Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 22, 1880, Image 4

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    f lit €fnte fmirtat.
The Lnrgest. Cheapest and Beat Paper
ti.tifd svsry TbnrsJay morning, t Ucllsfoute, Ccntr*
county, l*.
TERMS—Cssh In nlvaorr Si bO
If not |MM In *>lsn< U OO
PnyniKiiU tnaili- within three month- will In' ton*
•..terel m ailvaiir.
A I.IVK PAl'RR—devoted to the Inlerwiu of the
whole people.
No paper will Iw dl-contluu-d antil srrssrsgessrs
|>.ltl, except at option ot publlshrrs.
I'apon going out of tlio ovtiuly mint l> paid Tor In
Any person proettrloc nr toncmh iiilm rlbrra *lll
bo wciil a copy Owe elMTgs-
Our axtrii-ive cirrulatlon tlisltM this paper an iin
imially rollnhlo ami proltialilr medium for aiiTortUloir
Ws have tlio moat aniplo lao.lliiloa (or JOB VtOKK
and aro prepared to print all Itinila of Booka, Trai ta,
I'rogramitun, I'oatora, Common lul prluting, Ac., lu Iti->
Hni'st alylo ami at tlio low oat possible ratoa.
TIM. 1 la. 1 8 ID. |tl>. 14ll.|tli. |luln.| SO la.
1 Week, St W N uolf.S ooj 4 no|t6 00 *s 00 *l2 00
•• Weak-, ISO II oo| 4 no| A on! 0 no! II 00 10 00
ti Weeks, 2 onj 3 *o| fi IHI u 00, 7 00,U 00 1* il
1 Mtv.ith,- 'J AO I 400 0 oll| 7 Of. S 00 15 00 20 no
•i Mouth-, 4 00, f! tail H no 111 onh'i 00 00 no 2k 00
p. Month., S no H 00,12 no 13 on 11 ". 00/46 00 -V. mi
Mouth*. H OOili 00 IN on .0 INI 22 <*> :t6 l> <*' 00
1 War, 12 OOIIN no|'.'4 no jN 00|42 iMfjia OililoO no
AilserUaements am calculated by tlia Inch in length
of lailunni, ami any li'aa -pace ia rated a a full inch.
foreign advertisements luuat be |>aj,l fur bafora In
aartlon, axeapt on yenrly contract-, whan lialf-yaarly
payment- in advance will I# required.
POLITP'xt Noviixa, If cent* par line each Inaartlon.
Nothing imiartail tor laaa than An cents.
Hfttvtaa NOTICRN, In the editorial column*, 15 rente
par Hue, each inaartlon.
law*i. NoTlaxa, In local column*. 10 canta per Una.
AXKUI'WCIUCIT* 0 MtaaiAoaa !n lixxTUa inaartad
fee; but nil obituary nollcaa * ||| be charged 5 canta
p-r iina.
• Spiel il. NoTO'U 26 per cant, nbore regular rata*.
—New Languedoc lace*, at Lyon A Co'*.
—A good bat at Lyon A Co'*, for 86
—A line lace *hoe at Lyon A Co"*, for
—A *|>lendid button shoe at Lyon A
Co'#, lor $1.26.
—Big line of linen collar* at Lyon A
Co'*, lir 8 cent*.
—Big lot of children'* suits at Lyon A
Co'*, from $2.00 up.
—A big line of flower* for belts and
r.eck wear, at L_\on A Co'*.
—The !inet stuck of ladies' French kid ;
button boots, at Lyon A Co'*.
—Three and four button kid gloves from
.".8 cents up, at Lyon A Co's.
—Wide satin ribbon*, all shade*, for 16 1
cents a yard, at Lyon A Co. *.
—Do you want a bargain in clothing?
(So to the Philadelphia Branch clothing
• store. .
—Pine suits to lit everybody at very
low price at the Philadelphia Branch
clothing store.
—Flowers of exquisite beauty are bloom- !
ing in the windows of Mr. W. T. Twit- j
mire's residence, on Water street.
—Spring weather ia always changeable,
but the quality of Harry Green'a cigars
never change*. They are uniformly good.
—Farmer*, town people and all can do
better by dealing at Lewin's Philadelphia
Branch clothing store than at any other
—Lewin invites people to call and in
spect tbe Philadelphia Branch clothing
atom. He claim* to have the most desira
ble stock ever brought to Bollefonto.
—Why will you doubt? What eve*v
one say* must be true. Day's Kidney
Pad i* controlling and curing a class of
disease* that have heretofore been consid
ered incurable.
—Persons who keep first-da** good* al
ways advertise. For instance, Harry
Green keep* the very best cigars ; and a*
he is proud of that fact, he advertises for
everybody to come and buy them.
—Rich veins ot pipe ore are being un
earthed in part* of the county, eapecially
near Centre nail. Mr. Jame* Hweetwood,
whose land lie* three miles southeast of
that place, and Mr. William Kmerick,
who owns land adjoining the town, report
• its presence.
—.Somebody about Rev. Wis. Laurie *
residence knows how to perch an artificial
< anary bird among the plants in tbe win
dow in such an extremely natural attidude
that we saw it In the same position half a
dozen times before we could believe it wa*
not a genuine canary.
—Mr. D. M. Cowher. an excellent mil
ler, formerly of KebcTsburg, ha* taken up
hi* abode at Centre M ills. Tbe accession
of this new mill(er) to Centre Mills will
make the flour which is manufactured
whiter and the reputation of the mills
greater than ever before.
—The shower pt Friday afternoon was
refreshing and invigorating, effectually
laying the dust and making travel over
the country road* pleasant. This brought
a large number of people to town, from a
great distance, to visit Sechler's store.
People patronize that store because it pays
to do so.
—The nomber of excellent stores of all
hind* in Bellefonte bring* together a large
trade. People will always come where tbe
l>est may be procured. Of the grocery
stores, Sechler's is the universal favorite.
People of this placa don't walk down town
to see the train come in—not they. Tbe
great rush down High street is to buy at
Hechlor's storo.
—The secret of domestic happiness often
depend* on very slight things. It is un
deniable that the question "What shall
we cook for dinner ?" is one of vast im
jeirlance. Second only in interest to tbe
foregoing (s the question "What shall we
make it of?" But the answer is easy;
First determine whet you went for dlnnr t
then consult a cook book for the Ingredi
ents, and finally buy tbem of the grocery
firm of S. A, Brew A Son.
—A new boardwalk has been laid!
reaching from the street gate, through the
yard to the rear cntrancoof Miss Potrikon's
school homo.
Mr*. Hockonberry, wife of Mr. John
Hockenborry, living near Reynolds' mill,
died, after a brief illness, on Sunday night
of last week. The deceased lady wa* a
daughter of Mr. Thoma* Wilson, of McCoy
A Linn's ironworks. She was only 2.1
year* of age. Her funeral occurred on the
following Tuesday, her remains being in
ternal in the Friends' cemetery.
—Persons visiting the ham on the
property of Mrs. Henry Swub, near Centre
Hull, on Thursday week, found that lady
lying unconscious upon the threshing floor.
She had entered the upper portion of the
barn some time previous, and had the mis
fortune to fall through to the threshing
floor below, a distance of eleven feet. Her
injuries were quite seriou*.
Horses ure easily frightened, and un
less they know the cause of even a slight
noise, will often magnify it into something
wonderful. This wa* the rase with a horse
ridden by a son of Nathaniel Boob, who
lives on NetTs farm, near Centre Hall.
The hoy carried a bucket which rattled a*
the horse moved along. The inoro the
confounded thing rattled, the faster the
horse ran, until the boy could maintain
hi* seat no longer. Unfortunately, he de
scended to the ground upon hi* left arm,
breaking it and also causing a fracture of
tho bone between the elbow and shoulder.
We hope the lad will soon recover.
A numlier of wild ducks visited the
planing mill dam last Saturday morning—
we would not venture to say how many, as
authorities place the nutnbor all the way
from one dozen to two hundred. Among
them were a few of those white, long
winged birds, known by the name of
"loon*." Most of the ducks were of the
"dipper" kind, and *eeined to lie dipping
all tbe time. Their presence attracted
Me*|rs Tlieo. De*chner, K. L. Gray,
Samuel Foster and other sports to the
scene, who added several jtountl* to the
amount of shot already in the basin of the
dam, greatly to the amusement of the
duck*. These dipper duck* are excellent
object* to take aim at, but with the first
flash from the gun they disappear, and
after the lapse of about five minute* may be
seen triumphantly and safely twimingon
the surface about one hundred feat away.
—The doer* of good deed* have seldom
an opportunity to make their benefaction*
remunerative to themselves, but an excep
tion to thil rule may be found in the terms
of the advertisement of the new book, by
the late General J. B. Hood, which an
nounces that General G. T. Beauregard,
whose post-office address is New Orleens,
La., will send any kindly disposed person
a copy of "Advance and Retreat, Personal
Experiences in the United .States and
Confederate State* Armies," an octavo
volume, handsomely gotten up, worth
more than the price, and the entire pro
ceed* from the sale of which will be de
voted to "The Hood Orphan Memorial
Fund," for the nurture, care, education and
support of the ten little babes of th%dead
warrior. Read the advertisement, and
send General Beauregard the three dollar*.
—On Tuesday morning, March 26, Mr.
Emanuel Leitzell, of North Bend, Ne
braska, but formerly of Penns Valley,
this county, fell dead while engaged at
work in his field. Mr. Laitzell's two son*
were with him at the time, tbe younger
being engaged in harrowing with a team
of rather unmanageable ponies. Seeing
hi* trouble, Mr. leitzell went to hi* as
sistance, and undertook to subdue the in
tractable animals. Being unable, however,
to hold tbem, he again called the aid of
hi* son*. The plunging of the ponie*
dragged the boy* some distance from their
father, who waa observed to sink to the
ground. Mrs. Laitaell, who wa* standing
at the door of the house, hastened to his
assistance, only to find ber husband dead.
The sad event wa* caused by a stroke of
apopioxy, brought on by the violent exer
tion in holding tbe ponie*. Tbe deceased
wa* fllty-flve years old, and leaves a wife
and three children.
IIELLXroxTK, April 12, 1880.
EDITOR* DEMOCRAT— 9ir*An article
appeared in your paper of the Btb instant,
in relation to a shoe button that wa* taken
out of the left nostril of our little twin
daughter, Maggie, and least our family
physician might be placed In an nnfafr
lig'bt In the matter, 1 wish to say
that he called to see Maggie Heptember
27, 1879, and had not been in the family
for thirteen month* previous to this call,
and ha* not treated tbe child since the
Ur*t call. JOHN F. POTTER.
TRIBUTE OT RESPECT.— Whereas, it has
pleased the Almighty in the wisdom ot his
all-wise providence to remove from our
midst our faithful comrada and fellow
member of the Veteran Club of Potter
township, James J. Dresher, we feel It our
duty to prepare testimonials of respect, to
be placed upon our record*; therefore,
ttetolred, That in the death of Jame* J.
Dresher our Club mourn* the lots of one
of its most useful and faithful members,
one ever vigilant in the performance of
hi* duties to tbe Club room aftd upon the
tented field.
Assofred, That while we sympathize
moat deeply in the bereavement of af
flicted family, it la a source of comfort to
tbem and us, that our friend was ever
ready and faithful under nil circumstances
in tbe discharge of his dalles as a soldier
and friend.
Nesoftwd, That a copy of these resolu
tion* be sent to the bereaved family and
published in the county papers,
HENRY GARVKR, V Committee.
Fruai our regular Currrapoadant.
WASHINGTON, I>. C., April 19, 1880.
Tbo intercut felt in this country in
the vHNt fund* accumulated in Kurope
through the various large unclaimed
ornate* of many extinct families, is
surprising, and it exhibits itself here in
the shape of letters .addressed to the
President or Secretary of State. The
impression seems to Ire prevalent that
our Government is in some manner
Ixxind to look after the interests of
such of its subjects as may have some
genealogicnl connection with these prop
erties, hence the numerous inquiries
which reach the President or the .State
Department. Recently the jocular
inquiry was made in some of the news
papers, •' VHiere are the Kern family ?"
and with this the statement that the
Holland Government owed the Kern
estate for moneys loaned it by that
family over a hundred years ago, an
accumulated principal and interest ex
ceeding one hundred millions of dollars.
Certain members of this family settled
in Pennsylvania, and, judging by what
letters we have seen, wo fancy that ev
ery person in the United Stales named
Kern, whose ancestors can he traced
hack to that Slate, imagine* himself as
entitled to a slice of the Dutch millions.
And yet Col. Sellers' castle in the air,
with "millions in them," have less of
the "insubstantial" than this legacy
to the American Kern heirs. The
State Department, we presume, is con
stantly issuing pasj>orts to those who
go to Kurope seeking family title or
estates. Yet of the thousands who
have gone for thia purpose, not one has
succeeded in securing the slightest rec
ognition. We recently met one of
these, whose claim to the Knglish lord
ship seems unquestionable, but the
failure of the "younger son " who came
to this country just after the War of
)Bl'J to establish his right to succession,
prior to his death in 1810, now cll'ectu
ally lara his lineal heir from the enjoy
ment of a place among the peers of
that country. Still his decendant*
dilate as glibly upon their blood and
rights as were their claims fully estab
The House has tacked the rider on
the deficiency appropriation bill, which
restricts the jiowers of the United
States marshals at elections, and in so
doing has presented us the most singu
lar spectacle ever seen in that or any
sawdust arena. It was a debate in
which only the op|>osition participated.
The Democrats had agreed among
themselves that they would not debate
the question, but would permit the lie
publicans to discuss it as fully as they
wished, reserving, however, the right
to close the discussion with an argu
ment, which win, ably done by General
Kwiug. The Republicans talked in the
most vigorous style—Frye, Conge}, anil
all their beat orators indulging in the
finest effoits of sarcasm, laoois and
abuse, but without eliciting'the usual
response from the Democrats, who
gravely sat in silence to the end. It
must have been, indeed, a trying ordeal;
one dictated alone by the absolute
necessity of | arty ends, or the average
Congressman could no more have re
sisted a retort than A Xantippe the last
word in a scolding contest. It was an
extraordinary scene to us, and. like
Capt. Cuttle, we felt bound to "make a
note on't." The final vole, taken on
conclusion of General Kwing'a speech,
was on a strictly psrty basis, and the
measure baa the advantage, through
the |>eculiar manner of its adoption, of
not going before the country with cer
tain indiscreet utterances which attend
ed its passage in the last Congress.
The Senate has taken one good step
in appointing a commission to devise
some plan by which the immense losses
of revenue through the evasions of
stamp act on cigar* and manufactured
tobacco may be prevented. The good
to flow from the labor of this commis
sion will, we think, not so much be in
checking evasion* as in showing that
the reduction of tobacco tax, by the
44th Congress, was a grave error. Tak
ing ofT thia tax lias not, in the slightest
degree, increased the consumption, sa
was claimed would be the result; hence
the nine or more millions of loss to the
revenue which has ensued should have
the cause fully demonstrated, and the
original duly restored. The country
can well afforded to tax its luxuries.
But we fear that ao long aa such an ar
ticle of prime necessity as matches must
make up the deficit of millions of rev
enues which should, by right, be rsised
through duties on whisky and tobacco,
that the latter articles of questionable
necessity will continue to bear the
lighter burden of taxation.
It seems that the rowing match be
tween Hanlan and Courtney for the
world's championship, ia to take place
at Washington. The parties interested
agreed that all the requirements of a
great contest like thia could be had
here, and they have made a fortunate
select ion. They will have a tine course,
and can rely u|>on full protection from
interference of any kind, and upon fair
and honorable treatment all round.
No boats will be cut here, and more
i>eople will witness the race than could
have been assembled, perhaps, at any
other point. The Potomac is admirably
suited for rowing purposes. The stretch
from the bridge which spans the river
at Georgetown down to the Long Bridge
and return, cannot be surpassed in the
whole country.
In all the presidential headquarters
we find the greatest activity, as well as
the extreme of hopefulness (or the va
rious candidates on the part of the
workers. In a general canvass, we have
met no supporter so tanking in enthu
siasm as to admit the possibility of de
feat of his leader, and it is difficult to
reconcile the discrepancy of statements
made as to the delegates already elected
in the States. Keen candidate seem
ingly claims all these delegates, and we
give up the conundrum as to which one
will be the successful aspirant, but ap
parently the "Great Unknown" will
win at both Chicago and Cincinnati,
and we predict that neither of the three
most prominently mentioned candidates
of each party will be nominated. To
be etrong in advanoe is to be weak in
the final contest, as was the ease with
Mr. Seward in 1860, George H. Pendle
ton In IMS, and Mr. Blaine in IRTfI.
S. cP A. LOElt, 4teneral Merchant*, Allegheny Street, Itetfefonte, J'a.
S. -A-. LQEB.
Having; ptirchanod largely previous to the late advance In prlceM, we are prepared
to share these advantages with onr trade. Our stock of
Men's,. Boys' and Children's Clothing
1H far ahead of anything to he found in the Cpuuty for QUALITY and PRIUEB.
Fine Goods—Elegant Fits—a specialty.
we are offering at 25 per cent, less than present prices in first hands.
MIIDY CUMIN we are equally well supplied at low prices
Uil I UUUUO and CANNOT be undersold.
IN or L 3l^ 6 or Small, Old or Young—all kinds,
111 OnULD, grades and qualities—at prices that in this
"Boom" are wonderful.
With increased room, provided for our ever increasing business, and extra facilities
for light, prompt attention and honorable square dealing,
5.4 A. LOEB,: "SEiS* :S. £ A. LOEB,
New Advertisement*.
Nolle* I. lI.T. M ititrii.tlia! In pur *iu ru. "f An Art
ol Aa-inM}, I'MM-I tin- 12th day Jut>. At. I*ls.
rnuU*l Aa Art lo amaud n Art illn< tad tb mud. of
..lling URM.I.I tan-l* In 1.-otra comity," and 11..
..-reral au|>pl.ni<-nt* Ih.rrto. (bara *lll b. .ijuuil to
i,ul.hr ul* <>f ontrry, tin- following Irmrl. of una.al.-d
land* In raid county lor lb. !*• do. *d napm-l
theraou. at UM> Onu.t Hon* iu lb. ftinmil -jf Url *
font., on lb. CKCUND MONDAY OF JINK, A I'.
>•. .
Art.-. A I'rr. Warrant#-.. I.xi-a
•£M Thorn*. J .bh.lon, 3-4 ""
10 And Cuou, I 0
M Rotori Ilolmra, 2 04
M John 1 *•
if) J, D. Itarrl*. I *0
2 Join. Dart*. I U ]
100 Foak-r Ti* '"Woa*), 2 •'
1 01.
Kd tof Park#* A I.U'M, tl 41 I
3-.J 112 Jobn Cm bran, U j
370 145 D Karahaddan. 3" 0*
6tt It.". Jo#..lb* 11 H.nrjr, 2-i 4" !
4-11 40 M 'RAW IL'.-D. XI IK
41* 4U Milium lll. S2 I* |
6TI tea j .-uli Ifalnra, XI 4"
4.4 *| liarr.t Cutting# r, 02 04
aou Fi.uk McCoy, 23 12 1
4** l William Mlllrt, b .
Id) Rlrd Wilton. CI 27 1
140 ll.ory Hurt*. n*
LLC Mil bad O'Brjnn, 1 ■')
6'W I*3 Jobn Ri*. 7-' i
415 John ..} m, 41 !
415 FJI Can by, 6 *4 I
43.1 14) Kuuail L-aiimaat. • |
37V| Dat ,-t bra la 5 .*>*
415 . J.DIN Rarr-.0, o *4 1
411 Tlo.ma. P Wharton. 1* 75 j
34 Waller ht.wart, I OF
314 22 Paul Cos. 42a
14*1 22 John V.nglin, 31 RTI
All 163 John Ikindly. Ft 44
411 163 John Rlitd, *8 M
421 IM 11.-nry Dnadly, 2-> *4
AO IC3 Uoi-.il Rrady, W# At
433 163 Rubral llly, 2* Bfl
4XI |<43 William Imnit, 1.3 44
433 IN) John In.*art. 13 14
433 IH3 J .mo Ton.ra, 13 14
4XI 1 W lla.ni mi;, 13 14
415 John W.itml, 12 an
415 Jan..-* BUrk. 12 89
415 J - t h J Walla#a. II W
6.1 lA3 William C*.k, 1144
6M lA3 John t 0wd..., 1.3 44
433 KM William P Brady, *8 *0
443 143 lira,r# MbafW, 26 bn
4-3.3 Kvl Jobn lloumi, 3) 15
4-33 |3 John I.Ton. 2u 15#
433 lA3 UMTA Ibd-TM, 24 AO
433 144 Thorn*, liranl, 14 44
4--X 1 John Brady, 13 44
415 Jotia B. yd. 24 73
433 IA3 Al.x (imiM. 13 44
43.1 141 Juarpb Martin, 1-3 44
4.13 ltd Tbo mat llamlllon. 13 40
433 143 John Bitot. 13 4*
415 Jacob W Hdnra. 12 80
441 IA3 Benjamin Vonng, l.< 41
453 I6J Al.x. Ilontnr. 1.3 4b
453 16.3 Nunod lluntra. 13 44
453 lA3 Thorn*, ilmtw, 1.3 41
43.3 153 Fnanrtti T.nrh, 13 4
4U 153 Hong* llarrkuu, 13 41
453 15.3 Jobn Slrholnoa. IS 44
451 153 lilnlr M < iannhnn, 13 46
43.3 158 Pnarant# Unit, 5.3 31
id I*l Unmrg. M.< lanahnn, 53 *1
433 153 Polly MrH.n.ban, VI 61
431 153 Asa Mil i.nalmn, 53 *|
4.U 15) Dnurg. Nwb, 53 1
4.33 153 A lid rat* IVttU, 52 *1
4.H 1.->3 William 810 .hain, 53 61
415 Kkthan l#**y, 12 W
415 JoarphTboaa*. 12 an
413 lA3 JoMoh Walla#l3 41
4U lA3 Jontpb WalUr., 1.3 41
434 IM William Bdl, 13 4A
433 184 Hamad M Fux, 21 27
415 Rarab M Talman. 21 65
211 of Jrt.miab Paik.r, 334
631 KW AUx.nlrt Bdl, 34 84
433 103 AI*X. 2. Bnllu. 13 41
ct atw
403 Rnbormi Kdan, 54 00
IIM Jarara Millar, II ei
203 Jamra lrrln, 24 no
AO Ed. Ilallondl, 5 56
4U Kalbar Eddy. 53 no
415 Capr Wlrtar, 53 00
3*o, Jonrpb K.tas • 34
an QIMUvm, • a*
3U7| laaar Longrtrath, • 36
433 183 J antra W hit., • M
337 IJndt.y Coat*. 3 AO
415 William Ullbnrt, 78 30
433 153 Barnud Atoll. S3 10
413 J ran* W .In, 21 40
413 Molly Wharton, 27 M
413 J.tanttb Wain, 27 31
333 It it bard Wain, 24 8*
3161 40 John 8. Vnrat, 2* u
433 163 TUomn. Ilal., Kl 21
416 Jacob Wdn. 23 71
320 Jnn4han Willi*, 24 AO
*l?| llolatti Aln.ly. IS SO
415 John Mrt'anl.v, 11 27
413 Charla* All.n, 27 *
217 Flab burn Wharton, ) 14 M
811 Rlrhartl Tubß. IT.W
2071 CaM> Una, j f 56
2073 INK Lontrairrtb, j S 33
153 83 Job W. Park.r. 27 lo
135 ll.nry l>oraid. I 18
Bfl| Rnlrart Aln.ly., 35 30
100 Uicbard TanM, 14 08
433 183 Tbntnm McEvrm, 2* 02
317 Flahltnrn W harton, 15
50 J. W. A A C. Pnrfcnr, 2 80
800 Philip M.y*ra, 31 30
lie Mmon M.ynra, IS 80
4*26 4* Mlchnd Mt vcr*. • 31 Ml
I 434 JoMpb Dnlina. * ]• 10
1321 Jnl. W. Pa.krr,
IH> W. M. Park-r, 7 27
Sin I J oka PMIu-b.ll, 8 80
t 888 Job W. Puck nr. t SA
IS | of J. W. Parbor, IS
4(61 J. X Lena. IS tM
433 181 B*aJ R. Morgan, 8 30
Ml laaar Bnnkl.y. S 80
SO Jnaiah Mby, 3 00
30 Richard Noady, 8 an
10 Abraham Htrka, 47
90 30 Jnha P.PHcr,' 41
34 Julia B'.i. (ntravr), f 31
)A Bernard Hnbiy, 8 43
400 William Taggart, 8 10
ftsiJTTis. 18
go NMOr. It
a i&ssr* !S
J2* 150 wmi.nt Mod.*, 948
31.1 ff A'Uui liolindpr, X2l
JKKI gJ Alhrighl hkkiueftjfkl, 3|W
A.O Ulimrfes lUtl. T* 73
JL Abraham gl.Jwr, 7*
W II llaiDklll 'Awnwr), * lo
'it J*r \ AO | MM. | 4 M
Kl kst C. VattpM*! wafate (oanar), 141
W 74 C Yaaponl lair 4 !
♦O )n I'tf l* frbwMrar, lAa
o<'7 0i Kwarnw> W Uarfoa, C 7**.
IQt J*lin Dam. 2 I1
lw J. 17. nogef, iWj
l.V> John Dam. 2 IT i
4M Ullllarn Mtoaa, 7 w
'I ML-Hfttiic-ii (osraat), I <4 |
13rt Ul* rffW Tog, 31 ttf '
W John Iraift, 1 ?0 (
Ul JuhQ itvia, M
fIGH kit.
*JO William Ouaamaft, 1 17
41 142 *I.I. IU 41 HERO, 172
Z'> J'MB-ph h M
| IJ(| A4am kalio 14 10
I istti r.
' I<JO J. Al* <ifiriualiMk. a 3k>
j I*6 p|l Jidllt Puttor. I* Mt
j 175 Jain.*, A Qnlgl.y, * 893 I
30 Ria> Pek.r. 4 21,
i 175 11.-r K . It llraa. 6 i
' 8t K-Aartt A Jan.ra Hayra 32 Ve I
j IM iiaaftl Kr-U*., I„ I
10 Anmtid P *bnk. (oatrar.) 4 7n
* Danld Datld I ,
53 18 J. D Mingrat, 226 I
*0 W A. Thorn**. 24 !
2JO Alrxandra Arolt. id 2* i
j 124 122 Abraham 1-nytW, 2* id I
I Ml Militant Alltnuß, 5 80
j 53" Mrtraltnont, 52*
144 60 John i -rtnaa. 6 t#4 t
5u Jacob Drtlr, io#rn*r ) 2 40
I 425 H*nry Toiattd, 754 '
425 Datltl William., 7 54 '
425 KamncJ SniaA 7 54
324 IU<U.rO l-ar6.l, 3 74
j 324 Jei.mtah Parker, 376
73 Tboma. Innra 1 S3
422 111 John Marker, 7 31
j 151 hu Briti 3-tung, 275
7S William Bart#*, 1 S3
j 8H Jb.i-.rt Oray. 177
t 474 Ib-rnM Itrnnt. 643
4*i A .xattd.r llnntra, 3 18
I 431 J.r.tul.h Jaiimi, 703
j 125 William Ktaa-lmau, 216 :
I ISO Jtotmrt T.f rat I, 2SI I
u Th->man Bnntto. I 85
1 3tU A a ran L*ry 532
- 610 R -i-.fi Brady, 7A;
410 Hannah Brad# , 7 82
420 Jtobrti lira*. 7 8*
He Al-raiuun 6c*rtt, 1 77
I y H Ujiee*! 841 * •
150 * Abraham Monti, 2€7
00 Mam ud lit oil, I to.
j 355 Jan. Brad,, • 452
| Jobs Bradi, 3 35
j 424 Orgfyr (sUbonb, 753
i 416 Jhn Bicfrird. 7 6*.
1 300 William Parker, 332
| IS3 J-.lin Doraay, 222
125 M'-orr Wharton, _ 2 23
4<t2 133 William Milra. 7 12
1 28 W ilium Park**, 43
, 320 Jnarph Fnaran, 3 M
1 SJO 124 Orarg. Kltto. 641
158 80 8 Itorr 3 Jar ptabl, 411
W William I,on man, II 80
We Daald l.ty, II bo
138 54 J<tba Ab'irra. 270
6V t Jacob IVanalmrdra, Vi
Jt4nlNtMi.Jr.imNr), I H
580 park.r, |H 37
170 Parka*, 3 38
IS2 fluWlnn. J M
WW Ahlira Falßtrr, 12 On
527 AAA Ac..lt. |0 34
138 134 Ocurgn P.—t. |3k
433 |st R Morgan, 07 5A
633 133 Thoma, Urrarat*. 17 88
453 163 Darld Ut*. 17 88
633 lid Philip Kniaw, 17 86
483 153 Jacob WVtrlrf, 17 30
38 J.-bti Walla, 2 |
300 Joarph Stroag, 8 08
2M Paul Wdb* 10 01
6e Jaanra Rndi. IS 2*
300 Tbomaa Rrakin. I- rat
433 183 lb-a**i Lara#. i; go
200 Jt-ha Burg. 4 Ml
498 IBS ll.nry Pin barton. It 38
480 0 J antra Ranrr, 17 2|
Mat thia. Uraß. 12 00
438 ISS Robert lrrln, 87 35
483 133 Jubn Funk, 43 62
-523 Hugh Pat km, S3 31
450 147 Jartth Kaafc. 83 10
422 44 John W Hitman, 64 Of
4A2 113 Jacuh Wddotaß, 8) 5}
75 Joanph llartlnao, 3 81
638 138 Jnanh Rndraill. 17 38
4X3 1U Panl Bnah, 87 35
433 Id! Paul Math. 87 AS
438 168 Paul Much. 87 53
IXB 18) Juhn Borland, 87 83
613 113 John Kt lly, 8? 83
434 183 John Bud., 87 35
683 183 Jnha bark, 87 58
400 Juha Blank, 88 Wi
SIS Jntmpk W .11., 41 81
433 US Richard Malcua, 87 85
648 159 J antra Tit.", 45 02
488 158 John HtMabrigbt, 87 55
488 183 And ran lira A. 87 38
307 137 Chrtatian Maraar, 83 83
48 bamnd CTmatnal. 8 24
15 Ornpra Ur*iB , 8 —5
438 1418 Juhn Hnpkiaa. 00 72
483 153 Jubn W iUnft, It
483 158 Daald Bwki.y, 87 33
433 153 Ki. hard Prtora, 22 58
M Juha Cepaalrarra, 10 40
lid Jobn Cotnmbarar, 5 20
VO f Andrrn AIIMna. 38 00
3UO of A Alltaoa * Jobn tally. 02 W)
443 133 Will km Oray, JOS 83
8 Jamra Wilaoa ratal* (enrara), 6 20
40 WUllamT* aSkait, 3 s
280 John Pim, M p,
621 181 Krar*** Wharton, 34 38
. 613 Rubral Wntmra. 88 W
He DatM tkrarmddaa. It 80
4XI |8) And raw Rwia-rt. 14 04
661 138 M* Whartun. 54 <8
482 133 Willlara Parhra, 68 88
488 188 R>B#rra W ran, 38 80
613 158 BrnJamin U. Tallman, 38 4V
M 138 Wi What km. 58 48
483 138 A A. Valrattn.. 88 18
488 138 M. T Mill than, 38 18
6I M. J. Mitrbdl, 91 B)
SWfa Kd-ly. M 27
Jamra T ll* 1n,40 78
Jnraw MaMmtso, 38 26
Samml Una. 38 &
389 IWnyaaitn R M.rgas, 30 93
433 IM Th-mra 5B 85
384 A ndraw Bsysrd. 38 2*
j 411 |cf Ramurl _ k ..
} <ll6 if Jrt/ii*h P*ik> r,
,•! Jul. ItMllj,
♦<) l> Kar.k.dro. " ,
!• K*rah Ititll. i.-11, ,
| 4< 7.7 .VJ Mitchell.
41 t 44 iMflil owh>4i>ii, . < ;
41.' 44 Iaid t'*,aad<.l>,
2*7 14* I<*ti4iri.wlvt<, •/*
! 4XI 120 Luke Mir.~->, 2, .
i 433 144 Franrii W|, j (J
6XI IVI Milium It. Woat, j, , ,
4XI 163 Jblt Wl,
4111 IU l> It < utinlofhau.
366 71 Jnfcu M Si-M, •
XIV) 141 Hugh I'lm, j. •
360 141 John H-Uay. .
4XI Bud W llnrtfi,
i 4X4 164 kraiiifi W liktlM, 1,1,
Ik J ihn 1. Knit), ] t -
X Tl< una* jltrW*. ' mtrr } ,<
K 103 Tiii4in> Th<.rtil<ufg. ;*,
nr. m * </•*), 4; j;
4" J)HIO Hu-li,
4.U 163 TtortlM* 11)4 3. IliBM-t., 2 "
4Vt 163 Kit II —ittub.
I'i JnitDn Mm**. 3 •;,
I 4/1 1 lIKXIt Olfptirn/.
4X3 163 L/al, Mm ....
4-CI 163 l lil, M<* <.maoon,
I*6 Mow. IWK >
I 60 Jouf* V4f, .
1 ill llnfli) H<)ti too 3: ll
4 4 M W |fc4l(6Ml| , at,
| 4M J-dw M<mtc*<tn*r, 41 ft
1444 Jobs Oarr, I" .
WO 4 tntr) Omt, '.T in
1'" Mtrfcae) Wrttw, It T/
I'O M/h*)! H/tltHf, 4>> 4,
Jex.l Bark.
|6O li/ut|/ Monti,
4XI U) Mar, fmith.
IHI M itliaia %tiao", 1/ ,
!'> 1N....1 Ral>|..n,
to AM Lid**.
So ( ImuI 14" k ill.,
1 144 Trail So. I 44 •>
I"® Trnct So. 2 4. '
I* Trail So I* 4* .'i
141 Tract X 4 X ■*
216 It-art So 12 t. Li
71 of Thorn*/ MrChir/,
W C. A at p.. I, * It
46* t lll.** Bell ) . in.
to R Molbnllantl. 2 It
ll Ml Ml Mini* Brower, a %
21/1 Aba tto/l, 41 H
fit P. 6 k. Kahba, JD till
I'M* Jane Hlai.,
I'dl Awn/4 Phippa, 11 :t)
117 lUlfrr l/itH. 4 10
433 133 llotmrt 6i/ • *)1, ,
BO* I K!o*ort/-r Rr*nh*m, Jn
I* Mamoel 1 kill.). }l I
140 John (\<|**i
So of fi-vre liiit.
U X Rudolph MalholU). I. UVI
74 64 art* Hbr*r •
212 Kum/I tluknu. *M
100 I**l4 Reed, b 14
toll Mary M l.or V ),1
<Jrt| IX3 Jam** ttrtkr, 714
40 John Baker 1 41
46 Ji* MII<<O4II<C W.
70 llwr) Irtx k. At, (em net | 3-2
• toil.
176 llootr* A Im. iff 74
too M llllaa. M|n, Jr., U >0
423 163 Ittiarl tou, 12 4*
TU/ aunt of 8(1, 01, la. noat of /4i/rtlac|. mil I*
<l <11 |o ttu takaa a*4 na.lt la nark iw
A. YKAKICK, Trraturtr.
Tr/naurer'* OlRee. Bel Monte, Pa . I
April 10. 1660 J
Tu fltui, rat i,tit. tat OmiuititL
30 ARTISTS. 30
Ren Vatnton of Harriet Baa, bar ftotrr'a laataiial
The (trottftl Hirrftu tf M*rt Nfwois
Ittattn it tit ranrtk, tat Pua in Ul"T.
witanit MTI*T.
Kirtii tu, Inittrt Sow*
Apponmnoa of lb* Brllla and aeoomirttabad Artra/v
T Gaaatsat tmt* "Tarat,"
la bar aHptal an-l ran.-ttnad i*t4iHm of Topay a lib
BOkti*, HAM Ui and BANJO DOUlk.
Art ST A.
Tba Qraalad Child Aora-a um tk* tto* of tba Gld*
rtttpporlad by a
Tba Only Oaoaloa
!■ tba Ureal Plantation Mutton BBklac Mi'
Of Salt Orlaana
Tbr Or/at KKOWtSIi BOSRXT PRPRO, trOI appear
at arary p rfor—ni *
Paor Part llt*. > Mratoi Pmcnoa
The only atrkrt Rrat Claaa f matnnny on tba rood play*
tag to PBOPl.r* POPCLA* PBICKrt.
Raaar*rd Baals. .... ItaadkOCanU.
Admkaton, ....... -
>iaand Brala Mr Mia at 211112 Jrtralr* Mor,.
Butt open a* T. Itatati* at * eYtnrb
mn t>. BTRAFtTS BaatnaM Agant-
VTOTICE it hereby given that the
A~ Aoooaalof ■ICN ARL ttrniSOßß. OoMMlu**
of JoOlB Hmtnasa, A Latuttlr. *a gird by M la Rlab'l
and Amah* nti!*(*-,. itaMttnbn of A*, of Mi
charl Hrnitfar, dataatad, tad hern Blad In tba eMee
ef the Protbonviary t tba Xmrt of t .to> >a Ptan* ia
and Btr Centra fnittt, **< l thai tba mid acoonal a ill
ba praamtad lor eonOrmatlnn at ibe naxt tor* of a*id
amrt. 113-41) Jt.HAßPßß.Protbonot.rr.