Hi* Orlgta of luiiaa Con. Ha nM that ever so long ago A young maid walked by the river aide, Singing sweetly, soft and low, To the mnsicot the tide. And the little maid was passing (air, With eyes ot tender, sunny blue, With rosy lips and floating hair CM a wondrous golden hue. Her fairy step on the velvet sod Was light and solt as the tailing snow; But it reached the oara ola river-god, Who lived in the waves below. He saw tho maid, with hor floating hair, Her roey lips an '-er rounded iorni, Her teeth like peai . At tho vision rare His heart grew bold and warm. r. l'igeon asserts that, under this mode of treatment, each case improved immediately, and none were over eight days in making a complete recovery. A recent traveler had a curious ad venture on the Coco Islands, which lie will not easily forget. As soon as the sun hnd gone down and the moon risen, thousands and thousands of rats, about the sise of a bandicot, bore down upon him and made a raid upon his provisions, refusing to be frightened away, and d" vouring everything in the shape of grain or biscuit, but not touching anything in the shape of meat. When the iwigs were hung up in trees, the deon-dators swarmed alter them, and woukl prol a bly have caused a famine had not the convicts turned the tables upon them by killing and eating them in great num bers, saying that th< v were exceedingly sweet. These animals, winch are some thing like the marmot, are often called the bamboo rat. A remarkable suicide was brought to light in Cincinnati A Abort time ago. James C.ibner was found in the cellar of his house out one-third larger than the london exhibition of i',i wiiich was considered a jrreat enterprise at the time. In shape, the Garden pa lac is cruciform ; it lias four towerx and a central dome 100 feet in*diametcr ,,H 210. feet high. Japan and Ainy deceiving the un wary. Indeed, it has lately come to light that there is a bold and well organized gang of "sharpers" who am carrying out a scheme of systematic swindling, and many New England farmers have b<-en victimized. Various means art used by these rascals, and strange devices are their " stuck in trade." Sometimes it is an improved washing-machine they wish to oil, sometimes a patent saw. Whatever tli<- article is, the scheme in some way en tangles the simple-hearted countryman who finds himself, a few weeks later, in trouble. The law cannot always get hold of "swindlers:" hut people can exercise greater caution in dealing with strangers, and especially tliej shou.d invariably refuse to put their name to any paper presented to them by thos personally unknown. From the annual report of Albert J. Myer, chief signal officer of the United States army, we learn that on* hundred and seventy stations of observation of the anproach of storms and otln-r m< - tcoric changes have been maintained during the past year. The course of drill in military signaling, telegraphy, meteorology and other aitrnal service a: Fort Whipple, Virginia, lias been mue) improved ouring the year, and a larg* number of men have received instruction as assistant-observers. The whole ae. live tor< eof the signa. i j<. ir i : • at this post in the genernl driii in arms and with telegraphic equipments. Kx amination of the daily forecasts or '■ in dications" of weather for the past year shows a percentage of 'JO.7 of 1 hem veri fied. On occasions of supposed especial danger cautionary signals have been systematically made at ninety-four different sea and lake jorts and cities. No leas than 80.1 per cent, of the whole number of cautionary signals displayed have afterward been justified bv storm or wind of dangerous violence. The telegraphic lines of the signal and life srving service are on the immediate sea roast, and sueh reports of wcatii. r <• n ditions as are not otherwise attainable arc received by them. Passing vessels are promptly warned of approaching danger. During the year a telephonic line connecting the intermediate life saving stations has been extended from Kitty Hawk ta Cape Henry—a distance of about sixty two miles. "<)n June 30, IH7B, no less than t,47 miles of tele graph lines, including ">l3 miles on the sea-coast, were in operation, and main tained in the care of officers and enlisted men of the signal corps. How General Splinter fnreste