd ]** try. r|t ar.d hum. r. an ii 1 r r • | famnr. mif hanK and h. ua* il*. r*j. at. ' n,. ; ndihrrlala on rumnt t |,lr* and .. ... r Prlru •*.(<• p*r annum. WKCIAI. I\l>l I'T.MKNT* l li - j Ev*ry *vr aiilarl!u* to Ih*Wr.ri!t I" tut "'ill a*nd ia Tarn Ikrllar* raah in ad ran . ar. .i.-y old *uh*criluT abo alii |y hi* artaar* ar a*nd T j IVdUra in addl!i-m, alii rami* on* ( . ; * f tl.* W'klktT ParMOT (or on* ,t*ar and a .o;. . ! -a >. ~| - th* alamlard novrla. " Jan* Kfl** I v t 'liar; tt. Itrr-ni., j and "I*atri*l I*ronda" hj (hoirr Kli 1 j.r. paid on |M|rrr and hwdt*. Tf i T*u ...rpi*-* of Wrtan I'avtir on* v a* t P O , and an *l*drardlt lamnd O'l 1 ,-f ■ i^ I |iri*r* • t'laaaicai lik.tii*nary "lo .-iuht*tn ■ fl fn ; Plftn*n cnj, i** of Warm* Para to* on* *.• t ■u*P. ti ant an illut>Ati m > | Maao lay"* llrati.ry of Rutland ant, mar* v.rlnadlrdh. to i Taanti copl** of nut I'tyainv on* vir t on*P ■> and a ropy of fto*.r lllnatrainl . thm of W .rival*r • tfuari*. Initronar* p. h.han' pHra Rln (Ki, to cloh-t*M*r ' Than* talM ar* atrfctlj na*h In adranrv ft*tnit | lanrna abouhl !• hj p. fl mon*y iu.|r Han.l Para an. 7 tar p* r nnunm. Addraaa. PATRIOT PI'HI.ISIIISI. in. j Maaaiaaiar, P. New Tork Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Th* rlnmlation of thia popular !>** ■! l**' iia* r ' , tl.an trrld.vl ilntirrc th* p**t year lr cntarmall j It". Inmltna' tr*ra n.nUii,*d in fhr In!: 1 Hmuli., and ,i* artangi*! in handy d*|autm nl* 71.* FOR SIGN NK\V> • rrihmco* *t**ial dhfailvhru from ail ~rrrl. r of th* j *lob*. I'n.hr th* triad of AMERICAN NEWS 1 *r T< l#i'r*|*U*r Ihifntrtipi <4 Dip WM-V (rtm ; U if lh# Iribn. Thi hutur# nkpn# ntnkf* THK WKKKLY HKHALI) i T># Ml#t# #nft coinp-l#nii# dip#tch# ' from WaRUi.Ri *n. ftaA th# j of #nii>(it |uliUcuui* on Hi# |u##tin* for k**pin( hnii.lint* and nt*n*il* in t*- pair. Thr* ta *nppt*a**nr*d by ■ a*li-**lrt*.t ,i*|art m*nt, abhly rv.|*d, under lh* hca.) of THE HOME, Airing rnd|n* rr prwthal dUh**. hint* f.-r making clothing and hu k**|i|ng up ajth th* lal**t fa*b>..n* at th* loa*t prkc* K*ry Item id cooking m*• muay aagg*at*d In (hi* d*|irtni*tit i* pracUcalli t**l*d I v *v|aita lafutt puldicathm. Ultm ftom nar Pan* and I/indnn hntr*apond*nta on 1h vr lat*i fa.li km*. Th* Mom* I opart taal of th* M itiLt llraAl* •Ml aar* th* hntiaaaif* mot* than on* hunilrol turn* til* prii* of III* pa|)*r. Th* iut*r**t* of .SKILLED LAROR ar* tookad altar, and **rytblng |mruiniug t" * rhaaira and hthur aaring >• carafnllr r*ccd*-l Th*i o !">* d**o*d to all th* lataat pha*** ol th* baa am* n*ark*t*. IVnpa, M*h haadia* Ac.. Ar A ##!**• hi# fmtur# ft# fmini in ih# B i NM |ilv | • hI <#*ditia of TUK PRODUCE MARKET. Rmnnno Nta* al horn* and alrrond, tngalhcr aitk a Cront ***** **k, n Aran,.* hy a.un* *min*nt di- Lirmakr, Wtaicat. !.nr. pgn*n*ai and Kg* Reran. Th*r* i* an pap*r In th* world that cva talna an mark n*a • matter ***ry a n*k a* th* WII l ht which la a*nt. poataga (add. for On* Ivd htr. Von nan aatharrlW at any tlin*. TIIR t t ONR "'JJTORH, In a W*klj r.um, • DOLI.AR HRRAU) ) ( A TKAR. NEW YORK HERALD, M Rmndaray and Ana Atmri, Nan Tork 13ROCKKRHOPF HOUSE. A > KLLKFt>.\TR. PA W. R, TELLER, Proprietor. Good Sample Room oft Xeennd floor, •#"Rr* Rnaa to and ft*fa alt Train*. Special rat** ha wluwnna tadjam*. |-iy For Bale, i FARM containing Filly Acre*. A 1 M hating Ihanaon enacted a TWOdTORt RRAMR RI'Il.MNtl and cat building* Till* good lit.|nlrr ,4 A. J. A T. V ORIOT. Unlontdll*, Centre rontiO, Pa.