/. If. HA ELAND'S (hie Drier Drji-Ooottn Store. I II . HADI.ANII'S ft • ALLEOHENY HTHKKT, BKLLEFONTE, 1A. 11E A D-QUA RT ERS FOR DRY GOODS. —AT— THE BEE HIVE ONE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DIIY HOODS STORE I m offering the LARGEST, REST and CHEAPEST stock of Dry Goods in Centre county. EVERY ONE SAYS THAT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. (JO THEN AND BE CONVINCED. —ALL GOODS AT ALL TIMES SOLD AT TllE LOWEST MARKET PRICES.— Having received an immense Stock of Goods before the advance, 1 am able to sell Cheaper than any Store in Town. IVALL MY GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. HOPING TO RECEIVE AN EARLY ('ALL, I remain, respectfully, yours, J. H. HAUL AND My motto is, "ONE PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION." Star of Bethlehem. >*w you never in the twilight, Wlieo th* mi it ha* l*rt tli*' *kie, l'p in heav'n the clear Mttir* -hitting Thro' the gloom like* llver eye* * Nj uf old. the wli< men watcliiiiK, S*w a little stranger *tr, Aud they knew the king u given, And they followed it from fr. Ile*r.| you never of the abry How they crossed the dcnert wild, Jourueye•• Vl * f of CVutr* county, AR*li.L.\ a I.YOV I ? - ™ J Hitl'pirhft ia DIWff.A.VM. Th unlprdgnrd romnii.alnn, non, on tb. aatat# of Aaron Part.ras*, dWMw.I. It* .d th. | H ,roo(t> of Wll-atmr*. (Voir# """•'7. •. , hat# (,,,! t„ ttm ond#rlan*d. r~ "n In Milwlmrf, Is whom all |rint Indabtrd hi , * r * raqnastad to tnak. latnedial* iajm.nl, nnd nil peraona baring rlatma arahi.f mid aatat* Wtlf t'(a#ai than, ilslj aalhraUnalaJ lur wtilvm.nl . , K. H. OARH. w* AdnUnlatrntnr, da hoana non. For Hale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres. „ nod hating tbaraon *ra-t*d a TWO-STOIiT AMK Bt'll.DlnO and Mtt haUdlng.. Tltla mit. nqnlr. of A. J. AT. (IRIWT, " ,f I'nl'rtitllU, Centre county, p*. New Advertinementn. THE BEST OFFER YET. | A Good Newspaper at Cbi>|i Kate* ami a number tf Ghhl H<>tik into the Hargaiu. A Copy of Worcester'* club-getter*. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Is a journal devoted to Literature, Agriculture, Poll- j Ilea, Science nnd Nr*. It give* *ll the news of th* J week in ront|etiel form. Pennsylvania nri it a ' Mfwcial feature. Each uumier contain* a completed •trv, selected poetry, wit and humor, article* for the farmer, mechanic am! house-wife, reports of market* • ditorial* on current topics and general miscellany I Price fj <*l per annum. SPKi'IAL INDI CKMENTB FOR IH*i. Every new aulm fitter to the W'bkklt P%Tmi'*twh> will aend !!• Twt Hollar* ra*h in adrance. and every old rahactiher who will pay hU arr*ar and send Two pollam in asldltion, will receive one copy of th- Wrsklt P%rmi'>t for one year and a copy of each of lio Mtandard novels, 44 Jane Kyrr ' hy t*hariotte Bronte, and "OanieT 1 nni-la' hy feuri(e Klli d, |ue P U., and an plegmilly Iwuiol copy f "lan priere'a ('laical Dtcuonary** t< club-fetter(kJ Fifteen copie of Wititf pATklut one year b • •tie p. O and an illustrat'*! copy of "Maran lay'* lliatory of England'' with mapa. In 5 vola., cloth, to • lub-fettrr Ti Twenty copiee of Wmu I'm riot <>oe year t •ne P.O. and a copy t*d to the The ll-sd orphan ki-in'ri*l Fund, whi'h fli tna -t-l in I'iilted Htatea Refist-r.wi RowAifer the nnrture. *are, nppoii and evluratlon of the tea infanta deprived of their parenta last wmm r at >'#• BrWm, (the melancholy incident* of which an l bereavement are afill frewh In the public mind.) Tut aeo* tan WAIV MtAfP* "•ktcivimi 980 pors, wrvN a riMi rnotooßarn mrmi a rikr I TIRL BMtATIN, M4I*B BXfaMMLT foB TBI* WOltS, ; rorm LAtni w r* or kATti.R rikLna, korin IB havi>- MMBGkAT Rvgunb f'LOTM, At THRF.R DOLL A RH, ok it a Pi*b Hakir Bivmmu. with kl abblb Ei*.b. TH ft KK !M)LLAH.H AND FIFTY C ENTR-im Half Rot*i inrrn, ttSBAKT ttm, FOLR DOLLARH. ok IV iter I.bvawt Tt kar Momort o, rrtL Gilt Miokk abt* Rimßa, n I i DOLLARS. On the receipt fr• nt any peran remitting by mail or epre. of the amount In a retrtatered letter 'r hy a I metal order. Hank draft, or check, a oi>py will tie im mediately t*at free of pottage, registered a* womd i laae matter. The volume it pnb||hel In the licet *tyle of typr* fraphy, n elegant |>a|ier, with lllutratlone t executed ae hixhe apcriinetie of act • Th* author, tbe -object, the purpose, all alike render It worthy a place In every library.—on every desk—or upno the bok *he|f of every Root# In the r-omitry. Agents wanted In every town end county In the t'nitesl Mtatee. end e prefecence will be given to hot ocably disi hacged veteran* of the army. To the ladie*. who feel a desire to express their *ym jwthy with The lloo© tPmrwAV Mrwoßtai. Frnn, the sals of thi* l*x>k anwng their circle of friends, will afford an excellent way of contributing snlsitantial aid to so deserving a cause. Foe term*, ratoa to agents, Ac., address with fall particular*, Ork'L G. T. Bbaurruaru, Publisher, 0* *tn,LV or tek lloon Mux>*ul Rvvn, &-ir Si, OSLSUK, IJ. Hotel Card*. 13U8H HOUSE, I > HRLLRORTR, IkL CIIR ORLT riRRTCLAAR HOTRI. CITY. T.rni, OiiOprr Amy. I.lrmrr ilMirf. Spm-UI rilw rfT.n to wltnwMwi ..if jurors. J. 11. Mtu., Rmp'r. W. I'll* Rt|if>ft fVMtri lino.#, RRLLRROMTII, PA. TKRMB 11.3A PRR DAT. A r-'l Ltv#rj ittirhMt 1-lj < IIBARD HOUSE, V I ODRRP.R CHRRTStI'T A1I> RTJCTIISTRKRTB, rwuwsisu. Thi, how# pmmlnmt In • rtlj r.m#S for IU com fnrttil# hntl, I. h#pt In mrmry mpart fqul to nnj flr.t rl** hnt.l. In th# ronntrj. (twins to tb# itrtn s#nr j of Ik# tint#*, U# pHrm of board h.a h##n pudittart to Tii.rr muu per Amy. J. M KIHRIN 144* MSRSS*. TJBOCKERIIOFF HOUSE, 1> BILUOOHTI, PA. HOUSKAL k TF.LLEE, Proprietors. (food SetmpU Room on Fir it Floor, AOfTtmm Rum to nnd from all Torfn*. Sp#ell rstM to wltn#at end Jnr>r. 1-1 j Harry K. Ifieks, Hardware. ic. hicks, [Successor tit T. A. HICKS it 8R0.,] DEALER IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVEST EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! . TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BF.I. LF. FON TE, PA. South of Diamond. Xrif Aflierflscnwnfii. DiHHolut ion of Pari ncrship. is hereby Riven, thnt the pArfu*r*hfp lately •nhtting Iwtuefn John l I.ieh and K M Sturdevant, and aintf the lerew#" of John I. Met* by hla administrator Imvl 1 M Urli, un der the hrm name of John I* l#let A t.sn . m on Ihf Mh day of January. A. I IMO, diaanlvrd by mutual i onaont. All d'l U owing to th* ald partiterMm. are to ha rrrrlml l.y tba mi>l V. M Htnnh * ant. and all da ntanda on the aarn- to la pn-eruted to him fr fair m nt. K. M f*Tt'RI>KVAI9T. I) II LI kit Adm'r. N R - The hualtiaaa will le continued at the nnc place umlar tba name of Pho-nu Planing' Will Own* pany. '4—lw) K M *TI RDBI AMI New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tha circulation of thfa popular newajMiper ha# mora than traht+d dmna tha p**t yuur. It. rontaina all tha leading new* con la In ad In tba Dm? Herald, and la arranged in liandy d' nta. Tha FOREIGN NEWS embrace# ape* ial diapatchaa from all opa, Merchandise. Af„ Ac, A ▼lnn- Ma faatura la found In tha apacialljr report ail pri-* and omdlUotia of THE PRODUCE MARKET. SmaTtKii N*w HI h"vn *na**t'a liu la Anrakct. Our llonaa •>< aatal.ltahad In I Mill. ff. Ilia CAVRAT*. and oMaln TRAD* MARKS, DRSION I'ATESTS.dr. INVENTORS •and ua a Modal of your Inrrntion, with your own daaerlprion of It, Sir our opinion aa to patmlaMllty. No Armuaar'a rua ri.iaa Parent rt San am Our Book of InalrucMon. So., "Iltw to Pnoovna rTara,- aant fro* on rrqnaat, alau aanpla > <>pta of tha Sflaa rtno Rnroan, lh* I o ran tor*' Journal. R. 8. A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneyn, SOI f S|., naar Patrol Ofllrr Waahliiflon, O.C. (IOJJDSM ITII, STEIN <( IIEX run, AUeyheny Street, Dnltefont*, I'A. THIS KPAOE IS lIESKRN''RD —FOR THE— PHI LA DELPH IA B1! ANC TT Of 20 North Third Street, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Successors to J. NEWMAN, Jr., Who will open about February 20, at the Old Stand, with such a STOCK OF CLOTHING- as has never been seen in Belle fonte, which they will Retail at Wholesale Prices. Professional Cards. \\ A. MORRISON, ' • ATTORNKV-AT-tiAW, UF.I.I.KFONTK, PA \ Office in WtMnlriiifr's llltri k, opixmitf the Court limine Consultation In Kngllsh or llermau. !t-ly I C. T. ALEX ANDES. p. M tOWtt. j 1 LEXANDER A BOWER, 1 V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Belle foot#, Pa., n*y !e rontulted in English or tier man. OflUe In Hacmaii's Building. 1-1 j JAVUA.IKtTn. J. WKSLKT OTPHAtT. |>EAVER ATTORNITB AT LAW. Office on Allegheny street, north of High, Bell jont, Pa. l-1y nV. FORTNKV, ■* ATTORN BY-AT-L AW, IIKI.LKFONTR, I'A. 1.V.1 d.vr to the left In the Court IIOUM. X-ljr DS. KELLER, a ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offk♦ on Allegheny ftrert .Smith side of Lyon's ' store. My Itellefonte, Pa. j *At ntUfiKu. SN. it. aiQLta. SMITH T. WTAO*. I7IELDING, BIOLER A WHAON, I ATTORNKYS AT LAW. Mf < IKARFIKLD. PA. FOHN BLAIR LINN, ♦ I ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFOKTE, PA. Office on Diamond, near Centre County Rank jl-ly I L.BPANGLER. P# ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFoNTK. CKNTUEOOCNTY, PA. Pperlal attention to fYdlecth.n,; practice in all the : • unrte; Coneulletiun. In German or Bogiiah. 1-ly i T. a. Meaner. crat i soanog. , MURRAY CORDON, ATTORNEYS-AT I.AW. CLEARFIELD. PA Will attend the B. 11-fonte Court, alien jovially em|dy*d. I ly r V C. HIPPLK, 1 a ATTORNKYAT-LAW UtCK IIAVEN. PA. I All hn.lnea, promptly attended to. My \V.M. P. MITCHELL, T * PRACnCAI, SURVEYOR. MR K IIAY EN. PA , Will attend te all wt.rk in (learfleM, Centre arid j Clinton counties. oflW opfMFsite Ifaven National flank. 80-ly \\! C. HEINLE. ? V a ATTORNEY AT LAW. RKI.LEFONTE. PA Ofßoe in Cotirad House, Allegheny street. 1 fpe isl attention given to the collection of claims. All Ituslaens attended to promptly. 21-1/ W. A. WALLAi a . L. KLIM. WALLACE A* KREBB, T * ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CLEARFIELD. PA. Will attend and try ranees at Bellefrnte when spe • daily retained. 1-ly \ V I LLI AM MoCULLOUGH, "1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. CI.KARFIRI.D, PA. All bn.lneaa promptly attended to. |.|y J I)R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can ■ * te found at his office and residence on Nsrth j side of fligh street, three d*>r P-ast of Allegheny, i MafcMt fa. ItdKjr IYU. JAS. li. DOBBINS, M. D., 1 ' PHTttfCIAN AND tCRIIBON. Office Alleglieuy tit., over Zelgler'e Ilnrg Hlore, ftdf MEI.I.KFONTK, PA. Rnslness Cards. r WW,., evvvWAve LI AIIN ESS MANUFACTORY -L-A in Garman'. Nw Block, BEH.KPONTK. PA I I, 17 P. BLAIR, I • JKWEI.FU. wtrenaa, ntocta, jiwaiar, Ac. All work ne*Uy executed. Oa Allegheny atreef, tinder Rrockerltoff Hoove, 4-tr c - DEALKKtt IN pukk DRUGS ONLY. 2: V KELLER ft SON, i JP-P • DRCOGIKTR, C No . Rr.-kerhoff Row. E jg All the Standard Patent Medicines Pre- 5 B."ertptlona and Family Recipes accurately t | prepared. Trusses, Mhotilder Brace*, Ac., Ac. 5 I *-w j> T oris POLL. is FANIIIONARI.K ROOT A PHOEMAKRR, Rrockeihoff Row. Allegheny atroet, 1-ly Bellefonte, Pa. c. c. nraaa. Prev't. I. p. ■aata. thah'r. CURST NATIONAL RANK OF I RKI.LRFONTR. Allegheny fftreet, Rellefonle, Pa. *-tf PENTRE COUNTY RANKING KJ COMPANY', Receive Depnalta And Allow Interest, Dtecount Note.; Roy and Roll Gov. EerwrttJee, Sold and Ooopen*. J** A. Rlirta, Preeldent, J. D. ffltl'flgar,Cevhlet i-tf Groceries and Provisions. NEW GOODS —FOR THE— SPRING TRADE lie have given very clone and careful attention to the selection of good* for the Spring Trade, and feel justified in saying that our present Mock cannot be excelled either m regard to Variety, (Quali ty or I'riee, and we. doubt if it is equaled in either of these resj/ects by any house in Centre county. There, are too many leading •;/ tiood# and Groceries. JTARPER BROTHERS, SPRIXO STREET, BKI.LEFONTK, PA.^ Have their counter* and shelves filled with NEW GOODS, F BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at - BANKRUPT RATES (BANKRUPT RATES WHICH THEY OPIKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COXBI.TIXQ OF I>ry Goods, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low prices. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest styles of HATH and CAPS HATS and CAT'S Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, Queensware, Ac. Comprising ttcry thing that can be found in a firet < lam Mure. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET, . . BKLLKPOXTK, PA. CetSTEi I'Ron ICE taken In esthange at Ik, hlgbeat market price. M inreilancov*. CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Xctrmal School District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal. r pillS SCHOOL,as at present con -1 stituied. oBre the rery I wet tact] I lira t<* Pro leMional and Clamiral learning. Hmldtaga tparloua. laxittag and oommndtour; com pletely banted by at earn, wall reatilated. and furnish ed with a U.uatiful supply of pure water, toft spring water. lavattna healthful and easy of access. Surrounding scenery ua-urpaaaMl Teachers raperieaced, efflrienl. and alien to tbeir • orb. Din. i|dine. Brm and klad, uniform and thorough. Kxp. ii... m.alerate. Fifty renta a week deduction to th -ae preparing to teach. Students admitted at ane time. Couraea of riudy prearrified |.y the State: I. Model School. 11. Preparatory. 111. Elementary. IV. Sri etltiftc. xbJtKCT rai un : I Academic. 11. Oammer PEKBIOIfS NO ARREARS allowed after JPLT I IMB. Send 'urn!!!! IwtfWdhmo hi all kinds of iilMin ■?. H. HYPHKRD & CO., Pension Att * $. ikl F Street, WASHINGTON, D, C.