Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 29, 1880, Image 2

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    She Centre gewottat.
iiiNct AND raoAfttiTT or TNI r mm*
Every farmer in hit annua/ experience
discover h something of mine.. Write it anil
tend it to the "Agricultural Editor of the
Jlkmocrat, Hellrfante, J'enn'u," that other
fannerH may hare the benefit of it. Let
communication* be timely, and be *ure that
they are brief and i veil pointed.
LANCASTER county is afflicted with
a new hog disease. The first symp
toms are red cars, followed by a
bluish tinge, after which they refuse
to eat, although seeming very hungry.
Thus they linger until they die.
They get nearly black before they
WE call the special attention of
.farmers to the article in another col
umu under the head of "How shall
we sell Hogs ?" But few even of
those who feed and kill large num
bers of hogs antinally, have a cor
rect idea of the difference between
live and dressed weight.
THE Hueibandimn, than which there
is no more ably edited paper of its
class in the country, takes pains in
its issue of last week, to speak in
terms of approbation of our State
Board of Agriculture. Coming from
this source praise is a compliment
which, we are glad to lielieve, is well
ONE hundred millions of dollars is
a large sum, but that is what we pay
out annually for sugar brought from j
abroad. Recent experiments with
becks, sorghum and the common
stalk encourage the hope that at
least a goodly portion of the sweets
represented by this immense sum
may be produced at home.
GOOD seed of all kinds is scarce,
and in demand at remunerative j
prices. Farmers who have good va
rieties of any kind of seeds on hand
should let the fact be known. It
would paj* them, ami lie a kindness
to their brother farmers who may lie
in want of just what they have to
offer. 4r "'vertisement. in the ri.!
—"\ur' >-•.., ugi- {
cultural page of the DEMOCRAT
would doubtless prove a good in
IT is lime now to look over your
store of garden seeds, see what you
have, make a list of what you need,
and send to some of the establish
ed and reliable seed growers for them.
Neglect of this until the planting
season comes may prevent you from
enjoying some of the most desira
ble table supplies during the coming
year. We remember that in our
early experience in gardening, we
were caught once or twice by delay
in this matter.
AT a recent meeting of the Klmira '
Farmer's Club, the practice of burn
ing horses' feet in fitting the shoe
was discussed at some length, and
received severe and unanimous con
demnation. We arc glad to notice
such practical matters occupying the
attention of farmer's clubs, and equal
ly glad that in this, as in most other
cases, the judgment of this particu
lar club is eminently correct. The
continuance of this abominable and
useless practice must be held respon
sible for many of the ailings of horses'
feet. One of the parties to the discus
sion proposed the following practical
test: "If a man will hold his thumlr
nail to a hot iron and burn off the
projecting end, he will find an the
nail grows out, the extremity will be
brittle and very liable to break in
slivers. The same effect is had in
burning the hoof, it becomes brittle
and splinters break off.''
Extracts and Comments.
Give hens constant access to lime
In some form. Hens must have the
raw material in order to manufacture
shells; they cannot make them out of
nothing.— Exchange.
Old mortar or pounded oyster
shells are good forms in which to give
it, and either are easily obtained by
most fowl raisers.
"A subscriber" writes that cider
can be preserved by adding a half
pound of white mustard to each bar
rel of cider.— Farm Journal.
We don't believe it, and advise
against it, even it true. The proper
way to preserve cider is in the apples,
and when you need it in the winter,
use one of the small hand presses,
and make it fresh and sweet. The
habitual use of hard eider, whether
"preserved" with mustard seed or
anything else, will make a man's
temper and conduct as "hard" as the
The poultry crop of Kent county,
Delaware, is worth as much ns the
corn crop. The same condition ap
plies to many other counties in the
United States.— Exchange.
Well then, Kent county is to be
envied. The profits, on poultry, if
well managed, are a good deal more
than on corn.
Lancaster County Tobacco Items.
Collate*! from the N*w Km.
Saturday, 10th instant, was un
doubtedly tlie biggest tobacco day of
the season. From all the data we
can gather 011 the subject, fully one
million five hundred thousand pounds
were received, Saturday being the
great "receiving" day of most of the
wholesale dealers in leaf tobacco. It
is estimated —and we believe correct
ly—that not less than 600 wagons, of
all descriptions,Arisited the city on
Saturday, some of which were oblig
ed to remain in tbis city until to-day
—Monday—in order to unload, or
else returned to their country homes,
returning to-day by a long, and often
times, a circuitous route.
The amount of cash paid out 011
Saturday at our banks, for tobtfcco
delivered that day, was $200,000.
One tobacco linn in our city have
purchased $400,000 worth of tobacco,
of which but one-fourth has yet been
delivered, the business of the firm
being so arranged that but a certain
quantity will be taken each "receiv
ing day" and thus prevent crowding
in the warehouse.
We give another batch of recent
sales from all parts of the count)'.
The buyers are still busily at work
and in nearly all cases they and our
farmers have little trouble in coming
to terms. We are glad that the crop
is moving otr so rapidly. It will make
room for the next- one.
The yield of Mr. Artman is an
extraordinary one, yielding 2,500
pounds to the acre, and so also is the
Kmanuei E. Miller raised three
acres, the wrappers of which he sold
at 28 cents, price of seconds and
fillers not known, but the crop real
ized $1,700.
L " "->■ L - 'l' >' -• i* lt . rt .
Mr. Albert S. Miller delivered at I
a packing house, in the borough of '
Manheim, the tobacco crop grown by
him on considerably less than two
acres of ground. He set out 10,000
plants, on land owned by Henry A.
Dealer, from which he realized 4,2)11
pounds of good tobacco, or slightly
less than half a pound per plant, and
nt the rate of 2,530 pound* to the
acre. The amount of money receiv
ed for the lot was $806.86, or at the
rate of $538.12 jicr acre.
Another large tolmcco yield in
pounds as well as in money comes to
us from Manheim, where Mesais.
Ilealor and Miller sold the product
of 1 J acre* at 3, 10 and 25 cents.
The weight of the tobacco was 4,232
pounds, realizing the lucky growers
Wm. Ortman, of Washington bor
ough, has sold his crop of tobacco,
consisting of 15,000 stalks, to Joseph
Mayers' .Sons for 25 cents round,
amounting to $1,920.25. The stalks
were grown on three acres. This is
considered the largest yield and heat
tobacco and sale in the county.
Keeling of Board of Agriculture.
The annual meeting of the Penn
sylvania State Board of Agriculture
commenced at Harrisburg yesterday
at 2 o'clock p. M. The programme
issued by the Secretary contains the
following subjects for essays and
Wheat—the licst variety from tlic
miller's standpoint; the most eco
nomical farm fence; bow can a far
mer most economically maintain or
increase the fertility of his farm ? Is
'stock raising profitable in Pennsyl
vania ? Farm fences and ways over
the farm from a legal standpoint;
the adornment of farm houses; are
investments in land for renting pro
fitable f What is the most profitable
crop to succeed corn? Why is the
apple not as extensively grown in
Pennsylvania as in some otbcrStates ?
In addition there will be discussions
upon any subject that may tie intro
duced by members of the Board.
Tlie meeting will lie held in the office
of the Hoard, and an invitation ia
extended to all persona interested.
Reoi;i.arity in feeding cattle can
not be too strictly enjoined upon the
farmer. Economy in feeding is one
of the chief sources of profit in stock
raising, and experience showa that a
given quantity of food will keep an
animal in much better condition if
given at regular intervals than when
fed out haphazard, without system or
How Shall We Sell Hogs?
Tho Michigan Farmer reproduces
the following, which is of vast import
ance to farmers: "A question of
financial importance to furmcrs is
asked of each other almost daily, and
seems not to he satisfactorily answer
ed. It is regarding the shrinkage of
hogs, in dressing, to decide what
should la* the difference in the price
between live and dressed hogs to give
the same returns to the farmer. To
satisfy ourselves oil this point, and to j
be able to answer others positively, 1
wo this week selected twenty pigs,
farrowed the last year in May, from
five litters, all cross-bred Suffolk and
Poland-China. They had nothing but
thin grazing after being weaned, till
the corn was large enough to feed,
since when they have been fed well,
and, though not large, were well fat
tened. We give below the exact
weight alive and dressed:
Live Dree'ill Live Drra'd
Nu. wt. wt. No. wt. wl.
1 172 .143 12 170 ,14ft
I I oft I.KI 14 Ift3 .12*
4 12ft .I<>4 Ift 1(14 .1.3*
ft. 13ft IIS Id 14k m
I 1(13 -13(1 17 133 lift
7 130 ...I'* I" lito 130
k 13ft ..114 10 13'J .114
0 tftS 12* 2>l Mil 00
IK.— 14k 12*
II -131 112 Total 2,036 2,447
"Shrinkage 488 pounds, or a trifle
over one-seventh. We were offered
$1 |>er hundred for a lot on foot, j
which would have amounted to
$117.40. We sold for $5.10 dressed
amounting to $125.02, leaving 87.C2
in favor of dressing at these prices,
and the rough lnrd was sufficient to
pay for butchering. This class of
pigs arc said to shrink much more
than the larger and older hogs.
Farmers can look this over at their
leisure ami decide how they will
"Another question have
liecn asked many times is, how much
less will a hog weigh after he is stuck
than alive? We have heard intelli
gent men claim that there was no
perceptible difference. We weighed
the first two before scalding, and the
loss was 8 and 7$ pounds respect
That loe-House.
From Cor. of I'rartlrAl Finuti.
Fourteen years ago, aliout this
time of the year, in an open sjiell of
weather, I determined to build an
ice-house 12x10 feet in size. I got
four foundation timbers together on
a somewhat elevated spot of ground,
to keep water from flowing under,
and put in four joints ready to lay
on a floor. That night the weather
changed to very cold, and before I
could go on with my work the ice
was ready for sawing and packing.
1 immediately tramped between the
joist, solid with sawdust, laid on '
ed thereon sixteen tons of ice, solid,
one foot and a half distance from
the outside all around. As soon as ,
the weather moderated I put up my
studding, put on n shingle roof and
l>oarded up the sides witii common
inch boards—wide ones, but put on ;
in the same manner as siding; led a
large hole open at each end under '
the roof for free circulation at the
top, filled in the vacant space all
nround with sawdust, tend the same
depth aliorn it—and the whole was
complete and ice never kept liettcr.
I have used this house every year
since without change slid with the
snroe results. I have put in enough j
one year to last two years, and it
kept over well. So there is no theory
nbout the matter,and almost any man
can do likewise on a larger or smaller
way, only a large bulk of ice will
keep better tlinn a small quantity.
But giving an air-tight foundation
with a cover to protect from sun and
rain, a good circulation of air above,
and a substantial enclosing of at least
a foot of sawdust, and you have the
luxury of Ice cheaply and aurely, all
the year round, If you want It.
THAT cows may be too fat to give
a full flow of milk, and hens too fat
to lay, is a current opinion among
farmers in some sections, which is an
absurdity, it seems to me; the fact
being that the cow or hen gets fat on
account of non-production, not that
the yield of milk or eggs is lessened
by the accumulation of flesh. Cows
talje on flesh when supplied with rich
food beyond their capacity to convert
it into milk. Certain articles of food
have a tendency to produce milk,
while the fat-forming qualities of
others are predominant; yet were a
cow allowed so small a ration of any
kind that she woukl decrease in
weight, the production of milk would
not be increased thereby; but, on the
contrary, a diminished yield would be
the result. There is a limit to the
profitable conversion of food into
milk ; also a limit to the capacity of
cows to secrete milk ; but if, by high
feeding with careful attention to de
tails, we can get the same returns In
four years that would otherwise re
quire five, we are the gainers. It
seems incredible that any thinking
man could believe that a "cow would
yield more milk when thin in flesh
than when fat."—M. B. P. in Hural
New Yorker.
CAYKNNE pepper, mustard or (rirt
ger, can, with great benefit, be added
to the food of fowls, to increase their
vigor and to stimulate egg produc
tion. This apparently artificial diet
will be aeen to be natural If we re
member thai wild birds of the galli
naceous species get access to very
many highly spiced lierries anil buds
—articles that give the "game flavor"
to their flesh.
Help the Boys.
From the Kannf'< Review.
In your planning thin winter we
take it for granted that every farmer
who reads the Jlevieiv is already plan
ning for the work of next season, net
apart aome plat of ground for the
boy a "to have and to hold" as their
own for the season. Sit down aome
evening and have a cheerful, confi
dential talk with them. Ascertain
what crops they would prefer to cul
tivate and experiment with, determine
what variety of seed is liest, and dis
cuss methods of treatment—when to
plow and plant, how many times to
cultivate, and go through with all the
details from seed time to harvest.
Calculate as nearly as possible, the
amount of time they will have to
devote to their little plantation, ami
then, when the time comes, grant
them all the time agreed upon with
out a word. Furnish them with the
liest of tools, and implements, both
for their own work and for that which
they are to do for you, and aid them
in all possible ways. In this manner
they will become fitted for land
owners, and successful farmers. This
love for experimental farming, will
continue through life, and they will
accomplish a work of great value for
the generation in which they live, and
for the generations that are to come
after them. Discuss with them also
the probable conditions of the market
during the next twelve months, for
after all it will l>e the money results
that they will be most interested in,
and which will influence them most in
the future. To have money to invest,
next year, in an animal, a wagon, an
implement, a suit of clothes, or some
thing else of value and utility, or to
put out at interest, is a matter of
grave moment to them. What the
boys of the farm need is recognition
and encouragement. Asa rule,those
l>oys help their fathers moat whose
fathers most help them.
Manner of Btabling Cattle.
< rr*pnoJ<.nr f Cxititr} Cmtlentfin.
It is the usual custom, I have
noticed, for farmers to tie their cattle
in the barn by placing the largest or
strongest at the head of the stable or
farthest from the door; the next one
that "beats" second, and so on, every ;
creature being stronger than any tied :
IH'IOW it. This plau is good as far as
tying up is concerned, but what is the
result when the cattle nre let out?
The weakest is untied first, of course,
which goes to the water and begins
to drink, but the second is close lie
liind and with a hook and a toss
drives the first away, only to lie serv-
I (AiDho Aainc'£ n£k by'ltoe ltiiFu,kun sr
I on, till all but the ,iast have received
sharp pushing. I f two arc contented
to drink together, the first that fin
ishes will hold up his head and streams
of water will run from his mouth
upon his companion. All this is
| inconvenience and consequent injury
may be avoided by lieginniug at the
head to untie, or, as I have practiced
| thus far this winter, letting out one
at a time, and waiting till it is done
i drinking before untying the next.
Ik-fore 1 have cleaned its stall and
| carded the next, it will have drank
to sufficiency and quietly walked
away. 1 find the cattle drink more
| regularly, and I think somewhat
more, while good onier reigns in the
; yard.
TAKING 100 for the average crop,
the following table presents a com
parison of the crop of 1879 with that
of 1878, in the principal wheat raising
countries of the world :
I*7o. I*7
AnSrotlanipir; ...... 7*
llnmiy -- i. 104 u
Rrenr*........ OA 74
Italy- Ml
i Knetohl tuft TS
Ra-ta. |u< 7tt
Ronmntita .lll WO
Cnll-i Slata* Ilk to*
rtotri Card*.
V. (OppnStr tho RnUmwt Station.)
A. A. KOifLDRCKKK, Proprietor.
TllßOl'illl TRAVKLRR* . II- railr.ad will Sad
lkl II AB pure to Itmrh. or prarur# A
iw#l, A* AIX TRAINS •!•$> fchovt 2fc antnwtftt. 47
W. H. M rss KK, proprietor.
Tt town of MMlhrim to foratad tn Pran> Ykltoj.
al>.m two miln from Onfcnrn Stotton, on tl— l-i>
bur*. Cantra ami Sprnra Craafc Railroad, with ant"
ronndlnsa that maka It a
Onod trout (Lhtag In tba Imanadiata Ttotalty. A cab
niM ararr drain. At |l Mlllbaim M.dal nrrnnt
tandatioiM will ba found Artlx ta and tarm* modar
•la. Jui.a (I, Ulbly*
Tarma W.OO par day. Urarr aline bad.
Stwlal rataa (Iran In wltnaaaaa and Juror*.
J. n. Mrtaa, Prap'r. W. Pun tm.ii, CVark.
VI OppoallaOonrt llanaa, BELI.BYONTE, PA.
TKXMS 11.2 ft PRR DAY.
A ffnnd Uim attarbad. |.|;
Thia howaa. prom In-til In a city famad for Ita com
fortabla bntah, la kapt in anary raapart aqnal tn aay
ftraiclaaa botala In lha NmaUy, Owing tn tb alrtn
gwnrynf tba Umaa, tha prtoa of board baa baan raalnowd
to mint WIUM par day. J. M'KIRRIN,
IS-t' Uanagar.
HOUSEAL k TELLER, Proprietors.
Good Sample Room on FHrri Floor,
Mftn Now to and from nit Trnlna. Sparta I rwtaa
to wltaaoaoa .nd Jnrora. 1-1 jr
Xew t'lr tor Hrtvhtff Marhhte—Harper 11 rat hern, Ayenl*
' f/lifPHi 'nnprovements September, 1878.
Uf pwr of anv Sowing Machine in tbo market a fart
71 KESE|7jjW aujijxjrUxi of volunteer witneww*-we n/>w
H H u wonderful reduction of friction ar. t a ruie
J® W combination of di*irnble|ialitie. lUhhut.
tic n beautiful apecimen merhaninni
'■ s "'" 1 '"ken rank with the highrot achievement*
/£*A--SS3MW>f inventive genin*. Abte. We do not 1,^,.
" r c " nj "b' n therefore, have no ol |
■ * ~h' °""r K'
' We Sell New Machines Every Time,
Bend f/>r ninatratcd Circular and prire-i. Liix-ral terms to the trade. Dou't buy
until you have seen the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western lirauch Office, 035 tjruTK Br., ClUutu, 111. MIDDLETOWN, CONN.
HAKPKK BROTHERS, AgenU, Spring Street, . - - BELLKKOXTE, PA.
ll'Hmou, McFarlaue <(• ('a., Hardware Healer*.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
AI.I.FjfiIIKNY FTttKKT, .... 11l XW it LOCK, .... BELI.EF"MI FA
Rwmt Tam > Oiii-fMflli Monday* <4 J*i
tier A |*r ■! . AU|UK< and \o*N'#f
PtolVtil Jn4| ll'U.' ho A. M irra, I>*k IU*MI,
Additional U Jihi|V-'H"tl. Aoan II- linrie, Ml
AaxlibJiulfM-llini. iti l'iisci,Ju>( |HI
Prothumdary—J. Ctitt* llii
Regt.ter ..f ill* ami t.Tk of O.fV-K W. RrmrnrttUi
of tnwda. Ar , —VtLU.N A. T 'U.
IHaiii't Attorney—D tin A
Sheriff— JOß* (RIMUI.
Troirr—llllll Tuurt.
• •■alii) pirtfti*—Jaapra lnm.
Canape--Dr. Jvurn Aun>
Count; Coimaiaan'ttA,*—Ani-sm liutin, tiu. Ivil,
J lI iK ItU
nnl to rMi; OwnfMowft lltftiT Br l l
Allaim; In I inl; M Mil
Jtkllnf of tli. fVinit IUo HIITIK OaiMatrn.
CmMi Atidii.,re-~-Jtasft T. pfnilf.iimuii K WlL
lit**, TdiiUii H. JiMBI
Jnry i .mmtum Jo** s *.•, Drew* W. liuu
*n|~-n"t.rid. i,l <d Pul ll <•.boot*-Prof IIihtMIIIL
V iUrii. Itilillr-.K*tr M llLACBtu>. M. W. Portia.
H f* < iitD>oi**, Reilef'-nte.
ClirmrilKA. Ac.
PRKeIIkTEBIAN. Situated oil Spring nt,.i fi>t of
II >ni'l Amu. J*nA*f *1 l'i 7KJ A M And
Tj pa I'm nm* tim. * Ino-lij t || pa. ftnudar
r. ■. to h" OMlkniwl rorart of
Pfirtai niiit lainih. Parlor, Ho*. William UaHri roar
4* ni*. Spnng rtiwl, ittth ®f Sfollnoli.t i fcoh k.
MKTII'tIiIRT I VimtpAl.. N mated nojtW.t tur
ner of Spring and Howard atreeta gerrtora. Sunday,
■ t K'.W a. * a nit 7' a r u I'rrr-rtne-tiwg. WedßeadaT
•IfUp M Stind•— hunt, bun.!*, JJhi r a., baaemaot
of rhairli. PaNnf, Mi * A. I>. locum, reaidrm*,
< nrtin at/vet. *ap| of tyrtnr
try. J. HIV* ROMAN CATHOLIC, Sttuafed on
Riab"|> .treed M*n All**!)'-"!' '"1 Pann. (W*|rew
Pmidat R and loJD . * and 7' . r. a ; ll other daya.
7-AM A. a hviof, R*? A. J. CBrian: rpthliot*. * lltil
at.t. of 1.1.1. ')■ totaodi Allegheny and Ivna,
ST JuHN S EPIWVPAL, Situated *.*utl.weet <ewuer
of A 1 legheny ami I Ami. tti*li Nitlo*, Sunday
lojn ll M p. a Vt i liwArla) ni "U r.
■ .•ml Somlat-eriKad Inmlv 3 p • , t lnwannl if
rhori-h. He. tor, Re*. Ma Ileum, rwaideuie on
Uatli afreet rm of Epl** - pal chutrh.
I.ITIIERAX. MtmM **tliiat mrtot of Htpli
•ml I'oin itm-t# dptrirt*. Humbiy 1° At' A.a. and 7hf r
a. fMiadat-flinrt llaaihf la Lr*lur* nam of ilnrtli.
fi*tinno-tih|. Widi—Vi; ; la P. a. Pot'if. H.i Ron..
u*t K Curat. fpOltmi. at Par* ll* aI. High dlpM
■All lb* rltnirk
HERMAN REFORMED, Situated nrlhau*l coram
of Linn ami tyring atrrwta S< rtke* Siail*; at In au
A ■ and'. a. h*ir aiMlni W"laoilajlC, p. a.
Kuud*T*rh..|. Sunday MO A.a in lb rborrh.
I'NITKK PRKTIIIIFN. Situated renter Smith lllgb
•ml Thorn## ilmli dntka, Monday AL IMO A.a.
andiUr.a Prt;ff noltai. Tolnilit Pa. Paa
for. JM. RmUt.. I'uet-eflke aiMrwr, Mrkatr.
AFRICAN MRTIIOIiinT, ttituatral aouth rod of
High afreet Imirn. fttiia; IIIM A. ■ and 7| P. a.
Ptwyet BiotinL W edneedar I| P n. hanitrtAl>< *ol In
cl.no h • fctn pa. Paetuf, Rrr. Joan. teaMenee,
Tl.omaa afreet.
FRIENDS. Situated end of Uoa AMwI. aw
UlMnt, Aiwl.m). Mftetiuga, Sunday II a. a,
* edmuda) IT A.a.
V. M < A.. Prayer meeting- ar* It Ald PPATJ Sunday
al 4 ami r*Ary Frnlay af TJ* f. a In lU room of tL.
Aaaor lotion ahnr, the Rt fftiSre. A I'atna meeting t*
Mold In Ibo nitn lb. braiSnmlaT in rw h analb nl I P.
M ROIITI opAB .*ATT nlgbt Iron. 7 to P. a, nml lb*
IfrtM t'htlAlian Tnt|nim-A C'nion at 7 Jti p. , on
BH*n in Ibp Utgnn IIIAM. HOOAA. Tbunalar.al 3 P.a.
MAAting Aach Mondar al 7 p. a. In Ibafr pmoBH In
Rnoh A AtendA. High dmt.
ALL Ruflcrerß from this iURCRSC
that ar* anatoOA to ln> rind hnl.t fpr DA.
DKW. Tlha. I'.iAdrr. ar* lb* only pr*|airatton knotrn
thai will rura CMM lPftna and alt dlnaaan of h*
THAOAT Ann Lftnnp— Irfrr.-f, aa Aln.ua la oar faith In
I ham. ami aim to ronrlnc* yon thai ar o hum
ting, w* will forward in nmry wßatai by mail. |*wf
paid, a rart Tat.L IM.
R> don't wanl yonp mom-y until yon apr portorilr
aafMdl*d of fboir carallr* pmma. If your life I. worth
autlng. don't d*luy In gt.lng tbrwr powncau a trial, aa
tb#y will Aoralr rnrr you.
Prtiw. Air Urga boa, SIOO, tan I to any pnrt of tbu
I'nitAd StatAA or Canndn, l<y mail, on rwrrtpt of prim.
44-ly 7*o Potion Strmd, Ro- klrn, H. T. *
1 Humbug— B, MM maatb'T uaaaa at OP. On*
lard's CaUbrtind IntbßfWu fit Ptwdtn. To nut
*tnca Mfbnn tbat lira* poadAtw will do all w* claim
Art tbrua w# will annd tbeat by mail, roar p.in, • rmu
RIUAA MS Aa FTF (foulard la tba on It pbyriidan tbat
ban a*ai madr fbia dtnaaar a an*rial rind;, and as In
our know lad a. ihwanb bar* bnaa matriant ran
•d by tbp aw of tbnaa Pot.Mtaa, wa WILL tfAttatai a
paaa.aiart ram la tuvry cam. or appvnn Pur ALL
noaar ut run nan All aatmnu .h.mld gtrr ibww
powdor. an party trial, and | M ouariarwl of tbrdr earn.
tfrA UWHt
Prior, for large bag. U.tt, or 4 bnam Aw llO.oi, *nnt
by mail to nay part of tba L'nltad Mala* or Oaoda
on rwrwfpt of prtrtA, up by nana, O, 0 Addrm
44-ly Mb Fallow Mmnt, RrmAlyn, *. T,
U R R.— in rffp-1 OR MiO XM
-31 1*77.
LDMTE ho.-w ftboe 7JKi A. M.,arrivp ii Bdlvfufet*
11.57 A. m.
*ijo fhor 212 r v.,irriiH it i>;jef -„u
4.13 r M.
!rip RrllvfctU f w .im tm t Si fk**
ROAD —TtmmTablA, Iboiulo 31,1*~
' Ktp. Mall, atuaaik tairaiih r.tj M.
a.a. p. a. r a . l
7ok •3J .Arrive at Tma. lowre. " (t. s u
7 bi I LaureKnat Tyron. Laare . 7 I', I c
7 At. *1 " Vail 7lt f.
7di *l7 " Raid Eagle " ..7 S3 T
i A I W ..... " Hamuli " 7, V
7TI t'A " Port Matilda 7if >]|
7 14 ft 47 ....„ Martha - 7 t
7 Aft ft A* ....„ ~ Julian " „ft u| a 41,
4 M ft 77 ...... a I'alotirilla " m ft 11 fl2
a47 ft Ift ..... " bnnw Mto* In "* ... f.l t> u
643 ft 1* .... " Mileel nrg " .. ft 74 > fte
<1.71 i tli ..... A B. Ilefonte •* .ft SI 10 <0
"fitS A M a Miiaabutg " . 4310 IS
gl3 4 4ft .... " Onrtin " .. ft fti 10 gi
• ll* 1* 44 Mount Eagle " - * (a. 10 Mi
' i 431 " Howard " ... ft oft 10 fto
ift ft" 430 .._ " RagfertlU ... 011 lu :
' ft 40 4 Ift 1 a Raw 1, t'raek a... alo if
'ft 33 41 - Mill Hall " . ft MII It
ift 4< ...... a riAi.,iogtnn " .. ft 37 ll It
ft 74 3 .ftft " Lock liarrn " ... ft 17 II H
. a —i PhiladAlpbu and Mrle MtUa.) —On aaf
j aftwr Demnbrt li, 1*77 :
ERIE MAIL learnt Philadelphia II ftftya
I a HarrieLwrg rtian
I" M illianw|awt 4 3fta■
A A lark (1avAD......... ft to n
a Ealn'lu... 10 .3 an
I " nrriraa al Erie 7 Sya
RIAOARA 4.VPRKftb Imraa Pl.iladelpb.a 7 an
a Harriat-org „ If* .'dtan
•' Milltamafert 3 7>yn
" arrirnaaf Rpnnro. ... 4 4 ; n
PaaanagAra by fbia train arr.ee In Dalle.
fonle at f ,U | n
PART LINK Iwu Philadelphia 11 4i a a
a " Bui I laburg s fti ft a
" M111tamap0rt.......... 730 fn
a arriren at Lark Hapan ft P'| ■
PACIPIf EXPRESS liWiew leak laL- A 44 an
a M illlamap*.n 7 I*4 an
a artirea at Harriatmrg 11 Sftan
Pblladatphia 3 fi r®
DAT KXPRRRR Inarm lrUK.ro Ift Ift
" Lurk Ha rat. 11 *>■
- ftOllUmaport ........ 17 tftaa
a arrleiualllarriai.org... ilftyn
" Philadelphia.... TMpn
ERIK MAIL leaeea Rnworu ft V r ■
" f J( k lures ft 44 n
I " VtlliamapuiL— II o4f
- arrietu nl Hartiet.arg 547 an
" " Philadelphia.. 7AO an
PART LIKE leaeea Wilit.mapnrt 17 ftian
" nrtiem al llarrbftburg. 3H a u
" a Philadelphia 734 a ■
Erie Mail Waal, NI agate Exprrwr Int. lev b Ha*a
Acnommodatbm * nat. and Hay Rlpr-ae ltd >"f
rtna* noanclifl< at North urn!-at land with LAE. A
R tratne for Wllkmtairrr and Rt ranlon
Erie Mail Went. Niagara Ktpreae Went, and b*
Etureaa Wert, and Lork Haven AtwunmodaU **
make oioae conaertiou al WilllaaMpurt wiln I C.I
M". train* north.
Erie Mull Waal. Niagara Eipmm Wut. and Dri
Krpteaa Kaat. make cftar atannrUon at lot Hi*d
, With R K V. R R. train.
Erie Mall Eaat and Wrwt ronnert at Erie wftk trart
I on L S A M. • R R.. at Carry with Ofii M
i Rat Emporium with R N. T. A P. R L" 1 "
1 Drift* ivd with A. V R. R
Parlor ran will ran Mwna Philadelphia am
Willtameport on Niagara Erprem Wmt. Erie Eftf*®"
Weal, Philadelphia Kaprune Enat and D>; In™*
Eaat, and Sunday liprrwa Mari Rlaaping oarft •* •*
uigbt train*. Wa. A. Bttautr,
Arftl Rapurinftrwdent
Plain or Fancy Printiug.
Wf hsvs unusual facilities for printing
WPHnUngdona In th bast styls, on
short noUes ana at the lowest rales.
MVOrder* by mall will **criTe prompt