®l)c Centre Afeh. Democrat. SHUGKRT A FORMER, Editors. VOL. 2. Ttlir Cnvtrr mat rat. Turin* Sl.fiO per Annum, in Advance. 8 , T SHUGERT end R. H. FORSTER, Editor*. Thursday Homing, February 5, 1880. Centro County Domocratic Com mittee—lßßo. DfHTlUf"**- HAHM. f. n. F.tlM"iitr, N HAIMAUIi HHlrfont*. . S W...W. V. llrtnU Br 11 rfont*. • W.W...WillUtit Il.ir|t*r Brllrtontr. MilrwUtirg Knmk K HIM* MilmlttirK. i n • nvlU* P J- MrDotinrll 1 nlmivillc. Ilow.ml A J. tiinlu.r Il"**rl,l lUciin ...J. II Hrlfnylir Mllli.din iuunrr l'HhSlv.r Hll*fvitf |l. gg. J in* A. Ml'Uin Mil*Lurg |t urn side William H|>|'l* Pin* Glenn. < dirge ...Sam'l Oillllanri Hcilalmr^ Curt in BavM Pelonir Howard. |Vrgu*on, Ol* .IHHI'I llrirlwlbli Stat* CMICR*. N 1* it. M. (tturmatown. flrvgs ...1,. M lii-hvl Spring Mill*. Ilain** Oaurg* K*IIt AaroimhArg. lUlfatt>n John Ward n. Karri* Sanuifl Whirr iMnM'tir#. Howard Pavid T*n?*r .Howard. }jut n..~ 11. O.Chr*nlalar.. Marl ha. lileity W 11 UanlntT HUnrliarl Marion JMin Hj. Jr W'alkrr. Miloa „B*m'l K Fauat Milthfdm. I4tt TI 11. W*. Iliitul'Mrgrr Fillmore. prnti >V F. Smith Mlllhrlm potter. N I* I>. F I,IMM ('antra llall. S IV ......fl W\ Sp*ng|r .........Tuill*. Rink ...William Cu1ta!......... Phtll|Mturg. •* Shw Johi <#. Cxsla Snow Slo.a. hpnttg F.. C. W.WHI „... Itollof.lit*. Taylor ..Saimid Fwl*r. I ni. ri I. S. Frrl*riclt* ....... Kkiniug Walker Samud l* ker 7.ion. Worth O. R. William* Fort Matilda. J. L. SPAMOLKK. Chairman. Htptl F!. Bin. a. S*cr*tary. CONTRARY to our earnest hopes at the time we went to press on last Thursday, the Curtiu-Yocum contest still remains undecided. At the meet ing of the Committee on Elections on Wednesday of last week, the majority members of the sub-committee were ready to report; but it appears the Republican mem tiers were not satis tied with the report prepared by the minority of the sub-committee, and tlemuuded more time for examination. After a strong appeal to the majority this was grnuted, and the committee adjourned witholit any action until Tuesday of this week, which of course made it imjKKMhle to have final ac tion in t iiue to hold an electiuu ou the 17th instant. At the meeting on Tues day it was decided that the vote in committee should lie taken to-day. Tin re is nothing to change the opin ion expressed last week that the report of the majority, declaring the sent of Mr. Yocum vacant and remnnding the matter hack to the people of the dis trict, will lie adopted. Whether an election shall in that event be held will of course depend upon the Governor of th" Slate. It will rest with him to fix the time and issue the writ for it. So far as Congress is concerned, the ease will now probably be disposed of in due time, as the opjiosition has noth ing more to gain by interposing fur ther obstacles in the way of action. It must lie borne in mind that the de lay in the disposition of this ease has been owing to no fault of Gov. Curtin or his friends. From the beginning they have been urgent for a decision, and the hindrances to that end have nil come from the other side. A FEW days ago a duel was fought lietween Major Burke and Major Har vey, two lawyers of New Orleans. The weapons were pistols, distance 20 paces—two shots were exchanged without result, when they sensibly cntne to the conclusion that their wound ed honors were fully vindicated and that they were both as brave as Julius Casar. 80 they were. But they couldn't shoot worth a darn. II AT was represented to he riot* at the recent primary meeting* in Philadelphia, turn* out to be a myth, got up to injure the standing of the order-loving select councilman, Wm. M'Mullen, who was put upon trial under the base charge, and acquitted. He wan then called upon the stand a/w a witness in the trial of Itvan and Trenwitb, indicted at the same time, when he stated that uo riot occurred on that occasion. In this opinion the court and jury concurred, and they also were acquitted. The firing of a few pistols and the use of a few blud geons merely to give emphasis to the arguments of different contestants, could not be considered riot in the Quaker city. It could only be looked upon as mere by-play, or affectionate greeting and general hilarity among' friends. "RiJCAJ. AND KXACT JUBTICK TO AI.T. MKN, or WIIATKVKR STATU OR FKRSOAHION, RKI.IOIOUB OR FOMTIOAI-."—Jeffrnon The Monroe Doetrino Revived Away back in tho first quarter of the present century the people of the Spanish-American colonies of South America revolted against their rulers abroad, and established governments of their own. These governments they maintained by force of arms, animated by the same spirit of patriotism and determination to be free from the chnins of a foreign yoke that gave nerve and strength to the sturdy men of our own thirteen colonies during their fight for independence in the proceeding century. The de facto gov ernments thus put in operation had been recognized by the United States, but the Spanish King determined not to bear so grievous a loss to his domin ions without a struggle. With the aid of certain other European raonarchs he Imped to conquer his rebellious sub jects and bring them again under tlie power of his kingdom. Unfortunately for his designs, tin; English govern ment refused to become a party to the alliance, and this refusal, together with the firm protest of the United States, soon brought the allied Kings to realize the difficulties that must beset their enterprise of subjugation, and it failed. President Monroe, keenly solicitous j for the safety and success of our Re- j publican form of government, and deeply impressed with the dangers to its stability that must constantly spring from the enmity and the in trigues of monarchists firmly intrench ed in authority and jiower on side of the Atlantic, not only avowed his earnest sympathy with the struggling Republics of the South, but defiantly proclaimed the principle that the po litical systems of Europe could not lie established on these continents by Eu ropean nations. lie discussed this question ably and elaborately in his annual message to Congress, December 2, 1823, asserting that " With the ex isting colonies or dejieudenciea of " any European power we have not " interfered and shall not interfere. " But with the governments who have " declared their independence and " maintained it, and whose independ " ence we have on great consideration " and on first priuciplcs acknowledged, " we cotdd not view anv interposition " for the purpose of oppressing them or " controling in any other manner their "destiny by nny European power in " any other light then as the manifes "tntion of an unfriendly disposition "towards the United States ; " arid further, that "Our policy in regard to " Europe, which was adopted at an "an early stage of the wars which " have so long agitated that quarter of " the globe, nevertheless remains the "same, which is not to interfere in the " internal concerns of any of its powers. * * ♦ Rut in regard to these con " tinents circumstances are eminently "and conspicuously different. It is " impossible that the allied powers "should extend their political system "to any portion of either continent " without endangering our peace and " happiness." But, in the same message, Mr. Mon roe went even further, for he believed the time had come to announce "as a "principle in which the rights and in " tercets of the United States are involv " ed,<- that the American continents by 4 ' the free and independent condition •' which they have assumed and main " tain, are henceforth not to be consider " ed as subjects for future colonization "by any European powers," This is the principle known as the Monroe doctrine, and it has ever since been sustained as the policy of the United States in the treatment of questions growing out of European pretentions near our borders and especially with regard to Central and South America. For some years this popular Ameri can doctrine has been peacefully slum bering in a dusty recess of the State department, at Washington, but the magnificent project of a ship canal, under* supposed French auspices, across the Isthmus, between Chagres BEI.LEFONTE, I'A., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, IHHO. ninl Panama, to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, has disturbed its long repose. This contemplated en terprise is by no means Utopiau. We are in an nge noted for gigantic schemes and are witnesses of many of them carried througli to complete suc cess, which in an older time would have been regarded as utterly imprac ticable and as the mere visionary fig ments of an unbalanced mind. And so with the isthmian connectioi* of the two oceans. It appears to he a huge undertaking, and when one thinks of the amount of labor ami the expendi ture of capital involved in its construc tion they may seem almost fabulous. •Still a decade or two may witness its accomplishment. There can be no doubt that the idea of an improvement of this magnitude controlled by Euro pean capital, under the protection of some Europeau nation, is exceedingly distasteful to our people. It comes too near home not to excite the liveliest concern and the gravest apprehension. It involves the business welfare ami the commercial prosperity of the coun try, and without the most ample guar anties that it shall at all times, in peace and war, be open to our merchant marine and the armed ships of our navy, it would stand as a constant men ace to our safety and inevitably pro voke troubles and wars. So thought ful and conservative a statesman as Mr. Bayard, in a recent speech in the Senate, with a wise insight into its momentous consequences to us as a jjeople, alluded to this scheme of unit ing the two oceans, taking a strong American view of its demands upon the Uuited States. He said : "There " is no cloud of wnr now upon the ho " rizon, but who cau tell when it may " arise ? The scheme of uniting the " two great oceans by a canal "across 1 " the Isthmus on the southern border " of this Continent is one of world wide " importance, and the heart of every "American proclaims that it is to lie " under the control of the government "of the United States. Our power " may be questioned, but it will bo " maintained." These words of Mr. Bayard, it is said, made a profound impression upon all who heard them uttered, and they have since received almost unanimous approval in both branches of Congress. There is not, however, much proba bility of trouble arising between the United States and France. Indeed it is already announced that the French government has officially disavowed all intention of setting up a protector ate over this project on this continent, or as a correspondent of the New York Herald says, "to guarantee or protect, or in any way make itself responsible for or on account of the plans of M. de Ixswps in the negotiation for or the huiidingof an interoceanic canal." If this statement of the intentions and jtolicy of France towards the proposed work is correct, there may be no occa sion at this time for another assertion of the Monroe doctrine of "hands off," and it can resume its quiet nap and remaiu undisturbed in its slunftn-rs un til some future necessity again awak eus it to life. But it is well enough once-in-a-while to know that we have such a principle to assert, and it is none the worse for an occasional air ing, if only to remind us that it still exists and is useful to keep Kuropean intermedlers in our affairs at a dis tance. ONE good reason, says the Washing ton Post, for Democratic opposition to the exodus was given by an Indiana Republican witness yesterday. The plain-speaking Stalwart remarked that " for every negro that gets a job a white man is thrown out of employment." What shall be said of a party that, in the hope of increasing its vote, imports negroes from a locality where they have abundant work and fair pay, and puts them into a Htate where their employment robs the white laborers of a chance to earn bread for their fami lies? Yet this is the testimony of a Republican in good standing. Oorporuto Power and tho Courts 1 he recent remarkable declarations of Mr. Franklin B. Gowen, president of the Heading Railroad Company, he fore a Congressional committee, have attracted universal attention and oc casioned wide spread comment. Mr. Gowen appeared before the comnTittee in his official capacity to represent the position of his company in regard to the provisions of what is known as the Ueagan Inter-State Comroert-c hill, and during his argument he is said to have brought the very gravest of charges against the integrity and pur ity of our state judiciary. lie is said to have distinctly affirmed that both our district and supreme court judges are but the creatures of a great cor poration 11 ml that they how in abject obedience to the imperious commands of their powerful masters. .Such as- sertions coining from any source would be well calculated to challenge the earnest consideration of" every citizen of this commonwealth. But when made by so distinguished a gentleman as Mr. Gowen, himself the load of a great Railway company and a lawyer of high character and eminent ability, they assume such formidable nro portions as to demand at the hands of their author the fullest and most ex plicit proof. Mr. Gowen is not the man to rashly and precipitately rush into statements of so serious a nature. Ue undoubtedly gave his words to the World after carefully and deliberately weighing their full import, and he now owes it to himself, to the corpora tion he has so circumstantially rfigned, to the courts he has held up to c*ntumciy and scorn, and most of all to tht people of this great State whose bulwark and shield he has thus ruth dAsly demolished, to make good this grave indictment if it is in his power so to do. It is scarcely credible that Mr. Gowen was stung into intemperance of speech by jealousy or hatred of a rival corporation or that in his zeal amkardor for the advancement of his own company he was led to the per petration of a grievous wrong against the judiciary of the State in which is located all the vast property he so skillfully manages and directs. Such an interpretation of the gentleman's language is nut in keeping with his established reputation as 11 sagacious and consummate business man, as well as a cool and admirably equipped lawyer. Mr. Gowen has never yet shirked any responsibility however onerous and it i? to be hoped he will not prove unequal now to the position he has voluntarily assumed. Mn. BEAINE, having succeeded in establishing iu Maine an effective Ju. dicial Returning Board ami a minori ty Legislature, is now happy in the belief that all is lovely in that quarter, and has taken his seat in the Senate to look after his Presidential interests. The "greatest American" being out of the race, the coutest will bo very inter esting between the Maine recipient of the "credit inobelier" plunder, the shot-gun hero of New York, and the champion and adviser of the Presiden tial Fraud. Let Mulligan, Jenks and Pinkston now step to the front. IT is said the uaine of the "Lewis burg, Centre ami Spruco Creek Kail road" has been changed to "Lewisburg and Tyrone Railroad." Well, any name will do, only let the road be completed. If our people are not to Ire directly benefitted by the stock and the money they have advanced to pro cure this road, let them at least benefit by the accommodation to their busi ness and travel which its completion will afford them. A VIRGINIA gentleman represent ing the wealthy people of that State recently visited Baltimore to negotiate a loan. He oflTered the best security, but the capitalists refused to loau any money iu Virginia under the present condition of affairs in that State. Repudiation may have its disadvan tages. I'r will he universally regretted that the laws of the Empire State were not framed with special reference to such fiends in human form a j the Rev. Mh Cowley, superintendent and manager of the "Shepherds' Fold" in the City of New York, where under the veil of philanthrophy ami relig ion he literally starved hundreds of the helpless little children confided to his care until they were mere shadows, and subjected them to such acts of atrocious cruelty and neglect a-* to make any punishment that may be meted out to him hut trivial in com parison with the hideousuess of his crimes. He is now the of a cell in the Tombs and it is to be hoped that there will be no miscarriage of justice in his ease, hut that his punish ment shall be something near what lie deserves. WE rather admire the nouchalence of the Republican. Utterly oblivious of the fact that the convention of its party was in session at llarrishurg yes terday, it devoted almost a column of its valuable space to the discussion of the all absorbing question, "Shall the Unit Uule he abolished ?" We do not know whether the convention would its sittings until our es teemed contemporary could reach it, or not. Doubtless the Republican ar- tiele was telegraphed early in the morning thus giving tho benighted delegates the advantage of the golden words of advice so cheerfully proffer ed by the editorial Ajax of General Bearer's home organ. That's right, keep within sight of the flesh pots. THE Boston Herald says that the business meu of that city "are taking a good deal of interest in John Sher mau # as a Presidential candidate." Well, it will take a good deal of in terest to elect him if he is a "Presi dential candidate." Eliza Pinkston and Agnes Jenks would have to be re inforced by more than the business men of Boston. Stealing the Presiden tial office, in which John was an adept and got his pay in 187<, will not win this time. THE Republican State committee of Virginia docs not seem to lie altogether willing to accept the proposition to unite with the licadjusters in building up a party under the specious appel ation of "Liberals." It has resolved to adhere to the old name and run the machine in the old rut —that is, to hitch horses with any faction that may spring up, having n tendency to weak en the Democracy and cripple its power to resist the establishment of a "strong government'*at Washington. WE do not SEE that the fraudulent j President has yet sent in the name of J. Madison WeiU for confirmation to any foreign mission. l'erhaj* the Ohio men have exhausted the supply. Pincliback having been nominated to the offh* recently filled by Wells, this houest gentleman seems to be out in the cold. The Senate might forget he is a villain, ami confirm him Commissioner of Indian affairs, now vacant. Why not try it? It would no doubt save Mr. Hayes and Secretary Sherman a great deal of worry, if not expense. WE are highly gratified to lie able to state that the appointment of Hon. J. Simpson Africa, as Supervisor of the Ccusus for the seventh district of Pennsylvania, which includes Centre county, was on Monday confirmed in the executive session of the United States Senate. The appointment of Mr. Africa has given geueral satisfac tion. Every one concedes his peculiar fitness for the position, nod it is uot too much to venture the assertion that under his supervision the work will he thoroughly ami efficiently done. SINCE those immaculate Republi can officials Hnyt, of the Indian bu reau, and Seward, of the Shanghai cousultate, have come to grief we may expect some one of our stalwart con temporaries to favor the country with the usual disquisition about the houcsty and efficiency of the civil service un der Reptiblhan administration. TERMS: #1.50 |r Aiiiiiim, in Advance. OK.N. MA HONE, the newly elected j Senator from Virginia, is represented, en the authority of a Republican State Senator, as having expressed a prefcr eiicc for Rluine or t'oiikling for Presi | dent, in opposition to any Bourbon Democrat. This may l>e true. Gen. | Mahone is the head and front of the Re-Adjusters party, who, combined with the Republicans and negroes, carried the State against the Demo crats lust fall. But the Richmond W'ltiff, the organ of Gen. Mahone, char acterizes the story that Mahone has gone over to the Republicans, a "stu pendous joke on the Re-Adjusters," and "developements that are rapidly to come, will give the hoax its quietus." STATE NEWS. The Allentown Rolling Mill paid off on Saturday, and it took $50,000 to do it. A Pennsylvania school teacher thinks that pupils ought to have a great hearty laugh every day. 't here are filty-one furnaceit in blast in the Lehigh Valley, with an annual ca pacity of over GOO.OUO tons of pig iron. The official report of the production of anthracite coal for the year 1879 makes the total quantity 26.142,689 tons. The Puddlers of the I'enn Rolling Mill at Lancaster have received an in crease of tifty'cenls a ton for puddling Preparations are actively going on at the Philadelphia arid Reading shops, in the letter city, to build 1,000 freight cars. l'itUburg papers report that the lamp I chimney manufacturers have all the or ; ders tliey can fill for some lime to come. | The peach trees down in Delaware are yielding to the siren advances of i January's hot-house sun and show signs | of budding. Alexander Gibson, known as the | "Lumber King"' of New Brunswick, baa sent by cable from St. John a donation of $ >,OOO to the Irish relief fund. Abraham Penny packer, Chester coun ty, while ploughing, discovered thou sands of grasshoppers. On taking some of them home tbev became quite lively. The citixens of Bradford held a meet -1 ing on Wednesday evening of laat week and subscribed 615,000 toward building j a plank road from that city to Coleville. i The road is to coat when completed 1 650,000. * >n Saturday night, while Mr. Butler, ! of Pittsburg, was out visiting with his j lamily, a man with blackened face sur prised a young woman left in charge of ihe house, and after gagging her, secur ed about S6OO which was in a trunk. A terrific wind storm set in at Albany, N. V., on Monday morning, and lasted all day doing considerable damage to property. The tin roofs or> a number of the houses were torn up. The weathtr at night was very cold and the wind somewhat abated. The Slate Board of Agriculture at its recent meeting resolved that until mil lers are willing to give quality a greater preference in price, our farmera are justified in raiting such kinds of wheat as their experience demonstrates will yield the greatest number of busheal. The Catasauqua Manufacturing Com pany baa just advanced the wages of its puddlera -■> cents per ton and added 5 cents per day to the wages of the other employes. If the price of iron remains firm the wages of the men will receive another increase in about two weeks. * Pittsburg papers report that a new oil well near fteynolasville, Jefferson county, is yielding about 150 barrels a day. This discovery has created an ex citement throughout the oil region, as it is new territory, and this first find there argues well for prolific sources of oil. About $450 were collected in the Catholic churches of Bradford, on Sun day last, (or the suffering poor of Ire land. It is proposed to hold relief meetings there, and a number of wealthy citisens have pledged them selves to give SI,OOO each. • A correspondent of the Oil City Der rick, who has investigated the new oil well near Heynoldsville, Jefferson coun ty. which was said to be gushing 100 barrels a day, says that it is not yielding a pint a day. and a horde of speculators who csme down upon hearing the news to buy up territory have left disgusted. An eloping couple from Coateaville arrived in Columbia on Tuesday, and were arrested upon information from the former place. The girl waa nearly six feet in height, and the man about four feet and five inches. Tbey ware relessed when the female gave up a coat and hat she had taken from Coatea ville. A general strike of the ore miner* em ployed on "The Flats'' took place Mon day morning at East Texas, Pa. This is the largest mining district in Lehigh county. They demand an increase of thirty-lire cents per day. The present rate of wages paid is ninety cents. Fifteen mines are now idle. In regard to the dispatch|from Scran ton, to the effect that Samuel J. Tilden is about to marry a Miaa Ranch,of Lewis burg, Mr. Tilden says the report is as true as about nine-tenths of the state ments concerning him daily published —this is not at all. He presumes that the authors of the rumor hare acted on the maxim of equity aod jurisprudence that what ought to hare been don* has in fact been done. But unfortunately he nerer had the pleasure of knowing of the existence of any such lady. NO. (i.