Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 17, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
She (Cnittr stroocr.ff.
Terms 81.AO per Annnm. in Advance.
S. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor*.
Thursday Morning, June 17, 1880.
Democratic State Ticket.
Volt t PRBMR JtllMlK,
OKoRiiK A. .IKNKS, of JcfTVrwou County.
ROIIKRT I*. DRCIIKRT, of Philadelphia
Tho Great Conspiracy.
Duriug the Presdential campaigu of
I*7ti, the supporters of Hayes, through
their newspapers, iu phamphlets, [on
the stump, and by every other |>o.ssiblo
means, attempted to convince aud sat
isfy the masses of the people that there
was a plain and clear distinction be
tween the principles and policy of the
Republican party and " QrantUm
That the former was not resjNmsible
for the latter; aud that the people
might safely elect a republican Presi
dent, without any danger of |>erpetu
ating "Grantism." The managers of
the campaign upon that side, recogniz
ed the absolute necessity of this course.
The lawlessness aud corruption of
Grunt's administration had made even
his name odious to the people. It was
therefore necessary to impress the peo
ple with the idea that the Republican
party was not responsible for his
crimes, and that the reforms demand
ed by the people could be made "in
side the party." It is hardly neeces
sary to say that the Republican lead
ers did not believe this; that they did
not intend that "Grantism" should
cease with his administration ;or that
obedience to the constitution and laws,
and official honesty and integrity
should ever be reinstated as the poli
cy of the Federal Government. That
all these proiniscs.of reform were made
for the sole purpose of ohtaiuing votes
the sequel abundantly shows
When the election was over, and it
wa* known that a majority of nearly a
million of the white voters of the
Union and more than quarter of a mil
lion of all the voters had distrusted their
promises of "reform in the party" and
had therefore voted for Tilden and
Hendricks, nil the leaders of the Re
publican party united iu determining
to thwart the will of the people, and
reverse the decision of the majority.
We say all the leaders united in this.
They ditlered among themselves only
as to the means of doing it. Morton
and his followers, being the more bold
and fearless portion of the party, pro
posed to do it oj>enly and boldly, by
having the President of the Senate
count Hayes in regardless of the
protest of the House of Representatives
and enforcing that count by the army.
C'onkling, Edmunds, Hoar and their
followers, less bold, but more cunning,
proposed to accomplish the same result
through the agency of the "Electoral
Commission." The Democrats, know
ing that Tilden and Hendricks were
elected, and believing that Senators,
Representatives and Judges of the
supreme court, when bound by an
oath to decide according to law and
justice, would recognize the obligation
of that oath, accepted the "Electoral
Commission." In accepting this tri
bunal, the Democratic statesmen dem
onstrated how feebly they realized to
what a fearful extent "Orantism" had
been impressed upon the minds and
hearts of all the Republican leaders in
eight years. Contempt for law, and
utter disregard of official oaths, and a
corrupt use of public money, are tbe
cardinal and distinguishing traits of
"Orantism." The whole mass of Repub
lican politicians had become thorough
ly imbued with all of these traits.
Hut before the electoral commission
was created, the whole power of Grant's
administration had been used to falsify
the returns of enough Stales to enable
the commission to count Hayes in.
Portions of the army were sent to
South Carolina and Louisana to pro
tect the returning board in their work
of fraud and forgery. Commissioners
were sent by Grant himself into the
necessary number of State*, to aroint
ami encourage the returning board to
commit these crimes against the peo
ple. Would he have done this, had
he supposed the principles and prac
tices of his administration would le re
pudiated by bis successor? Would
Don Cameron, then Secretary of Wnr,
have sent his faithful friend und
agent, H. W. Mackey, to Florida to
purchase a member of the returning
board to make a return so foul and
fulse that it was repudiated by the He
publican supreme court of that State,
if he hnd know n that he would be dis
missed as Secretary of War, aud the
practices whieli (Jrant had approved
would no longer be tolerated in the
Cabinet of his successor ? No. Then
no doubt existed that "Grantism"
was to lie perpetuated, otherwise the
"great fraud" would never have been
perpetrated and the people's choice,
Tildcn and Hendricks, would have
been peaceably inaugurated.
Hut Hayes was not a leader. He
was a small man, a weak man, but in
clined to be honest. He was induced
to take the office to which he knew he
was not elected, because of the good
be was told he could do the country
without destroying the Republican
party. He believed that the reforms
promised should be realized, and that
he could produce them. He had heard
so often during the campaign thnt
"Grautism" and "Republicanism" were
two different things that he believed
it, and supposed that he wa* put in
office by his party to save it from
the corrodingaud destroying principles
of his predecessor. When he came to
form his Cabinet, he retained none of
the old members. Home of them, in
cluding Cameron, had to be fairly
kicked out. Of the seven cabinet
ministers ap|>oiuted, a majority of
them, Kvarts, Devens, Schurz and
Key had opposed Grant's last election.
Hayes was pledged to "civil service
reform." He soon issued his celebrat
ed civil service reform order. This
we believe he did in good faith. He
soon learned, however, that the lead
ers of his party never intended thnt
the reform they had so luviahly prom
ised should be carried out. Had
Hayes, with his principles, been a
"strong man," he would have reform
ed the Government in spite of his
party. Hut being a very weak man,
the stalwarts soon hud him bound
hand and foot. They, however, had
beeu deceived and were disap|>ointed.
When Hayes in the formation of
his cabinet ignored the prominent men
who surrounded Grant, they entered
into the great conspiracy to put
Grant back into the Presidency, and
never again to trust to the accident of
an election. Great sums of money were
raised, a government vessel was taken,
and Grant was scut to study the despot
isrus of Europe and Asia, civilized,
semi-civilized and barbarous, iu order
better to qualify him for the role he
was to play in this country. The time
of his return, the receptions, his tour
to Cuba and Mexico were all nrranged
as part of the machinery by which
his nomination was to be forced upon
the party. That successful, it was de
termined that votes should not stand
in the way of his inauguration.
Thirty-five electoral votes were to lie
given to him in New York by the
legislature. Emissaries were to l>e
sent to the Houth, wherever the negro
population was large, to stir up strife
and to produce collisions between the
black and white races, in order that
the new Secretary of War might have
an excuse for sending troops there to
prevent an honest election. And if
the worst came to worst, Wheeler, the
Vice President was to count Grant in,
in return for his having been counted
in, and the army and navy were to be
used if necessary to keep the people in
subjection. This was the plain pur
pose of the Grant leaders. TTiia is
what they have been working at for
more than three years. This is the
great peril which was averted by the
defeat of Grant at Chicago. Let the
people rejoice, not at the nomination
of Garfield, but at the failure of the
"Great Conspiracy," to overthrow the
A Model Civil Borvioo Reformer
The duplicity of the leaders of the
Republican party iu dealing with
the people is well illustrated by the
nomination of Chester A. Arthur for
the exalted and importaut office of
Vice President. In the platform
made at Chicago they resolvff that
"the Republican party, adhering to
the principle affirmed by its last Na
tional convention of res|>ect for the
constitutional rules governing ap
pointment* to office, adopts the decla
ration of President Hayes that the
reform of the civil service should be
thorough, radical and complete."
I'pon this platform of civil service
reform they immediately proceeded to
place a man to receive the votes of the
country who less than two years ago
was bounced out of the custom house at
New York, because of the grossly cor
rupt manner iu which he administer
ed its affairs while filling the position
of collector of customs. How does it
read ? For Vice President—Clieater
A. Arthur. The following is the tes
timonial of character written out by
the present administration, upou
which he stauds before the country.
"You have made the Custom-House
a centre of partisan political manage
ment.'--/J. /I. lloyrt Ot Collector Arthur,
January 31, 187 ' J.
_ " With a deep sense of my obliga
tions under the Constitution, I regard
it as my plain duty to suspend you in
order that the office may be honestly
I administered. '—A. II Haye* to (Jbl/.ctor
Arthur, Jair/ary 31, 1879.
"Gross at>u*esol administration hare
continued and increased during your
incumbency.''— John Sherman to Collect
or Arthur, January 31, 1879.
" Persons hare been regularly paid
by you who hare rendered little or no
service; the expense* ot your office
hare increased, while its receipts bare
diminished. Bribes, or gratuities in the
shape of bribe*, have been received by
your "Ul.ordinate* in aeveral branches
of the custom-house, and you bare in
no case supported the effort to correct
these abuses."— -John Sherman to Collector
Arthur, -/anuary 31, 1879.
Could a blacker picture of official
delinquency be drawn ? According to
Mr. Hayes, the custom house, under
the administration of this man Ar
thur, wa- turned into a political ma
chine, and it became ueeeroary to re
move him iu order that the office of
Collector might lc "honestly adminis
tered." John charges that
he continued nnd iucrcaseil "gross
abuse* of administration ;" paid sala
ries to pcrsous w ho never rendered ser
vice* to the government, and permitted
his subordinates to take bribes. This
is the mark made by Arthur as collec
tor of customs under the Have*' ad
ministration, hut notwithstanding its
discreditable character he was consid
ered by the Chicago convention a fit
person to he one of the representative*
of civil service reform. He is honored
with n nomination for the second office
in the gift of the people, but we much
mistake the temper of the time* if this
model specimen of a dishonest public
official, and the impudent and hypo
critical pretense with which he is pa
raded before the public, do not receive
a lasting nnd salutary rebuke next
The National Convention of the
Greenback Labor party, including
representative* of the Women'a Rights
and Social or Communist or
ganizations, met at Chicago last week,
aud after four days and one night of
noise and confusion placed the follow
ing ticket in tho field : For President,
Gen. Jar. B. Weaver, of Iowa; for
Vice President, Gen. E. J. Chambers,
of Texas. The convention passed the
usual resolutions denouncing the finan
cial system of the government and
everything else that docs not square
with the peculiar whims of the var
ious shades of fanaticism of which the
body was composed.
Gooo nominations at Cincinnati
will insure the overthrow of radical
ism in November. This is something
for which to hope, and somethiug for
which to work. With the defeat of
the Radical party, it goes at once to
pieces, and the pernicious influences
and practices it has thrown into the
Federal government will be forever
Wili.um M. KvAItTH has sent a
message to the Senate, signed by
Rutherford 11. Hayes, in which the
de facto President refuses his assent to
i the bill providing for the appointment
of Deputy Marshals by the Tubed
j .States Courts. It will be rememl>ered
that a hill containing the same pro
i visions as the one alluded to, was ftlso
| vetoed by Mr. Haves on the ground
i that it was attached to an appropria
tion bill. His ground of objection was
that it was a rider, but lie intimated
at the same time, that if the bill came
■ to him as a separate proposition he
would give it his approval. The pres
ent standard bearer of the Republi
can party bail previously said from
his place in the House, that the pres
ent system of naming these marshals
( was odious und unjust, and that the
up|>ointiuenU should be entirely non
partisan. The man who is religiously
drawing Mr. Tilden's sulary, has de
lilierately slapj>ed the face of the re
sponsible head of bis |>arly t aud has
as usual stultified himself aud given
the lie to his own words. The vetoed
bill, provided that the uppoiutmcut of
these unneaessary officers should be
made by the judges of the Circuit
Courts of the Tnited States, and should
he taken in equal proportion from
each of the political parties. We give
the exact language of the pro|>osed
law, as to the character of the men to
l>e chosen: "Thnt they shall be Veil
known citiaens, of good moral charac
ter and actoai residents of the voting
precincts in which their duties nre to
be performed, and shall not be candi
dates for any office." Asa specimen
of hypocritical and *{>ecious reasoning
this last message is the most disgrace
ful thai ever came from the same
questionable sou ere. Of course noth
ing better could be exacted. Ho ob
viously just a measure could not pos
sibly command the arocut of the man
who stole the highest office in the gift
of the American jteople.
It is gratifying to uote the excel
lent character of the nominations for
State office* that have thus far been
made by the Democrats of the West
ern State*. Iu Indiana, Hon. Frank
I binders heads the State ticket as the
candidate for Governor. He has ser
ved faithfully a* a Democratic repre
sentative in Congress, has a record
for integrity that cannot be assail
ed and, next to Governor Hendricks,
is the strongest man with the peo
ple iu the State. His nomination
insures Indiana for the I)cmocrats
this fall beyond the shadow ot a doubt.
In Illinois, the same honor has hoen
confered upon Ex-Senator Lyman
Trumbull, after Douglass, the ablest
representative that State ever had in
the Tnited States Senate, where he
served for twelve years. The nomi
nation of Mr. Trumbull means work,
and place* Illinois in the list of doubt
ful States, with a reasonable probabil
ity that it will be carried by the Dem
ocrats. All that the Democratic party
now needs to bring a decisive and
spleudid victory to its banners this fall
is careful aud judicious action at Cin
cinnati next week. There is an earn
est call for good nominations aud a
sound enunciation of principle*, and
we have an abiding faith that the
party will not be disappointed in
Wk don't deem it a matter of any
considerable importance to the Amer
ican people, whether or not Caleb N.
Taylor, or W. A. M. Grier wan the
original Garfield man. Taylor always
has opposed everybody that anyone else
was for. Therefore it might seem pro
bable that Taylor was the rnah. But
Luzerne county is entitled to all the
honor which clusters around the dis
ooverer of the great friend of Dc Gol
yer. Bucks must now close her pater
nal arms about Taylor and hold him
in reserve for future Presidential con
quests. Grier was the Moses who led
the Republican legions into Garfield's
camp, and unto him is due the reward.
Render unto Csasar the things that are
Canari, and lot the irrepressible con
flict between Bucks and Luzerne
cease. The ides of November will
bring but little comfort to either
I iik venerable Ex-Senator .James
A. Hazard, father of the present Sen
ator '1 homas F. Hayard, died at his
residence iu Wilmington, Delaware,
on Sunday morning last, at the age of
eighty-one years. Ex-Senator Hay
ard was an old time statesman of
great ability and sterling integrity of
character. The Philadelphia Timet
remarks that "more than a decade has
passed since he retired from public
life and his mantle fell upon the
shoulders of his now more distinguish
ed son ; hut the example that he set
in eighteen years of (Jougrcroioual life
will endure for a long while to come.
Ihe best renicml>ered incident of bis
life, after nil, is that connected with
that source of woe to many other
statesmen, the Credit Mohilier busi
ness. Of all whose names were involved
in that scandal he alone came out
with clean hands. When some of the
sUK-k was offered him as a matter of
IMTsoiial friendship hv an adventurer
(aot Mr. Onkes Amesj, the venerable
Hayard declined to receive it, as he
"could not consistently with my views
of duty vote upou a question in which
I had a pecuniary interest." It is a
strange co-incidence thai the death
of this good man should lie nearly
simultaneous with the nomination of
one who did accept the stock under
the same circumstances for President
of the United Slates. James A. Hay
ard was a Christ iau statesman in the
l**"t sense of that abused word."
lIITHHEIX EKRETT, the rotum] t'on
, greesman from I'itUburgli. and pro
i prietor of the Commercial-Gazette of
that city, with his colleague, Col. Tom
! Bayoe of Allegheny, refused to vote
i for I)e Golyer (iarfield w hen he was
i the caucus nomiuee of their party for
speaker of the House. Wm. I>. Kel
! ley, the stalwart mc-iubcr from the
i fourth Philadelphia district, joined his
disgruntled party associates from the
' western wilds and sulked in the corri
dors of the capitol while the vote was
I* ing taken. Kiae up, gentlemen, and
tell au impatient public how very anx
ious you are to fall weeping upon
the breast of the Chicago nominee.
"Bit Jltil<y tl. *..nl of Caraar might
I III" o.N*) atin*t th- aotM : !>'>. Una h- lliatv,
An-I ii'oe fto poor (• IVI him
How aptly ami impressively do
these words deseril>e the preeeut state
of our defeated ( ss#r ! Even ficner
al Ik-aver could not, in the course of
his reception s|K>cch on last Friday
'evening, fresh from the frav at Chica
go, find it in his heart to utter one
word in behalf of his beaten, bruised
ami disgraced favorite, after having so
nobly stood by him through thirty-six
ballots in the convention. "Alas, tinw
are the mighty fallen !"
—Judge Wagner was the most conspic
uous figure at the night exhibition ot the
circus. lie was seated in an arm chair in
trout of the band, and with bis expansive
chest covered with an elegant, flowered
buff vest, prevented a picture at once strik
ing and crushing. lie was taken by the
vast audience to be the proprietor of the
show, and as such was the cynosure of
all eyee. His remarkable resemblance to
Adam Forcpaugh was doubtless the cause
of the mistake.
—The Journal informs us that the ven
erable James Sayrcs and wife, well re
membered in Beliefone, are at present
maiding at the home of their son-in-law,
Mr. K. M. Sturdevant, in I'hilipaburg.
—J. N. Casanova, Ksq., left for New
York on Friday, and from thence will
proceed to Cincinnati aa delegate to the
Democratic Convention. 80 saya the Phil
ipsbtirg Journal.
—Last Friday, Mr. Baldwin, the gen
eral P, 4 1, K. R. superintendent came to
town from Snow Shoe, and, after tarrying
a few hours at the Rush House was called
for by a special train, leaving town at
at five o'clock.
—No diacovery in the history of the
world has aroused the people more and
claimed the attention of medical men,
equal to the discovery of the wonderftit
ingredient contained In the Day Kidney
hi. „
— l The Borough fathera have given the
Spring Engineer a neat green boat wharala
to clean out vegetable growth, and ha,
very sensibly, baa anchored It in the mid
dle of the spring that boys may not be ex
posed to danger by using it.
TERMS: JHT Annum, in Advanrc.
Young man and older parent as you
reml iliii 1<om1 column ponder the foi-
" One night often destroy* a whole life.
The leakage of the night keen* the day
forever empty. Night u sin's Harvesting
time. More tin and Crimea are committed
in one night than in all the daya of the
week. This it more emphatically true of
tho city than the country. The street
lampa like a tile of aoldiera with torch in
hand, stretch away in long line# on ejtber
sidewalk ; the gay colored transparencies
are ahls/.e with attractions; the saloon
and billiard halls are brilliantly illuminat
ed ; music sends fourth its enchantment ;
tho gay company begin to gather to the
haunts and houao of pleasure ; the gamb
ling dens are ablaze with palatial splendor;
the theaters are wide open ; the mills of
destruction are grinding health, honor,
happiness, hope, out of thousands of lives.
The city under the gas-light is not the
same as under God's sun-light. The allure
ments, the perils and pillalls of night are
a hundred-fold deej>er and more destruc
tive. Night life in our large cities is a
dark problem, whose depth and abysses
and wbirl[>ooU make us start back with
horror. All night long tears are falling,
blood is streaming.
Young men, tell me where and how rou
spend your evenings, and I will write Vou
out a chart of your character and final
destiny, with blanks to insert your names.
It seems to me an appropriate test would
be, "Watchman, what of the night?"
Policeman, pacing thy beat, what of the
night ? What are the young men of the
city doin< at night I Wnere do they
spend their evenings? Who are their
associates? What are their habiU ?
Where do they go in and what time do you
see tbem go out? Policemen, would the
night life of young men commend them to
their employers ? Would it be to their
credit ?
Make a record of the night* of one
week. Put in the morning paper the
name* of all the young men, their habita
and haunt*, that are on the street* for sin
ful pleasure. Would thera not be hama
and confusion T Some would not dare to
go to their place of business ; tome would
not return home at night; aotne would
leave the city ; some would commit sui
cide. lie member, young men that in the
retina of the all-aecing Eys there ii noth
ing hid but tball be revealed on the laat
—Very pertinently doe* the WaUMman
call attention to the abuse of the public
ichool ground*. Beautiful indeed, are
theae becoming, and that cattle ihould roam
over them at large i* wrong.
Naturally enough, the blame U soonest
laid to the teacher*. I>*t u* *ae how just*
ly. On an average twenty-live hundred
children open the gate* once a day to the
•hutting of which each time—the oniy
safeguard—no living teacher or director or
citixon could attend and do anything el*e.
That teachers are not to be held responsi
ble fur damage is hereby made most clear,
while an examination of the ground* and
th* gate* with tk*ir latckf* will toon sug
gest the cause and the remedy. Nothing
would so satisfactorily settle the matter as
the erection of a substantial turn-stile.
Directors think on thia, and editor across
tbo way, be thou Muses Meek, or Saul
Furey, learn that a wise physician points
always and primarily not to the disease
but to the remedy.
Mr. Robert McCalmont had hi* bug
gy smashed by a runaway horse show
day. "Nell" is a proud steed of Conk
ling niein and step but when the camp
bell's a-coming she took to her heels,
knocking buggy to pieces, and nearly
running into Mr. John P. Harris' car
riage. Mr. McCalmont came to town to
Uke home a new buggy but fortunately
had not yet hitched Uy it Robert, drive
Mr. George Skinner, assistant barber
in the shaving saloon of William Mills,
visited Buffalo Run last Sabbath a waek,
and while there gave a quite interesting
address to the members of Waddle's
I niun Sabbath School. George, keep
growing in this good work.
—A new fast train kas been pal on the
Pennsylvania railroad, called the Chicago
Express. It leaves Philadelphia at9a.ii.,
Harrisburg. 12.90 r. M., Huntingdon, 8.05,
Tyrone, 8.86, A1 toons, 4, arriving at
Pittsburg at 7.20 r. and Chicago at
8.30 the next morning, making the run In
23) hours.
—We are the authorised agents for the
sale of the Geiaer thresher and separator,
with horse power or Peerless steam engine,
at low prica* and en favorable terms. We
are also agents for the sale of the Ueehner
patent level-tread bona power, for one or
two horses with paUat speed regulator,
with little giant thrasher aad cleaner. All
warranted to do good work.
28 21 ALEX AKHE* A Co.
—Wa advise all persons to order foil
and winter clothing rwrfy. Our heavy
weights will be on sale May Int.
18-tf. Monmoxinar * Co., Tailors.
—MaJ. George D. Pifor, of Philadelphia,
has been spending n weak with hte many
friend* of Beltefonte. W* presume the
Major combines business with pleasure and
no doubt receives, as he deserves, hte foil
share of patronage. On Tuesday he gave
the DEMOCRAT a pleasant call.