J. It. It A ULA XD'S "tier-Hive" Store, Altrf/hrny Street, Itellefonte, I'a. HEADQUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS AT TTTTTT nim 111111 KKKKK nnunn KKRKK KKKKK mm HUH 11111 VVV VVV KKKKK TTTHHKEBBKK K K II H II V V K K T H H K B fl K K II II II V V K T lillHIlII KK 8888 KK KK IIIIIIIIH II V V KK T II H K B B X K II II II V V K T II II K K B B K K K R II II II VV K K TTT IIHII 111111 KKKKK HIIBBII KKKKK KKKKK 111111 111111 11111 V KKKKK OITE PRICE, EXCLtTSITE ZDTRTtT GOODS STORE. I AM OFFERING THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST stock: of jd-rit goods II£T CEITTRECOUITTY. PRICE LIST FOR THIS WEEK. Dress Goods, - -- -- -- - 5 cts. up. Cashmeres, all colors, yard wide, - - - 25 " ptr yard. Black Cashmere, all wool, 40 inches wide, - 50 " " " Silks, all colors, ------- 50 " 44 44 Canton Flannel, G " 44 44 Crash for Towels t 5 " 44 44 Table Linen, all Linen, % 21 " 44 " Carpets - from 15 " " u Children s Ilose, extra bargains, - 5 " " pair. Felt Skirts - -- -- -- - from Hit 44 44 each. Children's Knit Hood's, - - - - - - 25 " " 14 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' COATS. ALL MY GOODS AUK MARKED IS I'LAIS FIGURES, HOPING TO RECKIVK AN EARLY CALL, I remain, respectfully, yours, J. BE. BAi.TTLA.Isrr). My motto is, "ONE PRICK—THE VERY I.oWEST, AM) NO MISREPRESENTATION." A Nullifylntr State. From the Harrisburg PatritH. Rhode laUnd ia nullifying SUte. It refuses to recognise the validity of I the naturalisation laws of the United States and disfranchises citizens of for eign birth who are not possessors of real estate of certain value. Khorle Is- : land is a Republican State and is repre sented in Congress by two Senators and | two Representatives who join in the false cry that the Southern States are engaged in nullifying federal stitutes for the protection of the voter. A part of the roof of the young ladies' seminary at Kethlehem requiring re pairs, the workmen, upon removing a fioard recently, found a hammer of a very unique construction, which hail evidently been loat when the building was erected, 133 years ago. B*U*foi>t Markets. BtLitroett, November 6, 1*79. QUOTATIONS. White whewt, per bushel... fl 40 Bed wheet - I 4*l ; Bye, per bwshet Ab CuHl, Cob 4) Cni, shelled 90 Osto...MM * - 34 Flnur, rvtsil, jer bwrrel 7 'S Flour, wholesale - - - * "4 lIAY AND STRAW llay, choir# timothy. p*r ton. 9 13 00 ll*j, mixed,p*r fcn l'i 00 b ut rye *trww, buudled, per L>n. 1 S*> j Shrt truw, per Im mm. X Provision Market. Corrected weekly by Hsrper Brother*. Apple*, dried, per pound 0 Cherries, dlleal, per t-iund. *eeded 10 Been* per quart * Freeh butter per pound 2" Chi r kens per paunl 0 Cheese per pnuid... MM....... 1* Camntry hsm* per pound 10 Ham*, •ugsr r urea.. mm 12 Bacon— mm. 7 l*ard per p0ind........ ! Bgg* perdo*...M.m mm 1A I Potatoes per bushel lift Dried beef I* MARRIAGES. I' \KKF.R—RII.OKK -At Limestone. N Y .on (Mober 27th, 1*79. by Rev R i Qrame* Mr Fredevb k * Parker, of N Y, and Mis* Jennie C. BOger, of Philipeburg, Centre county, Ps. NPANOLKB—IIOHTF.RM AN —On the the reetdenc* of C. I, (Jramley. Retaereburg, by Rev. Wm. M. Landl*. Mr. t'rtah tpangler. of Newton, Kansas, and Mias Henrietta 0. Iloeteruian. of near Retierul^irg. OILYIJI—WILLOW.—On the 2*th IneUnt, by J. F. Reffsaydwr. K*q . Mr. (ieorge M Ft I vie, tf Aaron* l*urg, and Miae Km ma A. Willow, of Mlllhsim. (iII.MORE—FORCK —On the 2Mb of tlrtober, 1*79, at the residence of the hrtde * father, by 9 11. Yeager, K*q, Mr Albert (Rlmore and Mi* Catherine K. Force, both of Ruraaide township, Ontre county. Pa 11A88INORB-LAMRKBT-At the M K parwmage. Pleasant (lap. Ort . 1*79. by Rev. J A Wad, Jr , Mr. George Oliver llewnager. of Fillmore Pa , to Mia* Km ma Halls Isnterl, of Knop*brg, Pa DEATHS. HOMAN.—Of erysipelas, at hla residence In Ferguson township, Thursday. OHMtf 19th, 1*79. (iev.rge lloman, aged 99 year*, 4 months and 2* days. 01 UPON.—At Duocanavilb , Blair county, Pa., October 14, 1*79. Mim Oassandra J Gibson daughter >4 the Rev. Wm. J. Olheon, D D , aDer a lingering lllnea*. [ Bellefonte and Clinton county paper* plena* copy. New Advertisement*. Valuable Property FOR SALE. AA7ILL be exposeil to public nale TV ow tk pr#mlM, la Um Bnfmah of Mllmtmra, a< 1 o'clock. P. M .nw Saturday, the a*th of November, tb. Rillnwlna bwtlM fmpartj In wit: All the right, title and interest of T. M. Hull in sod to TIIRKK LOT* on the corner of Mill and Water streets. In the Borough of Mileeburg, on Which la erected a LA RGB AMD MCBBTANTIaL TffIIEMPTORY HOCBRknown ns the * "FRAKLIN HOUSE" ti *-lh#r with a Irip aa n#w w.-tb— the only one of the kind Iei#wl "THE RIGHTS AM DUTIES or 001* NT Y AND * !*• KfCKIUI," I'* W. It. Hi*rly, Km] , of the W||]lami|H>ft I'* , lUf. OOIWM *ll *hr l end 4MWOM In H la tM'U to the varioue county sod tow tiehip •'*>••. lee complete hand t-wk fr election nflktri, end treats the tat lews fully Eeiy offli r end tax payer will luy ne. It contain* ie j•*#, neatly printed, Umnd In cloth end g>iid, end sold at I'- p*r volume for ag* n i s end tuVM ajplv with *9MM to 4Mw W R. HI KM I. Y, Willtamaport, Pe. pOURT I'KOCLAM ATIO.V. V.y wIIl: It K.vs. th# Hon. Chrl A M.yt. pr#l dent of the Court- f' - mm n Pica* of the 2Mh Judicial District, r>nsistinc of the counties of Centre, Clinton end (Ierl\M, end the lion. Hatnuel Franc k and the lion John Divan, Ask ' late Judge* In Centf* <>unty. having leaned their precept, t*euring 'late 21st day of ik tl#r, I*7o. to mo Erected. fr holding a Omrt f Oy.r and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and •jnartr-r of the Peace in H"ll*fit*, * f ' r county of Centre, end to commence rnrM, to do th'We thing* which to their ofllce appertain* to be 'kme, and the*- sh > are bound In rmtf niisiw s to prwerote against the pv*>Dr* that are or shall he in • the Jail of I entre county, le then and there to jinae cute against them as shall be J oat (liven under my hand, at lUJlef.ute. the 21st day of Ortoher. In the y**r of our Lord 1*79, and the one hundred and third }ar r. apfxilnM by th# mH Court. to t#k. th# iMtiinm; of th# |vttM. umin| th# doti#. of bt# of# pnintm#fit. #t hi. nth## In th# Rrqch of |i#l|.f. nt#. .m Till KflliAV. th# 30th d; ,f NuIKMHKR. A D I "7V, ot 111 o'clock, A M. in. C ■ l'Wr.R Xwhf A mil tor's Notice. " IN the Orphans' Court of Centre 1 1 county. In the mlttsr of the estate of JoliL K 1.1 Mi, r.. deceased The undersigned, an auditor appointed t- faun upon the eiceptioua Sled, retstate the ermint if neiws/T, according U> his finding*, and al*> t*p>rl a schedule distribution anefig those entitled thereto, will piet the parties Interested for the pnrpoae of this appoint ment. at hi* odh-e in Be!|e*>nte on MTI'KDAI No VKM ItKK U, 1*79. at 10 o'clock. A M 44 3w Vt C. IIEINLR. Auditor. NOTICE. DY virtue and authority of the M i power* and duties In me vested by the 11 th Sec tion of Act of Asaemldr of 44th of May, 1071, all fteh beaket*, eel wlsr*. ki ldlea, brush or faerine net*, rr any other permanently wt n*ana of taking Ash In the nature of a seine Vko h are known t !*> wasteful arel extravagant m—lev of Ashing, eiiatlng In any of tha < I reams within Ontre county, are hereby d**Ur*d r<>rnmon nuieancea and are ordered to hm dlstnantled by their awnerw 'r managers, an as to render them no longer capable of taking or Injuring Ash of the streams of whatever kind ; and if rwh Ash baskets. e| wler* where they now e|et, are net destroyed or dismantled within ten day* after the date of this notice, | .hall proceed to remove sih! dismantle the same as directed by said Ilth Aerttofi of Art of 24th May. IftTl JOHN MPANOI.KR, AherifT. AheriA's OfAce. RalleA nte, Pa, Oct. f7, 1079. AdmlnlHtrator'H Notice. I ETTEHS OF ADMINISTRA- A J tion having leen granted to the undersigned on the estate r*f Aarsh Dnnkle, dec eased. Wis of Walker township, all persons Indebted to the deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and all persona having r Jaime against said deceased will pement them duly authenticated for payment IIRNRT RROWN. 434t Administrator, PREPARED COKE FOR FAMILY USE. r pHE Bcllefonte and Hnow Shoe X R(irr#ul (V#npny ka.iny < m|>l#t# fnmtab *ll rill## ,4 Or>RR FOR BTOVRS. RANOU *nd FtIS NACRB. f'ru# KUNi p*r b>D of ll* DAN I FX RIIOADR. of M*l;#UMri( t*4 K-I#llk, with Mwri* wd Art. Ro*r4 *n4 tuition from 1050 lo ISAO * yur uri BO aitrao. for Hr#uUn u4 (II MriM, I*A#-W>*tki* oMrurii 31-5 m PRINCIPAL. CANCER REMOVED, \*7ITHOUT KNIFE, snd in most ' ' cam* wllhowt Brio. Apply to 0 W. P VimiKß. M V, lh#>ltmr>, JP Im* i'#nirC<#ily,>* CONSUMPTION POSITIVE!,V CURED. VLL sufferers from thin (linense thai ara anilr.tta to In. mfad ahunld tr; Im KINSNBR* < KI.KIIKATf.iI OONMMPTItK Pow libit* Tliaar- P*drrt ara tba nl; t>r*|*rnli'in knows that will rur- ! am..a ~„1 all dlarmaa. nf lha Tun..,, lis Uto-Mmil, n ilr n; II uur (allh in I Via, ami alan b. r-onrtura yon lhal tha; at# nr. hum bug, wr. *lll forward Ui a,*r; auffr-rar l. mall. |>at |wid, a ran Tint lloi Wa duu'l want j,ur mtor-; until ;ou ara (arfatli •atiaft-d ~| tlirii . ur.tlr. t-.a-r. If ;„ur lib w,.rth antlug, iktt'l data; In gtriltg thaw* PowaiM a trial aa tlnj will aurr-l; rnra ;r.u. I'rlra. f..r laif lull. Uui, aant t-i an; |wrt r.f tha ''"ATI ' * ,u "**r •'> mail, "fl riwrlfi of prb a ASH A ROHRINS, II 'I vn rolt,.n Atrwat. Baurhljra. R y FITS, EPILEPSY, OR IAIiLI\b NICKADNN PERMANENTLY CURED—No * Hnftl*ig—by OM mnnlK I utig* of Or Gow Itrd't Cftlftbrttftd InfollibU Fit Powdtrt. T lr* •offerers tht will tki ftl! • • rUim far h#m • will .4 theco by n*ll, ru®. • tti t*ia >t A* In fh ulonl •• ihft iwily |>hy*iMui Ibot fipr m* tot *l4. uonti urnMo Ail •offer#** huM git* th'-*# r'Wit#f on wil; triftl, ati'l be r**i*it< f ttHr <" ur • tit# ynorn FW. t"t Urge hoi, lion, Of % bill#* ft $!• di. ft#nt hy tuftil to ftOf I*ft I.f thft United ®Ut# or UnftU of pru#.of by rtpr*, ti I A 1 Jr#o ASH A HOHBINS, M-l; v'fnll. tr IV - klyn. \ T CEITTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL {F.iyhtK Norma I School District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., J'A. A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal. r PII IS SCH(JO la, a* at present con- I atita'ad. uff-r. th. nr; lat tnrliitlm for I'm famtonal and narwhal t-arning. building. ijarlnii, Inviting and "nmmatl'ma ran. platal; baa to 1 b; Itaan. wall aantl'atnd. and furr. rah •d with a bnatllal au||>l; nf |,ur aaUt.wfl aprtng wataf. ■/aalV* bmlthfnl and -way of an ana. Summa-llng "nirj unrar|aMad T'-a. bar. aipafi.nrwd, aAatant, and all'* to tbalr work. Dta. l| Una. arm and kind, uniform and ftorouck. ■l; ' -a tnodaral* Ttft; canta a waah dadm tion to th •. iitamrlni to lamb. ftu'lanta admttta,! at an; lima, Conraaa of atad; [fwrllal iy th. Plata I. Modal Hrb...l. 11. i-rafwrator;. 111. Klam.nUr;. IV. Vl anUAc. mix yrt rot-t* I Aimlatnlr 11. Onammtal 111 Mnah IV. Art. Tba Rlano-ntar; and Halantlbr rr.uraaa ara Prt. taaatonal, and atudanta (Ta,lnalln( Iharaln raaaifa main Irtplomaa. nonfarrlag tba frillowlnt and ra.rraw potnlin* dayram Maatar of th. Klt.or.l. and Ma.tar of tba Artaa. aa. lirwlnalaa la lb. othar muraaw raw*4la tormal i artlVntaa of tbalr atulninanto. atrna.! b; tba Parol!; Tba Profawrfnnal nwroaa ara llbaral, and ara In tbomnibnaoa not In far tor In Ih-wa of .„ir brwt mllawoa Tba Plata raqulran a bl(bar nrdar of rtUawnabln. Tba umaa daniaud It It la ona of lb# prima obja. u of thlaarbool t,. balp to aarar. n i. f birnlahina inlal llcanl and affliiant taarbara f.r bar arbaola. To tbta and It aollt ita ;<*in parwrna at ood sbtllUaa and I-t purpwaa lb,a.. Who daaira to Imprnaa tbalr tlma and tbalr talanta, aa atudanta. To all a orb II promlaaa aid In daaalofdna tbalr |-iwarr and nbnn tnt arana i Plnrkholdara' Truataaa- J II ftartnn. M D.. A II Bawl, Jarob Brown. P. M Bitkbrd. Pamnal CbrtM, A. B. Baob. R U. Ota.k. T. C llit.pl.. Ran . Rlntalo*. R P. MrC.wmlrk. ■) , W W. Bnnkin. John A R.>ldi Rtal. Truataaa -|| . n . A If Cnrtin. H II I, tbaf. IWnlwrh. Oan. Jaaaa Marrtll. Hon Wlllbun Blclar, J.a C. WluUap.B. Millar Mrt ormlrk. Ra>| ntair—■ Hon. WI 1,1.1 AM Bltll.Rß. Prr.ldanl, Cla*rfla|d, Pn flan. JRPPK M KBBI 1.1,. V, Praaidanl, Ira k llaran, Pn. P MiI,I.AB MrOOHMK-R. Parratnr;. TIIOMAA TAKIII.BY. Trmrnnrar, AdniiiiiHtrntor's Notice. T KTTKRB of AdtnihUtrßtion on lha aauta nf John D. Uah. draaaaa.l. lata of tba Bororiftb of Rallafrmtn, baaing Itaan a ran tad h. tba nndaraignad. rraldant of IMlafnnta. ba ra.|naaba all ftarwona knowing thanmalrra Indal.tad to aald d-radaot to torn, forward and maha Immadlnta pa;mant, and •II baaing rlalnra againat blm to prawant tbalr ar counta.dul; anth-ntlf.t..|. tnr paamant Tut DAVID M 1.1 KB, Admin latrator. Exam illation of Teachers. VBpecial Kxaminntion of Teachers will ba bald at Iba Pnpaalntandartl'a (tfllra. In BalU#iuta, nn TBI DAT, Orltdiaa 11, |g;, baglnnlng at • A.M. Appli,atit, mnat r.na rarommandad ba at I mat Ihfwa dlrartora of tba dlatrlH In whbh Iba* at port lo taacb. fIMU] II MRV P.B. On Pup t *. a drum, Ptaw'l. a. p. maata, Omft'r, |7IRBT NATIONAL BANK OF A RRLLRftIXTK, Allaghan; Ptraat. RallaftmU, Pa. 4-tf ( lENTHE COUNTY HANKINd CWMPAMT. Raralaa Dapnalta And Alia* Intaraat, Maconal Malm; Bu; nnd VII Oor. porn rit I pa. tbtld and Oospnaa, fun A. lutn, Praaidanl. J D Pnttarir Oaahlar Aif S. r A. fjOKH, (irneral Mrrekant*, AlUghettJf Hirret, Jirf/r/oute, J'a. DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU HEAR, OR EVEN SEE, UNTIL YOU PAY US A VISIT AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES llial wo are the CHEAPEST under all Circumstances. S. & A. LOEB,! IS. & A. LOEB, THE "BOBS" CLOTIIIEHS, —AND— THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. l'rot'cnniimal Cards. ' " C. a aLiitinu. c. m or,wis ; 4 LEXANDEIt A BOWER, s ATTt'BNKVII AT LAW, Bollafont., Pa . ma; ba roonM in Kngllab or tlaf man. Olft aln tiarman'a Huilding 1-1; j iuni utru j out IT oianata. ' REAVER A OBPHART, I ATTtIBSBVP AT LAW, I ruwui •r %• gllftlt 1-ljr v ■ vrtatr CTRra totMa i MURRAY A GORDON, ATTORXRTMT LAW. CI.KkRf IKI.D. PA | Will tbft He)lftfii®tft O urtft whft® •fHwrtftily •••l-ioyftda II; r P C. HIPPLE, I a ATTORNRT AT LAW. ICR UAVRN. PA All httfti®fti promptly tten4M to. |.|y \VM. P. MITCHELL, ▼ fRAtTICAI, M RVRYOII, laKh HAYKN, FA* Will fttt'r. I to *ll w.ark In Hftftrflfttd, rli# b4 j Clinton o tantie*. ftflWw oppcMtt* L#wk tU?#n XftUofttl fe*iik FD ly \V C'- IIEINLE, f T a ATTORNEY AT I.AW, RKI.LRroXTR, TA aak Bnllrond, with rar rnundlnga that maka It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Oraat Irtmt A-hing In tba Immadlnta r let all;. A t*b rwna to .*ar; train. At IV MillVtm II,VI acrom mcatallrrwa will V found Aralwlnaa and tarma mortar- Juna , lT-lj DUIH HOUSE, ' ' ItRI.LRPONTI, PA. TUB ONLY PIBRT-CLABR HOTRL IN THRCITT. Tarma HM par da;. Uar* at tar had Ajpartnl rataa glaan to wttnamm and Jaran. 0. Ilorrm. Ptnp'r. W. Pant Nauour, Ctark I>ROCKEHH()FF HOUBE, 1 J BRLIWoNTR, PA, IIOUBEAL K TELLER, rroprieton. Good Sample Room on First Floor, •WFroa Bar ato and from nil Train*. I par I*l ralm In w Hainan and Juror*. 1-1; GARMAN'B HOTEL, ttppnalta Ototrl llotana, RRLLRFONTR, PA. TERMS IIN PER DAT. A good Ur; at bar bad. 1-1; i iIBAUD HOCTBI, VJ OORNRRCMRHTNI-T AND NINTH STREKTS, MBMUMI. Tbta bonaa. promtnat,t In n fit; boat for It. mm fnrtabla hot a la. la band m aaaay nwpart aqaal to nn; Itd-dau hotala in Ma i.mnla;. Oaring kn tba atrln gane; of Ma tlman, tba prlrw of bonrd haa baa* radncwd io IMU naitAba par da;, |. M KIMIN. (4-U Mavgat. llarrf/ li. JHcks, Hardware. HARRY ~KI. HICKS, [rSucccsNyr to T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] lit IKK IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, PAINTS AND STOVES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, HF.L I.KFOS TE, PA. South of Ihamorui. It it mi ttrmm Curtis. HARNESS MANUFACTORY in OIIBU'I KB* Blur k, MUJWm PA l-i, I? P. BLAIR, 1 • JKWEI.KR, wtrenn. ru*, iiwtuiT, Be. All work BOB! IT >IKBII. OB Allafben, Btrort, 4 Brorkortrofl Ilium 4-tf f oris DOLL, MJ r AAIIIOKARLR BOOT A FIiOEMAKRR. Br"k<-.bufl Row. Al!e(b*r> t plrrrl, 1-lj B*llo&i.t., PB DIALERS IS IT HE DRUGS ONLY i j I ZELLER A SOX, t SB :*l • HE I 0411*111. 3 * . Br . kerb.# Row £ jg i All Ik# *lo l*rr| I'ttrat MoAleinrw Pro # T WRIPUR LIT AND fusil, R*#W arvrrtlrli ' SB !PREPARED. TT ÜBBOB. MI UL'LOR Hrarwa, St . St. J 3 *L _~_Li pilia CLOTH I NO. SUITS to order $12.50. Hats, Caj)s fc Hhirtw. MOHTQOKSIY A 00., ThOrn, RKLLKWXTE. PA. I-I7 Dry fiood* and Urocrries. JJARPER BROTHERS, RPRIXO BTRRrr. BRI LBHiJfTR. PA. HITS their counter* and shelve, filled with NEW GOODS, I BANKRUPT RATES PurchaMd at - BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT RATES WHICH THRT OFFER AT BOTTOM L'RICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. (XJKSfmKO OF Dry Good,, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good,, Notion,, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTH and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS LaUet (tyia, of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag,, Umbrella*, Parawd*, LadiM' Cloak,, Carpeting, Or pom I w, t^uoen,ware, Ac. oB|alataf evarj Itlw ikilMh InM Ira ,r#t ■w em. HARPER BROTHERS, ■PRIMA *TRRET, . . RMLUCPOMTR, PA OOUMTRT PRoni'CK Idn la eirtoaf* at lb. kigtiMi atrtH pries. 1-1} Groceries m | Provisions. NEW GOODS --FOR TIIE— SPRING TRADE We hue given very dose and ear'Jul attention la th> selection of goodsfor the Spring Trade, nud fed justified in Maying that our present Stork cannot he excelled either in regard to Variety, (futili ty or JViee, and we doubt if it it, equaled m either of three resj>ect* by any house in Centre eounty. There are too many leading ar tiele* in our stork to make special mention of them all, but call atten tion directly to a few Heme that are nou being sought after every day. fish. Mackerel are of good quality thin M'tieon and are n Utng rather farter than usual at this reason of the year. 11/ hate been telling noth ing but full weights—SO ft*, of fish in eaeh quarter barrel and 100*11*. m eaeh half barrel. They have better value for the money than short wetghit. Jjake Herring and White Fish are very fine this reason and sell ! in g freely, meats. Our Sugar-Cureel Hams, Ih-ied Beef Breakfast Bacon and Cheese are all worthy of special mention. fruit. Oranges and Iscm/me are very fine ana the price loir enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats. Hr kill the best Beef, Mutton and teal that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. So house in the Grocery and Provision business in Belief onte w jtreparcl to supply all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SECIILER & CO. on cc En s. Bush House Block, Belief onte. Pa. CHEAP GROCERY —AND— PROVISION STORE. ' • S. A. BREW * SON, Humes' Block, nert door to Port Office, Al <• k/Uing (onto |. a,*, prirxo tot < ASH or Ik *rkkkg* tor oil klkda of OOLWTBT PKOM I B Tfcry oro mxdrtag grit.A. mrf dot. tfcoi im on o hod CMtolo at fttlng PVRK AMD FRESH GOOHSI TNoIr otork lo fxw.pl*. ">4 xr.ll okrM, ood < rMto Ik port<4 Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. Onuißw, Lemons. NuU k Raisin*, CANNED AND DRIRD FRUITS kf WW) ktftd kkd imM). THE rn.BBBATKD WAMUNOTO* BITdtKB Hams, Sides, Shoulders -AID BREAKFAST BACOH. TogrrW wlUi Uw rkSnd DRIED BEEF. Fwwk wkktlkg gkkdk kl tkwtr Ukr will kod II