It A ULAXrt P .V/C UMA .V, Allegheny Street, Itellef'ontr, I'd. ttEADHUAFTEPS FOP BAPGAINS 7 -—AT — BAULAND- & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,CARPETS,BOOTStSIIOES, GENTS' FU.IINIBI I INCi (JOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., &c., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL OUR GOO US AHE MARKED IN PL AIX FIOURES. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPULAR PRICKS.— OUR MOTTO IS— "ONE PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST—AND A'O MISREPRESENTATION (SEORGE W. THOMAS 11ST RECEIVED another lot of FHESII MAC'KKRKL. And to Im eold at uiiial low price*: MI ARTCRB at $1 | KITS at v^-4 I'RoIIITE taken in exchange for good*. '.li>t NEW ENTERPRISE, i LEXANDER & CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AND— SEED STORE, BELLKFONTE, PA. They moan by this all tho name import*, that la, to deal in and to fumith to farrnep) at the |owr**t poeailde price everything in the *hap* of an agricultural implement that farmer* u**\ including BCKDH of all kind*. At pr*M>nt we have on ban-l and are the author iced agent * for the *l* of the OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, made at South Bend, Indiana. It i* the beet chill*-d plow now made; alo the Key*ton* and iron beam plow* made at Centre Hall. No better plow* than these can lu* had fur the *ame amount of mon*y. Al*o ih* (Vntr* llall Corn planter We need *ay noth ing ifttMdit the merit* of tin* planter, a* the now m In Centre couutv demnMtrate* them to lw the let. HARROWS and CULTIVATORS of the i*tet in.- proved pattern*. MOWERS. KKAI'KRS and HRAIN HINDERS.—Of the** we **>H the o*lxrne ritber a* *eparate >|.iwer, Combined Rea|v*r* and Mower*, single Harvesters, or a-* Couibini'd Reaper* and Biiuler*. THE WIIKKI.KK, No. a* a combined machine, i* the leet inarbine of the kind in the market. TIIK GREATEST IMPROVKMKNT OF TIIK AGE i the Norristown Gleaner and Binder. Call and see It. It i* wonderfully perfect. Any boy twelve year* old, with one hor*e, will fol low ami biml ail the grain Oral any Km|*>r with *ide delivery will cut. It not only bind* but glettn*, and will save the prt*e off the aiarhiit* In one )*ar, by taking up frorn thestubbl* that which i m>w |ot. TIIK M< MIKKRY GRAIN DRILL, either with or without broadcast lioee, with or without fertilizer and seed towing attachment* It I* the b*wt grain drill for all nt the market. TIIK GEIBEK TURKSII Kit AND SKPARAToK The reputation of this machine i so well estah||*he*l that we ran say nothing at>oat it that the people do not know. Any person wanting one, or in mNK* LIN WAGON, the reputation of which iao well estate li-hed ; alio off the CuRTLAND I'LATKoRM SPRING WAGONS, Carrnige*, Pha-toiui and Buggie. All are warranted. Call ami •** *p*eim*na and examine rata* logtie* a* to *ty|ee and pri e* Iwfor* buying elsewhere. Catalogue* fumi*hed oh application. PLASTER AND I —Cayuga plat* r finely ground, a* gnial a* the l>w*t Nova Scotia, at the low price off $7 AM per tun. Pernxian Guano wdd on order* only. Phosphate* always on hand. Special manure* for different nop* eold upon order* at manu facturer"' price*. POWDER.—We are Dnpoiit'* agent* Blasting, H|- rtirig and Rifle jNiwrder on hand and sold at wliole *|e price*, also fu*a. tißAlN.—After the growing crop I* harvetel we will le preparevl to pay the highest market price fr all kind* of grain. OOAL.—Our yard I* always stocked with the best Anthracite Coal which we ell at lowest price. LIME. —We make the txvt while lime in the Htate. It- properties f.,r mechanical and agricultural pur |M*e excel all other*. FAIRBANKS' 80ALK8.—We are their agents In Centre county and will *upply all partie* wishing good and true wale* at their lowest price*. We extend an Invitation to everytaely In want of anything In our line to call at our store rooms, op posite the Bush House, and see what we have, and learn from thwe in atteodanc# more |iarticularly the of our hnsinew* ALEXANDER A CO Bellefonta, Pa., May ft, IHMQ. i>tf S. (f A, JjOEtt, (Jenerat Merc hunt*, Allegheny Street, fte/le/'onte, J'a, S. &c A- LOEB. Having purchased largely previous to the late advance in prices, we are prepared to Mliare these advantages with our trade. Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Is far ahead of anything to he found in the County for QUALITY and PRICES. Fine Goods—Elegant Fits—a specialty. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS we are offering at *i!i per cent, less than present prices in first hands. MUPY annnf Ontr*, Jo hereby certi fy, nt t Orpbftiit' Court, bcM at )'>• ll>ft>ut*- tb Jny of April, A. D. lcfor* the Honorable tb* Jof tab! Court, on uintlori a rule WAR Rrant**J upon RaJ'ifca rurtin, Julia C. Ilirvry, Irwin llarvcy, 1,, it. Ctitiln, Corii Curtin, Cn Curt In M |(uar4ian," M.ilixtin Camiur, Jo*. Candor, K. W. Curtin, Dip heir* ami l v gal rfprcMF-ntatlvi** of Auntiti Curtin, •Whim| i t) com* into Court on tb* 4th Monday of Augum n**t, to arcfpt r rrfiitp to M(c**pt at tb** valuation, or to •boa < auto why tho r**al* of Hold doci'Mfd tboubl not bo Bold, ftaino notico to to givoti an in in<|tiiiiitioii. In t**tlnionv ah*ro)f, I ba?o b roiiuto Rot my baml and .iffis'il tho *-al of oaid Court, at Brl|fbnti. tho .'(tb day of April, A.l I HUH. M K nCRCIIFIELD, C. O. C. At tost: JOHN HI- * NO LIE. Klioriff. M()V U V To Loan at < per Ct. lUi ' iJ 1 BV TIIK ML'TUAI. LIFE INBUK ANCK CO. OK NEW Yi'KK, on flrt improved farm property, in RUIIII not |M than 92/)N, Bladder anil Urin ary Organs. It avoid* INTKENAL medicine*, la comfortable to tbo |tint. Certain in it* • fleet, and CI RKH *b n nothing el*e ran. Avobl all other Kmxfct I'AB*. ** many worthle** imitation* are l*elug furred upon the market. VY will aeiul certifleat*-* of cur***. *ud oar lawik, "Dow a Life wa Yav*-I, M fre* oprn tb** receipt of your add rem. DAY'S PAD i- 'Ly EmggkU, or a*ot by mail on r *ipt of price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, UKLLMDKTK, PA.. y noLEKAI.R AOKWT FOR CENTRE rATENTS procured upon Inven tions. NO Arr'lßßßT'g FRRS IT AOVAR, R. Our 11 ~n *e aae established in IMP. We (He CAVEATS, and obtain TRADR. MAIIKR, DESIGN PATRNTB. *C. I N \' I<: N TO 1 vs ■end n* a s|o.|e| of your Invention, with yotir own description of it. f.-r our opinion aa to |tentabillty. No ATTORVET'S Vru HUM PATIVT I* Hft an. Our Ho*>k of Instruction. Ae., M llow TO Ptori-RE EATTWRW,** aent free on reqmwt; al*o Mtnple op|e* of tb* SCIB** Ttric HRCOBD, the Inventor*' Journal. K H. A. P. LACKY, Patent Attorney*, 6n| K Ht., near Kateut Ufflca, Wa*hiugUri, li.C. .JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT, I"rrnonal Hrperienrett in the I'nited St a U-m a>< d ('on fed erate State* Arm it*: BY GENERAL J. 11. HOOI), I*ate Licuteuant-Gencral Confederate State* Aruiy, published for I The IIHM! Orphan Memorial Fund —B¥— (iKNKKAL ublk mind.) TH ROOK I* a* Rlto.RT m-rro, coirrtiaixo MO r.'.KA, WITH N*R RHOTOORACH UIIAW D A rut •Ttrt RROR.VIRO, M.M IlPKUeil ru* TUIA WORI, r.o * leant M.PR or atma nri na, aotxt. IR mv> eomiiatr HIUU.M furtH, r TIIKKK Ixll.t.AH." OR IT A Kivt Haate HIRMRO, WITH MARHLI Kie.t. TIIKKK DUI.LARB AND nm CKNTB IR lloi AN Mm Rorco, IIRR.RT rrrtt, ROF K DOLLARS. OR IR aaar l.fT ART TI'RRRT MOROC-O rt'Ll OLLT CLORII ARI> F.MU FIVE DOLLARS in thr receipt (MR any |~re..n remitting I.) mull or ekpreee, of the aim.tint In a r.-Rtatcred letter .rhy a I' •'' order. Lank draft, or rlirrk, a ropy will U Im mediately Rent free of portage, regtaUred oa aerou.t , clana ...alter The volume i< puhliahed In the heat atyle of tjpo. grapbT, nn elegant pafwr. with, ei ecu ted aa h.gheet apeeiruen. of art. The author, the aiihject, the piiryxee.all alike render it worthy u place in e.ery library,—ou ever) .Dak—or upon the be>k ah. If of every honaa In the eountry Ageula Wanted In every town and eonntv In the frilled Maine. an.l a preference will he given* to hon orably dia.barged reterana ..f the army. To the la.liee, ah" feat a dewire toetpreaa. their aym iwlhy with Tin Ilkrii.R MIR .ant Fran, the wale ~f thla book among Ikeir irrle of frienda, .11 afford an aicellenl aay of contributing eulwlantial aid In en -la-erv ing a an*e. For term*, tale* b. >,elite, Ac., atldreaa with fall particular., GKK'L 0. T. BKA PKKGARD, Puklinhfr, O* Mitur or rna Hnon Fran, - XIW ORLAARE, LA. Rot t ling EHtahllHhiiieiit. BOTTLKD POHTKH, ALE and BEER. 1 r pilK undersigned respectfully in .l forma the . ittaena <4 Centre county that he hea opened A Bottling K.lAl.liahmeiit, on Bialmp etre. L In I the lt..rv>ugh of Belief., nle, and Will I- a! all tlmaa prepared In furnish PORTER, ALE and BKF.Hht the | down or raae. Ft. "..pptylng these Iwreragea, whether I to hotels, restaurant, or private realdeneea, they will be found of the purest and beet quality, bottled In vii. ha manner that their life and epfrit* are preserved a. fre.h aa though drawn from the teak or Iwrrrl. The CELKBRAJED ROCHESTER STOCK I* A FTRVFALTT. I*FL A( hi* I'UPR iF IIURIRMI, R MUt ly |*t*l card. will rmelvr prompt attention A.ldreaa, I. 11. SPITZER, i Belief.,nle. Centre 00, Pa. J . CANCER REMOVED, II \\fITHOUT KNIFE, and in most r r cases pain. Applr to W P. FISII KB, Bnalahurg, 12-Sm* Centre County, Pa. GOLDSMITH, STJKIN ('• HKXTKU, Allvyheny Street, llellefitnte, I'u. CALL, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! TH E PHI L A DEEP IIIA BHA NC H (>l' North Third Htreet, QNI PRICE CLOTHIIG HOUSE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA, HAS OPENED A STOCK OIF 1 CLOTHHsTG Such as has never been seen in Bellefonte, which they will RETAIL -AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TIIE PUBLIC IB RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. The motto is, "ONE I'HICK TO EVERYBODY." SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager. A. STERNBERG WILL BE FOUND AT THIS STOKE. • Harry K. Hick*, Hardware. [Successor to T. A. HICKS & 8R0.,] DKAI.KR IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. J" EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. I'rn>ifluili>H In Bnglleh or Herman. 3-1; c. t. uutitn. c. a. >u \ LBXANDER A BOW Kit, -■ ATT'iKNP.VS AT LAW, Pa . nut !•# ormfilt*d In Kngluii or Ger man. Oflki- In Uirmn'i Hnll*ltii|r. l-ly i. VtAIT OimiT. A OKPHART, * ' ATTORNEYS" AT LAW, Ofllce on Allegheny afreet, north of Blah, llelle- Ibnte. Pa • 1-ly DP. FORTNKV, ' ATTUBNBYATLAW. IIKLLKFONTR, PA. I**t d*sib/c. Groceries and Provisions. So house in the. tiroccry and Provision business in Brllcfonie is prejtarcd to supply at! the wants of the family so well as we ran do at present. SECHLEIi & CO. OEOCEES. Bush House Block, Beliefonte, J\i. Millhbim hotel, MIM.IIKIM. CKNTRR COtTXTT, PKNXA. W. S. Mt'SSKR, Proprietor. Th* town of Mlllheini U located tn Penn'* Valler, •hrnit two mile* from tVbnni Station. on tbr Lowtw bury, Centre anil Spruce Crook Railroad, with aur roundlng. that ni.ltr it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Oooil troot It .bin? In the Immediate vlrlnlti. A rwh fnna tn every train At the Mlllheini Hotel arrow mndntiona will !•* ton ml Aiat-rlaaa and torn, moder . Jwn* B.IRk-lr* TJROCKKRHOFF HOUSE, * "* RKLLSroXTS, PA, W. K. TELLER, Proprietor. Oood Sample Room on Seeond Floor, •#-Frre ltnaa tn and from all Train. A portal rataa In vltsMM* snl jnmrt. CENTRAL HOTEL, (Oppoait* Uio Railroad station.) MII.KSHtRH, I KKTRB OOCXTT, PA. A. A. KOH LBRCK KR, Proprietor. THROUfIIt TRATRLKRS = iZe railroad wilt Rod thla Unto) an oarolloal place to lunch, or procure a AM. TRAINS .tup ahnnt minute. 4T HOUSE, Vt OORXKR CHESTNI'T AMI NINTH NTRKKTR, NRIMMtI. Thla hnwao, prominent in a city famed Iter Ra cam fortahle hotel*, la kapt In every reapert eqaal to any Arat-rlaaa hotel* In the oowatry. Ha tng to the utrta ecy of th* tlaaa, the prtca of hoard ha* boon rwtarad to Taaui BOLLine per day. J M KIRRIN. I*** Maaaatr. For Sale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres, ttfUfrtHJl l * • TWO-dTORY SUA MR Rl II.MVI wad oat building*. Tin* mind Inquire of A. lit! OR! 0a!eer!!!r t Ontr* county, fa. Ilri/ ft inula ami fl rorerie*. II All PER BROTHERS, SPRIJiO iTKF.KT, UEI.LEFOVTE, PA., Ilnvc tbc-ir counter* and ►helve* filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT KATES Purchased at - BANKRUPT RATKH I BANKRUPT RATES WHICH TIIEV OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. cojisisti so or Dry Good*, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Good*, _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest *tyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bags, Umbrella*, Parasol*, Ladies' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceries, yc., ens ware, Ac. Compriaiug erery thing thai can be band la a am < lam *ur. HARPER BROTHERS, rrmifo struct. . . rellkfoxtk. pa. CoIXTKt PBOI'I'CK taken la exchaaga at tba hl(h> " THOMAS TARDI.RT. Tmamtrer, - WOODWARD SEMINARY. Boardlag Rid DRJ School fbr You* LRAIRS tad Uttl* Chlldrta. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, HARRIBBURO, PA. o *y Ur . 1"? *S< XEPTKMRBB Ilk WT. aad Srieattßc, aith Mmdr -* t "" k " aad m, Par cdrralm* aad all dmtmfci, l.mrmattn. , PRINCIPAL. PENSIONS. A Ll* dlubled Soldier* and heirs of of o"**! "I >U>tM m PRKDIOK*. MO ARB RAH* alloaod mIU, JPL* L IDM Rend 1-1 ••"•"wtfcmt )■ all kind* of Inlßm' J. H, SYPHKRD A CO., /Vneum Aity'i, H t Slre.l, WARHUfIiTOIf , l>. 0.