SITE TOTE BELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapeet and Beet Paper PUBLISHED IN CENTKM COUNTY. THE SILENT CONGRESSMAN. AN O HIS rtKST AND LAST OREAT SPEECH IN TIIK HOUSE. Huell of the Washington Gtpilol, dishes up Wells of Missouri, for intro ducing the bill to abolish the Conr/rei tionnl Record , in a choice bit of humor I know what is tho matter with Wells. He is one of the few deluded men who imagiue that the true mis sion of Congress is to make laws and provide ways and means to execute {hp same. Ho is perhaps tho only public man in our history who ever made a national reputation as a i-lator without making a single great speech, or asking lenve to print one that he did not make. I will take that back; Wells did make one speech. It was in the Forty-third Congress, first session. I remember it well. The occasion was so unusual that I went to niv friend Crosby Noyes and told him that Wells was going to make a speech, and Crosby forthwith advertised it in the Star. The session was for debate only. Wells had chos en such an occasion in the hope that his audience would consist of the usual Chairman, the customary page, and the invariable half dozen negroes asleep on the benches of the north gal lery. lie told me it always cinlmr ra-cd him to speak to a crowded House. Imagine then the consterna tion of Wells when he found the House tilling up, the galleries full aud every body awaiting the greatest effort of his life." He didn't understand it. It never occurred to him that he had won a national reputation as the si lent but hard-working Congressman, and that consequently there was as much curiosity to hear him make a speech as there would be to hear Con ger keep still for a few minutes. Wells made his speech. Ilis sub ject was the Mississippi river as a na tional highway, and the duty of Con gress to legislate for it as such. It was the pioneer speech on that subject, and for plain, busiuess-like grasp of the facts, or clear, forcible presenta tion of the arguments in the case, I have never heard it surpassed. Hut the magnitude of the audience seems to have wrought upon the mind of Wells to such an extent that he not only swore off speaking himself, hilt has finally worked himself up to the point of a determination to suppress hi* colleagues. His hill admits of no other conclusion. He knows very well that if it were not for printing in the Record there would be no torreut of Coinmbinn oratory; that but for the jov of seeing his words in print— after able proof reading —the average statesman would sink into a reticence, conqwred to which au oyster would have to be termed loquacious, or Grant brilliant in conversation. The conse quences of such a catastrophe would I* simply hideous. The American Eagle, that proud bird which, in the mouths of Congressmen, soars to heaven's unfathomable depths, and dips his plumage in the thunder's home, or words to that effect, would incontinently droop und die. The Renlt of the Kellogg Investigation. Washington, December 14.--There i the best authority for the statement that the committee on Privileges and Elections of the Senate will during the early part of February next, if not sooner, report to the .S?nate that Mr. Kellogg is not entitled to a seat in that body. The investigation is now about over, as only a few witnesses are vet to tie examined. It would have •*en formally closed before this but for a disposition on the part of the committee to give to Mr. Kellogg all the time and opportunity he desired to make a defense. This he has failed to do to the satisfaction of the com mittee. On the contrary, a majority of the committee are agreed upon the , following points, which in sunstanee will be embodied in the majority re port to lie submitted to the Senate: hirst, that Mr. Kellogg used his of fice as Governor of the State of Louis iana to make the Legislature Republi can which the people had made Dem ocratic ; second, that he bribed per sons to go into the so-called Packard legislature for the purpose of making "Pa quorum; third, that be was a party to the fraud by which members were represented as being present in "aid legislature on the day of the elec tion of Senator who were in fact not present; fourth, that he falsely claim el that there was a quorum of that so called D-gislature; fifth, that he bribed members of the legislature to vote for bim, and sixth, that after witnesses were summoned to Washington he bribed them almost at the doom of the Senate Chamber." It is said that 'bere is ample proof to sustain all this and much more. The majority report will he a most thorough one, and will •leal severely with Mr. Kellogg and bis ring. The committee will vote upon the case in January, shortly •Iter the reassembling of Congress, at) d the report will be immediately put in shape, so as to be siAmitted to |he Senate a few weeks later. There 'j also good authority for the asaertion that the committee will recommend (lie seating of Mr. Spofford ns the duly elected Senator from Louisiana. THE STAKE. From the N. V. Sun. Tlie Presidential election of next your may, to say the least, prove a crisis as grave as any in our history, 1 hat of 18(50 was followed by the civil war, and that of 187(5 by the Great Fraud, which, iu theopiuion of thought ful men, was a far heavier strain upon our institutions than the war. What shall follow tho election of 1880? Many wise men firmly believe thut it involves nothing less than the contin ued existence of the Republic, If it shall he carried by force or fraud, or both, a second time—if the bayonets of the Federal army shall gleam around the ballot-boxes, or if the votes of the people shall not la; counted as they were cast —it will be the end of free elections, und will be so accepted by the vanquished as well as by tho vic tors. We may not and we must not shut our eyes to the tremendous issues, or delude ourselves with the idea of safe ty, when our whole inheritance is in danger. The masses of the Republi can party have no conception of the designs of their leaders; if they had they would resist us patriots those whom they hliudly follow as partisans. They do not, more than Democrats, desire to abdicate their own sovereign ty and be governed by rulers not of tneir own choice ; hut their confidence in party and party men blinds tlieni to the tendency of their measures. They are conviucvd that any expedient to keep the Democrats from power is justifiable, because as an abstract prop osition the Democrats in their judg ment, ought not to have power. Hut that same expedient will serve as well to deprive them of their just weight iu theGovernmen , when after another turn of the wheel they may desire to displace the men whom they were will ing should he put in office by unjust and un'awful means iu 1877, ami for whom they were willing the fatal ex periment shall be tried in 1881. When the form of government shall be chang ed, and it shall be given power to gov ern one section or one class without regard to the fundamental principles of our present Constitution, it will be found to have the same jxiwer with re gard to the rest. When made "strong" against one it will be strong against all, aud those who have been so eager to make slaves of others will discover that they have succeeded so well as to make slaves of themselves also. This lesson is fouud on every page of time. It is the story of every Republic sub verted and every Constitution over thrown. That wc are drifting rapidly upon perils greater than any wc have passed must IKS very plnin to those who are willing to sec. The great Fraud of 187(5 won all the prizes which the con spirators proposed to themselves ns the reward of tliut then uupnrullelcd crime and its success emboldens them to another attempt. This is the meaniug of Carpenter's alarm about the alleged purpose of the Democrats to take pos session of the Government in 1881 somewhat ns the Republicans did in 1877. If that be not its meaning— that is to say, if it lie not intended to orgnnize Republican fraud In-hind this cry of fraud after the Democrats —then it has uo meaning, and is such sense less twaddle as Senator Carpenter is not used to utter. The Democrats have none of the appliances of fraud on a national scale in their hands. The army, the mar shals, the whole machinery of election, constitutional and unconstitutional, re mains with the party which employed it so corruptly, so ruthlessly, and suc cessfully when the great fraud was accomplished. That these are retainer! for some unavowed purpose was made manifest by the spirit with which they were defended during the late contest for the repenl of the laws which, in clear violation of both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution, seem to authorize their use against the people "when they assemble to express their sovereign pleasure at the polls." In the two Houses of Congress the Democrats possess the means of resist ing fraud, unaccompanied by military foree, such as Grant threatened to ex ercise in 1877 ; but they have no means of intimidation and disfranchisement such as the Republicans employed then, and are now preparing the pub lic mind, by such deliverances as this of Senator Carpenter, to tolerate again. A Reminiscence of Hooker. How it came about that 3,000 Con federate soldiers cheered lustily for "Fighting Joe Hooker" is explained by tnc editor of the Rural Sun (Nash ville, Tenn.), who was a prisoner at Rock Island, 111., during tbe severe winter of 1863-4. The General visit eel the military prison one day, and all the inmates were drawn up in line for inspection. His keen eye seemed to scan every man from head to heel, as he slowly passed before them, and at the upper end of tho lines the party halted. The General half wheeling his horse, lifted his plumed hat with as much knightly grace as if they had all been courtiers, and a soft expres sion passed over his face as he said, "Young gentlemen, 1 am sorry, very sorry for you, and hope soon our dif ferences will he settled, so that you all can return safely home again." Simple as the expression was, it was so differ ent from those they had been accus- tomed to hearing from the commander of the prison that it touched the hearts of the "ragged Robs" like a current of electricity, and instantly .'5,000 throats gave n lusty cheer for Joe Hooker. THE ritENHEH GENTIAN. IIT JOHN ORMII.tAf H IIITTIt.It. The limp of gifl* linn rtimti Again, Ami on my Northern window |min, Outlined NfcnhiNt tho rinhed love lie* cold ami dead It'll oath the Morning'* auiUr glow. Isoitg, long I ntrove with evil fate, I lew re r than life my love to uie; Toiling, hoping, early and late, Mb! dark la life bereft of thee. Wiehae ami hope*—they all, all fled, M hen fled the love my heart held dear; My heart, once Jovoa*, now line deed ; I breathe no *lgh, I nhed Uo tear. How dear my lute no word* may tell; Life'* flower* peftnhed, one ly one; How stem the cruel blow that fell When my nick heart cried out, "Undone •** I in weary, and must re*t me, now, I have f-'Uftht with eddying wave*; The line* of pain are on my brow, And love, and hope, lie in their grave*. Grunt us u Suhhath Hreaker. From the Democratic Banner. That Gcnernl Grant has no respect for the Christian Sabbath, cannot fail to sadden the hearts of many who ad mire his military genius and even ap prove of his aspirations for a third term of civil service as Chief Magis trate of the Republic. While in Cali fornia, every Lord's day was specially devoted to secular enjoyments and pursuits, and when leaving the golden shore he selected the first day of the week for his embarkation, receiving the multitudes with wild demonstra tions. At Colfax he was banqueted on the Sabbath, and took nn excursion* to Lake Taboo. The day was n grand gala day, reminding those present of fetes in Spain aud Frauce. Such demonstrations are a disgrace t> the Christian, law-abiding people of this land, and he should forfeit the respect and confidence of that portion of our population. A public man in this ngc of enlightenment, when one of the strongest hands which holds us togeth er is connected with the proper ob servance and recognition of this day, should hnvc sufficient regard for the better seutiment, if his own moral perception of right failed to appreciate the blessings flowing from a proper observance of this wisely ordained in stitution. • The pulpit, press and lecture room will fail in their duty, if they refuse to condemn such a violation of moral and statute law, and it behoove* the Chrixtiun people to frown down aud stamp with no feint mark their seal of disapprobation. Gen. Grant should remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Grant as a Religious Teacher. Only yesterday, wc spoke of Grant as a Sabbath breaker. To-day we find the same personage receiving ministers of all denominations in Chicago, and giving them very wholesome advice. They must have appreciated his sin cerity, and felt that he had not only become a convert to tho temperance cause, but transformed in a day from an open violator of an express com mandment to a teacher of righteous ness. We cannot look ujon such a proceeding with any patience whatever. A man, who for mouths had used the Hahhaih as a special day for pomp and popular ovations, causing thousands to misspend its hours, is a pretty speci men for clergymen to go to for relig ious conaointion and advice. It is just such indiscreet actions upon the part of religious teachers that brings the gospel into disrepute, and makes skep tics and free-thinkers. Instead of seeking him for advice, if they had called their respective congregations together and made his wanton viola tion of Christian laws a subject of prayer, it might have produced some good, rather than make them appear ridiculous in the eyes of thinking men and women, that class who believe re ligion is a principle, not a mere senti ment to answer the pur|oe of every day conveniences. These Christian ministers should consider that right eousness exalteth a nation while sin is a reproach to any people, and not least among their siusia a spirit of hypocritical obeisance and man wor ship. In what eiiew character the General will appear next, time will develop. A i.ittlr boy who was asked if -he could tell the length of a whale said the whales he caught at home seemed more than nn hour long sometimes. A Princely Herman Home. M THKK'H WEDDING OIJT PKOM CRAN ACH IN A HEKRLEHB CABTI.K ON TIIE MAIN, tlio I'nii Mull dnwun, Daoemlxu AM cultured travelers who may iu future visit Bavaria will, I feel cer tain, thank me for directing their at tention to my great archaeological dis covery of this year—Bchlotw Mainberg. This castle is situated within about two English miles of the <|tiaint and picturesque old city of Schweinfurt on-the-Muin; hut Mainberg receives from guide hooks a partly erroneous and insufficient notice. The great Murray, for instance, devotes only four lines to this singularly interest ing castle, ami in those few lines he tells travelers that Muinherg is a car pet manufactory. I hope to show good reason for visiting the place. leaving the comfortable Ravcu Hotel, and then strolling down as far as the bridge, you turn to the left of the river, and then passing along a road that runs between a line of rail way and vineyards, you soon see he fore you high up on the left hum!, a most picturesque old Schloss which in external appearance approaches, if it does not quite equal, the matchless Berg Kit/,. Schloss Mainberg was built in 1 J99 or 1400. Its founders were the Counts, afterwards Princes, von Henneberg, and their arms adorn while their legends vivify the walls. This ancient family died out, and Mainberg went into the possession first of the prince bishop and then in to the Koyul 1 louse of Jfavaria. Lud wig J., grandfather of the present King, sold Mainberg to the Sattlor family, and to the Sattlers the older portion of the rustle belongs to-day. the Saltier family is one of mark, of opulence and of liberal culture. One of them—either the prescut Herr Sal tier or his father—refused nobility when that honor was offered by the Crown. In addition to preserving all the antiquities, all the heirlooms, which existed in Mainberg, Herr Sat tler has made a few judicious addi tions to the rich and rare collection which long ages had stored lip in the | storied castle. Mainberg still shows how clearly German knights and princes lived in the fifteenth century. , From the back of one great dwelling ! room you ascend, by the old flight of steps, to the raised sleeping platform ; mid the castle represents both sj>ear and spindle sides. Iu another room, in a deeply recessed window—still splendid with oil colored glass—are ; the seats which the lady of the castle | and her maidens occupied as they sat | spinning, while they east, perhaps, ' many a wistful glaure across the calm Main, and over the wild wooded country, which hid from loving eyes ; their warriors, then engaged in fierce ■and dangerous wars. The cushions on | which these women sat as they work : ill on through many long and lonely hours are still in the deep recess, while their spindles, now stiff from long dis use, stand where they stood in those fnr-off days of yore. All the curious things —and they are very many— which Mainberg still contains are seen amid their natural surroundings ; they retain the mngic of locality. 1 have 1 no space to give even the barest cata logue of the antiquities stored up iu 1 stately Mainberg. Old weapons, each ono of which lias been wielded in some Mainberg fight; old suits of armor, each one of which lias been worn by a man who i now a name in history or in story —these form the basis of a priceless collection. Old portraits hang ujion the wails; old furniture stands in its old place iu the old rooms. Again the castle store-rooms and elos ! ets nre full of the old things of ordina | ry domestic use, as costumes, knives, j forks, spoons, goblets, glass —which extend, in good specimens, over all the ages between the fifteenth' and I eighteenth centuries. The collection of old German "pots" is, I am told, al most unrivalled; and, above all, there !is one possession which is the special pride of Mainberg. This precious relic is the drinking cup which Lucas j Cranach painted for and gave toMar : tin Luther on his wedding-day. On the cup arc portraits bv Cranach of the great Reformer, of Katharina Ho rn and of Cranach himself. Tbi date of the wedding fixes the date of the cup and of portraits. The painter, Luther, and Katharina all drank out of this cup on the day of that memor able bridal. Here I must stop. To the arclueologist, to the antiquarian, to the lover of history and of its romance, Hchloss Mainberg and its contents will well repay the trouble of a visit. I am, sir, your obedient serv ant, H. Scmm WILSON. Arts Club, November 29. Hrant, the Army and the People. From Ih. N.w Turk Son. "I have the people and the army on my side," said Napoleon Bonaparte. "He would be *n fool who would not rule with that." Many persons inter pret the demonstrations along the route and at* the stopping places of (Jen. Grant ns indications that he has so strong a hold on toe people that they will elect him Prosideut for a third term, and that they would not resist the conversion, at his beck, of our free Government into an empire with him at his head. Supposing this to bo true, and Grant to entertain an ambition for life-long power, his next aim will be to get possesion of the army. His long military service and the prestige of his military success will essentially aid him in this. Are the people blind? Will they submit to the first step toward the overthrow of their free institutions by electing < Irani President for a third term? < Jrant himself seems much more inclin ed to follow the examples of the Bon apartes —Napoleon I. and Napoleon ill.—than the transcendentlyglorious example of Washington. OX E HUNDRED YEA KM. AN 01.1) WOMAN'S 11 ECO 1.1. MOTIONS OF HER LIFETIME. There died the other day at Truro, iu Cornwall, an old lady, Mrs. Mary Hogg (ner Forest), a native of Edin burgh, at the age of 100 years, hating a few days. She was born October 10, 1770, and died October 4, 1879. Mrs. Hogg left Edinburgh to become the wife of Mr. Thomas Hogg, Head- Master of the Truro Grammar School, somewhere about 1802, and only once (sixty years ago) revistcd ber native place. Though so long and so far re moved from JM in burgh, she never ceased to talk of it, and to take an in terest in all connected with it. To the last she was a diligent reader of the ticotumnn, and had been so for many years. But the Edinburgh of which she oftencst spoke was one which had long since passed away. She left it before the Edinburgh Review had begun its brilliant career —liefore Jeffrey, or Brougham, or Francis Horner, or Sydney Smith, or Henry ('ockburii had become familiar and famous names. Sir Walter and John lycyden were busy in their enthusias tic youth collecting the "Border Min strelsy," and the former had not yet written a line of his immortal works. ( She used to tell how, when ail infant of ii few days old, she hud been carried in a sedan chair from the corner house of York place, where her father resides 1, across the North Bridge, down the Old Assembly Close (the South Bridge being not yet built), up the College or the Horse Wynd and through the Pottermw to Bristol street Secession Church, and was there baptized, not by the late venerable I)r. James Ped* , die, who was then only a young lad at i college, hut by the Kev. John Brown, of Haddington, author of the "Self- Interpreting Bible." As a child she remembered seeiug the late Mr. Wil liam Uamsay Mauie, afterwards Lord I'aiiuiure, early one morning, when re turning from a ball, dressed in scarlet | coat, white silk stockings and white . -alio breeches, playing one of his wild pranks on a milk-cart in St. Andrew i Square. At a later date, when grown f to womanhood, and on a visit to Lon j don, she heard Charles Fox address | the electors of Westminster, and spoke i of his high bearing ami hold utter j ances. One other curious recollection ! of Mrs. Hogg may he mentioned. i She stated that her father, who was a builder in Edinburgh, had been of j fered a lease of Hailes Quarry at a ! rental of u few pounds. But as the | new town had hardly at the time he gun to be built,' lie thought the specu lation an unsafe one ami declined an j offer which, a few years afterwards, I brought thousands of pounds of re turns. Mrs. Hogg was a woman of great activity and energy, sense and intelligence. She had read a great ■ leal, was a clever and accomplished artist, a shrewd observer of men and things, cheerful iu her temper and full lof kindness of heart. She retained her faculties unimpared to the last, and though her strength had failed j her for some time pa.-t to such an ex ; tent as to compel her to keep her bed almost entirely she had very little se i rious illness, and, without having un dergone tnucli pain or suffering, finally passed away in a placid sleep. The I-atcxt It c pub 11 can Scheme. A plan has been broached to secure the electoral vote of New York for the Republican Presidential candidate next year, in advance. The idea is to have the incoming Republican legisla ture of the State exercise its constitu tional of specifying by law the manner in which the electors shall be chosen, so as to give the party control of the State college without the for mality of a further expression of opin ion on the subject heech of last spring contributed materially to the exodus from the lower Mississippi | region, ami the country was shocked !at the story of the sufferings of the blacks who were lured away from i their homes, w here thev had at least the actual necessaries of life, to en dure all manner of privations on the long journey to Kansas. Many sick ened and died on the banks of the ! river. Food was scarce and shelter I was irn|Hissible. Those who succeed |ed in getting to Kansas found a cold (greeting. Rut neither Mr. Windom nor the Emigration Aid society which he caused to be organized in this city ] gave anything to aid the wretched . dupes of Mr. Wiudom's windy rhetor ic. Not contcut with all this, we see the Minnesota reformer pushing to ' the front again with a rehash of his | original effort. Condensing a stump j speech into an amendment to a resolu i tion, he endeavors to stimulate the, | present movement of blacks from i North Carolina, although he knows i that nothing could be more unfortu nate for those people than the present time and manner of leaving their j homes. The proposition to set apart a territory "for the oppressed popula i tion" is a piece of claptrap too shallow | for serious consideration. The colored i people want no separation from the whites. It would take an army to keep them on a reservation. The whole exodus business is the work of 1 rascally demagogues, who care no ' inore for the blacks than did those other Christian statesmen who robbed them of e their little savings through the agency of the Freed man's hank. The Outlook of Ihc New Year. linb Tnitii, Dfcpmbtr 4. I have laid out a penny in "Zad kiel's Almanac," and I am tilled with terror at the various troubles which are predicted for next year. In Jan uary '"wars and rumor of wars' still afflict the British people ami do injury totheir and commerce, for Mars was setting at the winter solstice and afflicting tne ascending planet, Venus, by opposition aspect. Ireland will be disquieted, deeds of violence will be perpetrated in the Emerald Isle, and epidemic diseases will be fatally pre j valent therein. Saturn is still slowly passing through the sign Aries, henre> old England's troubles will be thiok | ening, her death-rate high, and her enemies numerous. Denmark and Germany will he far from prosperous, mentable. Poland will be disturbed, and the state of Russia will be la- Persia, Asia Miuor, Cyprus and the Archipelago will lie scenes of martial j deeds and martial epidemics. Jan uary 11 brings Mars into an evil con figuration with the place of the sou l at the birth of an English prince, warning him to beware of accident* and over-exertion." In February, "at the moment of the new moon on 10th inst., the luminaries will he in a square aspect with Mars. This is evil for the ruling powers, and forebodes a deter mined onslaught ou the Government; nevertheless, as Jupiter w ill be strong ly posited in the eleventh hour, the Government will weather the storm." In March, "the Divorce Court will be busily occupied, and many cases of cruelty to women will he brought be fore the police courts, for Venus op poses Uranus on the 24th inst." In April, "the presence of old (Saturn in Aries will involve this country in some trouble, but ho is shorn of most of his power to do mischief now that Ju- C'ter hastens' to overtake hitn." In ay, "excitement will be at fever heat in New York and the marshalling of troops will move the martial in stincts of the American people," whilst in Loudon, "a metropolitan theatre is threatened with destruction, for Mars transits the place of the moon at the vernal ingress." Rut in October the outlook is especially had for us. "Holders of foreign bonds must look out for squalls, for at the moment of full moon Mars will be with the sun iu the second House and . Saturn with the moon in the eighth. These evil-omened positions indicate a turbulent condition of politics as well as of the weather, and a severe strain will be placed upon the revenues of Great Britain."