Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 18, 1879, Image 1

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    fP)e Centre # & Or m ureal.
'She (Centre
Torm* >1.50 pur Anuuni.iu Advance.
8. T. SHUOERT and R. H FORSTCR. Editor*.
Thursday Morning, December 18. 1879.
IT being necessary to put our office
in repair the DEMOCRAT will not bo
i—nod next week. The first nuruber
of the second volume will ap)ienr on
IIUR Ist of January.
THE Cincinnati Southern Railroad
to Chatauooga, Tennessee, has lcen
completed. The city of Cincinnati
■has expended about S1 hm t,tm it to
open this important line of communi
cation with the Southern States.
THE Indian murderers concerned in
the assassination at the White River
Agency arc to be surrendered, on con
dition of their trial taking place out
side of Colorado, where they ailege
they could not obtain justice. The
government has agreed to the terms,
and will try them by military com
mission at a point to bo agreed upon
when they are placed in custody.
I'tiE Altoona Daily Sun, under the
proprietorship of a publishing com
pany, made its appearance la-t week.
It i- a seven-column paper, neatly got
ten up. newsy, and Democratic. W.
I*. Furey, a native of this county, a
gentleman of large experience in jour
nalism, with ready tact and a fertile
j" ii, i- the editor. We wi*h the enter
prise success. With three dailies [><>--
ses-ing large merit. Altoona ought to
flourish and become great.
THE late firant demonstration in
Ohio would seem to indicate that h<-
is a greater man among the Rurkeyi
thun Sherman, and unless the latter is
exceedingly industrious in plying his
most adroit tactic* the former may
carry off his delegation to the Nation
al Convention. Cameron's State has
silready been assigned to the great
traveler, and the assignment will lie
ratified this week in I'liiladelpbia,Vn
ele John's hopes to the contrary not
, withstanding.
of Minnesota, has been appointed and
unanimously confirmed by the Senate,
without reference, Secretary of War,
vice McCrary, appointed to ij District
Judgeship. The new Seerctary is a
native of Dauphin county, in this
State, and lias filler! many important
trusts satisfactorily, lioth to his native
Slate and the State of his adoption.
Jle is a worthy and popular man—too
good to be the adviser and political
associate of a mere Fraud.
A I'AI'ER in St. Louis, edited by
colored men, charges that the exodus
relief board has sipinudcrcd the monev
contributed to help the colored emi
grants, appropriating large sums to
themselves. Why do these simpletons
* complain of this dis|iosition of the
fund*? Do they not know that the
money is raised for that purpose? It
is the reward of the unprincipled agents
engaged in the disreputable work of
seducing the poor negro from his
home, to subserve the base, selfish ob
jects of stalwart politicians.
AT the Grant bamjuet in Cincinna
ti, last week, one of the speakers, Hon.
W. 8. Uroesbeek, declared himself a*
" I would not give to the federal
Government as much additional power
? es I could put in the hollow of my
hand. I would not take away from the
.■state Governments a much of their
jxjwer a* i rould hold in the hollow of
tny hand. Hecesaion and centralisation,
political monster*.—.Hcylla and (.'hary h
dia. The channel of safely lies between
them. May we be able to keep it. may
'e move watchfully, and ever take our
reckonings only from written constim
lions." .
It is reported tliut these sentiments
were received with much applause,
and that even Grnnt was constrained
to endorse thein. If so, w hat becomes
of the stalwart plea for it strong gov
ernment with power to crush out the
reserved rights of the people ami the
HtHtlW ?
i I'nder many difficulties, and with
constant predictions of failure rung
into our ears, we commenced the pub
one year ago. This iv-ue complete.*
the first volume of our paper. How
far we have met the expectation- of
the public we can only infer from the
steady increase of patronage that has
been awarded us without personal so
licitation on our purl. One tiling is
certain : we have endeavored to meet
public approval by close attention to
the collection of such matter to till the
columns of the DI:MOT R\T as would
lie iuterc-ting and instructive to the
reader, striving al the same time to
avoid all that might offend good ta-tc
or do violence to enlightened public,
sentiment. If we have succeeded in
this, one of the principal objects of
the publication has been attained, and
we will enter upou our second volume
with the approval of our own eon
science- in having jwrformed our duty
and redeemed our promises when we
sturted our enterprise. We shall pro
' eecsl into the coming year with renew
ed and encouraged determination to
render the DEMCM RAT in every re-pect
still more worthy of the favor and
supjKirt of the intelligent people of
('♦• litre county. While freely noting
and criticising the deeds ami words of
public characters, the actions and prin
ciples of political parties, and the pass
ing events of the day, we have entered
into no personal qunrrels with oureon
temporaries or others, nor is it our de- ,
-1r or intention to do un
less driven to it to repel wrong or vin
' dieute the cause of truth or ju-tice.
The tir-t IIUIUIHT of the second vol
ume of the DI MO< I! VT will a|<j-ar on
the first day of January, I**H, ami in
view of the inijMirtaut events to occur
in this year —iucludiug an election for |
President ami Vice President of the
I'nitrd Stati-s—which will iiece--ariljr
excite the public mind and lead to
extended disctlSHou, may we not hoje
that our friends throughout the county
w ill remember us with still greater
generosity. We promise to discuss all
issues of u political or other nature
that may arise and demand our at
tention, not with the object of deceiv
ing or misleading the nailer, hut by
presenting such arguments ami facts as
will lead to ju.-t conclusions. The
success of the Democratic party —the
advocacy of if principles and the sup
port of its candidates will of course
require and receive our earnest efforts,
and yet we hope not to neglect the
general features that have heretofore
been a part of our pa|ier. We shall
rollert and record the local news ami
occurrences o|" the times, and the agri
cultural, manufacturing uml general
business interests of our community
• shall receive attention commensurate
with their importance. With these
words we hope to extend a hearty
gri cling to our readers on New Year's
< >.VK of the noticeable features, the
Pittsburg /W remarks, of the Grant
reception in that city, was the anxiety
to provide every comfort for Judge
Agnew by those who, a short time ago,
pushed him aside like old furniture.
He desorvw all the attention he re
ceived and was justly entitled to a
central |M>sition in the business of the
day, but it will badly coni|ensate for
the deadly jostle lie received at the
bands of these same Republicans at
the Judicial Convention. Kvidcntly i
the Judge's charity covereth a multi
tude of sins.
' ■
HEN ATI IR W A HE d I A M i TON, of .South
('arolina, has accepted an invitation to
deliver an address liclbrc the Grand
Army of the Republic at Pittsburg, at
stieh time as may bo convenient for
hirn to do so at an enrly dale. The
Grand Army cannot view the "Rebel
Rrigadier" as a vcryvlangerous animal
alter all. They will at least have the
pleasure of henring an interesting ad
dress. Their temerity in introducing
a dangerous Reb into the loyal City of
Pittsburg will doubtless be rewarded.
Tlio PrCMs and tlio Courts.
The power of the Press for good or
evil cannot be over estimated. In the
wise economy of si free -y-teni of
government the ncwspu)ior hu* liecn
awarded tlie post of lionnr. It litis
been placed on the battlements of
freedom as the sentinel of the people,
and, following closely in the path of
usefulness so clearly marked out for
it, hits eoiue to be called the fourth
estate, it has become the educator of
i the masses. It shapes the policy of
stall -men, and reverses the attitude of
cabinets. It must IK? assiduous in ex
posing wrong; must be the fearless
champion of right, and at all times
and under all circumstances should
i endeavor to fulfill the high mission to
which it has been called by an en
lightened public sentiment. It is now
a mighty engine in the machinery of
society, and so potcut a- to hi conic
dangerous when used by designing
men for improjier purjarses. It is not
the province of the l'p-s- to rcdr< ■-*
private grievance-, or to revenge itself
upon individuals. When it does this
it cease* to till tin - lolly j>-ilion ac
corded it by all men.
In it- criticism upon passing event
the ticw-papcr is naturally brought to
record the doings of courts ami the find
ings of juries. A- a matter of news
it is neee-.-ary for the progri>-ive jour
nal to lay before its reader.- every
thing that transpire- in the County,
State and Nation, and therefore it i
entirely proper for the niw-pa|*r to
give to its readers, in it- own way, a
well the proceedings of our courts as
of the National Coiigre-s. lint the
: editor should not dip his |M-O in the
gull of penomJ btU, or'writs under
the shadow of jer>oual spite. He
should calmly and dispassionately give
farts and not lata its.. He should fol
low the lienten path of truth, and ma
give his rcad.-rs distorted stat< tnents
that convey false iniprv—xms. even if
they do not openly bear u|Mn tln ir
fare the finger marks of malice not
unmixed with envy.
We are led to th-e reflections l\
an untruthful report, -itiee widely eir
eulated, of an incid< nt that oeeurnd
in our criminal court three w.ek* ngo.
We refer to the story of the sentencing
hj dodge ffrvis of a criminal to the
|ienitentiary for three years tor the
alleged offence of conteuipt of court.
One of our contemporaries, with an
utter disregard of the actual facts and
circumstance* of the ease, tirt gave
this palpable misrepresentation to the
public. Whether our neighlror n
moved by enmity towards the judge*
on the l>eurh thus to overstep the hound*
of truth we do not know ; but we do
know he has done not only himself n
grievous wrong, but has endeavored
to intliet a serious wound U|tou the
administration of justice in this coun
ty. Of all things that should be held
-acred from the petty jealousy of am
bitious politician* and scheming place
men our courts stand tir-t and fore
most. It is not meet that the tires of
hate or malice should slumber nt the
foot of the altar of justice to IK> fan
ned into a flame at the convenience of
a personal foe. However the journal
: in question may regard our judges, it
I should remember they sink their in
dividuality on the bench. They are
simply there "to carry out the sen
tence of the law," and that is precise
ly what was done in the ease which
has been so grossly misrepresented ami
1 has called forth so much unjust criti
cism. The prisoner at the bar —call-
ed a " hoy," though he is twenty
four year* old—had plead guilty to
two scparntc and distinct indictments
found against him by the grand jury
—one for "breaking and entering in
the night with intent to commit a
felony," and the other for "larceny." j
The court had a proper right to pass
sentence u|Kin both, hut the judges,
alter due consultation with each other,
thought best to sentence him U|K>U one
and withhold seutenee tqsin the other,
subject to the good behavior of the
prisoner should he ever return to the
county, 'i hi- was accordingly done,
hut before leaving the court room the
young man gave such luimi-takahle
evidence el his ti ue chariu te|- that
tin- presiding judge felt con-trained to
sentence him, us he could have doiie
in the first place. U|HIII the other in
dictmeut. I hi- is all there was of it,
and yet our m ightier, seeniinglv true
to the behest-of that almost inexplica
ble watehliiltie— which lie alwav- ex
ell-i.e. over the intei < st of t In- erilllilllll
classes, immediately proclaims, H
froui the house tup-, that a boy ha
been sent to the |>i-uite||tiury for three
years 1r eontcm|t ot' court. < on-id
• ring the dim'timi iu which tlii- un
truthful charge originated it i- ea-v
enough to uecouut for its aninm-.
Perh|>S it may he too IlllK-h to • v
pect anything better from the satin
source, lint that journals like tin
I.uuca-tcr hitrl/i'/i nrrr ami the llol
lidaysburg -hoiild have been
deceived into giving currency to so
ab-urd a libel is a matter of regri t.
S> far as tin-criminal i-< uieerneil,
we might -ay something about his ad
venture- in the line burglary ami rob
bery at M ullaceton, High r ami Riui
Rail, iu I lenrtiehl coiintv, on tin
night -in ding hi- operation* in the
-nine line at Philip-burg, iu tlii* coun
ty, hut it would In usele-. to do so.
A- a -• quel, however, to the euniiingly
devi-ed -torv ol hi* iuearceration for
an additional term of three vi-ars
lor contempt of court, we mav re
mark that when tin- sheriff took him
to AHi gh eny ami c<>ii*ig(K-d him to
tin Ii nder on rcii-s ot' the warden of
tin jieiiitentiary, he wa* iinim-slint>lv
n-eogoi/. 1 by that official, from a
photograph in his |*i--e*ion, a- an
old offender for whose apprehcu-i>>u a
reward wa* standing. A- soon as liis
term of iniprisounient expire* ho will
be wanted at Rrooklyn, X* Y., to un
-wer to eriininal charge, similar to
tho- tor which he i- now tin iergoing
the |* nalty of the law. Tin. Courts
have tin ir sphere; so ha- tin- I'n —,
bill whetn v. r a in wpn|H-r -is-k- to in
vade the domain of ju-tiee it should
he brought to a full ri-alixation of it.-
proper | o.-i11 ,u. Tin-nevrspap. r- which
pnlili-lieii tlii- parody on truth there
fore owi it t . Is. - and tin ir
readers to make mi explanation iu
accordance with the facts.
When the mi-reprc-' ntntion of fact
in tlii- cac tir*t appeared, we deter
mined not to notic it. believing that
the othi-ial standing of Judge Orvia
would sufficiently vindicate hint
home, but a- the story wa- taken up
by other- ami circulated abroad, we
have since felt it our duty to offer this
; correction.
I HE total vote of the late election
in Louisiana was 1 being fd.twsi
less thnu in 1 s*7*. 'I he falling off in
New (Mean* WAS 'JH.IMNI, ami iu the
country 'Jf.tKHi. The vote for (ov.
W ill/, was T.j.'Mlti, and his majority
•'HI,(Mb ihe vote for the ' >n.itulion
was N7.(ksi against The ma
jority for the debt ordinance was 1 I,inh.
1 lie rejHiri? of violence are untrue.
The only disturbance in the state dur
ing the late election was the capture
of the ballot-box ami returns by a
hand of men headed by the Republi
can candidate for Lieutenant Gover
nor, (iillespic, and the killing of two ;
nun by Detiego, the Republican can
didate tor Sheriff in St. Martin.
WAR Soulier's Legislative Commit
tee snubbed at Pittsburg by General
Grant? There seems to have been n
hitch of some kind between the Com
mittee and the Governor'* Btatf a* to
which should have charge of him, ami
it is rejwirted in the Philadelphia
newspapers that Grant, to fix matters
between tliem, informed the cum mi tee
that he was first the guest of the citi
zens of Pitlslmrg and then of the staff.
Furthermore, it is said that the com
mittee wa* only taken on the special
train by sufferance of the stall. Sni
der must explain. He should not for
the honor of the Btat |N*rmit oue of
its representative bodies to la* tivnteil
with indignity.
In New oik. remarks the Harriv
burg I'nlrtiil, the Democratic I' tnrn
ii' hoard rcln.-i-d to go 1 >•-1■ ii•<i the re
turn- for the purpose of counting bal
lot- di-l I'cr < "lark-on N. Potter foi
lieutenant governor which were reject
ed by the county canvasser- on ac
count of incorrect sjsdling. The law
would not jiergiit theni to go behind
the returns. In Maim: tlx- Ifcinorrutic
(o\ernor ami loiim il ri-lu-sd to go
behind tlx reluril- at tin rcqtlot of the
Republican- in order to ri etifv fatal di *
)' (■!- in tlx- t> turns. Tlx- law forbid
their doing what lie Republican* d--
maiided. in Ni work the observance
of the law ben. tilted the Republicans:
in Maim- it sei ni- to have opt rated
to tlx-advantage ol tlx Democrats and
(trraobackers, Heooe tbe satisfaction
of tlx Republicans with tlx work of
tlx- returning board of New York ami
hence the hitter howl of disappoint
ment ol tlx-e same lb puliliian* at the
outcome in Maine. You see tlx- law
i- an exce]lent thing when it give- tlx
lb-publican- of New • >rk a lieut< naut
governor ami other officers, but a !• r
rihle intliet ion when it give- tlx- ■ <ti
trol i't tlx- legisluiure of Maine to the
I >i*m<M-rht- ami (i recti hacker-.
I HI. r< ligious eoritrover-v in New
York, in w inch I>r Talmug. i- a
prominent actor, bids fair to rival the
turbulence ot js.htieul aniuio-ity in
Philadelphia ami el-ewh( f. I h>- <I. r
gv have not vet got to firing pistols
and ii-ing bludgeon- to cu|,.ree tlx ir
vii*-,hut I hex have invad. I tlx- vo
cabulary ol the fish market for term
or repr uch -wlh iently strong to con
vey tlmir atli-etion for each othir. I r.
lalitiagc, iu Jii- t-utxlay diss-mirss - of
la-t week, among other charg< - against
the Rrooklyu clergy, applies to them
'moral rottenness.'' To which twenty
two ot the clergy rejsmi. that Tab
mage i- guilty ot' "malignant fal-<-
hood" on ad tlx count- ol his indict
ux lit, "ol tlx igtiohle kind." At
the pr< -• tit -tag.- (-1 tix- eoiitrovcr-y
the lie only ha- |uv-sl between them,
hut this generally precede- tlx- pistol
ami bludgeou, so tlint the reverend
ge nth nxii an- in a fair way to bring
tlx-mo Ives down to the levi-1 ot ward
til n. tiiiAM. in continuation of hi*
journey around the world, arrived iu
Pennsylvania on la-t Saturday, and
-in-e then ha- b•n t- .i-t ami (lit
tered hv hi- admirers, we should think,
to his heart's content, if Mich a thing
Hi n-' .-pii ii at Pitt burg
**l,srrbhurg nt the tirst liarixl
city on Saturday and at the capital of
the State on Mnndav- were sph-ndid
ovation*. Jlc reached Philadelphia on
Tiie-day. which completed tlx- circuit
of hi- travels, n - it was from that citv
lie sailed when lie started towards
the old world. I lie dem unstration in
lii honor on the day of his arrival was
one of the grande-l ever called forth
by any man in the city of "brotherly
love.'" Now let us have peace.
• ♦
THE official rcsiilf of the late elec
tion in Maine for members of the
"''ate legislature ha not at this writ
ing been announced. It is rumored,
however, that defective returns have
been thrown out and that both parties
will lie a (fee ted thereby. A dispatch
to the Wn-bingtoii /W, of Tm .-dnv
; morning, prcdirt* that iu the Senate
there will lie nineteen op|ositi,.n Sena
tor* to twelve Republicans; and iu
tlx- House of Repress illative*, seventy
seven opposition menilers to sixty-two
Republicans, with two vacancies. The
council ha decided the returns from
I>ewi-ton, Rath, Rockland and Saro
to be fatally defective. The Republi
cans make awful face-over this result,
but it lias I men reached in nccordance
with their own statutes, and iu what
ever Oov. (iaroolon and the eouueil
have done fhey have followed the
strict letter of the law.
. .
CONHRKIW will adjourn to-morrow
for the hididay reoes* ami reconvene
again on the fith of January. Thus
far the House has shown a commend
able di*|>o*itiou to push along the pair
lie business, and we hope it will con
tinue to do so after it gets together
TKiniN: Aiiiiiiiii. iii Irlviiine.
\ li- w g! . c >iti|>fiy |i been form
"d ill I'lll uig. v..11l .1 capital -to. ki !
. II MM),
I he- <'orititienb.i Hot. ) ;it Allinnr..,
Hi...., ii burned at an ntrljr boat on
>alif|.|y morning.
IJ <• I. r■ -m nt i \ K.-nna. of We-l V,r
ginia, baa already raited 9<*>oo a an ring the
ni. iul.iTrt ..I i In- llotiM- for ih. rein I of
tli>. |oor in Ir.-luid.
'■> it f*!l of toi •lutein Fau-t i!lir*rv.
ii<- r I rem • t. Ii: i.iv morning. I'n I. <
irk il iv, .lolin I'.n kl.-r hikl .. lu.y natii
<"l .luting were in-l.uitly killed.
An F-rigi.-h |,!i\ >,i hi report* mriy
inat :ince# w itlnn I.:* .- \ |,.-i i.-ri.'*. wfi.T..
tli<. '.oxi ng of children * earn l,v parents
iin.l teacher hi- n-ilt.-d in d-alne—.
1 .<• railroad miner* in t),.. vicinity of
I'.:'-. in.- nM 1 |j lll| an
aided to -k Sj cent* par buthel for dig
ging. 110 r.j i.iior" will not grant it.
A cunotj- sight n jrc-.nted at I.x
gtai.go, Georgia, la-t week. In the
tni'frtt of a . now -1 '.mi might have been
■•.■il green yim. uii'l the jea-'li ami*
{.ear tie.-, in I lo on.
•'n 1 bur* it Mr. K i..r, of Brim
me.-Viile. {.ur.'hit'e.J a", <*) residence
in A ilent-ovn. I hat night liin wile kw
i.ei.*lt ol her I#-...0n ami had to he ye
moved loan in.ane uj i.ini.
>ecr<iary of \\ r Kam-ey i a j.orll y
•l) .11, itil it j- humored loo*, lie
ha grey hair .nd wear* .go| I rnnme.l
{-< t . i. •. 11lis- he.'H ail olli. e hold
er oil and on hut more on than oil )
• inee I*4
A lir.' on lll jr iiiv i, _-ht in William
'. Vrnol-J - planning null, at Provi
dence, If. earned a los- of Ofgl.
'• '!••'. A. Burham, a lire
man. fell frotu ih" r..o{ of the mill an-l
wu* danger. Niidy hurt.
If.-v. t>. rge Winie, rector of Calvary
'; " p-'d el.lll. I. 1,1 Memph.s, Was
stricken on Sunday with patalyaia wbilo
a l'ir esmg a >unday < Ikkil class, and
i in mi extremely eriti. al condition,
lie i . Il')■ two vear* of ape and Utli-
Verr.ily re.j.ected.
I a-, youi 1i i • ■, May Wiiiiatnii,
■i .upht. r of • Uilge \ ill-ton, and .lante
Wail. daughter of C. C. Watt, ship
I.u. I r, who w.-t. -katitig on the river
at Newca-tle, X. 8., on Saturday, broke
through the ii. and were Urowiieit.
1 heir bodi.-- wic re- >vered.
AiM Miop John llenni,who i* .ving
< : .ticaliy ill at M Iwaukee, i* seventy
. S t eaM Old, and celebrated the senri-
CiUt.nniai annmi-aty of hi' prieat
h.." i VJiring, He ha* i en hi.-ho|>
ol ll.euifKy-. id \\ ii.viiirtin for neaiiy
a <|iiurter of a century.
In accordance with mi. a 1..| ted by
to.* hoard of 1 .duration in IYi. raburg,
\ a . ail the J.ubhc -eh.w.l- there ck*ed
on i nd.iv tor one month, in conae
.{ti.-nce of the fact that the State failed
to contribute .1- full otiota of fund* to
cury thein ■ n. and rather than rniuta
Uie-aiaru of te.> her* the Educational
| Board c-.ii -i- .i .) tc'l to give a win
ter \ acatioti.
M. W. U niton, Pr-ident of tin,
Second Saltonal Hank, hi* kou. A. Hew
ing:. n. hi* T.n-in-law, Tbouia* i.ivey,
and hi- hi other in . .w, I aac I leati. w.-r
I arieated at l.anca-ter i.i>t Monday,
charge.! with ii>m]ic,i.iil\ con-juring to
defraud the l ink ol g|.;.'i,t*io, on oath
■ ol • .eorge S. <>iKv|ale. receiver. I'llev
gave hail in the -uni of f-il.fvai.
I lie following to'egrani vr< receivcl
hj >-re:ry -chutr, Monday afternoon,
dated at Un i'moa ag. i.ey,
li: "< ura_v ha J.-f t lor the hand* of
I \\ Into Ifiver I so- to ii -.-t in (.ringing
in the Indian- o< manned. It i a cei
-1 t-ii".|i dial the Jii-i .i, w ill !• -nrren.ler
ed i • any thing that can (>'• relied uj.ou
with Indian*. Adam* 1.-lt lor Henver
y.-terday." Signed Hatch, commander.
\\ boievale nrrerla have lu**n tnadw
i l-v to" |wi! ~c aiiilioritie* at Bed Bank,
New Jeraey. on Monday, ol negroe* for
the coni| ii .tv in the robbing of farm
er* in thr,t vicniitv. tine of th>- negroea
on Iwmg arre-t.d made a mnlrwioa,
implicating a dccen other*, and Mon
day night the Sown lock up Wasafull of
<u>|ored priaonr rr. Tiieir depredations
cover a period of aeveral month* and
have | utiled the |>o|ice fur a long time.
(Jener.l (• ant naturally got amonj;
the ex C.inlede;atea m l.e.ui-ville. A*
he atood (.elote a Tenneaaee delegation
hi* eye chanced to fall u|s>n a man who
atixid i.p*rt from the other*, lor a
moment (iinnt'a head went down, aa
though he were in deep thought.
Then hi- Mcpped forwaid, graaped tbo
atratiger'a hand and aaui : "I have aeen
you before. a:r; but where 1 cannot call
to mind. >-*, fieneral." -aid thn
at ranger, "you aaw me at Tort lonel
•eti. I then commanded a Tentuaaeo
; regiment,and with the l-*t portion of
my men knocked my way out of tha
fort, avoiding rapture." "< h. yea," re
apnndcd the ex Prcaulent, "I recollect
j you perfectly now; vou are Colonel
i Wilton."'
A grand yet awful calamity happened
to the town, of Bed Hock, McKean
county, on Friday morning, of lael
week. Thura.lav evening a roan with a
lantern went into the derrick of one of
Kineraon'a oil vata, aitnah-d above the
town. Thi Iwratne ignited and in torn
act fire So aix hundred barrel* of oil,
which exploded and next fired an
oil tank containing twenty five thous
and harrela of oil. Five hundred men
labored earn, ally in digging dttchea to
direct this flowing stream of burniaK *
oil away from the town. I>ut their effort*
were fruitless. It lushed upon the town
utterly dettoying it. No live* were lost,
but a quarter million dollar's worth of
property was destroyed and three hun
dred familie* rendered homelcsa,
no. ;>i.