Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 15, 1880, Image 8

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    ®hc Crutrc fltmocrat.
Thursday Morning, January 15, 1880.
Coasiar<iNUK.\cK,cuutaluiux ImporUol new*, mili. lt.
e.l ATOM njr part of the c<>uut.r. No corami nl at ion*
(niwrtcKl unlsM acconipnulMl l>j tlir real uaniv of iti*
TAKE NOTICE.—AII those knowing
themselves indebted to me will please call
and settle, and nil parties having claims
agatntt me will please present thorn for
payment, as my books must ho closed.
Jan. 1, 1880. J. NBWMAX, JK.
Local Department.
—Saturday last was a* fair a day as ere
is 'eon in winter.
—Houses lor rent. For particulars ap
ply to Edward Brown.
Mrs. 1). G. Buh departed yesterday
for a visit to Baltimore.
—The cigars sold by Hairy Green are
constantly increasing in {lopitlarily.
—Mr. Frank Montgomery returned
from a trip to tho city on Tuesday night.
• Sntoko a cigar and meditate, hut be
very sure that you buy the cigar of Harry
—The Mountain City Band serenaded
Dr. R. L. Dartt and bride last Wednesday
Mi.-.* Nnnnia Harris has returned from
Altooua, where site ha* been visiting for
some time.
\V would jnfc.rnt those interest**! in
the moon that it will lie one-quarter full
next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Harper returned
from their wedding tour last Tuesday night
on the late train.
—The Addisonian I.itcrary Club did
not meet last Saturday night. Exactly
why is not known.
—We are indebted to Mr. Robert Hen
derson, of Benner township, for the pleas
ure of a recent visit.
—The many admirers of Miss Kate
Jackson will be pleased to know that she
has returned from her visit to Lancaster.
—Dr. Fairlamh had so far recovered
front his long and tedious illness as to be
able to ride out on Saturday and Sunday
Mr. William and Miss Dolly Burns j
arrived in thi* place last Tuesday night. j
Their many friends will be glad to see
—We regret to learn that Mi*f Mary
Nesbit, one of the lady teachers in our
public schools, has been ill for the last two
—Mr. Wilson Fleming and lady, of thi*
place, departed yeaterday to visit friends
at a distance. They will be absent for a 1
month. '
Miss Long, private governess in the j
family of Mr. D. G. Bush, departed on ;
Tiis.lav morning to her home in Phila
—Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Frank
P. Blair will sell, at auction, all bis tine
silver show case*. First class good*, a
chance for a bargain.
—We have the pleasure of publishing j
seventeen marriage notices this week,
which shows the season is particularly !
active in thia kind of events.
—The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion of Centre Hall held a public prayer
meeting in the Presbyterian church ot
that place last Sunday afternoon.
Miss Snowden has returned from her
prolonged visit, no doubt even better pre
pared than before to assume the duties
consequent upon her large music class.
—A new night school oponed at Mill
helm, last week, in which German it
taught. The Instructor is Miss Josephine
Kauffman, a lady of superior attainment*.
—A musical convention, under tho di
rection of Prof. P. H. Meyer, will com
mence at Spring Mills on Monday next.
It will close with a concert on Friday
—A meeting of the Executive Commit
tee of the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion is called for Friday evening next,
January 10. Business of importance is
—Doctor Wilson, father of Mr*. ex-
Governor Curtin, was quite ill last week at
the Brockerhoff House, but, we are pleased
to learn, has again recovered sufficiently
to sit up.
—Mr. James Milliken took his depar
ture from thi* place on Friday last. Hi*
brief visit was much enjoyed by the ac
quaintance* of the talented and handsome
—The popular drama of "Uncle-Tom's
Cabin," a* presented in this place last Sat-
evening, was considered very fine,
same troupe played in Pbili|i*burg
last evening.
—The new frame residence being erect
ed on Penu street, between Howard and
• Lamb streets, will be quite a commodious
structure. It is being built by Mr. John
Ardell for other pirtie*.
Key. John Hewitt preached a very in
teresting sermon last Sunday night about
the three Magi, or wise men, who, under
the gukdany of the star, wore lent to the
manger where Jesus was born.
—Sechler A Co., the model grocers, are
now offering customers unusual induce
ments at their store. They are always
supplied with a full line of superior gro
ceries. Call and be convinced.
—The auction sales of jewelry by Frank
P. Blair still continue, Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon* being reserved for
ladies. Chairs are generally provided on
such occasions for their comfort. Some
very valuable watches and silver ware are
disjprsed of at wonderfully low price*.
—lf "CardS.," of Mtllhelm, will favor
u* by calling at thi* office, w will with
pleasure, coy verso wit>< him tijion a subject
which wo do not deem it expedient to oc
cupy space with in our column*.
. —Ho oncoutaging were tho results of the
meeting* hold in tho different churches
during tho wook of prayer that it ha* been
doomed advisable to continuo tho meeting*
in severs! of tho churches during thi* week.
—By the first of March noxt tho State
will ho prepared to iaauo to tho several
companie* of the .National Guard now
"great" coat*, haversacks and other neces
sary equipments. Wo suppose that Com
pany B. will receive it* share.
—During this week the Pliilipahtirg
: Banking Company will remove from their
present location into tho elegant now stone
structure known as the Hale building.
Thia change for the better indicates the
prosperity which thi* company i* enjoying.
Mr. Elinor C. Green, of this place, and
| a member of the M. K. Sabbath-school, Is
developing artistic abilities of a high order.
He has lieon elected as special artist for the
M. K. Sunday-school, and illustrates the
lessons for each Sabbath on tho blackboard.
Messrs. J. B. and K. Ford, of Jetl'cr
sonville, Ind'., were at the Bush House,
j ill is place, on Friday last. They enjoyed
confidential confabs with sundry of our
citizens, the subject matter of which is said
to be the re-establish incut of the old glass
manufactory at this place.
—The Convocation of Williamsport as- ■
sernhled in Christ's church, Williamiport, '
on Thursday evening last. The parish of !
St. John's episcopal church, this place, is 1
a branch of the Convocation of.William- j
sport, and the rector, KM v. John Hewitt,
was present at it* meeting.
—Tho Bush House has recently estab
lished a barlwr shop in connection with
the hotel. The shop is under the manage
ment of Mr. William Strayer, formerly of
the Carman House. Sir. Strayer is an ex- t
eel lent barber and will give satisfaction to
all who favor him with their patronage.
—Kov. G. W. Miller, the former talent
ed and eloquent pastor ol the M. K. church,
of thi* place, but now of Chambcrshurg.
lias received a call from a church in Wil- j
inington, Del., at a salary of $2,5X) [wr
| year. Well, the learned divine is-worth
$2,600 if he's worth a cent, arid we hope lie
I will accept.
—The price of many necessary articles j
has lately taken an upward tendency, but
groceries remain the same. At least this
is true in regard to 8. A. Brew A Son's '
grocery store, and, if any change has been
made by thi* |Hq>uiar firm, it ha* been ,
rather to reduce their prices. They always :
| keep the best.
j —Diphtheria is raging to some extent
' among the young folks in Fenn's Valley. |
Two little girls—a daughter of Mg. Kinan
uel Musser and a daughter of Mr. John
Zeigler—were victims of its terrible rav
ages last week. Wo extend to the afflicted
parents tho deepost sympathy. Your dear
little girls are now where no more |*in or
sickness can ever como.
—Among the visitors from Lock Haven !
who attended the (.'amp Fire of the G. A.
ft., on Tuesday afternoon wo noticed Mr.
1 Jack Schuyler, the genial superintendent
jof tho Fallon House. Mr. Schuyler met
; many friends, and judging from the good
company in which we found him, after tho
| lecture of Col. Bachelder, wo should say
| lie had a pleasant visit to our town.
| —The attention of the public is directed
to the fact that the new patented gate
which is being Introduced by Prof. Kobt.
Moore has merits which make it superior j
' to any we have heretofore seen or used.
| John Rockey, Robert Valentine, Constance
Curtin, J. A. Hunter, Dr. Hale, J. Dun
lop Hhugort, Major Wn, F. Reynolds, A.
J. Shivery, R. A J. Henderson. Needs
. only to be seen to bo appreciated.
I —The Philip-burg Journal says that Dr.
H. Allport and lady, of that place, cele
brated the tenth anniversary of their wed
ding on Monday evening of last week.
The occasion was a pleasant one. Tho '
happy couple of ton y<-ar*' married life re- j
ceived many tin tokens of the high appre
ciation which their friends entertain for
them, hut more than all they enjoyed the
kind wishes expressed by their friends for 1
their future prosperity and happiness.
Mr. M. Lamh, of Baltimore, who has
been in thi* place for several months en-
gaged in painting the Bush House, Mr. D.
G. hush's residence and other property,
was, during last week, quite ill at the
Bush House. His illness is said to have
been the result of a severe fall he received
last summer while employed upon Mr.
Bush's residence. This week he will go
to hi* home in Baltimore, to visit hi*
friends and to improve his health by rec
reation. He expects to return to thi*
place after a few weeks absence, and we
hope when he does come he will be re
stored to hi* usual vigor.
—The late rains have occasioned con
siderable increase in the volume of water
flowing into the rivers and have caused
them to rise to the much-desired rafting
point. This fact is hailed very joyfully by
lumbermen, among whom Is our honored
citixen, John Ardell, Jr. It exhibits, 100,
in a wonderful measure tho constant and
watchful rare of a superintending Provi
dence, which is even too beneficent in iU
workings. While in the fall it was but
natural to think that the continued drouth
would not only materially injiye business
hut also check the sprouting of ••arty sown
wheat, the recent precipitation* of mois
ture and grateful warmth have remedied
all injury that was bccashmed from that
cause, while doubtless some nll-otlt< ieni
cause for it Is retained in the councils of
Illustrated lecture of Oolom-l John B.
Bacheldor, on the battle of Gettysburg,
drew n fine audience to Reynolds' Bull on
Tuesday night. Col. Racheider was in
troduced to Itiit hearers hy Oon. James A.
; Beaver, and for over two hour* -hi* inter
'•"ting and, at timer, thrilling story was
listened to witli profound interval. Hi*
j knowledge or the battle and ail the import
ant incidents connected with it, down to
tho minutest details, i* thorough and no
j curate, and without any attempt ut fine
j oratory he tell* all in a plain, direct and
engaging manner that at once commands
and hold* the attention of every hearer.
\\ ith the aid of hi* large maps lie de
scribed every important tactical movement
of the troop*, and every turning point in
the terrible corn hat of three days. When
requested to do so by any one in the audi
: •■nee, he gave tin- position* and movement*
of regiment*, and related interesting reini
| niscence* in connection with them, thai at
1 once developed hi* entire mastery of the
whole plan of the battle and the dilferent
! position* of tii troop*, showing that hi*
| study of lrt year* ha* not failed to k<>:ir
good fruit. It i the intention of Co).
Bacliehler to make Gettysburg the great
illustrated battle Held of the World. And
with this purpose in view, he w ill still con
tinue his researches, examining every
j new incident and detail that come* to hi* j
knowledge witli the determination of
bringing everything down to the jsrint j
iof absolute accuracy, ile give* notice in
all lii* lectures that he will be at Getty*- j
burg in the last week ot duly and will i
be glad to meet visitor* there at that !
I lime who desire to go over the Held and ,
view in person the great battle ground
of Pennsylvania. Great number* will un
doubtedly lake the Colonel at hi* word and i
! boon hand at the time Axed. Indeed we
hear so many of our citi/.en*, who listen
i cd to the lecture on Tuesday night, ex
press a determination to go, that some of
•he more ardent are already beginning to
• agitate the propriety of getting up an ex
! cursion to the historic field.
--Miss Fisher, who has boon visiting her ;
aunt, Mr*. Harry Teats, of this place, is
at present absent fin H visit toother friends
in this vicinity, but is expected to return 1
to this place in a few weeks.
| —l\ e call attention to Die advertisement
j of Messrs. J. A. A T. K. driest, of Cnion
ville, who offer a small farm for sale.
Any one desiring to purchase a fifty acre
I farm may find a bargain in this offer.
—Flowers do not bloom very Inxuriant
! Jv this season for even the most skillful
\ cultivators of these lieautiful objects. Wal-
J ter Zejgler, however, has an unusually
pretty flowering geranium in his drug store
| —A lovely white lilv and other pretty
I llowers are blooming very profusely in the
| Allegheny street window of the residence
of our friend, Mr. W. F. Webb. We
ei|ect, however, they arc the products of
; hi* wife's lender care and attention.
Mr. S. D. Wetr.le was a passenger on
| the out-going train on Tuesday afternoon
; He is now on hi* way to Denver, Colorado,
which he will make hi* future place of
abode. His address i* No. 2.'>, South Four"
tecnth street, Denver, Colorado. We hope
he will have a pleasant journey.
—The grocery firm of Sochler A Co.
ha* been in existence so long, alway* deal
ing so liberally with customers, that refer
ence to it i* afmost unnecessary. Persons
who call there for groceries during the
, next few weeks will be able to buy from
1 the largest and freshest stock in Bellefonte.
j A first-class meat market is kept in con
nection with the store.
| —We understand that our friend Mr.
j J. N. A an Ormer, now of Miles township,
ha* rented the Humes mill, in spring
township, near Bellefonte, and will lake
possession of it in the spring. Mr. Van
Ormer come* to this locality with the
reputation of being one of the best millers
in Centre county. He is a genial, whole
smiled man, and we trust he will meet
with the success that we know he deserves.
—Tho Ladies' Missionary Society of
I the Kpiscopai church, this place, will meet
1 in the lecture room of the church to-mor
row (Friday) evening. This is a society
; composed only of ladies, but from the
, manner the announcement of their gather
-1 ing wa* made we infer that gentlemen
| may attend if they desire. The society
ha* v accomplished so much thai for the last
nine months it lias not been found neces
sary to ask for money for missionary pur
pose* from the pulpit of the church.
Krastus J. Burkert, who i* said to he
a native of Centre county and who at
present must live in the vicinity of Chica.
go, ia reported in the Chicago Tribumr, to
be guilty of the wonderful feat ol writing
7,100 words, on an ordinary postal card.
Tho word* written include the fifth, sixth
and seventh chapter* of St Matthew and
the first, second, third, fourteenth and
fifteenth chapters of Kccloslastes, This is
the greatest teat of its kind on record.
—Amid the din and cla*h of contending
faction*, and the general upheaval of the
great political parties consequent upon the
near approach of an important national
election, It is gratifying and cheering to
kuow that at least one man in the coaalry
will look upon the mighty contest with
the philosophic unconcern which charaoter
iaed the altitude of the old woman as she
watched the conflict between her husband
and the bonr. Our fellow townsman, Mr.
H. O. Hoffer, has announced hi* entire and
eomplet* separation from all political par
ties and creed*. Hereafter .he is a free
lane* and will owe no allegian#to either
men or measure*. # We wlh Hiram suc
cess In hi* modern crusade against the t
lltlral Saracens. 1
1 IN JAM, AND OUT. — Most ot the people
of our county know w hat it i* to he out of
Jail, but there are not many wild have
any acquaintance with Jifc inide the
gloomy wall* and behind the strong bar*.
We, however, had a quarter of an hour'*
experience in tho latter situation one day
la*t week, in tiie mauiinotli stone structure
known u* Fort Spuiigh-r ou top of the hill,
and found, notwithstanding sundry ac
count* to the contrary, that it i* not *ueh a
terrible place after all. Nevertheless, we
would advise people to keep out of it if
possible. In all, Fort Hpangler contain*
about twenty cells, two only of which are
for female*, which would indicate that tho
men of this county are nine or ten time*
more in need of such correction than the
women. The proportion represented by
the inmates of the jail at present i* even
greater than that—(l to 0. The cells are
all supplied with barred iron doors, but
th*e arc only closed on the inmates at
night, and, if peacefully disposed, they are
given the freedom of the hall* during the
day. But hack of these cell* oil the first
floor—one on either side of the hall—are
two place* culled dungeons. Ma*sive iron
doors shut to on the hapless occupant of
these cells, leaving him in the blackness of
Inrkne*#. Only one of them, however, is
i -hut off entirely from the light, and a ■mall
j window shed* a ray of light in the one on
j the left. Tho necessity which compels the
maintenance of such it place is to be re
| gretted, hut it is seldom if ever that one
| become* so depraved as to merit inearcera
j lion in the dungeon. All the cells are pro
j Titled with water and heat, and the jail i*
j comfortably warm throughout in the
| severest of weather. The cell* and hall*
j are light and almost cheerful, and with the 1
aid of the three substantial meals each dav j
I that are given the prisoners, they can, if
1 *0 disposed, improve the time by the |-ru
al of hooks and pajers, which are alway*
provided. In addition to bountiful meals,
they are given coffee twice each day. We
arc uUo informed that they can, at their
pleasure, enjoy the freedom of the large
j yard surrounded by the high wail to the
i rear of the jail.
There are at present only ix prisoners
! in the jail, HII of whom are placed there
| for trivial offense*. This i* the smallest
| number that have been there since Mr.
Spnngler look possession. We are gind
that such a secure and pleasant place has
been provided for the evil-doers of our
county, but would rejoice to see moral* so
much improve a* to render such an insti- *
tution a* a jail an unnecessary incum
Leap Year Law.—The Supreme Court
{ "f Indiana ha* afforded a principle in r<f-
I spect to the computation of time which i*
likely to prove ~f serious trouble to bank
ers and others. It Is that the 2b and 29 of
February are to be computed a* one day.
The question become* of |tocia! import
ance now that leap year (IKHOi is with 11*.
To illustrate, suppose that a note be •
drawn on the 28th of February, A. D.,
1880. at one day after date. If the 28th
and 29th be counted a one day,
note would mature on the 4th day of
March, but otherwise on the third. If on
the third,Yloarly protest on the 4th would
not hold the endorser*. Vice versa, if the
rule of computation f* to count separately
the 2Mb and 29th of February, the protest
on the 4th would be of no avail.
The question in Indiana was suggested
by the fact of there being ten days pre
vious service of pri>ce- necessary for judg
ment. And the cause having Iteen l>egun
in the last leap year. I*7l the process was
not served in lime, if the 28th and 29th
days of February were to be computed as
one day. ( And the court held that they
must be so counted. VhtHptKurg Journal.
Inspection.—ln speaking of tho quar
terly inspection of company F., Fifth Beg.
iment, National Guard, which took place
at i'hilipsburg on Tucsdfy evening ot last
week, the Journal state that Captain Har
ry Simier received high praise from Col
onel Buri hfield because of the excellent
condition in which the company was4ound.
The inspection revealed the fact that the
arms, accoutrements, Ac., of Company K
are superior to those of any company yet
visited. Previous to the inspection an 1
election took place to supply the vacancy
caused by tb* resignation of Sorond Lieu
tenant Myers. Afr. Jeff. 8. Jones was
the successful candidate, and if his exami
nation, which will be held before the
Military Board in this place to-morrow,
prove# satisfactory, he will immediately j
enter upon his duties.
His HIWIIT HUD CUT Orr.—A most
unfortunate accident occurred to Dr. J M.
Stewart, of Hnow Shoe, on Friday last,
lie was engaged at the time in his shingle
mill in sawing the lathe with which to
hind the shingle#. By some means for
which he cannot himself exactly account,
his right hand came in contact with the
■aw entirely separating the fingers from It. j
Dr. Dobbin#, of this place, was summoned,
and departed on the evening train for Snow ;
Shoe to attend hi* patient. He remained 1
there until the afternoon train to this
place on Saturday, giving his Buffering pa
tient the benefit of hi* skill. It was found
necessary to amputate Ir. Stewart's hand
across tho palm. At last accounts Dr.
Htewarl was doing a* well as could be ex
Monday, January 6, 1880 —Our slock
of woolens for the spring and summer
season of 1880 just received. Leave your
order now. . Respectfully,
MotrmowKiiY A Co., Tailors.
J Ariioiig the many otiu*r oxeellont feature,
TO "ITncln TOM'* Cabin," A* repronented
by Kial and Hra|tnr'. celehratd troupe,
wa* a laughable after-piece ON Sunday
J night, which introduced the blood-hound,
1 the pur.ued and punuer* and neveral more
|of the rfranwti * /I;*'UIIC. That excellent
I colored clergyman, Be v. .fame* Palmer,
with good reason, gave hi. congregation a
few wie words of counsel in regard IU at
tending theatrical exhibition, to tbo neg
lect of religion* duties. Thi* INCENSED
some members of the aforesaid troupe who
were listening HI this divine, and they IM
mediately left the church IN a rather in
-1 suiting manner. Not sali.fled with thi*
they waited for M R. Pnliuer on the street,
ut the conclusion of the service, determin
ed to make the gentleman retract hi*
word*. The inemlier* of the congregation,
, however, conducted him HOME in safety.
A* soon a* practicable, Kev. Palmer en
j lercd a complaint against tbe aforesaid of
fender* for disturbing a religion* meeting
and indulging in profane language, and
they were bound over for appearance be
j fore the justice on Monday morning. Tbe
major portion of the troupe went on to
Clearfield to fill an engagement at that
place in the evening, w hile the manager*
promptly appeared at the proper time.
Lou; and profuse were the testimonies
1 given an either side, but the troupe
weie found guilty of the offense* charged
and were fined f Ift.fiO, When traveling
troupe* sojourn over Sunday in a place
where the public sentiment on moral ques
tions i* so healthy a* it is here, they should
reniemiaT that they attend church only to
hear of their fault* and to profit by—not
flmk fault with—whut they hear.
— According to notice, a public meeting of
the Patron* of Husbandry, was held in
the M. K. church at Centre llall, Saturday
afternoon, January 10, which was of un
usual interest. The exercise* consisted of
essay*, speechc* and music. Jame* H.
MRG'ormiok read the "I>E< L.ration of Pur-
L>OSO* of the Order." Mr.. Kate Conley
read an excellent ESSAY on the "Educa
tion of ihe Working Classcw. Ilr. ( 'aider,
President of State College, spoke for over
an hour ON the "Objects and Advantage,
of the Order." Mis* Maggie S. Rhone
read a very able e.say ORI "Home— How to
make Centre county Homes Pleasant arid
Attractive." These exercise, were sand
wiched by some of the tiest music the Jeo
p) of Centre Hall ever had the pleasure of
hearing, it WHS RENDERED HR the Centre
Hall class under the instruction of Prof.
Philip Moyer, and received much deserved
praise. The meeting adjourned about 4
o'clock, and all departed well phwsi-d with
the eatertainment.
Ki.M-rtMi Orrn KRM ANI> I)n I.ARIMI
A DIVIDRMI— A meeting of th stock
holder. of the Bald Kagle Valley Railroad
wa* heid in the Fallon House, Hav
en, on Monday. The election of officer#
resultec. in the following wise selection :
I'rrtidrnt —HON. I-. A MWkey.
Secretory and Trmmrrr Edmund
Blanchard, Kscp
It >nrd of h,. trior % — Col. THOMAS A.
S-ott, Hon. Jame. A. (iambic. Col. A. C.
Noyes, Hon. C. A. Mayer, Hon. A. (I.
Curtin and Hon. John Irwin, Jr.
After the election the Treasurer, Mr.
Blanchnrd, presented a report upon the Fl
nam tal condition of the company, which,
a* UMial, exbihit-**! a very encouraging
condition of affairs. The Board of I>irec- ;
tors then declared dividend
of three PER cent. R|in tbe capital stock.
The Bald E.gle Valley Railroad ha. thus
O.itered upon a new year which will doubt
less L>e MORE prosperous than any prereding
| one.
PxasiKo AWAY.—One by one ihe rose*
wither and die ; one hy one old thing, pass
away and new one* take their place. The J
old flight of one hundred and fifty, or
more, steps, leading from Water street up
the "hill of science" to the Hellefonte
Academy at the top, which, in youthful
days, many of our acquaintance used to
climb— their bosom* heaving with ainhi
tiou* thought* of future education and
glory — have been, during the past few I
jear, slowly crumbling away, until now
but half a flight of broken step* remain at
the top of the hill. Would it not be bet
ter to have left them there to suggest to
the preeent generation what a hard, steep,
straight road all must climb to attain true
grcatnes* and glory 1
In thi* place, on theßl*t day of Decern bar,
I H7B, occurred the death o! Mrs. Mary Pow
er, mother of our good citiaens, John, Pat
rick and Jame* Powers, Esq's. She wa* also
the mother-in-law of Mr. Merty Cunning
ham and the grandmother of 87 grand
children. Two other son*, a brother and
a nephew she sent to the Union army, one
of whom wa* killed in the battle of An
tietam. At the time of her death .he was
78 year# of age and had resided in thi*
place during the last thirty years.
Those who knew her in life hold ber
name In pleasant remembrance. She was
a faithful, aealou* Catholic, and a liberal,
Christian woman. In her death her friends
suffer a great loss. Her bineral on Friday,
the 2d instant, wa* largely attended.
—One hundred and flfty dollar* were
realised a* tbe proceed* of the festival held
for Ihe benefit of the Centre Halt Lutheran
church during tbe holiday*.
—About four incbewof the beaiitifkil snow
fell In this place on Monday afternoon
and night. It wa* the heavieet ftdl of the i
*eon up to thi* dafe.
i day WM indeed a grand d.y wuh'T
I Po*t, (I. A. K., of thi* place. i n , ' r "W,
, to the attraction of Col J i,
- I—., H ... ~ L\* M H
, day one which would carry their
, back to the .. of the war In all '"'''"l
t , tail*. For this purpose several , 1(:1
. | ">g Po*U Were invited to oarUei !
> ; what is Wined . "camp-flre" ">
• N-.ne of the PoU fouhd it EONVEC, i,
. accept the Invitation except P„N p., "
(Lock llaven. which rent .bout u /
, j member. to thia place on the ktiPt , 1
• train. Before they arrived, ho.T'
, n.any old soldier. and other PE R ,O„,
town accepted the inviuiion EXTENAM
, | all to join with the home L\*T J,, M
■ | dinner prepared )N GENUINE W R
. I Four rough table, had been
, j the corner room or, the third „T, JRV
1 Hume.' building. Tin di.HE*, tin
j iron knives arid fork., TU-., 'WERE
j THE bili-of-fare con. l.TED of bean JT
:;pork, boiM; .alt horse, boiled
I J tack; AND coffee-no cream, but *U AR '
• | The dinner and .Uo the A U PPE R , W L>( ,
> wa. giver, to the visiting p,.. t fc , w
- arrival of the train, ULLLRH ENJ„ H
I C. M O Conner, pewt Commander ofV*
• Loch Haven Po#t, Wa. alopren. RT
the. .upper an informal meeting
I in the room of Gregg p,„ T JT
I |A. Beaver made an OPENING'.,**,, , T
I | which he relat-d several interring
1 ! amusing anecdote, about the war. (
| Curtin reeponded to call and al.O RELATE
! number of amusing incident, of the , V
| that came under hi. personal <.B-MV ; „
1 | during hi. active conrie< TIOII WITH IT ~
I Governor of the Stale. The remark,
. the Governor cauaod much
| a. he resumed hi. ..CAT be received WNC
. J demon.tration. of applause. The Govern!*
I promiaed to present the Post with in N .
j graved copy of Rothermel'. celebrated
| painting of tlie "Battle of Gettysburg
. jPost Commander O'Conrier NEXT WK.
the floor and. after returning thank, .;
I behalf of the MEMBER, of bit PRUT
cordial manner in which they had !*.•
, received and for THEIR kind er.tc-rtainiwt!
j EXPRWMRD the hope that they would Ml*
time have tire pleasure of receiving (IR-JJ
I Poal at I*ock Haven. MR. Chatham (A.
Keller and Mr Shulu followed in AM
remark., the latter teliine A laughable M
| perience of army iif while in . AMP IT
Maryland in IWI2 Thi* informal W.JRF
Faing an hour in the rooms of tl. p;
J wa. an exceedingly pleasant featurr 'fit*
. gathering and will BE remembered wrl
I great J, B-a.ii re by aii who wire present,
j fhe work of the commute,* WHO LA.
charge of the arrangement. was well d -r*
J and reflected great cndit UP N them !..R
' their efficiency.
LKCTI RK. —An event of con.ider.KE
J importance to the African M K rhurtt
| of thi. PLACE will occur ,-n Tuesday the
j 271h day of thi* month. It will be tbe
! presence of one of the most LEARNT divine*
in their church, Bi.hop Wajtnin, of
I Baltimore, who will deliver a lecture in
: the Court Houe. The lecture will be f,ir
I the benefit of the denomination in thi.
I place and will lie in EVERY repoct WORTH
hearing, llemember the time and F.laoe
and prepare youraelf accordingly
Philadelphia Market*.
I'HIl intl mu. Js.usn It ]W.
Fl/Wl is quiM aid tiocimiigewi s*J.* '!•*• htrtwk
Mihn'fa r-iir* (mnirli it f*7l#:. Fw-
I VYLNUITE <U> 4". AT $*7&FA7.12 % , ~I*RTI K. D, §T F*
T -V'. RNL I*T>I!T AT.,I HI|(H t F* * *>• ■*
M MAAV li Ttrp Mr I biff -If lißfd
Nhl'-a f1 ' !•!•, la. | r,. ',: •g • p ||| *
At II 4V IT|U At iud \ 2 |M.
tor. At |l lit.
1T, bjr It., W II Ore*. Nc. U. v-1 Rc.,. u4
Mice UuJ, Ibw4turd, bctb of Hacri, biwmkiß
DTRRORP - ki.l VKRRLTR.R -o„ th .cu c
bee. I7.by R. W ll lie*. Mc J.m IwfcK ''
R -l. Rprtnri, .nd Mlw blu M KlineOlt" 4
MIW t-' w n*bl |>.
aiIIRK —RoVKR —nw tVc mM it. 1*7.. l-l I" J
K. Miller. Mr. Hacrj C. ttUrt.aod Miw Uun t
Revet, berth of Poller townahir
I.KR—KKt.I.RR—On the Xtt of IWealef. I*
Rev. a W R—ler Mi Joh„ II wad Vl VM
l*e Keller, birth <f I* rtlet lnrmhij
RoYFR-I.RK—ihe .WMIi of tWoMabef, ICV. Ml
Rev W K Flher. Mr J-rtin II R- jer Ul<l M
Mm; J. Lee, bolh of Nlrt b— chip
trni.K-LOrR —On the Wlh of Peremler, 1T.V"
Rev W. s Reedet, Mr W iil,„ H Rql.l. W>J Um
j Jennie C. Love, both of ISrtter townihip.
1T. by Rc, w || Orb. Mc. Filxhm.r, Rli.el'tw
Mtd Mlm Ah. A(ne* Wlngael. Ivlh "t MV
MKt KRR-UTE -On Iteceoiler .'t, lT h *" *
H. tSreh. Mr. J. fert Meyen, „f R*l,l*u- '*
Mry A. Lutr, of Fill more
*M ITII—JoRIaVV -On Ihe 2ih of necen.W, l
|.y Rev W || Clroh. Mi Mhliwl .mitli. P-O'
b—nvhip, >1)1 Mim Lena JorAon, of B—
KOKkTR—ti KI'MRIXK —On Hie 2Mb rJ ttcewl
-1T. by Rev W. H Oruh, Mr. Ue.*. M.*rW
Mim Lnor. C. Rrncnrlne, birth .rt Rule Oelh*
ROM-HAV|R —At cwreoU, Jumirv L 1WI. by *e>
N It Miller. Ml William K. u4 MnwLonei
IV.via, berth of rhtlipabwy,
ORAY —KRPI.RR —On the *.V|h of tVcwl-o
al the r—btecee of llora Uray, In Milertwrv. •*
Rev. J. M. kin*. Jamea dray anrt M ftertnrtc
Kpplpr. Mh of Nilftfttr|. Ontrp forntj.
BAYIII RRT- I.HVOLK —At Ihe Roeh Hwe *
Bellebrtiie, hy Rev J M Kiag, John I'. Haitian*.
Rolanl. (Voire enwnty. Pa., ami Mae Kale Uayb e
Kaalevilla. (Voire cownly. IV
McAFKR—CRORS -Al Ihe t.Vare nf J. A H.l
i* th< 24(h <4 December, I*T, hy Rev fl W Row.
R W McAfee and Mi* Rerah R Croaa. brth <*
abrteb—n, Fa.
HARTROC'K—MrIIIYITT —On the I.'rth of tVcewM
l*t, al Ihe W ant limine, Tvrnne. Fa., by Rev li
R .we, J.rtin W. itarlenrh ami Ml* Maria. B M>
IMviU. both of Half Mvmw, IV. _
Ml'l.t.nriJVN —AI Ihmw fUeve. Jan S. Will**
bwlow, age* a ynara
BYMAK - Al MlVabwrw. Dec JO. ICR, Mr.. Jw •>
Rywrt*. vrMuwof the Intel hart* U Rymaa
RDfRLR.—On Ihe fmcrih (4 Jnanvy. !*. •
t*n*hlß, of p"tanm|rttirt. Mra Annie Ronkle. *ib
of Michael Ronkln, need M yea re
RMI'DRR —On Ihe Mlh of Dnwnher. I*T. !•
InwMhln. Mra Blnlalh Rwy*w. wVAovr of the lb
Oeorjo Rnyrtar. aert 74 yenra, i aiaalha and A.J'
WMITH -On the Tth Ineuni, In Mlllhri*. Ylawc*
lahnt now of Jam— C aart Rnrnh JWnllh, > J** 1
•ad I month
COPRRIIAV KR-AI Ihe reebleticenf Hake *r*R"
. Daratnr tawnahlp, north of rhlll|l-r. '* nc*J
Jan nary t, I Mu. ill* Lave, 4an(hiaf of John
haver, aye.ll4 year*
4NITM.—Hear PhHl|Mar, on '
Jaanaty A IRM, iUrr INnilh, agert Sb y*ra
meelha two I* rtayv