HAILA\I> A" JSKHMAN, Allegheny Street, Belief ante, Pa. \ • JttEABGUABTEBS TOP BARGAINS —A.T liAt I.ANI) & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS,HOOTS4:SHOES, CIENTS' I'd JHN IS I I I Ts T C J (JOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e, &e., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL or/; GOODS AUK MA NUR.IT ix VLAIX FIG Vitus, MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPI'LAK I'UICKS. OT'U MOTTO I—"OVA; PRICE—THE YERV LOWEST—AX!) XO MISREPRESEXT.tTIOX." Subpoena in Divorce. JKNNIK K. GKASSMIKK. In the Court ofComlimn lij l**r next friend, ' Pics* of Centre routi* A K. Wiiitk. fy. No J l '. April Term, v*. 1 KMVI 8111 i ati ni Di* JtiSKPII GUAftSMIRR. J vurco, A. Y.M. The undersigned Commissioner. appdnted by **id Court to take testimony in the above <• me. Hill attend t* tho ililtied t>f |i|m uppuiitimnt at hit oflli e, ill IV lie- i foiite, mi FRIDAY, June t. lv*>, u J o'chs k. I* M. W. C. IIKIN I.K. Commissioner. NEW ENTERPRISE. Sr CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AND— SEED STORK, BEI.LKFOXTK, l'A. They monn by this nil the name imports, that i, to deal in nml to furnish to farmer* at Hi* |oht**t p*adhl* price everything in the shape of an agri ultural implement that firmer* nse, Including SEKL of all kind*. At present we hare oojmnd an ! are the authorized agent* for the aal- of tho uI.IYKK ( 111 I.LED PUFW. maile at South Ih'iiil, lull ilia. It ia th- l***t chilbal plow now mnde; also the Keystone and iron Irani pIoHN u.a<|e at Centre Hall. No better pl than the** can be had for the same anioiint of money. Also thai>ntrt llall Corn pi niter. He need *ay noth ing alNiut the merit* of thi planter.aa the now in IUW ill Centre • oiilit\ dMDOMtfttM tlltm I" t># tli*' I ' -f. HARROWS anil CI LTiVATORS <>f the |*t.-*t ini pVOVCd pattern- MOWKKS. REAPERS and GRAIN BINDERS.—Of thine We •o-H Qm OAofVI • itli-r I p| '• M Combined Ih-up>r and Mower*. Riugh- Harvester*, --r a* Combined R.-ap-r* ami Binder*. TIIK VYIIKKI.KIi, No. ti, a. a combined machine, | • the b**t MdliM of the kind in th* Mrktl TIIK GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE AR i- the Norriafown Gleaner and Hinder. Call and *e it. It !• wonderfully poffe t. Any Iwy twelve year* old, with one bora#, will fob lowwnd hind all the grain that any ll- n|er with aide ! delivery will cut. It not only blmU hut gleatm, and ; will aave the price of the machine in one year, by taking up from tlie atubhle that which in now lout. TIIK M< MIKKRY GRAIN DRILL. cither with or without broadcast ho**, with or without fertilizer and oeed ' wing att.n hm* nt* It i* the luet grain drill for all purpoee* in the market. TIIK 4,hiKit THRESHKit AND SEPARATOR The reputation of thin machine i* *• well etnldihcd that we can *ay nothing about it that the people do not know Any p*r*>rt wanting one, or in m<| of re|>aira for theM> now in the count?, please c t I. W'AGON'S, CARRIAGES. Rl Gi.IKS and I*ll KTONS. are agent* flbl tb*lll*of tl dclirotl ! CORE* 1.1 N W'AfiOX, the r potation of who hi w. II cule , li-hed; alao of the 4 tiRTI.AND I'LATFuKM SPUING h IGOJIE, OkfrißF*, PbftOM and Buggies A.l .r- I warranted, fall and e# p-im>n and evamine cata logue a- to ftyle* and pn • tw-forv buying elewher*. Catalogue* furnish"! oo application. PLASTER AND FKBTILI/.KR* —Cayuga planter finely ground, a* good as the leat .Nova S ••ti*. at the tow pnro of pf Mpaf km, f—itln (lum • | order* only. Pltoaphate* always on hand. Spe i*l manure* fr different ctop* mdd upon order* at manu facturer*' price*. POWDER— W* are Pupont's agent* Blasting. Sf-.rting and Rifle |wd> r on hand ami *dd at white the Ruh llon*e, and *#e what we have, ami j l*arn from thae In attendance mre puth nlarly the ' asop# of oar buine* AI.K\AM>KR A CO Kellefont*, Pa.. May *, Iwi. i I i ff . S. i i'"7m, d raid, iMrop *>/, lirighCt I Hi- J rti.\r, I'aih in thr Hark, IlwkiwN to Ilrlain or ''Krjtell/n I rinrj 'atarrh '/the }{lak, M ffow a Life wa* iiml," fr*-e upon the receipt | of your nddreaa. DAY S PAD | wdd I) or *ant by , mail on recti|d of price, $2.00. r. POTTS GREEN. liri.LF.FDNTK, l'A , wbouoaui All wMl Th uiidiTfigni-d Auditor, i*j .|>< >ititi-fT -r. administrator of •aid dec*.but, to and among tleew- bvally entitle*! thereto, will attend to the dutie* of hi* appointment at hi* . ffi *e, in Belbfonl*. Pa., on Till IIS DA Y. the ,u\ day of June. A D at 10o*. Ik. A M wb ti and where all yartiea lnt*rc*tcd will plea**- attend or 1-e dd.;irrH| front coming in on aald fund Wll HI R r KIKDKR, A>t lit r Auditor's Notice. I N the Orphans'('oiirt of Centre oouu -1 11 •-•••• f lOHR BAN Rt Tm (Mdmigned Auditor, vmolatel by ' **id Court to mad*ditributl'n of the balance of funda t in the hand* of J. II Iteifauvder, trust** to a*d| the real •••late aid decedent wilder prM-ee<|ing* in par* ; tition, to and among tltr*e Icg.illv entitb*! thereto. w i.i .n. ,.l t . t..• litlag f IppoilUMSl at th* j fTi • of .1 lcve, , In the llorough of Bellrfoi.tr, Pa .on TI'KsDAY, the >*th day of Jim*, A l Hum, at tOo'doCh, A M. when .titd WIMFO all pftkl lOtSWl' i ed will ph-aee attend or i> delairrf*! from coming in i on aaid fund. /py-::w S D R4T. Auditor PATENTS. IJATENTS procured upon Invett tiona No Amr.*n' F*t* tx Anvax. • Our Ifonae wa e*t*Ht#hed in IFOP. We ftie CAVKATO. and obtain TRADR M ARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. A< I X V E N TORS •end ua a M-le| of your Invention, with your own I-• pH 'I ■f;t, f r QUI • I Mil- II ua fto | M No AtTo**rt> fits i via** Patext in Sixtr. Our Boi-k of Inatruction. Ac , "llow ?• Paoci *p P*Txta," | , aent free on rcrjtie*!; aim aample ropie* .•( thw S' lix- I , rinc lit- )*i>,the Inventors' Journal. K 8. A. # P. XtW'YW % Patent Attomey* % i I'd>4 F St., near I'ah nt OflV*, Waahiugtoii, D. 4'. .JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCETUETUEAT,! I'ersonttl l'..ejiericiiees in tin I iiiletl Shite* and ('on f'e it erate State* Annie*: IY (lENKItAI. .1. H. 1!( X >l>, Confederate Htmtc# Army, j (■iiltllihwl for i The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund ) OKXKKAL O. T. HKAURKOAItD, | NEW ORI.KAXM, 1880, | The HfUnik from the #,*!< of thi | work are demoted to tl*#* The IImJ Or|ib*ll MOIIN*L Pun t, whirh i idfniH In I nitial Put*c KegUtcra-d lloiirla for tho nurture, rare, atipport inrivea| of their U*t aumDirr at S"W Orlill)*, (tba iiM'Uiu lu-l) IIK Identi of wbtrh • I her* a* • merit are ■till frndi In tl* juMir mind.; Til* go- 1 I* ■ * tlMillf o*-Ttvo, ongrttlHVO into WITH a ring rttC tnIMIT roi TMIA WORK, ri i laror vm r a4tti.r rti ur.*, not an i* Nisr * Mo gx f I I HUM ttVLI, I'OIR Dol.LAlUt, or Ih not I.l* TIT TUMI Mgo< rvu. n remitting by mall or of |h amount In a registered l, nn uled ■ liifcheet | k aue-ng their Ircle of friend#, will aff .rd an e*rr||mt way of contributing ■uUtantial aid to an d**ervrng a cr ne. y r term#, tat-# to agentsAArt. t addr-** with full particular#. GKN'I. G T. BEAUREGARD, Publisher, 0* nimr or titr Mr-tun ft an, Xtw OILTTM, LA. Hott ling Establishment. IIOTTLKD roKTEK, AI.K and lIEKR. r PHK undersigned respectfully in- A f 'ini. tl, rllt/.iM <>( Crntn n.nut; lh( kf liu I a Ih'tllitiK -"UMlhniMil. r.|i lh.h .|, Ihf IV f' iijh of lu 11-l til*. an| irila air imvttH a.a. Iln.ngh drawn from Ilia • a,k ur lwrn-1 JTn- CELEBKATKD ROC*IIKSTKII STOCK t* A ircrtALTv. ftrder* left at of huin*, or ae-nt by |oata! ' rmrd. will receire prompt atterite>n. Addreas I. H. SPITZ Kit, Rellef#nte, Centre Co., Fa. CANCEK REMOVED, 1 WITHOUT KNIFE, and in most ▼ v raee withont pain. Applv to R. I*. ITffllK.H. IbniDburg. I Centre County, Pa, i G'OIJDSMITII, HTKIN a- HKXTKK F ALLEGHENY Street, Bellefoiite, /'. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF! TH E PHILADELPHIA P> HA N Cll Ot* N"ortli Third Street, OZTI PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., HAS OPENED A. STOCK OF CLOTHIira % Such us has never been seen in Bellefonte, which they will RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. THK Pt'BLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. The motto is, "ONE PIHCE TO EVERYBODY." SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager. A. STERNBERG WILL BE FOUND AT THIS STORE. //firr// /t. Hicks, Hardware. JSL HICKS, [Successor to T. A. HICKS & 8R0.,] PEAL.KIT IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS | PAINTS AND STOVES, J" EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. V# i 'rttfessi it it tit tVi rils. FIELDING, LAW AND CkILLRkTIoX OFFICE, 1-1 t CLKARPISLD, PA. i \\* A. MORUISON, * * a ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, Hf.I.LKFONTR. I'A j OfHre ill Wiaaaalr lllg * op|MW|t*< tie ( a urt llnuw ) ConultAti>nn!t ! etore, l-1y Bellefonte, Fa. lOHN BLAIR LINN, U AYTORNBY AT LAW. IIKI.I.KPONTK, PA. Ofllr, Alla(han; *tral, o.ar P.wl flffir. *l-lj I L. BPANGLKR, *■ a ATTORNKT AT LAW, RELI.KFoNTR. CRNTRROOVRTV, PA, Hpar lal alUiiUnn Ui IVdlartlc.na, prartlma In all tba • Vinrta; Onaanltatl.wia In Oarman or Ri kllah. l-ly *. a. wi a*r. crari oninoa. i AfURRAY A GORDON, i'l ATTORNRVR-.ATI.AW, CI.RARFIKI.D. PA. Will attend the Bellefonte Court# when apectmJly r r a HEPPLE, ■ • ATTORNKr-AT-LAW, 1.1 H K IIAVKN. PA. All hueineaa promptly attendeal u>. I ly W'M P. MITCHELL, " PRACTICAL RVRVKTOR, LIK K IIAVKN. PA, Will alUnd In all Wi.rh In ClaaHlaM, CVntra and Clinton RHintiaa Ofßra nptxwlU lan-k Harm National Rank. JO-ly YV c - HEINLE, " * • ATTOUNKV AT LAW, HFLLRFONTR, PA. Olßrr in Conrad llonaa, AlUifliaiir atraat. Rpacial allanllun ylran to Ilia rallraliiia of rlalma All Imalnaaa atundad to pruni|>tly. *l-1/ w, 4. WAtuoß. a. t. lataa WALLACE A KREBS, ATTORNKTB-AT LAW, ( I K A RFI KI.D PA. Will attand and try ran.aa at Rallafbnta wban ana dally ratalhod |.|, WILLIAIf McCULLOUGH, * * ATTORNKV AT LAW, C'I.RARFIKI.D, PA. • All haatnaaa promptly altandad to. My |\R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can ■a " k found at bk oßia and raaldaoea on North eaa of fnl. atraat, tbraa duora Raat of Altaian/, Rallafonu, Pa. 18-ly 1 IK. JAS. U. DOBBINS, M. D., PHTRICIAN AND Bt RdXaiM, OIRro Allaahaay 81.. otar Kallar*a iHna Mora. *•*' VRLLRFONTR, PA. (w roeerie* ami l'rovinlon*. NEW GOODS —FOR Til K— SPRING TRADE We have given very clone and earejul attention to the f lection of good* for (he Spring Trade, and Jeel justified in fiying thai our present Stock cannot be excelled either in regard to Variety, (/utili ty or Priee, and ue doubt if it in eijualed in either of three renpertn by any hounc in Centre county. There are too many lading ar tielen in our ntork to make npeciai mention of them all, but call atten- tion directly to a few itemn thai are now being nought after every day. FIS Ha Mackerel are of good quality thin neanon and are nclling rather fantrr than ueual al thin neanoh of the year. II r have been telling noth ing but full weights —so ttw. of finh in each quarter barrel and 100 lbs. in each half barrel. They have falter vojnie for the money than short weights. lei be Herring and White Finh ore very fine thin ncaton and tell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured Hams, Dried Href, Breakfast Bacon ami Cheese are all worthy of special mention. F RU IT. Oranges and lemons are very fine and the price low enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. . MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our (Irocrry room, is always v7/ supplied with the choicest meats. lie kill the best Beef, Mutton and J eat that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Grocerieu and Provisions. Ao house in the flroeery and Provision business in Bellefonte is prepared to sujiply a/I the wants of the fa mi/y so well as we ran do at present. • SKCIILKIt & CO. an o c i: n s, Bush Jfause Block, Bellefonte, Pa. At 11.1.11 KIM HOTEL, i' I NII.MIKIM. CKKTUR COCKTV, PKNX'A. W. S. M I'SSEH, Proprietor. The town "f Mlllheim !■ located in Penn'a Valley, aNnit two utile* fnun tVbum JMatiou, on the |,*wU. burg, Centre end Hpnme t reek Ka.ln.ad. wilb ir rounding* that make it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Oi"l tnrtil R.hlni in lha Ininrdlatw Tirlnllr. A raf. rwtia tn rtary train. At lh MlUkaim 11.., id miaUli..,., will Iw round m.l-. 1... and t.rwi. undo JiHia , TJROCKEHHOFF HOUSE, * ' BKU KruXTM, PA. W, H. TELLER, Proprietor. Good Stint pis Rt,tn no Second Floor. O-Piaa 11.1.. in and fr..m all Train. Anarlat ralaa In wllnewee *nd lentr* ].|f pBHTKAL HOTEL, V n|.|.,ii. tba Rail,lad ktatton,) MIMCABt RO. CKNTRK OOCXTT, PA. A. A. KOIILBKCKKK, Proprietor. TIIROCUII TRATKt.EKS nw lb* nUtnakd will Dnd tbla Ht.tal u ... .Il.nl |4ar* In Inn. b. or |waarr n maal, aa A 1.1. TRAINH at.i|i nlinat K mltmlra 4; i ItRAKD HOUSE, \ * OORXRR CHKPTRItT AND RIRTTIIRTRKCTR, raiUNUmt. Tbla bnwaa. pmmlnrnt in n illy taanad tat Ita can fiirlal.la hi.uk, la ka|d In awrj r~|~ t aqnnl In any Aral rlaaa bi.Ula In lha nwabl, Oaln, |u tba atrin fancy nf tba tlataa, tba prUa of board baa Wan rrdtnwd la rnnaa NUMI par day. I. M'KIBRIN, MC Nanncwr For Sale. A FARM conUining Filly Acre#, and haiin, Iharwmt aawrtrd • TW'iUHTORV PRAMK Bl II.MMI and -M CnkmrlUa, CVntra roowly, Pa, •/>*"// fjtpoti/i (iml (Jroct-rie.*. J JARPER BROTHERS, ■PRIMA STREKT. BKLLKPfiffTK, PA., Have their counter* and (helves filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at - BANKRUPT RATES (BANKRUPT KATES WHICH TIIKY OPPKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONMHTINO OP Dry GIKKIH, Millinery G<• pn*Hng to Studenta admitted at any time. (Mama of "tudy praamtted by the Stale J. M.,4.1 .aiX Prop.retory. 111, ttumoatarjr. IV. Sti* nw eoraaaa: r Academic. 11. Commercial 111. R wr . IV Art. Tha Klcmeatary and Rclenti*. con rant an> Pro- L~'rr, '," d r .dueling therein recmv, ■lata blplomaa. conferring lb* felh.uing and oorran* ponding degree* Matter of the Kletaeau and kniti rr'nail nTmll The Profoeaionel ooureea ere liberal. and ara in inferior to tho* of oar beat college. Thl \ fc,k * r W HUaenXp. Thctlme. demand It. It la one of the prime rkn '■ u i" W P •" by fur to.lung it, iei> llrreul and efllri.nl teacher. for h.r arboola To thia end It eolbite young l*r of good abtlltlre and gvwl purptnee—thnee eho deaira to Improve their time and their talonta. aa ttnd.nL To all such it prom lata aid la devehtpng th.tr pnuert and abundant Kpnortanlttoa far a.ll*paid lal.tr after looting orhool ■or catalogue and trrmt addr.at til. Prion pal eotntt or nmm : Stockholder.* Trualoee—J. H. Bannu. M. D., A II Real. Jacob Hn.on. S. M Rit kfont, Samuel Chriot. A N Ranh. R . Cook, T. C. Hippie, Eeu . O. kittna, PUt. Trrtatrea ll,m A tl. Curtin. Hon II L. Di.f* frnlmrh, Oen. Joaa. M.rrlll. Bon W llliaaa Mibt J C. C WlwLy. B. Miller Mmdhnlrk. ta, ' Hon WILLIAM PK-I.KR, Prmddoat. flrmrdald Pa Hen. JKWK MRRRILL. V PremdraL fa B MILLAR MrODRMICK. IWratar, - - TIIOMAS VAHIiI.RV. Troaaortr, WOODWARD SEMiNAEYT Bearding ud Our School TO Tobbi L*4lh oad Ottl# CMldm. SECOND AND LOCUBT STREETS, IIARRISHURG, PA. Rfu!ar term oil I BKPTRMRRR lr-