Iv elected President of the United Spates iu 187t, now fancy that they will submit to have their States blot ted out, and their Constitutional right* transfer ml to a centralized despotism at Washington. Rut that party had better not count too strongly UJKJU pub lic jiatience. It is "the last straw that breaks the camel's back," aud the stal warts will do well to heed the signs, liefore pressing too far their efforts to abrogate State lines and place the re served rights of the States and of the jH-ople in the keeping and at the mercy of a centralized power, whether that power lie the result of fraud, or the creature of eircuinstance*. The Amer ican people, when brought to realize the fact that a great party in this coun try, encouraged by the immunity giv- CRI to fraud in one instance, lias the audacity to proclaim its determination to ignore the Constitution and its re servations in favor of the States and the people, will uot be iu teni|>er to view such wrong with complacency. Patience will give way to overwhelm ing wrath that will grind the usurp ing jiarty to powder. The Constitu tion fixes certain lines of demarcation for the General and State Govern ments, beyond which neither can |>ass without crime, and the Republicans may not hope to pass these lines with impunity. That we do not misinter pret the motives of the Republican leaders, it is only necessary to rend the platforms they have given to the public, the speeches of their statesmen ' and politicians, and the articles of the press when occasion calls for remark 011 the subject of state rights. They can have but one tendency—centrali ration of power in a strong overshad owing Government nt Washington, antagonizing local self governments. This is so apparent that it cannot es cape public attention, for their argu ments are not delivered in mild or concealed terms, but are openly and boldly avowed, with a view to divide the country by geographical political t lines to weaken the force of opposition. We have abiding faith that there yet remains enough patriotism" in the country to save oar institutions from the danger which menaces them, that popular indignation will yet assert it selfin sufficient time nnd with sufficient energy to arrest the bold work of de stroying the form of Government, as our fathers gave it to us. Hut these destructive tendencies of the Radicals must be met and rebuked in the same spirit which inspired Jefferson to com bat the same idea of strong govern ment presented and urged by the Fed eralists of old, "Xqt/AL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, OV WHATEVER STATE H I'ERHt ANION, HZLIOIOUN OH I'OI.ITK'A 1.. "-J. (T.r-.u No Timo for Sectionalism. Evidence accumulates day by day that it is the deliberate and determined purpose of the stalwart leaders of the Kcpublicnn pnrty to force the politi cal issues of IKBO into the old and dis gusting rut of sectionalism and lnitrecl of the South. They painfully realize that it is only by funning into a fresh Hume the dying embers of the fires of passion and prejudice that burned so fiercely during a calamitous and un happy period of civil war that they have the slightest hojsj of extending their present lease of ill-gotten power. To these fomentors of hate and dis union, the majority of whom did so little when a real exigency of danger menaced the government, the patriot ic and sublime sjiectacle of the Union restored, the .States again in harmony with each other, and the people of all sections of the country ouce more dwelling together in peace and frater nity, has but few attractions. They well know that their future success as jtolitical leaders and teachers depends upon an entirely different condition of affairs, and they will not falter for a single moment in their efforts to bring it about. For this, there must be a solid North to offset a South made solid only in a desire for home rule and freedom from Federal interference in borne concerns. For this, the sense less cries of a new rebellion ami the domination of the Confederate briga diers are dinned into Northern ears with continuous iteration and re-itera tion in every variety of change that eau be rung from them. For this, the stalwart press daily groans with base and malicious libels upon the people of the South. For this, Blaine, Brewster, Conkling, Sherman and a hundred other stalwarts of like courage and mendacity send forth their brutal anathemas of hate, their malignant sophistries, and their shameless jx-r --versions of every day facts and occur rences that (HTtain to one section of the country —all tending to one end : The success of the Republican |arty in IHBO. Will the end desired by these mar plots and demagogues who control the Republican organization be reached by an issue of sectionalism such as wc have pointed out ? We think not. Surely, if ever there was a time for such an issue it is not now, nor will it he next year. That Fnion, Harmony and Fraternity are at all timed lietter for the happiness and prosperity of the people no intelligent and unbiased |erson will deny. And this calls to mind at least one |M>tent reason why the sober, second thought, when it conies, will not give success to any political party that hopes to grasp it through the divisions, dis sent ions and hatreds that come of aee tional agitations. The material inter ests of the county will not permit it. After a long and dreary period of gloom, depression nnd embarrassment in all our business and industrial pur suits, we are beginniug to rejoice in the blessed fact of a dawning prosper ity, and with it a bright and hopeful outlook for the future. In the great centres of trade and commerce we have beheld a striking transformation from inertness to activity. Business seems to lie thriving everywhere. Great manufacturing and producing industries, for years either dormant or dragging along a sickly existence in the general stagnation of the times, are again stirring with new life and energy. Labor is in active demand and com mands higher wages. Employers and employes are 011 Ix-tler terms with each other, hoping to reap a mutual benefit in their improved prospects. These manifestations of a better condition of business are to be felt and seen at every hand. Are they the mere fits and starts of transitory and illusive causes that will pass away in an unexpected mo ment, or arc they the real and tangible signs of a permanent and strong busi ness revival. 7 Which will tend most to ward permanency and strength —peace BEULEFONTE, l'A., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (!, IH7!l. and reconciliation, with huaiuoan, po litical and racial intercourse free, friendly and unrestrained throughout all sections of the country, or a new crusade of sectionalism with its ac companying evils of discord and dis content ? Which will give greater se curity and confidence 7 But oue sen sible answer can be given to these ques tions. The time therefore for sectional ism has past away; and under these circumstances xnd surroundings will not the inquiring, conservative and patriotic good sense of the |>eople dc nuAid that such an issue IK; 110 longer a factor in a great Presidential elec tion? And will not the {xditical party which insists otherwise receive a signal and lasting rebuke? Official Voto of Contro County. STATE TICK KT STATE TREASURER. a j ! a? I m p c £ §• DISTRICTS. - sr r tr I " i 3 6 5 ? , w e & r y : p Belb-fonte, N. W ! 71 144 II 4 Do. S. W 107 00 14 1 Do. W. W 35 4* S 1 Howard 35 3s 1 Mihuburg 32 83 .fs 6 Millhi-im 104 22 l'hili|MlHirg 11l 1341 ;> I'd ion villi- 26 29 r, 10 lbnner ■ 104", 2s 1; i 127 60 34. Uurruido ' 10 33 Uurtin i Collegw 6! 1 102* 3N Ferguson, Did p 142 4'-' Ferguson, New 31 4;* Oregg 161 32 Mains* 153 70 3 4 Half Moo 31 65 12 llarrD 105 IJO Howard 61 62 4 Hue lon 33 4H 82 I.itx-rly 341 GO I 19 Marion 78 2".' 1 Mile* ' IR4 3s 1 Patina 29 6'.' 2 Penn - 89 r, 1 Potior, North. 132 &o Potter, South 11l 62 Ruth - 64 18 7 Snow Shoe 07 24 8 Spring 12* llrt If, Taylor 23 27 4 Union 44 47 2u 10 Walker- 144". B'.i 7 Worth 40 36 16' ToUl 2090 1706 297 . 01 COUNTY TICKET Jt'lf OIARII ?*= £ p t ..tr.™ |ff f| 1 ! y'irflJ • ■ i s ! ! lull-font*. N W '.l 141- ft, ) 14 Ho. W 103 an | J<>2 to |T Do WW. Vi 44- | : Ml 4* t lll.W*rl 3*l „ V. -Jt ... H M *7 M>iai.tirr— a at; at w 32 t Miilh-lm lu2 102 a a I-tiilij-l-or I'St I m ]|o inn 4 I nl-ntllU-- ...* 21 4'. .> a A O"A*A. 1 114 M 41 Un M Snriial-U J 14 M ... 1.1 it. ... Cartln, ■ <•* m a. <•• ui in Col W '.Ji 14 i rmwen. Old 142 MS U _ VTa>wn. E „ .14 AA v. at ... Or-AA - 1 12 lil 31 ... I lain— Its TC' ;i I 144 *0 .1 IIAH Moon *1 4*. 34 ,V 2M I 14 llarrU v: to ... w 44 II —| It H' 4 40 42 4 llnalnn ..... It T.l *1 J A| Mhrr I X7 nt r.. X! tm .1 Mtrton | T XT .1 7 ZT 1 Mil* 1M * 2 I*4 I FAM-.* ——l 77 AA 7 .'.4 4 Fnn m Ai I wi a I Potu-r. Mottli - la* : „. iw 47 x PctUr.Soath IU - ... 112 m *ah I t l |e 1 42 tT Sn-iw Shoe I 7 T. 7 M. rt2 A Sf-flnA 177 tl.\ 17 1/7 11A |A T7lr-r : -2-2 X 4 d T 4 Caki* 2A so an 4 4: W*l4 i 144 4n 7 14'. 411 ? Worth.. -I 40 44 17 *1 I* T-tal on the resilience of the best and greatest of American statesmen, nil placed there by the Americnn people, but—well, the invitation was signed by the wrong fellow. THE official returns of the Ohio election show a majority of 17,129 for Foster over Kwiug, and a majority for Foater over all of 3,8*>5. The Grecnlmck candidate received 9,129 votes and the Prohibitionist 4,145. The majority for Gen, Hickenlooper (Rep.) over Gen. Rice (Hem.) is 15,- 978. The total vote for Governor waa 998,(107, The Elections. 111 Pennsylvania the Republicans have elected Samuel Butler, Republi can, State Treasurer over Daniel <). Harr, the Democratic candidate, by a large majority—not less than .V>,o. Lmg, the Republican nominee by a plurality intimated at 15,000. Wisconsin elects a Republican (iov ernor, a dm* Minnesota. and Ne braska a Republican Judge; of the Supreme Court. New Jersey and Connecticut elected State legislatures and the results in Inith are favorable to the Republicans. From the Southern State* that voted on Tuesday the returns are very meagre. 111 Virginia the election turned upon the question of the State j debt ami it is sup|>oscd that the party i favorable to what is known as the Mc -1 Cu I lough compromise have triumphed ; over the other party called the ro-ad-, jjusterw, or rather the rcpudiators . From Mississippi we have but slight returns. It is supposed the State lias gone Democratic. The election was exceedingly quiet nnd orderly. FOURTEEN HUNDRED Democratic voters of Centre county at home on election day. Fellow Democrats !" what think you of such indifference 7 The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics at Wash ngton re|orta that the value of the exports from the United States of live animals of all kinds increased (rgm $5,844,683 during the year ended .lune 30, 1878, to $11.487,754 during the year .tune ended 30, 1879. <>f the total exports of live animals during the last fiscal year 71 per cent, were sent to (treat Britain, During a maas meeting of the Oreen back Labor party at Scranton, Saturday night, a runaway horse, which had be come detached from a street ear, daahed into the crowd, when a miner name Brian Judge was knocked down and killed. The crowd became very much excited over the event, and were eo lhrealing toward the driver of the car that be was locked up in the station house for protection. Another of those remarkable stories comes from Pike county. This time a Miss Clara Hendershot, who lives near Shohola, is the heroine. While rowing in her boat she met a deer, a big fellow, swimming leisurely along, so that she ! might overtake him. She fiitd and i wounded him slightly. The animal j made for the boat, and the girl lunged a big knife in hia throat and came off vic torious. An old gray-headed woman was arrested in Philadelphia laat week for stealing $375. She put the money in her mouth and for several hours resist ed the efforts of tbe'policemen to get it out. As she was so old they didn't want to hurt her and sha went to jail with the money still there. Poverty was the cause or the crime. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. IIA vql' KT OK Til K lIOUTZ IfKIIW.—The remarkable suit which brought to our | court* the rnoi-J distinguished arid able lawyer* in the State ; that involved more I line point* in the intricate law which gov j ern the tenure ami title to the land* <>f 1 the Commonwealth ; and which resulted ! in a verdict for the defendant*—the heir* I of the lloutz e*tato—found a fit culmina j lion in the elegant banquet given at Houtz | dale by the defendant* in thi* memorable | < ae. They considered the victory of *0 j much importance, and felt *0 grateful to all who contributed to their uccu, that j they determined to emphasize their gruli > tudo by calling together their friends— J those who took an active part in the great caae and a)o their |>er*onal friend*. The writer left liellefonte in company with the lion C. T. Alexander and D. F. Fortney, E->q. Mr. Alexander represented at the dinner the counsel, who won for the defense their splendid triumph. Mr. Me- A leer and Goo. M Brisbin, Ksq, ledh de fendant* in the suit, managed the dinner and received the guests. Robert Lawshe, was called to the chair, after the guest* had done ample just We to the really incoroj.ar able dinner served by that prince of genial hosts, Fred Ke*e of the Arlington House, and immediately the important business of the evening began. Hon. R. Bruce Petrikin, of Huntingdon, and Thomas 11. Fisher, K*q., brother of the Congressman from the Huntingdon district, occupied, in connection with Harry M Ateer, George M. Brisbin, Harrv Hartman and ex-Sheriff Pie, of Clearfiekreounty, one table. Hon. C. T. Alexander, I). F. Fortney, Esq., Win. A. Tobias and J. C. Harper, two of our county officials, together with Joseph Morgan, recorder of Clearfield county, George 11. Zeigler, of l'hilipsburg, and others, occupied another. Ik>n St. George Frazier, Houtzdah-'s only editor, with John K White, of Oteeula, and George II Barrett, Jr., of Beliefonte, not to men tion Charley McCauley, managed to fill another table. Alt-gether there were sev enty-two person* sitting at one time at the various tabbw in the two tastefully dec orated rooms prepared for the occasion. Mr. Rmae deserves great credit for the j handsome manner in which be entertained the guest, of the evening. Mr. Lawshe, j the chairman, called the assemblage to I order at precisely twelve o'clock. The baton, wielded by the chairman, was an empty wine bottle. A* oon as order was j established, Bruce i'etrikin arose, and in a felicitous *jck Haven, to which piHco he hud moved from K-lx-r*- burg, Outre county, hut exhort time be fore. On the 14th of September following, hi* consort, Mr*. Klixale-th Ituhl, aged i;7 year*, I month*, and 4 day*, followed Jiiru "through the valley and shadow of death." The doctor wax esteemed wherever he wa* known, and he wa* particularly successful in curing dangerous c*m. o| cancer, to which fact he rnainly owe! hi* reputation beyond the neijhle.rh.KKl in which ho lived. He wa* called into all the adjacent countie*. iri x<-v.-re case* during the j,at few year* and cured number* which bad Ixxjn abandoned. The remtdio* he i ployed were purely vegetable and com pounded by a science acquired bv many year* of *tudv and observation. The so. cret of hi* medicine* be fortunately eotn rnunicatod to one of hi* ton* a tbort tirno before hi* death. The brief interval wbi< h occurred between hit death and the demixe of hi* devoted wife afford* a curiou* in •tance of that lympathy between two aoul* wedded together during long year* of do mextic happincM. Notice* of the death* of the two re*|>ocW ••<1 individual* who form the *ubjet of the above notice appeared at the projerr time f in the Democrat. A* they were *0 well known in Mile* township, this county, we copy the above, knowing that it will be read with interet. Howk Ca >a na HnkEl*.-—Threc week* ago Mr. I 8. Frain, of Walker lown*bip, de parted on a xhort trip to Canada l pun haw a large xtock of extra-fine L<-ii cxU-rxhire • beep. On Saturday evening. October 25, he returned, which fact we unintentionally omitted to mention in our lat usee, We are glad to hear that hi* errand to Victoria * Dominion wa* entirely *ucc*i~ ful, and that he brought hack with him ninety-two larnb* and two ram*. One of the rami ix four year*, and the other three year* of age, the former weighing 32-x j>ound*, thoroughbred and trictly* pure. Home lamb* of )at April weigh 140 p-uiidl and have wool ten inches long. Mr. Frain inform* u* that he ha* already wild thirty-ii *hoep. and anticijau* order* for at haw* thirty-eight more. STATE NEWS. There arc 02 prisoners in the Chester county jail. draft* of Italian chestnut* are lw*ing entensively put upon native chestnut tree* in Mercer county. < The Schuylkill Jtrpulliean *av that it i* the purpose of President Gowan to make the main line of the Reading a four track railroad. I bird-en thousand unstamped cigars were seised in ftethlehcm on Saturday by a revenue Collector in the store of William 11. and Isaac FouU. llorae stealing i a business along tbo lower part of York and oountie*. in which it is supposed young men of "reputable families" freely en- The average amount of fine* collect ed on Monday morning* by the Mayor of Reading, for ca*e* of drunken and diaoiderly conduct on the Saturday nights previous, ia #7O. Mr*. Mellion of Pittsburgh, while suffering from the effect* of drink, got out of bed on Thursday night and cut her throat. She wa found dead early the next morning by her husband. < 'ne- half day in each month ia devot ed in the school* of Wlikeebarre to have the roll of meritorious kcholar* read and statements made of the manner in which they earned their honor*. A woman in Itradford perceived the * oil in her lamp wa* on fire. With great presence of mind she threw it into the street, when a sharp explosion occurred to the great astonishment of a few spec la tors. The large island in the Susquehanna river, located a short distance below Mtddletown, containing 265 acre* and belonging to the Rat-dwell estate, was sold to Colonel -lame* Duffy, of Mariet ta, recently, for (120,0(10. Several day* ago Frank Meisner and John llodler, small boys, were play ing upon the street in (iprms.ru*, a town in Potter counts, with a gun. Tho weapon exploded, killing a man named Joseph Singerly, who was passing. The Middletown. Dauphin county, Car works have been purchased by Mr. Michael Schalt and work wa* resumed there Monday. The work* employ about two hundred and fifty hands when run to their fttll capacity. The thriving town of Parker suffered greatly by fire last Thursday. It origi nated at 2 a. a., burning for five hours, and destroying fc9ou,ooo worth of prop erty. The insuranoe amounted to fISO,- 000. It Is thought to be the work of an incendiary. * O. R. Matthewson, a young man on trial in the Doited State* Ihalnct Court at Pittsburg for robbing the post office at Paetoryvilte, Wyoming county, ia attended in Court by a very beautiful young lady named Capwell, to whom he it engaged to be .married. She ia the daughter of e minister, ia highly edu cated and very wealthy. . On Saturday morning several hoys at Worroleyabnrg, opposite llarviaburg, stood by the railroad traok, touching freight cars a* they were drawn aiowfy by. One of the number, named Prank enstina, was pushed by a companion and UUtng u|n the track received I Injuries from which he died the simw night. NO. 15.