Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 30, 1879, Image 8

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    ®!te (Centre ; tlftnotrnt.
Thursday Morning, October 30,1879.
Co* RBflioifM!fCß,conUtattift important now*, ■olkit
wt from any part *f the county. N curamunic*ttota
IIUHTUnI ti it lent accompanied \,y the real name of the
Local Department.
Dr. Fowler to-morrow night.
—The moon was full last night.
Kelt skirt* at 45 cents at Lyon A Co's.
—Tho finest overcoats at Lyon A Co's,
—Tho host cigar* are sold by Harry
—Tho first snow of tho season fell on
Friday morning.
—Splendid yard-wide cashmere for 29
cents at Lyon A Co's.
—The Pennsylvania railroad is prepar
ing it* winter schedule.
—Tho cool mornings have a had effect
on the curb *tono market.
Mr. John Shlvler, of Philipsburg, is
preparing to erect a now house.
—(to and hear about tho "Great Deed*
of (treat Men," to-morrow night.
—Tho liluo Spring is, just at present,
attracting a largo number of visitors.
—The girl* hardly know which is tho
sweetest, Harry Green or his cigar*.
—The biggest line of ladies' and chil
dren'* huts, trimmed and untrimmed, at
Lyon A Co's.
—Tho Y. M. C. A., of Centre Hall,
meets at half-past three o'clock every Sun
day afternoon.
—The next time you pas* Green's drug
store step in and buy one of thoso cigurs
sold by Harry.
—Now books have recently been added
to tho library of the M. E. Sunday-school
at Philipsburg.
—Dr. Fowler, who lectures to-morrow
night, is ono of the most brilliant orators
in the M. K. church.
—Fifty ticket* to Dr. Fowler'* lecture
were sold, on Monday evening, within
twenty-five minute*.
—Tho 6.30 A. M. train, on Monday
morning, arrived in this place about an
hour and a half behind time.
—The cool weather will bring an in
crease of trade to our merchants who have
advertised during the summer.
—Chief Burgess Hastings is at present
receiving a visit from hi* mother, Mrs.
William Hastings, of Salona.
—AI. Crow's paper, the Lock Haven
Daily Journal , is three years old, and, wo
are glad to know, i* in good health.
—Mr. C. A. Lindsey has concluded not
to leave town; which sensible conclusion
will cause many young ladies to rejoice.
—Enoch Emory, formerly head waiter
at the Bush House, is now occupying the
same position at the City Hotel, Williams
—For beautiful millinery good* the
ladies should call at Mis* Mcßridc's. She
has just received a large assortment of the
latest styles at lowest prices.
—Aaron Williams, E*q., left his dear
la-hind him, and went this week on a
hunting expedition after another deer.
We hope ho was successful.
—Members of the Y. M. C. A., of this
place, will please hear in mind that here
after the Friday evening meetings will be
gin promptly at 7 o'clock.
—A hand of young men, who call them
selves the "Social Eight," will give a hall
to-morrow evening in Bush's llall. We
hope it will be a pleasant affair.
—The hooks in the library of the Young
Men's Christian Association, in this place,
have recently been re-catalogued, and the
reading room will soon be thrown open.
—That there will be a large attendance
at the lecture by Dr. Fowler, to-morrow
night, at Humes' Hall, is certain. It will
be the grandest literary event of the season.
—The usual monthly meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association takes
place next Sunday afternoon in their room*
al 4 o'clock. Everybody is invited to be
—Everybody who was in attendance at
the Baptist church last Sunday evening
considered the meeting, held under the
auspice* of the Y. M. C. A., a very pleas
ant and profitable one.
—Thanksgiving will be here soon after
the elections ar# over. We are much
puxaled to know where our turkeys are to
come from. Can't some kind friend en
lighten us on that subject.
—The rite of Communion will l>e cele
brated in the Episcopal church next Sun
day morning. A sermon preparatory to
that event will be delivered at the Litany
aervice on Friday evening.
—We learn that the wedding of Mr.
Frank M'Coy, of M Coy A Linn's Works,
to Miss Allison, of Potter's Mills, will
occur at the latter place to-day. It will
doubtless he a pleasant affair.
—Lawrence L. Brown ha* made a large
reduction in the retail selling price of an
thracite coal. Call and get hi* figures.
He guarantee* best quality coal, well
ecreened, correctly weighed and delivered
promptly. *
—Would you have perpect comfort thi*
winter, and be clothed in well-fitting,
warm garments. Then, whether you be a
man or a boy, step into the clothing store
of J. Newman, Jr., where you can get
what you want.
—The Reformed church, of thi* place,
have secured the ministerial service* of
Jtev. J. F. of Williamsport.
The reverend gentleman U expected to he
here and preach bis Initiatory sermon on the
first Sunday In December.
—A few gentlemen from Centre county
are traveling through the southern coun
ties of the .Slate. "Dannar," one of their
number, write* u* a letter, which i* publish
ed on our -Ith page, and will, we think, bo
found readable.
—Just now the weather i* quite change
able—onn day warm and the next cold.
Hut it i* a* necessary to boclothd In
warm gnrmcnU now a* it i* In mid-winter
—and J. Newman, Jr.'* Kaglo Clothing
llall is the place to buy them.
He*t call coots 6 cent* per yard, at Ly
on A Co's.
Mr. Uoorgo Human, formerly of
Aaronsburg, died at the home of hi* chil
dren in Ferguson township, on Friday, the
17th instant, fie was one of the oldest
citi/.ens of this county. At tho time of his
death he is said to have been over ninety
years of age.
—Mr. Walter Graham, an esteemed cit
izen of Miiroy, died one day lust week
from tho effects of a cancer. He was the
father of Mrs. J. 11. Butts, of this place,
lie was an intelligent, pleasant and respect
able gentleman, whoso death will be very
seriously felt.
—The biggest lot of entire new clothing,
at Lyon A Co's.
— ROT. William Laurie, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, was in attendance on
the Synod of Harrisburg which met in
Williamsport last week, continuing over
Sunday. In his absence, no services were
held in the Presbyterian church, this place,
last Sabbath.
—Hurrah, boys! to-morrow night is
All Hallow een. See that you are supplied
with corn and jack-o-lanterns. I'ntrr /nm
iliax, however, will well t<> see that nil
his cabbage is taken in, that his stable door
is well secured, and that tho front gale
cannot he lifted off its hinge*.
—Canton flannel*, ; cents [>er yard, at
Lyon A Co s.
—We would like to know what Blle
fonte clergyman it was who said that "not
withstanding the hard times, the wg<- of
sin have not been cut down one iota."
The leak Haven lir/wiliran heard of the
remark, and replies that "this is very true,
but there is a great deal more work for the
money than there u*ed to lie."
—The "Bellefonte Jubilee Singers"give
a concert for the benefit of the Presbyte
rian church of Zion, at that place, on
Monday evening, November 3.
Best muslins at t'-j cents j-r yard, at
Lyon & Co's.
—Tho Centennial Club, of this place,
recently changed their place of meeting
from their former room In the Bush Arcade
building to a third-story apartment in
Humes' block, over the Bellefonte Library
Association rooms. The subject of estab
lishing a reading room i* being discussed
by them.
—After 4 two weeks sojourn among
friend* in the West, which was crowded
with pleasant meeting* and joyful greet
ings, our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Teats, returned home n Wednesday even
ing of last week. They were missel while
away, and their friends are glad to see
them home again.
—The sad news coin* to us of the death
of Oeorge, a son of Mr. John Foote, of Mill
heim, A I*oil two weeks since he was in
MifHinburg, on a visit, and while climbing
a hickory tree he fell from It, sustaining
serious injuries. It wa hoped he would
recover, hut a few days ago he died. His
body was brought home, and interred in
the Millheira cemetery.
—The funeral of Mrs. Barnhart, widow
of the late Jacob Barnhart, took place last
Sunday afternoon at half-past one o'clock.
She was a most excellent old lady, over
eighty years of age, and for a very Jong
time an honored member of the M K.
church. The funeral service* were held at
the residence of the deceased in Spring
township, and were largely attended.
—A splendid hoy's suit at $3.25 at Lyon
A Co's.
—Some one in search of household goods
entered the vacant parsonage of the Re
formed church, this place, last Thursday
or Friday night, and took part of the fur
niture remaining in the house, the proper
ty of the former pastor, Rev. H. King.
The robber or robbers attempted to take a
mattress, hut were unable to force it
through the window. In this position it
attracted the attention of passers-by on the
following morning.
—An immense stock of new goods at
Lyon A Co s.
—The Harrisburg Pntrwt, in a notice of
the late Brady celebration at Muncy, pay*
the following handnomo tribute to our fol
low townsman, Hon. John B. Linn, the
orator of the occasion: "Hon. John B.
Linn, ex-secretary of the commonwealth,
was the orator of the dty at the unveiling
of the beautiful monument to Captain
John Brady at Muncy last Wednesday.
The town was ablaze with enthusiasm,
and the ceremonies witnessed by a tre
mendous crowd. Mr. Linn's address,
which has since been published, is prepar
ed in that scholarly style which character
ises all of that gentleman's literary work,
and was delivered with pleasing effect. It
Is historical in character, recounting the
incidents in the career of Captain Brady,
and makes most interesting reading."
—A splendid winter suit at $3.90 at
Lyon A Co'*. *
Mr. Patrick Dooley, whose residence
ori upper High street wm consumed by
lire, n few montlis ago, is rebuilding.
—Monte Ward, who lias won for him
self glory in the buse IJBII line, inudu a
"short hut sweet" visit to tliis place last
week, departing on Monday.
Dr. Mingle and Mr. George Ulrich,
of Millhnim, called at the DEMOCRAT office
yesterday morning. They are pleasant
gentleman, and wo are always glad to
meet them.
—A few of our merchants are rejoicing
over largely increased trade, as a result of
honest dealing and judicious advertising
Prominent among them is the reliable
grocery firm of 8. A: Brow A Bon.
—A large funeral took place from one
of the houses in Rush's Row, near the
planing mill, last Sunday afternoon, at
three o'clock. Upon inquiry, wo learn it
was that of Mrs. Row, a very estimable
lady, whose son is employed at Valentines'
—"Steadfast in Christ," is the subject
for consideration next Friday evening at
the meeting of tin* Y. M. ('. A. The les
son is found in Romans fl'.i, and Mr.
James Montgomery, of Mann's Axe
Works, is the leader.
—On Saturday lut, at Howard, Mr.
Aleck Knoll made a wonderful escape from
death. He tell Irom a 4-ton load of ore
directly in front of the wagon. Most for
| tunately, a chain broke, stopping the
| wagon, and allowing friend K. to escape
, with a few bruises.
—We have understood that some trouble
! existed recently in the public schools of
Milesburg, because of difference in opinion
| lietwcen the teacher* and directors in ro
' gard to salaries. Of the extent of the dif
, Acuity aftd what measures have been ern
ployed to remedy it we are not informed.
—We regret to •barn tliat our towns
rnanj M. it .wer, K-q ,of tin* well-known
law firm of Alexander A Bower, has been
confined to hiwliouse with a severe attack
i of that painful nerve disease called neu
ralgia. We sympathise with our neighbor
in hi* sufferings and trust lie will s"--n be
i —Mrs. \\ . M Holmes, of this place, is
s *
at pr entertaining her soldier brother,
('apt Evan Miles, who with bis wife i
visiting her. After a b*ng experience in
righting the Indians, ('apt. M. La le-en
given a ten month*' leave of absence, and
, will favor his relatives in the East with
a visit ail around.
! • —Charles T. Huston, K*q , a prominent
Democrat, who has l**en largely engaged
lin journalistic work, is no* employed
upon the editorial department of the WU
liarnsport Daily flannrr. He is an able
anil experienced writer, and the /fansrr
will doubtless prosper under his manage
-1 ment.
| —lf we mi-take not, J. Spencer Ogden
wrote a number of local* for the last issue
of the IU/'uhlfiin. In this, a* in every
thing else, he shows himself to be a v, ry
intelligent young gentleman, and we take
pleasure in recommending him to the ap
proving smiles of all young ladies who
would like a beau with plenty of brain*.
Uarenl#, before purchasing school
hooks for their children just commencing
schoal, should call at John •' Miller A
Co. '#. They have the new series of books
introduced throughout the county, and ex
change for the old book* used, or sell at in
troduction rates—and have also nil the
school book* used in the county, beside#
slates, school satchels, scholars' companion,
craTons, pens, ink and all the supplies
children need.
—The sermon of Rev. John Hewitt, of
the Protestant Episcopal church, last
Sunday, was on the topic of "Self-Respon
sibility." It was a grand theme discussed
in an able manner. Hut where all the
, discourses delivered hy the reverend gen
tleman are so superior, it is difficult to
say which is his most able effort.
—Our talented young legal friend,
George R. JUrrelt , Esq., returned from
Philadelphia on Monday evening. Ha
expects to make hi* homo in that city after
the first of January next, and lately went
there for the purpose of arranging for hi*
contemplated change. We are glad to
have George back in time to take a hand
in the politic** of the county before the
election. He will fill several appointments
to speak at Democratic meetings between
this and next Tuesday.
—Gen. James Burns died at his resi
dence in Lewislown, Pa., on Sunday even
ing last, of paralysis. He had been afflict
ed for some years. Gen. Horns was a man
of remarkable energy and perseverence,
and worked his way up from an humble
position in life until he became a well
known character throughout the State.
He was at one time Canal Commissioner
and for many years occupied a prominent
place In politic*. Ho possessed kindly im
pulse* and had many warm friend*.
—Notwithstanding the late rise In price*
and the fact that almost every merchant
able commodity is bringing from 26 to 100
per cent, more than it did three month*
ago, 1 have determined to make a large
reduction in the retail price of anthracite
coal. At the reduced figures It 1* equal In
economy with coke or any other fuel, and
1* certainly euptrUtr and much more Mils
factory to handle when used for family
purpose*. I buy the best quality of Wilkes*
barre coal and guarantee that It will bo
carefully screened, correctly weighed and
promptly delivered.
- At MI curly hour on 1h u radii V evening
lust n large nrid eager audience flowed in
through the entrance* to the Presbyterian
church, and wore ushered by young gen
tlemen, chiefly remarkable for their white
kids, to scats in the auditorium. Their
mission was to witnuss the wedding cere
mony between J. Wesley Gcphart, Esq.,
and Miss Klla Hayes, all of this place. The
floral decorations surrounding the altar
arrested the eye after it bad lingered sufli
cietitly long on the aforesaid young gentle
men. These decorations were very pretty,
. chiefly white flowers peeping through a
i wealth of green leaves and vines, which,
j whether by design or accident, very nppro
; priately suggested innoceney and youth.
| Further to the right the tops of the instru
ments and the heads of n very gil looking
orchestra were visible—at least their music
was fine. The relatives of the contracting
party, including many from a distance,
occupied the front souls. The lively strain*
from the orchestra softening into more
measured march music, announced the
! approach of the wedding party, and toon
! the procession was seen at the left entrance,
j Durbin Grey arid J. L. Spangb<r, Esq*.,
' took the lead. Messrs. James Montgom
ery and Ellis L. Grvi* were the second in
j order. Then came the bride and groom,
followed by Messrs. John Miller and J.
Irvin liagerman. The bridal party were
met by Kev. William Laurie, who repeal
ed the Presbyterian wedding service in the
usual form. Nothing could have been
more exquisitely modest and neat than the
bride's attire. It was a traveling costume
made of a fashionable combination of green
and old gold, ber bonnet crowned with old
gold plumes. The groom's moustache wu
cultivated to an excessive degree, and bids
fair to be the crowning effort of his life
As the wedding man h resumed its gontb
, swell, the party wended their way out
of the church. They left on the evening
train fur New York City.
Many rich presents were received by the
j happy pair. We learn that among them
were two complete silver services, one from
the groom's brother attorneys, and one
from the bride's father.
To linger upon the high character of
the bride SNJ groom, or to spi-AL, of the
! ESTEEM in which they are held, would be
alike superfluous, in the presence of those
who know them so well. They are well
| mated ; may happiness forever attend
| Hutu.
\N e did not have the pleasure of witnessing
j the wedding ceremony between that pleas
ant, whole-souled young gentleman, Rich
| ard Thomas, of this place, and his beauti
ful and accomplished bride, MISS Emma
Sanderson, of Millhall. which TO k place
just at dusk last Thursday evening, but we
T learn that it was fully as pleasant an event
US was expected. IT requires no stretch of
' imagination to picture th- brilliant SCENE
which the assembly from this place and
| I<ock Haven IMl't have FORMAL AS they
gathered in the handsome parlor*. llev.
L I. llaitghawnut, of the Presbyterian
■bur-h, Millhall, performed the ceremony,
Miss Emma being the third sister of that
family at whose we<)ding the reverend gen
j tleman has had the pleasure of offl, iating.
The presents given are described as numer
ous, costly and elegant. They aggregated
about one hundred separate gifts, with hut
one duplicate IN the collection. The happy
couple went on a wedding tour to Phila
delphia, New 1 ork and Boston, expecting
to return early next month to take op their
abode at the Rush House, where pleasant
apartments are prepares! f. >R them. May
they live long and he happy.
A woman * warranted shoo, cents,
at Lyon A Co'*.
ijt ITB SMART.—There must be at least
one per* >n in Altoona who understands
The King's English tolerably well if the
following report from the Trihun* of a
conversation which took place near the
depot in that city last Monday bo correct:
"Did you make the train ?" queried the
anxious questioner.
"No,' said "smarly," "it was made in
the car shops,"
"1 mean did you catch the train," with a
slightly embarrassed manner.
"Of course not; it's not infectious," was
the cute reply
"Yk ell, you darned fool, did you arrive
at the depot in time?"
"No, you infernal idiot, I arrived In a
"Great heaven I" shouted the questioner,
"did you hoard the cars ?"
"Jumpin' Jerusalem !" howled the smart
man once more, "you knowff don't keep a
hoarding bouse!"
And the questioner turned and walked
slowly away, doubtlos* thinking it time to
master a language which afforded less
scope for play on word*.
—At the reduced rate* the cost of an
thracite coal Is equal in economy with coke
or any other fuel. Call and get figures.
—Mr. John CJ. Miller, last week, was
In Huntingdon, attending a reception given
hy his brother, on the return home of the
latter with his bride, an lowa lady. We
hope that John C. and all the parties con
cerned, enjoyed the affair immensely—so
much so, In fact, that John will soon be
|ier*uaded to a*iime the rate which his
brother bore on that occasion.
—Discussions about the location of the
next State fair have already commenced,
with the chances In favor of Pittsburg.
Altoons, however, will hotly contest the
privilege of having It within her borders.
Black silks, to cent* per yard, at
Lyon A Co'i.
run Nov EMIIER COVET—Tho November
court commences on the fourth Monday
<>l next month, for which the following
list of Grand and Traverse Jurors has
bwn drawn.
Arv D.ii—. ll.,want la>.
J.R W SI il.-cl.t,, „
IK-nJ. inu.-T, Mil.a tap,
M Hnimguil, WaHt-i tap.
John Sluaaar, I'attou li,
f I'. lilait, Iti'iti-i..,,!..
John I'rala. Iluahm lau,
J. A Diinkli', Ito.li t*|i.
V, lh.*.'r. Ilalnia twj,
J H* 11.-ulh, litnil. nap
John (aluplMll.
John H|itta. Viiion lap.
Ann-, Knrli, R, nw,r lap.
J K.r.i, ii,., |.,
M'.i.n-. AlDKir, H. ll.f„ai
E K tqiaiixli-r, Ml— rt>.
, . Jr El'ilii*
J I 7 tioiii|tw.|| f rvl|( v *
Math*** r. Vvtuvmm
J M Moll. N..UW hW
II K lloy, H"Kira
J < IsfOkfrf, IUIIASM
John Ms,#*, f'litli|**i#urg.
iJ. I' I'atauna, lluakin
J < Hinull. MIL.
William Miller, IVau.
I Wlltoin Malta, Curtln.
'Ororg. N.r1,.,lf s T.,lf.
IM J"l. tIM/tl, 11. jf|f,.
0 W f lira), Baton
Ami; li. kerl, ft, Belief t
Partial 11III, llu.t'.i,
I* H■ leather*, I iii..iiill.
Samurl iiaull, Spring.
j.. rf.'ti..iiiiiii Worth.
jAV.J Jaekaoli, Otlllrar.
IP or; '/hell. Cunlu
' ami;, II ..i.| 1.,*,,.
I| U 11,.or, phlll|wl,
11 A. Berlin, Ui. gg
Kami I lender am, T|..r
Jarkann ||..„,, || u . ( .„,
lii.li.it lr,in. .
1 titii l>.t. lii.jttf
William i ..lil.,
W ililair. li It' 11, llmum
II Hi. klij, II i, ,
Usiunl Uln.in, l*ill,-r.
Win Htuait, Hie,a Eloa,
OuuTW llolliaa, Mil
I li. ISoatoiinsn. OrexE.
Ilonry Mniki.llo,,
Holo-rl H.trilia, Epilog.
Thomas lisla, litiii—a**
i hil— i mi..i. I'l.iiipst. k
E ttlailalci. r*lj;il*iii
A, J ii'mlhlliia, Evitt,
Dra-I KsuOioi, <iii-n
Thomas An lie*. Ei ieusod.
A C. Muasir, f-nn
Joarph I'l-loi. hiisr.
Win. M Eih'ill, I'll lon
Kdaard 11... Ilsuis
It O. iHiiliipr, I*.-mi.
I' ' Ki-IDr, got lot
J H ID-ii, I'Mion.
Jamas Ungls, I'ollsr.
Eamusl OrrD. Ikori.
J 11. Julia,, Worth
Thorns, Maiha! H-tuiar
D-lil.l 111 miliar<l, Mil—
Tit" titna W <n. Woftlta
Wlllutn l'ffiftftik. If'**!•)
J II }ftttt*rti,
l**iit>trijftatt. h tg *ti
<##■#nf li J<sr(j<sti, <irwKg
li(ilM}.. |rf|t|Eo{|
J"lif l \Ufinr, H i rib
Jd4il I II
I V| Ptuf.l. **ut,
I'Hcr J<*f<|s'ti. l 4 'tiA-r
KutnaH Unkf,. Wlk*r
ll wrr, Kali
Kftifrtt k. I'utm.
1 In hy lUfliursl. Vlils-wi. u
*l!n t|e | H t'lu l, ji djtig.
H illlffifti JLUr Hwflte r
j Will IflllikU, I'dlU'f,
II (*. K f <jlifj?a
| b n-ry iL.^^e.
Jailir- IV krf, < QitTti
j UltiCf P •! if, W felklf
II ilrutnkfafi] Mil#*
1 * I Ktllfig. f listti'-g
X IJHIiiII, dt'gf
Hilftatii It*;, Itu.li
I'atttik War-l. anm Sh—
O." '1 lf a llui, Mali n
J li Riitrr, Walkrt.
Saruuel Hurirli, llallira.
.1 II Hatra, Barnaul.
0 A Kairlatnl,, lu il. f .nf*
Hai.l. l Lata, SpHng
Jarr.li S'. .rr, Mll'W
Jaoal ltar|Of, Ik IJef nlr
Ji tin La In (a Ta)lnt
J H llartam. 4. Colli.*..
M I' Tatr, Brno r
M it M ' urnitek, H'.tut
Ha*ld lit 1.I411,1• 11 rr,
J OmnMp, rfcllifAan.
J a 11 unart man. f tin
M llllaiu h alkrr, Miir*
Inrti'l liar tie; BrllrfoaU.
' T (Atmatnar. Sriua hk*
J K Imnklr, tiregg
f ell* Hnrklmld. r. p.ttrr.
J ftr trij r.n, hr, Mee
I' II nt'itar, Pmn.
TIIAVKRPIt Jt'R/ißp—l 11 I lili WKKK
W r* W !f_ R. ||J
H <' <
Jk' !*•**wtti, .
IUGIMTII fiflm. Mil#*
Ai ra; i M l llarii*
VI if. If hj, frriruaoi}
lit |jf j Kiel.e.l. < -If* if*.
• * b)' ft, li- H•<<.it*.,
t.'afik. f iiotnjiWiti. ll'J,rjrr
J ' Idbti Pr Pis.#*.
llt. Iltftg, IVoti
JJ K I# <s* i'bmtt, hn&
M /,a(l.uk * .-laii Ii .rteM
i I.Miow islffifi RetlcfsstsU
K'lfte-f l(*irj*
I ( A ( itttiPt, tAl—ftf
•* A lltr,l'.r. r. ,M fa *
J<ehtt H'HIAI, kj riftj; |
if* I. bntiulry. M iJ"
J Tf*alt-. Jt , < A\*v
A lifti f' !t.< |iKf
J"** < tDtotitill*
J < < on,it, **j r r*af
In M Mi 1, Rtiriiaklf
H I J. a I l •i .| |
Miiss* M*t|s fti I'wt! ft
J Tofe* Htlltfii>urg
AP"f iK-tihtlV. ftnsli
<*iti|fTirh JlsifMß
Hlft* I jitxa f : f, tgueu
Jtr. it. i* i • i
WtlliMi R#ll. R|MlfA^
J' I* <Mfst 1A i fyltug
< 'lli. Iliii.c*
|£ W1 HllllMl, l*liil|JM g
jHolfdl Ptr*iilk , MAiF.fi
How TO TII.L A.*r ijs K Ann.—The
following table will enable any on" U> tell
the age of any person younger than 30
■ year*, and afford* a very imuting game
j until the trick is found out. To tell Un
person* age, ask him or her to toll vou
which columns of the table contain the
nunite r* correa|-nding with the age.
They arc not to *hw you the number, of
course. 1 hen add together the number* at
the top of the column*, and you will have
the person'* ago.
1 2 4 H is
3 a ft IT 1 7
•' <• ♦ 10 18
77 7 11 19
10 12 12 20
H II 13 18 21
Id Id II J3 22
16 l ' 16 I ft 23
17 IK 20 21 21
19 19 21 26 25
21 22 22 2fi Sfi
21 23 23 27 27
26 "* 2*5 2H 2K 2*
27 27 2*i 29 29
29 30 30 30 80
Fancy alpaca*, at 7 cent* per yard, at
Lyon A Co'*.
Tin Unu Win 1 Itn A nr. A
CATHOLIC. ' —We did n<>t hear the lecture
by Mr. ( leave*, in the Court Ilouae, )a*t
Tuesday evening, but we are assured that
there was a goodly audience present of all
shade* of faith. The gentleman spoke over
two hour*, covering a vat field of theology
and history. For the benefit of those who
may consider the tubject important, we
will publOh ne*t week a brief aynopala of
| hi* remark*, which he ha* promised to
prejiare. It may afford food for thought.
—The family of Mr. John Harris re
reived an unpleasant sensation one evening
I last week. One of the children, while at
! play, upset a kerosene lamp, and the oil
igniting, blared up in a truly frightful
manner. The flame* were at length sup
pressed after injuring the furniture and
entirely ruining one of Mr*. Harris best
silk gown*.
--desne OF the Icide* 1-srrnts. HI Re, Mr. 11 SOT*,
sreal. Mr. RHHAD TV MS. .if Mlrlnntr. and MIA*
Rssiina K Ssslosi. of Mill llsll
AHA MR —A HA MR—<TR*>4ER id. at LB* resMenoe F
the utdn # kf Re* 8 W M. 10bans W. P.
A Vsm. af lorn rnaaly M#., to MIT R*,LIE A. tenia
rvJls* 1 " MO - (knasrly ..F Centre roaaty,
rbtli|*bara. Sunday ©rtober L, BY RN A M
(VeUlite.n. MR Robert Arawtrm.* sod ML. Alio-
Jem*m, TVOFLI <F L*hili|kt>ttrc
lb# rsstdaar* *f J„B
Shannon. ISI. In Centra (ULL. OI tnhar A, by RE* T
TL Shannon. Mr JOHN Reeslalr and Mta hilars
AIM.M, H-th .4 MM'.MUL. Centre Z.™
Woßßlßtl—STßorfti —At lbs Lutheran Mimaaaa
Mllry,<bh.N a.l*7*.ty R,r * „
HEb of Centre llall, ( antra reaaty.
K A KM! RKROKR—COR F Kit At the Lnlhsw ft
rrf • ?r\7 ,w i s r
Ptnrber, Mr. Henry IF II a rah LA-RUE, GAD Mtaa Lsdhs
Confer, both at ansr Centra Hall.
RH ARK—ROLT.-H* 11. H. fwaar, J p OR T..W JS
* * ND "•F *■•*. M*H
t N'OA'l tn*C F*™ H "' 1 OF Rsotralda
TON net, if. Centre raasty.
MITF IIKI.I, TOI.RKRT - On tba |atb nf Ortotw
ttoa, Mr J. R M lb-hell and MLEE Hannah M.Tsrf
P"*"" TOWASBTR, Csntoa meaty
FLRIRTKTH.-AT bat YMA Mar Port Matilda. en
'."W"* I A. "lew aasun PTTM. Mrs KM ma
" L " 1 ' ®'™Ul. AGED I ran, I saeatba and * -lays.
UHTREI. -IN tlenre** Valley, or, Mnndsyta-TUHE* 90,
Trial List-
Trial likl for Nhvi-'iilhtTithl, A.l). IHT'I,
commencing tb-.. 4lh Monday 74th day) of
November :
Kinar Wr.*K—Monday, November 74 *
W I, M'lu.nell M. M. In.Hi
..I"".*'"' 11—... a Oaa-bart.
M.T Hi— w A Klib,
. "VZI. . AlnonnAor k Bowrr.
J.—-|,i Shirk -J. M
. Viicum 4 UaaUnta
I L Hunauri M H.i. i.i.• Kc ., Bru.
. M.'rrtatiD. Al*ari4er 4 ik,.,. r .
A" il" llarpakr Win lu.niiear.il..i
I Al.iuiiilrr 4 Boner 11'u.h. V—urn 4 llaaliiira
Mm 4ltla.ni, Ji , K r " Haul ll.im.
tyaiwl.r. AleinnArr 4 H-.w.-r.
II a—man " J.ilih T Sonler
H...1. V- urn 411 a. tlii*. II- , 4 <i rl .)uui.
M I. o„. . - N.I. „
Alexander A Hawor. further
I aBIH Hi.r|. j ~ u aainu.l timfirngiv.
Ali-xaii.ii i 4 Buwer. StlUrf 4 Mog.a.
Jhemn.u, J, - William Winner
1 , , ? Hurt.. r uin 4 llarting.
iVI " 3 3 Hartiri- b
! K*l|ff Z.iaiiif tti.mi, H*-atj A i i
IP 4r r A (jfpWt.
Hk.ok,, Wen-Monday, December I,
, CucuHum aalUi rt Pni i. ii Jaom ik,b
i ■ V'.T."' u * "V"" , £*"• * O.Mi.rt,
k . . T. '* rt.; Oral /•,_. n .1
Kir aml II.,;. H--...1 4 <i> j'l.ai., I,.iin,
John link. - H Km,11..
! IH,.;p an., Inn O. -, l 4rVH ,^.i :;" , '*"•
Heater 4 Orphan 1'.a1., Al.iaud'rA Bow'r.
J—H William. .'HII MiU,ain,n,|
a aul! ■*.
* II Muaaer " C. P K-lUt r| al
, , A1.a04.| 4 Boner.
J.i.lal. WlnUianl. ...."lie., W II ....I
J f l^l"" 1 " * Hlali liarAa.
"' J " M m ll .il . Ada. i M al
11-.; ami Kant. A1...d 4 1k,..,
V - * hm-u. I Linn. 4
„ . . ' Hunt.
r. *| | - Tb"tjui liun>*-i4 i si
, HM ami Una. Al.taml.r 4 |MNI
J li M,ua.it - j u M 11( , , t
, * ( '.,.liail II AI.-V1.1.1 4 lv.. i,
J "'"i Wlm - M Y Human 4 <
!!•. \ U k llaatlliK* flifti
ll'-iir li r A liurst " lajk*/
Hurt. v.. inn 4 llarllii( H.*..r 4 i,,.i Uarl
H1a.11.) < 111 I A. || Mmtttuu.
H. .| 4 1i.|.|..il ,„ B)lJf
"aiu; J Au.tn AW " A!fr4 Mibola.
Huali. T.nim 4 Hatting. j| <( ,
Julia I Tbumpaim - Hauiu.l Clirial rt al
fv.4trr A (irj-hwt
, Tl. li.m Mull man - J.n T luali-r
Hlalr lka..r 4 ii.tAiait
B. W.tmi ....... .. —* T*)Wlkl*wl IHmU i't
Hunt IHair.
Ja. >. A M.lk-I ............. •* li. [naM liaulb rt ai
B..trr 4 <..| l..rt Punil
Mifflin t'—mti Nat |Unk " J,Ck4mi4.Ei .HH
Ikai'l 4 O'l-liatt HlamUai.)., Al*'d i 4 B
■UMM llall " Jm-t. Mann
i !"*' ■ H',rt*i.,,
; J .1... TII - ,1.1 .Aim n " Lion 4M ' ••)
Al.kaaU" 4 Uuurt. Kur.t
l.ntol ...nt; lluati.n Ton nati|.
Al. .... 1. I A m rr h—4 Uuplmrt.
II III', kill. It •Aim r. " trml. llaa.
AO.ftl.l.r A Huw.t M 'tltam ami KjNknalur
H " II -t-ti j,. k M-L- Han Mai
H.i.n 1... um4 IIoiin ... AHianArr 4 H..rr
Tlmma. Inl.aa., u- • A ... - Tall i M.lk.r .1 al
Buati I 4 in 4 Harting. Biaii
i Mar; Ml " It I I 111 II r..
I'ral. 41. t.n t.i 4 H ..r U-..0 4 Orphan.
Krjiu.W. 4 <l. Mm rt al
H" At. lat.Art 4 li a. t
J.mr. H ,!r Jam*. Hun...
HlamharA. IHlalr.
Tlll tin \V cck Monday. I)oc.nibT H.
1.1 K.I B I lull.f.mt. v. J 4in II W , s nrr rt .1
lira.. 1 4 ... ).l,ait |,,,,
.. " Ijlatl; T'iu nrt.ir 4
1t.,.!, t'.vai UtOlki'i ii-aiif 4 tupinrt
Willi m Wtttnri " V, || lUaitila!
I ..tiii i aad jtrlr r Hn.l. V.a-aot A Ilaat4ti;a.
. J'4.n Whit, a B 1 orAth . A'lm n
Alrtamlr* 4 H r.i Il—trr 4 Orpl.att.
Jr. llrrH. I ,tin .1 al .... Man 1 ampl-rll rt al
I 1.1 an • h . A;, amir A Ik.a.i
j Kl la. III.*". -Win liaarucarlnrr
Al.kan -• 1 4 lia.i Bu.h, t un 4 llaal.m.
j..hn W t.-.kr. . " 1 it M kern
I Hu.li. Aram 4 llarting* IP ,
Br,ll, I. 4 ... - WilUrUi W— nr.] ai
HorW 41-aml.t4 Bunrt.
H. lm.l t. 4 Co " llrnr; kirlirr.
Hunt. Krllrr.
J...1i Ktritil, rt o| - - Mrniti MurtAii, . At! m.
. A Bhutn. nr. fsa na.
liTillfiilik O" J krmr
J I iHlUt.grr .1 al. kan I*.
H-airt 4 (Mart ftu.h, Y—nrn 4 ll..tinier,
J k Irmnr. TltMrt - Jn,-. < raa. <t al
Kwr* - Atilm Him.
Brr.rr 4 'rrphait Blrtf.
• K.ttr Huntinr prt.-'n um " Immai tlalr 4Cr
. 'N. Hunt.
J. l.n II It. i - 8.-lu tt Braithun
| K'llrt lb-a..i 4 ijrjt.art.
A It llrol J. Ji. Carman r
K *H Kitlnrv
I. B Tatr * tiiiatfefr Lp
Itnrli Y.r um 4 llartine*. Hunt,
Jrt.mUk 7 lan nat " Htilllp T—tr rt n
. " M. ana Mraoar rl n>
Al' tamUt 4 li.ari K,rk. Yamii 4 llaatanga.
k|ii.|i Timbablp mirnm - 4.4,1, W .. a ,1 a l
AlrratlArr 4 Born Buah. Y'.r nai 4 llaat i ne*
t T Al, unit. ur. f.._. - Jaa. K inbir <t a
ilahplri B>nn 4 ~r|.hart,
j R h II; km *L Mom*
lira 1.1 4 '.rpkan Al. 1 ftt.Air 4 H. r
I John li LHI. - Iwtn.l M 11,.am
41rtn4rt 4 H art Kp.npl, r.
J C II4KPBR, HriAh ).
I'r th r. .l*i, , . >fti,r. m ilrfiaitr Ha '
ttrt..l-r SU. 17 I
i ■ .
PkiUdtlpkU kf nrketa.
CniIWUMI. fr ti4-.T j*. im,
HIaH Bla piH an 4 un. hannot Balm .1 WW tmr
trir. Im In.loir Mluti—nta .lti frin li, al f.
rtM|]iMt .1, A.,., HR r? | a 7.1' W uriut nAn dt, .al
t"MI |o nt ami 1.U.., tiigh etmi.... at ft Vic •
W IIKAT ta inartltr ami !.< <1 aalra ,4
lotlrnHng t'.r tut at fl.itt, ol at ft An an.tr-i at
ft 43. ami V- t trl. rtraatnt. at tl 41
Bllfoata> Markait.
It 111 rx r rt. (kMat 30, JK7O.
wi. tr nhrat. par l.uahrl fl at
M irk rat | 40
If, prt t-nahrl . HI
CW*. rrk 4,1
c. .tn. ahrllwA p.
: Klum. rrtail par tmrml 7 im
i float, h,i|—alr 6 tk
Ha;, rholer tin., tti), prr l- n f 1", no
Hat. mural, par hm If no
Loo* r;r Mratt, l.tmdlrA, par km s Mi
Short ttratr, par t.,a Ji MoC !
Pmlalaa Harkrt.
CnrrarM wrrklj t j llaiju-t Rn tl.arr
Applra.ilriwA. pat pnaml •
lYiarrtra. drtrd. prr |<ita4. arrlad 10
Bran# prt ijnaH..„„ 4
Hraah kattrr prr puand pi
Chh krna prt pwij...
CYtrrrr par promt , )a
tirintl) hama parpooaA 10
llama, rafnr tarrA.— If
Bwe.ni _ •
Iwnt prt puaml.... .. 4
**• |-rr Aot IS
rutal.rw prt 1 anti 11 , gA
Jtirl brrf.. | I*
-Vftr Ailrrrtl*rntfnt*.
Auditors Notice.
IN the Orphans" Court of Centre
ruant;. la thr m.ltrr ,4 Ikr —UIt of Juki. A
K 1.1 Ktt, Sr., .in ana, i
YYir nmlerwpnrd an amlltet appntntml to paaa pnh
thrrtrrpUou Slr.l, rwatalr thr nwM If mmori.
aumaMinf hta aml alar, rafatt a arhMotr
4tatiitmuna aanmtt ttrw, antit|r4 thrraho, mil mart
thr iwitira Intrrrtiwl trr thr pup* #4 tkta appoint
■mm, al hM otKr. la BrllaAmta. 00 SAITRPAT. Sti.
▼ RMBRIt 14. UTS. at 10 <4och. A M.
♦YJn w. C. IIBIM.S. AnAitoi.
BY virtue sntl Authority of the
nitrnra ami 4lirr u aaa vrrtrA bf thr Itlh Ate.
Hon of Art <4 Aaamit It of 44th of Mat. 1TI, all Rah
hark eta. —I mm khWlro, Ittrrh or (mtar ra ta, at
aa; othnt pnamll| aw mram <4 taking hah In thr
nature of a netnr ahah arr known o I- naatrfnl ami
attrnrngarl aaoAaw <4 Sahtxp, nMlai In aa; -4 thr
atrrama ntthla tVnter own!;, an hatofc; AwAarat
"i—una lawman 4 an et*ttA Is ha 4HaaalJeai
h) that! nttnrra in manarrta. m aa to not Art thraw wn
!n#t inpnhlr f tafclnt rt Injartna hah of thr atnwmr
•f nhatoarr kind , a4 If awrh Sati baakrtn, ml win;.,
whm thr; m.w niat, an art drrtecrrd or dMrnamlM
wftkta ton Ar; altrr Iha 4alr rt thia n ttn. f atmll
HTrtwA ta rrasror awl .Ham.nil. thr —we a. dttwrtwt
b; aatA lllh th* 11— of Art rt Jtth Mat, K1
Shrrl# 'a Ofß.o, Mrllrfalo, Pa, Oct tf, lf.