Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 15, 1880, Image 6

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Christinas carols, merry rhymes,
Mingle with the festive chimes.
Hear tho music ! rising, falling,
Holy memories recalling
01 our childhood's Christmas times.
Age torgets his years to tell,
Pi peloid glees all love eo well;
Manhood liends to childish pleasures,
Trolls out staves of blithesome measures,
Wakened by the season's spell.
" Glory lie to God on high !"
Sang the chorus ot the sky
On that merry Christmas morning,
At tho welcome, glorious dawning
Of that star, the day's bright eye.
" Peace on earth—good-will to men 1"
Echo sings the strain again.
Earth, antiphonal replying,
Shouts, with Heaven's chorus vying,
" Hallelujah and amen !"
How the heavenly ether rang
While the enraptured seraphs' sang j
lake the ocean's waves it thundered—
Wide the pearly gates it sundered;
Joy-bells imitate the clang.
In eommombrntion wo
Tune our sweetest minstrelsy,
At one common altar bending,
Whence our hymns ot praise ascending,
Prove our christian unity.
Carol! carol ! Oh rejoice
With uplifted heart and voice !
Make the itst&l day a blessing,
By om gifts and deeds confessing
Christ oar giit,,ol all the choice.
I.et our homes be scenes of mirth.
Day no gladder daws on earth;
Fill its every hoar with gladness;
Drows in joy all care and sadness,
Caroling Messiah's biith.
W. J. H. Hogan.
Widow Wintcrpippiii's Wonderful Dream.
This is just how affairs stood in the
house in which we lived —brother Na
thaniel and I—it was a tenement house,
not what they call * "first-class" one,
but a very nice one—on the Christmns
Eve before that Christmas night.
In the basement the three little chil
dren of Mrs. Rose, the janitor's wife,
were quietly playing with their dolls
for the first time in several weeks, hav
ing been sick nigh unto death, and their
poor, tired mother was hovering about
them, her thin, pale face lighted up
with thankfulness and joy, albeit a
cloud did flit across it. every now and
then, as she thought of the debts con
tracted during their sickness—debts
which at the present moment —Mr. Rose
having been out of work for three long
months—she hail but the faintest hope
of ever being able to pay.
On the first floor Airs. McChilly—old.
obstinate and—well, to speak plainly
stingy Mrs. McChilly— spectacles on
nose and head held close to the lamp,
was looking over for the fiftieth time
the bonds, willed her by her brother,
who had lately died in San Francisco
ami received by her a few days before,
making her already in comfortable, very
comfortable circumstances what in
our sphere of life would be considered
rich. Her girlish-looking granddaugh
ter, by marriage, was darning the old
lady's stoekii y*. and thinking of the
dear, merry, young brother-in-law,
banished from his home half a year ago
—a home which had never been so sun
shiny since—because he had dared to
fall in love without his grandmother's
consent, and the boyish-leioking hus
band of the granddaughter, by marriage,
was writing a cheerful, affectionate
letter to the banished one, under cover
ot the daily account-book.
On the second floor pretty, gray-eyed,
brown-haired Mrs. Summer was hush
ing the baby to sleep, and dropping
tears on its littic, golden head when
ever, which was very often, she glanced
at Iter husband who lay snoring on the
lounge, having left a convivial party
late that afternoon to stagger home, as
he had done mkny times during the Inst
unhappy year, with aching head and
empty pockets.
On the third floor jolly, plump, black
eyed . rosy-cheeked, generous (out of her
income of a thousand a year she gave
away at least onc-eiglitli) Widow Win
terpippin was calmly sleeping in her
bed, thoroughly tired out by a hard
day's work, and Nannie, her little maid,
witli the eat in her lap, was dozing in
a spasmodic manner in a rocking-chair
by the kitchen fire. .
And on the fourth floor brother Na
thnnid and I were taking a late supper
hei nuso I had been obliged to remain
longer than usual at the store where I
was clerk, it being the custom of our
employer to exact extra service all holi
day'week (without, however, thinking
if ncessary to requite such services with
extra pay), and dear Nat—than whom
there never could be a kinder brother
would not. though he tie ever so hungry,
eat supper until I was there to make
and pour out the tea. "It tastes so
much better from your hand, s<s," he
usd to sav.
Nathaniel was a printer, and had
been a fine, stalwart, singing, whistling
fellow until that dreadful any in Bep
tcmlier when he met with the terrible
accident which resulted in the loss of
his right arm.
Since then h* had been on the invalid
list, and sang and whistled and joked no
more. We had, fortunately, some
money saved when this misfortune
came upon us, but it was now almost
exhausted. And Nat began to worry
about that,among other things; but!
iit-ver lost heart. Why should If I
had youth, health and strength and
twelve dollars a week. And we could
mannge not to starve or freeze on twelve
doilnrs a week, and Nat's overcoat and
my cloak could both be turned, and—
somebody was coming home soon.
Widow Winterpippin—Ood bless her
—.oroxrri* angel of goodness during
our trial bie, coming to sit with Nat her
self when his arm was at the worst;—l
had to go to the store after the first few
days, or the salary would hare ceased.
though they did, for a wonder, give me
an extra half hour at noon when I went
homo to lunch—sending Nannie to wait
on him when lie was getting better, and
making all sorts of nice dishes to tempt
his appetite, and lending him all the
nicest books and keening the room
bright witli beautiful flowers. Hut it
wasn't this kindness which made Nat
fall in love with her. Oh, not for he
had fallen in love Willi her long before,
and was on the point of telling her so
when that cruel machinery grasped his
" But I must give her up now, Susie,"
lie said to m—we nad no socrets lrom
each other—" though I love her more
than ever. Twould nave been no match
in a worldy sense, for her before—a
printer with only what he earned from
week to week,and a pretty'young widow,
owning houses nnd lands sufficient to
vivo her an income of a thousand a year.
But now it is simply impossible. Dis
abled for life, I must make up my mind
to be a burden on you, and see her
" You'll do no such thing, Nathaniel,"
cried I. " What has come over you? It
seems to me that the people who are the
jolliest when thev are jolly are the blues
when they are blue. One would think
you'd lost both arms and legs to hear
you talk. I)o you forget your favorite
motto, ' Nil desperandum,'to say noth
inglof' Up, guards, and at 'em?'"
But Nat continued very low in his
spirits, all I could do or say. And this
is how affairs Btood in our house the
Christmas eve liefore that Christmas
The kettle had just liegan to boil next
morning, nnd I had just called out,
" Merry Christmas" to Nat, hearing him
stir in his own room, when Widow
Winterpippin's blue-eyed little maid
knocked at the door, with a "Merry
Christmas," a giggle, and a note from
her mistress. The note read :
" Winifred Winterpippin sends her
love to Susie and Nathaniel Bracket,and
begs that they will, as a great favor, give
her their company in lier rooms this
evening at seven o'clock."
" And I've got a note for everybody
in the house, and there's to be a supper,
miss. So don't cook no dinner, miss,"
said the little maid, laughing outright.
(This little maid was almost always
laughing, in which respect she much
resembled her black-eyed mistress )
" Say we'll come with pleasure, Nannie,"
said I. " Yes, miss," and away she
flew. •
And at seven precisely the invited
guests were assembled in the widow's
pretty parlor. Dear me! How pretty
it was. Christmas greens were festooned
all around the walls, and anchors, and
wreaths, and hearts, and crosses were
hung wherever they could la* hung, and
above the mantel, " Merry Christmas,"
in large dark green letters, brightened
by crimson berries greeted us as we en
tered the door. And there were stands
filled with lovelv geraniums and be
gonias, and lilies In each window, and
a splendid fire in the grate and the most
charming of all there was the widow
herself in a pearl-gray silk with scarlet
ribbons at her throat and scarlet flowers
in her hair.
When Nathaniel—poor fellow, how
his empty sleeve annoyed him—and I
| arrived, Sirs. McChilly and her grand-
I children were already there—the old
I lady in tiie easiest chair in the room
i nearest the fire, with a glass of lemonade
1 of which she was very fond (how did
Widow Winterpippin manage to find
; out everybody's little weaknesses in the
way of eat ing find drinking?) on a small
round table by her side, and the grand
son and his wife looking over the photo
graph nlhum in a cosy corner.
Air. and Mrs Rose and the three rose
buds, as we called the'children, wee,
darling, auburn-haired girls, came in at
the same time we did, and Mr. and Mrs.
Summer, he looking worn and haggard,
and she witli traces of tears around her
beautiful eyes and the baby—made
their appearance a few moments later.
"And now that we are almost ail
here," said Widow Winterpippin—we
wondered who else was to come—" we'll
have a dance to begin with. You will
•day, Mrs. Summer? Nannie can hold
the baby."
But Airs. Rummer blushed and said
she "never played, now."
" But vou can," insisted the widow in
her genial way. "You surely have not
forgotten. I used to hear you playing
so much and so well when you first
moved here, nnd Mr. Summer sang
then, too. Many a happy hour have 1
passed listening to you both." And
Air. Summer, with a conscious contrite
look in his face, put his arm around lib
wife and led her to the piano.
Then Nathaniel took the widow, and
Mr. Hummer Mrs. McChilly's grand
daughter by marriage, and Mrs.
MeChiliy's grandson Airs. Rose, and
Mr. Rose me. and we had an old-fash
ioned quadrille dance in the old-fash
ioned way—and a jig to end with. And
Mrs. McChilly declared it made her feel
like dancing herself, and she would have
danced, too, I believe. If it hadn't been
for her rheumatic foot. As it was, she
beat time to the jig tune with her cane
until her arm was so tired she couldn't
beat any longer, and Nannie and the
baby took it and heat away, utterly re
gardless of time, until all the ladies had
made their final courtesies to Uieir
After the donee we bad a lovely bal
lad from Mr. Bummer, who had a fine
tenor voice, and a comic song from Mr.
Rose, who had a voire suited to it. The
comic song had a silly, rollicking chorus
in which the company ail joined with as
much earnestness .is though their lives
depended upon their doing so.
" Tra-la-la-trn-la In
Tm-ln-li—and that will do."
And then supper. Such a supper!
j Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, mince
Pj*. crisp celery, home-made bread,
pickles, tongue, stewed oysters, candles
and wax dolls (the dolls beside the chil
dren's plates.) And when we wire all
through and back to the parlor again,
sitting in a balf-chcle around the grate
flr cur of fragrant tea or coffee in
every hand, Widow Winterpippin, who
sat in the renter of the half-circle, said:
" And now, if no one has any objection,
I would like to tell you a wonderful
dream I had last night."
"Any objection!" "No, indeed!"
" Delighted to bear UP from all sides.
And, while the Summer baby crowded
itself to sleep in Us mother's arms, and
Die Rosebuds, on the floor at their
father's feet—each with a new doll
clasped to their breast—drooped their
shining heads until they sank upon the
pillows Nannie had thoughtfully placed
near them, the chairs in the half-circle
were drawn closer and all eyes were
fastened on the Widow Winterpippin's
sunny face.
" 1 went to bed last night,*' began the
widow, in alow votes, " very tired."
"I should think so," said every
woman listener.
" And I began to dream directly.
And everybody in this house wan in
that dream," tho widow went on. " Yes,
children and all. I thought it was
Christmas night, just as it is now, and
Nannie and 1 were waiting, just ns wo
did to-night, for the company to arrive'.
And they began to arrive as the clock
struck seven. First came Mr. and Mrs.
Rose and the rosebuds, looking so smil
ing and liappv that I said at once,
4 You have good news to tell me.'
44 4 Mrs. McChilly—doar, kind Mrs.
MeChilly—(Mrs. McChilly sat bolt up
right in her chair and closed Iter lips
firmly as her name was mentioned), has
paid the doctor's bill,' Mrs. Rose began,
4 And promised, she having so many
business acquaintances, to look out for a
situation for me,' Baid Mr. Rose. 4 And
she is going to love us and be our friend
always us long as we are good, said the
children, beginning to sing the Sweet
By-and-Bye so loudly that we did not
hear Mr. Aubrey come in; but there he
wus, his face glowing and his eyes spark
ling (Mr. Auoroy was the grandson with
whom Mrs. McChilly had quarreled);
and he cried out, 4 God bless her! my
mother's mother. I knew she couldn't
stay mad long. She's forgiven me and
kissed Alice. (Alice was the young
girl witli whom he had fallen in love
without the old lady's permission.)
44 And all ot a sudden there was Mrs.
McChilly among them, being welcomed
witli loving words and hugs and smiles
—the eldest rosebud haa n glass of
lemonade ready for her—and saying,
4 l)car, dear, what is a little money to
gratitude and affection li.kc this?'
"'Nothing,' answered Mr. Summer,
who was there all of a sudden, too,
with his wife and baby, looking its
handsome us he did when I first saw
him nearly two years ago, and its for
Mrs. Summer, her eyes were like stars
and her cheeks like roses, and she stole
softly to my side, while he was toasing
the baby ana singing a merry song to
it, and whispered: 4 A promise has been
my Christmas gift, a promise worth all
the gold and jewels in the world.' And
then Susie Bracket danced in and slyly
held ur> a letter from somebody far
away, that I might see and rejoice with
her. And Nathaniel—what a ridiculous
Eart of tho dream that about Nathaniel
tracket was. Really, I don't think I
| can tell it."
44 Oh. but you must, I cried.
44 Indeed you must," they all cried.
"Well, it I must, I must," said the
widow, with a sweet, little nervous
laugh. 44 1 thought Nathaniel followed
me Into the d'ning-room, where I had
gone to take a last look at the supper
table—ob, it's too ridiculous."
44 Nothing of the sort," said Mr. Sum
mer. 44 1 don't believe it. I've no doubt
1 it was the most sensible tiling Nathaniel
i ever did—in a dtcam."
44 And please go on," begged his wife,
j 44 And he took my hand, the widow
j went on, "andsaid—oh! I i-an'tteil you
all I dreamed he said, but lie ended by
'saying: 'And so, of course, I must
I think of you no longer—a poor, crip
pled fellow like me." And f said —"
44 4 If you have lost} our arm—your
right arm,' " the widow calmly pro
i needed, " 4 you haven't lost your head,
i and that head, as f happen to know, cun
j tainod the usual, perhaps a little more
' than the usual, amount of brains, and if,
as I hour, a thousand or two will give
1 you an interest in Tom Allen's business,
i why what is to prevent me, having a lit
i tie money at my command and no one
to take care of but myself, lending it to
you—for the sake ol your sister, of
whom lam vTy fond? Or if you won't
I look at it in that way, why can't I be
come a partner, a very, si lent one and
you manage forme, taking a fair equiva
lent for your services?" And that s the
; end *
44 NeverT' shouted Nat, springing from
his chair once more and taking a few
steps toward Iter, "The dream
ended in that way, Nnthnnic! made some
further remark.l'm sure lie did."
44 1 believe he did," said the widow,
knitting her pretty brows, though in
thought, while a rosy blush overspread
her face, 44 but dreams grow so shadowy
at the last and this became so very in
j distinct alter I bad spoken of going* into
the printing business myself that I can
| scarcely remember—"
"That Nat Bracket said." prompted
Nathaniel, 44 • God bless you for a narl
i ing! and I'll accept the offered load on
condition that you'll add to it a Christ
-1 mas gift—a gift above all price—your
' precious self."
"Well, well, how did you ever
' know?" exclaimed the widow in pro
tended surprise.
"Can't imagine," said Nat, his eyes
sparkling with fun for a moment, and
tlicn. as she rose from her seat, he came
and stood before her and said, entrcat
ingly, 44 But I don't know what au.iwcr
you dreamed you made."
44 Nor I." laughed the widow.
"But I do." said Mrs. MeChilly, with
an emphatic rap of her cane; 44 1 do-
Mrs. Nathaniel Bracket."
And we all shouted and clapped our
hands like a parcel of children, and
then we all (not one of ns I'm sure
44 What did you say ?" cried Nathaniel,
springing to his feet and looking eagerly
toward her, totally forgetful of the rest
of the company.
4 Nathaniel Bracket, yon are an
44 Just as I expected," murmured poor
Nat., sinking Into his chair again,
could have told why) cried a little and
were quietly feeling for our handker
chiefs to wipe away the tears, when the
old lady spoke again, looking down on
the Rosebuds, who were still sleeping.
44 1 will be a friend to these little one*
and the'r parents." she said, " n good
friend. That part of the dream siiall
come true. As for my grandson —"
44 Here he is," screamed Nannie, with
a hysterical laugh, as she flung open the
door that led into the dining-room.
And there he was, to be sure, with
his sweetheart on his arm, and in an in
stant they were both kneeling before
their grandmother, with one of her
wrinkled hands in biessing on each
bowed, young had.
Mr. Summer turned from the pretty
tableau and bent and kissed his wife,
and softly whispered something to her
that made her " eye* Mke stars " indeed,
as she exclaimed in a voice trembling
with jov, 44 My part of the wonderful
dream has already come true."
44 And mine came true this morning,"
said I, as I took the letter from my
44 And mine," stammered Nat, as his
only arm stole around the widow's
waist, 44 can it come true?"
44 It can." said Widow Winterpippin.
Turning for the moment from affairs of
State to sporting matters, we note thai
a Cincinnati gentleman yesterday broke
IWH glass balls out of a possible 1,000,
with the hut end of an army musket.—
i (HncumeUi /"Inquirer.
Traits of Animals.
A cat was sent by express, carefully
boxed, from Dansvillc to Rochester, a
distance of fifty miles. Not many days
afterward, tabby came walking Into
her old home.
When a good housewife of Kirkald,
went for a nam that bad bung from the
rafters, it had a fair exterior, but it was
a perfect shell, skin and bone only re
maining to show its form, while the rat
after living so sumptuously, hadbuitja
nest in the center, and was easily eap
A parrot belonging to Capt.|Richel
berger, of Baltimore, was always present
at family prayers. One morning, when
in the garden, a hawk flew down and
seized the parrot, when it shrieked:
44 0h, Lord, save us! Oh, Ixird, save
us!" which so frightened the hawk
that he dropped his prize.
At Priest's hotel, on the road from
Calaveras Grove to tire Yosemite, in
California, is a dog who one hour before
the arrival of the stage goes leisurely
down the road to meet it, then bounds
back to the poultry yard, catches chick
ens, bites their heads off, and lakes them
to the cook. He takes one chicken for
each gentleman in the stage, never mak
ing a mistake.
An expert in antique coins in Porhfis
a poodle. The money being placed upon
a table the dog is introduced, and alter
nosing among them will knock off the
table all the bail pieces witli bis paw.
After acquiring great fame it was found
the whole tiling was a trick. His mas
ter took care to handle only the bogus
coins, and the poodle's decisions were
arrived at by faculty of scent.
A wandering 44 chippy " was picked
up by a St. Isiuis lady and placed in the
cage witli Ear canary. In the morn
ing i'. was released, when the canary
mourned as if it bad lost its mate. In
the evening the chippy returned, and
was allowed to nestle on the cage, when
the canary struck qp one of the liveliest
notes and seemed gratified. This was
repeated for three days. Then chippy
i failed to return. The canary drooped
; and soon died.
| A couple of seals, the property of
Urch, of Portsmouth, N. 11., were
kept in a tank, and were as tame us
! dogs. One of them died recently, and
Mid or Urch concluded to give the other
j its liberty, it seemed to grieve so much
at its loss. He took the tank to the
i river bank and released the seal, think
ing it would swim out to sea. It swam
i all around the river, but soon returned
! crying in distress and flapped intoitsold
: quarter* on the bank, and stubbornly
1 refused to be ejected.
A monkey le!onging to a gentleman
■ of the south of France often helps the
1 cook. Being given a pair of partridges
i to pick one day, lie seated himself in
an open window. A hawk flew down
and snatcli<<d one of the birds, when the
i monkey trieked the hawk by secreting
| himself, and, waiting, soon saw him
come for the other, wlien the monkey
caught the thief. Plucking IKIUI the
hawk and the remaining partridge, lie
took them to the cook, and the ennage
was not discovered until the game (r)
was served at table.
! An enormous enjilo in Georgia swept
1 down upon two little girls aged three
and five years, throwing them to tiie
ground. It buried its taions in the face
and arm of the elder nnd attempted to
| carry off the child, but was prevented
iby her struggles. A little brother seven
f years of age came to her assistance with
a carving knife, slashing the eagle's
legs, when it turned upon the boy, who
wns soon released by the appearance of
I Joe Betzler. a neighbor, upon the SOI US,
i who shot and killed the bird. It mea
sured seven feet from tip to tip of wing.
A spider is a glutton, as was evidenced
by nn experiment reeently made. A
gentleman arose at daybrauc and sup
plied a spider who bad an extensive
web. with a fly. This was at & 50 o'clock
A. M. The spider was then feeding on
an earwig, lie came for the fly. rolled
him up, and returned to bis first eourse.
At seven o'cjock, his earwig had been
demolished, and the fly at eight o'clock.
At nine o'clock he gave It a daddy-long
legs, which he ate at noon. At one be
greedily seized a blue-fly, and daring
the day lie counted 120 greomflys. or
midgets, ali dead and fast in bis net.
Mrs. Anna Ray, of Dnnbarton. 11. 11.,
who died some weeks ago. was in her
100 th year v
A bed-ridden colored woman in the
Kings county hospital says that she is
101 years of age. She was born in Flat
The first centenarian of Maueh
Chunk, Pa., died recently In the person
of Mrs. Rosanna Murphy, who was 104
years of age.
Near Passaic, N. J.. Henry Kipp lives
with his only child, Mrs. Michael Van
Winkle. He is just closing his first
century of life.
A fanner of Hayipton, N. H., in his
eighty-fifth year, has suddenly come in
|K>ssession of his eyo.-dirht. He has been
unable to read common print fifty years.
At the age of 107. Ilcniy Goens, of
I<awre ee county, Ohio, has been gath
ered to his fathers. He left forty-five
children, having been married five times.
The Little Sisters of the Poor In
Brooklyn have one room in their build
ing devoted to women over 100 years of
age. There were recently five inmates
of the room.
The parents of Mi, Rlinn, of Pratts
ville, Greene county, were overjoyed at
liis birth, and named him Arrival.
After ninety-three years, he met his
death reeently by being thrown from a
wagon. He was a pensioner of the war
of 1812.
In Fulton county, Ga., a man named
Gregg still lives who guarded tlie great
Napoleon during his captivity on board
the Bellerophon, previous to his depart
ure to St. Helena. He was in the Brit
ish service, end stood guard at the
cabin door.
Although ninety vears of age, Little
ton SrnLn, of Edgefield, 8. C., can jump
up and strike his feet together twice be
fore touching the ground. He has
right children, fifty-five grandchildren,
128 great-grandchildren, and eight
A most eccentric farmer was Caivin
Hi I), recently deceased in his ninety
ltfl.lt year. He lived at Homers, Mass.
He would never begin a piece of work
on Friday; would never kill a he* un
less the moon was going to the rail, so
that the meat would swell while cook
ing. He cut ids finger nails at stated
times. A flock of crows was to him an
ottsn of bad luck.
It is Indeed a brave man who has
courage enaugh to peer into the fntnr*
as ferae spring house-cleaning time.
The Mul Womflerfnl iVatnriil .Curldtlly
Vet Dlacovrrcd.
The beautiful Buffalo valley the
mountaineer's paradise, and one of the
most romantic spots in Tennessee—lies
along the eastern bank of that lovely
mountain stream, the Caney Fork.
Three or four miles from the mouth of
this valley stands Jan old water-mill,
whose huge iron-l>ound wheel, it is said,
performed its last revolution somewhere
shout the year 1818. The mill in its
day was no doubt a wonder in that part
of the country, for, judging by its pres
ent appearance, it must have been the
most wonderfully constructed building
of its kind ever erected in that vicinity.
It is now the home of rats and owlsrand
the ashee of the jolly old miller, who
long years ago was the life and light of
the place, sleep peacefully on a neigh
boring hill, Under this old mill is the
most wonderful spring of which the
world has ever heard. Among the in
habitants it is known as the "Devil's
Spring." No one seems to know how or
when ft received this unpleasing, im
portunate appellation. Few people,
other than those living in the immediate
neighborhood, know o7 its existence, and
they rarely visit it, from the fact that it
is believed to exert a powerful and evil
nfluence over all who are rash enough
to venture sufficiently near its confines
to allow a single drop of tiie bubbling
boiling fluid to fall on them or their
garments. Besides, the old mill is said
to be haunted, and this alone would
keep those superstitious people from
risking their lives by frequenting the ac
cursed place. Notwithstanding the
harrowing tales related by the natives of
the loss of fortune, reason, and finally
death to those who had ventured in too
close proximity to the unhallowed spot,
a gentleman recently visited the mill
and the spring, the latter of which he
thoroughly examined, pronouncing it
the mqst remarkable natural curiosity
lie had ever seen. The spring is de
scribed as boiling up from the center of
a solid rock, its shape being very like
that of a bush' 1 measure and about as
large. The sid<-s of this basin or hole
nre perfectly smooth, having the appear
ance of having been polished by the
band of man. Its depth is not known.
The people who reside in the immediate
vicinity say it is without bottom. How
i this may be we nre not prepared to
j state, but true it is that an iron wedge
, and throe hundred feet of cord failed to
I reach it. The wnter is of a dark blue
color and inula up with great force—so
great that it spouts up several inches
above its proper confines. And not only
does it boil up. with immense force, but
| it whirls around with tremendous veloc
ity, something after the fashion of a
! The gentleman who describes it says
I that he dipped nn ordinary tin dipper
into the spring for the purpose of pro
curing some of the water for a closer ex
amination of its qualities, and that the
moment the dipper touched the water it
was wrenched from his grasp as though
it had been struck from his hand by a
stroke of lightning, and indeed, he
states, that hts arm felt very much as if
it had been suddenly paralyzed. In en
deavoring to regain the dipper, wlncli
i didnot sink more than six inches below
' the surface, but which kept whirling
round and round so fast that it was
j almost impossible to see it. he placed
his hand into the water. He says that
1 the sensations he experienced at the in
stant liis fingers touched the water were
singularly strange, causing him to think
that thousands of needles had pierced
his body at one time. But lie didn't
succeed in getting the dipper out. He
tried time and "gain to wrench it from
its fastenings, but the gree<ly waters
seemed loath to give up their strange
captive, to which tlicy clung with more
than a vise-like grasp, (living up all
| hopes of rescuing the dipper with iiis
j hands, the gentleman bethought himself
of an empty flak which he carried in
his companion* With this he again at
tempted to lift some water from tho
spring, and was rewarded with success,
not, however, without n considerable
effort, for it required his entire strength
to prevent the angry waters from snatch
ing he flask from his hands. Pouring
a single drop of the strange fluid in the
pa'm of his left, hand he examined it
minutely wijli a magnifying glass with
the most satisfactory results. He states
that the drop of water closely resem
bled a flake of snow viewed witli the
same instrument. He examined several
other drops, and, strange to say, each
presented n marked differenee in appear
ance. The first assumed the shape of a
star, the second tlint of a crescent, the
third a dagger, the fourtii a comet, and
so on. After concluding bis examin
ation. the gentleman resolved to further
test the qualities of the water by tasting
it. Is-ttfng a drop fall on bis tongue, lie
was surprised and delighted to find that
it sparkled like the best brand of cham
pagne. He then concluded toswaliow
a portion, which he did with the most
delightful effect. He savs the moment
the water began descending his throat
lie enjoyed the most p'.cAsant sensation
of his life. It was indeed as y lie were
truly sipping the nectnr of the gods. The
draught seemed to divide itself into a
million parts the moment it passed Ids
throat; n portion passing with the speed
of lightning along every vein of his
lody. So delightful was the effect tlist
he forgot for the time where he was. and
uttered peal after peal of the wildest
possible laughter. Owing to the pecu
liar effects which the water lias on the
human system, the gentleman before
leaving the place christened the spot
" The Electric Spring." declaims that
this name is peculiarly appropriate, for
there is no doubt hut that the water is
heavily charged with electricity. He
will endeavor next summer to form a
company for the purpose of merging the
place into a summer resort, as it is be
lieved that the sstrrs of the spring will
cure any nnd all ills that flesh is heir to.
—NtuhviiU (linn.) Banner.
A Lake Roofed with Salt.
No. it isn't frozen salt; and it isn't un
der the ground. It is in summer time,
nnd open to the sky. And ttiis is the
In 81beria, where this wonder is to
lie found, the summer heat is intense,
and turns the upper cart of the waters
of the lake into a light mist, which
floats away into the air. The change
from water to mist takes place so quick
ly that large masses of salt are left in
solid crystals, which cake together,
arching slightly over tho water, and
forming a roof right or nine inches
thick, so strong toal i •oasts of burden
pass over K in safety, drawing their
loads behind them.
Now, is this salt root good to skate
on? That is the question; but what's
the answer?—fll. Siehola*.
Tii e Utah delegate in Congress u,
C.t nn on, has six wives. ' r
Truth lies—When it is crushed .
earth.-A'ete York Newt. U '
A miserable man generally manage,
to make others miserable.
Five children of Charles Dickens sur
vive him—three sons and two daugh-
To avoid the first wrong step, let y OUr
%LSS be riKbt
Modesty is to worth what shadow,
arein a painting; she gives to it strength
andrelief. •
As many fabrics and accrasori's now
enter into a bonnet as into tie most
elaborate dresses.
The Chicago Tribune has discovered
that a petrified body indicates that the
man is stone-dead.
Mr. Mori, who was once Japanese
minister at Washington, has beer,
to the cort of St. Jam es.
" Day-After-To-Morrow" is the name
of a Cherokee Indian chief. If< is t( lf .
! brother of Procrastination.— H'a'trloo
\ Hard speech between those who have
I loved is hideous in the memory, like the
! sight of greatness and bcauty'sunk into
vice and rags.
Thirty-eight thousand five hundred
and forty one persons by the nam" of
; Smith draw pensions from the United
j States government.
The Eureka (N*v.) Sentinel says three
i Ciiinese gambling games are constantly
ruining in Chinatown, each paying's
mojthfy license of $75.
As many women learn to know their
husbands, they wish they had learned
to "Mo"them when they w<-< ony
; sweethearts.— Hteubenrillc lJctaUl.
France consumes now seventy-four
million tons of coal, against seven mii.
j lions in I*5(V. The English miner raises
nearly double per man what his French
| brother miner raises.
Bella were first set up n churches &> a
di fense against thunder and lightning
The first bell hung in England ; n
045. Chimes were invented in B< g'um
in 1487.
That was indeed n smart postmaster
wh >, when asked by a young lady
which was the first mail, quickly re
plied, "Adam, madam'"— Vonkert
There is not a Turkish family, rich or
even in easy circumstances, which ha*
not a certain number of wom<-n and
children in bondage. There are b.a<k
slaves and white.
The association fin- -
shed its deliberations at St. D>ui- ye*,
torday. The other association for rais
ing Cain is still in session at Washing
ton — Chimgo Journal.
lie that embarks in the voyage o
life will always wish to advanc' rather
by the impulse of the mind than the
strokes of the oar, and miw; founder in
the passage while they ]j<> waiting for
| the gale.
A fashion letter says "pinched waists
are now thought vulgar." Fashion let
ters r. ay say what tic y pieaee, but m
! long a, ihe owners of the waists don't
make a fuss about it. young men will
i continue to pinch 'em — Sorri&own Ihr
-1 ahl.
The number ci paper mills in the
, United States have increased to -IV. etn
'■ ploying 22.000 hands, and their aver
age annual product is estimated at
317.3H7 tons of paper, valued at $07,-
000,000, and the capital invested in
them is placed at $43,500,000
Tlure are over 15.000 carriage manu
facturers in the United States, who < m
! ploy upwa d of 100,000 haiuis. pay
out from s2S.<e<o,ooo to $31,000,000 for
labor annually, and produced during
the past twelve months upward of
1,900,000 carriages, amounting in
value to $125,000,000.
A walnut timber boom is going on in
Tennessee. Every water-mill and
i saw-mill is sawing it fast. Already
$30,000 worth has been shipped from
| I>'wishurg. There is a large demand
I for it in Icndnn, and Tennessee people
I expect great things of the European
( market.
The proprietor of the circus in Champs
Elysecs. Paris, was M. Ifcyean, whose
death is announced at the age of ninety
i four. lie t-i&rted life as a butcher, and
! his good looks brought all the cooks to
1 his master's shop, who, on retiring, left
him the business. Amassing a fortune,
he started a circus which he has owned
half a century. He was remarkable for
his strength.
It appears from the statistics drawn
up at the prefecture of police that the
numlxrof cases of dog-madness certi
fied last year in Pans is 50V. They
were distributed amonif the four
aons as follows: First quarter. 141;
second quarter, 175; third quarter. 133;
| fourth quarter, fifty-three. To judge by
these figures, there are fewer case* in
the summer and autumn than in the
winter and spring.
Juries sometimes give very curious
verdicts. One of the most remarkable
was found by a Washoe jury in a
of milk-stcnlinc. The prisoner was
tried on a charge of stealing milk from
another man's cow. It was proved that
he had frequently milked the cow at
night, thereby causing his neighbor
great vexation and annoyance. The
jury desired to express in their verdict
their sense of the aggravated nature of
the offense. They therefore found the
prisoner " guilty of milking the cow in
the first J degree."— Wmea (7Vwm) Tele
A new and novel treatment of drunk
enness was devised and tested by a Du
buque wife. Her husband came home
moderately intoxicated, and expected to
get the usual scolding. He wrs aston
ished, therefore, when the women re
ceived him smilingly, asked him if be
would have some brandy and produced
a bottle and glsas. He promptly accepted
the liquor and drank so much Uial he
was helpless. Then she tic I him to a
bedpost and whipped him with a raw
hide until, as the Telegraph says, lie was
as tender aa a Ixvfsteak.
Juries in the United States and in
England show little favor to railway
corporations in caae of injury to passen
gers through any sort of negligence.
Some time since, a Dr. Phillips obtained
a verdict in England for $35,000 damages
in an action against the Southwestern
railway company for compensation for
Injuries sustained in an accident on the
company's lino. l>r. Phillips had ob
tained a new trial on the ground that
tiie amount of damages awarded was in
sufficient. and lias now obtained a ver
dict for SBO,OOO.