Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 27, 1879, Image 8

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    ®ltr Centre srmotnit.
Thursday Morning, November 27,1879.
CoßßcsroMDßsri,containing ImpnrUuit nftwa. Mtllrlt
•<l from *nv part of tti* county. No cotnmtitiiratlomi
luwrtwt uiiliHiN i(Vim|Aiiiel !•> tli* n<l name of the
A CAKI> TO tii k Pi'Hi.lo.—Having sold j
my good will and part of my stock of ready
made clothing to a tirm in Philadelphia, to
whom I have to give possession of my
store room by Jan. 1, 1880, I now offer my
stock of ready made clothing at actual cost
and freight. This is an excellent chance
for a good bargain. Respectfully,
Nov. 18,2tn. J. N KWMAN, JH.
Local Department.
—Tho moon will bo full to-morrow j
—The new sign to Agnew's cigar store ,
I* attractive.
—Numerous additional locals on the
fourth page.
Mr. Frank Montgomery returned
from the city last Monday.
—Remember the Thanksgiving oyster
supper at Ave o'clock this evening.
Rev. C. F. Peininger, of Millheim, is j
at present visiting friends at Reading.
—"Warren" gives all his friends an
invitation to call on him at Willow Rank.
—Rev. I)r. Swarm, a missionary, preach- !
ml in the Baptist church, this place, Inst
Sabbath evening.
—Rest muslins fi cents per yard, at Lyon
A Co'#.
—The pastry now manufactured for the
delectation of the Bush House guests is
spoken of as delicious.
Miss Annie V. Lyon is now complnie
ing her musical education under competent
masters in Philadelphia.
—The lesson this morning at the nine
o'clock service in tho room- of the Y M.
C. A. will lie the 103 d Psalm.
—The best line of shirts from 15 cents
tip, at Lyon A Co's.
—The largo conservatory on the south
side of <>en. James A. Heaver's residence
i- well-lilled with plant- and flowers.
Miss Kittic Potter, of this place, has
lieen enduring a long period of illness. We
hope soon to hear of her convalescence.
—Catechism—V- Why is the habit of ,
smoking increasing in this town? A. Be
cause Harry Green is selling such tine
—lf you want an overcoat for $2.50,
call at Lyon A Co's.
—The lesson tO-rnorrow cve-.ing at the
Y. M. C. A. meeting will be "Warning
against the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews
—The large-t stock of muslins, calicos,
flannels and dress goods, at Lyon A Co's.
—Ex-Governor A. G. Curtin has been
spending a bort time in Philadelphia, his
address being St. George's Hotel, on
Broad street.
—lt is not always the man who pays
the most for his clothes who looks the
finest, but the one who always buys them
of J. Newman, Jr.
—The latest stock of ladies' hats, satins,
ribbons, flowers and b-ather* at bottom
prices, at Lyon A Co's.
—At the meeting of the Centre County
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, on the
17th instant, new policies were approved
to the
—The having in charge the
oyster supper at the Ironworkers build
ing this evening are making extensive
preparations for a good time.
—Splendid cashmere, all w<*>l, at 45
cents, at Lyon A Co's.
—"Well, who evah thought you could
foind such a deuced foinc thing a* this in
the country!" exclaimed a city snob the
other day who had just bought one of
Harry Green's cigars.
Lifwrence L. Brown has made a large
reduction in the retail selling price of an
thracite coal, ("all and get his figures.
He guarantees best quality coal, well
screened, correctly weighed and delivered
—The handsomest lot of beavers, chin
chillas, and a great many other stylish
overcoats, at LjP A Co's.
—The stylish overcoats and suits made
for gentlemen this winter are considered
very handsome. J. Newman Jr., manu
factures most of them, and no one can ex
cel the work done by his Philadelphia
Last Sunday morning Rev. A. I).
Yocuni, of the M. K. church, and Rev.
Win. Laurie, of tho Preshytorian church,
delivered to their congregations what we
have heard spoken of as exceptionally fine
—The Presbyterian Sabbath-school have
supplied themselves with new singing
books. They are the numbers 1, 2 and 3
Moody and Sankev hymn books hound in
one, without the music, costing 30 cents
per volume.
—A woman's warranted shoe UH cents,
at Lyon A Co's.
—Our telegraphic neighbor, Mr. W. F.
Mslin, was absent from home last week.
As he took his "trusty rifle" with him, it
is generally surmised that his time was
spent In the "happy hunting grounds" of
York county.
—The best stock of boots and shosw,
which wn warrant the very best and at the
lowest prices, at Lyon A Co's.
—Numerous change* have recently been
made to tho interior appointments of the
Bush House, and the guests grow more de
lighted with lis management each day.
Mr. I). Mile# Wingale, of Carbondale,
whose respected father, Dr. J. 1). Wingale,
will he pleasantly and gratefully remem
bered by the many who have been relieved
of aching taoth through his instrumental
ity, during his former residence here, it is
nounced, will locate in this place during
the winter months. The son, we are in
formed, is an enterprising, accomplished
and most exemplary young gentleman, of
pronounced literary tastes and habits, and
doubtless ns handsome as he is virtuous.
He hopes to lie of benefit while here in
imparting to others the accomplishment <>f
peniunaiiship, which lie possesses in a high
degree. Whether he is married our in
formant does not say, hut we hope for the
benefit of our numerous and enchanting
young ladies that he is not. Every social
and business interest of Bellefonte bids him
—lt is pleasant to learn of good fortune
coming to former residents of Centre
county who are now living in distant parts
of the country. Several years since Mr
Foster S. Wolf, of Aaronsburg, settled in
tho State of Kansas, and all his career
there has boon prosperous. He is acting
as agent for the Gulf Railroad Corppany,
at Girard, and has ly close attention to
business accumulated property. More
than that, he has won for a wife one of the
pleasant young ladies of Girard, and on
the <>th instant was married to Mis* Emma
Adamson. The wedding is said to have
been a pleasant affair, ami the account
states that the happy couple were able to
move immediately into n residence o/ their
own. The congratulations of his Centre
county friends follow him to his new abode.
Best calicos 51 cent* per yard, at
Lyon A Co'*.
Jessie, a little daughter of Mr. H L.
Dieffonhaeh, of Lock Haven, died In that
place on tho morning of the iMh instant.
Jessie was an exceedingly sweet little girl
g'-d atuit seven years. Her affliction
was inflammatory rheumatism, which af
footed the heart. We realir.e with what a
sorrowful heart our friend must have part
ed with this little gem of his household,
and in his bereavement we sincerely con
dole with him, though it is dotibtle*. nil
for the best. She ha- Is-en transplanted
from earth to heaven.
—Mr. James Lane and bride returned
from their wedding t"iir lis-l Friday on
the 5 o'clock train. In the evening their
kind friends tendered them two serenades.
The fir-t was by the Mountain City Hand,
and mt gratefully received : but a the
second was of the kind generally known
a- Calsthumpian, given by wlvver could
make the nusst outrageous noise, it was
listened to, perhaps with smiles, but cer
tainly not with appreciation.
—Gingham (j to 8 cents per yard, at
Lyon A Co's.
Mr. S W. lb-arb, the former c-mrtly
and competent teacher in our Academy, and
now passing through his Senior year at
Princeton Seminary, has received a call to
the pastorate of the Twelfth I'resbyl'-rlan
church of Baltimore. This is the more in
teresting to Bellefonte from the f. t that
he will probably carry away with him one
of the fair maidens of this town when he is
prepared to enter upon his new duties.
Brew A S->n keep constantly on
hand a large supply of fr*-ti groceries.
They have cranlierries and all kinds of
dried and canned fruit-. Raisins, currant*
and nil the neoc*nry ingredients for mince
pie* can he found there. Also corn
meal and buck wheat In short all these
things which are pleasant to the taste thi
cold weather may be purchased there at
reaaonnble rates.
—A good child's suit at at Lvon
A Co's.
—The heart of every traveler, who is
destined to wait for trains in the Pennsyl
vania railroad depot at this p lace, will go
out with gratitude to the company for the
efforts whirh have recently been made to
render it* interior more rheerful. Re.
painting and te-kal*omining have been
< arried on quite extensively greatly to the
advantage of its ap|<e*ranre.
—The fact that the officials connected
with the Philadelphia A Erie railroad
shops at Renovo give notice that they will
take fourteen young men hi learn trades
in the different departments, may be of in
terest to some young men or to parents in
this community. For further particulars,
address Supt, E B Westfall, Renovo, Pa
—Superintendent W. A. Baldwin and
several other Pennsylvania railroad off.
rials dined with Mr. James L. Hommor
ville at the Bush House on Saturday last.
This may indicate another step preliminary
to the purchase of the Bellefonte and Snow
Shoe railroad by the great Pennsylvania
—The wives, mothers, sisters and friends
of all those belonging to the Gregg Post,
G. A. R., are now busy preparing rags for
a carpet to cover their hall. A rag carje't
can in this way be produced with a very
small outlay, and I* exceedingly comfort
able and cheerful. We hope it will he iy>n
of the handsomest carpels ever manufac
—The McKean Bros.,formerly of Beech
Creek, but now at Wataontown, have en
larges! their tannery and addesl a new en
gine with other improvement*. The Wat
aontown Rtcord says they are "live, enter
prising gentlemen, end are meeting with
every success in the businees."
—Miss Allen, of Montoursville, Lycom
ing csiunty, has taken up her residence in
thi* place a* companion to Mine Ellen
Harria, on Hpring street. Thi* aslds anoth
er attractive young ledy to the large
number our town already contain*.
A good luil 4(1 cents : Il good cap 2o
cents, at Lyei A Co'*.
—Homer D. Cope'* railing on New
Year's night will prove a rare entertain,
merit. Let everybody prepare to hear'
Mr*. Rev. A. D. Yuen in, of this place,
is visiting friends in Baltimore, bej rever
end hqghniiil ("tinting the minutes and
hours until she returns.
Miss Clara V. Lyon is attending a
school of design in I'ittshurg. We are
glad .Miss Clara consider* that a handsome
face should lie accompanied hy a cultivated
Willow Bank, that charming retreat
recently opened on the bank* of Spring
creek, now contains but one guest. It
seemed to be a happy thought that suggest- '
ed the oYigin of such an institution.
—A good winter suit at I.von A
—Twelve young gentleman of the Pres
byterian church, litis place, have volun
teered to act as usher* at the Sunday ser
vices. Persons entering the church who
have not regular "-itlings" will !• con
ducted to pleasant seat*.
—A Very icindblo correspondent from
Spring M ill* *ugge*t* the organization of a
Young Men's Christian Association in
that place. It is an idea that might lie
carried out witli advantage in every com
—There are a host of farmers stopping
at tlie Hush House this week, and they say
they like it because the rate* are low. and
the house being large, they are not reqnir
ed to take room* in the nttic. All say the
table cannot be excelled.
—Among the guest* at the' Bush House
this week is Mr. James II Young, of Phil
adelphia. Mr. Young i* on his usual
round of business, and of course give*
much of his time to the duty of intervlew
ing our merchant*.
Mr-. Harry Teal*, of this pIMS, i-at
present entertaining her ncii e, M i.• Fisher,
a very attractive young lady from the
West. M i* Fisher arc mpatiicd Mr and
Mr- Teat* on their return h"tne from their
western trip and w ill remain during this
Messrs J (" Harper. Esq., Dr (i-is
ing.-r, J:s k !!• i.: iii-.r. R.. h and
11. D Van l'elt area j rty who recently
starUsi, w-U equipped, to Benner run, in
quct of deer and other smaller game.
They liai. returned, bringing e- n-ideralile
lK*oty with them.
The be-t hat* and caps at Lv.>n
A Co s.
M I Jul* Harri- and Marn- Van
derslice, of l/s k Haven, are the nam* - of
the two young ladies who haie recently,
by their pr been adding to the at
tr< tion* of the h rne of our young !<•;:!
friend. Mr Wilbur F. K ier, of this
place. To y.-ung gentlemen their fao ina
lions are simply Irresistahle
—The Amern an lavage cannot be tam
ed. A J Cruse owns one which he has
treat-d most kindly and kej 5 in h * cigar
•tore for sev. ral year But on Saturday
morning the revengeful creature fell <.VT
and broke a valuable giais show ■ a>e
After a malicious action like that we ex
claim. "Aw ay with the IT- • '
Mr <"h*. Lord (V.loway . ac< ompa
nied by his handsome lady, arrived in this
place Inst we-k t" visit for a ih'.rt time at
tb el< ant borne of \|ri. ('alh-war * is
rents, We are pleased to se*. that this
young and distinguished couple s*< m to he
in their usual high health ari l bu yant
—The manner in which tire C. inn. n
wealjh i ae *gaint Mr. Wm P Mchaffy,
of Howard, was disposed of is • splendid
vindication of that gentleman from an in
famous charge He may well !*> proud of
the result, and deserves credit f->r fighting
with "o much determination for his good
—W- wore most dolighte>l to learn that
the rejMirt which reacheil this place last
Wednesday announcing the death of Mrs.
Henry Keller was untrue. Since the lady's
terrible and thrilling experience in the two
runaway accident* of last week, she has
l>een recovering fast, and has now almost
regained her wonted energy.
Families who are looking forward and
laying plans for the holiday festivities
should bear in mind the Christmas night
entertainment. From all the efforts being
put forth to make it a success we have no
doubt that it will lie one of the m<*l pleas
ing that h.os ever been given in Bellefonte.
—Mr and Mrs. II F. Hunter, of llenner
township, returned to their home, on last
Friday, after a two weeks' visit in Clarion
county. While absent Mr. Hunter met a
nephew who had just returned from the
gold diggings of the Black Hills, who
presented him with a specimen of crude
gold that i* a curiosity.
—Tlie handsomest and biggest slock of
nil-wool new dress gmsls, at Lyon A Co's,
nt less than city prices.
Master Harvey Wetzel, younger
brother of the assistant principal In the
public schools, hears about with him an
injured foot, brought in thi* condition by
an unintentional mistake recently made hy
hiin in striking it instead of the wood
; which he was endeavoring to cut.
| —An elegant free lunch of turkey,
saur-kraut, etc., will be served this,
Thansgiving evening, at the excellent
saloon and restaurant of Mr. John Ander
son, opposite the Bush Houso. * John ex
tend* a cordial invitation to all his friends
and patron* to he on hand to partake of it,
and a* they are numerous his tabhw will no
doubt lie well filled.
—A good hoy's suit $3 20, at Lyon
A Co s.
NIIKIIIVK HA I. KM.— On Saturday and
Monday the following sales, according to
tin l Republican, wore made by the
sheriff: No. 2, property of Aaron Lucken
bnch, to A brain Hurst, for SHItO ; No .'S,
11 t part), property of Thomas Itothrock, to
W. ('. Crc** and il. C. Harvey, for ;
No. I, property of J. M. Thomjon, to J,
M. Kciehlinc, for $M ; No. 6, property of
<>. W. Rumberger, to (i. \V. Rumberger,
for $l r .00; No. It, property of Joseph
SwcyjiTi, to .lor. Rover ami 11. 11. I'lcU h
or, for $1251 ; No. in, property of Levi
<ioiiilmrt, lo ,1. \V. (b'pbnrt, for S2HO ; No
12, property of Win. Aakey, to J. C.
and J. A. Harper and Wm. Tobias, for
$ ;iH); No 10, property of T, K. and Kli/.a
to Milllieltii 11. A 1,. Association,
lor s'io; No. 17, property of •!. M. t'ondo,
to .1. M. Kechlin-, for $25 No. I*, prop
erly of Jatnc* (ilimgow, to J. 1.. Hpangicr,
lor $100; N'i. 21, property of Daniel Ki-h
--ul, to ('. M. liower, for $11&0; No. 22,
property of .1. M. Altera, t>• D. 11. Hast
ing* and M Mower, for $100; No. 2.5,
property of Jobn J Steer, to 11. A and T.
K. driest, for S2BO.
The property of A. L. \Vinklebn< k wm
also *old to Henry Kidler for $2.00.
• 11l Tuesday the following sale* were
made: No. to \. lloy for $3lO. No.
12 wan indefinitely |H*at|M>tied. No. 24,
pro|ierty of Win A. Curry, to Wm Wolf,
for s4<*>. No. I'l, projaTty of Charles
llrown, to 1). II lla-lings, for SIOO.
DRAM or AN AOED Lanv—We re
turd thi* week the death of Mian l-llbella
I'etlit, w let tlntl at <'t ti.ir Spring", Clinton
county, lent Sunday. The deceased lady
wa* a native of thi* place, a daughter ol
William I'ettil, who many years ago ■
one of our inoat prominent and respectable
citizens, and for a long succession of y.-arn
the Kegitier and Recorder t,f the county.
Her grandfather wat Fralx i- Mi Kwen, a
respected citizen of Walker townabip a
half century ago. Mrs Mcßrldc, h-r sister,
and Miss Mary MeJlrisle aiel Mr- John
Bartr If. nieces of the deceased, are < 11-
known resident* of this plate. Only
three weeks ago she paid Iter friends in
this | iat e a visit wiiith she greatly <n
•yt I Sl.e was one of those p]a> il. gen
tle, sweet M latin -, wb .se p. aceful fat ■• ,
when ItMikttl upon, unconsciously remind
MM of bvi. A stroke ..f apoplaxy
r-ft ■ e,] , , i, after leas ing here . aus.-l her
death and her body wa brought to the
In tine o| her neit -, Mrs. John llartrolf, of
this place. f..r Interment In death her
coiintetiato e still wore that swes-t and
paneaful ainraaa ion, sso viog tiiat lor Ufa
wa- one t,| preparation for belter tilings
• y I i. and that wben aba passed thr-.i.gh
the dark valley and shadow of death she
bartcl no evil. The funeral incurred on
1 . -olay nl .o , i It. \ Wm I.aurie
offl. iatmg.
I'OI RT Pno IRIONOS The fgular N>v
vt mi>er term of Court '-g*n on Monday
•n Thing, bis f. r,, r.l '.go I irvis presiding,
with \ss iate Ji. 1. ' • Fran. k anil D:w n
on tl." le nt il with him Col Jan.' • F
Weaver was a; ;• in led f. reman of th
(•ran 1 Jury, and up t " this h tir Wed
if*.lay noon—the following business has
been tlisj ati hed
Commonwealth v Andrew Hew ton.
cliargtcl with cutting timber tree-on the
lantls of another. True bill retutne! by
the (rami Jury
Commonwealth v Aaron <irw ; g, for
assault and battery. I! 1 ignored and
prosecutor t" pay the cost*.
C- m monacal til vs Th mi l Murray an .
James n Neil I r breaking and entering
ihto the 111 ket . tth e of p 15 . at Phil.
i|ssburg, and for larceny. The defendants
in this case plead guilty, and the Court,
with a lew preliminary remarks to the of.
I" t that this was a bat) country in which
to t arry on their operations, sentenced
them eaeh to three years ami eleven
months in the Penitentiary. Thomas
Murray. u|.on leaving the r< .gt rtsom. re.
marked that he wished the Judge bad
made it a few years more, ami said that
the Court should put them there for ten
years, upon which the culprit was called
back and throe years more added to his
former sentence. The last sentence was
passed for the separate offense of larceny.
Commonwealth v* Wm. I'. Mehaffey,
for adultery. True bill returned and case
called for trial. After having proceeded
with the case but a short time the Com
monwealth asked leave to enter a nolle
pnitr'/ui which was granted by the Court.
Commonwealth vs William Myers, for
horse stealing. Verdict, not guilty
Commonwealth vs. William Sanders, for
assault and battery. Defendant plead
guilty. Sentence, $5 fine, two months in
jail and costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs James Caldorwond
and Irene Caldorwond, for assault and
battery. Rill ignored, and Rachel Kinney,
the prosecutrix, to pay the cost*.
Commonwealth vs. John Taylor, for as
•ault and battery. Verdict, not guilty and
ro*ts divided liotweon prosecutor and de.
: fendanl.
j Commonwealth vs. Harry liullnck, lar-
I ceny as bailee. True bill.
Commonwealth vs. Jaines (}. Wigha
man, for false pretense. Verdict, not guilty,
but defendant to pay the cost.
Commonwealth vs. A. Kohlbockor, for
violation of the liquor law. Thin case ia
now occupying the attention of the Court.
In the Court of Common Plea* the fol
fnwing cases were tried :
M. Thompson Reese vs. W. A. Kerlin.
Verdict for the defendant.
W. D. (Hassgow use of Silas Olassgow
v. Nelson Oeorgo. Verdict for plaintiff.
J. Newman," Jr. va. William Witiner.
Plaintiff suffers nnn suit.
William J Keller va. Zimmerman,
Bean A Co. Verdict for the defendant.
TIIANNUIVINO. —Kvery person iri this
community has cause for profound thanks
giving, and to-day all can join in the na
tional thanksgiving which low been ap
pointed. Peace and not war, prosperity
Mtid not failure, health and let sickness
havotfieen the features of the past year. A
brilliant prospect such a* has never before
led any nation forward now stands wel
coming thi* country on. Remembering
that sin is a disgrace to any nation and
that in the blessing of Ood alone i- pros
perity, let us all give thanks. The morn
ing will be ushered in with a consecration
service, for young men, beginning at half
past eight o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A.
room. At nine o'clock a public service
will begin in the same place, to which
every one is invited. Then, at hall past
ten o'clock a grand union service with a
sermon will be held in the M K. church.
Of course lifter this service the elab .rate
turkey dinner with it! 1 its accompanying
choice side disln-s wiil be in order, and if
lbo<o who have more than they need know
of those who have not enough it will be a
most graceful thanksgiving act to s<*e that
they an* supplied. The afternoon can la*
s(a'nt us the sweet will and pleasure of each
|M-rson prompts. But at five o'clock
I*. M begins the thanksgiving oyster -up
per in the Ironworkers' building. There
will be a large supply of good oysters and
much pleasure and everybody is cxiierted
to go W<. lielieve that there is no pro
gramme arranged to attract people on
Thanksgiving evening, so every one, hav
ing spent a pleasant day, may retire early
and enjoy the rest which a g-xsl conscience
A New Sci'KltiNtKNiiKN r.—The effi
ciency of a Sunday-school rnore than any
other organization dcjends . n the high
character and capability of it. officers.
Last Sunday th M K Sabbalb-sc hoo), of
this place, r ognir.cd this fa. t in the s*lec.
lion of Mr. Dai id II Lcib, the principal
of the Rellefonte public s hools, and a
v. ing gentleman of great moral w.-rth,
for its superintendent. It < ann<'t fail to
!M. the opinion of everyone that the Sun
■lay-srho-'i have made in Mr I.ieb the
Very fw-*t choice -ibb*. Ti # true M r
I. ha many duto-s wiiii b monoteilir.e b.*
time, but it has be* n found tiiat those who
nr.- iii -st rigid in fierforming boinen obii-
Kli' lis are lie I larefiil in f ing the
into- which sto ha |-iti. •, imje... The
h"..| and Nl r Li-bare I- th d<--
seri ing of congratulation
LIT EHCIiT Nr.w- \ s.-.ty f r the
. ultivato n < f the literary f the
I nunc gentlemen of I"ir t"wii wa. organ*
i/.'d la-t Saturday tight in the r■■■-ms of
the M A , under autpn |gm cirenm
.lafifc* Ther- w*. a ere-! liable attendance
and <. niiderable cntliusiasm. Mr .1 Ms
* ti Duncan w*- elec ted President, and
M* Sj -r I loj.-i:. Sec retarv, t' ■ serve
for six m nths. Messrs It F. Keller and
f'ha- S hroed-r wr apfednted an advise
I "ry i mmittc-e for the prese nt week
Bwn H C. flcknytr aad A. K. Bhini|
.rc appoint*-1 a c -mmitU-e on a• • ieti
•urnal, of who h the former will !*• eclitor
and th" latter associate edit r. We un
b rstaiol that ail j'.iing g' nt'o men w 1.0
would like to parti< pate in or enjov the
i-eneiits of sh a gathering are ini :t-l to
attend Tlie meetings will be held -very
Saturday night.
PIN Nsvt.i i ia I;TK P SIR I'nr.wn y
The attention of farmers it direr ted to a
iicu style of fencing, i lainoal by the agent
to !"■ built with a cash outlay of only three
dollars j>cr mile. Among the many promi
nent farmers who are using it we refer to
.1 Rock-v, Wm. Dale. A J Shivery, J.
A I Htrubte, K A J Henderson, J A.
Hunter, Robt. \ aientine, t'urtin A <*<>•
and Major Reynolds, as the cheapest fenc
ing ever brought la-fore the farmers of
Ventre county. It has Iwen adopted by
tiranges wherever introduced. Headquar
ters at Carman s Hotel. Robert Moore,
Ceneral Ag-nt for New York, IVnna
and W. Va. itt.
John Hewitt, rector of the Episcopal
church, this place, nvet with an unfortunate
accident last week n Tuesday while visit
ing his brother, near Wakefield, Clar
county, Kansas, He was driving in bis
brother's huggy, when his horse became
frightened, ran away and threw bim
j out, breaking one of his ankles. As
Mr. Hewitt had looked forward to this
visit with pleasant anticipations, it will
prove a great inconvenience to him. He
will bo compelled u> remain in hi* present
|Hi*ition for some time to come.
—Notwithstanding the late rise in prices
and the fact that almost every merchant
able commodity is bringing from 2& to 100
per cent, more than it did three months
ago, I have determined to make a latyt
' mhtcUun in the retail price of anthracite
coal. At the reduced figures it is equal in
economy with coke or any other fuel, and
it eeriaioly superior and muth more sati*.
factory to handle when used for family
purposes I buy the best quality of Wilkes
barre coal and guarantee that it will be
carefully screened, correctly weighed and
promptly delivered.
—The African M. K. church, of thi*
place, enjoyed the preeenee of a half-doaen
clerical brethren at a (Quarterly Meeting in
their church last Sunday. Two of these
visiting clergymen are brother* of Rev.
John M. Palmer, the pastor loei. Some of
theee minister* are remaining during the
week to conduct protracted meeting*.
umjitl small number of farmer* gathered
the Court House last Monday night at the
regular meeting of the Agricultural Soei.
ety. In thaahx-nue of President arid Vice
President, John A Woodward, K*qof
Howard, wa calbd to the chair. The
minute* of previous meeting were rea/i and
approved. The society expected to listen
to u discourse on the structure and habit*
of the festive grasshopper which preyed on
the Held* of Centre county the past sum
mer, but in thin were disappoint"], as the
committee appointed to secure a person to
deliver thi* discourse rep.rted that they
had not met aiid consequently had not in
vited any one to do so. A report was call
ed for from the treasurer, but he was not
prepared to render It. The Kxeculivo
Committee were also requested to report in
reference to the condition of the society
and the result* of the late fair, but tfaev
also asked for the postponement of lie ir
report until the next regular meeting.
Some words of reproof lor the dilatorine**
of these officers and committees follow
ed. Mr. il O. JMninger, of Millheiin,
cut- rtaincd the society with sicelingljr
instructive remark*. The President re
ferred to the communication received bv
him from Dr. ( aider of State College and
printed in the agricultural columns of this
week s IJEMOI HAT in regard to an invita
tion to all farric r* to listen to a four weeks'
lecture course at the Collide, lie wis led
to see this enterprise of the College a de
< ided succes., ar.-I for th.s reason regretted
that the course hail been made so long and
comprehensive that it was beyond the ca
pability of farmers to reap the full benefit
of it He left the i hair to move that "the
Secretary l- instro. ted to correspond with
the fa< ulty of the College, and sugg-st
that it will in the interest of agriculture
if the course I* limited to one week. He
said further that many farmers might
leave home and sp-nd "tie week at the
College while they cannot remain there
for I ir wicks , that the course was so
rich and < "inj rehensive a- to be beyond
the dige-tive caj ic ity of the farmer ; that
it m ght he ma lea }<ermanent institution
by giving a similar curse one w<-ek in
■ very year ; tt.at it is only te- aue be i*
pa. us I - tlje sui<e- ~f the enterprise
that he sugg.-st* this modification Mr.
Jin : only t,d<d tins motion
to hr:i git iri lebatahle form H-.-xpisr.-
• 1 ti.al the Pomona (trange, at its mo-ting
in C.-ntr. Hal]' the prev.. .. Friday . had
HI ti-'i on the subject by inslrie ting ea. h
sub rdinate (ra'i-.o- t-> s<- ire. if j -sib.
the attendance of two proms during the
whole o.urse and tw j*-r--ns during j-art
of the ( ourx'. Mes-r* I! O Deininger, of
Millheun, Mr. Ilsilv, of Marsh Cnk,
and Isaac Frain. K-q ,of Walker town
ship, also ina-h- remark* r ,n the resolution,
assenting with the President that they
W- uld et oy to list. Nt" the entire course,
but (hat it is impossible for them to leave
tlo ir homes for so long a time The r<-o
lution was carried No further business
bi-ing in order, the s •. iety adjourned.
Av Evrt-osiox OS Pow IKH SMI A
NAKROW K' AIM —(ln Thursday evening
last as Mr. A 11 Atinrw. Ib llefontc s live
ly and intellgent tobaceonist, was return
ing from his home t hi* store, along the
railroad near the trestle he he* sme * par
th ipator in an accident which but for his
opportune arrival must have resulted fatal
ly. Before him walk'd an old gentleman
of sixty y ears or more, carry ing a gun on
his shoulder and a large pspr sack in hi*
hand. Mr. Agnew -aw that the man was
somewhat intoxicated and hastened to pas
him. as he did not . are to ho in range of
the dangerous looking firearm should it be
discharge.) When Mr. Agnew had ad
vance.] a f.-w rods ahead of the man a loud
explosion rea. bed his ear, which caused
him to turn around to see that the man had
fallen, and that fire was bursting Irom
every portion of his clothing. Mr Agnew
hastened to the man's assistance and en
deavored with his hands to extinguish the
flames, painfully Istirning them by doing
o. The man was heavily clothed in an
overcoat, a wampus and a vest, and these
were so tightly fastened to his bedv by
straps across each shoulder as to render
the operation of removing them difficult.
At last with the assistance of Mr Steel and
his son, who had aW. arrived, the fire was
extinguished. As his clothes were much
soiled with oil the fire burned faster than
il otherwise would have done. A powder
horn and a tin box filled with eiphded
caps were found attached to the strap at
the man's right side. When the man fell
(his horn prohably pierced through or
compressed this tin box, exploding the
cap, and they In turn set fire to the p.w
der in the horn, and the fire was scattered
through his clothing. His gun was also
discharged in the fall. Burns were found
upon various portions of the tnxn's body,
and the extremity of the fore-finger of hi*
right hand was blown off, but none of hi*
Injuries are dangerous. We learn that hi*
name is Nicholas Ciay, a miner of I*ewis
town, which also account* for the oily con
dition of his clothing. I>r. K. 1. Kirk gave
hi* skillful attention to the man, who i*
now at the house ol Mr. Roasonef, who
farm* on the Thomas estate, and of whom
he is a distant connection. We hop soon
to learn of Mr. (Jay '* recovery.
—At the reduced rate* the cost of an
thracite coal Is equal In economy with coke
or any other fuel. Call and get figures.
I.AWKXK. K L. Known.
—Splendid cashmere a yard wide 24
cents, at Lyon A Co'*,