®Jte Crntrt § rmottuU Thursday Morning, May 20, 1880. CVftßttfititfDßN"!, containing important now . nollclt rl tromitny purl of tin- county. So common lent I on* tiiorlnl tmlcsMt - future of the town, and may return again to make the place hi* home. —The Merchant ami Salesman, the rec ognised organ of the gntt Philadelphia merchant* and the grand army of com mercial traveler* they turn looe upon an unoffending world to.enrich the railroad* and make the heart of the hotel man ing with joy, ha* tbi* to *ay of the popular and highly oetcctned proprietor of Bellefonta 1 * big up-town hotel, Mr. W. R. Teller, every word of which will bo cheerfully end<>r*ed by tho nomadic public : Among tir now hotel card* will be round the Brockerhoff House, Ht-llefontr, l*. From t long personal acquaintance wtlli Mr. Teller, it* proprietor, we have no hesitation in recommending our member* to top and see linn, when traveling that way. S>me men are iMrn great, some have greatnw* thrust upon thorn, and some achieve greatness, hut Mr. Toller was evidently born to keep a hotel, and thu achieve the greatness which his pa trons thrust upon him. —As this is the idylic season when gen ial sun*, the sweet scent of numberless flowers and all the beautiful accessories of spring tempt the voting and trusting to all sorts of pleasure, both on sea and land, it is not surprising that a happy party of our young folk were seen bravely daring the tempestuous waves of Mann's dam one day last week The air was delicious, the jwrty happy and—the boat leaky. From intense enjoyment the whole party suddenly took part in a transformation scene and found themselves safely deposited in the mud at the feel of the treacherous waters. The bottom had fallen out of the craft, and Mr, .1. It. Van Ormer, Mis* Alice Van Ormer, the Misses Seanlan, Mr. Kvorly and others' were seen gracefully wending their discon solate wav toward the shore. Moral—to be continued next week. —The Philadelphia Times seems to be possessed of some reliable information about Bellefonte churches, as a recent issue of that journal contained the following : " At Bullcfonte there are churches of almost every persuasion except Baptist. There i a Baptist organization four veer* old, but it has no building. Service* have been kept up in a rented house. A loca tion ha* been obtained, for building and subscription* have been made which are not binding until the lot is secured. The Baptist* are few in number but they are strong in purpose." DECORATION DAY.— —Arrangement* are being made to viait all the cemeteries in Ferguson town*hip on Decoration Day for the purpose of decorating the grave* of the soldiers who gave their lives to their coun try. The delegation will be accompanied by music. The marshal respectfully re quests all soldiers and citizen* to meet at the Town Hall on Saturday, May 29, at 7 o'clock A. M.,- where the tine will bo formed and the programme for the day announcer!. The following cemeteries will be decorated : Pino Hall, at 9 o'clock A M. : Gatesburg, 12 o'clock M. j Meek'*, at 8 o'clock p. M., and Pine Grove, at o'clock p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to soldiers, citizens and Sunday-schools to participate in the solemn ceremonies Incident to the occasion. Prominent speaker* have been invited and will be in attendance. Relations and friends of the deceased wishing to furnish wreaths and flowers will please label them and present them to committee or hearse BY 7 o'clock A. M., so that they will bodls tributed on the proper graves. WM. H, FRY, Marshal Pino Grove Mills, May 18th, 1880 KXTKNHIVE IMI'KOVKMKNT*.— We are informed that nine hundred yards of new Brussels carpet have been purchased for the Bush House in this place. Elegant parlor and lied room furniture w ill follow, and the Bush House will be more than ever the pride of the town as a model hotel. The traveling public will find it one of the most pleasant resorts in Central Pennsyl vania. AN ACCIDENT WHICH UEMLTKO FA TALLY.—A very sad accident happened to Mr. John Kelley, son of Mr. Patrick Kcl ley, of Hnow Shoe, on Thursday last, while Hi work in mine No. H, at that place. He was engaged in coupling ears, when the force of the concussion made by the car* coming together threw him down. Be fore the train could he stopped, a heavily loaded car passed over him, cutting otf his right arm near the body. Dr. llibler, of this place, was summoned to his assistance, but found the unfortunate man too weak to submit to an o|a-ration. The Doctor could only administer to him such relief as made his last hours pass more easily. He lingered until Friday evening, when his end came. He was about twenty-two years of age. BITTEN IIY A FXROKOI H D 0..- A sad and what might have proved a fatal event occurred at Pleasant Gaji lu*t Thursday. Mr. John It. Tate and hi* son, Mr. IV. S. Pate occppy neighboring house* at that place. Mr. \\ . S. Tate was the possessor of a large and very ferocious coach dog, hut it 'was not supposed that he would attack any member of the family. On Thursday, Mi* OHic, daughter of Mr. W. 8. Tale, came from the residence of tier grand parent* to enter that of her father. A* she approached the porch upon which the •log wa* lying, ho looked at her and ex hibited evidences of anger. She spoke to the dog kindly, wh-n he jumped at her, threw her down and tut h.-r savagely upon the ahn and body. Her mother ran to her assistance and threw herself with all her strength uja.n the body of the dog, drag ging him from h--r daughter. MissOllie hastened into the house, and it wa* with difficulty that the savage canine wa* pre vented entering after b< r. Since the event, Miss Oi lie has been greatly prostrated from the injuries together with thorn rv u* fright received, but by this time has perhaps al mo*t recovered. The dog was, of course, shot, Mr. Flory sending the necessary powder and hall through him. OHITDARY.—The Morning AV-, of Monday, alluded t•• the death ■ f Rev, Thomas Barnhart, late of lb-d Oak, low a, and, upon inquiry, we found it to he true, and gleaned the following particulars of his life and death ; lie wa* lairn in Howard township, this county, lie be came a minister in the M. K. church, and during the Ib-tx-liion was performing pas toral duties at Charnhersburg. When the Southern soldier* occupied that place, they took particular care to protect the life and possessions of Rev. Barnhart and family. He afterward* preached at Tyrone and at Philip*burg, this county. About Ave years ago he removed to Red >ak, lowa, when it wa* a mere collection of houses surrounded by woods. It i now a place n| Importance, and Rev. Barnhart at the time of his death wa* Presiding Elder of the Council Bluffs district. B.>mc time since he received a stroke oi apoplexv, and the usual remedies failing to relieve him, he died on Saturday night, May 8, at alamt 11 o'clock. His (uneral occurred on the following Monday. He would have lx-en fifty-eight year* of age had he lived until next fall. His life was eminently useful. Much of it was spent in the service of hit Master, and forms an example of piety and consistency to his profession of which the church nnd nation have reason to be proud. He ha* numerous relatives in thi* county, among whom is our townsman, Mr D. At Kline. All will b-arn of hi* death with profound regret. nRi.i.KVONTR'a Knurr roa Mii.tox.— True to her previous record and her usual generous instincts, Bellefonte Hroused her self lat Saturday to send immediate assist ance to her suffering sister city of Milton. As Bellefonte has been almost entirely ex empt front disastrous fires during the past six or eight years, the noble action of Saturday was eminently appropriate. Be sides, many of our cilireos have relatives in that city who were among the sufferers. It is worthy of note that the employes of the Bush House, under the Inspiring influence of the colored porter, Mr. Alfred Stiles, a former-resident of Milton, imme diately contributed from their own pockits the handsome sum of slft.2s. Tlio Snow Shoe railroad company generously sent six barrel* of flour, two barrel* of bread and one barret of hams by the early morn ing train. A meeting of citir.en* was call ed at the Court House at one o'clock r. m. of which Chief Burgess Clem. Dale was chosen President, Mr. (leorge 1/ Potter, Secretary, and Judge John Irwin, Jr., Treasurer. Committees were appointed to canvass the different wards and solicit clothing, food and money. A suliecriplioii paper was drawn up at the Court by which ss KateCnrtin. This matchless gem was rendered in a very artistic manner, and of course drew forth an encore. The lady's musical abilities are of a high order. Thesoio "Jut a- of Old," rendered by Mis- Clara Lyon, was also well received and followed by an encore, ''The Las* of Kilkarney, if j>oe.-ible more I eaptirating than the liret. Miss Emily Natt directed the < !a- with great ability, and both Mr*. Iove and her orchestra js-r --formod their part* with their usual perfec tion. GATIIKIUM, o| Tint BOILOK.LL FATHER* ON MONDAY KVEXINO.— President Ardell was present a* were also Messrs. Harper, Hunter, McCrUle, M* ■, MuioD .... J Tate. Mr. Thomas Burntide is the j>os*e*sor of a "Howe's MarketS-ale, which he desire* the borough to buy. The question wa* re ferred to the Market Committee, for whose u*e it is intended, and they are now n>e>oAtO for licenes, all of which were duly reported to the council. IN MKMORIXM.—At a regular meeting of the Walker Orange. No. 341 P. of H., May 15, IHM>, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WHEREAS ome public expression of our feelings, and record our testimony and appreciation of the many virtues and excellent traits of ! character <>f our deceased sister ; therefore, Hf„lrrers for publica tion. MART K. Dt shi.K, I St SAX 7.IMMRRMAX, > Com. MART ROCKKY, ) I MPORTAXI TO JI'NTK M or THR PfcACK —An important decision has been ren dered by Judge Ross, of Montgomery county, to the effect that when judgment* aro obtained before Justices for wage* on labor, and an appeal taken from the do cision, an oath by the defendant must he recorded and sen" -'th it affirming that "It is not for delay, but because he thinks injustice has been done hintand further, that the security then entered shall not be merely for the costa, but for tho debt and cots. This la in compliance with the Act of April 20th, I^7fl. Fr<-haaar Til K HoLDIERft' .SACRAMENT <>Y HoßJmtt —Gregg Port, O. A. R., hu received th. following General Order, whir It call* U . K>|l ■II patriotic people in thle vicinity to unit with the Poet on ibeftnh instant in paying the Mnnuki floral tribute to the rm-morv ... departed soldiera : } II KAieri ar'l khh, Dei-aim m knt or Pa Grand Ammv or the Kkim-hm< No. 1037 Chestnut street. I General Order No. 7. I'lilLA tiEl.J'll] A, May 8 lk*o Comrades On the 2'uh of May will be failed once more to obw>rve o.r ! annual lacrainent of aorrow, and to.-],. brat.; another Memorial day. Again w- I must reverently droop the old flic ov-r | the grave of those who .lied, to that it I might atill wave, the tinullied . lahl-u. of a Nation, united and free ; and to ... a-.-.-r ujion the mound*, which mark 'their bivouac, the faire#t flower* ..f pring j Decoration Day, alway* the t<-nder>-*> I ha* now become one of the most igt.i''.' ( cant of our holiday*, in the fact that it , peculiarly a "Memorial" of the. dier. The deed* of our great captain- a'r ! carved in marble, perpetuated j n br i./ land engraved on the tablet* of hinorw bul the flower* of Memorial Day fall t,'. the grave* and commemorate "the uiir corded bravery of the r.r.iA/,—a b-a and alm*t univer-a) homage tothe-r, and sacrifice of the Uni.wi volunteer - dier. If others forget the purchase prie- ,c, I'nion, we mu*t recall it in our devoti • if other* forget the c.wtly *a< rifi. - of we muit recall it in >ur renewed aileg .m.' to the sentiment for which our .on • died, and while in muaic and el-,.. you r.-call the heroism which won o.r •, torv, and saved the nation - pre-i.,, j do not fail to ap|x-al to that better w, merit which will reconcile irolitical ence* between citi/.en*'f all partie. lr , h ; sections. For the L'nion one and in-ep--;. ble they di<-d, over whose gr-er, gri.v . ' spr< ad the gem* of wood and wild c.. ... and laurel. Citizen* of Pennsylvania The f.r i Army apjx-als to you* that where r i nizulion of veterans ex i*t, there tnsv i found wiiling band* to pay tf.i* ' tribute to the Nation's dead. T tic r*v* | erend clergy, to teachers, to *< h .. order* and societies, we appeal th-.t n ! spot, however lonely, no grave I. w-v-r i neglect.-.!, no place where sleep* a . ! <>f the I'nion shall the sunset • It-, -a- n ! Day find unad'rn.*d with an off-ring fr. membrane-. The land >* olrea.lv i j ; with the graves of the "unknown 1-t r t Pennsylvania's soil bold a single • r • that may ix- marked "forgotten ' Kath-r : the cemeteries of the Keystone >-.i.te j strewn with flower*, till every vet-ran - tomb shall wear a mantle of hcaniv n; f..- j such a shrine. The Department Comtnai-l-r r | mend* that each post provide for sr. apjr— i print* sermon, on .Sunday, the 30tb, a;;. i, j. j ing the appointed service in unif. rm a- i 'in a laxly. Bv Command of Chill \V. HAZ/.ard, Dept. < n 1 J. M. Vandkri>li< k, Ast Adj Gen. Gregg Post, in preparation f.-r ti • -i --; servance of Decoration Day, ha* ap|.inu which fowl* are ►ubjeot. Price 25 c.-nf l*er package. For sale by ail drugg>t*. —At the present time when there are *,> many worthless linaments in the market, it would be well to inquire which i the Irest. Thi will be found in M 1! Hubert'* Embrocation'—it is a pana.ea for ailments that require rubbing either on man or | boast. Price 85 cent* |er bottle. —Why do you cough when you can find speedy relief in Sines' Syrup of Tsr, ; Wild Cherry and Horehound'' It i* the moat pleasant and efficacious remedy known for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, and all erM' Horse Pow ders contain no adulteration, and are much cheaper than any other, as but a tahlo apoonful is required for a dose. Ask any old horseman as to their merits. For sale everywhere. Price reduced to 25c. per package. MARRIAGES. WAfINKK-kMITII -On k* MO. of April. ') W H Co*. Mi IV Hot*. Wscn-f of Poffrr fcl|>, ami Mi** Km ma L. Ron Hi, of r*f*narn toon •tip . BRIt Kit- NTOVRR —At th* re*,l-Mo( Hro ***'' parent*. In t'nloorllln, War It,!** 1 , *5 *" J A . V.m*wa, Mr. U R. Rrirker, of ml Ml** lour* R Mover, of t'rtonrlllo M ATI.K I —RAN hEOßtv—At ih. rrMonr* * hrtlr't nnrenta. In niitln*t. hv R VMtver Lynck. Mr W*lw* Mllry. anil Mim Alio* WamfforS. all of lhl pU--* DEATHS. LAI'CR.r-la Frrpiaon tonnahlp.oa ll* >• *1*"; jarot. Wagner lanrk, a(ed 1* yean, 4 wonfk* tho Mh iuatant. In Mlllhrlm. sOer • lon it lllneaa. Henry O. Rmllh, n*d ami V itay*. .IRAKI.V —ln Mil-. to*nMp. on Tnanfay. the '®*' l Instant, Mrs. Srh, of Orsmly