Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 18, 1879, Image 4

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    flit Crnttr jOrraocrat.
The LAritMt.Chrnpnat Knit Bant Paper
rrm.iaiticn IK CXNTKK COI-NTY.
TIII: rcniainsof .lohn Randolph, the
renowned Virginian orator ami states
man, have boon removal t'roni Roan
oke, ami interred in a cemetery at
Mihs diwia'iusi: Mia Kilt, daugh
ter of the Agent of the White River
I'te Indians, who was supposed to lie
murdered a short time ago, has lieen
appointed to a clerkship in the In-
terior Department at Washington.
She is said to he a bright, intelligent
girl, about twenty years of age.
I'm: Republicans of Virginia, in
connection with the Readjusted, have
ehoseii (ien. Mahone, a "Reliel Hriga
dier," as their candidate tor Initod
States Senator. (en. Mahone is an
able man, with Democratic proclivi
ties, and is known to have been a
brave lighting officer in the Confeder
ate Army.
fill; present negro exodus from
North Carolina, it is probable, may l>c
dignified by a Congressional investiga
tion. Mr. Shelley, of Alabama, has
made a move in that direction in the
House, ami a resolution for the same
purpose has been introduced into the
Senate by Mr. Yorhees, of hid. This
exodus is unquestionably a Republi
can movement, to imjtort in sufficient
numbers an ignorant horde of irre
sponsible negroes into Indiana to lie
manipulated as voters to overcome the
, votes of the |x-ople of that State in
the coming Presidential election. The
conspiracy will perhaps collapse. The
intelligent people of Indiana already
show symptoms of disgust that bodes
no good to the party resorting to such
despicable means to change the vote
of a Htate.
THE Senate passed, L>v a strict party
vote. Senator Davis' resolution calling
upon the Secretary of the Treasury for
u tabulates] statement of the amount
paid out of the Treasury in each fiscal
year, since the 4th of March, lttfil, in
private claims growing out of the late
war. Secretary Sherman, in his late
campaign speeches, made the broad
assertion that large amounts of fraud
ulent claims had been paid. Ho did
this for the purpose of placing the
odiuin of their passage on the Demo
cratic majority in Congress, and to en
force the inference that if the Democ
racy continued in the ascendency this
class of frauds would accumulate. If
tluwe fraudulent claims were paid out
of the National Treasury, his re|iorl
in reply to the resolution, if made
honestly, will no doubt result in plac
ing the "Ixmt on the right leg," and
fix the responsibility upon tlm party
the Secretary is interested in shield
ing from public scrutiny.
Fr >di nr Corr'Npond^nl.
WASIIIVOTOV, I). December 1.1.
The House evidently means business
in demanding that .lohn Sherman must
show how many millions have been
paid in Southern war claims, and fur
ther to show the number and amount
of fraudulent claims paid bv the Treas
ury, as well a* the step* taken by the
government to recover these moneys.
Mr. Sherman is either a fraud or a fact,
and will now have full opportunity for
demonstrating to which category he
belongs. He has yelled fraud against
the South, in connection with her claims,
and as the Fort Sugg. Wetowki, and
other unblushing swindles occurred un
der Republican Administrations, and
ware, in every single instance, engineer
ed through by so-called loyalists of the
South, it is fitting indeed, that Mr.
Sherman should t>e conijwlled to make
bis words good in an exhibit of just
what the South has filched. He, as Sen
ator, did as much towards making
fraud, perjury and tbeft, synonymous
with Republican law, as did the hero of
the Ftort Sugg fraud a* •'ongres-nian. He
enacted laws ottering money* to every
aeoundr- 1 who would trump up a false
. claim and suliorn witnesses to swear to
t loyalty, etc., and the House did noble
work in resolving that he ro|>ort just
to how many millions he has la-en the
active agent in filching from the Treas
ury. He bus given ns the talk, now
we want the cider. He will find him
•elf buried as deeply under the foul
blot of "Southern claims" as Jim ltlaine
was in '7fi under his railroad transac
tions, and we predict his presidential
aspirations will prove quite as baseless
as were those of the "Truthful Jeems."
Death has already begun his roU by
marking Mr. lay, of Missouri. Who
next ♦•-I.ast Onyre>s had a peculiarly
fatal record for Congressmen, and the
•filth bids fair to equal it. Mr. Lay's re
mains were sent home in charge of the
usual Congressional committee, iiccotu
panied by his widow, who remained with
him in hi.* lost moment.
Men coming here from the active
pursuits of home life, to.sit in close,
overheated rooms, to drop all exercise
and outdoor habits, and to eat the high
ly seasoned food of our hotels, neces
sarily must sutler physical prostration
in some form, and it is no wonder that
many constitutions succumb. I.vcn
with the infamous tide swamps which
the causeway ol the Long Itridge has
spread out in hundreds of acres ol
I extent, light before us, and which fill
die city with malarial influence*, yet
such is the perfection of our sewerage
and our streets, that the general health
of \N ashington among people of fair hy
glcilic habits, is as good as anv other
The exodus of negroes from North
Carolina to Indiana continues to pour
into our mid-1, penniless, hall naked,
hungry people, who are huddled prom
j iseously, men, women, children and
dogs, into an old building, and kept
there as so many animals, until ship
ment can he effected through contribu
tiona of funds. If there he anything
superlatively devilish it is the action of
those who seduce the negro, by lies,
front his comfortable home in his native
country into this exodus. A stop should
,he put to it. A negro tut* full right to
change his locality when pecuniarily
able to do so, but no set of scoundrels
has a legal right to -end women and
children out into vagrancy, as i* being
done by these vidians in North Caro
i Among the many superb -tatu--*
which adorn the public parks nnd
! square* of the National Capitol, there
have none yet been reared to anv of
the great and accomplished jurists of
America, whose names and learning
stand out in our legal literature nnd on
| the pages of history us great as those of
I Krakin, F.ldon orCoke. It is gratifying,
therefore, to see that a bill has just been
introduced in the Senate appropriating
#_*l,l*l for the erection of a statue of
ex Chief Justice Marshall, of the Cult
' ed State* Supreme Court, in Judiciary
Square, Washington City. Whether it
will pass, depends on the ' vugresmouiU
appreciation of America's most eminent
i jurist and greatest <'hiof Justice.
Apropot of the War Department, in
' teuring down the old War Department
building this fall, it was discovered that
j the foundation vva not of stone. The
bricks wore laid on the ground in a bed
of mortar, and the place of a corner
{ stone was taken by a mortar imbedded
j brick. This curious piece of masonry
lias been fixed in a gin-- case, and is
kept in the office of the Chief Clerk of
; the Department.
Writing of the mutations of time re
minds us that one of Washington's old
j farms, a part of the Mt. Vernon estate,
■ is advertised to be sold at auction in
that sleepy old town of Alexandria, on
j the IMtli inst. Washington had five
farms, all lying adjacent to each other
ion the Potomac. The "Cnion Farm,"
containing 92H acres; "Pogue Run
Farm," containing 64'.' acres; "Muddy
j hole Farm," containing 476 acres;
| "River Farm," containing 1,2<t7 acres,
and the small "Mansion House
where his beautiful home and- to.leiff
; tomb look down from a lovely slope on
the broad river felnw it. What portion'
of this large estate again changes title
th>- lucid description of the auctioneer
does not indicate.
The joint committee of the library
have under consideration a proj>o*!t.on
to purchase the sword worn by General
Washington when he resigned his com
mission at Annapolis. The sword is
offered for s.de to the Government by
Mr. H. 11. Lewis, of Maryland, who
ha* come into possession of it, by in
heritance, through Major Lewis, a ne
phew of General Washington. The
action of the committee will inspire our
zealous antiquarians to resurrect a car
load of old hatchets with which Gcprgie
cut the cherry tree,
A subscription list is being circulated
j in the House of Representative* in aid
of the indigent district* of Ireland.
About seventy-five member* have con-
tributed, and it ta expected that the
list will fie adorned with the name* of
all the member* of the House, nnd
many dollars of our dad*, before it is
i sent to the Lmerald Isle. In emulation
of the example of our Naticnol repre
| sentative*, the Irish citizen* of Washing
ton a e organizing with a view to secure
' contribution* from the citizens of Wshn-
I ingtdn for the suffering |mor of their
tative land, and in view of the proverb
I ial generosity of that race, we think
they will make a* good showing of oon"
triNution* as any other city. The lrih
stand here, in number*, next below
i the colored f-eople ; but when any pub
lic demonstration, involving their na
| lionality, i* called for from them, they
j ezliil.it on our ntreet* an a*toniaking
man of drilled, able-bodied men, out of
all proportion to the dieplay* of the
I other race. Fvi.n,
Tin. ItKroHUKn CiirKuc— Tiik "I)OC- i
irisk" Km n'IATIIP koh rim Cirm> >
(,'nM M l-HION, —Till! Peace Coin 111 i 111 of |
the Beformed church, which ii-cinbled :
week Imfore U*t in 111>rrinlitito *eo if it
w- |H>*-iblo to nrrivc lit n ha-i* upon
| which to reunite the various faction* nii'l
j <livirioim of thiit church, hint iinicln it- re
port. The report i- epiilo lengthy. The
follow inn ~r' ' point- of doctrine agreed
Upoli by the colonel- inn, itinl it I thought
they will reconcile nil c.itfercnci'i of opin
mil tliMl hiivci hureloforo disturbed the
, hnrinony of this large ntol in(lin*iitinl or
gatii/.ntioti ol t'hri-tian-
I. Wo recognize in Jn-u- < l.ri-t nnd
111- sacrifice tor fedl* II linen, the foillida
ticen iiuel icource of c>ur whole salvation.
11. We hold that the ( hri-liim life |<c
begotten ill u- by the wor*l eel <iu*l, which
i- ever living, nnd *rri** in it--lt tie'
power to ipiicken Inilli niel love in the
lle'Hft, tlirOUell til*' Holy t i liel.
11l We* do (o*l regard the vi-ibbi
church usceeiriineniciirnte nnd identic nl with
the invisible church, aecording l< lie I:• •-
■linn theory, nor do we* think thnt in thi*
world the ins iecihlc church enn he separated
from the vi-ihle nc* ording to tlo* theory **f
pletieclll lend IrcUe spiritualism ; hut while
we* clo not identify them, we do not, in our
s lew - separate the 111.
IV. Wo hold llinl in tlw u-i* of tlo* holv
-m mnient- till* gra* *• >i L uitied hv the out
wiirel vign- i- imparted to th* —who trulv
hc'lieve, hut tlint the**** who collie t l * the*-**
holy -ncmnienti* without faith, r***eite*
only the outward element* u..to iniideiniin.
\ We hnve come t*> n clearer appre
hension of the fact that the ( hri itiai. life
iv something hroader mill e|'*eper than it*
manifeatatiotfl in * onacioua upninn.
V I. We hold theih- trine of ju-tifl' ution
liir ugh true faith in dc*u- < hri-t, nc.
cording to which only the *ali.*f*< lion,
holine--ami righte<>iine-* of ('hri-t i-o,ir
rightcouanc** le-forc tie .1, and that we can
not receive nie l apply the •nrue toourselv
in any either wv thmi hy faith nnlv.
\ 11. We* hole! the doctrine of the min
it**rinl office ne*eor*|mg t** which the* m.n
l-ter* eif the e hufedl KTe* let lord* let laltll,
but servants, mew* teger*. he*rahl-. watch
tnen of I hr; t, co-worker* with (i**d,
preae hr* of the \\ *reJ, nnd -lewvrd- * !
th** tllV-ten* - cef I *|
VIII. Wn bold tba doctrloo of tbo unl
ver.iti prie*thiM..| of t*elie\*r* over agaiii.t
all It* mnnir.ing tendcncie-t*e prn-tls i-w.
e*r, while we *]•** nert the j r.j .-r re* "gni
tieen eel tllC 111 11l l-t ■ Tla I ofl'lCl' 111 lllee c hurt h
■ef ( 'hri-t.
IX. We affirm our cnnflelence in the
truth eef i'rote-tantieon over again-t the
e rreir* •.f lt**me*, on the one hand, ami
again-t the e*rrer of rationalism and int.-
! c|c*|ity -Hi tloe eether.
\ All phihMOphi al am! the..l..gi.nl
• j** ulnluen- hi the church i thexjld bo held
in humble* *ubmi*-ion I** the Wold of God,
which, with it* h> v.*nly light, *h..*.'..l il
' Limine and guide the e|-<mlion- and r*>
<-arrhe of reason.
WKATIIHK Win*.—A nj>rter of the
; t'lmmbc*r*hurg FuZ/cy Sjtirit recently put
hitu*e|f in communication with n weathor
prophet, the *ub*tamc of wh*>#e pr* gm>*li
cntion- are a- follow*: December com
nuncing with it* third M**nday will | M *
w**t nnd cc*l*l. About Ihe-'Jiuh there w ill
Ih* ii fall cef -now nnd alo n fall of o *nid
lernble *lej th on Chri*tmn* or a *lay *er two
Inter. There will le* severe weather the
lnt tw*> week* in December. On the
f**urlh *f January there will be a thaw.
th** aoft *|iell la-ting tor al*ut tw.eday*
I Then a evere ami audelen cold *nnp w ill
ceiine , t hi* will l>e prolonged until Febru
ary. The coldest day of the *-*aaon will
fall al it tlo 'j.'.jh of January. February
will be n cold m**nth with considerable
•now and - *ine rain Th** winter will
break aleiut the twentieth of March A
mild spring will follow. "Keirther than
thi*,'' -aid the wise man, "I have n*>t cal
, culat'vl.
IAS i r.K or I'rav r.n—lt lea- Imcorn* cus
tomary to make the lirt week of the new
k v-ar eine of prayer, ari l for thia object the
Vvangi'lical Alliance hn adopted the fol
lowing programme for the firl week of
IW, commencing January I Sunday, i
January 4—fv*rmon on tlo* "Fullne*- Af
('hri-t* Salvation, Monday, Janunrs
—Thank-giving for the blc**ing* of the
f.a-t year ami prayer for tb-jr continuance
Tuesday, January fi f'onfo*h*n -f *in and
huioiliation l>efi*rp God. Wednesday, Jan
uary 7 Prayer for the church of I'hriM,
it* minister*, it* gr*>wth in grace and it*
enlargeme*nt, and for revival- of religion
throughout our country. Thursday, Jan
uary M—Prayer for Christian edm alien;
I for the family, and Institution* of learning ;
for Sunday-*' lioola ami Cbri-tian A*#ocla
j lion* Friday, January 'J—Prayer for na
■ tion, ruler* and people; for |e*ace and r**-
i ligiou* liberty. Saturday, January It!— 1
I Prayer f*r Heine ami Foreign Sfi#ion* :
I for the out|eouring of tljc Spirit uje>n all '
fle*h ami the conversion of tlo* world.
('Kvtßr II *i.i.'a Cnai-TstA- Fr-rtv AL. i
j —The Lutheran denomination of Centre i
I Hall I* making arrangement* for a festival
j to be held in that place, rommenci/ig next *
Wedneulay the 'Jfth and continuing until j
Friday. Kfflcient eoinmittee* have leeen
apfviinted in all the department*. Tlie**e
U a i**nimittee of gentlemen to attend
to the general an*l a com
mittee of Uilio* to perform the culin
ary work. But the mo*t efficient and
vigeirou* c'*mmitt* <i i* the oust on Koliciu- i
tion. By "Solicitation 'l* pr.*|.l>lv meant i
thoe dangerou* mlnxe* who get al-uit with '
puff* and curl paper* inducing the untofla
licateil to *pcnd their money. The name*
of the member* of thi* committee are Mi*e
Gertrude Miller, Kale llarp*lcr, Maggie
Miller, Dollie Ktnerick, Maggie Stover,
Annie Bihle, Licr.le 11 •>t<*rtnn n ami Annie
SVil*on. With the aid of the** entranc
ing maiden* the fe*tival cannot fail of
meeting with ucce*.
—Gingham fl to a cent* per yard, a
' I.yon A Co'*.
•/. 11. 11.1 I I.ASiI'S Our I'rlrr llrn-iiinnln Slorr.
I II . II AU K. ANIt ' S
M ■
IIKAIM/IJAIMKHS |'()|{ | >j* <;ool)s.
TIIK IIKK IIIVK <)M'. I'ltK'K ]',\f M SJVK |>|JV f.dttj,. ST<|{|
I HIM nth ring tin* I.AHuI'.ST, It /.s'/' ami I'IIHAI'KST
e*tee* k **f ItrV lilieell* ilt ( ('lltr'! (VlUlltl
liming re. .lived an ili.m.-i.** -t*-k ■*! Ii I. before the advance, IMB able to aolt I beapcr than a* | f,
Bars LI. MS (..Mill- \|{ F MAI'.KKI) IS PLAIN FD.l'lti:
HOPING TO KKCKIS FAN FAKI.Y CALL, Ir. ...am, r*-,.*. tfull y
•' II I'-A I I, AN J)
My motto I*, "OA'/*.' I'lCli'l Till'. VT.Hi /.OlfVA'/'. A'/ UIS/tKTHI.SI
II AI-riViP K! k AND On tlx . Ml, f \ • t
\ ! I*~ •*t I• M.. flt I* - • • b)
lie* J gift Mr 11 ai•ti t. £ • f lira* i.
%. I l*a . t %!•• 4ila 1 It mr \ I|W, <* an
•iii. * utf < -nil*, r♦
WITBtIfTI iti !• f ••
A I' . 19!• • Kl Ittv .>.. I li !• v J
/k| r ||r 11 11 f A M • • uM Hkm Amm* I.
11 ti-, 1 tii <f• iii t* ,11* r
-Ul-lll.il I* ► I. >1 AN On 11 i, 'V *•> 1
\ l. lift, *t iftw mHm> r i r .rtwmm >
It ■gm 1-4 I.i* }i• J /.■!*• *1 f l' tf
J* wither. f II.If M• ■ , I MW Mini, • Mi)
I' - rinaii.
ItfDWlKh llt\ I > I tlb.ftftl fM*te t ,
1:.% W U 1 aini l-H. Mi** s J lint, f w * •
I UfC. t ar.tre ' *r,tc I. Mr 11, h*l) lit k
• f M.atrr * 4 r k. II until 1 I tint*
f*T4MItYI"II \--IMI-Oj |.. . 17 KM I
IMiaiM, Mr J H Mcmmlmhit Mm • mi* < m*
Or, iar tli • f 4*f' nt .ri
M -H triMV.rit h. the I'll. r.*t* I >* I t.
I. khr •! ib' rc|ftfif# f i),ft I II f*n.*i. 11 * n
rv Uw tad Mtai Koi 11 • . l< 1 I i
Bit . • • HifMini Bim i 1 hi
I*fill.!. l M hut TilWt. CUM ■ ut) Hi mm
i*rll Mr* Kll*®4etl fti*h*),a< . to '>rr.4n, ~th
Junl day*
Mol.lN I * • I < Vti . • l
. -rl2 U* • Mr Martha C. M run . hrr Tvth
CIMtV-ftr, 4h 1 iMOi t T'ftl lint I f. ,t„ 1
Tuft I • ' ftf'-1 1*- )M1 ft
r#l 1 i day*
k j nwiM Mil Mi
bit I, tit** l>tb •!, Mr llaimt Kliifc a
I ir*.
41K ICY —'Hi Dwrem' #r !• it Mft'l n U.vnO,,| .*
' 'hitim|ll t> Cnrtin l/finl 4 ike* * .•> f JWt
m.ri and athntlna Aik* ag'd 1V }:• m nth*
and Jf> !•)•
Tha of tld* b*4W ••• a },n,j mm * f m 1*
titan ' Hiniif) I .li t*h4lft| At Ib* ' to*- •'f b*
•Ir*!h b# **• *•! rtilvtlni ll** |<rm f l*f*
HMM t ft-' IN hwflMMI **r!im ,f 11.at t- r •.
ttrtmfl, . ft 1 1 ft." f 1, f r
tba |ftti t#r> arftka, h Ha* nfii>rl U !• ivl
Prf~ t fmt k fiti n mark<l !h *.kft of •nff'-flrif
h> kb* *ll !ufr>l Imr.tiff I*>a la.t |, ~|i b frr
I) ll . ri*>n* <•! J'* *. it • nt!
limr. | Ili it!r, b 1 *l-1,1 ih* '.*•! r, t t f tl.r
4**--ft**-!'* lif~ at hi* 1" A* lb' i**rr*l nlftfuift
at. ) frt**4 * *!► I hi* b" U4r !h ni
an aff**(lion*t far* *ll. a*king ♦ n* 4#l** b • hn.tf it
. n|i| b* t* h* aotlH •* J'ftw*, *iii)i)( that I ' r*,*l4
ut a all lug faMin* bit n,, th*r lht I-' * 4
fth In the m rnii.c (kff, ha rijMratr*! t>"*n \o
•it. I
U ' T*- g' ng ho®* n - *r> ta t> r,atn,
\ tit rr 1 ati'l mm •,
Sn u>ot* •' •*! Iba hr>' "f '®f .
u . r { it,( h'M lirtt. 'tni*
tl r.® h• • ifa b ira* ti|> thor little- • -r,
ITI mar, in ti," frt -f lb* i. l-'rat l t '• Ifti
■ lib a ®ila f iflnwi| b '<n hi* iif*
lie put ftl'-ejw that l tr-aar-1 tlwj. ft m *hi< h J r,a
t.f rib. to af j An- th*f 'il ha* r1 o 1t" the
l ah • gatr It. tla hft*
•t*i*t t-t ha hll •*•! In glof) th* rn *n aii'i the
lily ahit* I- ll# baft |ef| lehln l I.tin ftt a**— lb n
•te a If. ami a *mall T thain I a-.nl J a*y, j*nf
bn.Uii4 aiM lath* rlt IHI lr* l 1-tit tlrefelli l*rej.*ia
for ||'trT> that alien the NIMVAI i f i tb mob
y 1 may la yfr|rel t>> wl him In th*l bnm* h*n
thara • ®< |<*r(lrff
A|ea|i In Jrn. t*r fm® lb**
Tl'i bin<lr4 a*4 their paiN mat I-.
H"! Ibr* * •ill • M*aa* I *l'ej
Ih'tn aht h Ban* eirr a4 t e j
|w iml ! ? !har. tbmi ha*t left -•
ller* thy l<a* aei|*||y fel, ,
ftnt it* 4#.p4 that hath I*Vhi u
lie nan all mr art*aft hnal J •*
1 Ml 4111' -On the 4th inatant. in t at.ahip. 4 lara
May Mmiv. *f*4 I y**r, " mulb ami 11 4a*•
\rir A'lrrrtimmrntn.
li. K. V. Hull Hour! Company.
rjMIK nnnitftl of the Stock
-1 h"l4*r f th lUbl U|l* 4 allay H ft. Com ran*
will |.e h'M at fheir 4Hh. - in Ira k 1144 KM. n
MONDAY, tha l.'th -lay- J\M 4HV, 4 l u
' twae® the to®ra of If o'rloeh M ft 4 2nVlnfl IV M
.41 thl* meeting n eleelbm a ill b*M for • I*f-a44e®t
an*i *4* IHrertom *4 •**! < nniaii* t. mjo f,r ihe an
• nin. )r ri'Xl >D HI. CTO'I, CRIV
| MM Aarr alary
la>giil Notice.
NOTICE iH hereby given tlint I
bate till* .lay *|'jliel to tl4 Aorratat* of In
! lernal 4fTara of Ilia 4 . mn.otiaaaltb •! IVnncyOani*,
i for a 44arr*nl t" •**••* **• acre 4 ®rMm|me>t latxi.
i litMh In Cartii* hai.fthlp. In t>ntr .-.'tinly. *M>oin
j In* Un 4* in lha aarrantar* namn* of Kirh*r<t Tmika
, and t a|r, le anaa .-n tb- nrtheaftt. |dt> iay oat'-* <ii
tb* *t, John 1* Mibhrll and racanl land o® th
•>>uthaat. and lb Ann*ly on th- n*>!lhft'l
' KtLlh I iH4li4
Hj4la4 nla, !*ar I V H?t, SIM
Aiiditor'n Notice.
IN the Orphnn*' Conrt of Centre
aonnty • In tha matter of tha 4'wnnt of 4\ 11,
1.1 AM r. TlMMl>*i\. h*a-ut,K of, Ac„of a4 Ml 11.
ntK Vr.VHOV. d^.aard.
Tha Andit<>r appoint ad hy th* C mrf In make dlafri
bnli <8 .f tha food in tha Ha®da of tha aaid Kiotti-r
among ho*e lagnllr antitla.l tbat.f., *||l mat tha
partieHi int*r**(al, f-r tha ittrpae <•( hi* *|>tftintm*fil,
~n MONDAY, tha l®fh 'k*y of JANI ANY, I#%. at
tla ofNo of i Ik UrftJ, Daliafonta, I'a
M dw Kt.l.m L OlYm, .Auditor.
To All IVhoni it nmy t'onram.
'PARK NOTICE thftt I, the un,ler
-1 Mgnad wWrtbaf, hata mab api lbati 'O for *
4* arrant bn two or mora vrainf land, i® tha ton®
•hip of Worth, In tha ronnly of rmlre. and Ht*|a of
fannaylrani®, *dj lnin land* of John I. Th*ni|>on
on th* a**t and o®th, Wrmdrlng n® lha al.
and Jama* Canon on tha north.
4t- J" I.KVf JONM.
llnrri/ l\. 11 it7, , llnrtlirtirr.
k:. hicks,
lSti.,*,-M,i t . T. \. HICKS A HIl! V.)
.1 7f <//. * iiy \'rnt. Hk' 1.1. I'FOX IE, I'A. South ef lUnmontl.
HimititMM i aril".
■ ■
ULl.lkfovti" pa M)
*-.<. 11 . it nti, A
All * rk i "•!'* ' ■%> .M..1 it,, Aikf her, treed,
meW Mr *k"'. || 4tf
I . ■
I oris pom,,
I•, M Ull I •'T I fifIorMAKKR,
hf.. V. ,1.. fl I' 11 . ,1,. , ,in,i
l-ij r
; | /.KI.LKIt A SON,
♦ P • i i.i
~ * <lb ■ k.rl. ff R, . J
, All lh FUfU I'.i.ni M'-I. I'm -
y wl|,t <.'■! Tbii.il. ll* f* ■ nrtr i h
W |r-: Tfiii, . t |1.... ■• A A 2
l-tf . £
Adiiiinint rator'* Not ire.
IKTTEHS of Adtninifttnilinn liar-
J ii-H !•** * IMto.lf. t )> .i • ?.• nl .U*
f kttl.lX nt 1.1.1N 1 • *M. Up f til' H' K f
HIM •*(. nil r- •.. .t.PIPd 1 Hl'l -I- *** rd hi.
Lftitfti; ffftlttia Mini |r*. AW-i v 111 |it ••* th-tn
(Inly •uthmtlcftt'-d f at |>m t .<-r,t
*.-** ELIZA Ml LI V \dinlni*lr*tfii
AdminiMtrator'n Not ice.
I KTTEHS nf Aiminit ration rum
IlilillM |
mviiiMs,ut. i.fiiM.i i iy. ( .(tit.i .i,f
1' nt>lttn. 4 • +*' I. ho Iwti cnt'.tiNl In (id ti*
II t *l#. t* •<* in fUlttm .n>. t *t. to nil |wt a
I '•<- *. s IWI II ■ • I . ■ {.tn • M
1 nr<l tlm*' In' 'f Utma t dr'Af'U |ll mk
th* *mt mh nl 4Hr 11 tit A 1.1
A 1 .
4> u. .,! ■•tfT.T-t ruitim M i
Adm in Ist rat or'H Not ire.
I ETTEItS of Adtniniatration, do
lAn • r Hi eat Ate ■* \iMtt r*tlni|,
de<*e~i UP "1 Hi* 4 l*>f f MtleePnt i*. (Vritc
!*• !**• i-eeii to tie titvb r*t|„T>'l t
>l Htif In
Mid MiaP at' a-j'iMtol p. tiMnkr |attn M,
• lid ftll |k r*"i. hoii.j- r lftii.it Ajpmiat nH efttftte mil
|.).rnt ti.M.i dull •tilho.il'il'-i lo Mtlonf<i
I I! (AKW.
A lnfnlitnt.it, 4<> ihnitn nti.
A New llook.
Order* Non Taken.
U1 I'V'PC Can make moat
" 1 1 L I ? a rifn fk
the Itilt oTr of the kind iwtioi "Till Hlt.llT*
AM" ll Tll> <!' 00l NT\ AJMI* ToM \||||' Ml
Fh E*," M * It lii tu. V.'U >4 tl.fl M tlliftina, t
•** i iWultm nil th' *rt* nn-l *•♦.? • in f , U
, th*n to the %*rtom . "Unt* r l i n
J the tft\ Itti tollT . Lief) ..fVt( er nod t Ax |w.irt mil
hut one. It M liU'ltl tiofttli |4it. i, Im i>ml
l ln fhdh ft Tel fold, ftnd M ftl f J |t<| 1 dttfrn Int
ftk' inftnd t'tm*ft|<fdt with etnmi. to
J4h 1 • tk It MIIaHLV M i!p
. j . M ■ ■
'PHP' llellcfontc nml Snow Shoe
• lUilfiwH 1..0n, ...in| l*i~i hH. <>*
i • k.f A1..1 l>, nm .<■ n In .1)
. J' M •( O'KK TOR KIhRMwH OR.
NACJCH. I'n • T.Mt f t
\V ITIIOV'T KNIFE, rikl in moat
* * f*m BflhnHl pfllli A|.|.lt m
r W T TlnllKß It. ||, R,1.,nr,.
W IHI" t vnf'. r.M.ntf , f*.
it ml I'i'tn
II ■ hai t r/ii ' n r en/ ch.e and
canful nth n't ion to t/u n/eiiiea, of
'J'" ■!' /'" the Spring Trade, and
J"! JU>' tin/ 111 m imp thai our
J ir> -rut .,ii runout 'it e rcelled
' r i'i ifpoiil to | n rut u, tonali
ty or /'rut, uiul at rlunlit ,f It
.■mi/id ( t , j ~jj srr. s r r.
by any home < Crnlrt county.
I hrr> 'II I 11... ll' // , leodi., 7 ii
hn of mil ol t'u in ul/, hut cult atti il
ium iiir> r'<j ti, a if„ tluitofi
iu " Ii nu/ now/fit oft' r ' ? /ti> </iiv.
F i BH.
Machrel o, t oj good quality tin •
reason ami an filmy rut fur in* 4 *,
than wual at thin ran of t)u
year. 11. hon f„ nlling'noth
>my but t'u/1 a i yhu —.lo 11..' of fish
in tori, i/uaiii, La ml and ]•<> It*.
>n each hall La err l. I hiej hare
Letter ro/ur for (he rnoiuy than
ehort in i 'ft te.
8.1.i Hn-ring anil While fish
or' •< ry fine th i numm and tuli
my freely.
Our Sugar-f 'i reel Hams, /tried
lu'!, In i al.lu-t Jlacau anil (,'heene
an oh worthy oj special mention.
f >rau i/i • ami f,i ,/uan are rrry
fine and the Jo ire Lnr enough to
to hring the/a into rrcry iluu use.
J>"t tlu priCi on than goods will
hi much higher in a short time.
Our M..i/ Muriel, next door to
our (irrtce ry room, in almuye He//
supplied uilh the choicest me ate.
Mr I. ill tin hint Jle ef, Mutton arid
I en I that mil hr found; d rawed
in f ret -class style and screed to
Customers in the neatest. clean eat
manner possihh.
Groceries and Provisions.
A<> hence a the ftracery and
frarieitnbueine in lie/lefiinte it
jirrjtarrd to supply all the wnnte of
the family mi weII as /v can do lit
Jlu'h Holier Illocl ■, Ih Ifcfante, I'a.
Hume.'' Illocl, ne/rt door to /W Office,
At* > u •"Ming in fh*u line | tnurh r*lu< #>4
F* "• if A#ll or In nrhini' M nil At*ds
Th'? r<"iiu>c <ly, no that cnwfrii 11
<n fp*l uf
rrin: .t\i rnnsii noons*
Tli.it iKk I. mfilflf mM .'! ~-ls M, J r. iwMt
Is part t
Light and Heavy Groceries,
Orangiw, lemons. Natx A Raisins.
f ev*n AIM and firtHy
Hajns, Sides, Shoulders
•Mh Ik#
ISvh'U. mHii in* Is >h Km will flnrt II
II.Ht ln>H|. Tv tie* Hn • mil.