FOR THE FAIR SEX. When l •• ■*• *° I> * cl,ir ' On*'" law- The following lines were taken from the serapbook of a grandmother: LonglivoJlwill d> maiden prove Whose lover on Monday declares hia love, plutus and Hymen will sweetly smile If 011 Tuesday she yield" to her lover's wile. Wednesday they tsll me is looky but ruin W'ill dampen your prospects, oh refrain— flash maiden, nor plunge into deepest woe. II he sues on Thursday, hid him " go." Friday, tho' some toolish folk may doubt it, Is perfectly safe, that's all about it, Have no tears, maiden, all will go well If on Saturday ho his tale doth tell. At home from church you wend your way, And one short word is all you say. Oh, happy maiden, yon'lt bo blest; Your joy Icegins on the day ol rost. Hoops. A Boston correspondent .writOH; I rosd somewhere lately a futile attempt at definition ot the word "fashion." It is an impossible task to put it in woid9. hut we see it in facts every day of our lives. But when has such a strik ing illustration of it been shown in any twelvemonth as during that just pnst? One short year ago women wore the sheath-like costume, trimmed all over in patchwork style, with long close-fitting basques, and not a sail about tho whole craft tlmt was not tightly furled. And now—but let me describe a beautiful lady who rode up town in a horse car opposite me the other day. She was tall and graceful, and a blonde. The skirt of her dress was of fine, soft, gray cordu roy, with silvery gleams in it. It was perfectly plain, without a sign of trim ming of any sort, and was hemmed nt the bottom instead of being braided. There was an overdress of some black material, in points at the sides, and bunched up drapery behind, but it only showed when she rose to leave the car. As she sat, only the plain gray skirt was seen below the black silk mantle, trim med with rich fringe. She wore a broad-brimmed black felt bat, set back on the head enough to show the light hair parted on the forehead, and waved away from the face in the stylo of five years ago, nnd trimmed witli a long black ostrich plume, drooping over the right side of the hat brim its entire length, the end curling upon the looped braids of black hair. Lnng-wristcd gloves of black, undressed kid, and the tiniest of diamonds studs in her ears, completed this simple costume. Bu., beneath it was worn an unquestionable j hoopskirt! Now. what are we to believe in this matter? One authority says positively that hoops are not going to be worn, Another, just as reliable, says that they are, and not so slowly either, being adopted by fashionable ladies on both sides of the Atlantic. Certainly the re vival of plain skirts would give some color to the latter statement, for un trimnied dresses are not apt to " tiang " very well unaided. But there is time enough. One need not hasten to adopt j such an innovation in dress, and espe ci.aily those who remember by experience the lust reign of that despotic monarch, the hoopskirt, will not lie too ready to bend the knee to his yoke a second time. fashion Xolai. New sleeve-buttons are composed of beaten gold and have several gems set in each indentation. Double buttons j connected by a swivel are newer than studs. Corsages with deep, long points are in 1 favor lor fuil-drpss occasions; so are j coat bodices cut low in the neck and of 1 different material from the rest of the dress. As further evidence of the extent to which bright colors are worn are wine colored and biue cloth wraps bordered with hands of cashmere, nnd ruby gloves, just now the fancy in Paris. Satin is the prineipnl element of all elaborated toilets at present, whether for house, street or evening wear. Among trimmings popular for ball dresses, as well as evening garments, are birds set on in groups. Buttons of finely grnincd woods, tak ing on a brilliant polish and having monograms cut on them, are seen on some of the handsome imported cloaks; other novelties in this line are those of walnut relieved with trimmings of oak. Numbered with new bodices intro iuced in Paris dresses is the Guernsey, or Veronese cuirass, as it is respectfully failed in England nnd Paris. It is coin - fosed of elastic material and fits the figure without seams, being laced at the back. Fur muffs are carried with costumes trimmed with fur. otherwise they bouid match the bonnet, not the dress, of old. A recent fancy in muffs are fiat ones to correspond with tlie flat fur stole# worn in place of boas. These are tied in front with satin ribbons. Die rage for fur trimmings continues Bonnets are not only finished with Mods of fur, but are composed of it. Other novelties in bonnet* are those witli handkerchief crowns and plush brims, mcopy of one embraced in the trous seau of the youthful Queen of Spain. isg-fleeeed fur bats in black and cream colors, with low crowns and wide brims, are in favor. Kpingsline, velvet shot with several colors, is a fashionable ma terial tor covering bonnet frames, as is satin and satin de Lyon. New ribbons have leathered edges; others are rep ped with satin borders. The World's Commercial Marine. According to the " Repertoire Gene ral" Bureau Veritas, tor 1879-80, the wiling tonnage of the civilized world baa decreased from 14,218,079 to 14,103,- wS— a falling away which shows the decided tendency which now prevails to give steamers the preference over sailing jewels. The total sailing tonnage of breat Britain, which includes colonial tonnage, is 5,6*4.12*. so that consider ably more than one-third of the tonnage which sails the sea is under the British ag. When we come to steamships, '■reat Britain takes a still prouder posi tion. The total number of steamers which can be classed as sea-going Is 5.897, of which Great Britnin has 3,542; wd the total net tonnage of steamships 4.021, Hit), of which Great Britnin has '.555,575 tons, or about three-fifths of the whole. Counting sailing vessel# and 1 Weanicr* together, tnc civilized world has 18,125,474 ton# afloat, of which ".139,703, or not much less than half are under the British flag. Canada ocrrn the fourth position among nations. Hie leading nations are Great Britain, •nited] States. Norway, Canada, Ger- B*ay,ltaly ar.d France. H nut lag the Orang-Outaag. In Borneo the orang-outang Inhabits that wide belt of low, forest-covered swamp which Ilea between the sea coast and the mountain ranges of the interior, extending entirely around the western half of the island. Last jear, while on a collecting expedition for Prof. 11. A. Ward, I had ample oppor tunity to study the habits of the orang outang in its native forests. I visited Borneo in August, H7B, for the sole purpose of obtaining specimens of the Itornean simia and to study the different species. I visited the territory of Sarawak and for two and a half months devoted my entire time to hunting the orang along the river Sadong and its tributary, the Slmitjan. This whole region is one vast swamp, covered every where with a dense growth of lofty virgin forests. During the fruit season, from the middle of January to May 1, the food of the orang is the durion, mongasteen and rambuton. During the hot months of May, Juno, and July they retire far into the depths of the forests and arc exceedingly difficult to find. But during the season of the heaviest rains, from August to November, when the forests are flooded, the orang are found in the vicinity of the rivers. I soon found that the only way to reach them would be to paddle up and down the rivers and watch for them in the tree-tops. Near the source of the Simujiui river and far beyond the last Dyak village we found great numbers of orang nests nnd some which were quite new. The nests consists of a quantity of leafy branches broken off and piled loosely into the fork of a tree. The orang usually selects a sapling nnd builds his nest in its top, even though his weight causes it to swav alarmingly. He often builds his nest within twenty five feet of the ground, and seldom higher than forty feet. Sometimes tt is fully three feet in diameter, but usually not more two, and quite 1 flat on the top. There is no weaving together oi branches. In short, the orang builds a nest precisely as a man would build one for himself were he obliged to pass the night in a tree-top, and had nothing to cut branches with. I hnve seen one I or two such nests of men in the forest, j where the builder had only his hands' to work with, and they were just as rudely constructed, of just such ma terials, and in al>out the same position as the average orange nest. Upon this leaty platform the orang lies prone upon his hnck, with his long arms and short thick legs thrust outward and up ward, flrmly grasping, while he sleeps, the nearest largest branches within Ids reach. On several occasions I surprised these animals upon their nests, and onee I had sa opportunity to watch an orang while it constructed its resting place. He never uses a MSt after the leaves become withered and dry; no doubt became the bare branches are not comfortable to lie upon. I never saw or heard of any house building by j orang-outangs. We found the animals most numerous along the Simujan river near its source. (>ui manner hunting was to make trips up and down the river in our boat, paddling slowly and ■ silently along, keeping a careful lookout. Sometimes in rounding a bond in the river we would come full upon a huge, black faced, red-haired animal, reposing quietly or feeding. I aimed to shoot them through the chest, and thus either kill them at once or disable them so that they would be unable to get away. On several occasions I succeeded in killing a large specimen with a single bullet. It would at all times have been an easy matter to have shot them through the bend, but this wbuld have ruined their skulls. As soon as an orang was fired at, if not killed nt onee. be would begin climbing away with all haste. I think we may fairly consider the orangs the most helpless of all ouadru mana. Owing to the great weight of their bodies and the peculiar structure of their hands they cannot run nimbly along even the largest branches, nnd never dare to spring from one tree to the next. The weight of an adult male ranges from 190 to 160 pounds. Owing to tlie disproportionate shortness of his legs, his progress depends mainly upon his long, sinewy arms, and very often he goes swinging through a tree-ton ry their aid alone, Upon the ground the ornngs arc the picture of the most abject helplessness, nnd in their native forest they are very seldom known to descend to the earth. They are utterly incapa ble of standing fully erect without touching the ground with their hands, and for them to be represented in draw ings and museums as standing erect is contrary to nature. — ProftMor Hotnadny. Words of Wisdom. No rank can shield us from the im partiality of death. • The power of eloquence is sometimes superior to military force. Flattery is like your shadow; it makes you neither larger or smaller. It is in the power of the meanest to triumph over fallen greatness. We take lessons in art, literature—a thousand things; hut timt high sense of honor, man's obligation toman, is frr gotten. A mind unsteady of purpose is like a toy balloon veering with every wind, drifting in many directions and arriving at nowhere. Twenty men who believe what they profess end live as they believe, are worth more than five hundred hypo crites to any good cause. Write your name by kindness, love and mercy in the hearts of thousands you come in contact with year by year and you will never be forgotton Anybody can soil the reputation of any individual, however pure and chaste, by uttering a suspicion that Ins enemies will believe and his friends never hear of. Events are only the winged shuttles which fly from one side of the loom of life to the other, bearing the many col ored threads out of which the fabrics of our character Is made. No man can be thoroughly manly nor carry the blossom, bloom and fruit unless he has in a large measure what belongs to a good body and a well regu lated mind. Asceticism never made a good man. lie who travels with his eyes open cannot fail to see that others, as well as himself, have their discomforts and drawbacks, and he will thus be all the more disposed to meet his own with a brave spirit. If all the napkins that contain the one talent were unwrapped by those who have tied them up and sit complaining at the world for It* favoritism, plenty, contentment and happiness would be come universal In Pekln, We went down on the broad streets that run for miles without a bend. The vista is closed by a eity gate, and broken by here and there an elaborate arcli that spans thb roadway, a pylotn erected to commemorate either wealth or virtue; but the green aDd gold have rubbed off, and the structure is out of line, like a gravestone where the earth has sunk; the houses, built of brick, are of one story, yet as the fronts of the chemists, tea and tobacco shops art a mass of gilded and painted wood sometimes thirty feet high, they make a daz/.ing show when new. but paint and gilding wear away rapidly in this climate, and when the gold tarnishes it is not renewed so that there are sombre lines of faded finery broken at intervals by a brilliant flash of color, like the glare of a public house in a street that has lost gentility. The middleof the road way is the highest: there are lower roads on either side, and off these the sidewalks and shops. At intervals the mi idle is occupied by rows ol booths covered with wooden boards or with curtains of rags, where traveling merchants display their goods as in an English fair, or else cook and sell hot viands that always attract tye country folks who have come into market. At other points there are oblong groups of eager listeners, each groun gathering around a story teller, who tells his tale with wonderful dramatic action; and when he lias worked up his audience to thednighest suspense sends around the hat before he begins the next chapter; I saw him once vehemently shake his cash box in the face of a mean fellow who was sneaking away without paying. A few yards off, a juggler has an equally eager crowd, while he swallows porcelain cups and needles without end. A little further, and there is the veritable box of Punch and Judy, although the distinguished persons on that mimic stave are but very distant and poor relations to their name sake here. On the sidewalks the chiropo dist operates on way-worn feet, and the barber is busy shaving customers and settling their tails. An ancient scribe with hofei spectacles well on bis nose is writing a letter for some love-sick swain, and a knot of ten or twelve idlers are f lathered around to hear it Other ciowds lave collected about ballad-singers and street musicians; and we are told that if it was the kite season, old gentlemen of grave aspect would lie flying paper dragons 100 feet long. A ceaseless throng, on foot and horseback, is ia motion through nil these stationary bodies. Soldiers ride by with guns slouched across their shoulders, and others armed with only bows and ar rows. Cows and camels lie about the sideways, nnd the camels arc loaded with sacks of coal. A huge red um brella appears, and a mandarin follows it, borne in bis chair, and with ragged lie tors clearing the way. We pan a l'ekin cab-stand, both the carts and mules rather faded. A golden streak of lire rushes out ot the smithy, and urchins stay and watch it as they do at home. A blind man threads his way by beating doleful tunes upon a tamborine. Old men and young men carry sticks to which birds are attached by a slight thread under the wing, and a good bird may cost as much as ¥ 10. There is a sound not of revelry, but of mournful stringed instruments, and banners gieam in the distance unsteadily advancing through the press; it is a wedding pro cession. wc are told, and for an hour the procession flows slowly by; coolies, who have flying scarlet cloaks over their native poverty; bearers will. hOH structures, supposed to be a bride s presents, sometimes in chnirs, some, times on flat trays; and instiuments of music, banner poles, sedan chairs, heraldic shields, tablets, coolies, trays, follow in confused and brofen line as if they bad no natural beginning or end. Overhead there is a musical whirr, in cessant but not unpleasing; a tiny lyre is inserted in a pigeon's tale, some say to guard it from birds of prey, and the wind makes the music in its flight.— Good Words. "Death's Door." " Death's Door" is a significant name. A correspondent has been at " Port du Mort,"as the French call it, and has a rather sensational and tragic story to Ull regarding the little green bay and l*ake Michigan strait. This occurred, he says, in February, 1877. and has never before been published. Mentioning that Death's Door was so named because nearly the whole tribe of Pottawatomie Indians were drowned in trying to cross the strait, the correspondent says that two winters ago an old fisherman and bis son sailed from Detroit harbor on their return to Sister Bay. where they lived. They disappeared and were not seen again for forty days. One day almut the middle of March the light house keeper n Cana island saw two nun drifting down witli the ice out of Death's Door. They sat upright in the stern of the l>oat, side by side. The old man sat with his arms folded, slightly bent forward, resting tlicm on his knees. Tlieson was bolt upright. As the boat fiassed with the swift enrrent nnd rrack ng ice the keepers erutinized them with his spy-glass. To his surprise, neither of the men moved. He adjusted his glass again, bringing them nearer. Tlifn he saw that both were dead and frozen stiff. Icicles were hanging from the father's beard, On his hat was frozen snow. His face wore the expres sion of a man in the deepest agony. The son's feature* were at rest and his eyes glsssy in their Blare. Theoboat swept by, and neither boat nor ecu pants were ever seen afterward. llowa Laach Was Sold. The proprietor of the Silver Palace restaurant at the depot in Sacramento is an individual apparently equal to an emergency. A few mornings since a man who intended to go East by the emigrant train with his family was bargaining with the restaurant keeper for a lunch of large dimensions, ano " lDn" was holding out for a big price. The ears containing the emigrant pas sengers were about to be moved from one track to another, but Ben had infor mation that they would not leave for the East until 3p. m. While he and the passenger were discussing the price de manded for the lunch a switch-engine coupled on to the cars and l>cgan mov ing them out of the depot. Thepassen gei was much distressed, inveighing against his ill-luck in not being ready, and made a rush to get on Isiard. Ben, however, detained him, saying witli ready wit that lie would signal the train to return, and pulled three time# upon a rope used to open and close a arge door of Ihe restaurant. When in the course of a minute the cars stopped %nd backed up, the passing* r was so grateful that be not only paid all that was asked for the lunch, but over whelmed Ben with thanks. FA FM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Farm Note*. Cabbage should not he allowed to re main out to be frozen through night after night. Parsnips may remain in the ground until the very fast . If they are left un til spring they will not be injured. Hogs intended for slaughter should receive all the food they will cat, and should have a warm, dry bed, that they may sleep comfortably and grow fat fast. A Mississippi farmer dashes cold water into tne ears of choking cattle. This causes the animal to shake its head vio lently and the muscular action dislodges the obstruction. Professor Caldwell states that pars nips appear to rank first in value for horses. In some parts of Franec this root is substituted for oats, forty pounds being given in a daily ration. The horses maintain n good condition and the parsnips cost only a fourth as much as oats. It is said that eggs may be preserved indefinitely by washing the shells with whites of eggs, thoroughly heated. After washing, they are laid on a piece of blot ting paper to dry. If laid on a plate or board the albumen adheres to tne plate and is liable, when theeggsareremoved, tc ic.ive a portion of the shell uncov ered. At six feet apart, it will require 1,210 vines to the acre; at nine feet, 537; at twenty-one feet, ninety-eight; at one feiot, 13,500; at two and a half feet, 0,90a. These figures should be cut out !in<*viistcd in a book for reference, as they are always useful. In planting asparagus, one ounce of seed will plant a drill sixty feet long. An ounce of onion seed will plant a drill 100 feet long. Poultry intended for immediate kill ing should fast for twenty-four hours be fore being killed, since the food injures the appearance of the bird and is also apt to sour and damage the meat. Turkeys should he killed by bleeding in the neck; in fact all poultry is better, treated in the same manner and picked while warm, though never scalded. When the poul try is picked take off the head at the throat, peel back the skin a trifle and | remove n little of the neck bone. Whet j it is cold and just before packing draw 1 the skin over the end ana tie and trim neatly. Draw the intestines, mnking , the incision as small as possible, leaving the gizzard, heart and liver within. Dellrlou* Way* of Cooking Apple*. PVIUUNO.—An excellent apple pud- I ding enn be made from the remains of a '• rice pudding. Arrange wcll-OWMtBMd and flavored apple-sauce in alternate layers with COM rice pudding; add a I little butter and sugar, sift sugar over the top, and nut in the oven to In at through and brown on the top. Any sort of flavoring may he used for this pudding. CHARLOTTE. —The ordinary apple 1 charlotte is not nearly so nice as this, j which is slightly more elafiorate: Line | a pie dish with buttered slices of bread; | fill it un with layers of apples cut very | small, placing between each layi-ra little apricot jam, some grate lemon lind, ! and plenty of brown sugar. Cover the dish up with slices of bread buttered, j am| bake till the bread is well browned, i PQMMF.S ALT BEI UKE.— Peel and core a number of apples, lay them in a linking tin plentifully buttered, fill the core of each apple with brown sugar and a small piece of butter, and put the tin in j a slow oven till the apples are a good j coior and quite dene, i'hey should IK- j occasionally basted with the butter dur- ] ing the process of cooking, and the core should bo filled a second time with ! sugar, and they may have a slight I sprinkling of powdered cloves or cinna mon. according to taste. APPLE CHKF.SE.—PeeI and quarter a quantity of apples, stow them with a little water, a good deal of sugar, the thin rind of n lemon and a few cloves, or a stick of cinnamon. When quite done pnas them through a hair sieve; and to one quart of the puree thus obtained add half A packet of gelatine, dissolved in water; mix well, pour into a mould and when set, turn it out and serve with a eustard poured about it. It is well to remember that the puree must he thor oughly well sweetened and flavored to rari y off the insipidity of gelatine. COMPOTE. Pare and core half a dozen large, fair apples, throwing each as it is pared into cold water to keep it from turning brown. Put a half pound of loaf sugar into an enameled stewpan with three pint* of water: as soon as it is melted and boils put in the apples w'th the juice of two lemons, stew gently until the apples are sufficiently cooked but not broken. Then tak them out carefully nnd lay them in th dish in which they are to go to table Cut the rinds of the lemon into the thin nest possible strips and put them into the syrup; boil till tender, by which time the syrup will be murb reduced. When cola pour ths syrup about the apples, nnd also dispose the transparent strips of lemon about them. This dish looks wilh a hit of nuinee jelly plneed in the hollow of each apple; or with a candied cherry in the hollow, an i angelica cut into losengc* and in serted around the top of each apple. Care of Broom*. There is an old saying to the effect that a woman's housekeeping capacity can be told by the state in which her broom is kept. Our plan is keep a separate broom for the parfor, dining-room, sleeping room ana kitchen. When the latter is too much worn for use in the house send it to the yard; take the second best for the kitchen, tiie broom from up-stairs for the dining-room and the parlor broom for the etinmbers, and let the new one be kept for the parlor and hall. Many servants hnvc the habit of leaning heavily on a broom when stopping L> pick up articles and while sweeping. This results in bent and broken splinters and a worthless broom. When a new broom Is purchased provide away for hanging it tip in this wise: With a small gimlet liore a hole through the handle, aLout nn inch from the top; draw a piece of strong, waxed twine, long enough when tied in a hard knot to form a loop three or four inches long. If brooms he dipped in clean hot suds once every week and dried quickly, they will last twice as long. The values of the msin products ot the United Rtatcs for 1879 are estimated M follows: Com, $625,000,000; beef, $270,000,000; wheat, $410,000,000; cot ton, $270,0.10,000; rye. $16,000,000; oats, $150,000,000; barley, $25,000,000; buck wheat, $9,000,000; hay, $300,000,000; pork, $850,000,000. - 1 Saowboßn^liiarradUOdify. A few weeksago nix miners, bidding good-bye to the world. climbed the tow ering heights of King's river canyon, Cal., and passed into Paradise valley, where they are now snowbound (or the winter. They could as easily tunnel their way to the Antipodes as escape from their camp alter the first snows ol November, so until May of next year they will dig for gold, giving no thought to the summer companions from whom they are exiled. The valley is eight miles long and about one mile in width, ifself 10,000 feet above the sea, while the cliffs encompassing run perpendicu larly 7.0(H) feet further. Until last year it was deemed impossible for men to pass a winter in the valley. Then four hunters, W. A. CJark, William Hicks, William Hilton and L. M. Grover, tried the experiment and met with success. They built a cabin and stored away a pack-train load of necessaries. To their surprise they found deer and boars un der the cliffs throughout December and January. One afternoon Clark cornered a buck and doe at the head of a small canyon where the cliffs were too steep for them to climb. He determined to catch them without using a rifle. lie stunned the doe with a stone and tied her down. The buck, a powerful fellow, made frantic leaps toward a small ter race over his head till his tongue hung from his mouth, and tumbling sixty feet down a precipice broke his neck. Ixwking down from their cabin one moonlight night the hunters saw three cinnamon bears climb to the retreat of a mountain ram, whose defense was fierce, but ineffectual. On the twelfth 1 of January an avalanche of snow and rocks swept down, burying two of the j men fifteen feet. Tliemen had heard the 1 thunder of its approach and rooted them- j selves deep under a neighboring ledge, from which they dug their way out j through the snow in five minutes A remarkable phenomenon, of which they had the benefit, was a double suneet every day—one at 1.30 p. M., when the sun passed behind a towering clifT into obscurity for two hours, and another at four o'clock. While the four mountaineers were im prisoned for the winter in Paradise val- ! ley, Clark climbed to a bluff three thou sand feet above the valley to kill grouse. It was in the latter part of April and the bears had emerged from their win ter quarters. He was on the point of descending when three bears bounced out info his path. He looked about for a place of refuge. A dead pine Htood a little ways to his front. To divert the j approaching beasts he sent one shot from his only weapon, a Colt's heavy dragoon six shooter. One bear dropped, j but got up again and joined in the rush. A second shot was of more account, for the fellow that was hitrolled over, while the other made loud aud indescribable bear music over him. Clark reached the tree and aiiout twenty-five feet up found a strong limb over which he put his leg and rested, puffing and blowing, while lie viewed the new situation. The last bear shot lay in its death struggles, with a hall through its heart; the other : two pranced around and occasionally made toward the hunter. Hoping his companions would come to his assist ance, Clark resolved to discharge his ; four remaining shots in quick sueccs- ' sion at the bears, wishing, if possible, at the same time to kill one or both of them- He emptied his pistol accord- ! ingly, hut neither War seemed to be j badly hurt, if struck at all; and bis! comrades, thinking lie was shooting at grouse, did not come rear him. An in- 1 tcresting predicament this. At last, after a half hour or more, the two surviving bears, having eyed and howled at him to their heart's content, loped off, en large one la-hind being somewhat disa bled. Once in a while as this oldhruin disappeared in the distance lie sat down and cast a wistful glance at the tree, evidently feeling that a mortal was there whose hones he wanted to crack. „ Railroad Accidents. In his recently published "Notes on i Railroad Accidents," Mr. Charles Fran cis Adams. Jr.. shows that the percent- j age of loss of life and of personal in- j juries on railroaus is exceedingly small, j when compared with the amount of travel, ana that the risks of railroad travel are much less than they arepopu- I larly supposed to lie. He cites statistics j to prove that it is actually safer for a j man or his family to travel by rail than to stay at home, thus corroborating the saying attributed to John Bright, that I the saf-dt place in which a man could put himself was inside a first-class rail- j road carriage of a train in full motion, | During the eight years from IH7O to 187 ft ! the whole number oi lives lost in oprr- ! ating the entire railroad system of Massachusetts was 1.165. or an average of 11* a year, while in Boston the re corded deaths from accidental causes during the ten years from 1868 to 1878 was 2,587, or an annual average of 259. These results show that in Boston alone the yearly number of deaths caused by accidents was eighty per cent, greater than the numler reported on all the rail mads of the State. This comparison is not peculiar to Massachusetts, but may be tak<-n as approximately accurate for other places. Indeed, statistics were published years rfgo in France showing that people were leas safe at home than while traveling on the railroads. An other fact which will serve to reassure the timid is. that of the whole number of persons accidentally killed or injured on railroads, but a small proportion are passengers. Many of those who lose their lives or are personally injured, are employees who are constantly exposed to risk by virtue of their employment, and whose familiarity with danger leads them to be careless, and even foolhardy oftentimes. But, as Mr. Adams shows, the greatest and most regular cause of death and injury in the operation of rail mads is the reckless habit of walking on the track, which is common with too many people, and especially with (hose who are more or less drunk. More than one-third of all the railroad casualties reported in Massaehusetls are classified under the general head of accident* to trespassers- that is, accidents to men. women and children, especially the lat ter, illegally lying, walking or playing on the tracks, or riding on the cars. Mr. Adams says that the best remedy for tills dangerous practice is the system of broken-stone ba.laet. covering the entire surface of the road-bed. This has been adopted by ths Pennsylvania raihoad with the most aatlsfa-tory re sults, though the company had other objects In view than the discomfort of pedestrians. _ Editors are generally poor off for clothing. When you hear of one of them having two sulfa, you can cal culate that one is the suit he wears every day and Sundays, too, and the sther is a libel suit.— Some Hcntmel. TIMELY TOPICS. The ten ant-far mere of England, ac cording to a member of Parliament, will be satisfied with nothing less than: 1. Better representation. 2. Security for capital. 3. Freedom of cultivation. 4. Liberty to dispose of produce to best advantage. 5. Abolition of distraint. 0. Reform of the game Jaws. 7. legiti mate share in county government; 8. Fair apportionment of local burdens. A story comes from Nemehah county. Mo., that one David Meiscnthaler was killed there by a meteor or aerolite. He was driving cattle from the field when the meteor descended obliquely through a tall maple, cutting the limbs as clean as if it had been a cannon ball. It struck near the shoulder, passing through his body obliquely and nurying itself two feet in the earth. The meteor is composed of iron pyrites, round and rough, about the size of a common patent bucket. The movement to recognize the ster ling qualities of Adam, by the erection of a monument at Elmira, N. Y., is booming. The Free J'ress of that city contains a report of a meeting held there to perfect arrangements for the desired testimonial. Trie Free Press says: "A committee of three was appointed to correspond with eminent sculptors, with a view of getting designs sugges tions and estimates upon the cost of the memorial, according to a plan which at the meeting hail been generally pre ferred. The matter of the location of the work was informally discussed, and several sites, any of which would be favorable, were named. The work un dertaken will be earnestly and zealously pushed until the design of the projectors sball be an accomplished fact. . The foolish man who told his son that wine is made of grapes was, as every one knows, very far from the truth. Still people have been of the opinion that American home-made wine, at least, was manufactured from grapes. It seems that in this also they are mis taken. The Sandusky (Ohio) Register, iii its annual review of the vineyard pro duction of Northern Ohio, says that of the million and a half gallons of wine that was made there this season, less than a million gallons of grape juice was used. It adds that dealers make no secret of the fact tliat they use spirits, sugar and water largely in the produc tion of wine, and claim that this is done, not so much to make money as to suit the taste of their patrons, who prefer the adulterated product to the pure article. The method id op ted in (icrmany for preventing the slipping and failing of hone* on the publy road is as unique as it is simple. The smith, when finish ing the shoe, punches a hole in the two ends, and when the shoe is cold he taps in a screw thread and screws into the shoe, when on the horse's foot, a sharp pointed stud of an inch in length. With shoes thus fitted, the horse can travel securely over the worst possible road, never being known to slip under any mode of employment—draft horses being also shod in the same way. When the horse comes to the stable, the pointed stud is unscrewed and a button screwed in, so that no damage can happen to the horse and the screw holes are prevented from tilling. When the horse is going out, the only thing reqmred is simply to remove the button and screw in the pointed stud. Professor Willard. in a speech at the New York dairy fair, deprecated the present tendency ot farmers to extrava gance—"pianos, fine clothes and sl2 kid shoes." Commenting upon the profes sor's speech, the New York Graphic re marks : " Now, farmers have as much right to the refinements of life as any other class of people. The inference from this perpetual preaching of econ omy to the farmer is that he must live in a very plain house, dress in very plain | clothes, ahjurc all ornamentation, and live down to a level which borders on squalor. If this ndviee is good for the farmer it should be equally good for merchant, lawyer or doctor. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the male bird also. All of life is not embraced in pork and cabbage, pictureless rooms, or a house without piano, tasty furniture or books. Are certain favored occupations to be the only ones to njoy the luxuries of life? Refinement is not extravagance. The American farmer is by this exces sive economy to be Converted into an American peasant. If people are edu cated up to the modern requirements it will follow, as a matter of course, that they will demand modern elegancies. The piano has its mission in the farmers' parlor as well as in that of the Fifth avenue. Indeed it is alTthe more needed to relieve the ise,lation ot the country home. If farming cannot bring the re fined necessities of life, then farming is a very poor business." The Harvests of the World. The Monticur Beige publishes the fol lowing estimate of the harvest in vari ous countries: Belgium, yield below the average; Austria-llungary. moderate harvest, no export of gram this year: Russia, pretty good harvest, exports of r-ain will be between 3,500,000 and 000,000 qrt.: (icrmany, satisfactory harvest; in Prussia and Wurtemburg !up to the average and in Saxony and Bavaria considerably leyond it; Italy, ! bad harvest; Spain, tolerably good; Switzerland, average harvest; Turkey, harvest generally good; Holland, liar vest only middling: France, the harvest will be is per cent, below the average, and it will be necessary to import 5,000,000 qrs. England, had harvest— will require about 24,000,000 qrs of wheat more than she has grown; Uni ted States, good harvest, estimated at 409,002,500 qrs.; which, after deducting the 940.625,000 qrs. required for home consumption and need, leaves 108,437- 500 qrs. for exportation to Europe. Obstructing the mail is getting to b serious business. It is also becoming , difficult to tell precisely when one Is ob, intruding the mail. Only a short time since a man quarreled one evening with a letter carrier in one of our Western cities and gave him a black eye, which prevented his attending to liis duties next day. The first thought of the gov ernment was to hold the assailant for assaulting an officer; but as the latter was not at the time of the aasault in the discharge of his duty, it has been de cided to make a complaint for obstruct ing the mails. In Ohio a charcoal dealer has just been fined for not turning out his charcoal car. and giving half the road to a mail carrier who drove a light spring wagon and was compelled to go uncomfortably near the ditch