®he Crnht jsOraorrat. BELLEFONTE, PA. The Lar|Mt,Ok*kpMt and Beat Paper runusnict) IN CKNTKK COUNTY. TUK CENTRK OB MOOR AT te JMlb -1 t.iViml every ThtinnUv morning, At UeitafoiitA, l'*ntre county, PA. TERMS—CAih tu AIIVIMICA,. $1 bO If nut paid In *tWADt * OO , Payment* uaer will Im* until arreaiAgeeare paid, except at option of piildieheia. Papers going out of the couuty must he paid for In advance. Any pereon pnHnihinr u* tencaeh ■ubcrib®r* will he tent A copy free of charge. Our exteunive circulation make* thin paper an un usually reliable and profitable medium for aiivertlalng We have the nnwt ample facilities for JOB WORK and are prepared to print all kinds of Honks, Tracts, Programme*, Posters, tViniinercial printing, Ac., in th;oo 9)2 oo •2 Week", | 1 Ml ;i 00j 4 iHi it oo| (1 00 11 oo 10 00 :i\VMk*, | 2 to) a mii 5 on o ooi 7 oo la •> is n their strength in the stalwart States to endorse any course they may pursue to thus take the elec tion out of the hands of the people. It has been ascertained that this was the programme agreed upon here be fore the Ohio election, and as evidence of this it is shown that they made her culean efforts with lavish use of money to carry ftolh branches of the Legisla ture. The more timid and conservative, or so-called "liberal" Republicans, are loud in their denunciation of this pro gramme, but the men in office and those who control the machine say that it ia necessary to perform this new out rage against the ballot in order t "save the oountry." .Several leading Republican newspapers in New York City are out in article* opposing the scheme. The National Itemocratio Committee will meet on the 23d of Feb ruary to name the day and place of holding the next Democratic National Convention. Pending this meeting ■peculation is rife as to who will be the candidate of the party for President. The only persons now prominently mentioned are Seymour, Hancock and Hayard. Judging from the opinions one hears expressed by nearly every earnest Democrat the convention will select the candidate who may be con sidered the strongest. Until quite re cently the name of Seymour waa upon every man's lips, but the boom which seemed to promise unanimity and en thusiasm has disappeared under the microscopic eyea of searching politi cians. f was handed yesterday a printed slip containing tlic figures of the New York election of 18i>8 when Tweed WHS chairmen of the City committee of N. Y., add Samuel J. Tilden was chairman of the Now York State Com mittee. The figures are taken from tho N ew York H'wU almanac of 1868 and ai briefly Hummed up as follows • Sey mour's majority (highest Democratic elector), 9,068; Hoffman's majority (Domocratic candidato for Governor), 27,946; Hoffman over Seymour, 17,078; Hoffman's majority over Seymour in Now York City, 4,206. Hoffman ran ahead of Seymour in every county of the State of New York except Essex, Renaellmr, and Schoharie. The total of the majority of the Democratic candidates for Congress was 11,270, ho ing 1301 greater than Seymour's majori ty (highest elector) over Grant. The Southern men are more reticent than usual in pronouncing their opinions. The Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas delegations favor the nomination of Hancock ; Alabama is divided between Hancock and "the great unknown ;" Florida appears (;uiescent; South Caro lina is divided between Hancock and Bayard; Virginia favors Hancock—that is, the "regular organization" does, whilst the "Mahone" Democrats have not yet decided whether they will act j in concert with the "debt-payers" or i take an independent stand. Kentucky j wax for Thurman, and is now hunting I another candidate. Tennessee is said | to favor Hendricks, but this is doubtful. Arkansas is divided between Hancock and Seymour. This is the present com plexion of affairs seen from the point of view of the dome of the Capitol. The support given Bayard seems more a personal support than the advocacy of a candidate for his availability. erty should be taken away from the green back at once, being quite pronounced and open. In the measures recommended by Hayes one essily recognises tho pro gramme, boldly laid down in Grant's message to Congress in 1872, viz : to re tire greenbacks and increase the bonded debt and taxation for that pur pose. This is the end in view and the re|>eal of the legal tender clause is hut a step in the same direction. The bonded debt has already been increased over one hundred millions for resump tion purposes, an increase which was not at all necessary and which would have failed to produce resumption, but for the heavy crofm on this side of the Atlantic, apd light ones in Kurope. I. N. n. The Uronth of Wealth In Now York. Fifty year* ago only one citizen in New York city, John Jacob Aster, was worth more than $1,000,000. Now it i asserted that over five hundred men in the metropolis whoso wealth is estimat ed at $1,000,000 and over. Then New Y'ork had little more than 200,000 peo ple ; now, including adjacent towns and the population within a radiou* of fifty miles of Union Square, ft includes not far from 2,000,000. And then, adds the New York Times, "we had no ho telsj newspapers, libraries, theaters worthy of the name we had no oceen crossing steamers, no" modern improve ments, few foreign fashions, no regular ly-recurring defalcations, little official or legislative corruption, no stupendous municipal debt, no reckless ambitions, no "booming" Wall street, not many luxuries, but an amazing amount of public and private honesty." Centre County Oranges. At the recent meeting of the State Grange of Pennsylvania, held at Bloomshttrg, the following interesting report was read by Leonard Rhone, Esq., deputy for thu> county : To the Wortlfy Master unit Patrons of the Pennsylvania Slate Qramje of the Pat rons oj Husbandry : In accordance with the requirement* of the act of the State Grange I have the honor of herewith submitting my annual report, as deputy for Centre county. The total number of suliordi nate Grange* in tlie county i* sixteen, all of which, with the exception of one, are in active operation, and meet regu larly. Eleven of the*e have halls un der their exclusive control, either liy owning them or by lease. Four ure es pecially comfortable and attractively furnished with carpets, furniture, pic | lures and paraphernalia necessary to ) make a Grange attractive. Five meet j in public school-houses, tjuite a num ! her of librarie* have been Htarted, three ] of which have obtained a fine lot of ! books that would be a credit to older 'societies. Ten Granges have regularly e*tahlished business agencies, each do ing a business of from S3OO to $. r >,ooo a year, keeping a small *tock of good* on hand by order of the members; but the bulk of the business is done on the order system, or ordered as wanted. .Sometimes two or more Granges con solidate their orders, to make up car loads, to get the advantage of lower freights on such articles as coal, nalt ! and plaster, of wliicli fifteen car-loads t were shipped direct to the < I ranges in j our county. And these shipments will, j no doubt, increase from year to yeat by j a judicious management on the part of , Patrons. Guririg the punt year public meetings , were held l>y all the subordinate j Granges in the county, the exercises I consisting of festivals, ruusic, and ad ; dresses upon rural and agricultural j topics, as pertaining to the welfare of ' our people and government. There has been a marked improvement in the i character of these meetings as compar ed with former occasions—in some in ' stances two churches leing offered in ; the snnre village.and the use of the Vchurch organ being freely given ; the choir cheerfully assisting in the sing ing. I have never yet attended a pub lic Grange meeting in uny locality that we did not meet with a grand success, I if the Grange in the locality, in a man ly, straight-lorward wav, ask for a re i spec table place to bol-i their meeting, and put forth a proper effort to make iit known among the j>eople, and be | forehand prepare good singing, accom panied with instrumental music. The county Pomona Grange has been • equally successful. The four quarterly meetings were well attended, new members were added at each meeting, i agricultural topics, co-operation and ! social science as pertaining to the wel | fre of the agiiculturul class were ably discussed. < ur place of meeting baa ! been beautifully remodeled to corres i pond with the design and imagery of ! our Ritual and unwritten work, liav- I trig purchased new and elegant para- ] phermtlia and fixtures, the degree* were conferred in all their splendor, ! giving them an entirely favorable and lasting impression. These degree meet , ings in our county Grange have proved themselves the most interesting of all, tusking them a real reunion and social entertainment, and hy their unreserved social intercourse, giving the members of the Order an opportunity to make many pleasant and lasting acquaint ances that could scarcely be brought about in any other way. In our earn- | est and laudable desire to better our ' financial condition through the instru ' mentality of the Grange, let us not for get that our fraternal and social feel , ings need culture and refinement as well as the head and the hands. With the neglect of these will come the | downfall of our degrees and Hitual, and i with them the wreck of our much es teemed trdcr: which would Ire the death-blow to the hope of the Ameri can farmer. It is the custom of Patrons, under the auspices of the County Grange, tn hold ar. annual public reunion of all the subordinate Giange* in the county. These meetings are attended by the thousands. The sixth annual gather ing. held on the 25th of September, compared favorably with any of our former gatherings, and was in many respects pleasaiiter and more sociai. These large annual county picnics give public character to our Order, and cre ate confidence in the public mind as to the stability and permanency of the Pat rons of Husbandry. The Patron*' Fire Insurance Compa ny of our county ha* grown steadily, I adding over $25(1,000 to the company, without any losses during the year. It has property insured in *even counties surrounding Centre. The company foot* up nearly, perhaps altogether, j $1,000,000 j which speaks, we think, ! very creditably for the management of the company, which ha* been in opera tion only a few year* and in the most depre>ed timea known. It being an exclusively Patrons' company it* growth has been confined to the limits of the Order, we preferring to keep it for the benefit of those who may unite them selves with the Orange, aa being a , mean* for strengthening and upbuild- I ing the Order among the people of the rural districts. We. as Patron*, are often too generous with the privileges and advantage* given by our Order, by bestowing these privilege* upon those who are lighting us secretly; thereby weakening the bulwarks and strong holds of the Orange. The Patrons' Live Stock Association of the County Grange, which has been in operation a little over eighteen months, has marketed a little over four teen hundred bead of hor*M, cattle, sheep and swine for the farmers of our county. This ha* been altogether a new and untried experiment by far mer* ; but it promise* to be of a lasting benefit to our people when once fully developed anrt established. It ha* grown out of the necessities of the timea and the uqjust discriminations against Patrons who look an active part in the Grange. Loeal dealers, in the madnea* of their folly, boasted that they would aoon crush out the Grange by passing those who would take an active part in the Grange, and by tear ing their stock on their hands. This wan practiced for several year* upon active I'atrona till, out of heer necew sity, the I'atrona' Live Stock Annota tion sprung into existence, and haa maintained itself and flouriahed amidat the greatcat opposition and misrepre aentation. 1 admit that we were a lit tle disappointed at the slowness of the introduction of a direct trade with the Grunge* in the dairy districts, and we are aorry that a miaapprehonaion haa sprung up in the East aa to the charac ter and purpose* of our association— namely, that it waa established for spec ulative pui|K>*es. Allow me to say that it is in no sense a speculative enter prise, but an absolute necessity to pro tect the i'utrons in our county, if the Order is to be maintained. There is j not a single stock dealer connected with our Association in any way, the j capital stock being subscribed by actual j Patrons and farmers in shares of five J dollurs each. There are, perhaps, : twelve or fifteen persona that hold from two to four shares in the Association ; | the balance of the capital stock is sub [ scribed und paid by single shares. We | thank you, Patrons in the East, for the I patronage received, and for the kind ness shown to our Bpeciul agent, lfro. George Gale, whom we sent among you to open the way by a rnutuul under standing for a direct trade. We still | feel confident that we shall receive | more encouragement in the near future by actual trade with the Granges in the dairy districts, e*|>ecialiy if we can fur i nisli you with as good a grade of cattle, and at aa reasonable prices as you can • get them from outside dealers ; and I | leel satisfied that we could furnish you ■ with any kind of stock wanted, either I in mixed lots or all of one kind, even at lower price*. We want to deal j on the "square," and it can he brought ; about by a mutual co-operation. It frequently create* a smile by our Eastern tarmers, near our great cities, when we, in the centre of the State, -|M'nk of our large (arms, devoted to the ! cultivation of the great staples of wheat, corn and oats, *nd the raising of cattle and marketing the same. So |it does with us in the central part of : the State when your Kastern farmers | talk of small farms, devoted to the cul I livation of vegetables, em ill fruits, | dairying and marketing, yet this only | shows the great diversity of the agri . cultural resources of our State. Your ' system of' larming is no doubt best | suited to your part of the State, and so is ours to our locality. To exchange ' our systems would be neither wise nor j economical. This only goes to prove ! that either system i equally great and j important. The diversity only makes farming more profitable and useful, providing we can get those products to the consumers without too much cost to the producer, so as to leave him a '• sufficient margin of profits for his labor. ! Fellow Patrons, can we tolerate in the i Grange the wants of so great a diversi ity in the agricultural pursuits of our | .Slate and nation? This is what the i Grange tries, as I understand it, by its | system of co-operation, to bring about. The unparalelled success of the <>r j der in the county has engendered pr'j ■ udice, which baa culminated into hatred i among those who had speculative trade ; and the management of public affairs in their own way before the establishing of the Order among our people. By the combination of these traders and lobbyists the mercantile appraisers as ' sessed three of the subordinate Granges with mercantile license, under Glass 13, for being engaged in ordering supplies fo* the members. The subordinate be | ing determined not to Im henten in de tail "|>ooled their issue" under the Po | inona Grange, and took out an appeal 1 to the court, employed an attorney, had j the case argued, hut for the want of sufficient evidence on the part of the , appraisers the case was postponed. I Wlien it came up a second tune in court the mercantile appraiser asked that the case be indefinitely J>otpnned. .The Auditor General has declined to ' interfere or instruct the county treasu | rer to enforce the collection, so the case ia still pending in court and will no doubt be left there to slumber in silence. Had it not been for the County Grange calling a special committee of one from each sutiordinate Grange to advise what course to pursue, no doubt the Grange* assessed would have sub mitted rather than to incur the ex |>ensea singly to contest the case in court, which would have been followed by an assessment of all tue Granges in ' the county. It perhaps is not out of place to state here that under the statute of Penn'a, any Grange or persons can do any kind , of mercantile fuisincsrf to any amount under SI,OOO without license; and in the opinion of our attorney the order ing system aa pursued by the subordin ate Grange, is not liable nf licence, no matter aa to the amount of business. The educational interest* of the Order are much discussed in the county. The , short course of lectures on agriculture, proposed by the State College, was dis | cussed at the last meeting of the Pomo na Grange, and was unanimously en dorsed and recommended to the farm ers and citizens of our State ; especially those that have not the time or means to pursue a full course of instruction in the College, a strong effort will be made to secure a liberal patronage in thia the first endeavor by the College in the right direction to help those who can not get a more liberal education. Far mers are often unjust to their children by giving those who want to study the profession* a lil>era! and collegiate ed ucation, while those who intend to study farming must be content with the education received at our public schools. This appears to me like an unjust discrimination that drive* many of our best young men and women from our farms. It ia the duty of our Order to educate public sentiment above such gross injustice. We should take advan of this offer of our worthy brother, the president of the College. All the pro fessions have their schools; why should not the farmer patronise and sustain hi* own ? Many of the faulta of ine quality to our class lie at our own door. There are many point* that I should like to have touched on, but my report ia already too long. You will excuse the many abrupt sentences of mere nak ed facts without so much aa clothing them with a single embellishment Taking in the whole field of our dis trict, I think the Grange stronger and more active than at my last report WO have added *oaie new member*, hut not *o many young people a* I wouhj deaire. The ai*ter* of our Order could bring about tbi* much deaired change of en livening our Orange* with the refining influence* of the youth of our country. If the ni*ter* would go actively to work, there i* not a Orange in the Htate but would add a dozen or more to their rank* of thin much needed material to give life and vigor to our meeting*, and a joyou* *un*hine to all who might come under their plea*ant influence*. im , m ADDITIONAL LOCALS. A Ploasant SurpriHO, MR. EDITOR, —The injunction is, "Ren der therefore to all their due*," —"Honor to whom honor i* due." It i* meet, there fore, that the people of Buffalo Run Pres byterian church and vicinity should have this honorable public mention, that on December I'Jth they gave their minister and hi* family a very pleasant surprise. On the afternoon of Friday there arrived at the Milcsburg parsonage four gentlemen and their spring wagons—the wagons ' tilled with nearly all the necessaries of life. After pleasant congratulations the gentlemen carried the content* of their wagons into the kitchen, the cellar, the ► table, Ac. It was surprising to we the quantity of good things they had gathered up—flour, buckwheat, corn, potatoes, ap -1 plea, beef, hums, butter, lard, sausages, | dried fruits, apple-butter, jams, turkeys, | chickens, A-. After this they gathered in ! the sitting-room and spent some time in agreeable conversation. All these things j are worth much for their intrinsic value, but the kind feeling they express i* worth incomparably more. .May they and tin irs realize that "It i* more blessed to give than to receive." "Cast thy bread UDOB ! the waters: for thou shall find it after : many days." \V, A I'L.EA*AKT ENTKRTAIKMRXT.— With a foresight and care for the comfort of his friendr that did him ram credit, Mr. Teller, of the Hrockerhoff House, provide] M sumptuous lunch for them on the Friday evening following ( hristma*. The spa- cious and elegant parlors of the Hotel were thronged from half-past eight o'clock in the evening until a late hour by the hidden gm-sU. F.verything that could tempt the palate was provided in abundance. Delic ious cake hakd awnv in distant Richmond, crab, chicken and lobster salad occupi'n] a prominent |*,sition ujxrn the heavily laden tables, arid then came the egg-nog and the ret of (he little things calculated to revive the drooping spirits of those who had le-cn overcome by Christinas festivities. Among the guests we noticed Dr. (•<•<,rge Harris, Harbison Holt, W. C. Heinle, Harry Hicks. Walter Zeigler, George and Harry Brew, John I. Potter, Theodore Gordon, J. I- Kurtz, Moso Montgomery, A Hrock erhoff, G R. Barrett. Jr., and last but n< t 'east, W. A. Lyon. "Bill" was the centre of attracti->n. His fund of anecdote was loosed to it* utmost, and we are glad to say that notwithstanding the frequent draft* ufmn him for a "new story they were always honored. He kept the crowd in a roar for hours, and at last sank bark in tho arms of Harb Holt, totally exhaust ed. It was a delightful evening to all present, and the genial host will long he rememben-d for his generosity and hospi tality. —W* were particularly fortunate in having Lew Simmon* >wji down upon u# with hi* really excellent mintrel trouje The very name of I,ew Simmon* it enough to till anv houe, however large or small. He ocenpie* such a poilion in the world of nogro minstrelsy a to justly entitle him to l>e called the "Prince of Coramedian*." fie is not only a thoroughly conscientious and capahle actor, hut he it alto a com panionable gentleman and clever fellow Muring hit stay hero be made himself ex ceedingly ancial and agreeable to a large number of old friend* and also to the new acquaintances which lie naturally made Me**rs. Bryant and Kph Horn— the tecond —gi v * great promise of be -oming excel lent actor*, and it it not improbable that they will occupy a p> eminent place in the future of burnt cork artitU. Bellefonte did itself crdit by greeting Lew Simmon* and hia company with an audience that represented our best people, ft |* not often that we are honored by the viiitation of aurb established merit. We hope thev will come again. —A Howard corretpondent ttate* that an epidemic of marrying teem* to have overtaken that staid villiagn ; wedding* oc curring with umiMial frequency—come time* at the rate of two a day. One of the latest victim* wa* Mr. J. I). Hall, who surrendered at discretion to Mi* Carrie, youngest (and we are told, hand somest) daughter of the late James Hev erly. —Last week Mr. J. (I. Kurt/, of Milton erected a fire e*oape on the Bu*h House. Thi* escape i* one of the useful invention* of Mr. KurU, is simple in construction, and in case of fire might serve an excel lent purpose. We trust the owner* of other buildings in Bellefonte, whirh under the law require fire escapes, will give Mr. Kurts a chance upon their properties. —The Presbyterian congregation at this place are out of debt, and consequently feel very grateful and jubilant. The con gregational maeting, which always occurs on the afternoon of New Year's day, will on the present occasion partake more of the nature of a thanksgiving service. -—lf you miss the recitation given by Cops to-night at the Court House you will miss a rare treat Elder N. J. Mitchell opened a wrj< of meetings in hi. rawting-nouse at How ; ard, on haturday evening last, which will j continue two weeks or more. Mr. Mitel, ell will he assisted in his protracted labor )by elders tang, of Uk Hav*,,, h ,„j | Cooper, of Keranton. JA.NUAKV Jl.Rf Liar. The 1 jurors drawn for the term of court commencing January are a* follow* 'illAKli JCR'IR*. Willi*,l, BmiUS, I'MJ s AlWlMg Mili.r *| rla*. J- An,..-, B. Owen, Better, Chat B si,.*,, ~ { J? H-'",. i 0i..,, i| 1 *' M ; T II Keller l'hlli|Ml,iir K . R , , -t H'blt*. liiiriioJ.Js. H r,rt \\ lis fij ll'.lt'-r II .miiM bor.j Jar Hutu y. VI " M ll No||, Pfsrltijc. Odifiul las}, VI ! f"* 1 IP r t,mu tfHl IVf.n J.,Un MijMif Hi * It D H-lrf> Mils. ' ' ,n "* ' H f.M'lh.if, Union Ais-g *!*.,; , . jH. 11. KfMMT| Mil-. v Kilt,' ,II , Wh V' V/' TKAVKKHK Jt HOKK—FIRHT WEEK John K. KpU, 1rrk'i,,,,,,. J.| lUr,kin ff w, Jxtvid M ll' t.ry, 1M . M ii.t'r, M JC4 M fJI > . Oku, Tylif. It J; y Jollll T. Is***, Pultef (Milt i,,ti liRk f '* H.trriw r, Kim* *j.r 4 nyt M illUin M-iw r I- ~ t'oMUliff * tilllfi II A Mill -ll J|„. JobDOßflsfi'k.hj'flriK \ J.'M, . . ,V , I If* r•r\ Is h *.. '' • | , j J Jaiiim Ar ir \. hr Woflh Dml |ft m I John ll f r feilH a | HHIUJ*I lUflrr Uryy iuatln t * ~ ||, ~ • Thovuaft C IfuuU, (YslUg* J'.in k, jj . i. Tlf'OtM IIMIPIUI.H |i || K/, .j \\ JoriftlltAii rtjri|(lr, Mil—. It .Mft Bu4 < nd*r i> * , llmit k I'hi1I,a' nUuTun. ii ii. .. i Tlm*. P. Lit gU. Ulrti ( Sfo j. At ' s , OkM it- i 7 ; JHH HIIMAmim j. v I MW I II i wlnfill. Mil—. W j ' If || i- • . j TKAVEIUtK Jl* HO It*—7 Jilltl, v%i;t K J. H Ik'tls-mi, M;l H I" !■ r, r lan r, All-,, II V I ... . Ji-hn Tail..'. < Eg it,-i.i.j. . J" l '.' 11*,1.1.t ' 1 .... ,W I. Je,„ M, 1. , „l„ ,-... .''•<• 1 r-i, i it it. * M, i is <, | J C ttmm, R.s i " . . Philadelphia Market*. Pan .en suit, tmal,, j| jsjs Vt", ai- -lull s,. i s. ■ >. larlu.luta Miaa—Uis .-its* (,t . . I ! -i •! rat :• . • .... | •' iei ii,o *,.. i sue-, L. ( b . s, j:: , W***, IS fim., *,..,,„ I- 11,, .. ~ ~ MS l-'.-h-ls, Is> 1,.. I■i t- ssesSsSl .• | sol *1 11 SS. *,i. ,-| - ..4' 1 \ I *•'">.*' *i *■• . --1 At ,1.. , i|>-. -r, 4u 11 UiS*.,, T, ♦— Bellcfonte Market*. Rrit,, srr Js- •i l > Ot OTATIoN- Wliils h.at, l.ial mL % . Kc'l iirßl * M. ptr l th'l • ■ Oum, Bh'ilcwl (HtU flour, ps-r Iter, uh MMla W AV AM' fTRAf llßy. rhnk ttodlb), prf t i, .... jr. (tt , mms. biuml |* I i * m L tK 1) W lun iiowj |^ r t*.|, t ,f His -r • sirs* , | t-t t* -rs •, Provision Market. C-ars,ts-l saklj f.jr Its.)-, Rnul.r,- Apples,Srl—S. I-, l - .iu l ... I < hfrrfsß, i t> • I li-r f*hh> Ullier, io thl on Tvt-mlmj ' All,e. I liir- Kbairrf, *1! f tr.i plmr* i Mil NK —W( KKKrOR —th* Ttli f |kvrrni*r, i l7. hy J If Rs i(*n\J r, £• , . Mr isr- M * Phumk amil M IRS Jr-iii, i< h. l), t ks UMHX. I*l It <4 Nl I loiMbi|i. Oratrr oouuty I OINOKRKII —4ti !,• 21| ,| rw-r*tiihßT. l*Tt, lb (>ntr* Hull, l l R# \t R Fih*>r. Mr i J*s. (tirtgrn.u ami Mim AinHu Ist.r.a l*'tb 1 j UtIMR U'Wttftfcip. RA* JIM CTl'l KIU-At Mn!i* iilws | • Ik BMlsrr 14 !•*; J# % 1% K*i M 11 m i- Mr t hatlsu A IUtIMII, nf M<ii?surg. \ Mibblbttib f Km me i • Mill*. DEATHS. 11l NTKK —ln ll< nni-r t <>u i IN ' I and Mr* K I Hunts-r. ag1 raar*. T nsofttli* and j 11 day*. hll A Itl'K —4n Hia Ifilh of lW#rohM. lTf(. at CW* s i cb tfh of ttorMut**. DiP. K' twret tira. Mr* Atin* K htrayor. a*el J montiia and 11 d*n. Pllllslffl -.<>a (Im ftth f h im, J- -nalhatt lluli|, ifMl M tf *, 1 Katli afloiticKHi, th t ,i Jm. I*7, AHIIM>S ny of lh# df'-oaaod m-m hmufbt to nt' on Tnaoday for intormonl In (hf -Vric Arfrrrtimmmf*. A in! itor's Notiro. IN the Orphans' Court of Centre maul) In the n,slier at the K.t*Sr at JACOB MOt ICR. Ist* of potter towrvslup, drw'd Tl> an Atetlter. sf>p Jniel to SSBNIr the fun* In tk. h.nS. of (hr A-lnnnttr*lor smowt th Inasllr mttlled Unr*, will moot lib pafltes Inteicte* .t lit* -til,-, tu ll—li-lonlon I'RIOAV, JAM ARY AD IMS', st !• o'chiea A. M-, ** the >mr)*u*e of his s,*ntm-nt I ' W. C ni INLR. AeJih*• Notice. is hereby given, that the 1. v f..||.wlh nsined pH*< Mrs SI ml thstr pt' tton Sw Ifrsns. la Ih. OBhe of the o*rS of tbs OsaM at lienor*l IJnuler *e~ton <>' the Psare la end W Centte nasi), end ,th*t .ti-.n aill be nwds si the neat Session* of oetS fNwrt le snuil lb* s*ss* J. n n-B-e*. T*r*m. Uteri lorrnshtp S. 11. Ksna. - I-" .1 C HARTBa Clerk /lAIIMAN'S HOTEL. VI opposfts (%Nirl ll ii.e, RKU.ItrOJrTIt.rA. TkHRS SlJtt PKR DA V. A good llrtrj sttsrked. l-'J