OO,OOO. Of this 8000,000 were paid to the trust fund inaugurated in 1878, 243,400 were paid into the consolidat ed mortgage sinking fund, and over 8800,000 were ndvanced to various of the tributary lines controlled by the Compnny, this leaving the handsome net balance of 84,800,300.08. The President and directors of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company can not be too highly praised for the efficient, economic and skillful manner in which they have conducted the great interests confided to their care. The securities of the Company now have a market value equal to if not greater than the amount charged upou the Company's books. The floating debt is small in comparison, and this is met by a large cash balance now in the treasury. The valuuble improvements made are treat ed with the consideration their im portance deserve, while the increased facilities the Company enjoys in Phil adelphia and Jersey City arc pleasant ly dilated upou. Possibly the most cheering and gratifying portion of the re|>ort is wherein it assures an advanc ed compensation to Inbor in the near future. The increased earnings of the Company justify this promise, and is u graceful tribute to the large army of trained aud capable employes enlisted in its service. Altogether the docu ment aa a whole us mutt admirable and concise statement of the condition of Pennsylvania's great railroad aud will give the most entense satisfaction to those who like to sec pluck, perse verance and matchless enterprise reap substantial reward. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company now takes a new lease of life. The gradual but certain improvement in all branches of indus try is nowhere more fitly seen than in the phenomenal prosperity which has justly crowned the management of this great corporation, aud we predict even greater triumphs as its recom pense in the future. LANCASTER COUNTY, one of the most stalwart preciucta of Cameron's domain, is agitated, and gives sigus of insubordination and disgust, which mny require the prompt and energetic lash of the master to subdue. The Republican masses of that county were not permitted to participate in the choice of delegates to the late State convention. That duty was as signed to the County committee, and the rank and file expected to concur in their acts uuqueationed and with out a grumble. This, it seems, they are not disposed to do, and are uow, stninge as it may appear, in rebellion against the edicts of the Cameron ring. Believing that their sentiments have not been fairly represented, they now demand that the voters shall have an opportunity in their primary assem blies to express their choice of a Re publican candidate for President, and their right as a Congressional district to name the delegates to the National Convention, which was done for them by the State Convention. This is a rebellion that Don will not view with complacency, but a few turns of the thumb-screws may hold it in check until all danger has passed of inter ference' with the Empire movement at Chicago. The Lancaster discontents may as well "possess their souls in peace." The machine is omnipotent. The Empire is decreed and the Em peror agreed upon. His name is Grant, and there can be no hitch in the pro gramme, except a few effective pro tests the Democracy intend to put in as a bar to iu'consummation in No vember next. IT is specifically charged from Washington that Secretary Sherman has issued orders to collectors of cus toms, instructing them to withhold, at the solicitation of shippers, all statis tics as to the ini|>ortation aud shipment of merchandise, for ninety days. This is a hold ami unscrupulous concession to speculators, as it prevents legitimate business men from knowing what de mand there is either at home or abroad for any particular class of merchandise. For example. When the grain now locked up by gambling sj>eculators begins to move, they can flood the foreign markets, and the honest busi ness man, being deprived of any in formation as to the amount of ship ments abroad may export at a very serious loss. It is said the complaints made by the mercantile community meet with no respouse from the Treas ury Department, aud it is thought a concurrent resolution will have to be iutroduced in Congress declaring such repression of statistics illegal. Noth ing can more surely indicate the com plete subjection of the Secretary of the Treasury to the stock gambling and speculating interests of the country than this iniquitous order. The soon er John Sherman is appreciated a* the pliant and subservient tool of the mon ey power the better for all concerned. He is a cord, calculating schemer and the spectacle of such a man in the ex ecutive chair of the nation would be a sight for gods and men. ANOTHER Richmond in the field. The Republicans of Vermont have ap pointed delegates to the Chicago con vention, in-tructcd to vote for Senator Edmunds of that State as the Repub lican candidate 'or president. Ed mund* is unquestionably the ablest inao£yct named for President in IKI party, and seems to be in earnest, hav ing himself, almost simultaneous with the action of his State, waived the hloody-shirt in the Scuate of the Uni -1 ted States, to give force to his presi dential boom. • A young man named Heiskcll, of Baltimore, who, when n hov sixteen years of age, served in the Confederate army, made application to Congress to have his disabilities tin der the statute removed. This new candidate for presidential honor, could not let the opjortunity pa** to give the Vermont man a etartcr, and as nothing better offered, he brought for ward the mnguinary rag, whieh here tofore has heen monopolized by Blnine as his political stock in trade. Ver mont now vies with Maine, and be tween them the poor rebs may expect no mercy. NoTwrwiirrANiMNo the bombastic threats of the murderous Nihilists the twenty-fifth anniversary of the acces sion of the Czar to the throne as Em peror of all the Russias passed off without disturbance aud the pro gramme of ceremonies marked out was followed without break or hindra ee. The Emperor drove through the streets of St. Petersburg in an open carriage and was received with the most unbounded enthusiasm by the populace. Alexander is without ques tion one of the best and most liberal of the whole line of Muscovite mon arch*, and the substantial reforms he yet seeks to inaugurate are only tem porarily obstructed by the insanity of a few blood-thirsty villians who thrive only in sceues of assassination and ra pine. The whole civilized world will congratulate the Czar on this auspici ous entering upon the twenty-sixth year of his reign. CONKLINO had no difficulty with his machine in New York. It work ed well, and ground out a full third term delegation for Grant. He didn't care a copper for the threats of George William Curtis, or the curses of Blaine And Sherman friends. Like Cameron In Pennsylvania, life and death to the shot-gun hero hung upon the result, and he went in to win, regardless of the bellowing of the wounded. And he did win. \\ Eclip the following scrap of truth ful history from u correspondent of the l'hilndelphiu Titneg writing from Coudcrsport: In severity of criticism of the Cam eroon, of Iloyt and of Quay the Repub licans here excel any and all others along the northern border. General Cameron himself comes in possibly for the heaviest share. He seems to be re gal ded as a political exemplar, worthy of studied avoidance. "I'rior to 1M.0," say they, "bargain and sale in politics was unknown in Pennsylvania, at least in connection with the high office of United .States Senator. At that time tiie late George W. Woodward was slaughtered in the house of his friends. Cameron and lie were Democrats. A caucus nomination of the latter did not save him in a majority Senate and House. New appliances overthrew j party fealty ; Cameron triumphed, and from that day to this these new appli ances have become great adjuncts in se curing political success. In 1857 their influence was first felt in the Republi can parly. Cameron had changed to a Republican. They worked as well with new associates as with the old. Between 18C1 and 1867 machine politics had an inauguration. This proved to he an im '• proveinent on the former method. Gen | eral Cameron not only reached the j United States Senate again, hut his clan reached the attainment of their several ambitions. Looking after the primaries became a chief (unction of machine work Conventions, in county and State, were thus controlled. In 1873 the machine did its allotted work—General Camer on succeeded himself. fn 1877 the i General's fee simple in the machine was j transferred through the filial care of j Hoyt and Quay, aided by PhiladeL hia, Allegheny, and Lancaster county lack eys, hummer*, shoulder hitters and j>oll | bruiser*, to Don C'*meron, the son of hi* lather. In 187'J the transfer was af firmed, and thereupon the machine was putin trim for use on a broader field." • —-• . Gov. CtAKOELOX again. This time he uppcar* to repel the statement of his successor calling for an appropria tion of $lB,OOO, based cm the allega tion that this amount was necessary to cover expenses incurred under the administration of Garcelon. This he denies emphatically, and takes oc.-a - *MM •flinii ihttt rtuiiklll, LtttitHOU became Governor the moment his onn term expired, aud thai (sen. Chamber lain had no legal right to act under his authority thereafter. He also af firms that the bills incurred under him have been paid, except $3OO, which he is ready to settle at sight. - ■ - WE learn from Washington, through private sources', that the consideration of the Curtin-Yocum contested elec tion case was post|K>ned from Tuesday until to-day, when final action will IK* taken. The case was laid over in order to enable the House to dispose of the new rules, which was done un der the workings of the previous ijues tion. Ohio Politic*. The Cincinnati Enquirer, in a double leaded article on it* editorial page, states that a Democratic politician of national reputation has been all over the State, having met three-fourth* of the party j leaders, and says Til-Jen's supporters ! number nine to one over those of any j other Democrat. The Enquirer, however, ' in a leading editorial in the same issue, says : "Unless Mr. Tilden ran soothe the dif ferences in his own State, it t# useless to attempt to disguise the fact that he would be an exceedingly dangerous candidate to his paity in his own Hiate. But Mr. Til den can name the Democratic candidate that can be ehvted and inaugurated. Can he rise to the height of giving away a nomination for the presidency T" The Enquirer also publishes an inter view with Mr. Hausereck, the German editor who controls the VolktblaU, Mr. Hausereck is just from Washing ton, and announces hia belief that Grant will be nominated by the Re publicans. The Eamea Petroleum Iron Worka Company at Titusville is to be incor|K>r ated and its building enlarged. The en largement ia rendered necessary by the increase of orders, and the management speaks of adding a pipe making mill. The Company will also have worka in New York for smelting gold and ailver. and aa oil will furnish heat in this aa it doe a in the manufacture of iron at Ti tusville, the Herald of the latter place, expects from these sources a greatly in creased demand for oil. William H. Vanderbilt, C. K. Garri son, William E. Dodge, James Taldott and others have subscribed $30,000 toward a tund of $lOO,OOO for the pur pose of founding a large and perma nent institution for the New York Christian Home for Intemperate Men. It is confidently expected that the lull amount will be raised by voluntary sub scription. A miner in Colorado sent word to a fiiend in Foxburg, Forest county, that if he would forward him $lOO to aid in developing a claim, he would give him a title to half of it. The Foxburg man refused to Invest, and three weeka after ward, according to the Foxburg Qntett*. the olain sold for sloo^ooo. TKHMN: K1.50 |MT Amiuiii, in Advance. GENERAL NEWS. A picture of Martha Washington i* to t|. -U.v-r Tile story is told in the statement that in Itonegal alone the number of the distressed has ; increased to sixty-six thousand, and that the increase in the county Mayo in two weeks was nearly seventeen thousand. The //mi ./s Dublin corres |x>ndenl reports that it is the opinion | of competent observers that the worst is to c<4fiie, alt hough there will be a re laxation of the famine during the two ; weeks when lulior will be employed in ' rowing the crops. The experience of 1H47 teaches that the severest period of the famine will be the last fortnight of May. the whole of dune ami the first 1 fortnight of July. These consideration* must impress the ini|K)rtnnc of keep j ing up a steady flow of subscription* to ; 'he several funds which have already reached such respectable proportion*. I'he New York Herald has now collected £237,101.77, or, excluding Mr. Bennett's - own subscription, an average of over i *7.500 a day since it la>gan it* work. I his is noble, but it is not enough. Let j nobody keep bia band in bis pocket i with the idea that the danger ha* : passed. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. HONORED.— IIamiI) Boal, son of the j lamented Judge Boat, of Itoalsburg, and Mr. Kd. Leuffer, also well known here, have recently been gaining to themselves honor in the employ of the Boston, Hoosac Tunnel and Western railroad. The road being completed on the lt.th of December last, a* is the usual custom,,a gold spike was used to fasten the last rail in place. This delicate duty was entrusted to Mr. Boal, who is In charge of one of the road divisions. The event was signalised by the firing of guns and other joyous demon strations. Mr. Leuffer is the chief engi neer of the road, and of course its success ful completion reflects honor upon hitn. We are glad that the services of these young gentlemen are considered so valua ble by their present employers. —Upon profound consideration, we are bsppy to be able to state that the meeting of the Addisonian Club on Saturday night was a slight improvement on those of the two previous weeks. Its redeeming fea ture was a recitation by Prof, lleebner of one of Longfellow's latest poems. What ever the Professor essays to do is always well performed. For Saturday evening next the following proposition was offered for discussion: fit retired, That Chinese immigration should be encouraged. It is hoped that there will be an encour aging attendance on that occasion. —A party of Bohemian glass blowers are now practicing their art in a room in McClain'e building, opposite this office. They give an interesting exhibition. —The price of butter end eggs has bot n coming down until now they am within the roach of the consumer. Good butter, however, Is rare at any jfflce, NO. Id