flic Cmtrr grwotrat. ■- ■ ■■ Thursday Morning, November 13,1879. rftßß**o!nKNrß.ront4ilnlnfr Important new*, ■olklt- 'rum any |M%rt of th county. No communication! liiimtWml iinlM mtulii|il)lml ky the real name of the writer. A Can T<> Tint Puntie,—Having sold my good will and part of my .took of ready made clothing to a lirm in Philadelphia, to whom I have to give poNMiixn of my store riH>m by Jan. I, 1880, I now offer my .took of ready made clothing at actual cost and freight. This Uan excellent chance - for a good bargain. Koapectfully, Nov. lS,2in. J. NEWMAN, JR. Local Department. Harry Green aell* moat excellent cigars. —That was a glorious rain last Sunday night. —The best line of bats and caps at Lyon & Go's. —There was a small market last Tuesday morning. —The best lino of shirts from 45 cents up, at Lyon & Go's. —The annual meeting of the State Grange will be held at Bloomsburg on December 9. —The handsomest and biggest stock of all-woo! new dress goods, at Lyon ft Go's, at less than city prices. —Hoover, Harris & Co., of Philipsburg, are making important additions to the di mensions of their planing mill in that borough. —Best muslins C cents per yard, at Lyon & Go's. —The new moon will look down from the sky again to-night. Put on your pret ticst Nbnile and let her see you look your bet. A re-w furnace is being put in the Public School building, which will add greatly to the comlort of its occupants this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas, who returned last week from their wedding tour, attended Episcopal church on Sab bath evening. Elder Johnson, who has been conduct ing meeting- in the Baptist church, during the past week, pb-nso* the people and draws large audiences. —Why do you smoke poor cigars, while Harry Green can sell you those which are equal to the best "Havana" for the same price other dealers usk for very poor ci gars ' —The Bellefonte Band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gephart, who arrivi-d on the late train last Saturday night. The bride and groom make a very sweet look ing young couple. A woman's warranted shoe 98 cents, at Lyon & Go's. Mr. George Walker, of this place, was at the Irvin House, Lock Haven, lost Sat urday, trying to convince the people of that city of the great merit* of the Branson knitting machine. —Protracted meetings were in progress at Valentines' Forge all of last week, and will be continued this week. Rev. King, of the Milesburg Evangelical church, con ducts the services. —A good hat 40 cents : a good cap 25 cents, at Lyon r to the cultivation of a large patch of celery during the summer and fall, and has uc corded in bringing to perfection as fine a lot of this palatable plant as we have ever seen. Persons w i-tf.ng to purchase supplies for their tables should give luni it call. —lf you want an over.-at for $2.50, call at Lyon ft Go s. —'A party of gentlemen from Howard who drove to this place in a 'pring wagon last Tuesday, no-t with rather a ad >'X pericnce while pas-ing along ilownrd street. The coupling of their wagon broke, letting them down rather suddenly in the delightful mud below. In this situation they became wonderfully mixed up with each other, and when they gained their feet they were so covered with mud fr. m head to foot that one could scarcely recog nir.e the other. —A son of Mr. Jonathan Hear fas*, of Gentre Hill, had his left arm broken in two place, on Saturday, the first instant. While he wa driving a blind horse attached to a wagon in which ho and a boy named llaumgardner were seated, the horse „d --denly started forward at a rapid rate. Searfoss seized tho wrong line, which led the horse over an embankment, wrecking the wagon and injuring him as stated. Ho immediately received the skillful at tention of Dr. Alexander. —Two young roughs from Elmira, N. V., were, on Thursslay last, arrested for robbing the ticket office of the Pennsylva nia railroad, at Phili|burg, on the pre. viou* Tuesday night, and for committing similar depredations at Blue Ball, Wallace ton and Rigler on Wednesday night. Thirteen dollars in money, taken from the office at Philipsburg, and two suits of un derclothing, which they obtained at one of the other offices, were discovered on their persons. We understand that they have made a full confession, and have been brought hv Gapt. Glark, of Osceola, to this place, and are now in jail. —Gingham 6 to R cents per yard, at Lyon ft Go's. —The Brockerhoff House entertained the following commercial traveler* on Sat urday, Monday and Tuesday: T. R. Pier, Millerrtnwn, I'%. W.J. Oeissinger, Hun tingdon, Pa. ; W. Thatcher, Westflold, Mass.; P. T. Riley, New York; S. Rlurrv enlhal, C. A. Jenkins, Ghas. M. Weight man, 11. J. Horst, F. I. Sanderson, I. T. Mallon, Jos. Sulzlwrger, G. F. Jenks, 11. L. Greenbaum, and C. S. Thessell, Phila delphia; John Vandubrugle, New York ; Joe A. Wilson, Baltimore, Md. ; I. K. Day, Pittsburg; Gyrus Arnold, Philade). phia ; M. A. Powers, New York ; W. H. Frv, Indianopolis, Ind; B. Kneger, Phil adelphia; O. L. Stewart, York, l'a.; 11. I). Vau Horn and Thomas Foster, Phila delphia; G. Bosenstock, New York; P. S. Vollmer, Philadelphia; 11. Yunge, Glove land, Ohio ; I. Walker, Philadelphia. —Terrible indignation fills tho breast of tho average citizen as ho walks through these dark night* to his home on Water street. Even the grave, spectacled profes sor, as with earnest zeal he trys to avoid stepping into the yawning waters of the brook which surge by his side, and ever and anon plunges deep with both his pol ished hoots into the deep >,/-;> l followed. Kx-Shcriff Hall wa* twice mar ried and by his first marriage raised a numer-eis family Among his children are Captain James S 11*11 and M r Joseph it. Hall, of Renovo: Itenjamin It. Hall, of Chicago, and Dr. William llall, of Miim hurg. Several married daughter* also sur vive him, among whom were* all the wife of Cot. James H. Weaver. Oaa of his •on*, Dr George Hall, died some \ear ago ,\ sear or mora before hi* death, Sheriff llall wa- so unfortunate as to re. i .-ive a severe injury to his head by being thrown from a buggy while riding from llellefofite (o his home Thi* It ury final ly resulted in paralysis of the brain and for some time before he do*) his mind bad entirely failed. He wa- a useful man in his day and will !• greatly rai-u-d in the , tu rnunity where he llven of this t"*n, taking his place. The new proprietor is a man of enterprise and business energy, and ha* commons sal well, by appointing Mr. l'enn Bigony, the former efficient clerk, as general su|>erin tendent of the establishment Mr George Hupp ', we are pleased to learn, will re main in the hotel for sometime to come. I'nder the new rrgtmr we prophesy that thi* pleasant place of entertainment will receive a still larger share of patronage than it at present commands. Titr Dxi.tr-tota tv*Tßn—An oyster supper will le given in the Ironworkers' building on Thanksgiving evening, com mencing at ft O'clock, the proceeds to be devoted to the paymanl of stove*, chairs, tables, Ac., for the new building. The workmen have appointed a responsible committee for this purp<*e consisting of George Dry, George Miller, James Miller and Alfred Nirholls, who have sole charge of the arrangements. Ti> k"t* will be sold only by George Miller. The new building ha* already proved of great service to the workmen, and we hope when our citizens are requested to purchase a ti. bet for tins object they will respond favorably. * Unix* or o*i OK BKLi.amiriK'* FA voairxa. ln regard to entertainment*, our town piromisea to Isegin the year of IRRO well. The elocutionist who has boon received with the most favor in this town since the visit, five years ago, of the King of Kloculion, James K. Murdock, is perhaps Homer D. Cop**, who appeared here last winter and now stand* unrivalled as an exponent of thought and character on the stage. He will visit thi* place and give an entertainment on New Year* night. His rendition the last time he wa* here wa* the drama of "Damon and Py thia*;" but this time he will give hi* mis cellaneous programme, including both the amusing and instructive. —Notwithstanding the late rise in prices and the fact that almost every merchant able commodity is bringing from 2ft to 100 per cefit. more than it did three month* ago, I have determined to make a large rtducium in the retail price of anthracite coal. At the reduces! figure* it is equal in economy with coke or any other fuel, and is certainly imperior and much more satis factory to handle when used for family i.urposo* I buy the best quality of Wilke*- barre cs>al and guarantee that it will be ca-efullv screenesi, correctly weighed and promp.tfy delivered. LAWRKXCK L. BROWN. —Notwithstanding that everybody is Invited to the meetings incident to the Week of Prayer, held undor the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., yet we hear ladies ask ing if the invitation includes them. So we take the opportunity of repeating again that to the remaining meetings this week all aro Invited—young men and maidens, old men and ladies and children. Mr. Alfred Nicboils will lead the meeting this even ing. On Friday Mr. C. A. Lindsey will assume control, and on Saturday it will be In charge of If. Y. BtiUer, Kj. A Bouqi-KT OK CUMI-LIMKMTN.—The BeiJofonUi Band not only receives a neat little auiii of money for the courtesy of a serenade extended to visiting stranger*and newly-wedded, gushing couples, but HIO u rationally i* the recipient of nicely word e.J little note* of thank*, three of which, recently received, we give a* specimens, allowing the visiting stranger t-> appear llret on the list ; HKI.I.IEKOHTK, PA., Oct. ill, IH7'.C ("AIT. BUR< ltriKl.li—Air Allow me to thank you, and through you the members of your hand, for tile unex|>oeld p|. a-ure you gave me last evening. I assure you 1 I highly appreciate tin. compliment anil will always look hack to it with pleasure. Per mit rne to say I was agreeably surprised to find a band here so proficient a* yours. Again let rne thank you for the delightful time I had In listening to your music. With kind regard* to ami wishes for the welfare of the Bellefonle Bras* Band I am with resjaat, Yours truly, Kv AN MILKS, Capt. If lat l\ H. Infantry. The next we give in the order of their receipt, the first from handsome Bichard 1 and lady : HKI.I.K.KONTK., PA., Nov. ]K7!t. , To Ma. WILLIAM K. HI K< IIKIKI.D arid bit excellent band : A/y Pear Mmiral Friend* —Knowing ! the kind habits of the excellent band which graces our Mountain City home, we can not say that the serenade tendered to u* last evening wa* a complete surprise. But nevertheless it was most gratefully receiv 'si. A* it* soft, sweet notes came floating through the tranquil air it seemed hi breathe the spirit l welcome, and we felt that if all the greeting* we receive through out our future lib a*e like this, naught but kind words are in store for us. Music, I when rendered as wa* the serenade last I evening, bath great charms, and we thank you for it t'niting in the hoj>e that your ; excellent organization may continue to prosper, tiiat it may become more and more an ornament to this Mountain City, ami lagging vt.u to acci-pt the enclosed slight token of our regard, We nre, most gratefully Mn AND Mn. Kll II A HD TIIOMI*. The following certainly I* :ir the stamp | of public spirit and k.iq>* in remembrance the fact that "we are one:" HKLLEKOXTK, PA., loth Nov., I*7'.. Mr Wll.l.la xi K BrKdiriKi D, Leader of Mountain City Band l>'ar Sir Kncloaed find a testimonial and prai tn nl appn* i*tii n of the ex client music rendered Dr is* on Saturday evening last. \t ith many thank* from myself and iady for tlie compliment, and i*-t wishes b>r the continued suc< < >. arel pr( the day* of "sold lang syne A go.l child's suit at J>l .'Ms, at Lyon j A Co s. TIIR WRMHVO LAST Tut aetiAV -Wed ling* in high life have occurred . numer ously among the young folks of thi* town during the fall, that the |le*nt *V' r . v Hist tell* of one seems to !• but a repetition of the other, with only the variation of names. L*l Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the union of Mr. James Lane, of this place, and who, by the way, is a ! grand-nephew of President Buchanan, with Mis* Tamazine Thomas, next youngest i daughter of Mr J V. Thomas, also of this j place, was solemnized with appropriate ceremony. The blinds and •ntranrc* to i the house were closed, and the rooms made brilliant by gas light Miss Sallie Burn side j performed the wedding march, and Rev. John Hewitt, rector of the Kpisco pal church, officiated in hi* usual elegant man ner. The bride was supported by two beautiful bride's-maid* In the |riions of Misssw Mary Thomas, the bride's sister, and Mary Gephart. Clifford Thomas, a brother of the bride, and Klliot Lane, hrolher of the groom, acted well their part as groomsmen. Messrs, l/emuel Munson and the portly Cameron Burnside made their most elegant courtesies to the as semble! guest* in the capacity of ushers. The usual choice collation was spread after the ceremony, with colored waiter* in attendance, and all passed off merrily. About seventy useful and handsome pres ent* weye bestowed on the happy pair, who enter matrimonial life under auspicious circumstances, and with the gartly due to the fact that the Bush House is such a pleasant place of resi dence. He roceived while there every at tention he could have If at home. l'ttOK, (f Rl F FITII, or ILLINOIS.— Mont delightful entertainment* were afforded our community during lnt Friday and Haturday evenings,given I'.V Prof, (Jriflith, President „f Ktillon College, ]|||noil. Mi* coming here wu unexpected alike to him- Mlf and llio |Mn a l>ulne* engagement, and w.- r e *o delighted with the gentleman'* many accompllthmeiil* that they induced bio. to come home with Ih. tn.and give hi* celt.. brated lecture entitled "Face# Hlgn* of Character," on Friday evening last. The lecture wa* given to a large and pleated audience—an admission fee of twenty.live ; cent* being charged, But, in consequence of interruption* from the *mall hoy* in the gallery, the ProfeMOr was dissatisfied with hi* own effort, and, by the request of prom inent gentlemen, consented to give a free lecture on Saturday evening on "Elocution and Oratory." Of course, Hume*' Hall wa* crowded and the audience delighted, and it U aeldom a more genuine treat has been atford especially instructive, a- he ihow- i cd how e\ cry j-rsori can, by tice necessary effort, become able to read or sjx-ak in an effca live manner. On Saturday the Pro fl'""r visted State ( ollege, jn < ompauy witii other gentlemen, where tiie student* were much pleased and benefitted bv hi* innrtirtioni. A# HP r*riimiov*r .SudJav in thi* place, he very kindly conducted the owning meeting of the Wee k of Prayer in eonm lion with the Young Me n's Chris. Can AaaocitUon, at t p m., la Hnam Mali, and also preached in the Presbvlerian cbureh in the evening. The l'rofesoor de parted on Monday morning, carrying with him the thanks of our people for hit effort* to please and instruct them. The latest stock < f ladies' bats, satins, ribbons, flow.r* and bather* at l>ottom | rices, at I.yon A: Co'*. A < e'li.xvT, —The Pfiilipsburg Journal thus record* *n accident which occurred n'-ar that place about 7 o clock eing seat'-d in a top buggy with the storm driving in his face, and also being a stran ger in this locality wa* not aware of hi* close proximity to the railroad crossing, consequently did not bewr the usual whistle of the engine as it approached. He drove on unconscious of the coming train, until he encountered it. Neither the engineer or fireman were aware of the approaching horse and huggv. and onlv noticed the overturning vehicle in the darkneo* as the train rushed by. Tho horse escaped writh a few scratches, but the harness and the buggy were badly used up by the accident iiutupon the whedeit wa* a most fortunate escape of man and beast.'" —Splendid cashmere a yard wide 26 cents, at Lyoir * Co'*. —At the reduced rate* the cost of an thracite coal i* equal in economy with coke any other fuel. Call and get figure*. I.AWRVN. >• J,. |t go wn The Anniversary Exerciser or the Y. M. C. A.-—Next Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock, these exercise* will occur in the Presbyterian church, most of the other churches being closed. The programme will include much of interest, and will be so arranged that each exercise will be brief, i and brevity is said to be the soul of wit. The President, Charles K. Cook, will make the opening remarks, when "Coronation" will be sting, and Kev. Yocum, of the M. K. church, will make the opening praTer. The Treasurer'* Report will follow, when Men. J a me* A. Beaver will be called on to present what Is termed the "claims of the Association. "' Then will follow an ex ercise which cannot be elaborated on pa per, but which will be specially Interest ing to the busmen* men of this borough, who are Invited to be present. Then brief talk*, concluding with prayer by Rev. 8. K. Furst and the "Doxology," wiil com plete the exercise*, which will not last mora than one hour and a half. Music will be Introduced at interval*, and U under tho control of a separate and compe tent committee. All are invited. —The largest and best stock of good winter suit*, at Lyon A Co'*. —Mr. Jacob Dinge*, of Centre Hall, who recently had hi* arm amputated, I* said to be doing well. Local History.— We have taken tho privilege which wa* afforded us, by tho receipt of Hon. John lilsir Linn'* address, delivered at the unveiling of the Brady monument at Money, printed in pamphlet form, to republish it thi* ww-k on the in- 4 tide of the Democrat, for the benefit of our readers. It will prove of great inter est to those who have not yet had an o[ porturdty to read It. Mr. Linn hat re ceived c ompliments upon thi* address from a large number of people—among them (Jen em! Kbermnn. A novel i* in course of preparation by a gentleman named Mc- Knight, of Philadelphia, who takes JohnA Brady as hi* hero. The historical fact* gathered by Mr Linn will be of great ser vice to him. lying ago there was a pretty •tory published away over in Denmark, which was afterward translated into Kng glish, and Mr. Linn ha* discovered it iri an old volume of "The Friend' newspaper, which he purchased from the Thomases, of this place. It relates how two little Penn sylvania sisters, Barbara and Regina, were captured by the Indian*; that Barbara wa* lst, but I'e-gina was put in the posses sion of an old Indian woman, by whom she wa* harshly treated. She, however, | prayed night and morning that she might again be restored to her mother, and also taught another little white girl who was with her to pray. At last brought tin- little girls, with other captive j children, to Carlisle, where the authorities puldishi-d a notice in the n<-wsr t|x-r* that all who had lost i hildren should come and claim then,, Regina hail i banged jn *p. pearanee and had forgotten her native I language, *., her mother could not recog. nixe her. But she sung a hymn which •she had often, in years ja-t. sang to tho not sought bv inv one, so she went awav with Regina and her mother, and all 1i ved ha j pi I v ever after. At this day it seem* almost U s ij—.rr- I*. I'sfls." :Mr KKE -O. the Mh" iaHsat st the * resaAetM* of the hrt M tsif. sit M Cotloee toonthip M11.1.k lI— KI.INK .-Ortohe* A Utl st the Evso- Sttcst nsrsonsv In Mileshar*. t> , i M Kins, t Joha Miller slid Ml— Mar. Kiltie, l-sh -.1 Mitrsho r*. KLINE- ANKlK*.— tvtotxo ISCS ol Ihe InsH,. 2' *?: TVS* ' n "es*mr, l.j Rev. 3 M Klaf. Mr Alho4 Kline s4 Miss jrilks 3 Askin*. t.*h of - Ft . tab I ye-r. W mosthe so* • dsn g CAVE your horse* am) hbrnesn by O l-o.rlo* ihe , J llawNon rMent Draft Tag. K. am Ins Br., one team ami ha rvstitcef (Mot* so* Coast) risk la fur sole. bereeohei 1-, I*TO O OEKENK A^eeC