The Black Bean of Ileath. The following Btory la told of the late George Jones, " the Count .Joannes," whose eccentric ways and inordinate vanity made him the lending butt of ridicule in New York for many years: It seems that George Janes, the Count's father, was an English chemist, who about th year IHIB emigrated with his wife and two children, of whom George was the oldest, to this country. Ins brother wsut hut four vears old, he only six, and his sister a baby in her mother's arm". The vessel, an old sailing ship, fitted out after the ordinary method of emigrant vessels in those days, wns a bail sea lioat. and. meeting with terrible storms on the Atlantic, was driven far out of her oovrse, and with difficulty kept above water. When at last the weather moderated it was found that the pro\ islons, of which there had been an insufficient quantity at the start, were running short. Everybody was out on short allowance, hut when at last the ship was on her direct course for Boston, whither she was bound, a further reduction had to he made. This was soon again reduced, and at last there was no food left on board, and Starvation stared the crew and pas sengers in the face. Driven desperate by hunger the crew mutinied, and the caotain could only recall them to their duty by agreeing that beans should be drawn from a box, and the one upon whom the black bean fell should he killed for tood for the others. Officers, crew and passengers, women and children, everybody on hoard was included in this horrible lottery, and with heavy hearts the fam ished emigrants came on deck to partici pate. The beans were all wrapped in pieces of paper, anil it was agreed that none of them should lie opened until ■oon on the day of the drawing, so that if, during the two hours that intervened a ship or land were sighted, the doom of the drawer of the fatal black bean might be averted at the eleventh hour. The captain was the first man to put his hand into the dentil box. He drew it out, and unable to master his anxiety to know his fate at once, he tore off the covering, and discovered a white bean. He was saved, and as the officers, one by one. drew the beans from the IMX they fo.lowed the captain's example, pulled off the papers, and showed white beans. The first man among the crew who drew was the lookout, who came down from the masthead, secured a white bean, and resumed his lofty post. Alter the crew had ail drawn, the black bean still remained in the box, and it seemed clear that the victim was to bo found among the passengers! They • drew by families, and comparatively few beans remained in -the box when Mr. Jones with his wife and children advanced to take their chances. The father and mother drew white beans, and then the little boy. George, was led to the )>x. He scarcely comprehended ttie full nature of the terrible ordeal tie was undergoing, but lie plunged his little in and drew out a bean. His father hastily snatched it from him and was about to tear off the paper, when the shout of " Land ahead! came from the masthead. Amid the tears, laugh ter and feeble cheers of all on hoard, Mr. Jones east the bean into the sea, and the future Count never knew whether it was a white or a black one. California Prices for Poetry, Replying to many letters in indifferent prose, we b< g to state that the price we Py for poetry is reguln|nd entirely bv the merit of the produ~ion. as deter mined by the gentlem-n who last week asked to be supplied, if possible, with "The Burial of Mos w," and who this week (as elsewhere explained) received seven thousand copies of that rare poem transcribed from as many school books, and from recent numbers of this journal. hen Tennyson, Whltticr, or any of the free-for-all hards, send in a verse or two.a check of #IOO is returned by the next mail. Ordinary poetry known to the trade as '• B I," and which grades a .ittie above the productions of high school girls, is quoted this week at 3 fitVi3.6s per column, ngate measure, while the general run of lyries are un "Riahie. !■ all eases the poetry editor considers himself at liberty to recon struct the little gems that come to this ofScc. A fair specimen of the work is as follows: Sampls fail poem: Hie glorious autumn days arc come. With mnny s gorgeous dye; The wood* beyond the meadow brown Stand red against the sky. Same thing reconstructed: The glorious antntun days are come. And gorgeously they dye Hie red-heeded woods beyond the Held, hike rainbows in the sky. It will bo noticed that the sen timen ria t,tn preserved, and the language wlioo|ied-up a little so as to give greater ensrt to the verse. The central Idea of the poet is to convey the intelligence that there has been a frost in the neigh borhood. nnd that, ns usual upon such occasions, the leaves have changed color. one of this tins been lost; the news is ali there, hut worked up in a rather more ?enational and attractive manner—that 01 . ' on * M our present poet (the hero of " The Burial of Moses" in eidnt) wields the amending pen at ttii "nice the hards need not fear that their Bn<>fancies will suffer mutilation.— Ban rrntlCUCO Argonaut. Fish Killed by Lightning. A correspondent of hatul and Water V'S A curious incident of the whole i the occupants of a small fish pond being destroyed by a flash of lightning, 'reported from Seek, grand duchy of • MSRU. The Nasmutr Bole states that durmg a r. r y heavy thunder and hail I'd""! :lt fight time, a flash of lightning "track a small pond well stocked with Rnoim kinds of tish. the property of the mJ " f parish. The following "turning the whole of the fish were ••covered dead upon the surface of the i..' had all the appenranea of ,** ■ '**• half boiled, and crumbled w pieces a t Ihe least touch just as is the y with fish iftcrbeing boiled. Neither •uy external nor internal injury could .oNerved, the scales being intact aad ' "maiming bladder filled and well Pf served. The water in the pond was Ijnuddy and dull the morning after •e storm, as if the lightning had only wen Struck it. . rbl' c . Th'bbsrne caM has once more aJ 1 disgust and trouble England. wmofcrror lias been sued out on the wi i ? . nt the offenses of perjury for *cr! claimant, Arthur Orion, was in 7' to two terms of seven years prison were one and the same, and Jtt im should have been sentenced to ° SI J one term. rOB THEFAIB SEX. Fashion* In Jswslrr. Very simple jewelry is now worn. The diamond earringß and gold neek laete seen in street cars and witli walk ing dresses during the shoddy period arc fast disappearing witli the return to simple dressing. The absence of aU jewelry in the daytime is the rule with many ladies of tnste, while others have abandoned all merely ornamental pieces with street costumes, reserving their gems for evening and full-dress toilettes, where display is more appropriate. The uncful articles that lire almost neeearary to complete a lady's dress are the brooch, sleeve-buttons, and a very modest watch chain, :uid when any fanciful piece is now ndded to these, it is not the locket or pendant lately in favor, but some curious bracelet, not a bangle, but a slender band, or else a serpentine gold braid that is twined around the wrir.t to keep tiro long glove smooth, or perhaps it is thrust higher up the arm out of sight, and worn as a token or a talisman. The favorite brooch is the useful shape, long and slender, with a strong pin, and is known as the lace pin, be cause of the prevailing fashion of wear ing lace on the throat and bust. This style is used for diamonds nnd pearls, as well as for the simple gold or silver brooches worn ir the morning. For diamonds there is an Etruiean gold band, or, better still, a frame in which the pendent diamonds swing. This is the populardesign for a diamond brooch, but more rare ones represent a long spray of flowers with the foliage of in erusted diamonds, and ft ruby in the center.oQi wild rose, or else rose-buds of pearls of different colors, such r* the pink pearl, tlie yellow, like a tea-rose, or the pear-shaped white pearl, Rich colored stones, such as the ruby, sap phire, or emerald, are now combined witli diamonds. Somutimes there is a massive bar of gold with a single dia mond sunk in the center; this makes an elegant and durable brooch. Stones ' are mounted in more solid work than formerly, and diamonds look especially well when set in silver. What is called the gypsy setting, where tbe diamond is imbedded in the gold, is more fashion able limn the knife-edge setting that merely caught the stones. Colored stones, such as rubies, the moon stone, eat's-eyes or sapphires, are mounted in this way. and are • raboehon, that is, merely polished on the topper surface witiiout lieing cut in facets as diamonds are. As a rival to the straight " lace pin." those of crescent shape are per haps most liked. When diamonds are the ieweis used, they are either massed in silver or imbedded in gold. Next in favor are the colored pearls swing, ing from an Etruscan goln bar. Some times the pearls are shaded from btock. through gray nnd silver, to white. Sometimes they are all cream-color, or else all pink. A novelty is a massive knot of yellow gold with a swinging horseshoe of precious stones. Tfie Jilain gold lace pins are not nearly so arge as those of last season, and are best liked when very light and slender and in some artistic design. A long round bar with a pine cone at each end is a pretty brooch, at #5. A favorite pattern "is geranium leaves of pale green-tinted gold; the Japanese and the Cesnola patterns are quaint and tasteful. Sleeve-buttons are quite large, and the square patterns so much worn by gen tlemen are also in favor for ladies. The linked buttons now preferred have a gold bar to pass through one button hole, and An ornamental button through the other. Sets of gold jewelry are sel dom sold nowadays, ns it is the cus tom to buy different and fanciful pieces; hence the prices are much less than for merly, and the set of lnce pin nnd tiny earrings is sold for #WO up to #lO or |S(),' If a lady insists upon wearing gold earrings, she is advised tiiat the smallest ones are tlie most stylish, rep resenting a tiny daisy, or a clover leaf, or a pine cone resting against the lobe ~>f the ear, and costing from #3 50 to #5; for more expensive ones are pendent balls of Etruscan gold, for #7 50, or else the hnll is studded with turquoises or pearls, for #l4 50 to #IB. To conceal solitaire diamond earrings for safe keeping when ladies wear them in the daytime are halls of gold that clasp around Uis diamonds, incasing *thera entirely. As we have said, the one fanciful piece of jewelry now worn is the bracelet, and some ladies go so far as to wear it instead of the linen cuff or other lingerie at the wrist, which it can never replace. For tills purpose the serpent bracelet is used, as it is flexible, and may be made to clasp nny part of the arm nnd remain stationary. The wide gold hands are abandoned for dress, and instead is a veiy thin light band of gold, with an ornamental medalion. *or spray, or horseshoe of diamonds or colored stones, on top of the arm. Stil another fanci ful pieccof jewelry is the gypsy ring— massive gold finger-ring, w;th a dia mond, or sapphire, or ruby, or pcrjiaps all three, set deep in the gold, showing only the surface of the stone. The neeidnces of gold are in Eastern designs, made up of swinging pendants, but when a jeweled locket or a single valu able pendent is worn, it Is attached to a very light slender chain, which may be partly platinum or it may be all gold. \V ateii chains for ladies are like the short Imr ciiains worn hy gentle men. or else they are chatelaines sus pended from a pin on oae side. I/arge carbuncles are revived, and are witli garnets coming to be the fashion able stones. The garnets are not tbe small Bohemian clusters, but single large stones, and, like the carbuncles, they are mounted with very little gold visible. Silver jewelry is the most in expensive of tasteful styles, a quaint brooch costing #3 only. An extrava ganl novelty is the use of gold or silver pins for the toilette, iust as ordiuary pins are now used; those of silver in various sizes cost from fifteen cents to seventy-five cents eaeh, according to size; gold pins, some of which have 4>earl heads, cost #1 to #6 each. — ffar per's Bazar. FmIIIM NMM. Patent-leather slippers are again pop ular. The floriated pattern most in favor for beaded gimps is the acanthus leal. Jointed china dolls and china ani mals are among the cheap playthings. Irish poplin is substituted for silk in many or tbe long circulars lined with fur. The majority ol mantles continue to be ina.le very long and with vlaite or dolman sleeves. Tiie new ,wt style of hair dressing is to wave the hair ail over the head, and to wear loose curls or a knot at tbe back. I Gold or silver hraid is something let into the wrist of long gloves. It has the effect of bracelets without breaking the outline of the arm. letters from Paris report a tendency toward the revival of the Josephine styies, the short round waists, the wide belts, the straight skirts, and the sashes of childhood. The fan is a favorite design in 'ace pins, brooches and earrings. These articles come not only in solid gold set with precious Ntones, hut in silver, nickel and gold plate. Paris dressmakers are working from ideas gained from old Venetian paint ings. It is from these that tfiey are drawing the combinations of rose and •lark red, blue and amethyst, and golden, yellow and green which are now fashionable. Novelties in hair brushes are those with metal hawks in place of celluloid, rubber and the like. Some of these are of silver, handsomely embossed; others are of gilt plate, and all come put up in elegant cases. Fans for evening occasions show a re vival of shell slicks. The Russia leather ones are quite out of date. Some of the handsomest fans are finished with shaded feathers, others exhibit satin covers that are hand-painted. The present hishion of dressing tli hair brings ornamental combs into use Some are of tortoise-shell in low, high backs and half coronet shapes. Others are of silver in half-high tops in open work, while others again exhibit de vices so suspended as to take a tremu lous motion and thus add to their bril liant effect at night. Worth's latest contrast in color for costumes is that of trimming brown with green. For example; a dark chest nut-brown dress is trimmed in the skirt with three wide hands of cloth, almost covered (except the width of piping on each edge) with a hand of dark green satin. The drapery is stitched by par allel rows of dark green, and the coat bodice has green satin rovers and green buttons. There is an important change to note in evening dresses, ami that is the re- < vival of the closed-fitting jacket bodice, which differs from the skirt both in ma terial and color. The satin skirt will have scarves of cashmere or richly em broidered gauze, crossed and recrossed over it, while the jacket may be dark red, or bronze, or black velvet, with gold embroidery, or cashmere bead fringe, forming altogether a striking contrast to the skirt; it is in fact the spencer of forty years, but with modifi cations. Jackets take various forms. Some are tight-fitting basques, others are coats with long, slender lapppls extend ing down the sides of the train and holding the # drapery at the back in posi tion ; others are cut away from tfie front nnd terminate at the hack in nar row coat-tails. Whatever sliape these aekets are, and whether made of velvet or satin, they may be turned to account in a multitude of ways by those who go much into society, for they can he worn over both white and colored skirts- Bridal t'oOumri of Frinandn Fa. As with us. the Fernando Po bride is ciad in white—not the gauzy, flowing robe, however, but a plastering of earthy paste resembling plaster of paris. She wears a bridal veil, too, composed of tiny white, shells, strung together, and which covers the face from forehead to chin, while her plentifully pomatumed tresses are surmounted with an enor mous helmet made of cowhide. The Fernando Po bridegroom is even more elaborately decorated. It is a work of time as well as of art to make the young gentleman ready to take the necessary vows before the two mothers— his own and his intended's—who act the part of guests. Like his bride, lie is tnickly plnstcredover with the while lota paste, anil he wears on his head an enormous disc of fine bamboo plait skewered to his hair with long pins with blue and red beads for heads. His marriage raiment is of strung shells, and it being notorious that the instant a young man commences to make himself ready for marriage malicious evi. spirits are in close attendance, and on the alert to baulk his laudable intent, as an antidote against their malevolent he carries in his hand the whole time, and never takes his eyes off, a piece of a yam shaped like a heart, and in which the red feather of a parrot is stuck. The marriage ceri-mony is the essence ol sim plicity. The mother-priest* place an arm of each round t lie neck of bride and bridegroom, and deliver a Short address to them on their respective duties, after which the ralahnsli of palm wine is pro duced. nnd the contracting parties ratify the condition by drinking the one to the other, after which the officiating moth ers-in-law pledge each in the remainder, and the ceremony is at at end Lorn/on Globe. The Thimble. The name of this little Instrument is said to have been derived from "thumb" and "bell." being at first tliumhle and afterward thimble. It is of Dutch invention, and was brought to England about the year IftWS by John Ixming, wko commenced its manufac ture at Islington, near I one that I have not got a wound, nor even a sear of a wound— even a scratch—upon my back. Will you bet?" "Witli pleasure, if it pleases you, colonel." "It does please me, sir! I want this cleared up. A wound on my back! I never turned my back to the enemy In my life, sir! Now. sir, will you bet?" "I will," said the captain, speaking rclutantly,as if lie were forced into it; while the eolonei was evidently growing purple from suppressed rage. "Good, then." said the colonel; " twenty pounds to ten. The mess here are witnesses. Smith, lock the door." A young cornet obeyed; and, heated by wine, the eolonei, in his rage and desire to show his new captain to he wkat lie mentally called a humbug, pro ceeded to divest himself of all his upper garments, revealing several bullet-scars and sword-cuts upon his chest and amis; but therp was not the vestige of a scratch upon his back. "Come, look all of you!" cried the colonel; "I'm not ashamed. You'll find no old wound upon my back." < One and all inspected the old gentlc nmn, and declared there was not a scar. "Now, Captain Brown," said the colonel, "perhaps you will come and look sir, and satisfy yourself?" " I'll take the word of these gentle men, colonel," said Brown. " I have lost. I was mistaken." "Humph! I'm glad of that," said the colonel, snatching himself hack into his clothes, and at last buttoning up his ooAt. "I'm afrsid, sir,you could not read my countenance." "No, sir, I confess I could not; I am beaten. There are you r ten pounds." The colonel chuckled and looked de li glited as ho pocketed the money; for this, and the reeling that lie hsa been too much for the new captain, put him in tlie best of humor. So jolly was he that he patted Brown affectionately on tlie back when tliey parted. "You couldn't read me, my lad, eh ? No, no; rather too deep for you. eh?" " Much too deep, colonel. | was beaten," said Brown. And from that day, for a whole fort night, Brown's glory as a better was under eclipse. At the end of that fort night theie wss a change. The reiuion was this: Colonel Knllin was so delighted at having, as he said, beaten tlie betting man, that he wrote to his friend, tlie colonel ol tlie lancers regiment: " DKAK W AKKF.X — That was all gam mos about Brown's luck at betting. He said he could read people's faces, and so won in that way; and hang me if the first night he was here lie didn't bet that I had a reopened wound on my back. I bet him, of course—two to one— proved to him that I had not. and pocketed Ids ten pounds. It will be a lesson lor him. He is a nice fellow, though, and we all like him very much. "Yours, verytruiy, JOHN ROLLINS." An answer came back in the course of I a post or two: "DF.AR ROI.MNA— GIfcd you ' like Brown. Hang him! we don't. Helms bitten us too often, and lias just bitten us again. Confound liirn! Tlie night be fore he left us I was talking about what a sharp officer you were—quite a Tartar —and he laid a wager witli me, that was taken, too. by half the officers in tlie mesa, t lust lie'd do as he liked with you; in fact, tiiat the very "rat time you dined together he'd mak e you take off your shirt before the whole mess, and that you would write and tell me. You may keep Brown. We don't want him back. " Faithfully yours, FRANK WAMUCK." Josh Billings on Marriage. By awl meanes, Joe, get married, if you have a fair show. I>on't stand shivering on the bank, but pitch rite in and stick your head under and tlie shiver is over. Thar ain't any more trick in getting married than tliare is in eating peanuts. Many a man lias stood shivering on the shore until the river run out. Don't expect to marry an angel; tliey have been ail picked up long ago. - Remember, Joe, you ain't n saint yourself. Do not marry for beuty exclusively; hcuty is likrf lee, awful slippery, and thaws dredfttl easy- Don't marry for lav, neither; lav Is likes oooking stove, good for nothing when the fuel gives out. But let tlie mixturv besome beuty liecomiiigly dressed, witli about f350 iu her pocket, a gud speller, handy and neat in her house plenty ot good sense, tuft constitution and by laws, small feet, a light step; add to this sound teeth and a warm heart. The mixture will keep in any climate and will uot evaporate. If tlie cork happens to be left out the strength ain't gone. Joe. Don't mi.rry for pedigree unless it is hacked by bank notes. A family witli nothing but pedigree generally lack* A HUMAN MONSTROSITY. * J!** h '/••*•*• MM Hp of* Mleblitaii I'nu. R.EIA.IFFCSR ™ RT '" ~ U * A correspondent of the Chicago Inter. Ocean writing from Battle Green. Mich., tells a remarkable story 01 tlic diacovcry of a monstrosity in the poorhousc ol that Slate, known as "the turtle mail." The correspondent says he visited the poorliouse to satisfy himself as to the truth of the numerous stories lie had heard regarding this creature. The keeper of the institution introduced him to the monstrosity, calling the four feet high dwarf, who stood before him, by tlie name of Samuel Kecnc. Hit says: Keene, at the command of the keeper, managed, by a singular side movement ofhis body, and pushing his slouch hat from his head by his queer-shaped claws, to makea courtesy. As he stood before us, bareheaded, he presented the most wonderful specimen of man amal ganiated with the animal kingdom that can be imagined. On speaking with 1 him he apparently understood every 1 word, but lacked sufficient intelligence I to frame a reasonable answer, just as a dumb brute can comprehend but cannot i give an intelligent reply. In stature this singular being is short, thick set, and flat rather than round. His legs and arms are short, the hands turning outward, the same as a turtle's, and in stead of fingers the widened palm ends jn webbed claws. The feet are fash ioned in the same manner, ana when he walks it is witli a sidelong, ambling gait, moving the entire side of the body in the manner peculiar to a tortoise. In his actions and talk lie has a slow. ' measured jerking style. The inside of his dirty cl .w or fin which he held out to shake hands with, was of a yellow color, as were also his feet and stomach, the skin having the same ribbed appear ance and color of the under part of a turtle. It was reported that he had a : shell upon his back, but upon examina tion it was found to consist of tough layers of cuticle, which, however, are growing harder each year, and may soon become ossified. The peculiar color of different portions of his body, some being dark and others white, has led to the conclusion thnt his flesh is multi- Kind or of different construction in Us sue. Although so small, he is thirty two years of age. The most singular anil startling feature of the monstrosity is the head, which stems but to tie a continuation of the neck, with a flat face and head coming to a point on the top, tlic same as that of a snake, lie is almost constantly moving his head or to side. The back por- ( tion of his cranium is directly pcrpen- 1 dicular to the neck, and covered with short, bristly, black hair, but no hair grows on any other portion of the body; j no whiskers or mustache, only a few bristles at each corner of his mouth. Tlie nose is flat. The mouth extends from jowl to jowl, very wide, and is fur- 1 nislied with a full set of teeth. He con- j stantly keeps his mouth open, witli his large tongue lolling out, and it is this more than anything else, thatcauscshis unintelligible iargon. But the eyes are the most sti iking portion of his features. The whites are excessively large and "rolling, the pupils, small and black, and possess a wild, staring, yet fascin ating glare, very sharp and piercing, and glistening from underneath the broad eyehrows. In temper he is per fectly docile and harmless unless aroused to anger, when lie is sullen and snap pish. In habits he is not very social, scarcely ever says anythirg unless spo ken to, and, when *oung, never min gled with the boys or engaged in juve nile sports. Ills parents were very poor, and both died when he was very young. He has brothers and sisters well off in worldly goods anil respectable, but they refuse to support him. and he is a pau per upon the charity of tlie town. The cause of this terrible deformity is said to be a fright received by the mother previous to the child's birth. , It furnishes one of the most startling proofs of paternal influence on record. The parents resided near Diamond i lake, and. lieing very poor, often caught fish for food. While fishing out of a boat one day. witli her iiands just 1 touching the water and holding tlie line, an enormous turtle, attracted by the moving fingers, suddenly jumped up and bit her. She never recovered irom the fright, and when tlie child was born, a few months afterward, it bad indelibly st rnned unon its entire body 1 tlie form ol the turtle. It was not so noticeable at first, but grew with its growth and strengthened with its strength. Ihe first habit wh'cta was noticeable was its desire 1 to creep turtle-fashion, even af ter it e* uld waiK. AittrmiQ, upon oxaminaui n b.. doctors, tlie ,oiiits ot the arms ana legs w ere found to be double and turned outward, like a tor 1 toise. As tlie horrible truth crew upon the mother, tlie chiid becam< loathsome to her. and it was probably to sbaiue and grief that tlie early death of tlie parent was due. During boy Hood it was found impossible to educate the j boy beyond a few words which lie ut ters hourly. As he has no memory o; facts or incidents, he cannot tell even his age,or anything connected with bis life, and HI is to him a blank. Heex- i ists only in the present, and, like the brute, seems to liave no care for the 1 morrow or sorrow for tlie past. In summer his m-eatest delight is to go in I bathing, and he will remain under water a long time. He was a constant caretohis parents during childhood as he had to be fed, iiis claws or fins not being large enough to grasp food; but lately he has learned to fewi himself. He is fondest of vegetable food and fish, hut wilt eat anything be sees the rest of his fellow-companions eat. He seems to have no passion or affection, and cares no more for tlie opposite sex than for his own. He takes the greatest pleasure—which is the only sense lie seems to possess— in tending baby, and for our amuse ment the keeper brought in an infant. Sam's features lighten up with a smile which would have done credit to an Egyptian idol His mouth opened still further and his tongue protruded as lie saw tlie child. Silting down in a chair and crossing his dwarfed limbs to form a cradle, be tenderly took the poor un fortunate infant left on the steps a few days before and btttan to rock it witli his knees, while he made a most singular, low mumbling noise, which he called singing. Sammy, as ho is called by all tlie inmates, hss very little idea of tlie great world. All his world is the house and farm on which he lives, lie seems to posses* but little or no emo tion. and upon the announcement of anyone's death, takes it ss calmly as a call to dinner. We were informed that Bnrnuns was negotiating tor him as a companion m h innnei man. Paper bricks are now being mads tat Wisconsin. A SpUndidl Charity Festival Directs Parlslaa Journalists. ■ TU ,% f , eU tf ve n on the light of Deoem ll I 5, "fit o' trie sufferers by tii inundation in Kpain is said to have !'/.rt n .in e J? 0 ® 1 brl ' liant went of th sort since the great Exhibition. It in gratifying to record tliat the affair waa got up and directed by I'arisian journal ists. It was given in the Hippodrome and was attended by a great number of celebrated persons. The ex-Queen of Spain, tiie chief members of the French government, and, according to one re port, "all that is most notable in Paris, whether in poetry or statesmanship, in journalism or oratory, was represented in the assembly " which, moreover, was "aserried massot the beauty, wealth, genius and valor of France," Tiie flags of all nations were lit up by electric lights, the city of Murcia was repre sented in pasteboard with amazing ac curacy, and all the principal actresses l Paris sold flowers ana sweetmeats and gloves. There were fountains and I grottoes and bazaars. Mile. Sara Bera- I hardt wrote autographs. Mile. Judie | told fortunes. Mile Theo cried violets, Mme. Carvalho sold music and Mme. (.'roisctte sold the journal of the JeU. rhe cover of this Bheet was designed by Gustave I)ore, and Grevin was the cari caturist ; and the contents were from such pens as those of Dumas, Sandeau and Feuillet. The pictures inside were drawn iy Meissonier, Detaille, Vibert and others, and the money article was written by M. de Rothschild. The ad vertisements netted six thousand dol lars, and there was an edUion de luxe of the journal printed on vellum. There were eight hundred musical perform ers, a procession of bull-fighters, a lot tery, a concert of twenty piano fortes in unison and another of thirty harps. Hie orchestra for dancing included two hun dred instruments. All the chief artists of the Theater Francaise and of the opera assisted. The festivities were kept up until morning, and were per haps of unprecedented splendor and va riety.! It is pleasant to hear this for several excellent reasons. The substantial re sults that have been gained for the poor peasants of the Murican plain supply the first ground for felicitation. We are charmed, in the next place, that a celebration devised and carried out en tirely by journalists should have done honor to the craft, by its immense suc cess; and, finally, it is refreshing and grateful, amid the continual jars and jealousies and ominous clanking of arms so constantly resounding from most of the great Eurojiean nations to hear sounds of peace, and charity and good will, which testify that among some at least of the peoples there still exists a sympathetic recognition of the great bond of human brotherhood. — N. Y. Evening Poet. A Fight With an Eagle. T. W. Wright, the weil-knawn tax idermis, had auite a novel experience on Tuesday, which was not altogether without danger, but be was so fortun ate as to escape injury, and has two trophies of his skill and prowess as me mentoes of the event. Mr. Wright is a skillful hunter, and on Tuesday waa seven miles east of the city, ana near the bank of the Missouri river, on the lookout for game suitable for preserva tion. While thus engaged, partly hidden from view, a large c.igie came hovering in range of his trusty double-barrel shot gun, and be discharged one round, which brought the noble bird to the ground. Not wishing to risk breaking its wings or legs by another shot, or otherwise disfiguring it for the taxider mist's use, he refrained from shooting it a second time. Throwing bis gun down i he ran to tiie wounded bird, seized it and was in the act of slitting its throat when it gave a scream and immediately I he felt something strike him quite for i cibly and he fell to the ground. Great was his surprise when be found that another eagle, a companion bird, at tracted by the fall and cries of its mate, had made an attack on him. The eagle remained on the ground for a few mo ments, fluttering around. He struck at ; it with a stick, when it flew upward. Mr. Wright felt assured from its movements that it was preparing for a second assault and seized his gun. but , not a moment too soon, for the infiiriated i bird, with its strong beak and taloms and propelled by its powerful wings, made a sudden sweep at him, when he discharged his gun. a portion of tha shot taking effect in one af the wings, i causing it to sheer from its course and fall to the ground. The taxidermist ran and seized it, when a desperate struggle ensued, lasting some little time, as he was desirous of securing the bird alive. Finally the eagle was wor ried out and he succeeded in fastening its legs together and then turned his at tention to the first bird, which was dis patched. With bis gan and the live and dead eagles, all making a heavy weight, Mr. Wright started home, and i bad the trophies of his exciting day's I sport safely cared for. He is not de sirous of repeating tiie experience, aa the capture of a slightly wounded eagle ! is no pleasant task and attended with 1 some danger The live eagle measures seven feet six incites from lip to tip of the wings and the dead bird seven foet five inches. They are about as large specimens of their species as have ever lieen seen in this part of the country.— Kansas City (Mo.) Journal. The Hyde Estate. The heirs of the Hyde estate met in Baltimore a short time ago and organ ized a union known as the " Hyde Asso ciation of the United States o r Arner i ca." The Rev. John P. Hyde, of Mar tenshurg, W. Va., occupied the chair. Mr. George A. Hyde, oi New Yoik, attorney for the heirs sf Thomas Hyde, was elected secretary, and Thomas Hyde, of Washington, treasurer. Th questions discussed were: " I)o the es tates existP" " Are they attainable be ths American heirs P" and "Is the na ture of the claims such as to warrant le gal steps being taken with a view to ob tain the property P" A great deal of docu mentary evidence was read, dating back as far as 1730. From the proofs at band it was decided to take steps to en force the claim A fund is to be created to pay expenses, and George A. Hyde, of New York, who has mnde himself fa miliar with the law on the subject and the facts will probably be appelated at torney, and will visit England to prosecute the suit. The heirs claim that there will be from fifteen to twenty-eix estates, vari ously estimated in value from #*0,000,- 000 tii #000,000.000. The Hydee of Mary land are the descend ants of Thomas Hyde, who came to America from Eng land and landed at Annapolis in the yea 175®. The association resolved to malt Baltimore its headquarters.