//. HA IE A XIVS Om Mm Hry-Ooodn Stow. I 11. BAU LAND'S tt • ALLEGHENY STREET, BKLLKFONTK, PA. HEAD-QUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS. —AT— ' ' HIE BEE HIVE ONE I'RICE EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE 1 ain offering the LARGEST, REST and CHEAPEST tock of Dry Good* in Contra county. EVERY ONE SAYS THAT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. GO THEN AND BE CONVINCED. —ALL GOODS AT ALL TIMES SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES.— Having received an immense Stock of Geoda before the advance, I am able to sell Cheaper than any Store in Town. ImTALI. MY GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. HOPING TO RF.ChIN r. AN KARLV CALL, I remain, respectfully, your*, J. H. HA ULAN I). My motto ia, "ONE PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION." ltepudiatioiiand the 'Rebel lirliratlier*.' ; ) r -m Richmond (Ya.) Commonwaultli, February 12. Where was this Republican vote ot the Slute of Virginia cast in the late election? It was cast for the gang of Kepudiators that thin day defile the legislative halls of the State of Virginia. Tin* negroes, who constitute the Repub lican party of the State, cast their votes solidly for Kepudiators for the Legisla ture. Where was the vote of the "I'ftbel brigadier" cant in that election? It win cast solidly, with one exception, for - making onr State pay the debt that she owe*. The ranks of Confederate officers above the-grade of Brigadier-General who reside in the State ol Virginia may he scannetl, and it will he found that there is hut one who tolerates the idea of repudiation, and that one is Major iicneral William Mahone. Kvery other one insists and demands that the State shall pay her debt. We mention all now living in Virginia that we can re call. They are: First—General: General Joseph E. Johnston. Second—Lieutenant General : Gener al Jubal A. Ktrly. Third—Major-Generals : Generals Fill Lee, W. H. F. Lee, D. H. Maury, Robert Ransom, 11. Heili, J. L. Kemper, Jas. A. Walker, L. L. Lomax, Win. Smith, G. C. Wharton. Fourth—Brigadier Generals: Generals William 11. Payne, Lindsay Walker, M i'omb, R. I>. I.illv, l>. A. Weisiger, John Echols. R. L. T. Beale, Joseph R. Anderson, John lL Cook, F.ppa Hunton, J. 11. Lane, M. D. Corse. Beverly Rob ui-on, T. T. Mnmford, Wo, R. Terry, T. M. Logan, Williams C. Wickham. There may be other general officers living in the State of Virginia, but they are not now recalled. Every man of the gallant array, who devoted their lives and their fortunes to the tjonfed erate cause, demands that the Slate of Virginia shall pay her debt, and they look upon every confederate soldier who votes and co operates with the Re puditors as a deserter. These "rebel brigadiers," who have l>een derided and slandered as disorder ly. lawless desperadoes, are the !aw-and order element of our society, and the voters who constitute the Republican party ol Virginia are what has made the State of Virginia a repudiating State, against the fierce and angry pro test of the "rebel element." If the horrible bill for repudiating our State debt, which has just been present ed in our Legislature by Mr. Riddle berger, he passed, it will be by Republi can votes, against the protest of the "rebel element." We want the world to know this fact, and we intend that it shall know it. We intend to make it known that the "rebel element" demands, as an act of justice to itself, that it shall have an opportunity to (>ay back money we have borrowed, but that the Republican par ty will not let tbem, and that the Re publican party is today placing the State of \ irginia before the world as a repudiating State. Federal Election Laws. *ll ST THE DEMOCRATS IM COHORESS TRO- I-OSE TO DO ABOUT THEM. *l-lal I>l.patch to Ha Retool WASHIROTOM, February 1 1.-— The Dem ocrats having failed to repeal the Fed eral election laws, they will do the next best thing from their standpoint ~smend them. Senator Wallace's bill, introduced a day or two ago, making it unlawful for any marshal, deputy mar shal or supervisor to arrest any election officer on the day of election, but pro viding that a warrant may be eiecuted on any subsequent day, is intended to remedy one of the evils complained of in the Federal election laws. The Re publican* in Congress have invariably expressed a willingness fo correct any delects in the laws, and prouer amend rneni* will not be opposed by tbem. 1 he power of summary arrests now vest ed in marshals, their deputies and *u | per visors, might be used, if partnership so directed, to deprive a polling place of all it* election officer*. The Presi dent, in one of bis veto messages sent to the extra session, advised that the election laws be amended and strength ened rather than repealed, and hence it is assumed that he_ will not object to Rroper amendment." Thomas Hloan, of St. John, N. 8., has at various times saved eighteen human live* In that harLor, and possesses the free dom of the city. Philadelphia Markets. Pntt.%Dßf.rHU, February lA. IpHut |>rir* are atocfjr. Hal.* .1! barn-la, In lota, ftri*'lutlirsie Minnesota aii<) I*rniiy|- vatiia Tamil j, at fr, 60417 ; wa(rn do at and patent and other gradea M t $7.ft45. Wiif\T la in fitter demand and 'Jr. per hußhel high er. Halea of htih Rye, p**r buehel fin Corn, cob fto Core, "belled... fto OatS... aa 40 Flour, retail, per harro!.. 7 fio Fbmr, wboleaale 7 (4) IIAV AND BTKAW. Ifay, rholre timoth>, per ton | Ift 0o Hay, Uiihed.per b>u A CM* leong rye etraw, bundled, per too d 60 Rhort straw, per ton ft ftoftft 60 Provision Market. Corrected weekly by llarper Rrothere. Applee, dried, (ar puidl 8 Cherrtea, dried, per pound. Reeded 10 Beana per *led beef. 1* MARRIAGES. ALI.FN —III lIIIRB.—Jan. 29. IH-vO. at the iMune of the bride, by Rev J A Wood. Jr. Mr. .Umw W. Allen, of Bald Valley, Pa. and Mia Tamaou H. Hughs'#, of Boiling Bpring, I'a R*YKR —ALKXANDKR.-—Dn tlie ftth of February, by Kev, J. Boaa, in Zon rlmrcb In the temp, Mr Tnom aa F Royer and Miaa Kmma B. Alexander, both f Centre county. BPANCLRR—FORTNFY —Dn the 10th of February. bv Rev W. K Fiwlier, Mr. Jaraee B|auigler ami Ml* Rffeiila Fortney, both of Tiuieeyville, Ceutre county. PAR K F.R—-K FRN'N* —At Jacksonville, on Saturdav, the 7th in*Unt. by Ree W. R YeaHck. Mr Thorn ae I Parker and Mim IdxaJe Kernn, ail of Sugar Valley, Clinton county. DEATHS. - BMITU —fn the ftth of of apoplexy, Margaret, wife of !>r < liarlee Rmith, formerly of Penu llall, aged 06 year*, 3 month* and 17 daya. DINIiRB —On MURSUANT to an order of the Orphan.' Court of Centre roanty, Penneyleanln, will lo- wild nt pnhli. mle, on the premleee, In Worth tewnablp. In aald county, on Tuesday, the 9th of March, 1880, the following daw rlhe.l real aetata, lata of ALEXAN DER SIIEI.r.ERAROF.R, deceaaeil, lo wit; A vnlusbls trsrt o( pipen of land (itusln la Worth township, on the plank road leading from Tyrone to Unlontrfunu*(H of a con tract. Tli# r<>mmiaai>nf*r appointed by the Court to uk* liNiliri'iiiy in tha **M sjijillfiilfin and mak* retort fhavof to th* fourt at tint term. will mrrt tin* pur. tic* liiUrMtnl, (r tha |HtrjNMr of in* aptiintni<*nt ( WKI>NhAY. MARCH 10. IM*>, at lo AM, at tba om- of fl V. Fort nay. In th* R>rough „f Il- !ief. n u I'a. [s<3wr] K1.1.1.H L. OEVis. < ommlanJonrr. Subpoena in Divorce. FIUBTII,I,A r. ELLIS, I lii tha Court of Common by her next frteml. K. | Plena of Centre county, C. Ilenderwm, - No. 6 Jan. Term, I KM) ™ j Libel In Dfvurra, A. V. M ANTES KLI.IS The allae .uhpo-na in the alure rmae b.rlnx lean returned m-ti eet Inrentue. yon, tha wild Ante. Kill., are hereby required to appear at uld Court, on tha fourth M ndai of April next, IMO, h> anawer tha com plaint In the above case JOHN BPAXOLKR, Sheriff Bit*.* A ntriuxt, Attorneys. £-s-4w MONEY To Ij ° an !*• vt. v 1 nt THE MI'Tt'AL LIFE INSt'R ANCE CO. OF NEW Vt'RK, on Aral mortgage, on Improved farm property. In Mima not Im thaii fl.llOA, and not eireedloir one-third of the prca.nl ralne of the property. Any portion of tha principal can he (.aid off at any time. and II hae lean the ruatom of the romtnny to permit the principal t„ remain a. lon* aa the borrower withwi. If tha Interval |. promptly paid Apply to CIIARI.EA P. SHERMAN'. Attorney.at law. Court .treat, Heading, Pa,, or to DAVID y„ K I.INE, Co.'. Appraiser. HI Rellefonte, Pa. Centre County Farmers' Home. BUSH HOUSE. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Improved Pulling and Cfirefnl ttna||era. Ixw Special Katea for Jurymen and W'ltpea.n (laanlltiMa Com fort and Table Unexcelled. NO DISCRIMINATION a*aint the Prod or era of our Food, than whom none •re more worthy, or more entitled to attention The Bnali llou.e her n* over three lino the capacity of other hotela, there I. no occasion or dtapneition to place the *neata In attic rooms Thle arrmttita for Ita *rowln* lotxl Trade. We do not truat your Wma to the care and profit of partiea disconnected with the hotel. [A-tf.] J II MY IRS. Proprietor New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. The circulation of thl. popular newanaper haa more than trebled dnrin* the peel year. ft. contain, all Hie lead la* newa contained In the DAIIV lIxa.LK, end la arran*e(l i n bandy department. The FOREIGN NEWS embrace, eperlal dl.pahhca from all 'inartera of the *lobe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are (Iran the Tele*raphlr Dtapatrhee of the week from all patUof lite Union. Thle feature alone makoe THE WEEKLY HERALD the moet valuable chronicler in the world, aa it la the rheapeat. Every week la *ivan a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS amhrnrln* complete and ontaprehenalTe dtepatrhea from Washington, Inrludln* r.ill reports of tha ■peerbee of eminent politician# on the questions of the hour THE FARM DEPARTMENT of Hie WniKlT llrn.lt> glee. the laleal aa well aa (he moat practical engkeatlon. and dlarorerlea relet in* to the dutlea of the farmer, hints for raDlng CaTTLX, porarar, flavin*. Taaaa. Van mat. (a, Ar , Ac, with suggestions Ibr keeping t>ulldin*a and nten.lla In re pair. Thle I. supplemented by a well edlted depart* ment. widely copied, under the hand of THE HOME, *trla* red pee Air practical dlehrn, hint, for maklnf clothing and for keeping up with the (Meet (aahton. at the lowoat price Every Item of cook In* or economy engge.ted In thl* department la practically levied by expert. liefore publication Letter* from our Parle and leuidon rorreependeuU on tha vvy latent fash lona. The Home liepartmant of the W.tXLr llea.LD will aare lha hou.ewlfe mora than ona hundred tlmea tba price of the paper. The Intereeta of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and everything pertaining lo me chanic. and labor anvlug la carefully recorded There I* a page devoted to all the Inlaet phaeet of the bud nee. market., Cropa, Merchandlaa, Ac.. Ac. A value hla feature la found In the epeclally reported prices and eondlllona of THE PRODOCK MARKET, Sroxnxn New* nt home and ahvud, together wltk n STOAT every week, * Ssnaon by eome eminent dl vine, LITKAAX?, Ml .A IP, Da. n. TIC, I'.aaoe.L and Sea Hot**. There la no paper In Ihe world thai con tain. ao ranch newa mailer every week ae the WIB IT HM.LS, which la aenl, poetag. | In a Weekly Form, \ HOLLAR IIERALt) j \ A YEAR. NEW YORK HERALD, 1-1 Broadway and Ann Street, Hew York GOLMMITH; BtiEIN . HEXTBB, AUeghm/y strert, JMUfotUe, fa. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED —KOK THE— PHIL AI) E Ll' HIA BRAN C' H Of 26 North Third Street, ONI PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Successors to J. NEWMAN,.Jr., Who will open about February 20, at the Old Stand, with such a STOCK OF CLOTHING as has never been seen in Belle fonte, which they will Retail at Wholesale Prices. Harry li. JJifks, Hardware. . k. hicks, [Successor to T. A. HICKS & 8R0.,] • DKAI.KB IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. T EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, RELI.EFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. I\ew Advertisements. JUBT OI T. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT J Personal Hrpcrience* in the Cnlted States and Confed erate States Armies: BY GENERAL J. B. HOOI>, I U( Lieutenant-Gene?*l state* Ami*, j pntdfcdied fur The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund OKNKRAL O T. lIKAURKHARD, NKW ORLKAKM, 1880. Th* entire procawits arising fn>m Ihe sale of thl* work M* DRIOTFD to th* TLI* II*MI Orphan M-inorlil Fund, whlrh la InVMtwl In fnlUd htee Reßi-t-r-d fVmta for lh tiurtar*. car*, support and education of the ten Infanta (hfuivnl of their parent* laat lumnier at Raw Orleans, (the melancholy incidents of which •ad bereavement are still fresh In flia public mtnd.l TRI aoog T aa BLROAWT ocrivo, COBTAIRIBO AFTI PAIRS, A ITM A nut Mowcitrß mnn* \wt> A run wtl LABOR HA ft or amis rtrtna, Bornn m BABB WRiGitr KRQUIR Cwdi, AT TIIRF.K DOUARJ", OR in A Fiat Rnatr Hi am wo, WITH MABBLB XINIK, TIIKRK DOLLARS AND FIFTY CfcJftft- IB HALF Hoi %b Mr ■ocoo, LIBRARY BTTLT. FOl'R IRM.LARR, OB IB BBST ! f.TTABV Trnatv MOWOCCO, rvu. OVT J*IMM ABI> Knot*, FIVE DOLLAR*. On tha receipt from any paraon remitting by mail or express. of the amount In a ncMerrd latter or by a pmtal order, Bank drati, or check, a OOpf will l-e iru mediately sent free of pwlAßr, registered aa second clam matter. Tha tolnme la putdishtd la the Iwwt style of typo, graph?, on elegant paper, with Illustration*. executed aa highest specimen* of art. The antbor, the subject, the purpose, all alike render It worthy a plana in erery librar?.—on arery desk—or npoa tha book shelf of eceiy house in the fonntry. Agents wanted In *?err town and county In the United *tatea. and a preference will IMP giren to hon orshly dierharged retenns of the army To tha ladies, who feel a desire to expreas their sym pathy with TUB .HOOP Oamt* MINOBUL FCBI, the , sale of this lx>.h' among their jlfßlt of friends, wilt afford an excellent way of contributing substantial aid to so desert ing a cause. For terms, rates to agents, Ic , address with fall particular*. OtN't. O. T. BKAt'RROARD, Publtgher, On or tm llooA Mta<*ui Ftan, A-lf \ aw OIUMI. U PATENTS. IJATENTS procured upon Invcn- i 1 tfont No Arroaagr'a Part la tnnri Our i IIOUM >u eetal.|ll.e-l 111 mat. \\- tie CAVKATR, •ml obtain Tlt\f>r. MARK*. llßhlllN PATENTS. Ac. INVENTORS •and ua a Model of your Inanition, with your own drwcrlptlon of it. for our opinion • to patentability. No Arroanir'a Fiu CRUM PMUI M Rm rain. Our Book of lnatrnrUon. Ac., "How to Pmx-caa TartnTa," •Ml frae on rwqoaat; aim aarnplc mplaa of ilia Sen* ttno Ktroap, the Inventor.' Journal. . H. 8. A. P. I/AUKY, Patent Attorneys, 00* P 8. near Mwil Ofhm, Wtihniton, D. C. Adminlstrntor'H Notice. IETTEBS of Adminiatration hav- J tag liaaa emu lad to the undendgrtad on the aatate of PHILIP KRRTIUCR. dereaaml. lata of the towneblr ef Mltaa, Centre county, alt paraona Indebted to aalil deeaaaad ara m|ae*tad to make Immediate pay man I, and all paraona bating rlalma agalnat aald deraaeed will prtaant them duly authenticated tar payment. MM- DANIEL HRI'MUAKI). AdmlaMrator For Sale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres, , a V aad hating thereon arartcd a TWIMTOSI Kit AMR HI II DINO and out building.. Title good. Inquire of A.J.IT.V ORIIBT, S-W Vnkmillla, Centre county, Pa. (Jroevrien and Provisions* NEW GOODS —FOR THE— SPRING TRADE ■■ p We hare given very clone and careful attention to the telection of goods for the Spring Trade, at id feel justified in saying that our present Stock cannot be excelled either in regard to \'ariety, (Quali ty or Price, and we doubt if it is equaled in either of these respects by any house in Centre county. There arc too many leading ar tirles in our stock to make special mention of them all, but call atten tion directly to a few items that are now being sought after every day. TIS H . Mackerel are of good quality this season and are selling rather faster than usual at this season of the year. We hare been selling noth ing but full weights —so lbs. of fish in each quarter barrel and 100 lbs. in each half barrel. They have better value for the money than short weights. Ijake Herring and White Fish are very fine this season and sell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured Hams, Dried Reef, Rreakfast Racon and Cheese are all worthy of special mention. T RU I T. Oranges and Ijcmons are very fine and the price low enough to to bring them into every day use. Rut the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied irith the choicest .meats. We kill the best Reef, Mutton mnd 1 cal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. No house in the Grocery and Provision business in Rellefontc is prepared to supply all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SECHLER & CO. OnOCEES, Rush House Rlock, Rellefontc, Pa. Prospectus. THE BEST OFFER YET. A Good Nee .paper at Cheap Rate. .ml a number of Good Book. Into the Bargain. A Copy of Woremter'a Large Unarm Dictionary an.l oilier lndnrem.nl. In dlkfMM, THE WEEKLY PATRIOT I. a Journal devoted to Literature, Agriculture, Poll- Men, Science nnd New.. It gtvee all Hi. w of th. week In rond.nmd fortn. Pmn.ylvaata new. j> a apecial feature. Karh nnmfer contain, n completed atory, .elected poetry, wit and hamor, art trim forth* farmer, mechanic nnd home-wife, report, of market!, editorial, ou current topic, and general miarellaay. Price Pi 00 per annum. SPECIAL IXDt CKMKNTB PGR int.*. Kverjr new aalwrrther to the Wtuir Ptratof who will mnd ii. Two Dollar. r.h In advance, nnd every old aulwcriber who mill pay hi. arraare and mad Two Dollar* In addition, will reoeie* on# copy of the *■" p.taiof fur one year nnd a copy of eaofc of the atandard novel., "Jan. Byre" by Charlotte Brent., and "Daniel Deronda" by Ueurgs KllhU, poMage pre paid on paper and look. tO CLCBdMHSM. Ten coplM. of Ifnill Pavutov one year In on# P. O. and an elegantly hound ropy of 'lra prlere'a Claaaleal Dictionary" to dafef*ttar...|lA 00 Fifteen onplm of WattLi P.t.iot one year to oh# P. 0 and an illuntruted copy of "Marao lay'a Ittotnry of England" with atapa, In vtdn, cloth, to clnh-fwtter...—. a So Twenty coplm of WtMiv Parator one year to one P. 0. and a copy of dneet HlaMrated edi tion of Woremter'a Quarto Dictionary (pah. Ilehere' price s|n.(lO) to riah-gelter „ ,KI 00 Thorn rate, are alrictly cneh In adtaiK*. Remit tanem ebould lm hy P. 0. money order. Hint Parator, 17.00 per aannsn Addrew, PATRIOT PIIBLTMUNO CO., *-W IlakMoatte, Pa. Ilry Goods and Grocer ten* I ] £ARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET. BELLEPfiJJTE, PA., Have their counters and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RATES Purehaaed at - BANKRUPT RATKS (BANKRUPT RATES WHICH THEY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOStSISTIXG or Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low prices. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest styles of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, Queens ware, Ac. Comprising erery (bins thai can be found f„ * nl . class store. HARPER BROTHERS, STRING STREET, . . RKLLKPONTE. PA. COUNTRY PROIHCE taken In exchange at tba high*t markrt prlco. 1-ly Mifrrllamoti*. CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Xvrmal School District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAI B, A. M., Principal. r pHIS SCHOOL, as at present con- I sUluted, offer* the very best tactlldee foe Pro tee, ionI and Otaaatcal learning. Building* epaciouo. inviting and commodious, com pletely bested by steam, well Trntilated, and tarnish •a with a bountiful supply of j urs wstar toft snrtne water. " Iv.atl.n haallbful and easy of torn Burn,ending armor? uatttrpassad. Teacher* expertmdnd, efficient, end allre to tfaetr Work. W- ipline, Arm and kind, uniform nod thorough Expenses m,-derate. Fifty rents a week deduction to Utuee preiaring to leach If indent* admitted at any Hue. Of"two of study praaeribed by the RtaU: I. Model School. H. Prepvrat.-ry. m Elementary. IT. get cntiAc. ■ ' snn-ircT tx-mntt: I. Academic. 11. Commercial 111. Mtwlc. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific ront*< are Pro leastonal, and etndeute gnatnattng therein iwceiee State liiplomee. conferring Use nxSl inlM and or.rree- Mmatmr of the Kl<*nenta,aad Maeter of the defences. Grndualae In the oibec oonreas rerairo the F " f tbsir attalnmewtn, signed by The Prufeeaionel oottrnM are liberal, and are in thon-ughnees not inferior lo thoee of ow bast college*. Ihe Slate require* a higher order of riUseSMhip. The times demand It It Is one id the prime ahye-u. of thle school to help to **.wre It by furniabtng Intel llgltit oud efficient l-acher* fur her a boot*. To this end It enllrlts young pernor,• of great abiltttee end great purpnetw Hi.we who desire to Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all anch it perm I*** aid in drreloplng tbair pusrenaod abundant opmnrtanltfan for well-paid lal-or after I earing ei-hoot. For catalogue and terms sd-trew* the Principal. o*x* or tet-mtc*: Stor kholders' Trustee*—J. ||. Barton. M. ft, A. II Bast. Jacob Brown. 8. M. Blckftrrd. damaei Christ, A. E. Rauh, S O. Cook. T. C lllt-pl*, Esq . 0. KinUing. M. P. MrOormlck, Esq, W. W. fcinkimlohn A. State Tmstar-e— llmi A. (I. Curtln, Hon H. U Dief fent*srh. Gen. J-see Merrill, Hon. William Bigier. J.C. C, It baley, 8. Miller Met 'ormick. Eeq. omcnu. . Hon. WILI.IAM BItILKR, P.elder.t. CWriUid p, lieu. JRSSK M KRRILL. V. President. Lock lU*s>. Pa S MILLAR M.-COHMICK. Secretary, - THOMAS YAKDI.KY, Treaeurrr, WOODWARD SEMINARL Hoarding and Day School for Town Xa&lm and Little Cciidren, SKCONI) AND LOCUST STREETS, UAKRISRURG, PA. Regular term will begin SEPTEMBER Id, I*T* Ud Art Sri rati fir, with Muuc Board and IniUou from tfifiO lo |Mo' ; year and no extra* ' fat drcwlai! and all datlraMe InformaMqn addr* , PRINCIPAL PENSIONS. A LL disabled Soldiers and heirs of SoMfor, who dfod fins smmma mTmum* Army are entitled t„ PKNSIONt- O ARRRARB allowed after JUL* I, Itsg. Send •tnmps for tall Instrnotkms u, all klais of Soldiers' J- B, RYPHBRD A CO., /Won AH' $, ** F Street, WASHINGTON, R,