Slit Cattc,iUmotvut. Thuritday Morning, December 18,1870. OiMl*l l oiiM)>c'l,( , oitUlttii)| iiii|>rt*tit ui, •4>llc-t *1 Vhh any |rl of lh rmnt> No C4ftimutiir*tl<>tirnan'- warranted shoe I** cent*, at I.ton A 5.1 i.l ,-...v0r nt Blair n- low a--ilvor p!nt' any w hero 01-o. -A good hnt 40 cent- n goo 1 .up f. nt*, ii' Lyon A Co'-. At .10-oph - you will liri'l toil>-t -OK).* nt 15 cent* |'r tlo/.on. ■*-tio|d watche* Ht Hlnir - - low a- nil rrf watche* any whom 01-o. —At Joseph'- you can llnd it glial pure silk handkerchief al 15 cent*. Majolica Fruit I)i-ho, Snln-1 1•' and Comport- nt Frank Itlaii - Don't, don t. don't read it—"Sl>*|go Hammer Facte, ' ,>n iti-idf page —trim,| ration- fir 6 rente n yartl nt .If-oph'e. Call and see for \"urtl' • -Perfumery of nil Uiml* and at every price nt J. Walter Zoic', r - drug #t"re. —The handsoue-t nml lugge-t -took .tf all-wool now dro-- good*, at Lyon A Co -. —Ttio toilet . aaoe kept bv Walter /."ig lor nro exquisite. Slop in and look at them. —lf it ia a bargnin your after, you cer tainly fun not got it, until you viait Loeb'r. —S. AA. l rent*, becau-o they make their warrant* all good. tjoebadon land won troll no ail w. French r.lof of Mr*, (lord 4F |ence on f'urlin street. —Walter /.eigler keep* hair oil* at hi* drug tore which will make the uglie-t red hair look lieautiful. —The latest stock of ladio*' bat*, satin*, ribbon*, flowers and MUisri. at bottom price*, at Lyon A Co'*. L give any |*ron. Walter /.-igler ha* an elegant assortment. —Do you want a pair of rheap *hoe* 1 (in to Joseph's. You ean buy a pair of la/lie*' shoe* warranted all leather—fir '?1 cent*. —During the holiday* the night* prom ise to be beautiful. The moon i quarter fall neit Saturday and will *hine glorious ly all through the following week. —We are indebted to Mr. J. T. Potter, i of Linden 11*11, for a most agreeable call on Tuesday l**t. He is a brother of John Potter. Kap, of this plaee. Come again. —Next week will usher in the tide of Christinas holidays, and a* we intend to celebrate with all our might there will be Bo pa|.or issued from thisofflee next Thurs day. —Young lady, if the male friend whom yon most adore is a lover of a good eigar why not stop in at Harry Green's and buy a l.x of assorted cigar* for his Christina* present 7 Messr*. Messr*. Kills L. Orvi* and William P. .Mitchell, both young and energetic survey-* tor*, are engaged this week in running the Mhvnship line lietwcen Spring and Marion twn*hi|. JOn Wednesday night of last week -fiex. Kd war 1 Me Minn, of Philaek to con- ! aider propcsltfona received from Hale A Duncan and from Maj. Win. F. Iteynolds J offering the leaatpf additional water pow er, both of which propositions were refer- ; rod fn the Wafer C. mmifte*. Be*t mu*|ins b cent jier yard, t Lyon ' A Co'*. j —At tho reduced rates tho cost of an thracite coal 1* equal In economy with cokn or any other fuel. Call and gel figure*. Lawkknck I*. Brown. | i A staple article like s|kol cotton— useful in every household —warrenled 2 at the risk of their own Safety. —Wo are agent* for Sawyer's Woolen Mill* ; and also for Kipper - foreign wool en*. Tho finest fabric*. All wool suit- to order, Tufflvt / JhUnr*. I-.*>■-11. Montoomkrv A (.'o., Tailors, i —The Kpicopat church will bo decorat ed very profusely and bcaulifully during the Chriatmaa sea-mi thi* year. The spruce lias already been hauled and the attendants of tile church are at work In picking and tying it. S. A Brew A Son are the most careful grocer- in Centre coiuiU . Aside from the "knack" tliey s.-em to have in keeping in their -tore just what the people want, they are attentive and obliging, causing every body to eall again. —t>t coure during tin* concluding few dav* that J. Newman. Jr., continue* In [> sioti of til* -tore In- will sell good < te'Kp'T lliali ev r. Ant ('liri'tllia* [.re— eng. in ib line ~f ,-lothing > au !• bought at II bargain at hi* establishment. --Tli" reading risuu of the Y M. C A i- now open every night to l>v* under tlf t -ell year- of age, between the llouf* of ix al, I eight o'eha k. lllM-tral'-d paper-, book and three set- of checker- with the r>*jui-- lie tabic-, are on band lor tln-ir entertain ment. —The best linn of shirt* from 16 (nt* up. at Lyon A t'o - ltd . John Hewitt wa able last Sun day morning to bold the cut*'iiiary service in hi* church. The sermon ***, however, di*|>ened wiih. lie announced that the usual Friday evening services, will le- held to-morrow, accompanied, [erlisps, with a sermon. —Thl* i the last time we shall have an op|H>rtunity t<> invito [e-ople to call at J. Newman, Jr.'*, store It i- a lamentable I'aet. e-jea ially when w rememlior that the [eaiple of ( Vntre cuiinti w ill no longer have such a desirable place to buy clothing a* wa- tli" Hugh- Clothing linli —W" noll e that Gen. Jatlie* S. Brisbiii, and hi* aceompli-h'-d wife, ti,e daughter of oitr townsman, D M. Wagner, K-q . wer> among tho-e who ai'c>in|Minietl General and M r. Grant from Pittsburg lo Philadelphia A;-v ill >r w i mourn her las*. —The Bellefontc A> ndetny closed for the holiday* la-t Friday Prof He*'bner departed early Monday morning on a vt*it to hi* home in Pottsvllle. Ilev. Jam"* llugbea, the principal, is, we believe, em ; ploying hi* vacation day* in a grand hunt 'of which he is very fond. We hope he will get plenty of deer, but that he ml not 1 have to pay d -ar for them -We have received a enpv of Col. W W. Brown's nw paper, the JrwtU Ur. jnMicnn, ptibli*he<| at Jewell City, Kan *a* It is a neatly printed sheet of eight page*, intensely Republican in politics, and tho editorial* bear evidence of Colonel Brown * old-time vigorous style of writing Tho ha-al department i in charge <>f the j Colonol * on, 11. ('. Brown, who display* l commendable ability and enterprise in I furnishing local new* to bis reader*. Wo wi*h them much pecuniary ucce*s. i —Kev. J. K. Miller, of Centre Hall, In partnership with Jlr. Cyru* Alexander, of Milroy, own 1380 acre* of land near the | latter place. But tho peculiarly fortunate ; part of thi* faet i* that several kinds of fine i iron ore have been found on their property. They have serious thought* of commeneing operation* in unearthing thi* treasure, and look confidently forward to the time when they will become millionaire* fr„m the proceed*. And we hope their highest an tiejpation* will lie realised. Mr. Adolphux W. I'elrikin.of Money, made a short visit to his friend* in thi* plaee last week. Wo were exceedingly pained to hear that ho I* in ill health. Ho is troubled to such an extent with asthma as to render a residence in Colorado necessary, where ho expect* soon to go. But we are glad to learn that in hi* new home at Kven*, Colorado, he anticipate* engaging in the editorial business, e\|iect ' In* to tart a newspaper. He will discover, like the ret of ii*, that there's lots of honor j in the bneine-e, hut not much money. We top[>ed at Wilson's, corner of Al legheny ami Hi*bop *treet-, the other day, and were surprised to *ee the large stock of confectionrrie* that he lias on hand for the holiday*—enough, In fact, to supply all the j people of Bcllcfotite and vicinity. He sell* a line mixed candy at 26 cent* per pound, i Almeria while grapes for 26 cents per : pound, rangaa at 26 cents per dn/sn and | upward-, lie sells tutnana*, California [a ars ami a line atm k of fancy fruit and ! (lower l>eket*. Call and see him hsfnr* i rmrrhasing el*ewliorc. I ■ Now, .Mr Joseph Fun bad alter nil. Jut tliink of tin* intoxicating hli*a it must occasion in our palpitating bosom to !><• aware that tho sweet, tapering linger* of un angel in thu i disguise of n female la manufacturing a , dressing gown tt,u ' lippcr* lor u*. (•'t it nlmoet make you twith you could turn hack again ilio ehort space of H hundri-d years or morn th" rev< lving wheel of life and tato again tho Joy* of youth and single blessedness'.' \V certainly carry | our limine in tin- UMIRI place, luit in our Joy at rivetving these present., would *.- loi'in them H> entirely too prociou* to de vote to common ui' unit will be willing even to wear them on our head if neccs-a ry. M'u crtninly regret that you have arrived MI tlint antiquated time id lib' an to think that we will wear the product of the elill and admiration of the handeomeat young lady in Centre county upon our hat hor feet. No, they hall he laid away i Ilio-t valuable treasure*, I the image of the young ladv who make- them shall til was- he cnehrilll'd .1-' til" idol of Our eye* and heart. Splendid cn-lilner> . ail w<*l, at U • "nt, at Lyon At o', W' ti nd t)l< (ollowin;; llOtil e . I the recent iaie ot tin Lewi.hurg, Centre and Spruce i reek Hailroad in tin Harri.hurg Patriot ot Monthly "In sntifT.ic'.i Jn of tho foreclosure of a mortgage the r..a.| and appurtenance* ot the lew ifhurit. Centre and Spruce t'r>-. k railroad wre ,,|,| on Saturday by public auction, at tie Philadelphia "X' hange, to Htrick land Kno***, for SMJ,OOO Tba road i* eighty mihet in length, and extend* from the junction with the Philadelphia and Kris' railroad, id Uhil.i.qoaqu" township, N.irt lumleThirel county, through the . ooli tic. of \ .rthumlerlaiel, Union, Miflim. Centre, Huntingdon and lllair to conniat with the Penn.y 1 vania railroad roar Ty rone, lliair county. 'I'll" purchaser repre sent# the Pennsylvania railroad company, whi. li will at on. .- reorganize tie ros. I wlward. hut trii't that it inav IM> correct. Tlei largest slock of mn.litis, calico*, tlannei. and dr<-. goods, at I.yon .V Co s. We learn of the death the early part of#ja-l k. at Col' I iile, ot Mr. >*.'■!- Wieei, a ladv wli" attained the venera ; hie ape of e!~htr.evfi yrar She av the wid A ..f TO" HI. 1...., . >1,.1*. <| ALI . wa a soldier in the .r of I'-I'J atui witli .fa. ko.ri at New Orlean.. Hiring the lat ter year* of her life .HE resided with IOT son-in-law, Samuel ll -el, at ('oleville >he wa. a lady ot great mora) worth and her I|o# will be sincerely mourned The fun eral look place last Friday at Pleasant 'lap and she was buried in the cemetery at that place nnr the graves of relatives who Ihad gone Iwfore her. Notwithstanding the let" rise jn price* end the fact that almost every merchant ahle commodity i bringing from '.'fi to lim (>r cent more than it did three months ago. t have determined to make a Imrft rrdclici in the retail price of ahllirai lie coal. At th" rwlu.ed figfirc* it i cyue/ in economy with coke or any other fuel, and i ■ "Mainly i"p*i •r and much more satis factory to handle when for family purpose- | buy the best quality of Wilke*. (•arre coal and ytaranfn that it will be carefully screened, correctly weighed and promptly delivered LAWRK*CK 1,. It ROW a. —A good boy'* wilt at I.yon A Co *. —W* di-sire ts. call the attention of the farmer.of Spring town.hip to the fact that their gis.l neighbor, Mr J.meph lbs.., i* the owner of the ]>atcnt right, for. that townhip, of the Oliver Patent Fence, now attracting MI nun h notice I| ~r. adv to receive order* within the limit.of the u*wn ship for farm right* to uo it, and we trust they will not h low In coming to him. lie i. a worthy man, and deM>rve. the patronage of all hi. friend* and neigh ' or*. Be ure you give it to him. —lf you want an overessat for 92.50, j call at Lyon • k Co'i. —The rnemlcr* of the M. K. church in the Altoona district will a*.tnble in an nual convention in thi* place *<> me time during next May or dune, for the diacu*- I *ion of Hunday-whool and church matter*. It will lie plea.ant new. for all to learn that Key. J. 11. Vincent, of New York, ha* been invited and i* ex|iccted to be preent. He | a very eminent divine and a rare treat i in More for thoe who are so 1 fortunate a* to hear him on that occasion. —Splendid ca*hmere a yard wide 2!> cent*, at Lyon A Co'*. —On Sunday morning la*t, Mr*. Allen I Soli rover, of thi* place, fell on the *lippery pavement along the western end of High *treet, breaking her arm. .It will be re. membered that the lady met with the same misfortune last winter. Thi* time it wa* the uninjured arm that wa* broken, and wo deeply sympathise with the lady in Iter double misfortune. A good child'* *uil at #1 at I.yon A Co'*. —We are informed that a mesial will he prevented, on Saturday evening next, to th most awkward kater on the skating rink at Hush * Hall. Of courae editor* Will not lie supposed to contest for that prim,. A good felt skirt can b bought at Joseph's fur the smalt tuui of cent*. This is ftn t for ladle* to consider. III). \\ \\ oil I. —ln Uutkpig a t visit a few day* ugo to the water works we discovered that a wondrous improvement lias heen made oil the exterior and Interior of tho building. A new and suh-iautinl I fence has been put Up along the street, the entire building has been repainted, and a reward is now otferod for the apprehen sion of any one who attempts to deface the building. Inside the boiler room the im provement* are not yet completed. The apartment to the rear of the boiler room, containing the water power machinery, has been made a. n< at is* can be the parlor of any gentleman'* residence. The il.ior, the sides of tho room and all around are glowing under the influence of freh paint. A sid ing lin. been erected around the machinery and a platform laid over it, shielding it from diit. From this platform the visitor can look into a beautiful |MMII of water be m ath, the beauty of which is much height ened when the sun is shining. A room iias been partitioned off in which the engi neer can keep his oils and other article* which Would i rente dirt. It i said that since the two new will*"!* have been put 111 by Hum an A Co., tin- amount of c<y i- in store for lt.*'i!efonle next Tuesday night at Reynold's Opera House, The fane us ."Sim mon'* Minstrel Troupe will .s.upy the )>onrd on that occasion and go through with one of th' ir ev the saui" tr .|- that was ..nee the |>pular Simtjioi. sr.d -i seiim s, i,| pi. liadelptoa We hav< no 'iouht tliat the hoil' will h" well I'll d as it is a ta-rformain e whe hali < an witru • ami en ■ as there w-.1 1 ret! ,* .! i.e that inn offend even the ti., |. . • gia:..! .vi ..I ■ n New- I <*rs Bva, on . • ■ a-c r, they will ci-lehrate with their nintli an nual bail. It wiii ie- an i vent worthy of the *. s'li. Nt < ..mpanv and w. hoj*- they will have a happy time. The adito-smii i placed at .'>o cent*. I.a-t Tuesday night two L,>ck llaven young ladies sj-s-nl the niglit at ti>" Iti.h House. They went t<> th.-ir room 'ari\ . About ten o'c|t~ k a Mrc M< yer left her private par'mr and passed along the hail she detected a strong smell of gas issuing from the room occupied by the*" v >ung ladies. A- Mr. Meyers WHS not in at the time th< called Mr. George IL ppes They were at first afraid to venture into the r-- m with a light. At last Mr* Myers entered, immediately turnipgoff the gas and awak ingthe young ladiev They could n< t re. member whether they had ttirm-1 off tlie gas or blew it out. If they had remained in the r<- in much longer without the e. I aping gas being detected and p|>e] the CstniMsipier res might have been ills*.trolls to thrm As it was they imm<>diately |ilacf*| in another apartment and we hi'je slept soundly the remainder of the night For cheap clothing call at Joseph'*, where you can buy a g'*id suit at from l¥> to fh'i.OO. —lt i with unfeigned regret that we are called upon to hid adieu to H. sorely missed by a large circle of friends While Hellefonte suff. r* a loss Tyrone wiil make a corresponding gain. We derive a good deal of consola tion from the fa* t that A. Sweeny, Mr lloffer's u. Cope, on New Year'* night, will certainly be one of the fineet entertainment* which Hellefonte will havo an opportunity of hearing for some time to come. —Frank Hoover, of Hogg* township wa* found dead In hi* bed on Tuesday morning of thi* week. A Bi.iri-t.fcv hi .t>Av.—lt wa* the tlr-t ■ day of the kind we liam had thi* year and o complaints in regard to the exceeding disagreeable weather which prevailed la-t Sunday are superfluous But je-rsi.ns viewed with horror and consternation il,c rlnnger ; ous road they must traverse t/, r e*< ), Hiejr church#*, and many gave the effort up a* impos. Some of those who did ve. lure on the glaring sea of ice progressed Very well at first, but alter they had gone a few r>d found danger threatening them in every direction. There are mans o<-- currenees in till* life which We ui v roililJossioii cr. and .-', calling th- ir atts-nti nt" the duties rclatir g to taxation fnl .it,l*] on thrm ( \ law 'I notice m \ "Heretofore the *>...>• c nt. of [e .- . prop- riv •.(•< is! \ money* at interest, in many th * i ave • v rv <*re less.v and negiig.-iitiv meh . Nearly ■f the rj r.reuie|,i* ~f ||,<. | a w h be, •lisregar li-l. It may b- afeiy i-.iimated that at |eat one.half of the m< ncy* at ill t-rt . 1 1- t t>• 1 vati' r for at• ;ir j ■ ...■*, , have Mg be. r, r.-i i • f I v t.'ie a" ... I hi# *h uld not !■ • • The following i- a hri< list ' th. Pr ; erty i d tilings taxable Mortgages, money l.v Iv, nt h-bior*. articles of • •.. , r t !• m , # I. ' tsenring p'lt.lie interest, public ItNUM Ot •t lis ■ t ept too*.- . su- -I t y til" htsti • I I mu-d Slats**, nil vet .w. u.est for trans . r ling • ■ g.-rs. a * i.u.ti. - <-. • r .1 • i •U |- r.• rhl property, a wt to -, house hold ! urnure ov< r * '*• in v te, j ■a* . - e ■ *?*,,..-• ad r—s' .-.rat#. }<<. Uient* OT • Ho . profmleni, trads-s, "sr-Up U lion*, e\''-pt farm-is, -irig e freemen over | Mnijißa* nrn of age who do not I * any <>•' u;.at)on. It is stat.-d that the law- will be tre tlv enforced 111 evert instance, * the hoard of pubih a -unt- have had their attention i albal to grogli..-rnce in this matter. Under it* provi-. >n> no evasion* . confuting of nina singer*. (*-rform*l in this p!*<. o tl Friday and S*;- urdsy evenings last and made a - ant rnehalv u, their rendition of
eing occasioned by the second attack of congestion of the lung*. The lady excelled in sterling end excellent trail* of mind and heart. She wa* sixty eight year*, three Mo nths and twenty-one day* of age. B*t.l.i*s F vt —Everybody Income* enthusiastic over the entertainment* origi nated and conducted by Mr*. Isove. This I* more evident than ever by the way sswst* ' ' for the ChrUlma* night entertainment are selling. Thi* i th# last lime wo will be i able to tell you to secure a *eat early if you : wish a desirable one. Ib-memlier also that the proceed* are for the benefit of the 1 Baptist church, —The beat line of hat* and cap* at I#y>n j A Co'*, ■ j Tin, l'".M i.i'IIIM DAl*or CM 1.1 Not having tj.ii, r* for ~u r usual uruti pro leer dings la*t week, we ji v■ Hon* or Judge tirvi*, with Associate Judge* I'iv'-n and Frarw Is, presided throughout Ihe second wi-.-k. In tin*. ( ourt of Common l p ir*| I. on, ni'ti* r, if, debt. Mettled. I- Vt . 1* r th' v Thomas borroi'l' iir, A Walker v Kn ith, Thomas A Co., action in eonußt Verdict for | lamtilT f' r $70 7.7k. Miitiio i ouotj National Bank I adrrtood at al. action in i ft. Vor* (Ju l for plaintiff for $127'.'07. inihir week. m Tba third weak Pr font Judge Chaa A Ma; -r |'•. la I w.ti. A lata j ,<.. iiivr-n nr. I pram! !•(• r. v. In,in tin* fol* lowing r tin vu-r,' 'II* |*o.'*<) of i 1 r-1 National j tm>*k of Bailcthata v*. Ma II Wagner, adminUtrator of W 11 \\ nn*r J reign,' r • continued in favor of , plaintiffs for f Jl'/.t J■ I • •.rut, of H. Kulj, . vs. I. 1,, rrtv iownl.,j., tiin of tr<-|BM. V<-rdi t lor |, I ■ i'Jl 1 .",1. I Ml v* Mifi I * Mary ' ami e! . *. 1 ,r n,< rtgni." V. rd ■ I f r j ..liniiif f,. r .*l2'', :,1. Sua- iia*i* ,w \- Wu. Baouigardrier, •at AH *t A erdu 1 for plaintiff foi*||| til •I W. Cook* *. 0 B M.* \ ' rd,* : ). r for sjM,.r .lohn K **in 11 ir 1 al v*. John Htrff-r, hjioui.m :,t, r *I Martin Murpbv. MI 1* Judgm* ;.t ■ r. 1* o-rj ;..r s|*t- 7.7 A Ita 11, agent, et al. rati, HI fa. Ju If fin- til 1. r. ft*.. i for .- I>7 * .'.I I* v > '{"■ * v sane, nl. la. Judgment | ■ oof 1 !"i fttb Jiillii r 4 *ie.r*n -n v ai *, f ' 1' > i■ * o*l t- t *! 'S ' K . : ■ |i 1•. her lather and nti friend, John Mnn* * Duncan, Hnin *V < ■ . f in* brought hy* j laintrff for ii *r;-• u*Uint, a* difUMMd fby setting eside the | make it *ut-e*fui. At it* regular tn'-r ting la*t Saturday night two '*w uiemK r were reee; verj, and it ti*rw ha* a rut-wiher •hip °f twenty. The cnortreua *uin ; twr nty-flre rent* initiation fr and ten cent* ekr fa month i impon*d on tb *-'• en- U-ring the *<* i.ty*. Ihe n-r, ;*<*. U*l urday night included tw<> apiritad debate., b M It m.. 1... njoytbk. A \VFAIIIKII ru.-NILM 7>iirr*4*ti |u>, A mj'i-iy tifdn % wlinii •*< , W m nabftMlf ifo mm b sri An 4 Hr S*< |a#*t. itn( n i t).i< h fl r WflhlPW !■ |i Mid <|rt. HI nu'i Imtaniiiinl fn':ltifl* T|.m t**n ti go4 iffit • "II f f Im- ; M da| h' gfo| hli'i U<•}•-. W mf of I|wx. h ut-J r • a I 1. tl U . Uml dn% iriwaa ti * ir<4' |U|, It• *Hntl •# (iw.i*li'-4 iilitit .Void. HI if ififo* • tt,wt -for UU4r. It t|4. 1 Ik%tit or a v A lii I.AHI —Mr*. Mar tha C\ M* ran, who diet! in thi* place U*l 1 Friday, wa the widow of Hugh Moran. formerly of Belleville. .Mifflin county, ami a daughter f William I.iviugrton, KN< , . known to our older riliu tu a- one of th Boil reputable and enterprising of the early t aeltler* ,*f IVnn* \ alley, in thi* eountv . Mr*. Moran wa* the mother of John Mo ran, formerly Prothonotary of t'entm r-ninty, and mother-in-law of Col. Jam--* Hemphill, of Krie, I'a. She wa* a lady of cultivated and enlightened mind, richly endowed by the ib'jiiration of Christian trut, of great energy of character, which enabled her to survive many afflictions in tha death of all ber family except Mrs. Hemphill, to whom *UH remained the painful satisfaction of consigning her good old mother to the peaceful rest