Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 20, 1880, Image 6

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    ®Jte Crntrt § rmottuU
Thursday Morning, May 20, 1880.
CVftßttfititfDßN"!, containing important now . nollclt
rl tromitny purl of tin- county. So common lent I on*
tiiorlnl tmlcsMt <uvom|MUi*tl lv tin- r. ul mmi* of tli*<
Local Depart nicnt.
—New shades of dress -ilk", at Lyon &
Fair Luna reached her llr.t quarter
last Monday.
—Fine straw hats for men and children,
at Lyon & Go's.
Millheim borough is preparing for
Decoration Day.
—Don't buy any shoes until you have
seen Lyon & Co's.
—Harry Green is the fellow who can sell
you an A No. 1 cigar.
—Mr. Daniel Garman and lady are vis
iting in Philadelphia.
—For your lawns and summer dress
goods, go to Lyon & Co's.
—Wanted—money in exchange for ele
gant goods at the Philadelphia Branch
—James Harris & Co. are headquarters
for all reaper and mower repairs, and sec
Mrs. I). G. Bush, accompanied by her
son George, arrived in town on Monday
—Harry Green's cigars are much like
tho pretty girls—jill the gentlemen are
after them.
—Tho rapidly increasing popularity of
Day's Kidney Pail is due solely to its in
trinsic merits.
—He is indeed a person hard to suit who
cannot be suited in the latest style at the
Philadelphia Branch.
• —To the farmers: At Harris' hardware
store you can get repairs for all the lead
ing reapers and mowers.
—The new residence of Prof. Smith, at
Stato College, was finished last Saturday.
It is a model of beauty and nealnAs.
—Mrs. Fanny Brown, wife of -Mr. S.
Brown, of Millheim, died of consumption,
on the Oth instant. She"had been ill about
six months.
—£To tho farmers : Examine your mow
ers and reapers while there is time and
send your orjers to James Harris & Co.
for all needed repairs.
Mr. 11. W. Hoover, of Unionville,
lost 300 cords of wood by fire on bis clear
ing, about one mile west of that place, last
Thursday night.
—The steady increase in the number of
p 'oplo who come from ail over the county
to the Philadelphia Branch keeps Lewin
Hnd Sternberg busy showing'their goods.
—R. M. Magee. Esq., has laid a new"
sidewalk beforo bis residence on Penn
street. Mr. Magee is the owner of a very
beautiful property, which he always keeps
in excellent repair.
—A very few dollars, if judiciously ex
pended, will make u young man look so
fine that his girl will have no reason to be
a.-hamed of liirn. Lewin. at the Philadel
phia Branch, can explain how it is done.
Lewin, at the Philadelphia Branch,
not only desires to sell his goods, but also
wishes to have everything that is pur
chased please the buyer. If persons are
n it thoroughly satisfied, lie does not wish
them to buy.
—The Presbyterian congregation were
treated, last Sunday, to a discourse on
ipissionary work in Japan. It was deliv.
ered by Rev. Miller, a former missionary
in that country, aid contained some very
edifying information.
—A creditable action. The Insurance
Company of North America, in addition
to its heavy losses in tho Milton lire, has
contributed live hundred dollars to the
sufferers. This company is represented in
Bellefonte by Geo. L. Potter.
—We are informed that by recent fires
which prevailed in Snow Shoe township,
Mr. J. Harbison Holt lost six extensive
rafts. The residence of Dr. Stewart was
also in imminent danger, its destruction
being averted only through the most des
perate exertions. *
-Millheim recently lost two good eiti
xens in the persons of Messrs. J. B. Mus
ser and Allison Miller. These two gen
tlemen havo gono to *omo enterprising
town in the State of Illinois, where they
will make their homo in the future, and
where we hope fortune will smile upon
—The latest big boom is in commercial
travelers. The irruption of Goths, Van
dais and Lombardian* front their northern
fastnesses was nothing compared to the
deluge of these "road agents" upon Belle
fonte during the last week. The Brocker
holf House closed its eapiacious maw over
sixty-three and is still looking for more.
—The dramatic club of State College are
practicing upon •• Eugene Arirtn," a dra
matisation of Lord Lytton's tale of that
title. They expect to have it ready for
presentation on the 2*th of May, and at
they have been highly successful in al'
their past dramatical efforts, the coining
entertainment will be antiulpated with
much pleasure.
—\V. A. Sweeney is rapidly gaining the
reputation of being one of the most expert
trout anglers in the neighborhood. He
wakes up about four o'clock in the morn
ing and If he happens to think he would
like to have a few of tho speckled beauties
for breakfast, he just falls out of bed, and,
rod in hand, repairs to Reynolds' mill and
in a little while be calmly return* and
quietly deposits enough of the finny tribe
on the table to make a foat for the gods.
— Tho Mornimj AYt va says that on Fri
day night tho large saw mill of Triillingor
& Co., of Snow Shoo, wan entirely destroy
ed by lire. Desperate efforts wore made to
subdue the flames, but the tank wan found
.Mr. Henry (1. Smith, of near Mill
hoi m, who died on Saturday tho Bth in
stant,'wan one of the bent citizen* in that
vioinity. Ili.n remain.- were taken to tho
Heforniod cemetery at Aaron-burg, attend
ed by a very large number of mourning
frieudn and relative*.
—Sechler & Co. have a laTge amount of
garden and flower seedn. An thoy are al
ways receiving fresh supplies, buyers can
go to tho store with tho expectation of
finding what thoy want, and always got tho
best. Their meat market, too, has gained
a reputation second to none in this place,
Messrs. George .1. Eldred, 11. \V.
Brown and W. A. llanna wore the dole
gates chosen by the Agricultural Society
of Clinton county to attend tho annual
meeting for tho election of trustees of State
College, which takes place on .June 30.
—Mrs. John Kckley, of Benner town
ship, sister of .Mrs. Bartrim Galbraith, of
this place, died on Wednesday of last week,
ufter a protracted illness. She was about
seventy years of age, and leaves several
children to mourn her death. A large
funeral cortege followed her remains to
this place on Friday.
—Would you buy gentlemen's clothing
as cheap as they can be purchased in Phil
adelphia ? Then go to the Philadelphia
Brunch. It is a part of a very large estab
lishment in that city, and consequently
goods can bo sent from the city establish
ment to the branch store in this place and
sold at astonishingly low rates.
—The maidens and widows of this place
are preparing fir a leap-year hall. Each
lady donates half a dollar to the common
fund to pay'oxpenses, and then goes after
her gentleman. The affair will come off
in a few days, and it will be well for the
gentlemen to receive modestly tin* advances
of their fcmalo gallants.
—;The Mnming Sewn says that Miss
Rosa Apt, un estimable young lady of
Hublersburg, daughter of Martin Apt,
deceased, died on Friday of ltist week, of
consumption. Her remains were brought
to this place on Sunday (or burial. The
funeral took place from the Catholic church
and was largely attended.
—Master Oscar Myers, son of the gonial
proprietor of the Hush House, received
and entertained several of his young friends
lUr t it,uimi ay e \ cini.p,. T..0 1.... ul ul gul* ty
'if the young folks, augmented by a bounti
ful feast spread in the large dining room,
made the hours pass away to the entire sat
isfaction of the assembled company.
—Since the opening of May, Bellpfonte
merchant* havo been remarkably busy.
Crowds of people with ]iockcts full of
money have been surging in Rnd out of the
stores. The scene at 8. A. Brew A Son'*
grocery is one of great activity. Mer
chants like. S. A. Brew & Son are the
ones that will get the benefit of the in
creased trade.
We learn that a largo tobacco houw,
owned by Mr. I*. it. Crider, and situated
on his lurm at Eaglnville, .<, together
with it* content*, entirely destroyed by
tiro on Sunday night. It is supposed to
have been the work of an incendiary.
The five tons of tobacco which the build
ing contained were valued at SI,OOO. The
building was insured.
—-Mr. John It. Tate, the famous barn
builder of Pleasant flap, is at present en
gaged upon a job in his special line on the
farm of Prof. Hamilton, in College town
ship. The dimensions of this barn are
40x75 feet, and will have in addition to
the main structure a grain house and vege
table cellar. Mr. Tate expects to make an
excellent job for the Professor.
—Evil fortune nttmuled a car load of
charcoal which was on the way last Friday
from Julian to Valentines' forge, thiW
place. Twice on the way the fire was seen
and subdued, but when it arrived here the
Ore burst forth worse than ever, and the
aid of hose together with the expert assist
ance of Telegrapher Matin and Expressman
Hoover were necessary before the fiery fiend
was overcome.
—lt would be difficult to excel Mr.
Hammon (Itchier In anything, and cer
tainly no one can get the advantage of
him in keeping a first-class grocery. He
is the old, reliable down-town grocer, who
has successfully overcome all obstacles,
and continue* to conduct one of the best
stores in town. His many customers testi
fy to this, and havo been able to save
many dollars by purchasing at his store.
—A large delegation of divines from the
Reformed church are at present gatherod
at Kebersburg, attending the session* of the
West .Hus<|iiehnnna Classic, which began
yesterday. The intervening time until
the closing devotional service on .Sunday
night will be fully occupied. The people
of that hospitable burg will doubtless
render the occasion so thoroughly enjoya
ble to the visiting clergy that they will
wish the Ciassi* could last all year instead
of but a few days.
—The choir of the Episcopal church in
cluded two beautiful antbeuis appropriate
to Whit Sunday in the music rendered
tost Sabbath night. The solo parts, sus
tained by Miss Msry Bradley and Miss
Kste Curtin, respectively, were rendered
In a skillful manner. Miss Bradley's voice
is rich, pure and sweet as a silver bell, and
of Increasing power. Thst of Miss Curtin
Is a full, flexible, highly cultivated flute
tone, capable of high flights, and again
receding to the lowest notes.
—There in a prospect that Bnllefonto
will have a small Knight* Templar dem
onstration of its own next Thursday morn
ing between 6 und 0 o'clock. A special
train leaves this place at 0 A. M., and the
Knights of New Washington, Osceola,
Clearfield, Tyrone and Philipsburg have
been ordered to join Constans Commaud
ery, and all depart together for Williams
port. They will be accompanied by several
bands. The line of procession will form at
the Asylum at- 6:4.1 o'clock and proceed
direct t the depot.
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Krom, of
Lock Haven, recently of liellefonte, de
sire to publicly express their heartfelt
thank* to the numerous friends who showed
them so much kindness op the occasion of
the burial oi their little boy in the ceme
tery in this place. The whole futility were
much distressed and the presence of so
many .sympathizing friends was highly
appreciated and did much to soften tin* sad
scene. Tlie little hoy wus named for Col.
Hubert McFarlane, of Beliefonte, and was
one year, ono month and eight days old.
—The new process of sun printing lias
been employed, (probably for the first time
in hook illustration,) in giving a hand
some portrait of the late Genera) J. B.
Hood as a frontispiece to his great book on
the war, which wu* the result of some four
year*'preparation. The hook is beautiful
ly prepared with clour new tyje, best of
paper, line illustration*, and not unworthy
of the studio of the historical student or
the boudoir of the fashionable lady. The
entire proceeds of the book uro devoted
to "The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund"
(<<* the education and support of the ten
little orphan babes of General Hood, and
the publisher is General O. T. Beauregard,
I*. O. address, New Orleans, La.
—The Centre Hail Itcporter says thai
Mr. George Stover, of Mur-hllehJ, Mo.,
who lost all hi* property in the recent ter
rible storm at that place, intends to return
to iiis firmer home at C'entro Hill. His
old Penn* Valley friends and neighbor*
will regret to learn of his misfortune, hut
will he pleased to have him again among
them. Binco the above was put in tvjaj
Mr. Stover and family have returned.
They reached Beliefonte on Friday last
and were warmly greeted by
who were in wuiling for thein. In a
conversation with Dim at the depot, he
gave us a thrilling account of the terrible
di-aster that b.-fell Marshfield. II • says,
however, that ho still ha* faith in th>-
future of the town, and may return again
to make the place hi* home.
—The Merchant ami Salesman, the rec
ognised organ of the gntt Philadelphia
merchant* and the grand army of com
mercial traveler* they turn looe upon an
unoffending world to.enrich the railroad*
and make the heart of the hotel man ing
with joy, ha* tbi* to *ay of the popular and
highly oetcctned proprietor of Bellefonta 1 *
big up-town hotel, Mr. W. R. Teller,
every word of which will bo cheerfully
end<>r*ed by tho nomadic public :
Among tir now hotel card* will be
round the Brockerhoff House, Ht-llefontr,
l*. From t long personal acquaintance
wtlli Mr. Teller, it* proprietor, we have no
hesitation in recommending our member*
to top and see linn, when traveling that
way. S>me men are iMrn great, some
have greatnw* thrust upon thorn, and
some achieve greatness, hut Mr. Toller
was evidently born to keep a hotel, and
thu achieve the greatness which his pa
trons thrust upon him.
—As this is the idylic season when gen
ial sun*, the sweet scent of numberless
flowers and all the beautiful accessories of
spring tempt the voting and trusting to all
sorts of pleasure, both on sea and land, it is
not surprising that a happy party of our
young folk were seen bravely daring the
tempestuous waves of Mann's dam one day
last week The air was delicious, the jwrty
happy and—the boat leaky. From intense
enjoyment the whole party suddenly took
part in a transformation scene and found
themselves safely deposited in the mud at
the feel of the treacherous waters. The
bottom had fallen out of the craft, and Mr,
.1. It. Van Ormer, Mis* Alice Van Ormer,
the Misses Seanlan, Mr. Kvorly and others'
were seen gracefully wending their discon
solate wav toward the shore. Moral—to be
continued next week.
—The Philadelphia Times seems to be
possessed of some reliable information
about Bellefonte churches, as a recent issue
of that journal contained the following :
" At Bullcfonte there are churches of
almost every persuasion except Baptist.
There i a Baptist organization four veer*
old, but it has no building. Service* have
been kept up in a rented house. A loca
tion ha* been obtained, for building and
subscription* have been made which are
not binding until the lot is secured. The
Baptist* are few in number but they are
strong in purpose."
DECORATION DAY.— —Arrangement* are
being made to viait all the cemeteries in
Ferguson town*hip on Decoration Day for
the purpose of decorating the grave* of the
soldiers who gave their lives to their coun
try. The delegation will be accompanied
by music. The marshal respectfully re
quests all soldiers and citizen* to meet at
the Town Hall on Saturday, May 29, at 7
o'clock A. M.,- where the tine will bo formed
and the programme for the day announcer!.
The following cemeteries will be decorated :
Pino Hall, at 9 o'clock A M. : Gatesburg, 12
o'clock M. j Meek'*, at 8 o'clock p. M., and
Pine Grove, at o'clock p. m. A cordial
invitation is extended to soldiers, citizens
and Sunday-schools to participate in the
solemn ceremonies Incident to the occasion.
Prominent speaker* have been invited
and will be in attendance. Relations and
friends of the deceased wishing to furnish
wreaths and flowers will please label them
and present them to committee or hearse
BY 7 o'clock A. M., so that they will bodls
tributed on the proper graves.
WM. H, FRY, Marshal
Pino Grove Mills, May 18th, 1880
informed that nine hundred yards of new
Brussels carpet have been purchased for the
Bush House in this place. Elegant parlor
and lied room furniture w ill follow, and the
Bush House will be more than ever the
pride of the town as a model hotel. The
traveling public will find it one of the
most pleasant resorts in Central Pennsyl
TALLY.—A very sad accident happened to
Mr. John Kelley, son of Mr. Patrick Kcl
ley, of Hnow Shoe, on Thursday last, while
Hi work in mine No. H, at that place. He
was engaged in coupling ears, when the
force of the concussion made by the car*
coming together threw him down. Be
fore the train could he stopped, a heavily
loaded car passed over him, cutting otf his
right arm near the body. Dr. llibler, of
this place, was summoned to his assistance,
but found the unfortunate man too weak
to submit to an o|a-ration. The Doctor
could only administer to him such relief as
made his last hours pass more easily. He
lingered until Friday evening, when his
end came. He was about twenty-two years
of age.
and what might have proved a fatal event
occurred at Pleasant Gaji lu*t Thursday.
Mr. John It. Tate and hi* son, Mr. IV. S.
Pate occppy neighboring house* at that
place. Mr. \\ . S. Tate was the possessor of
a large and very ferocious coach dog, hut
it 'was not supposed that he would attack
any member of the family. On Thursday,
Mi* OHic, daughter of Mr. W. 8. Tale,
came from the residence of tier grand
parent* to enter that of her father. A*
she approached the porch upon which the
•log wa* lying, ho looked at her and ex
hibited evidences of anger. She spoke to
the dog kindly, wh-n he jumped at her,
threw her down and tut h.-r savagely upon
the ahn and body. Her mother ran to her
assistance and threw herself with all her
strength uja.n the body of the dog, drag
ging him from h--r daughter. MissOllie
hastened into the house, and it wa* with
difficulty that the savage canine wa* pre
vented entering after b< r. Since the event,
Miss Oi lie has been greatly prostrated from
the injuries together with thorn rv u* fright
received, but by this time has perhaps al
mo*t recovered. The dog was, of course,
shot, Mr. Flory sending the necessary
powder and hall through him.
OHITDARY.—The Morning AV-, of
Monday, alluded t•• the death ■ f Rev,
Thomas Barnhart, late of lb-d Oak, low a,
and, upon inquiry, we found it to he true,
and gleaned the following particulars of
his life and death ; lie wa* lairn in
Howard township, this county, lie be
came a minister in the M. K. church, and
during the Ib-tx-liion was performing pas
toral duties at Charnhersburg. When the
Southern soldier* occupied that place, they
took particular care to protect the life and
possessions of Rev. Barnhart and family.
He afterward* preached at Tyrone and at
Philip*burg, this county. About Ave
years ago he removed to Red >ak, lowa,
when it wa* a mere collection of houses
surrounded by woods. It i now a place n|
Importance, and Rev. Barnhart at the
time of his death wa* Presiding Elder of
the Council Bluffs district. B.>mc time
since he received a stroke oi apoplexv, and
the usual remedies failing to relieve him,
he died on Saturday night, May 8, at alamt
11 o'clock. His (uneral occurred on the
following Monday. He would have lx-en
fifty-eight year* of age had he lived until
next fall. His life was eminently useful.
Much of it was spent in the service of hit
Master, and forms an example of piety and
consistency to his profession of which the
church nnd nation have reason to be proud.
He ha* numerous relatives in thi* county,
among whom is our townsman, Mr D. At
Kline. All will b-arn of hi* death with
profound regret.
nRi.i.KVONTR'a Knurr roa Mii.tox.—
True to her previous record and her usual
generous instincts, Bellefonte Hroused her
self lat Saturday to send immediate assist
ance to her suffering sister city of Milton.
As Bellefonte has been almost entirely ex
empt front disastrous fires during the past
six or eight years, the noble action of
Saturday was eminently appropriate. Be
sides, many of our cilireos have relatives
in that city who were among the sufferers.
It is worthy of note that the employes
of the Bush House, under the Inspiring
influence of the colored porter, Mr. Alfred
Stiles, a former-resident of Milton, imme
diately contributed from their own pockits
the handsome sum of slft.2s. Tlio Snow
Shoe railroad company generously sent
six barrel* of flour, two barrel* of bread
and one barret of hams by the early morn
ing train. A meeting of citir.en* was call
ed at the Court House at one o'clock r. m.
of which Chief Burgess Clem. Dale was
chosen President, Mr. (leorge 1/ Potter,
Secretary, and Judge John Irwin, Jr.,
Treasurer. Committees were appointed to
canvass the different wards and solicit
clothing, food and money. A suliecriplioii
paper was drawn up at the Court
by which s<lso were secures!. The cloth
ing was sent to the Snow Shoe depot, and
filled seven or eight large boxes, which
were tent at quickly as possible to tho
stricken city. A special meeting of the
Masonio Lodge was called for Saturday
evening, and that organisation acted with
it* usual promptness in administering to
tha wants of the suffering member* of the
order in Milton. The aggregate value of
the aid sent by Bellefonte to Milton doubt
less reached SI2OO or SISOO.
Philip Crider, an aged and respected resi
dent of Hnow Bhoe, died last Saturday
evening in his ninety-fourth year. His
son, Mr. P. B. Crider, resides near Lock
Haven, and his grandson, Mr. F. W.
Crider, is a prominent citizen of this place.
The intelligence of the aged gentleman's
decease readied Mr. Crider, at this place,
on Sunday morning, and he immediately
■started to Snow Shoe. On Monday he
accompanied the remains through this
place to liie residence of M r. P. 11. Crider,
near Lock Haven, where the funeral and
interment took place. The deceased had
been failing for u long time past and dur
ing the twenty .three days preceding iiis
death bad hardly been able to partake of
any food. He was one of the most aged
men in this county.
much was expected of the concert given bv
the Beliefonte Choral Society and Belie
fonte Orchestra on Tuesday evening was
evident by the large audience present, and
that the expectations were realized was
also attested by the many wold* of praise
with which all expressed the enjoyment
the evening's entertainment hud afforded
them. The programme was long and va
ried, and the selections were well executed.
The applause showed that the more simple
forms of music are tin* most highly appro
ciated, and the sweet solos and lively na
tional air* drew forth tie- most demonstra
tive expressions of pleasure. The solo,
''Pilgrim Father*,' by Mr. Frunk Keller,
was the llrst to arouse the enthusiasm of
the audience. The cornet solo "Young
America," was rendered in a skillful man
ner by Mr. Richard Willis, and when for
an encore he gave that divinely sweet air,
"Annie Laurie," another hurst of applause
ensued. "Sweet Heart," a lovely solo by
Sullivan, was given by M>s KateCnrtin.
This matchless gem was rendered in a very
artistic manner, and of course drew forth
an encore. The lady's musical abilities are
of a high order. Thesoio "Jut a- of Old,"
rendered by Mis- Clara Lyon, was also
well received and followed by an encore,
''The Las* of Kilkarney, if j>oe.-ible more
I eaptirating than the liret. Miss Emily
Natt directed the < !a- with great ability,
and both Mr*. Iove and her orchestra js-r
--formod their part* with their usual perfec
ON MONDAY KVEXINO.— President Ardell
was present a* were also Messrs. Harper,
Hunter, McCrUle, M* ■, MuioD .... J
Mr. Thomas Burntide is the j>os*e*sor of
a "Howe's MarketS-ale, which he desire*
the borough to buy. The question wa* re
ferred to the Market Committee, for whose
u*e it is intended, and they are now n>e>oAt<i
the matter on their mental balances.
The members of the Uridine and I/ogan
Hose Companies will rejoice,as the clerk is
dir*cled to draw in favor of each company
their re*|ective appropriations for the pres
ent year.
Mr. Daniel Khodes offered to extend the
water pipe* on Linn street to M. W. Cow
drick's residence tor His offer was
accepted, and Mr. C. may expect soon to
have the cooling beverage from the spring
coursing to his residence.
The Itrockerhotf omnibus and the mail
wagon obstruct the passage over the bridge
on the arrival of train* and their owners
must hereafter occupy some other location.
But the army of travelers will doubtless
find the BrcH kerhoff bus, even if it has to
be hung on the moon.
Ihe market Committee ha* received
S" 40 in market fee* and James Harris,
E*<j . ha* received SL.(>O for licenes, all of
which were duly reported to the council.
IN MKMORIXM.—At a regular meeting
of the Walker Orange. No. 341 P. of H.,
May 15, IHM>, the following preamble and
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS <n the flth instant, for the
second tiniesince our organization in 1874,
the Angel of Ih-atb has crossed our |Mirlals,
and removed from our cirole Sister Mar
garet Shamp, wife of our worthy Chap
lain : and
Wiikhkak, It seems right and proper
; that we, the surviving members, make
I >ome public expression of our feelings, and
record our testimony and appreciation of
the many virtues and excellent traits of
! character <>f our deceased sister ; therefore,
Hf„lrr<i t That in the death of sister
Shanip we hs a Grange sustain the loss of a
true and faithful Matron, the community
j lose a warm-hearted friend, and the family
and friends one whom they will long re
member with tender emotions.
Nfftlrril, That, while we bow in rever
ence and humble submission to the will of
the Great Master above, who has called
one of His laborers from labor to reward,
we recogni/.e the admonition to us "to
work while it is called to-day."
/frfti/rwl, That we host honor her mem
ory by striving to emulate her virtues, and
that we tender to the bereaved family of
the deceased our heartfelt sympathy, and
invoke on them the blessings Him
"W'hodoeth all things well."
Rrxnlml, That these resolutions he en
tered on the minutes of the Grange and a
copy be presented to the family of de
ceased, and a copy he furnished the Farm
er'* Frietul and county pa|>ers for publica
MART K. Dt shi.K, I
—An important decision has been ren
dered by Judge Ross, of Montgomery
county, to the effect that when judgment*
aro obtained before Justices for wage* on
labor, and an appeal taken from the do
cision, an oath by the defendant must he
recorded and sen" -'th it affirming that
"It is not for delay, but because he thinks
injustice has been done hintand further,
that the security then entered shall not be
merely for the costa, but for tho debt and
cots. This la in compliance with the Act
of April 20th, I^7fl. Fr<-haaar
—Gregg Port, O. A. R., hu received th.
following General Order, whir It call* U . K>|l
■II patriotic people in thle vicinity to unit
with the Poet on ibeftnh instant in paying
the Mnnuki floral tribute to the rm-morv ...
departed soldiera : }
II KAieri ar'l khh, Dei-aim m knt or Pa
Grand Ammv or the Kkim-hm<
No. 1037 Chestnut street. I
General Order No. 7.
I'lilLA tiEl.J'll] A, May 8 lk*o
Comrades On the 2'uh of May
will be failed once more to obw>rve o.r
! annual lacrainent of aorrow, and to.-],.
brat.; another Memorial day. Again w-
I must reverently droop the old flic ov-r
| the grave of those who .lied, to that it
I might atill wave, the tinullied . lahl-u. of
a Nation, united and free ; and to ... a-.-.-r
ujion the mound*, which mark 'their
bivouac, the faire#t flower* ..f pring
j Decoration Day, alway* the t<-nder>-*>
I ha* now become one of the most igt.i''.'
( cant of our holiday*, in the fact that it
, peculiarly a "Memorial" of the.
dier. The deed* of our great captain- a'r
! carved in marble, perpetuated j n br i./
land engraved on the tablet* of hinorw
bul the flower* of Memorial Day fall t,'.
the grave* and commemorate "the uiir
corded bravery of the r.r.iA/,—a b-a
and alm*t univer-a) homage tothe-r,
and sacrifice of the Uni.wi volunteer -
If others forget the purchase prie- ,c,
I'nion, we mu*t recall it in our devoti •
if other* forget the c.wtly *a< rifi. - of
we muit recall it in >ur renewed aileg .m.'
to the sentiment for which our .on •
died, and while in muaic and el-,..
you r.-call the heroism which won o.r •,
torv, and saved the nation - pre-i.,, j
do not fail to ap|x-al to that better w,
merit which will reconcile irolitical
ence* between citi/.en*'f all partie. lr , h ;
sections. For the L'nion one and in-ep--;.
ble they di<-d, over whose gr-er, gri.v .
' spr< ad the gem* of wood and wild c.. ...
and laurel.
Citizen* of Pennsylvania The f.r i
Army apjx-als to you* that where r
i nizulion of veterans ex i*t, there tnsv
i found wiiling band* to pay tf.i*
' tribute to the Nation's dead. T tic r*v*
| erend clergy, to teachers, to *< h ..
order* and societies, we appeal th-.t n
! spot, however lonely, no grave I. w-v-r
i neglect.-.!, no place where sleep* a .
! <>f the I'nion shall the sunset • It-, -a- n
! Day find unad'rn.*d with an off-ring fr.
membrane-. The land >* olrea.lv i j
; with the graves of the "unknown 1-t r t
Pennsylvania's soil bold a single • r • that
may ix- marked "forgotten ' Kath-r :
the cemeteries of the Keystone >-.i.te
j strewn with flower*, till every vet-ran -
tomb shall wear a mantle of hcaniv n; f..-
j such a shrine.
The Department Comtnai-l-r r
| mend* that each post provide for sr. apjr—
i print* sermon, on .Sunday, the 30tb, a;;. i, j.
j ing the appointed service in unif. rm a- i
'in a laxly. Bv Command of
Chill \V. HAZ/.ard, Dept. < n
1 J. M. Vandkri>li< k, Ast Adj Gen.
Gregg Post, in preparation f.-r ti • -i
--; servance of Decoration Day, ha* ap|.inu<l
! the follow ing committees :
Mutir—D M. Glenn, S. 11 William*
and R. C. Chee*man.
Flnrj* and Flmcert — K. A. Smith. W
H. Waggoner, K. C. Irvin, Win .lone*,
i John T. Tate.
F'nnnre, — William Jr.n.-s
Basiarss Notice*.
—Lyon A Co. seli the l-*t go'd* in
i Bellefonte.
A splendid child's suit f.r $1 ' at
Lyon & Co s.
k —Great bargains in a 1 paces duster*.
\ only I*o cents, at Lyon A Co'*.
—Come and look at our light colored
•uits, all wool, for s''• 50, worth fli'.UO, t*.
Lyon A Co'*,
Wbv are hor*e# and tattle aft'-r taking
Rob. •Ms' Horse Powders like a new laun-
I dried shirt ? liecause they look *lc*k and
J clean.
—No more sick chicken*. Save your
poultry and euro them of disease, by using
Roberts' Poultry Powder. It ha* n.-v-r
failed to cure Cholera, and ail <ii**-a—* t >
which fowl* are ►ubjeot. Price 25 c.-nf
l*er package. For sale by ail drugg>t*.
—At the present time when there are *,>
many worthless linaments in the market,
it would be well to inquire which i the
Irest. Thi will be found in M 1! Hubert'*
Embrocation'—it is a pana.ea for ailments
that require rubbing either on man or
| boast. Price 85 cent* |er bottle.
—Why do you cough when you can
find speedy relief in Sines' Syrup of Tsr,
; Wild Cherry and Horehound'' It i* the
moat pleasant and efficacious remedy known
for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, and all
<liaea*e* tending to pulmonary eon*uni|-
tion. Ha* been sold for over thirty years
and is especially adapted to children, a- it
i doe* not nauseate, and consequently it can
be used in sufficient quantity a* to eff.* t a
cure. Try one Ixttilo and you will n.vr
be without it. Price 25c. and 60*-. jxt bot
tle. Sold everywhere. Ask vourdruggit
lor it.
—The popularity of M. B. Robert*'
Horse Powders i proving Itself in the in
creased demand throughout this State,
from the fact that the public are at lat
finding out that it is possible to obtain a
package of Horse and Cattle Powder which
is strictly pure and free from such adultcr
atio..s a* bran, cake nteal, and other in
gredient* calculated to puff the animal
instead of curing it of the disease it is suf
fering from. M. B. ltl>erM' Horse Pow
ders contain no adulteration, and are much
cheaper than any other, as but a tahlo
apoonful is required for a dose. Ask any
old horseman as to their merits. For sale
everywhere. Price reduced to 25c. per
WAfINKK-kMITII -On k* MO. of April. ')
W H Co*. Mi IV Hot*. Wscn-f of Poffrr
fcl|>, ami Mi** Km ma L. Ron Hi, of r*f*narn toon
•tip .
BRIt Kit- NTOVRR —At th* re*,l-Mo( Hro ***''
parent*. In t'nloorllln, War It,!** 1 , *5 *" J A .
V.m*wa, Mr. U R. Rrirker, of ml
Ml** lour* R Mover, of t'rtonrlllo
M ATI.K I —RAN hEOßtv—At ih. rrMonr* *
hrtlr't nnrenta. In niitln*t<nr. oa W• 4iir*o*r.
M*j It, |n*>. hv R VMtver Lynck. Mr W*lw*
Mllry. anil Mim Alio* WamfforS. all of lhl pU--*
LAI'CR.r-la Frrpiaon tonnahlp.oa ll* >• *1*";
jarot. Wagner lanrk, a(ed 1* yean, 4 wonfk*
tho Mh iuatant. In Mlllhrlm. sOer •
lon it lllneaa. Henry O. Rmllh, n*d
ami V itay*.
.IRAKI.V —ln Mil-. to*nMp. on Tnanfay. the '®*' l
Instant, Mrs. Srh, of Orsmly