Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 04, 1879, Image 8

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    -tFlir (£nitre
Thursday Morning, December 4,1879.
Cißßr<tiHtytiß<frr,containing lru|w.rt*nt new*, •olidi
nl 'mm tnv j*ri of lit* county. No coinßiunic*tl<m
imft#M unlt Pcoin|iMil ly ll* real name ol llir
A CARD TOTIIK PfHt.tc —Having sold
my good will and part of my stock of ready
IIIH'IC clothing to a Arm in Philadelphia, to
whom 1 have to give possession of my
store room hv Jan I, 1880, 1 now offer my
sliwk of ready made clothing at actual cost
and freight. This is an excellent chance
for u good bargain. Respectfully,
Nov. IJ, 2m. J. N K.W \i AN , J it.
Norn K. —The regular monthly meeting
of the I'ndine Club will be held in the
parlors of the club on Bishop street, on
Tuesday evening December 9, 1M79, at
h o'clock. .V lull attendance is earnestly
requested ns husine-aof importance i- to he
W. A. Lvov, tlr.o. B It A Kit KIT, JR.,
Prmitlrnl. Srcrflury.
Local Department.
lbs en,l>er, the tir.-t winter month, ha*
arrived. •
-Marble playing is now t/<r game with
the boys.
•--A woman's warranted shoe 18 cents,
at Lyon A Co'*.
The tnoon will have waned to it* last
quarter next Saturday.
A good hat 40 cent*: a go.il cap 2
tent*, at Lyon A Co s.
-The editor of the Millheim Journal
now occupies a new residence.
Mr. John (. I'/./.le, of Snow Shoe, re
turned from his western tour last Friday.
—Sixty pupil* attend the school taught
hv Mr. W. 11. It. Kisenbuth,of Millheim.
--Splendid cashmere, all wool, at 4">
cent*, at Lyon & Co'*.
-The Aaronsburg Reformed congrega
tion is at present without a regular pastor.
—A tlnel.it of choice confeeti.marie* tit
A\ ilson's, corner of Allegheny and Bishop
Call al Wilson's, corner of Allegheny
and Bishop streets, and examine his con
—A roller skating rink in Bush's Hall is
inducing many voting folks to learn the
graceful art.
For clear toys, caramels and mixtures,
go to Wilson's, i orner of Allegheny and
Jlishop slrssi. t
Perhaps the |*et church choir in our
town i* that n.w singing for the Lutheran
—Mr. John Olcwine is at present on a
pleasure trip to Chicago. He will return
in a few days.
—The handsomest lot of beavers, chin
chillas, and a great many other stylish
overcoats, at I.yon A Co'*.
-Mr. Mich. I-ongwell, the sprightly
messenger at the telegraph office, was quits
ill last week of typhoid fever.
• The liest st<-k of boot* and shies,
which we warrant the very iiot and at the
)owe*t prices, at Lyon A Co s.
-The Presbvtcrian Sahbath-scbool, of
this place, lat week, added a large collec
tion of new Imoks to its library.
The MouuUln City Band rendered
several selection* in their u-ual excellent
manner las' Thank-giving Day
It i* -aid that Mi* < inm*> lit i* pre
paring a roneert exercise to lie given by
her pupils some time in the future
•The Presbyterian Kahhath-school is
preparing for a grand spelling tow to take
place in the Wigwam this evening.
The meeting last Thursday morning
at the Y. M C A. room was one of the
liio-t enjoyable ever held by the Associa
Dr. T. It. Hayes, who is visiting with
his handsome and accomplished wife in
New York cily'i* expected to return next
Kditnr B. O. Deininger, of Millheim,
added to our reason for profound thanks
on Thanksgiving Day by a call at our
Mr. A. J. Cruse has repaired the dam
age done to his glass show case by the re
sent revengeful action of his big Indian in
falling on it
—A new and much nes-d-d pavement
ha* been laid the |>at Ws-ek belore the
(■opular store of S. R. Lyon A Co., on Al
legheny street.
l.a-t Sabbath the Preabyterian and
Lutheran churches were well filled, a* al
most all the other Protestant churches In
town were closed.
—Thirty-five or forty couples swung
around the fantastic circle al the hall given
by the I,ogan lloee Company Wednesday
night of last week.
—The reading and library room of the
Young Men's Christian Association was
thrown open last Monday evening for the
use of the public.
Rev. C. F. Deininger, of Millheim,
has recently been conducting protracted
meetings in the Mountain F.vangeiiral
church at Seven Mountain*.
• - -The jieople about Millheim still com
plain of a ss-arcity of water. Many wells
and cisterns are dry, and it is necessary to
go a long distance for watr.,
F.lder Johnson, who recently lias been
preaching in the Baptist church in this
place, officiated in the Lutheran church
at Pleasant Gap, last Sabbath.
—Person* of large experience hare said
that for neatness, beauty and even elegant
apjiearanee the book* kept by Recorder
W . A- Tobias are seldom equalled.
| —Valentine* A Co. have recently con
-1 slructed H business office in the rear of
their grocery store.
—The Inlest stock of ladies' hats, satins,
ribbons, flower* and feather* nl IMIIIOIII
price*, nt Lyon V Co'a.
Mr. 11. (i. Cronistcr, one of our
Martha Furnace friend*, was in town on
Monday looking exceedingly well.
—A good winter suit s.'l.!K), nt Lyon A
i —Gregg l*o*t,.(l. A. It., now he* iU
to>w rug carpet, woven in the national tri
co|or, lni<l upon the floor of the lodge
I room.
I —The window* of the Model Book
! Store are prettily arranged, representing, it
1 i* said, the arti-lic talent of Mr. Augustus
i Hoover.
i —The young ladies who visited at the
residence of Mr. \V. F. Boeder departed
la-t week, leaving several inconsolable
heart* behind them.
Hon. William Wilson, one of the as
sociate judges of I'nion county, is attend
ing our court tlii* week as a witness m one
of the cases on the trial list.
—The forty-eight acre* of the MeCal
mont farm known as the 11. ek addition
I was sold last Saturday to Mr. W. W.
I ll.s k for forty-seven dollars per acre.
! —Dr. B. L. Dartt lost a pocket case of
j 1
l medicine* between llellel'onte and t'urtin's
Forge. The tinder will be properly re
warded by returning it to the Doctor.
—The "cottage prayer-meeting" of the
Presbyterian denomination was held lust
•Tuesday night at the residence ol Mrs.
Harvey Mann, near Mann's Axe Works,
i —Rev. J. F. DeLnng, of Wiiliamsport,
who *ha been called n pastor of the lie
, fornietl church, this place, will preach his
first sermons next Sunday morning and
—lt is said that Mr. Jerome 11. Stam
harh, of Aaronsburg, now maintains hts
equilibrium with the aid of crutches. ID
cut his foot the other day "and that is the
i cause of it."
Rev. S. L. Stiver, a native of this
county, who has recently been preach- ;
ing in St le>ui, has received and accept
ed a call from the Congregational church •
at Bunker Hill, Illinois.
j --Mr Samuel Huston, third son of Mr
James Huston, formerly of Nittanv. this
county, died a few weeks ago at his home
in Kansas. Typhoid fever in it* worst
form raused his death.
Mr. Philip Gross, grandfather of Mrs
Wm B Mingle, of Centre Hall, tiled re
cently nt his home in New Berlin, Pa ID
was a w-althv and lil*-r*l gentleman,
whose loss will lie much lamented.
Lawrence I. Brown has mad a large
reduction in the retail selling price of an
thracite coal. Call and get hi* figures
, lie guarantees Iwwt quality roni, well
' •creened. correctly weighed and delivered
—Mr. Jam"* Weaver, of Aaronsburg,
while engaged the other day In ps-sding
log*, accidenlly peeled his knee. ID' D at
present resting at home awaiting the re- 1
covery of the latter valuable member.
—("apt. Kvan Miles and family, who
have been s|e>ndiog some time among
friends in this place, are now in Washing
ton City. The Captain will return again
before the expiration of his leave of nl>-
, senre.
Mr. Samuel Bipka, of near Potter*
Mills, is becoming famous like the Prophet
•Samuel of old. But Mr Kipka's celebrity
aris<w from the fact that he raises an h
large turnips, one of them weighing six '
and ofie-fmirth pounds.
—The rag rarpet mania, to use a jsditi
'•al vulgarity, still con tin ilea to "l-aim.
The Young Men's Christian A-sosiation,
, of Centre Hull, are now endeavoring t"
procure one to cover the floor of their
Association room.
—The handsomest and biggest stock of
all-wool new dress good*, at Lyon A CoI*, 1 *, i
at less than city prices.
Kaglevllle has an cnterprir.ing literary
! society which meets every Friday evening.
Among the talented persons who are ac
tive member* of the society are Kdgar
i Clark, Alice Ib-has, Laura Forester, II
if. Hershbergcr and 11. B. Lucas,
i —The union Thanksgiving service last
! Sunday morning in the M. K. church was
not so well attended as it should have been.
The sermon delivered by Rev. A. I). Yo
, cum. pastor of the church, was highly ap
' predated by those who had the pleasure of
j hearing it.
i —Mr. William Musaer, proprietor of
the Millheim hotel, is suffering from the
I effects of a bullet Wound in the shoulder,
; received several year* ago while hunting,
i The wounjl had never entirely healed, but
it was not apprehended that it would cause
| him any serious trouble.
—Rev. A. I). Yocum, of thn M. K.
•church, this place, was called away from
town on a sorrowful errand last Saturday.
It was to see hia little daughter, who,
while visiting in Baltimore with her
mother and sister, was taken ill with scar
let fever. We hope soon to hear of her re
—We are glad to learn that the oyster
supper given in the Ironworker*' building,
for the benefit of the Fnrgp Humlay-sehool,
on Thanksgiving evening, was a success.
Yhe proceeds amounted to twenty-flve
dollars, and everybody had a happy lime.
"Warren" is even reported to have itowed
away four dishes full of the delicious bi
—The Pennsylvania tttete Grange, P. of
H ,- will meet at Hloomsburg, Columbia
onuntv, Pa., on Tuesday. December fl,
Si-chlcr. \ Co., whoso muni' bus be_
! come synonymous of h neat nnd w.-ll kept
i grocery store, invites the attention of
| everyone to hi* excellent stock now in
readiness for the holiday trade.
A new musical society has been nrgan
i/.eil in Milt-sburg, with Mr. L. T. Kddy as
I leader. It meet* iri the hall belonging to
Mr. Levy, which that gentleman has ten
dored to the society free of eliarge.
—The holidays lire 'lftawing near and
t lie appointments of S. A. lireiju A Son's
1 grocery store grow corres|>nilingly mure
attractive. It i< the place to buy ail your
I holiday groceries. Ha also keeps constant
! ly on hand the largest and cheapest array
! Of I'HllllieS in b.w 11.
—Just think of the wonderful fact that
\ less than a month remains P> buy a new
| suit of J. Newman, Jr. In a short time
the sale of hi* More will take effect W'llen
' the buyer* wrll have to deal with new
people. Then hasten and take advantage
>.f hi* reduced price*.
J —A good boy'* suit ft.'l.llo, al I.x Tin
; A Co'*.
I —The most attractive place in thi* town
continues t>. he the K.ag!.- Clothing Hall of
J. Newman, Jr. The moderate price, at
which clothing can te- bought at that estab
lishment is startling to everybody. New
man warrants nil his g.-.l- p. Is- equal P>
the IN-SI.
Next Sunday afternoon al 4 o clock
! the regular monthly meeting of the Young
Men * Christian A**ciatinn will !.<• held
it: their r.mms. A quartette of colored
-ingers have ottered to render Os a v-dun
tary that lovely selection *ntitl"l "Won
derful word* of Life
A regular meeting ••( the Logan Ho*..
company wilt le- held in their hall thi*
evening. A lull attendance of member* i*
res |uosted, a* nomination of officers and
: other important husitiaaaU pending
—The U-st line of shirt* fr-.ni L f > cents
up, at Lyon A Co *.
Katv, a little two-y.-ar-old daughter
of J Dunlop Shugcrt, K-.j., no t with a
painful accident !a*t SatuVia.x m irnlng.
One of iter little linger* b" *to-' ■ night in
the revolving sewing machine and wa*
in.wt cruelly injure.l W<- hoje* the j.sin
t hat ere tliis all vani*h"l from the little lin
ger, and until it doc* we cannot help in
• very *x mpnthy from tiffering with h'-r.
Now that Thank*gix mg i* numbered
among the gr.-at day* of the pat and th"
sj.proas h of the Chri'lma* holiday* draw
eth nigh, we will allow the pretlloM young
lady in town to take her choice in manu
facturing for u- *• * Christina* gift, a pair
of li|.|s-r, a dre**ing gown or a puro in
which P. carry ilvor. If all of these
*hmi!d be rorcived, however, they would
not be refu*"l
B-t calicos lt' 2 ent* js-r yard, *'.
Lyon A I V*.
N"twitb*Uinding the lap- roe in prion
and the fas t that almost every nier. liarit
al.le ".mmodily is bringing from '.'A P> |i.
ja-r r. nl more than it slid throe no-nth*
*go, I have deterriiih"! to make a laryr
tfhut n In th- v tail price of anthraite
coal At th<- r"|in '•<! figures it i* ri/tial in
es-onomy with coke or any other fuel, and
i* cerlafnly mptn-.r and much more satis- '
fa* tory lo handle b.-n us---l f->r family
|,ur|-~e- I buy the l-*l quality of Wllkes
lrre coal and >piamntrr that it will N-
I carefully creene-l, correctly weigh"l and
promptly dliver|
LAW at.wo: L. Ilaowv.
—An item in the rhiiadeiphia l(rr.,nl
say* thai a . barter ba* be*-n grant"! fur
the Haven and Clearfield Railroad
Company in ClinPtn, Centre and Clear
field ".untie*. It will extend from a point
on the line of tlie Raid F.agle Valley Rail
road, n-*r the mouth of llee* h Creek. P. a
! |lnl on the Hne of th- Tyrone and Clear
field Railroad, at Philip*burg, Centre
county. The capital slock I* ftl,ooo,i*io,
divi-l"l into 2,0)*) shar."* of ft'*) each.
The President is G".rge II Rehrrlt, of
Phila<|e|pbia, and the dirertorc, Wistar
Morris, N. Parker Rhorlrldge, Kdmund
Smith, J. N. Duharry, Strickland Kn>ass,
and John P Green.
—lf you want an overcoat for S3.AO,
call al f.yon A Co *
( —The progre** which the pupil* now
attending the public school* are making i*
quite remarkable. The course of tudv
which they are taking i* the mo*t useful
that could lie devised. Some time since w
were given a peep at an examination paper
in C. S. History. Among the questions '
was one requiring the pupil to give the
names of all the Presidents and the issue 1
ii|.on which eoch was elected. The amount
of useful knwl")gp involv"l in a correct 1
answer to such a question I* very large and
it I* more than many persons of consider
able pretentions Pi knowledge can give.
All tho questions which the paper con
tained were of a like useful and practical
character. It I* evident that the sehools,
under the prevent regime, are taking "a
step, a l5!Hi step and a Pp all together" In
the right direction, and the confidence of
the people in the present corp* of teacher*
is not misplaced.
—Rest muslin* 0 cent* per yard, at Lyon
A Co *.
—Gen. Jesse Merrill, of l-ock Haven,
took In npr court on Monday afternoon
and Tuesday morning. He was here on
legal business, and I* a gentleman whom
everyone Is alway* glad to meet
1)1 NINO AT Til Kill' Nil iioL'NK.— THE
new proprietor of that justly first-class
| Mid popular hotel, the llu-h House, doe*
not permit hi* to remain hidden, but
end forth it* illuminating ray* in ail di
rection*, Last week, on Thanksgiving
Day, probably induced to do to by the J(r.
/lubtiiiiii'n plaintive lament, nupplemented
j by hi* own benevolent intention*, he pro
| pared a ureal feat and bid all hi* friend*,
which of <-ouro include* all the editor*,
i who are known to have an exceedingly
tender feeling toward thoe aecuttoined
to give entertainment*, to a*emble around
Ilia hospitable board. All accepted Mine
1 1 o*t' * invitation with eager intensity and
; profound expression* of gratitude. One
o'clock found many of Itellefoute'* hand
some inhabitant* occupying their assigned
-eat* about the prettily arranged table*.
Among thl- invited guest* were Mr* itu*h
and lady governess, Mr. and Mr*. Callo
way, Mr. 11. .Scolder and bi* interesting
family, with many other*. The tiunu
was decidedly ricli and varied, and i>y it*
nomenclature taxed one knowledge of
foreign languages, ns l>y it* elegance and
variety it defied more than a lasts' here
and there of its numerous dishes Mr K-
T. Tulen, who was present with ids pleas
ant lady, excelled his former effort* in the
practii al attestation of his great enjoyment
of tlie feast. Choice viands diap|iearcd a*
if hy magic la-fore ids appreciative tOUi h
and taste. Friend Joseph Furey lasted
hut tnincingly the fine array upon the first
pag<- of the uienu, but made ample amend*
for all deficiencies* in hi* r*{-aled call* for
lb" li'|uidou* contents whicli f..rni"l the
sequel to the hili-of-fare.
None partook of thi* fine dinner hut to
praise it. and Mr Myers may well be
proud of this bi maiden effort If Thank*,
giving alway* bring* a ro|-lition of thi*
happy occurrence we would bid it come a
10/.en time* a \ ear. Mr Mxer* employ*
the l--*t of cook* and rn<t skillful help in
all department*. Cleanliness, n-atnc-* and
taste mark ail the ap|a>ibtmanl* of tf,e
house. All who will palroni/.n the hotel
will And a gra- iou* landlady and a pleas
ant landlord to welcome them.
"splendid cashmere a yard wide 25
"•tits, at Lyon A Co*.
Tii*. Coram. Movi.av Nioiit. Last
Monday evening, Councilman Hhortlidge
treated hi* brother rouncilmen to a com
|-ari*on on the water question. The city of
Paris, he aid. u*e* an average <-f 2} gallon*
of water ja-r day to ea- b in-iividua) ;
M*ntpdlar, Fran--, c, g : , k.,.
I rem h nation, 6 gallon* . Constantinople,
' 1 gallon*, London, 20 gallon*, Vienna,
I • gallon-. Philadelphia, 30 gallon* ; New
York City, I'lgall-n- H.sP.n.li gallon*;
and llellefonte, Ml gallon*. Making due
allowance for the fa. t that the (."qdr of
llellefonte are more cleanly in th- >r hat.it*
then the inhabitant* of other plate*, and
o u*e more water in proportion, thi* at
ieat *i.gg. *t* that an unnecessary quantilv
i* n*"l in our t->wn. It may prove a fit
subject li>r reflection. At a further Mage
of the pro* ceding* a resolution wa* adopt -
ed refusing to entertain the applica
tion of Mr. ti \S Rodger* for the |>...1i..n
Of engim-or at water work* Two dollar*
and forty.live cent* were report"! a* th.-
market fees f„ r the pa*t two week* The
Finance Committee re|>rt"f the collection
of Id on duplicate of IftTft; also ro
|"*rted that 9162*. of ts-nd* tearing inter
est al '• je-r cent, ha-l been r-f and
now I-ear .* ;e-r rent interest.
Dkatii o* tiir Kail.—Saturday night
la*t a man by the name of William Wil
son, ah.we borne i* in the vicinity of Val
entines' forge, wa* run over by a |>*itig
engine ami killed The unfortunate man
had b--rn for w.me time employed at I'hil- 1
lp*biirg, and wa* la*t Saturday returning
to hi* home in thi* place. Iteing to <me
extent under the influence of alcohol he
did not Wte the car* when they reached
thi* place, and be wa* again carried to
Mile*burg and there pntoff !|o remain"]
in the depot theie until it wa* neceary for
him to leave, when the boy* helprt* him
aero*# the railroad bridge on hi* way
home. It |* *upp<**o<i he laid down on the
track, a* an extra freight engine returning
t the switch at about !i 4ft o'clock that
night ran over hi* jftoMrate bdy. The
engineer saw shadow on the track
and went back to *ee what it wa, when
the man wa* found in a horribly mangled
condition Justice Miles Green, of Mile*,
burg, Impanelled a jury, who returned a
verdict according to the above fact*, ttn
Sunday, the liiele** and mutilated body
wa taken to hi* home, from which it
wa* buried on Tuesday afternoon by the
A K., of which he wa* a member.
Mr. Wilson loaves a large family to mourn
hi* sad and terrible end. They deserve
the condolence and sympathy of all.
—Gingham 6 to 8 cent* per yard, at
Lyan A Co'*.
Prkmstlvania Static Fair Pkbmitm.
—The attention of farmer* I* directed to a
new style of fencing, claimed hy the agent
to be built with a cash outlay of only three
dollar* per mile. Among the many protni- .
nent farmer* who are using it we refer to
J. Hockey, Wm. Hale, A. J. Shivery, J.
A I. Htrtiblo, R. A J. Henderson, J. A.
Hunter, Kohl, Valentine, Curtin A Co.
and Major Reynold*, a* the cheapeet fenc
ing ever brought before the farmer* of
Centre county. It ha* been adopted by
Granges wherever Introduced. Headquar
ter* at Garman* Hotel. Robert Moore,
General Agent for New York, Penna.
and W. Va. It.
Covkt Piio< ar.iiiNoa.— The following
cases have boon passed upon since our lat
iistie :
Commonwealth v. Alois Kohlbecker,
violation of liquor law. Verdict of guilty.
Sentence suspended until January *es*ion*.
Commonwealth vs. Andrew Healun,cut
ting timber trees on the land of another.
Verdict, not guilty and prosecutor to pay
the cost*.
Kki oki or Gkani. Ji kv.— The Grand
I nquest re j .or t that they have examined
the jail and find it in a rerv comfortal.lo
condition, being warm, clean and well
j ventilated The Inside wall* of the jail an
!in I.ad condition and. not sufficiently strong
| to hold prisoners, hut we do not know how
I it can !• improved without incurring ex-
I traordinary expense, which we do not f.-el
] like recommending.
I Ihe cellar of the dwelling house portinii
;of the jail i* in had condition, the floor
j being covered with water, probably occa
| sinned hy a leak in the drain pijie, which
| should be repaired imrnediaU-ly.
We found a quantilv of lumber and rub
; bish in the jail yard'which should be re.
moved. The ropes used for drying clothe*
'houhl be taken in w hen not in iim-, and
tin- water closet should Is- removed t" a
|-->int a- far us isisiiblc from the out*id<-
We find that John Wagner, a German,
who wa* arrest"] as a tramp, and against
whom hi. indictment •> *ent Into thi*
Grand Jury and ignored, i* mil a prisoner
\\ I- believe the man to be llltioectll of the
'barge upon which *p wa* arretted, at.d
: that It) our opinion he should be released.
We find alto, upon evidence produced
before us, that a part of the rood leading
from ZloaWno Ik* ridg- to ft point in
the Jacksonville rood ro-ar the residence
"f Daniel Grove, i* in a very bod condi
tion rid should be repaired. Another
part of this srn- road i* not where origi
nally laid out, hut J ut up- r. amm h Macf.-
er grade There i a dispute between
>| ring and Marion lowntbij* as p. which
P>writhip thew (notion* of the r--ad are
siluaPd in, and the supervisor* of both
townships refuse P. repair them.
]!<-(e* tf u lly uhttiitP-d,
J it- F Wkax kk, Foreman.
*r.'oat. w*xk.
Commonwealth v* Goltleib lloag. vio.
lation of liquor law Defendant plead
i guilty to M-oond count of telling liquor In
minor*. Sentence deferred till January
term, defendant giving bail in um of
* '*i
civil t.r*T.
Alexander Harjrfter v* Win Ilaumgard
ner. A | j-*-*! from Justice of the peace.
V. rdn-t for the defendant.
Common wealth x. Jacob B-.hri Di*.
enntinueri and costs paid by court.
R-derick h < '."w use of F ('a**n<>v* v*.
Derby *1 tViupany <1 al. Continued
for ratl*e.
Ilird C-.al and Iron Company v*. The
" A>s. R K company, tre*ja* l'ie
of not guilty and mntinucd.
Fi.e \ aientir.es, John S Sotnoierville
'' v* Hird < .al arid Iron Company rt
a/ , ejerlne nt. Pi-ad not guilty and con
•I h \\ illiam* r* If William* and
IN H H air. Continued because not at
i*ue a* to S. If. William*
H. I) Musser v* .lame* F. Hboop and C.
D hi-(far, debt. Verdict for plaintiff. f.. r
Judali \\ hip-omb V* George w Hoov
er and Ifnnrv \\ ll -iver, trading a* Go,.
\\ 11-e-ver sV to Cos*, continued bv
order of court.
Ilradley < Ml,ls rt nl H. Merriman
cf al. Plead not guilty. Conlinuid f-.r
John I Thompson vs. Samuel Crit and
Jame* Jlryrrton, trc-pas#. Plead not
guilty. < 'ontinmvl fur .-ause on application
of plaintiff
Samuel Hall v Jacob Mann, ejectment
Continued for cauw'aa application and at
co*t of defendant
Centre County v*. Ilusp.n township
Plaintiff suffer"! non tult.
1 h-.ma* D-hass for um* of Samuel H
Kin v. Taylor Walker, William R
Confer and David Confer. Confessed
judgment in favor of plaintiff for 914-1.
Mary Holt v*. It and S S R R Com
pany. Settled for p, plaintiff
W. F. Reynold* A Co. r*. William
Weaver and Wikon Re. k, debt. Settl"!
and coste |mld.
IV F Reynold* v* Henry Keller, debt.
Settl"! and ro*u JNtid.
C. T. Alexander and C. M Bower v*.
Joseph R. Dehoes, John P. lb-has* and
Geo. W. Rminbelaer, ej*rlment. Contin
u"l on application by plaintiff for cause.
C. F. Herlacber and George I)ur*t, trad
ing a* Iteriarher and Ihirst, v*. Isaac Isw.
Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of 912f *7
B. Webber, endorsee, v. Taylor Town
ship School It.sard. Verdict for the de
fendant*. m
John Hoy v. J**e s. Williams, W. M
Holme* and William Holt * administrator*.
Oft trial.
—The best line of hat* and cap* at Lyon
A Co'*.
IwaTiTtTß.—The thirty-third annual
*e**iun of the Centre County Teacher* In
stitute will ba held in the Court House,
thi* place, commencing Tuesday, Decern
her 23, al ft o'clock *.*., and closing Fri
day evening, December SW. The Mwiion*
will be unusually lively and interesting,
and each evening will be occupied with a
lecture, for which some of the meat talent
ed men on the American rostrum have
been engaged.
—The concert given by Mr*. Love and
her many assistant* on Christmo* night
will excel her previous entertainment*,
ft will he held in Reynolds' Hall, and i*
for the benefit of the RapiiM church.
—At the reduced rate* the cost of an
thracite coal i* equal In economy with coke
or any other IMel. Call and get figure*.
LAWftine* L. Rnovn.
t '.• fitly organised literary circle which
gather* in t| lH audience room of Uio
, I Young Men'* Chri.ti.r, Aaaociation on
• S * t " r ' , "y evening*, received a fr*l, impe. *
. tu* t it* la*t meeting i„ the accntaion of
- | aeveral valuable mc-mU-r*, and an excel
| lent, varied arid well-exeat,tod prograrnme
1 of eserciaet. Among Hie attractive fea
ture# r U a dikcuuion on the queation,
j " Jietolreti, That )ournali*rii offer* a wider
Held of uaefulneaa than theology. Thi
I : wan thoroughly diacuaaed, although wo
i- < annot refrain entering a prutc.t t- the
J final dw ition in favor of theology. Wo
will not pretend to ray whether the fault
1 wa with the debater* or the judge*, but
how uch a decUlon tbould be arrived at i*
incomprcheuaiblr to the thoughtful mind,
. Which uin the lea*t acquainted with the
i : far-reaching influence of modern journal- a-.
irn. An effort that i by every one Wf
. poken of a* extremely able wa* an ora- ™
I lion by Kill* L. Orvia, K*q., on "The
, 'li^tinctivo fi-aturea of future American
education. The gentleman contend* that
hi* h Wa. entirely extempore, which
. render* it the more remarkable. It i. to
• "Kfelted that a convention from the
colh-go fa< ultlo* of our country wa* not
j praaeat to bur .1 Mr Hat Orbhoa wa*
<•:■■■ tod ' boriator, r.d Protaaor Huliair *
j of iho Academy, wa* elected organirt.
C | Together they will furni'li excellent
' mu*ic. A name ha* not yet been ei-lertcd
. | for tin* important organization, although
r it i fa*t winning a name arid *tation for
itwlf which will |K- imperi*hahle.
A good . bild'a *uit at ?l <O. at Lv n
' A ( ...
1 ~1 lie following commercial traveler*
were regi.tered at the Urockerboff Hou*
on Saturday and Monday: I J{. Wain
wrigbt, S. S. While, George I) I'ifer,
. Augu.tu. Kberling I. R. Kaufman, I
! KataeriU rg, 1 1. Mutter and Charle* J
, I Phillip*, of Philadelphia ; A. Ftalm, of
\\ illim*|.rt . Tom I-. Nicol, ~f pjtt*.
r j burg: A H Peacock, of Lancaster; <
W Kanke, of W o*U r Ohio; A |.
S ott, (Iwi-go, x. v I H Rubin and H
. A lav)*, of New York City, and C Sun
ton, of Pituburg.
—Tli i.rge-t *t,<k of mu*lin*, calico*,
flannel* and tire** go**]*, at Lyon A <'■• *.
Tba PbUipabarg Jomrtmi * ay * tht Mr.
-lona* Hinge* pa;,l a v oit U> hi* eon
Grge, „i Pituburg, S mday, of la*t
• week, ami report* him a- fully recovered
from hi* l*te *cvere arid *cri'>u* accident
of courte niinu* hi* )et. |{ow ver, George
exj-< U to proceed to Philadelphia abortl*,
' and procure the aid of ome .killed 'limb
manufacturer, and get **,* feet. I'nier
, tin" cu<um*Uneo, the young man ha*
changed hi* view* in regard to hi* life'*
work, and now think* of adopting the
to.-graphing profe**ior, a* an occu|atioti.
-Mr- Bnfllan4 Mr* We.ley i:,i,i. -j
of Phihpburg. recently met with aevere
accident*, tin Monday la*t the former
became giddy when at the head of the
*tair* arid fell to the bottom, earning a
fracture of the thigh ion*. She wa- over
ixty-*e¥en year* of age. Mr*. Runk, who
i* aleo over rixty year# old. wa* in the
yard on the Friday previou* when *l.e
#lipjx*d and f")l on her left arm, breaking
the L.no* above the wri*t joint. Both
Indie* are doing a* well a* can IK- expected
Rev. It. A. Higgart, who ha* len
reje-rtoil a* killed, telegraph* to Mr F. P.
Green, of thi* place, that he wa* never in
better health in hi* life. Mr. Wohb ha*
I alao received intelligence from friend# in
the t\ e*t that Rev. Riggart preached a
very eloquent wrinnn on Thank*giving
Iay, *o the numerou* friend* and admirer*
of that gentleman in thi* vicinity can
nafely conclude that he i# .till alive, and
; ha* the promi*e of many year* of oacful-
—Three thnuaand four hundred and flfty
! one acrnj of land, lying on Mar*h Creek,
the property of John I. Ourtin, Kaq., were
purchased !a#t Saturday hy Mr. John F.
Fowler for stt2,oftl, one.half in ca*h. Mr.
f F. will toon commence the coaatructtoa of
a aaw-mill on the property, and will have
abundant material to work upon in the
large amount of timber with which the
land i covered.
—We know that the hare announcement
that Homer D. Cope will read in thi.
place on New t ear * night U *uffi< ienl to
draw an audience. So we mention it thi#
week only to keep the fact in the mind* iff
our peopl , that they will not make any
conflicting engagement* for that evening.
Everyone who heard him on hi# la*l vi*it
wa* pi eared.
Among the htuinoa* place* thai hava
commanded the patronage of the people of
Centre county we would mention the gro.
eery *tore of Serhler A Co. They have
Iranvactcd bu*ine** on the tame pot for
many year*, until tbey have built up a
trade which i* .imply enormou*.
Mr. F. P. Blair ha* a new and hand
tome jewelry and clock caae before hi*
atore door, liver the care U placed the
alatuary ha*t of a wiae looking female
figure, and now he can talk about that
bu*t of platter pari* Ju*t above hi* jewelry
atore door. |
—The Reading and Ore heel rai Aaaocia
tton of Philip*burg gave a plea**nt enter
tainment to the people of that place on |
Thurtday evening week.
—Hon. Samuel Linn, Willlamaport'a
di*linguiahed attorney, ha* been attending i
our court thi* week.