Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 05, 1880, Image 2

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    €rntrr jprmocr.tt.
Every farmer in hi annual experience
discovers something of value. Write it ami
.tern! it to the ••Agricultural Editor of the
DEMOCRAT, Iteltefonte, I'enn'u," that other
farmers may have the benefit of it. Let
communications he timely, and be siwc that
they are brief and well /minted.
AT a late meeting of the Fulton
Farmers' Club, in Lancaster county,
one of the members exhibited an ear
of corn containing I,GBO grains.
TOBACCO continues to "boom" in
Lancaster at an unprecedented rate,
the receipts and payments of last
Saturday fully equalling, if not ex
ceeding those of the week before.
The New York Tobacco Journal takes
the packers to task for paying the
farmers too higli prices for their
crops, and calls the tigures "insanely
high." We notice, however, that
prices in the Connecticut Valley run
up to about the same standard.
THE more a farmer works with his
brain, the more effective is the work
of his hands. The successful Geneial
is the one who plans his campaign in
advance. Now is the time for the
agricultural General to plan his cam
paign for the coming summer. The
farmer should always keep his think
ing work ahead of his manual labor,
and plans laid and well matured now
will help forward the summer's work
amazingly. It would not be a bad
idea to have a little pass-book set
apart for this special purpose, and in
it make memoranda of your plans.
Memory is not always to be depended
upon, and your little book will lie a
great aid to it.
WE do not know where the Gou
rerneur Herald is printed, nor by
whom, but we do know that when it
publishes, as editorials, articles so
good that papers of such high stand
ing as the Dairyman copy them word
for word, giving full credit for them
to the Heratd, it should be sure that
they arc original, and not "cabbaged"
from the American Agriculturist's col
umn of "Hints for the Month." The
DEMOCRAT makes pregnantquotalions
from the Agriculturist, in the belief
that its readers are the gainers there
by ; but if it fuiled to give pro|>er
credit for matter thus appropriated, it
should expect some one to call it a—
well, "cashier" might answer for a
DURING one of the stormy days of
last week, as we were grinding corn
on the cob on our "Dig Giant"—
making splendid tine meal of it, at the
rate of five bushels per hour—a num
-I>er of neighbors came to sec how the
machine worked. After expressing
much satisfaction with it, one of
them wanted to know-of us why we
ground the cob, stating tlint he be
lieved it to be worthless as feed, and
it certainly consumed time in grind
ing. Our reply was: "The cob is
doubtless worth as much as straw for
feeding purposes, and as cattle must
'fill up' on something, why not use
cob ? besides it is cheaper to grind
the cobs on this mill than it is to shell
and throw them away." To-day we
find in the Country Orntlrmnn, a let
ter fjom one of its well-informed cor
respondents in answer to the same
query, giving an analysis of the cob,
showing its theoretical value in fat
producing and fiesh-forming constit
uents; and the details of an experi
ment made by a joint committee of
the farmer's clubs in Connecticut,
which proves Its practical value. We
re-produce the article entire in anoth
er column under the title of."Feed
ing Cob Meal."
TUB production, as a substitute for
butter, of a stuff known as "oleomar
garine," made of the dear only knows
what, or bow, has grown to such an
extent that makers and dealers In
the genuine article are combining for
an effort to compel the dealers in the
substitute to comply with the law
which requires that every package
shall be plainly stamped with its
name. In the large markets many
consumers unwittingly buy and use
this stuff under the delusion that they
are eating the real cow product. One
reason for this may he found In the
fact that a by far too large proportion
of butter makers arc so careless, un
scientific and uncleanly that the stuff
they manufacture is so like the horri
ble product of the "oleo" factory
that It would deceive the very elect.
One niuch-to-be-desired effect of the
dishonest competition of this coun
terfeit will be to awaken dairymen,
whether large or small, to the neces
sity of a greater degree of care and
cleanliness iq,thc handling and feed
ing of their stock, and in all the
manipulations of their product.
WE recently had the pleasure of a
brief visit from a gentleman who
farms 011 a somew hat extended scale
in Central lowa, and were gratified
to learn something <>r "Western
Farming" from a nmn who puts these
methods in daily practice, and "makes
farming pay" by them ; albeit we
could not forbear tin: reflection that
a greater profit could IKJ obtained
from the use of the same raw material,
by the application of more labor, and
greater attention to details. The
idea of feeding an hundred head of
steers qpder an open shed, on "snap
corn" (corn jerked from the stalks as
they grow in the field, and fed with
out husking, while the stalks are per
mitted to go to waste) with the ther
mometer marking from zero down to
27 —seemed to us rather primitive.
Yet our friend does this, and "makes
the farm pay" by doing it, too.
True, the corn grown in lowa docs
not cost as much, bushel for buthd,
as does that grown in the Knst, but
in it not worth an much for jlenh-forming
purponenf and would it not be better
to feed it in the most economical
manner? Our friend was hurrying
home to make sale of a lot of near
three hundred "Poland Chinas,"
which had, partially at least, been
fattened by "following" these same
steers, and gleaning from their drop
pings the corn which hail found jts
way through them w hole. No doubt
this saves a large portion of corn
which would otherwise be lost, but—
well, we prefer that our pork should
be fed on corn that had passed
through a "Big Giant" mill.
Extracts and Comments.
The poultry should be fed meat three
or four time* a week with their other
food, when, the ground being frozen,
their are neither worms nor insects for
them to pick up about the premises.—
Milk makes a complete substitute
for the meat, and if plentiful should
lie feil in abundance. For those who
cannot conveniently get the meat,
and do not have the milk (as often
happens even among farmers in the
winter) the careful saving of table
scraps and the use of the water in
which the dishes are first washed for
mixing the morning feed, will lie
found to well repay the trouble.
The cob of Indian corn contains a
large amount of potash : its ashes con
tain twice the amount of mineral than
the ashes of the willow, which contains
more than any other wood. I'otash is
one of the minerals for which the farm
er pays, in one shape or another, large
sum* of money,• and this frequently
when there can tie seen lying round
his pietnises uneconomized quantitie* of
this valuable material. When the cob
is ted ground with the corn, this large
amount of potash will be found in the
manure, as the animal economy doe*
not equal the amount of potash which
the vegetaide kingdom requires. ft
might not he bad economy to grind and
feed the cob if it was only to secure the
potash it contains.— Record.
To wagon the cob two or three
miles to the mill and back again, and
pay at least "one-eighth" for having
it ground might be "bad economy ;"
but where a farmer has a"llig Giant"
feed mill, such as we are now run
ning, and docs all his grinding at
home on wet days, and at odd hours,
we are sure that it would prove profit
able from the standpoint of the inn
nuru heap, to say nothing of its
value as feed, which on experience
proves to be considerable.
The cost of poultry-raising is some
thing which farmers in general do not
look into very closely—they generally
"guess" that there is a profit In it, and
let it go at that. In fact, this guessing
hahit is |>eculiar to the business of
farming, and is one of its weak points.
If merchants and manufacturers were
to be content with guesses ss to their
financial ventures there would be more
failuies than now. * * * Home
years ago I kept an account of what a
Hock of light Itrahma fowls would eat
from .lay to day with a full supply of
feed always at hand. * * • I found
that, after supplying the flock for ten
or a doaen weeks with all they would
eat. the amount consumed in a year by
each individual was about one and a
half bushels. A flock of 100, then,
would consume 1.10 bushels per annum,
or its equivalent. At 50 cents s bushel
the cost per heed is 75 cents. One and
a half bushels of corn weighs M 4 pounds j
hence in u day each fowl will ant 23100
pound*, and llie coat (at 50 cent* per
hiiahel) will he 90,0020510, or a IriHe
over two mill*.— Correspondence of Phila
delphia Record. '
There's a sample of telling whiit
should Ire done, and showing how to
do it. If the correspondent of our
esteemed contemporary calls that
"keeping accounts," wft should like
to sec a specimen of his "guessing."
Mr. Thomo* Robinson, of (ledde, N.
5'., lately allowed to the < hiondago
Farmer*' Club yellow butter made the
previous week "from the milk of a Jer
sey cow, fed on clover hay with a por
tion of shorts and a peek of carrots
each day." That is the only kind of
coloring material (Nature's own make)
that should ever be tolerated in any
dairy product.— Tribune.
If the Tribune's mistaken advice
were generally followed, the propor
tion of "wagon-grease butter" which
find* it way to the market would be
largely increased. There i* some
thing in appearances, and nothing is
"judged" by them oftencr than but
ter. Experience has proven that if
the product of a single winter's
churning be divided, and the one-half
nicely "colored" while the other is
left in all its lardy whiteness, and the
two lots put in competition in the
open market, the average purchaser
will make a difference of from three
to five cents per pound in favor of
the "June color." Perhaps no one
will deny that the kind of "coloring
material" used by Mr. Hobinson is
the very best in the world, but it is
not every butter maker who has Jer
sey cows, or who can feed on "clover
hay and carrots." In all respects
excepting color well cured fodder
corn makes an excellent substitute
for clover-hay as a winter feed for
milk cows, and can lie had in many
CH!#* where clover hay cannot. That
this lack in color can be easily,
cheaply ami advantageously supplied
we are fully convinced by a some
what protracted use of the "Perfect
ed butter Color" made by Wells,
Richardson A .Co., of Burlington,
Vt. We do not advocate the use of
every yellow nostrum that may he
for the purpose, but that
this is effective and utterly harmless
wc know from continued experience.
Botanists say that there are
different kinds of weeds in the United
Si ate*.— Exchange.
That makes the farmers' war against'
the weeds look rather formidable.
But we hum/ in'n if if wc would "make
the farm pay."
"Black Mexican" Sweet Corn.
In the Rural Actr Yorker for Janu
ary _M. we find the subjoined opinion
of this most delicious of all the varie
ties of sweet corn with which we are
acquainted. I.ikc the Rural, we have
tested nil the leading varieties, but
for ten years past we have not failed
to have a small lot of "Black Mexi
can" for our own table use. In
point of productiveness we do not
think it equals some others, but in
quality we do not hesitate to second
our valued contemporary in placing
it nt the head of the list:
For two year* past we have often call
ed attention to the excellence of a va
riety of weet corn well known a Mex
ican. We have tested in our grounds
all sorts of sweet corn nnd, as regards
sweetness and a richnesa that might
well be described aa "buttery," we be
lieve this Mexican variety should be
placed first. That there is no market de
mand for it is owing to the fact that the
ears are rather small (averaging seven
inches) and, being a* white as other
kinds until the kernels begin to hard
en, there is no distinctive character by
which it may become known to pur
chaser* and others, and larger kinds are
preferred. The Mexican corn grow*
about five feet high, is very prolific,
often hearing two and throe oars to a
stalk, and remains for an unusually
long time in a fit condition for table
use. Kven after the kernels begin to
color, they are still sweet, tender and
well flavored. When mature, they are
of a slate color and much shriveled.
Seed is offered by all seedsmen and we
hope that those of our readers who
have not done ao, will give it a trial.
Soiling Stock.
J. D. (I. In Cnoni-rllrut Vsnm-r.
1 have tried soiling stock for the
year past with good success, on nat
ural grassland. I like grass best for
this purpose. Clover is good on any
land. Hither can lie raised with but
little labor and by top dressing a
large crop can be secured. I had
this year four acres, on which, in two
crops, r cut the equivalent of twelve
tons of dry clover, yet my experience
is that the best of all crops for milk
and butter is sweet corn planted in
hills three feet by one feet, and fed
with the ears on and while in the
I IORHEH contract habita very eaaily
when improperly managed,and trana
niit them to thoir offapring. The
balky man makea a balky horae.
" 'Tia enaier to prevent than to cure."'
Among Our Exchanges.
'1 he Atnrriran Agriculturist for Feb
ruary is an unusually interesting and
readable number, and this is saying a
great deal for a publication which never
gives its readers a poor or even common
place issue. Over one hundred and
twenty-five articles, embracing the wid
est possible range of subjects of direct
1 interest to the farmer, illustrated by a
hundred engravings, every one of
which is executed with greatest care
| and fidelity, together covering forty
beautifully printed pages, is a showing of
| which any publishers may well be
The Februury or "Midwinter" num
ber of iScribner'e Magazine has readied
our table. While every article within
its beautiful cover pages is of interest to
every reader, there-are a number which
appeal with peculiar force to those who
are engaged in the great work of feed
ing the world's eaters. Among these
are Hev. K. P. Hoe's Success with Small
Fruits, New England Fences, New
Fruit L'ifess, ami the Mechanical Ex
traction of Cream. Relieving as we do,
| that the best farmers are those who are
| most intelligent and best read, we should
be glad to know that this number of
j Scribner was in the hands of a very large
| proportion of Centre county's farmers.
Feeding Gob Meal.
j Bj j. a. r„ Si. Loula, M->.
Kim. Cot.' NTIt y Gkxtlkman.— I
notice an inquiry of 11. N., Mastic,
N. V., asking for information regard
ing the economy and utility of grind
ing corn and cobs for feed. While it
is true that farmers differ on this ques
j lion, yet is it not true that this ques
' lion can be settled beyond doubt or
difference of opinion, and if so, why
| not do so, rather than leave farmers
and others desirous of the facts, to
exercise their own judgment, when
they have no data from which to
form a reliable conclusion? Ir.
Nichols of Massachusetts says in the
Boston Ploughman , that being in
doubt as to tire desirability of using
cob meal for stock, be selected a well
formed ear of corn, and removing
the kernels, subjected the cob to an
alysis with the following results :
W tf....... ? p*r rsnl.
; I'rmls Ikv nO'.f) "
A*l lie
j ( srlihjiintlM, fat and •lLumlnMU... 0m it *
I lie result of this analysis proves
that there is in corn cobs a consider
able quantity of fat-producing and
llesb-forming constituents, equal in
value to the best oat straw.
An cx|)eriinental test has been made
jin a more practical way, (one in
1 which all farmers can settle the ques
tion,) by a joint committee of the
Pom fret and Woodstock, Ct., Farm
ers' Clubs as follows:
Nine thrifty shotes as nearly alike
as possible, were kept in tight and
tidy pens bo days, (froiu March ill
to June fi,) and were fed during that
time all they would eat. Dividing
into lots of three, lot one was given
clear water and meal from shelled
corn; lot two was given cob meal
and water, and lot three had corn
and water. The liest northern corn
was used in each esse. The gain in
live weight for lot one was 30"
pounds; for lot two, 294 pounds,
and lot three, 233 pounds. The net
gain in pork for lot one was 219
pounds ; lot two, 230 pounds, and
lot three 190 pounds. I.ot one ate
1,322 pounds of clear corn meal; lot
two, 1,361 |>ounds cob meal—which
contained 1,147 pounds of clear corn
meal—and lot three 1,194 pounds of
clear corn. We find it took 4.6
pounds of clear corn meal in the first
|>eo to make one pound of live weight,
and 6.5 pounds to make one pound of
dressed weight. In the second pen
it took 4.75 pounds of cob meal to
make one pound of live weight, and
a fraction less than 6 pounds to make
one |>ound of dressed weight. (Ke
ducing this to clear meal we find
3.87 pounds made a pound of live
weight, and 6 pounds made a pound
dressed meat.) The third pen took
6.76 pounds of clear corn to make
one pound of live weight; and 6.05
|Miunds to make one pound of dress
ed mcift; making a perceptible show
ing in favor of corn and cob meal.
Besides these facts, it is also true
that there is nn acid and an alkali in
the cob, l>oth of which are beneficial.
Add to the above facts the cost of
shelling the corn, and the fact that
animals require a certain amount of
bulk in their feed, and I think the
question as to value and ex|icdicncy
of grinding corn and cob for any
and all kinds of stock, is settled be
yond question.
Hotrl Card*.
V (OpptMlU the Railroad Station,)
A. A KOHLBEOKKK, Proprlstor.
Tilani'till TRAVKf.KR* on the railroad will And
lhi Motel an etrrllenl place to Inarh, or pro. urea
maal, aa A 1.1, TRAINS itoji about *.'• mlnntea. 47
W. 8. MI'SSKK, Proprietor.
The town of Mltlbalni ti located in Penn'a Vat lav,
about two mllra from Cobnut Station, on the l<ewla-
Imrg, Centre nnd Spraee Croak Railroad, with tin
rounding- that make It a
flood tront flatting In the Immediate eMail? A cab
rone to evary train. At tha MUlhelm (Intel accom
modation* will be Poind flrM-rln*- and tertaa moder- j
ale, Jane SI, ISTS-IJ*
New I It-tor Hewing Maehine—Harper Jirothern, Agent*.
\//Im. Improvements September, 1878.
|wss<)7p H KntwitbatAnding tbo VJI'TOK )um long l<n
U;^-' L Jf peer of any Hewing Machine in the market u f,,
tt II U eupportod by ft host of voluntw-r vitriN*u—w* t,<. w
If if Tm!b\' .i/I*fw confidently claim for it greater rifrj|>]ir;•
T| (I '
Ar xAW ' H n 'x-antifnl specimen of meoiunu-i
-"-ifsf We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Rend for JllniitrafM Circular anil prices. Liberal tcrtua to the trade. I)oi,'t buy
until you liave wen tho
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Mafket.—The Ever Reliable VIC TOR.
.Vaster u Jlrnuch (llßcw, 143-i Hrara Ht.. i'tucxwj, li.u. MiDDLETOWJi, CONK.
HAHPF.R B BOTH KRB, A genu, Spring Btreet, - - BKI.LKFONTK, I'A.
Uilsoti, Mr Far lane 1 Co., Hardware Healera.
Paints, Oils, (ilass and Varnishes,
AI.LKOIIKN Y BTKKRT, .... 111 MKK 1110 K, .... BEI.I.RroS'T) pa
flr<.i it* Tikmp t*t Fourth M'HMUy >4 Jat)*
Mary, A|1I, AuguM am ! Sow-mU-r
I'rwHwl Jmljca- H.FIICiu* A M*rrt. IUVMI,
A'Mittimal U JUIK- —il u. Jmi II otvu, B*llc
Aw-'llt'" Jiulf**— flotHL tl t'fcAßC* ,-*CA* iHTftK
Pltrtl Baton J I *t n ll *ki-i *
K. jfi-i-r f Will. And <|iof • f.—E W Bf'VSFISLB.
K'-o.ler of !•*• I, Ac.,—WII.UAM A. TOBUB.
iM-iiwi Ailornif—lMTlD A. Foftvatf.
Ptift Iff-—Jom* Ppav.lem.
Trwawim—lltm YtAfttrf.
Oowilf furtryot—JO-mn UtTUto.
Conmrr -lr. Jmiih ALAM*
Out)My (<>QitT)iMi<U'M-AnMl* Ottnc, G®rv pAt,
Hffk O'linlf 111 wit T lit'l.
Attorney to County Ootnnilflionrr—C. M |h n
Janitor of th* Omit tloaae— lUnrmiM lOiHtitii
County Auditor*—J AMM T. H Wit-
UANB, Til >. 11. J mlko*.
Jor? < •rntnitoti<i M Nttt' *. DirillT Ku*L
Pu|*erlt*tM<|entof I'nMi' S haul*—Prof, linn MMIII
N'lr|M I'nMle—V.tM |lut< milt, W. W. Pvtiu,
11. i HiatNtr,
CIH IU HE.*, kr
PRR.ftRYTF.RIAN, Piluilnl <>n Kfirlni and hmt of
ll.,*ai J Mii.ta. Berth-to, ."and** >| Jo : I. MM4 I
TJ r *. Prajcr m-tlng W- ii.-eU, al7( r * NmUi- 1
edited, I. a. In the M n.>rth*a*l ohum t-f '
■"l"!"* *o~! Unit Fnl'-r, R,*. William Unri; real- j
d- if*. lifting auuth .4 kt.th.-li.i chat. h.
MKTIMKIFT >•*!.. Mnat-d Milhf.il nor
' "( tyrit.g an.l ll*ard Mrerl* (4erir*. ftoaday, i
al li'Al i. a 10.1 7* f r. a. Praycr-me-ling. 3\ *Jn**<lay j
"l''ji Iii4i) 23np v.btamipiil
uf rhurrh. Faatfl. R* v A. 11. Yorutti, rmldfixf-, 1
I'urlln itwt, *l.l of tyring.
tt&.lif .|. a|r**t l-tinii Allegh-ny and Penu. fffilnc i
Fund*} a and Jn.ai , * a d 71 ' r . , ,|| „(h*r day*. 1
7 ■*'* a. I'aatar. Re*. A.J oilti-n; r-aid-nc*-, uuth
aid' ol Biahop wittmi AII-alM.fi> ati l r-nn.
NT. JollN A EI'IBOOPftL, Ihluatt-d aalkawl '.rnif
of Alli|hmf atifl leinth ilti.fi •—trlcea. Nut-la}
I'O" a. B. att.l 7', p. w. 3(-Ij-*dav arrlrta F. j
*. an.l ptittdai -erhoel Autiday 2 r. w , la L*i**m*at of |
rhurrh. R-rhw, Mr. John Il.uttl, on I
Uml> flrnt raaw of K| l-. |.al ■ hutch
I.t'TIIEKAN, Mtuated w.uthweat rornrr ttf High !
and Penn atrec ta. -write**. Bumlay ld-TVi* a. and 7'y P. .
m. pun-la t It---1 Pundat In ln-lart room of t bnr> h. I
Prat-r meeting p. a. I'aah.r. R*T Nam- 1
ml K fur*l, t> anient r, at I'ata.aai*, illfh Ntiarl. I
neat tin thnrrh.
OKRMAN RI POIIMKn, Allnalol anrlhiaal tomot |
of Mnn anil Nprtng ar>.ta. Ni rrlrm M.n.lar at 111 SO !
a K.iml ■ I'rajrr maHtna W fMntaalaV 7U r. a.
PMnttay-arhiol, Ntin laj Iran . | n ihr churrh.
CNITKD JtRRTIIRKN, Rltaalod cotaar Noath tlifh I
anil Th.una* alraafa. Nrtrht*. Mutnlal at ItJg a a j
lai'Sr a. I'llvti-mffllnf. W-liifaiiT l a. Fa* I
Ittr, J. M. fmilh; a l.lt-af. Hrllrl..ulr
AFRICAN MKTIIOMNT, fhlaalaul aoath end of
Hich alra.l. Net*irea. Nui-lai IU Hi 1 a and 71 r a.
•'rarer merlin*. W rdnoada; 7| r. a. Bandav-arb<ml ia
rhnrrh al 2 Air. B. Paafut. Her. Jon.*,' t.xadetx...
Tlmina* alrrel.
FRIKNOA, Nlltialrd end of L>*ati alreet, n—ai
Rellefonle Aratjetnjr. Meetln*a, Nundaa 11 a. *_
Ufdatadii II a a.
V. M C. A.. I'rater merlin*, err held ever? Nnn lat I
at and rt} Krt.lat al T U r a in the r.ann of the
Aaataiallon alaiae the Coat llfflre AI n merlin* ia ,
held In the room Ihe Aral Nnnlat In earli month at 4 p. I
a llinm oto n eaerjr night In* 7 It. 9 p. a . and Ibe ,
National Cbrialiao Tem|ieranre Union al 7 *1 r. a., on
hi re la In Ibe Ixigan lloae lloaae, Thunder, at .'I r. a. j
mre tine earb Mondaj at 7 pa. in their rooaaa ia
Rueh'a Atra.lt, High alreet.
ALL miflercrH from Ihia dinease
that an aaiinua lo be rand ehottld Irr Da
HKRB. Tlieae fonder*are lb# ouljr |*t-|ral:.,n Itntxn
lltal will t ur* rviaai aprifig and all dlaeaaea ,4 lb*
Taaoar aaa Unoa—lndeed, ao aimng la oar failh ia
I Item, and a1... lo t-onrlnoe you thai they are no hntu
br.fc we will forward lo eaery aulferer by mail, nnat
paid, a ran Tain llo*.
Wa don't want yoar moaey until yoa are parfrrfly
aaltaHed ol Ibelr earallee pn* era If youi life ia matb
earing, don't delay la (Irlng Uiaae Pueaaaa a trial, ea
tbey *lll turely rare yon.
Frr*. *ir large bo* tAiil, aenl to an* part of the
United Ntatea or Canada, by aaatl. on rerelnt of price.
M-ly aao Falton Btreer, Br-Hiklyti If. T.
X llnmliug -by aoe meeth'e aaaaa af Or Oea
lard . Calabratad Infallible Fit Foid.e.
rlace auffrrem that three pondent *lll do ail *e claim
fcr them r Will ae*d them by naail. nut rata, . ran
ntaa eng. A* Dr. Otmlard ia the only pbyaMaa that
baa e*er made tbla dlae... a apartal atndy, and aa to
oar knowledge tb-maanda hare been rrawtmnr car
ad by the aaa af tbaaa Ponnaaa, wa *ll4 ..11atare* a
FIMMOT rr In every naae, or atrt aa rot *l4
aoatr gipaanan. All oußem* -Honld giro theae
Pondorr an eorly trial, and Iw con unreal of their can
tire power* V
Prlee. fr-r large boa, B.on, or 4 hnaea Ihr flO.tm, aaat
by mail to nay part of Ibe United Btotaa er (Vnada I
ea receipt of price, or by e*ma. C. 0 D Addnwa
♦4-1, SOD Falton Mreet, Rcdtljre, K, T, I
R. R-~Tlll>F-Tfc!'|F In ffln | oil iglil fc?!#.r T•*-.-
fluoa KLFUE 7J2 A. M..rriA' in Iv ~f . t a
9.&1 K *
B*!l-fonl A rrfifAt w *
11.57 A.M.
Kww Hhof 2.12 r M., iinvFi in Hi 1 •f- i t#
4.12 M.
HflUfubU 4.5*• i* it .trrtiF, t hn * fj
6/7 r.M. I'AMKI. RHOAI^
HojtoTintFn ict t
Rap. Mail *ter*aii. ta*i**i. K*j V. I
A.a. P. a. rail,
I :•!> 32 Arrl*. at Ttix, b . -
7hu 6 i'< Leave l-w. t Trtuut h-at. 7I ' - *
746 421 Vail Jl, g4]
'** IT " Bal l Ragle •• 7T. -<7
7in t (11 ....„ •• llanriaij 7M; 11 (,^
T22 4 /.t ...... •' port Matilda " ... 744 •11
714 A47 " Mattha
704 & W - Jol lea •• ... . (i| y. r i,
4'4 427 - I n ion* 111* ... all V 47
jr. 47 ft Ift ...... - Nno* Nlioe |* ' a7l 4'l
16 4.3 413 " Mileehurg " . .• v
6SJ 4US ..._ " R-llefont* " ... . :i7 p, ri
23 4 4.7 - Miltehurg " ft 1„ 1
16 13 4 4.3 •• Cur tin - ... i ;
' oft lif ..., H " Mount Ragle ... 'f* 1 ti
6wi 4lt ... - Howard -* r (ia ]< 4.1
I i (' 4 2(1 " Regie* lU* " ... ft ]e )
j S 4*3 4IS " HeethCroek " .. W7. ) 7
4A3 403 ... - Mill 11*11 - . (. 4 1110
42# 4 (At ... " Fletulngtoo - ... it 47 11 14
424 334 Rock Hareii " ... >. 42 11 It
IJ —l'hiU4 I|'IUA AntJ Km- I*j. kui
LVF*NIBF R 12. 1*77
KKIR MAll, * R ?
44 4 ir
M Vf! I) la.r4i to)*. OT t fc .R Uk
M Lwk lUftoi v 4i> a ui
44 ■rrlTff* at T v 1 - u
44 llrrlAl>urf . If MAM
*" WilliAM|h4i 2 1 m
44 - irtltMil Brooifi 4 4* j m
rA*nk-.r l.y thi* (mm Ait.tA it. IWIJ#*-
fonlF ol ........... 4 .'Ui j tn
44 IlArr4
44 Wi!li*tntioft 7 |i
44 ATrtTM at Lorl llaTm I4|i M
PACII!' K\PKKSS F>* I rark LL.Trn f> 4" A M
** lVillUaafM>rt * Wa
44 rklU'ifl) i.IR . r. 4' i w
1 PAT KM'KKM I eateaßenoTo JO )"n
" lk lla Ten 11 .' •
" Wllllamapori ....... ILTU.N
" arri.reat Ilarriahutg...... atop*
" Philadelphia 7Jk p
KRTK MAIL learea i .V p at
" Loch aa' ya
" 33 llliawojKtrt 11 tt' jin
" artlree al Harrtel'urg 2 4-an
M Philad' iphia. 7 <*' a
FAST LINK learea 31 llliamapnri 12 34 a at
" arria** at llameliarg- .7 4* a a
" - Fhila4rt|ilita 734 an
Kti* Mail 3ft'eat. Kiagnra R>|treae M eat, Lo, k Rein
Amrnimtatotion We.l and Pay F.apreaa Foot melt
( cloae cooaectiona at Na*thaml<*Hai,d with L 4 R. H-
R train* for W'Hkaalwrre and Arrwaton
Rrt* Mall Meat. Niagara Kipr-ea Weet. am! T
•*!***• aad Lock llaren A-ommodalion Mte'-
make rloae connection at Wllllamept.rt with S.C.I
W. train* north
Kit* Mall Weal. Niagara Rxpreat Weet. am! !•*?
Eiprem Uaat. make cloae maaartiM al leek H*a
33 .lb B. R v R R train*
Kli* Mall Real and Weal connect at Erie with trait,
on I. tiki R g.. „ (lorry with O C 4** l
R., al Emporium with R. S. T. I I. K. R., uN
Drift wood wilb AT HI!
Farior can will rwa Iwtweew Fbiladelphl* a" 4
33 tlliame|e,rl on Niagara
Weat, l-t.lladeljibla Ht|Vm* Raat and Da; Ktjcee
Kaat, and ftaoda; Kij.rem Real Maeptng .an -a *
togbt train*. 3* a. A. R*l.t>*ia.
Uen'l Papcrlatendeni
Plain or Fancy Printing.
We hgre unu*UAL FA-iUUe* for printing
MrPriotini done in the beat R;l, on
•hort notice and at the loweet rate*.
MSOrder, by mail will RET-elae prompt