Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 15, 1880, Image 2

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    ®hr tCnitn jPrastrat
.A. Or rt IO XT Is TTT xi A. X*.
Every farmer in his annua/ experience
iliscacers something of valve. Write it and
send it to the "Agricultural Editor of the
DEMOCRAT, lletle'foute, I'enn'a," that other j
farmers may hare the benefit of it. Let !
eomiHunicatums he timely, and be sure that ,
they are brief and well pointed.
TRY A small lot of beets for stock '
feed this season, if it be only one
fourth of an acre, and remember that
the three essentials arc: plenty ot
manure, deep and thorough cultiva
tion, and sowing as soon in spring as
danger of frost will permit.
WE recommend the saving of all
the ashes made about the premises of
farmers. Even coal ashes are useful
as an absorlient and loosener of the
soul, and are not entirely wanting in
fertilizing qualities. Wood ashes
contain a large amount of potash, an
important element of fertility, and
are particularly valuable for onions
and as a dressing for strawberries.
A CORRESPONDENT, who has saved
a quantity of hen manure during the
winter, and wishes to make a compost
of it for corn, finds much of it in hard,
dried lumps which will not work up
well, and asks us how to pulverize it.
We hax'e at various times tried
pounding it with a flail, mashing it
with the back of a shovel, and so on,
with but unsatisfactory success. If
our correspondent has an old-fash
♦oncd undershot threshing machine,
lie might run it through that. It
would undoubtedly pulverize it, but
would, wo should think, prove an
unpleasantly dusty job. We have
half a ton, or thereabouts,of the same
untractable material on hand this
spring, and propose to reduce it to
. proper condition by running it
through our "Gig Giant" feed mill.
It cannot hurt the mill, and a bushel
of cobs run through afterwards will
thoroughly clean it.
ONE of the prime features requisite
to success in gardening is, that the
soil shall lie made rich for the recep
tion of the seeds. They should get
a good start by having a generous
and nutritive soil to germinate in.
After they begin to develop the
soil can hardly be kept too rich.
Vegetables grown in a [ioor soil are
not only small, but are inferior in
every way. They are quite sure to
lack flavor, and are generally tough
and stringy. On the contrary, when
grown in good soil, the}' are fine in
flavor, and tender, and the extra
quantity which a good soil nlways
insures, is worth many times more
than enough to pay for the expense
and trouble of fitting up nnd furnish
ing conveniences for the application
of manure in a liquid form, through
out the growing season. Perhaps
the easiest and best way to do this
on a scale sufficiently large for the
ordinary family garden is to set up a
"lyc gum," or "leach," such as is
used on most farms in the spring for
converting the winter's accumulation
of wood ashes into soap, and fill it
with hen droppings instead of ashes
—though a bucketful or two of ashes
mixed with the droppings will do no
harm. The "lye" from this will, of
course, be much too strong for appli
cation to plants, and should lie dilat
ed until it is about the color of weak
tea, and then applied by [touring it
altout the plants, and not over them.
The Census.
The enumerators will begin taking
the census on the first day of June,
and it must be completed within that
month. June is a very busy month
for the farmers, and many of them
will .find themselves annoyed by the
long string of questions which the
census taker must unavoidably ask.
Over and above the ordinary queries
which will he put to all person*, there
is quite a series concerning the "Pro
ductions of Agriculture" which only
the farmer will be called upon to
answer, and to which we should, in
order to secure accuracy, and save
much time, have answers already
prepared. In our issue of November
13, we published a circular from Gen.
"Walker, Hnperintendent of Census,
giving these questions in tabular
form, with full explanation. Wc
particularly lies re that the agricul
tural interests of Centre county shall
be correctly reported, and therefore
republish this circular below, and
urge upon our farmers the Importance
of having themselves prepared to j
promptly respond to all the queries |
before the enumerator makes Ids
The agricultural schedule annexed to >
the Act ot 1850, which is also made a '
part ot' the Act of March 1879. pro- i
vitliug (or the tenth census, requires a |
report of the chief productions of agri- !
culture "during the year ended dune I." j
Now, there is no distinct agricultural !
year which ends on the tirst of dune, I
and there is reason to believe that the I
statistics of agriculture from 1850 to
-1870, in regard to many of the principle I
products, embraces portions of two dif ]
ferent crops, inasmuch as the euumera- i
tinn was protracted through three or i
four, nnd even tive months.
By the act ap| roved Match 3, 1879, it
is provided that the tenth Census shall i
bo taken and completed during the 1
month of dune, 1880. This provision i
greatly reduces the liability to error
which has been noticed.
As the enumeration commences on j
the first of June, and closes on or be
fore the thirtieth, all the crops which
ure gathered once a year will fall pretty
clearly on one side or the other of the
dividing line.
Thus the cotton crop reported in the
census will bo that of 1879, gathered in
the fall of that year; while the wool
clip or "wool crop"' will be that of 1880
except in portions of California and
Texas, where both a spring and fall clip
are secured.
For certain of the productions ot
agriculture, however, there is no harvest
in the usual sense of that term; but
the product is gathered week by week,
or day by day, as it matures—milk
butter, cheese, meat fall into this class.
In view of the requirements of the
law, and of the great importance of
accurate statistical information relative
to agriculture, it is deemed to be high
ly desirable that farmers should prepare
themselves in advance to give the infor
mation with promptness and accuracy.
It is urgently recommended, therefore,
thit agricultural journals and the ofti
cers of agricultural societies and clubs
give publicity to this announcement,
and that all persons engaged in agricul
ture who shall receive this circular, or
; shall see it in the public prints, make
notes from time to time of ihf quanti
ties and values of their several crops
gathered, and the number of acres of
i land planted, in order that their state
ments, when niHtlc to the enumerators,
utay be of the highest possible value.
To remove any doubts that may arise
| concerning the crops to be returned in
the census, the following table presents
the several crops cpectiicaliy mentioned
in the agricultural schedule, arranged
accordingly as they fall into the ciiien
dr year 1879, or that of 18.80, or are to
he returned for the twelve months
beginning June 1, 1 s7O, and closing
May 31, 1880:
I. Iff the crop of the calendar year 1879.
Wheal —Acres, bushels.
Cam —Acres, bushels.
Ityc —Acres, bushels.
Oat* —Acres, bushels.
Parley —Acres, bushels.
Buckwheat —Acres, bushels.
Peas ami Beam — Bushels*.
Hire —Acres, pounds.
Tkarco —Acres, jmunds.
Cotton —Acres, bales.
Potatoes —Acres, bushels.
Orchard* —Acres, value of products,
f 'ineyarilt —Acres, value of products,
Small Fruits— Acres, value of products,
Hay —Acres, tons.
denser seed- —Bushels. •
(Ira** teed — Bushels.
Hope —Acres, pounds.
Hemp— Acres, tons.
Flax —Acres, pounds.
Flaxseed —Bushels.
Itic* —Number of hives, pounds of
wax, pounds of boney.
Sugar Cine —Acres, hogsheads of su
gar, gallons of molasses.
If. Of the crop of the. ealcnifar year 1880.
WW—Number of fleeces, |>ounds.
Maple Sugar —Pounds.
Maple Mola**e* —Gallons.
111. Oj thr yield of the twelve months,
•lune I, 1879, to May 31, 1880.
Hotter —Pounds.
Cheese —Pounds.
Milk sold —Gallons.
Value, of animals slaughtered,'dollars.
Market Gardens —Acres, value of pro
ducts, dollars.
Value of forest products, dollars.
Value of Home, manufactures, dollars.
Fas sets A. WAI.KBR,
Superintendent of Census.
Who Shall Decide When Doctors Disa
Last week n correspondent of the
X. Y. Tribune asked "Which side of
a crooked horn should tie scraped to
change its direction of growth ?" nnd
received the following editorial an
You will obtain the liest results
from scraping the horn on the same
side to which you wish it to turn.
The horn dries and shrinks when
scrapfed, while on the opposite side,
with strong, vigorous growth, it tends
to maintain its form and press the
horn over.
In the same week the same ques
tion was propounded to our "esteem
ed contemporary/' the Pradical
Farmer , and it gives as an answer the
following from two correspondents:
Bcrape the opposite side. To turn
the born down, scrape the upper side;
11 turn the horn up, scrape the under
side. If once is not sufficient, repeat
the scraping till you have the desired
Here's an illustration of the "great
value of Agricultural papers to the
farmer." No one farmer can ]>o ex
pected to know everything himself,'
and it's such a comfort to bo able to
ask your paper, and get the desired
information. We have a valuable
Jersey heifer, one of whose horns,
injured in her calf-hood, turns tip at
rather too decided an angle to please
our fancy, or correspond with its
mate, and we have been nnxiously
scanning our papers for information
which would enable us to scrape the
right side, and save us from making
a bad matter worse. Here we have
it, and we know just what to do!
(lucss we'll saw it oil.
Extracts and Comments.
A correspondent of an Eastern
paper writes: u Last season 1 kept
the striped bugs from ray cucumbers
by saturating ashes witli kerosene
and applying a handful on a hill."
We can readily believe that this
would secure immunity from [Jie
bugs, but is it not a pretty strong
dose for the plants ? We suggest
that it be tried with caution.
Every farmer's family should have
all tin* grapes they can eat from Sep
tember to January. It is not neces
sary to have a large vineyard for
Ibis. A few vines, each of the best
sorts, and properly treated, will give
a great amount of fruit. There are
hundreds of out-of-the-way places
where a vine may be set,such as along
I a fence, or it may lie by the side of a
j shed or barn. With good soil and
; care in pruning satisfactory returns
may lie expected.— Philadelphia He
It is the "proper treatment" and
! "care in pruning" as practiced by
amateurs who have an abundance of
time on their hands in which to trim,
and trellis, and tie up the few vines
they have which constitute the bug
bear that prevents many a farmer who
lias no time for such fussing from
having the abundance of grn|>ea which
the llecord is right in saying we
should have. Our advice is plant
\ vine*, and let the "pruning" and
proper "treatment" follow if they
can—if not, never mind. Don't wait
to "find a good place," or fix this or
that thing to your liking lirst. What
you want is grape*, ami the way to
get them is to plant vine*. Put them
in any and every out of the way
place. You can't do better than put
them beside the pig pen, and chicken
coop, and smoke house. They jill
all look the better for having a hand
i some grape vine ciiinb over them;
and y<)u will be the better and hap
pier for the grajies which you will
surely get, whether you "prune" any
or not.
Country Road Making,
i Frftn r.r ofOmnlry
The transportation question is one
of greatest importance to American
farmers. It is probable however that
the phase of this subject that has been
ienst discussed by public journals
—the making nnd mending of coun
try roads—is quite as important and
less understood than any other. A
large proportion of American farm
; products never reach the railroads.
I They arc consumed either on the
| firm or in the villages and cities
whither the farmer's team and wagon
j convey them. Most of these farmers
I live so far from market that one full
day at least is consumed in market
ing a load of produce. If the roads
are uniformly good and level a team
will draw two tons of grain more
easily than on ordinary roads they
will draw half that amount. This
may seem to some UKI great a differ
ence, but it is because we have too
few really good roads. Too little
attention is paid to grading. In a
long stretch of level roads, a slight
i bill may compel every teamater to
put on much less than he should lie
; able to do. In such case it would be
, lietter to grade the hill, if that he
l>ossil)le,or go around It. The meas
ure of value of n road is what a team
can draw over the hardest part of it.
There is a decided increase in the
selling value of farms which always
have a good and level road to market.
I do not believe the importance of
having good roads is appreciated as
it should and will he, but there is
already an understanding on this sub
ject which makes intelligent road
improvement profitable. As a rule,
most of the worlt annually put upon
country highways is wasted. Con
sciousness of this fact is one reason
why such work is generally shirked
as far as possible. Most men will
not work at their road-tax as they do
on their farms for themselves. If
they could know that their work en
the road was as directly for their
own lieneflt as that which they do in
every-day farm work, this would not
lie so. To have men engage earnest-
Jy in road-making, it must lie shown
that their labors are producing good
results. As it is now, very often the
harder men work the worse will be
the roods.
The severe winters and supcrabun
dant rains and snows of our northern
climate, make the keeping of roads
In repair extremely difllcult. Wo
have hardly begun to appreeiute the
importance of underdraiuing to keep
roads in good order. It is, on all
heavy soils, the first thing to lie
done. In neighborhoods where farm
ers nnderdrain their land, the roads
are much better than where they do
not. Very often the drain crosses
the road, and always at a point where
it will lie of most advantage. With
an nnderdrain three feet deep cross
ing a road, and usually in a depres
sion, it should be easy to keep a long
stretch of road always dry. This is
the place to put in a piece of macad
am turnpike—two or three layers of
stone lightly covered with earth and
gravel. The macadum turnpike is
really a thoroughly-drained road-lied
when it is perfect. The reason why
it so often fails is because in many
places there is no outlet to the drain.
The water runs under the road to
some depression, and there lies until
winter frosts have lifted the stones
froin their foundation, and left the
road a quagmire as soon as spring
came. If the macadam road-bed is
connected with an undcrdrain it will
obviate this trouble and make a firm
and permanent road-bed.
filing loose eartb and sods in the
centre of the road may be somewhat
better than leaving the surface level.
Hut if the soil is vegetable matter,
sods and the like, the more it is piled
up, the worse the road-bed will surely
lie. Nothing will do any good ex
cept to first remove surplus water by
stone or tile underdrains. When
i this is done, it is surprising how
little stone or gravel is needed. 1
am glad that road-makers are learn
ing to use more gravel ; but ill thou
sands of places drawing gravel to
throw on an undrained turnpike is
j nearly a waste of labor.
Everything should lie so arrange!
in the tool-house that not a moment's
time will he lost to get just what is
wanted, am! then when done using
any tool place it right hack where it
was. Hy such an arrangement and
system in handling tools everything
can always lie round without trouble
and a great deal of time saved.
One hour lost in the morning hy
I lying in lied will put hack all the
business of the day. An hour gained
hy rising early is worth one month
;in a year, fine hole in the fence
i will hy and hy cost ten times as
1 much as it would to fix it nt once.
One diseased sheep w ill s|hiU a flock.
One unruly animal will teach all
others in company had tricks.
Chloride of lime 1* the fiest disin
( ctant for cess-pools, and had smells
iroui poisoned rats, and is excellent
for hen roosts and hog pens.
liuHine*n Cards.
In liarmta'i Knw Block.
BKt.t.KPOXTK, PA 1-1,
a • JrWRI.KR,
ruwn, jrwtuir, Ac.
All work nntly etnentrd. On Allaghnny *tret,
I nrxlcr Hr . kerlr-ft llnonn. pf
- ♦ P • I>RI UOIKTS.
: 3 A Rrockcrlo.fr Row. i E
£ All 111* fUi.dard Patent Medlclnaa Pre- •
•* ;*crlptlon* and family Ren pa* accurately t
i * ipt|nrM. Traraaea, Shoulder Br arm, Ac, Ac. J
IPI . ♦-! |
Itruckaiti.df How, Allegheny Mrwwt,
1-ly MMm Pa
i, c. trim, Prnw't. i, r. mania. ikrt'r,
AlUgP*. A-tf
i kwcrlrr Depoaita
I And Altnw Intercat,
tHxc.uol Note*;
Bujr and Sell
Ooa. Bemritlea,
Hold nnd OoAjwim,
Jiau A HT*n. Praaident.
' J. R PnrnUT. Oaahlcr 4-tf
3= ! !
Hotel t'ariln.
j V J (Oppoalte tha Railroad Station.)
A. A. KOLILBKCKKK, Proprietor.
TIIROt'GH TRAVKI.KBS cm lb* railroad will and
lliU Hotel nn excellent plnre |o lunch. c.r procure n
meal, n* A 1.1. TRAINS atop nhotrt A mlttls. 4?
W. 8. MUHSKR, Proprietor.
The Inwn of MHlhelm In located In Penn't Valley,
(bout two milen from Gutmra Btatlnn, on th* Irwin
bairn, Centre and Sprnra Creek Railroad, wltk Mr
rounding* that make It a
Good Iron I Stdilng In tbn Innntlalr vtetally. A nab
rain* In erery train. At the Millhelm llutel am**-
modallon* will bn fonnd flrat-c-lam and term* naoder
ta. Jan* 21. l*7-ly*
V I frppoalt# Court Hon**, RRht.rTONTB, PA.
A good tdrnry nltnched. 1-ly
TBI* hnaran, prominent In a city famed for It* rotn
fortahl* hotel*. I* keiS In eaery reaped equal to any
Brat-dam hotel* In the country. Owing to Um atrln
rency of Ibe time*, lb# prtoa of hoard baa braan radnoad
to tnau polum per day. S. M'KIRSIN,
l*f Manager.
W. R. TELLER, Proprietor.
Good SampU Room on Stoomd Floor,
■jy-Free Roan to nnd from nil Train*. Special rate*
to wltnamea nnd Juror*. 1-ly
New t'irtor Hewing Maehine—Harper /trotltem, Agent*.
l/, lmprovements September, 1878.
Notwitlmtaniling the VICTOR baa 1/ .ntf \>< < n ihr
LIT IK :B El p<N-r <if iiriy K-vring Mnchlti. in tba market n fa'-t
\r if H / Wvi^if.w •ui'portwl by ft li'wt of volunl' i r vitja ►i- v • n"w
II H cilifnliritly claim f rit (\*at<r hi:. ,ty,
If \1 jlj mutCHfe* " w " l ' l ' r "''
f ;• • ■■ ||<> IH It • I I
; l"k''. run); tij' 1.. ;b< a> !L. nta
—We Sell Hew Machines Every Time.
fv'ii'l for Tllusfntft Circular on 1 prices. Liberal b tihh to tbo tra<lc. D•. t buy
until yoit have Keen tho
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Mafket.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
WwtU-rn liratii li Office, Si ait St., CUJCMKJ, Ilj- MIDDLLTOWN, CONN.
HARI'ER BROTHERS, Agent*, Spring Street, - - - BKLLKFONTE, J'A.
lI'I/HOII, MeVarlaae <• Co., Hardware J leal era.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
AI.I.WiIIKNV hTRK.KT, .... lUMK*IIUX.K, .... BE!.I.Rr >7, , A
UrU'ttt Ti km or t'rt *?- I*.unli Mr-lav, of Jan.
a>, A|tl, Auguat mi'i \'o,ifnl-r.
Jitdg*—ll -,i riu. A. ILa, rtr,
Additional Uu Judge— II n. II <* vi. Ralla-
A lII' Jii'lc ll"D H*ii I'lKCl.Joll IlTr*
PrtilUoiMdar, ll*nt.
lUgi.t.r ..f Will. and Cl'k "f n C-K W Brarartsib
lloourdrt ..f IMi, A'..— Wlu.ua A. T-mu.
riilrl'l dtlnrnay--lUvin A
Traaarnar- llraa, Tiun
• jnnij htir><-.n>i--J"*m tKTUxa.
OMMM fr Jcnn IMM
t'-.uiitv I'lmwlwl'm- AII'III li **/. i , Gxo. llwai,
Jxrae Itcaaiot
Clark I" (ftiunty ruralmiir-llinT He A
AH'ifn.T t" Puaul; (hnnW"W—C. M II"*II
Janitor of tl> Conrt llotioa— lueraia IliiHuitA
Count; Auditors— Ji*r T. lTi *t,'iaoau* H Wit-
U*Mi. Thohii It. Jim*"*.
Jnrj i •'tiitnl" 'ii<" J"** !*<'•*.f>"lt-Vt Kun
AupcnnU-od'tilot I' -M) |v i,<„d—Prof lILVIT Mil I*
HolirlM P"tillc~E** *1 Bun HIU. W. W. Portia,
It. C. I"IUI M'l. if ilrlxlit-
attßi MRS. 4.*
PRE*BYTKRI AN. MUmled on Siting and for* of
Hnvwd tirvta Servi-e., Punday at 1" .V A B and I
7 J R. B. Prnyet mating, Wednesday *t7| r A Sunday
r • ii tti Wi#wntQ u-irU-t
Spring and L**n*. Pa*tr. Rr* William Uuri*; rM
den* e. Spring t| MMkudlfl rhur* h.
MCTTIoDIST i:Pl*c**PAl. Situated wvHhen*! enr
net f Spring an l Howard MreeU Services, Sunday,
•t luku a and 7'., r a lYay*t ai'llwf, Wwtoaaiay i
at r. a. Sunday-erhool.Swnda} ta . j
nf rhurrh Pa*t4f. Rev A. I). Yocuw ; feddenre.
Curt in *traet. a rat of Hpring
iliah"i> let*een Allrgl*ny *•! Peaa. Service*
Sunday 4 and Wlm a a and I'.f a ; all other day*. I
7J* a a Paior, Rev. A i. Itrien . r "•hl*n<v, amilli '
Hde irf Hlah"|> hetwern Allegheny ami iHaa,
ST Jt'HN S KPIHOOPAI*. Situated itaihaHl rornar
of Allegheny and la*nth afraafa S*f ti S4iday
I<UH a.a and 7*4 p. a eervha# r
a. Amd Sundayarli'-l Sunday 2 r. a . in 1-MfiiiMit of
church. RW. UPV. John rriderica ..n
Umk *treet rw df Kfla"|al rbur<h.
I.CTH ER AM, Situated wrath *e*t rotw Vfiyli
and Pann atrnata Hrrair#*. Snnla> lu> A a.an.l r
a. ftintU) arbnol Sunday in tara ru>m of rhtirrk.
Pra* af.martin# W^wlriaa-layT 1 7 f. a. Paanr. Rat Sam
ual K 9'arat. rltWtw, at lliffli Mrl.
aaat Ua liurrb.
OKRM%N R>:n>RMKf>. POnatod mfihaaal mrnw
of Linu and Rplb| at rat ta Rarvicta hnnday al IO .Su
a a and'. a Prayar ma(lnc M adnaUy 7*4 r a
PMt<*r, Rat. J. V ImUng. iun<Uj-< hfl. Sunday P.'a
A a in lha rhurrh.
t'MTKD BRRTHRRN. Ritualatl noraar South ll.th
and Tlioau lraat Sundat al HMD A a.
•nd7 Madnata) ?U fa. Paa
tor, J. M Trait)*. Poat-ofh a ddra. Bai|afonta>.
AFRICAN MKTHGM.-T. Httnatad a rath and of
lllch afraaf. Hartiraa. Tundav JO 10 A a and 71 r a.
Prayar martin*. Wmluaaday 7| Pa. Snndat-arhwd In
rhurrh at !* # r. a. Paai-r. R. J4aa M. Palmar ,
raradarn a, Th<au rtraat.
I'RIKNItS, Rituatad and of Lo|ran •trr*t. mar
Rallafirata A*alamy. MMUKP, Tuiiday 11 A. B„
H adnaadty II A. a.
Y. R. T. A, Prayar martin** ara hald arary Sunday
at 4 anl atary Fri'lny atUr a In th# raiin of tha
Aaaoriation alora tha p.i| ttfßra A Pnlon tnaatinc ia
hald in tha nwua tha Aral Sunday in aurh m<>nth at 4 r
B- Rnnra opan night fmin d to 9 p.l
raaata In tha la>gan Il*a Ilouaa, Thumb*}, at 2 r. a.
maaUnc oarh Taaday at 7 p I. In thHr rooma In
llumaa Iralldlng, on Allaghany itnat.
ALL Heroin from this disojuie
that iwil<*i to If raM h ni|.| |rr Dt
DKM. Tin*. Powl.r.arc Hi. ily |>r*|mlloa ktiovn
IRat *lll rat* IV'tirtfti"* nH all rlt.r— m ot th.
Tmt til U"—lwt< to atmaa U oar faith ia
lk.i, and alw t cttaOn.* via that thfi ar no hunt
l>ag, w will forward to tttrj .ufl.r.r It; mail, pnat
paid, a raca Taut Hoi
Wa don't want ;onr mono; until lroa ar paHtatlt
aaUAwt ot thidr < nrattr. p-wom. If I If. | voitß
mrlnf. don't <i< lj la firing Una. Pownaa a trial, aa
Utoy trill aarrt; rata yon.
Prioa, for largo Ro*. *l.OO, r.nt to any part of tha
Cnltod ftatoa or Canada, by mail, on iwr-lnt of tiriro
4-ly aao Paltoo Utroot, Bmoklya, H. T.
A Hmbn-kr ana aiaotb'a ■ af Or. Qaa
lard'a Calakratad lofaH.bla Pit Parrdart. To roa
riaoa aadaran that tßoao pnrrdor* will do all tra claim
*r thota a *lll aand Ihom by mall, mat oia, a ran
rati! BOX Ar Dr. Onabud la tha oaty pbraMaa IhM
baa aaat mad. thla dlaoaao a amrial atady, and aa ta
oar kanwlrdxa tbraanb Rata Vm matmnt rar
ad by tha aaa of lka> Poanaaa, * I wiu. nrttnrrn
raatnrt raro la oaary raaa, tar nrrm raa ut
aoaxf HMWt.tr. All aafforota ahould Maa tßoao
Paadara aa aaHy trtal, aad ba eaaattcad o< thW? cam-
Ura powarm.
Prtaa, tor larga bo* 3,W. or 4 boaaa tor fled*, aaat
by audi to bay yart of tho t'nltod Mataa or Canada aa
rwtootrr oi, Addram
Aotl it KUnnlliH,
Mi Fallon firpß, Rronhlyii, N. T.
R R.- TtflM- TV ld- lb efrmt OL All
.11. 1*77 .
HntiU nlt'U- 7, 'otl A * ili 4 •*
9\ K a lL'liefwtit*
lL'liefwtit* 10.9) Aa. ArriwAt - m +
llil A. a
I,"Ata# Shop 2.42 p. a .Arrive* . n L.' .f
It! pa.
* lu-l left. Lite 4t V AfTMPA At " • W • a
.2T t, a. DA.Nlkl. KIKIA!S.
UfTIP-FA| Su|*erit I*l. < T.*
U'tAl) TtawTabla, If- .n.Ur I, >'
' K*; Mail. *trrrr*tt>. kurattji 1• y,
aa r a
I '* •*1 -... .Arrlro at TyT<-t.o U*r.
•* * •' l*arK*t Tyrvna !..*• t • . -
1*• • " Vail ■
•42 417 ...._ " Bald Earl. " . : . 4 :
7 O<H •' Ham.h
7IM 4ii - port Matilda :<1
7lt ft 4" M Martr,a
7 a*. 4 ....„ " Jnhau " . 1
A 4 '.T " I'aioarill. •• ..1
ri 47 41* ..... " brio* M.oa In ' k .l V 1
ii 47 414 " Milfkl.i.:* o . a i
M 4HI ..._ " Hallafonla " .. . J 1
444 •• Mllaal.rrri " a *
<1 1J 444 •• I'uvita
I "• **" " Munnt Ear I.
'ft tar 43| " lie-ward - .•/ .-4 ]
i * .* *3O fcaglrrllla " ... |. |. |, .
•ft 4ft 4 1-4 o llwdi <'r.rk " ... V:: ((
453 4 ttt Mm flail "MUM
429 4 ftft M . w - 4lamlarl"t> " ... V 777 11 14
424 3 .44 .... - I/<a-k llairn " .. "4.1 i 1*
* —<PhlUdH|thlA And Krie Ihfjnii —<*u AI4
afler Ihombpf li. I7T
w kbtw arp.
KRIF. M AIL I*AT*A Ph)lAdel|4i<A 11 ' • J rn
*• HArrii4rti(|.. MWW 4 . *ID
44 U iJijA4iAi*r: h.. m
44 liOrk II ai r*n '4l H m
** li*n- v 0..,., l(i r m
• 4 AfTIVMI At Krl * ;ra
XIAOARA I. \ PR |>.* |a*P Phlindr )|>liiA.
44 llnrriDt tirg 1- V • 10
*' R'illUra*|*<iM. 2 F 1 m
imra at H tj' v... 4 i l
P*AArr>r*r hy this tra.n Arr.te it* llelle
fottp 4 srn
FAST Ll>'K inm PIiUAdL-;|>hia . .114 M tu
•" Rarti*)ii|ig ; m
44 7 - j ia
" writ** At I/r| flatpti M' | a
K A>TR A Rl).
PACIFIC KXPRKSh 1*m Ix* k Hiteri t> i' *rn
44 Al illiatn|* -rl 7.V n m
arrive* At IlarrtAhnrg II * m
_ 44 FhiUMlelnliiA..*. 3 <•' J rn
PAT EXPRESS laavpa Rem.ro It. 1 h m
M I/vh !!• Yen ......... 11 j *in
44 iiliAtn#|H*rt aaaaa*,.. 12 4* A Hi
*" arrive* at Htniil' r r... m , ww 4 1< i tn
44 PhilfcdltoU.bfa 7 iS !• I
ERIE MAIL luin* Rpiifiiti A ;
44 U*k Ma**B.. m , mmw . m „ 946 n*
4 * WillUmport.. ~M M 11 ii.* j m
44 arriret al llarriahurf 2 4!> Ara
44 PliilA*!''j LA 7 <•<' w
FAST LINK leave# WiUiAm%f**t 12 ...• a tn
* 4 arrive# At Hatrfelnirg..
44 FhiAedeiptiia 7*•
Krie Mail Weat_ Kiagara VM eet, tmk Haven
AoottmmuOnUi.n Wnai. and Uey Rah***. Kt. make
rloae mnmertlnn* at X<*ritraint*ertatd with I. A B. K
R. train* fer R ilkevlrvre mid Seraatmi
Rtl # Mail Meat. XlagAm Kt|trem R'evf. At>d Tm*
KxpreA* Went, and Imck Haven AraimmnAUoti Ret*
make rhre# mnne-rtion at W|lliaina|>..r nitn X. C. K
W. train* trnrih
Erie Mail We*t, Kiagrm R#fre** Weal, and Hay
Rtprea* Ra#, make rloae rofne ; at Lock H**n
With R F*. Y. R R train*.
Rrte Mall Ra*t and Want roanert at Rrfe with train*
on L. A. A M. 8 R R.. at (Wry with 0.C.4 A > R
R , at Emporium with R. K. T A F R R.. an i *t
HHRwtuad with A V. R R.
Farlor car# will rwn hetweeti Philadelphia and
Wtlliaaiaport on Niagara Kt(vra We*t. Erie Eipreaa
Wat. Philadelphia Rvpreaa Ra>l and Hay Elpre*#
Kaet, and Sunday Eiprea* Raat. Sleeping < ar* on ail
night train* WB. A RU*wtv
H**l Rapsrlntewdent.
Plain or Fancy Printing.
W hxvtt unuxual fttcilitiw for printing
19* Printing don in th beat ttjle, on
abort notice end et the loweat rte*.
■WOeieri by mril will receive prompt