Or (£ rotor srowctat Thursday Morning, December 11, 1879. Coftßßßroxntscß, containing lni|M>rUiil ne, •ullcll* ml 'rum ny imrl of tl county. No communication* IMIMTML IIIIIMI iccomiHinliHl lijf thf REAL mime of LLIO w 1 11 •* r. A CARD TO TIIK l'tmuc. —Having sold my good will and part of my stock of ready made clothing to a ilrm in Philadelphia, to whom I have to give possession of my store room by Jan. t, IHHO, I nowoffer my stock of ready made clothing at actual cost and freight. This is an excellent chance for a good bargain. Kosjioetfully, Nov. 18,2 m. J. N aw MAS, JR. Local Department. —Celluloid sets at /.oilers . Locbs mean all they advertise. •—Whole barrels of Cologne at /.oilers'. j —l>. S. Keller, Ks<|., is splendid on a spell. —A good winter suit $-7.90, at l.yon A Cos. Highest price paid for beef bides at Loeb's. Diatchite sets—something new -at Zellers'. Hurrah ' New moon again on Satur day night. —Handsome holiday goods at Zellers drug .-tore. —lh.n't read "Sledge Hammer Fact*,'' j on inside page. —A woman's warranted shoe '.'B cents, at l.yon & Co's. —Centre Hall has a newly-organized literary society. —The best lino of shirts from 45 cents up, at l.yon A Co's. —A colored barber has embarked in bus iness at Millheim. —A good bat cents : a giaal cap 'J-*, cents, at LyonA Co s. —Extensive orders for job work are still received at this oflico. For tine toilet soaps call on Walter < Z'-igler at his drug store. lmported German canary birds at Zellers'—warranted to sing. Fine pocket books, chrnp—large as- ' sortment at Zellers' drug store. i Don't, don t, don't n-ad it—"Sledge Hammer Facts,'' on inside page. —Hor.. Schuyler Colfax lectures in Lock Haven on the 18th of this month. Mr. George Brew spent Sunday last with his brother Harry, in Tyrone. Brushes and combs are kept in great variety at Walter Zeigler's drug store. —The handsomest and biggest stock of all-wool new dress goals, at l.yon A Co's. —lf it is a after, you cer tainly can not get it. until you visit Loeb's. —The largest stock of muslins, calicos, flannels and dress goods, at Lyon A Co s. Fine perfume sufficient to make you sweet torever at Walter Zeigler's drug store. —We enjoyed another pleasant call on Monday from Mr. Michael Shaffer, of Zion. Mr. Frank 1,. McCollum, ex-proprie tor of the Bush House, was in town this week. — A flne lot of vhoico confoctionaries at Wilson's, corner of Allegheny and Bishop Streets. —S. AA. leieb don't warrrfnt a shoe at I8 cents, because they make their warrants •11 good. —The handsomest bird cages ever open ed in Bellefonte will l>e those at Zellers '• drug store. —Call at Wilson's, corner of Allegheny and Bishop streets, and examine his con feet ionarie*. L<>ebs don't and won't sell an all wool suit at $-1 —its a different kind of wool they sell altogether. * —For clear toys, caramels and mixtures, go to Wilson's, corner of Allegheny and Bishop streets. —lf peoplo must ue hair oil they can get a fine article at the drug store of J. Walter Zeigler. Mrs. Edmund Blanchard, of this place, is now entertaining her sister Mr*. Jennie Bright, of I'ottsville. ltev. A. D. Yocutn returned home last week, deliveiing two able sermons from bis pulpit on Sunday. —The latest stock of ladies' bats, satins, ribbons, flowers and feather*, at bottom prices, at Lyon A Co'*. Mr. Charles Robinson, the famous tin ner at Milesburg, recently moved into a new residence of hi* own. —The Ladies Foreign Missionary Soci ety met last Friday evening at the resi dence of Mrs. Adam Hoy. —Loeb* can show you all the goods they advertise—and a great many more that they don't advertise. Mr. James W. Stover, of Haines township, yesterday offered part of his per sonal property at public sale. Mr*. William Kealsh, of Milesburg, started to Philadelphia this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chamber*. —The handsome toilet cases now on ex hibition at Walter Zeigler's drug store, make beautiful Christmas presents. —A handsome lino of silk muffler* and silk handkerchief* very low at Newman's —quite suitable for Christmas presents. —(Jo to Newman's and get Mr. Jackson to make for you one of those nobby suits. In style, quality and low price they can't be boat. —Mr. John W. Cook has been making extensive repairs and improvements to the exterior and interior of his flne Allegheny street residence. —A good child's suit at sl,llO, at Lyon A Co's. —The "old oaken bucket" at Zellers' drug store. —Gingham 0 to H cents per yard, a l.yon A Co's. —Visitors in town all stop and buy a i cigar of Harry Green. —Splendid cashmere, all wool, at 45 cents, at Lyon A Co's. Handsome Uixe* of extra-line perfum ; cry at Zellers' drug store. Mr. John Irwin has painted a new sign on the outside of A. J. Cruse s cigar i store. —The "cottage prayer meeting" of the Presbyterian church was held this week at the rividence of Mr*. W P. Wilson. —The ladies of Centre Hall are sewing i rags for the now carpet to be put on the Young Men's Christian Association room A good boy's suit $7 25, at 1.y.0i. . A Co's. * Mr. Philip Humes and family, of Spring Mills, will move to the State of In diana some time during the month of Jan uary. Rev. J. K. DeLong preached his tir-1 sermons us pastor of the Reformed congre gation of this place, la-t Sunday morning and evening. —The Bellefonte Public Schools will close for the holidays on Friday the l'.Hh instant, commencing again on Monday, January 0, 1880 —lt i said that "the great American traveler" loves a good cigar. This is prob ably because be commenced by using those sold by Harry Green. —lt is conceded by all that Frank Blair's display of holiday good* exceeds that of last year, which at the time it was thought could not be surpassed. —S|>encer C. Ogden, the fascinating local editor of the Bellefonte Ilt)'ubliran, took a dying visit to Tyrone on Saturday, to see his lady friend*. —Col. W. W. Brown, formerly of Jlrottti 'a H'lUffnt* Jirpuhliran, is now editing lie - County Hffublicm, a journal published at Jewell City, Kansas. —The number of adults now attending the Presbyterian Sabbath-school is larger than ever before. Right, jieople never grow t<~> old or too large t.4 attend Sab bath-school. —Outside blinds have recently l-en placed on the new residence of Dr. R L Dartt, on Allegheny street. A tine paling fence has also recently been placed before the premise*. —Newman, Newman ' Three cheers for Newman' He is always ahead in low price*. This L bis last month in the cloth ing trade *0 be sure and secure a bargain before he quits. —ln the suit between Jacob Walker v* I.aulh, Thomas A Co., which occupied the concluding part of lat week's court, a verdict in the sum of ssse" wa returned for the plaintiff. Mr. Robert Ca*idy, a brother-in-law of Mr. George Kayard, and a former ( schoolmaster in tbis county, was re-visiting the scene* of his youth this week. He i. now a prominent resident of Canton, o. Mr. Jobi 11MM, of ihi< place, lot a sweet little six-year-old daughter by death on Monday. Sh" a rarri.-d off by that scourge ofrhildhocal, diphtheria The pa rent* have our sympathy In their affliction. —Call on Newman, Jr., fur bargain* in clothing and genu' furnishing goods. lb sells lower and gives better good* lhar. any other store in the county No matter what other storekeeper* advertise he IteaU I (hem. —Lawrence L. Rrown has made a large reduction in the retail selling price of an thracite coal. Call and get his figures He guarantees best quality coal, well , screened, correctly weighed and delivered promptly. 1 —A vender of stove polish wa in town last week. As an example of th merits of I the article, he bad for sale the front of his • hirt was highly polished. He surr.-oded in attracting much attention and making many sales. —Since the time that J. Newman, Jr., of the Eagle Clothing Hall, came t> 1 this town the gentlemen have all been well dressed. The only way U> continue this is to purchase a large amount of clothing Iw-fore Mr. Newman close* his store. —On Sunday week a valuable horse be longing to Frank J. Weaver, of Aarons burg, hail the misfortune to break his leg. The break was so serious that it was not i thought the horse could recover, and *0 ' Frank chose the sad alternative of shooting him. —lf it were not considered impertinent to ask people passing along the street where they are going, we believe that one-half of them would reply that they are going to S. A. Brew A Son's grocery store. The reason *0 many persons go there is because it is the best place to buy everything need ed in the grocery line. —The largest audience ever assembled in the Young Men's Christian Association hall was that of Sunday afternoon. So vast was the crowd that many person* found It necessary to sit on the edge of the platform or in the window*. The music, especially that rendered by the choir from the Afri can M. E. church, wo* much enjoyed. —On the shelves, table* and counters In Blair's jewelry store are brought together flne china, Msjollca, Luster, Plaque*, I Toilets, Swiss carvings, Isava. and French clock* from Europe, and fine Kiota, ; Banco, Lawara, Orbla, Nankeen, Bamboo, 1 Lnquer and tortois-shell from India, China ■ and Japan, and every thing curious that is made In America. —"What h pin!" Of course thi# ex pression does not refer to anybody about hero, but to HID monstrous specimen of tins 1 genu* pi({ slaughtered l>y Mr. Jacob Shuoy of Houscrvillc, College township, on Wed itnsday, the ilny before Thanksgiving. Literally, it is said to have weighed nix hundred and sixty-four pound* ! TliU is certainly the representative pig of Cen tre county, mid wo arc quite prom'l id' llii crowning cllbrt of Mr. Shuoy in uddinn to \ tin* iiotnblo productions id' our county, even it is only a pig. ■tThe beautiful residence of I) <• Hush, K-'|., which hn always boon Htnonn the llnoet in tbo burounh, hit* boon taking to itself many now beau tie* during tbo last two months. Mr. I.Hrnb, a painter from Baltimore, has boon plying tbo brueh inside and out, putting this and that color to gothor, producing boauty wherever hi* brush touched the handsome woodwork. Last week tlio work wa* flniehoil for this season and the occupant* of the house can now got the full benotit of it. Friend Joseph Furoy thinks wo did riot ask for enough in our invitation last week lor Christina* gilt*, ami add* a rock ing-horse to the original lot We could not at llrst imagine what we should do witli this animal which was a decided favorite in our childjiond, hut on second thought*, have concluded to accept even it if tendered, for although we have no use' for it now, it may be of service to us or our* in luture years We Brc grateful to him for the suggestion. Mr. William Itarnea, the mail carrier ht-tween this place and Milroy, met with an accident a short time since. The axle • of the w agon in whii h he rod# broke, sud denly precipitating Mr IS into the road, much t<> the injury of hi* head and face. Hi* horse (mi amc frightened and ran a- far as letter - Mills, where he wa* caught We arc glad to hear that no !>-•(>-•# were broken and ho(ie that Mr. Harries will still Im> abb-to travel hi* usunl • ■ -urse as of yore. A few days ago w noticed a pretty \--ungladv who t- k -ir u,--b- ire so com pletely with one ,-wift sweep of lor united orb* ai to make u bid quite sure that some skillful fingers are .\. n now preparing that dressing-gown and purse and these slipjH-rs for ("hri-tma* day. As he turrc-sl away we knew her conclusion wa that i though the article* will not require no. h material they will sever an immense amount >f brain*. It i* record'-1 that Mr Jam'' 1! -1, of ("entr Hall, kill- I two pg* • n W- d: <• - day of last week, which weighed, when •Ir ■>!, resp- lively ITT and 111 p und*, or a grand total <>f ".|>o *uch a catastrophe will not hap|>en to him again. —The ideal of g-M-d taste in ladies' dress is seldom reached, although it has come very near jierfoctlon since the modern American maiden has commenced to -|ra|>e herself in the tight, clinging robes of a Clreek goddess. The ideal In gentlemen's ! apparel ran be easily attained hy'porches- j ing of J. Newman, Jr. —We regret U> hear the rejHirt that llev. j ■fame# Calder l>. D , ha* resigned his po- | -ition a* President of Pennsylvania State I College. We hope the rumor (nay he un true, a* the Doctor'# departure from the College would he a calamity from which it could not again recover. —The miscellaneous reading to lie given by Homer I). Cope on New Year's night will Ik> elevating, amusing and entertain ing. The gentleman will read from a varied programme of lhechoice*t selections, which it will repay all to hear. Prepare to go and spend a pleasant evening. Mr. Hudd Tbotnjsson, of Martha Fur nare, met with an accident last week while attempting to couple ear# which were being shifted at that station. Hi* foot slipped under the wheels of one of the cars, receiving a painful crush. s —At the reduced rale# the cost of an thracite coal Is equal in economy with coke or any other fuel. Call and get figure*. Law a buck L Brown. —Splendid cashmere a yard wide 2f cents, at Lyon A (V*. Thiiii re ov Uksi-K' T. — The committee appointed by the Culilliiniider at an in for- ! dial meeting of (Jri-gg Post, N- "o, held on Monday evening la*t, to draft a memo rial record of William P. Wilson, respect fully report the following : Our eomraile, whose sudden death <;- j curred near Mih-sburg, on Saturday eve nllig, N"V. 2f(, IH7<, was a brave und worthy soldier of < 'oiiipllliy "(>, olt I'l-i;jlUHlil, of Pennsylvania, lie enlisted in the *er : vice of In* country on the 12th day of Sep tember, IHiJI, aiiil with bis regiment par llciputod ill the battles of I'-aifftko Island, t'umdeii, I'liantillv, H ill Kim the se, on viit In* family, residing i near Bellefonte, that to- in- t i.i- death. 11 e will be long reim-ml ♦ I bv In* - • ru tad- * (or In* native wit and unfailing good humor, '(fie of the earlie-t to a- . morrow Friday night our t- w n w;!l I vixilssd by that excellent musical orgatii/.a tin, the Tctinc**cp Jubilee Sir --r, wl,-- have recently been ent<-rtaining thi- ; - ; • of Lewirtown, Clearfield and other - ir rounding p'a- - and base fa-en j,r ;.■ ,> .-.J n-e best jubilee trotif-e n--w traveling Among those who highly end-r-*- tin trouj i- It*'v 1r M- nro.-, a well-kr vn ■ lergyman - f tin- M I ' -r- ar. I rm erly - f I-i-wisburg. win- says "The J.' .. I e -in -.-rs gave two i. n* e;i* at 11. i- plaee - L- wi-l-urg mid their manner kt-d-'.>!< of singing resembb-d more closely tin- airs, sk- , of the --lays . f slax.rs than any tr-r sin h an enter tainment ordinary a sk Co . E*t Liverp-ad, tlhi". WaITTKD —The library <-f tb" Young Men s ( l,ri*tian A**-* late n, of tl-i* j.'-n a, contains Vol. 1 of "Hcadley s (treat He. Irelllon, all excellent w--rk 1-n the late ' war, but it i* apparently ua. !<••* without Vol " The Association will, therefore. i>e obliged to any one who may !>e in -arssession of Vol 2 of this work if thex will donate it. The Association reading riKim it now open to the public and all the book* are ready for immediate use. —The literary society met last Saturday i night in the room of the Young Men • Christian Association ami went through a programme of great interest. A* usual, Mr. Ellis L. OrvU distinguished himself, and, although he and hi* colleague advo cated the weaker side of the question for , debate, they brought it through with flying colors, against the opposition of two very ' able gentlemen. Rev. John He will, rector of St John's j iEpi*oo|>al church, returned from his west ern lour on Saturday night la*t. All day Monday he entertained his friends, who called in largo numl*er# to inquire after his health. The rpverend gentleman i* rapidly recovering from his recent accident. Mr. James Sutnmerville anil Mrs. W. P. Wilson represented the Presbyterian Sabbath-school, of thi* place, at the Hunt ingdon Presbytery Sunday-school conven tion at Tyrone, la*t week, ami were, of course, most acceptable delegates. —"The early bird catches the worm,'' and those that first secure seat# for the Christmas entertainment will be aide to select the most eligible situations and hear a pleasant concert. —The spire of the Mileaburg Baptist church has recently been aspiring to new honors and received a fresh coat of paint. Simmons' minstrels will perform in Reynold#' llall on the evening of Decem ber 28. —The best line of hat# and cap# at Lyon A Co'#. j I its Sl'Ki I.imj "Tr*T. About one hun dred and fifty persons found 110-ir way over the crooked pavement# of Spring street, ! 11l rough tin* dark (light to tin- Presbyterian j Wigwam, on la*l Thursday evening. Rev. I -A. ( ritt*-ndc-ii pre-ided. At early b-*-ir Messrs Spencer C Ogdon and Hal. Orbi soii, acting •* captains, called f„ r those whom they desired to Join their respective classes. A majority or those called cline'l to respond, fearing to trn-l tfe-ir skill In spelling. Many of those whore •pond—l did so with the confident ex|-ecta tioii of "going down " on the flr-t w-,rd, an-1 only -l-sir<-.| to add to the general in t*-rc#t by i-urllcipaling in the exercise. Mr. Dgdeii's cla-* i-onsirt'-d of Mr. .1. W. (iepbart, two sons of I) S Kelb-r, Kki . W If Rankin, John Holmes, E. Huma, Mlm Mary Neabit, Mia# H-ll- Itankin, Mi*# Emma Hugh*-- an- I Mi- Harris. On Mr. orbison * *i-le wer- M.-.-rs, If F Keller, D > K-ller. I II Hasting*, Linn Harris, W F. Malin, •lan..* II lUnkin, Mrs. William Hom-s, Mi- I< II Hasting- and several other#. Mr. .1 Mir--. ii Dum-an pronounced tb word in a distinct an-1 satisfactory rnai,- ii'-r an-1 apparently fr- tn in--n,--r\ 'in tb l-rsl round tl-<- raiiks 1 tb- is-, arim- - r*-* main -I standing alb*- w*,ls sp-l!-*l j„. ---rri-tly were not noti<---d. <(n the sc---n-l , volley ->f \s *r-I- several f--!l from tl,-- ranks, and from tbat time tbo speller# rapidly wilt*- ! h-f-r- the withering shuw-r. At last At r. .1 \\ (iepbart r- u-hirn-il a* the s-.ls- repr-s-uutj,- ~f „r,e „id< an-1 11 > K'-lb-r, K | . of the other. Mr. o Mocumbed iir-t. Aft- r tf-at word# i -if the (ii'-rl 'lilt,. nil kind *•(■■ j-c-nourKial rapi-iiy t - Mr. I. K-11-r, v* I . d them off with p-rf- t - a— a- ii n- baie - At ).? ll,<- - tl- rl to trap Mi J* \x a given uj-and he retired from bis vi-,t*.rv • s-r tl,-- dictionary aftn-i ti, ap|-lau ! i lb*- a c!;-,.. - It arii, -.n -d that an i old-time s< hool tna-ler vs.,. j,r--s*-r,t win a -old c r. ! i< l a speliing d:,*s n- an old fasbiot.-'-i n-aniier. f' L i<-i if urges. 1) H Hasting* im k the floor, r- --! lo band, and I • alb-l for bis - rd- rly and ailed ! —lb -• -n-tant r-pr Lfr -in S h-s -1. •iih-ter H'.-ti- i- tn | -ii I fr- -1,:, v -v 1 1h the u-' --( the ? ! After - r lerabl- j rn-rrir-i-rit ar- 1 fur, t- - ■ lass was d.-m,-- i and the excr. --s -,f the evening cl--cd. • Ev- ryb-iy - t --y-1 tb-'fn- lv- - ar--l w i- -p- enough vsa- ri-aii/.- 1 to pay f--r tb-- new singing I --k* Best 1,..--.tr-s Uc-'I-Ls I* r sard, i.t Lvor, a Co S. H-'VS XH( s fll A S Krw.t V|# WIUMVi, The*- Mm fM- Harry T M D-w --• t Mm- M It. Kur. at II 'Ward* cfi j Thanksgiving -lay. wa- a tn--st briL ant affair T! brid- . tb- daughter of Katnuel I Kline. Ks*j ,of II -war-], ar.d neiee of • x-Sheriff K-II- , of this (-la-• . ha* Jong !**■<• n re. trnircl a* tl,e most Iw-autPul y - ui-g la-ly in Centre n-uhtv Tl.e bri-le. gr-. -m i* a-. ... lally el- ai-t y. ■ g gentle, man, and a # n of tbat well-known and pr- 'i,iner t fan r. Perry W M- D - i I - . , "f N Vtariy t alley, n-ar Hamb mg formcrly of H war-1 The ceren—ny was p-rf- rm- lly 11-v ,1 H-r n A k-rs. ( a-t*.r ->f th M E church, at 11-ward. l**-f--re a large gathering ->f the numerous friends -,f the bride and gr - in fr--tn all the surround ing country Mr Harry y.t- l----n an-1 tl iss All el 1-- s *i—| as hr ! s.n-a I ar--l cr-s-iri i.mxn. An *le C ant collation and tasteful ts-ib-ls were the other incidents of the affair. Acorr- -; ndent mention# tb following among the list of j r--- nt- Sil ver cake basket, by tfr and Mrs. |i /, Kline; Kilv-r butter dish, richly cha--l, by Mr. ami Mrs H-nr-is n ; silver cake dish. Mr. and Mrs Harry C. Hr--v* silver spoons, Mrs MclK-w-11. bracket, Mr*. Dr Tihla-ns r-*ll -*f greenback*, P. W Mc- Dowell, and a large nurr.lwr of otb* r gifts. The bri-le and gr-s-m stwrtesl on the after noon train t** the West, accompanied on their way a* far a* Tyrone by the bride's maid an-1 gr*otn s-man. We wish them long life and innumerable blessing# in their new relation. —B--st calicos fJ cents per yard, at Lyon A: Co'#. Avi-TIIM Hxiir-hi* Horror. Not withstanding th multitudinous instance* of death on the rail, and the repeated warnings to boy* t*> IM- careful how they play on or near the cars, the practice is Continued, and culminated last Friday at Snow Shoe in an accident which occasion ed instantaneous death. The victim this time was a bright little lad only eleven years of age. His name was Henry tlaum, j the adopted son of Jacob Happ, of Know Kltsse, and was formerly of Pottsviile, thi* Stale. He ami several other boy# were experimenting in the Ssdenee of rail roading with car# stationed at the Snow Khoe mines. The cars were standing on a down grade, and the lad* were running , them a short -listanco ami then stopping them. One car was sent a few rods down grade and the brakes again put on. Henry . was standing near this car when another , was sent down against It. He either did ; not see the approaching car or was unable to cacape In time, for It struck the one in . advance, catching Henry's head between the "dead-heads," or "hull-heads," (or whatever the name may be of those pro jection* by which the car# are coupled), killing him instantly. Thi# dislrtwsing occurrence, of course, wa* the cause of much grief to the friend* of the unfortu nata lad, to whom our sympathy It ex tended. Tn K Tititor -I (iinn AttirtiiL IWHTI j Tt'TJ. —lt afford. ui much plnaauro to cult M lt'-ntin to thi- programme for the >ntin *iion f tin- fi-ntro futility Tfi< b'*r' ' Irmtltnte, which begin in tb<- Court llouae, j thi. pilot, on Tirndip, December 9s, at • 4 - o't ioi kA. w. Tin- M-wioni during tin; dty Mill bo apportioned a foll I'M 'V Mental Arilh- | metre, Prof C. L. firamley ; "The Map iof Kurope. Rev. D. (i K line Very hrilliant !l .ro w.il t, delivered ea h evening, • imni'tK :ng on Tue.day with ■ I'e.talo//,!, the Martyr of pedag'.gv, by Dr Nt - ",-r \\ ,-dr,e\ r-niiig, j "Charm tar at, 1 Manner., by iir (b- .rge I' Have. 'J : if. lay < \ el.. rig, "Shod Iv. by I lev D K N !,t. On Wednesday and I n-ir- lay evening. an adrni-., n f-t twenty-live e.U will be charged. Ls ' Haul sr. "I he Centre C tinty Po. He .'.a lira:.- met ,- . fee .1- ". n in < "litre Hill n the 21 .t . f la.t month. In a rej rt tr de by Mr I 8 Prain, the Preeideat of the Patron* laanranoa Cm. • ry.tie cr,. irn-rr g fat t that Jh't.Wn of ; roja-rty had —i added tine* lat Augutt • t' at, ,r a" ,!y ill ir-l pro- P. '• Their heait. were likj le, 15 gal lon. !<., loti, 2" galltin. Vienna. 1"> j gallon. ; Philaidelt hto ( -10 gall. n. N. \. rk City. tO gallon. Ib"ton, t3 gallon., and Helleforite, W gallon.. ! Can anybody I'd I b- w much we uw i down bt T" L rk /for en .h rnn!. After reading the almve we made careful intjuiry into thi. very im;orunt matter, and we think that the evidence before u., coupled with our knowledge of the habit* of the |"s.ple of Lt.ck Haven, ju.lify u in placing the amount of water contumed by the average citiren c.f Clinton county', int-orj-rated city at about 1 pint per week. Thi. i. official. —tiur former town.man, J. t. Kurtr., now of Mtllon, who exhibiten th- Allen HOIIM>, ope of the principal hotel, of that city. In reference to the— iwcapc we clip the following from one of the Ailentown new.paper. : FIR: KM-ATR ATTIIK At.i ax Hot The fire eeape of the Kurtr. patent which i. now Wing put ur> at the Seventh atrcai .id" of th" Allen llou.e, i alni.-t com plcted. The ccar>e i light, yet .trong, and can readily tc operated and moved from one window to another. The e.cape at the roar of the home oonptalar hotlerv than ever. Notwithstanding the late rm-in price* and the fact that a I met every merchant able commodity i. bringing from 'lb to 100 per cent, more than it did three month, ago, I have determined to make a Imiyr rrdwh m in the retail prion of anthrarito coal. At the reduced figure* it i. ry**l in economy with coke or any other fuel, and i certainly and much more aatia fa tory to handle when ued for family purpoMw I buy the beet quality of Wilke.- barre coal and yuarvra/ee that It will W carefully wreeneil, correctly weighed and promptly delivered. I.AwnmcK L. ftnow*. ■—lf you want an overcoat for 52.&0, call at Lyon A Co'*.