>T. If. 11 AT LA NIPS Our I'rlcc Dry-OOIKIM Starr. . 11. BAULAND'S f' • ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, 1A. TIE AD-QUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS. —AT— * THE BEE HIVE ONE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DRY HOODS STORE I am offering the LARGEST, REST and CUE A I'EST stock of Dry Goods in Centre county. EVERY ONE SAYS THAT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. GO THEN AND BE CONVINCED. —A LI. GOODS AT'ALL TIMES SOLD,AT 'THE LOWEST MARKET TRICES.— • ■ * i -fr.vv ■ Having received an immense Stock of Goods before the advance, I am aide to sell Cheaper than any Store in Town. UaT-ALL MY GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. HOPING TO RECEIV E AN EARLY ('ALL, I remain, respectfully, yours, J. H. BAULAND My motto is, "OA7? PRICE—THE VERY LO WEST, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION." (Jiiet'ii Victoria un She Ih. Ft<>ni L>nl>n letter in the Cliicaxo Tim*-*. I had as good a view of Her Majesty's features as pottaiide at a distance of about thirty paces in a railway depot not too liberally lighted with gas. She is not so tall as she looks in the photo- i graphs and standard paintings. She is ' decidedly below the ordinary height, not so stout as I have often heard her ' described, but what I should call one of the "comfortable" build. Her Majesty was dressed in very deep mourning, j with an abundance of crape. Her head covering was a sort of crape coronet hat; ' her dress was long behind and looped up in front, and covered with crape, and she wore, as well as I could discern, a black cloth jacket, trimmed heavily with crape of very plain, square cut. If she carried any jewelry it was of the | simplest description; none of it was visible and one of her hands was un gloved. John A. Sutter, the veteran California ! pioneer, went to New York on Satur- I day to preside at the dinner of the Cal- j ifornia pioneers on Monday evening. llerks county exjiects to be the pio- ' neer in the best raising industry. Xcw A d rrrtisem en ts. Ontre County Fur in cm' Home. BUSH HOUSE. PRICES To BUIT THE TIMES. Irnjr-ved and Cmr< fill Ifoatler*. I*w isl j Rum >tr Jurynici) rni'l WitaMMn. CWnlini**, Com- | ("ft *od Table I'oeti el led. NO DISCRIMINATION Pi dm • r* .if our Food, titan whom Doqc j *r tu r- worthy, or more *ntttld to Attention The Bush lluow having over three tirm— the rarity of ' ••titer hotels, there in no uccieion or di*fMsitinn to ' th" gtiw.t in •ttir r m* This ao-ounU fbt its | Iffwini Lc*| Trade. We do not trust vour hornw to ire ah.| jsroftt of paitte* .His nnitected with the k'M. [J-if.} J. II M YKK.*, Proprietor Adminiftrttor*! Notice, f ETTERB of Administration hav- I I J trig i sen to the undersigned on the ettt 1 PH I I If Kill Dtt, 'l" ".vsed, lilt of t to* t->* Mkit •( Milw, Centre rounty, nil perrnn* IndeLted to said fe re-jUrtimi to make InitnMiiile |*ym*-nt, ®n4 sli |wron having claim* against sell d*-e***d will present thctn duly authenticated for payment. DANIKL BRt'MGARD. Administrator. Kidney PAD THE ONLY CURE hir hnihetet, Gravel, Dropiy, Bright't Die eaie, Pain in the Hark, Inability to Retain or fspelthi I nne, ('atarrh of the Bladtlrr, Bum '*!!Painful t rinating. Brick I hint Depont, AffrrUnnt nj the -Spine, Nervous Debility, Fe male Weakneee, and all [Uteaeee of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urin ary Organs. It av,ida INTF.RNAI, medirlnef, Va romfortahle to iwhenu Certain in It* effect. and CI I KM wb>n "••thing e|e can. Avoid all other Kfxv Pam, a* ■orthleaa imitation* are telng furred upon the |*rkt. W will send rertlflc*t.w of cure*. and our /*• U" a Ufa waa liral," tf.% npoti th rwewipt w Jonr adlnwi. DAY'S PAD '* *>M by Druggists, or sent by .11 roe. i|.t ~f price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN. „ , _ BEi.i.r.rfT, pa., *ll U RSAI.E A'.l NT FOR ( KNTRF. COUNTY. PUBLIC SALE OP STOCKS —OP— TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANIES' 0S(B ST TBI COMMItRWRAI.TII OF PKNNPYI.VANI A. to purnoaaea of lb. act of Jun* 18. KS, Hi* Auditor J-iwrol w||| i ih. Mer-huit.' It •Jung.. in ifa. city of Philadelphia, ..n TI ESt'AY. I;/'"' FEBRUARY, l4>. >1 18 o'cloek M . ,V " f Turnpike R.,| sin hs, now owned by "oaununwenlth, among whirb sr. *" *IIARKS SJfOW SHOW AMD PARKRRPYIM.E ~ Tl HNPIRR. for sll thtwr Stork, cannot li. fmri'l. L' 1 "" Intrrwt „f ih. CommonWMltb will N> sold. t purrhusr will l .Mltlod to (k. sun. nomlwr ef . _ " ih. oifglMl own.r. T.rins 10 pr r.qt- on J!' "1 *'•; Ih. Iwtnnc. within thirty days lo tk. whwn . tmnafpr will b. rlt.ti , , WILLIAM P. B4 URLL. .* ____ Asdllor flrswsl. For Hale. A FARM containing Fifty Acres, Urlng tbrrson .owtl • TWOSTdRY ■AMR HI ll.DlSd uid oat batldlnst. 11U. good. . s,nirr of A. 1. A T. ¥ OKIRNT, 1 I'ntonrlllr. C.nlrr roomy, Ps, I Sew Adrertisemflits. THE BEST OFFER YET, A Good Xew*|a|M>r at Cheap Hate* and a number of Ouod IWMike into the Bargain. A Copy f WorcNter' (juartu Dictionary and t.ther indurementa U cluh-gettera. TIIE WEEKLY PATRIOT I a journal devoted to Literature, Agriculture, Poli ties, Ht ienre nnd Neur. It give* all the newa tf the week hi rondeneed form. I'-nneyhaula newi | a apocial feature. Pan It nil in bar cuiitaina a rompleted •tory, selected |M>etry, wit and huuiur, articles for the farmer, mechanic and liuu*e-wife, rfporta of market* , editorials on current topic* and general mUcellany. I Price %l id) jer annum. BPBTIAI. INDt CEMKNTB POH I**.. Kvrry new ulcrilier to the AVerklt Pateiut who will aend ti Two Dollar* caah in alvance, ami every old uls*4-ri!*r who will pay hi* arrear* and aend Two Dollar* in addition, will receive one copy of the AVkiklt Patihvt for one year and a copy of each of the standard novel*, "Jan* Kyrr*" hy Charlotte llmnte, and "Daniel Derunda** hy (*eorge KUiot, |G KTTERB. ! Ten ropie* rf Wißll T PlTllef one year to one | P U., and an elegantly hound copy of "Lern | priere • Classical Dictionary" to clutfgetter.oo i Fifteen copies of AVriilt Patriot one >#-ar to I one P.O. and an illustrated ropy of "Maan | lay'* lliatory of Kngland" with maps, in 5 I Vols., cloth, to club-getter - 22 Twenty copiw of Wim r Pvtrioy one year ti one iP. O. ami a npy of Ane*t illutrate| enfelhnite Mtales Army, . .puhliahesl fbr The llootl Orphan Mt'innrial Fund Ornkral O. T. BKAURKOAKD, New Ori.ramr, 1880. The entire proreseD'arising from the sale . f|this work are devoted to the The lliirl Orphan Memorial Fund, which l invested (n t'nlted Ptate* Registere<| Bonds for the nnrtnr*. care, *npport and MhMtflMl in niv> someGeat RnuLian Cloth, at TIIRK.R DTiI.i.aRB. oe ' in a Fins Hueep Bi*vh*o, with Maesi.e Rm.r, TIIRRF. DOI.I.AKR AND FIFTY CKNTA —in Halt Botan Mo MMQo, iinEAR? TTi.r. Four imIJ.ARA, oe in bott I.EVAnr Ti-eekt Moroo<>, full Gilt Fide* a*p Rdoe*, FIVK DoLLAKft. On the receipt from any per*n remitting hy mail or exprea*, of the amunt In a registered letter or by a petal order, hank draft, or rherk, a copy will le im mediately aent free of pontage, registered a* second claaa matter. The volume is published in the let styls of typ*> graph?, m elegant paper, with llluatratione, executed a* highest specimens of art. The author, the subject, the purpose, all alike render it worthy a place in every library,—on every desk—or upon the t*k shelf of every houae in the • ountry. Agent* wanted In every town and rmmty in the l'nitei states, and a preference will be gi?en to hon orably dlw barged veteran* of the army. To the ladles, who feal a desire tn express their *ym pathy with The ;Mooi Oepnae Memoeial Fcnn, the sale f this book among their cirri* of friends, will afford an excellent way of contributing sulwtontlal aid t so deserving a cause. For terms, rates W agents, Ac., address with full particnlani. Gkh'i. O. T. Braurroard, PublUhor, Ox mb.w or tr* 11000 Miaonui. Vi o, Mf Mw Omun, La CoiiiiiilHHioner'H Notice. i w I vna I In tlx Court of Com. Plma " I.YOR, I o( Ontr* county, ARVILLA A. LYON, j A.V.M Tli. iinriwry . IARO, at 10 o'chark A. M. 8-3* ft. D RAY, OotnmlMdoOM'. AdiulniHtriitor's Notice, r BTTERB of Administration, de 1 J 1.,n0. non, on tk. Mtal. of Aaron Part.™,., dwxuwd. Int. of tk. lioronßh of MllMbarc. r.nti. county, Pa . bar. btui grantm! to lb. MdrnuMf, r .Mint In Mllntbar,, to -bom all fmuon, Indotifd to •oM Mtato or. ro>inoMl to mak* Itomodloto poym.nl, and all prmun. liorfng claim rnln.t mid iwlat. mill prm.nl tli.m dnly nntbrntionlad far mtti.ni.nl R. H. CARR. I-AOt Admlnlatrofor, do lienor nan. MONEY TwLoan J,t *1 per ct. * iUVyj-VAJA BY TIIR MUTUAL Lin ISBDB- AffCR CO. OP NRW YORK, on Aral mortgaM, on Imtirorml farm proparlr . In Mm* not Im than **,*>, ■ad not oxr-adiag on. third of tbo prm.nl roln* or lb. proporty. Any portion of tha principal con b. paid of at any tin., and th. nrtnrlp.l ran remain u long a. tb. borrow* -llbm, If tbo Intarwrt M prompt ly paid. Apply to CIIARI.RR P. SIIRRMAIt, Attorn.y-nt-law, lIJT Court Hroat, Rending, Pa, or to -tf DAVID I KI.IRR, Itcllcfonlc, Pn. Jieirrif K. Hicks, Hardware. HARRY HICKS, [Su ecessor to T. A. HIC'KS A 8R0.,] DKAI-KH IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. [ EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. >r ir Ailrrrttnementn. I)isHolii( ion of Partnership. is hereby given, that the L v fw.rttiiH.hlp lately .ul-i-tlng M.rm Jtin l> Lleli wti l K M. Hlur.l*vani, tn Urb A Co, .u <>n till' .'nil (lap .f January. A. t. IHJ. dlmolvml |,p mutual wiwi All drht. owing to tbr mhl |, and . la arrantal in handj #*t. Kterjr week la given a faithful reprt of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive dlpatche from Washington, Including full report# of th# | ■peechra of cmlLut politician* on th# question* of tlir | hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of th# Wimr lUnm give* th# late#! aa well aa th# moat pravtlcal •iitcg#tbm. liinl* fur mating rlntlilng Mid fur kruplng up villi lb' I.lnt faaliinn. .1 lh towret prtr' Ry.rp Itrm of '-nnklng or twuimmp ■nunrd in this department h practically Inlrd l>p 'ipert. lufcrr puhlir.linii Iwllt* from our P.rll •ml lilohwi rorvrapondent. on the very latret fa*h lon.. Th. Hum. Itepartment nf th* Wiuir If mum will mm th* honrewlf* mora than on* hundred tlnire th* prim of th* pp*r. Th* lnt*ra.t* of SKILLED LABOR •re look ml •flr, and .rerpthlng pertaining to ■*• chanlea and lalior mving la carefully recuntarf Th*r* 1* • pag* dy..ld to all tha latret phaaaa of th* hold nwi mark*!.. Crepa, Merchandlae, Ac., Ac. A v.ln. hi* fmtur* t* found In th* *|i*rt*llp rr port ml prima and condition* of THE PRODUCE MARKET. .iponpinu Nawtathome and abroad, tog*tb*r with a Sroar*rp wrek, a Aran... Hp mim* mln.nt dl ln*. l.iTiatiT. Mt'lic.L, Dn.n.Ttc, Paum.Al and Ait Sura* Thre I* no paper In th* world that cott talna *n much n*w. matter *vry wrek •• th* WirK IT tlgnnu, which I* rent, potag* pahl, for Ona Dol lar. Ton can auhacrlb* at anp time. TIIK ) ( ONI NEW YORK In a Wreklp Fonn, - DOLI.AR If ERA I.D ) I A TEAR. NEW YORK HERALD, 1-4 Broadway and Ann Atrret, ff*w Turk PATENTS. J PATENTS procured. upon Inven- I Mom No AtTOktrip'i Eu* i* Anvtnci. Our Ml mire wm mtabllahml In IMP. We Hl* CAVEATS, .od obtain TRADE MARKS, DRAION PATENTS, Ac. INVENTORS rend na a Modal of jronr Inruilion, with pour own dMcripttoo nf II A,r our opinion a* to pat*ntahllltp. No AftoMiv'a Flu mum Ptrxwr if Sam nan. Oar Book of Inxtrnotton, Ac., "flow no Pxoctal p.riirta," rent Dm on reqnewt; alao aampl* coplm of lb* Act ax Tine Karoao, III* Inventor*' Journal. R, 8. A. P. LACKY, Patent Attorney, 04 F SI, n*ar Patent Ofllce, Waahingteti, D.C. GOLDSMITH, STEIN <1 HEX TEH, AUtyheny Street, Belle font*, TTIIS SPACE IS RISSTCTI VKI> FOK THE— P HIL A1) E L PIIIA BRA NC H Of 26 North Third Street, ONI PRICE CLOTHII& HOUSE, Successors to J. NEWMAN, Jr., Who will open about February 20, at the Old Stand, with such a STOCK OF CLOTHING as has never been seen in Belle fonte, which they will Retail at Wholesale Prices. Professional funis. W A. MORRISON, It • ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PA Office InWiuulrlni'ii Bhirk, op|H*dtr the Court OswHUtaMoo in Kngllfth "t Qfiwi. Mjr C. fe ALtXAVDER. C. M. 10*111. V LEXANDER & BOWER, . \ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Hellefont*, Pa . may IM C"ii*nltd iu Kugltsh or Ger man. OA iu Gannati't Building. 1-ly JAMES A. HAVER. J, WESLEY OEPBAIT. HEAVER A GEPHART, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office on Allegheny street, north of High, Bell<- j |a 1 -1 yr nF. FORTNEY, ■A ATTORN KY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. !a( door to the left In the Court llouaa. Xly ns. KELLER, a ATTORNKT AT LAW, Offics on Allegheny Street Mouth aide a ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, BELLKPONTE. CENTRE COUNTY, PA. Special attention to Oullevtlone; practice in all the Courta; Coneoltalioni In Ueraun or Engilah. Ily T. A. Mtaaar. rrxn aoxno*. MURRAY A CORDON, ATTORNEYS'AT-LAW, CI.EAEPtr.LD, PA Will attend the Bellefunte Cunrti when specially eniphryed. 1 ly r P C HIPPLE, 1 a ATTORNEY AT-LAW. LOCK HAVEN. PA. All husinesa promptly attended to. 1 ly \VM. P. MITCHELL, " PRACTICAL SURVEYOR, LOCK HAVEN, PA, Will attend to all work In Clstrfald, Centre and ! Clinton nountiee. Offira oppoait# I>ck llaveo National Bank. 20-ly \y 0. HBINLB, * ' a ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA Office In Conrad House, Allegheoy street, special attention given to the cullert.n f claims. All hnslneas attended to promptly. 511-ly V. A. WALLA* K D L. Alibi. WALLACE A KREBS, ATTORNRYB-AT-LAW. CLEARFIELD. PA. Will attend and try ransea at Bellefonte when spe 1 rially retainer I. 1-1 yr WILLIAM M(B. of fish in each quarter barrel and 100 lbs. in each half barrel. They have better value for the money than short weights. Lake Herring ami While Fish are very fine this season and sell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar- Cured Hams, Itried Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Cheese are all worthy of special mention. T RU IT. Oranges and Ijcmons are very fine and the price low enough to to bring them into every dag me. But the price on these gnoils will be much higher HI a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats. Me kill the best Beef, Mutton and Veal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. ISo house in the Grocery and J*rovi*inn business in Bellefonte is prepared to supply all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SECHLER & CO. GROCERS, Bush House Block, Bellefonte, Pa. CHEAP GROCREY PROVISION STORE. a A. BREW & SON, Humes' Block, next door to Post Office, Ar now .elllng (rood, in their tin* at ninch reduced CASH or In exchange (or all kind, of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tltey are receiving (nod. every day, an thai rnetomrre cau feel certain of getting PURE AMD FRESH GOODS! Tlialr dork it complete and wall eelerted, and rvnaiaH In part of Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WABK, OnuißW, Lemons, Nuts k Raisins, CANNED AMD DRIED FRUITB of every kind and variety. Till CHI.UItRATED WASHINGTON BUTCHER Hams, Sides, Shoulders —AND— BREAKFAST BACON. TopUnr with the cheieaet DRIED BEEF. Peraowa wanting good, la their Una will Bud It their advantage to give than, a nail. CASH TAID FOR POTATOES. ' ■/>•£/ Goods and Groceries. |JA It PER BROTHERS, SPRING STRP.KT, BKI.LKFONTK, PA., Have their counters and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RAT EM Purchased at < BANKRUPT KATKM I BANKRUPT RATEM WHICH TIIKY OKFKH AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONSISTING OK Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest ityle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carj>et Bag*, Umbrella*, Parasol*, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, tiuoen*ware, Ac. Compiling every thing thai can be (band la a Ann c lam tore. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING HTRKKT, . . BKLMtFONTK, PA. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in .change at tba hlgbeet market price. |.j_ Miscellaneous. CEyrrr? a T . STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Sormal School District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAI B, A. M., Principal. r pillS SCHOOL, as at present con- J. etltu'ed. offer, the very )*t facllitim for Pro le** tonal and Claaslral learning. Btuldiar* anariona. laOtiog and " l atmietit, graduating tbarain receive fitata Diplomaa. conferring the following and corrca pnading degree, Maatet of tba ElcmeoU, and Mooter ol tba Sdanraa. Graduate* In lb* other ronton raraiea Normal < ettlficat** of their attainment, aignc] bv the Faculty. T.c Profeaalonal eouraea are liberal, and an in thorunghnaaa aw inferior !.. thoe* of our beet college*. Tba stata r*> ( nlrea a hlgbar ordar of cttiaewehtp. The time* dwtand it It la on* of tha prim* ebje. ,* of UliA echool b, help to arcure It by fbrnlahiug tntal ligant and nfflrteul tea" leer* for ber *. ho.de. To tbia and It aolkita young p. reou* of good abtliUe* and •*"! purjewn—Uioa* who dealra In iaprora tbair lltaa and thair talent*, a* atudanta. To all auch it pmmlaaa aid in developing thetr powen and abundant pponoutU*i br aril-paid labor after leaving orboot For catnlogna and terma nddreaa tba Principal. no tan or rnt *T,u • fftnrhhoMeie' Tiueieaa J. H. Barton, M. D., A. 11. Beat Jacob Brown, A M Btrkfm.l. Samuel Cbrtat A. N. Banc, u o. Onok. T. C. Hippie. Ka.,.. H Rlauna*. K P. McOormkk, Be,„W. W.ftankla John A Robl. Stata Trutdaea lion. A G Curtin. Boa. H. L Ptaf fenbweb. lean Jaaaa Merrill. Hon. William Blgler, J.C. C. Wholey, 8 Miller McCermlrk. Eaq. Hon WILLIAM ClanrfiaM, Pa. Hen. JKSAK MKBRILL, V Prcidct, Lock llaren. Pa. S MILI.AM McCOBMICK. Secret.,-,. THOMAS YABDLRT. Tmaant, WOODWARD SEMINARY? Boarding and Bay School /or Young Xadiss and Uttia Children. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, lIARRISRURG, PA. Regular term will begin SEPTEMBER Kb 1T. Oowra* of Mwdy—Clamic and SienUfir, with Mnaia and Art. Board and tuition from 9m to S3M a yaar and no eatrnn. Kor circular* and nil deairahle inhumation add mat PRINCIPAL PENSIONS. A LL disabled Soldiers and heirs of htMlin who died from conaaauaaen Wriltlrd to PENSIONS. NO ARREARS allowed after JULY 1, IMS Send •tamp* fiir tall InatrucUona in all kind* of Sntdian' r talma. J. H. BYPHERD A CO., Dmsim Att'yt. r Street, WASHINGTON, D. C,