./. 11. IIA CLASH'S "Jiff-111 re" Store, Alltylieny Ntrcrt, llellefonle, I'a. GRAND FALL OPENING AT TTTTTT IIHH MM KKKRK 88888 KKKKK KEKKK IIHIL 111111 11111 wv vvv KKKKK T T T H II K K B 11 K K K K II II II V V K K T H 11 K B B K K II II .II V V K T HHUIIH KB 8888 KK . KK 1111111111 II • V V KK T II II K B li K K II II II V V K T II H K K B B K K E E II II II VV K K TTT IIHH mm KKKKK 88888 KKKKK KKKKK mm mm 11111 v KKKKK COsEE? PRICE, EXCLUSIVE nDIRfZ" GOODS STORE. I wish to inform the public that I have just received on IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS. ALL NEW ! ALL NEW! And am also better pre/tared to furnish you with all your wants in my line; haviny made it a study to buy just such yowls as are wanted, and, notwithstanding the ad ranee on all goods, J am still selling them at the lowest market jtrices. My business is founded on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which you will find in all cities. SQUARE DEALING AJSTD HONESTY. MY STOCK 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, CONSISTING OF Dress Goods and Silks, Shawls, Cloaks and Blankets, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS and TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY AND RIBBONS, CORSETS, GLOVES AND TIES, ZEPHYRS and YARNS, CARPETS, &e., &c., &e. ALL MY HOOIIS Ali L MA UK ED IS I'LAIS Fit; ILLS. HOPING TO RECEIVE AN EARLY CALL, I remain, r*pectfuUy, yourn, J". Hi! B-A-TTXiA-TsTID. MY inotio is, "USE PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST, ASI) So MISR El'R ESES TA TIO.W'' KLECTION PROCLAMATION. I OOD BAY K TilK COMMONWKALTII. I JOHN SPANGLKK, HighSher- Jl 9 Iff of !h* County of Centra, Commonwealth .f ppiiiiiflTftnl*, hereby mak* known and gv n.tke to th" p|prl(ni of the County afortAkid, flint no election will Ik held in thr mi1 ). Nt which tune tlr freeman of Centre County will voir by ln for the office of Jury Commissioner ; tne |erin for thr office #f (lorovier. 1 al*> hereby make known and ** notice that the l>lare of hoblillg the aforesaid e|eti.m lU the several ll*.rough* an-1 Tr nhi| within thr County of Centra are follow a, t* wit For thr Township of Halo#*, at th- public houar of I. lb Boyar ( Aaronaburg). For thr townrhip of llalf Men, at thr school bouse In Stnrmwtown. For thr township of Taylor, at th# bona# erected tir that purpoar, on thr pr-perty of l.*nard Merryman. For thr township of Milee, In the *ch *l h**ue In Iha town of Rel>erburg. For thr townahtp of Potter (Northern precinct), at 1 thr public houar of D J. Moyur, In Centre Hall. For thr townahip of I'otter (Houthern pre* loci;, at the public bouse of D. 11 Huhl, at P"ttar*a Mllla. For th** Township of Gregg, at the public_bou*a ' owned by J. B Fialirr, Prnn Hall. For thr Township of College, in tha ach ed h -use at Lemon t. For the Townahip of Ferguwon (old precinct), in the •rhoul hua at PtMOrnVf. For thr Townahip of Farguwon (nrw fprronrtl, at thr achiMil ho owe at Bailey villw. For thr Township of Harris, in thr school h*-ttwe at Ihstlahurg. For thr township af Patton, at thr houae of Petar Murray For thr Borough of Bcllrfonta, and the townahip* of ftpnng and Banner, at thr Court Ifouaa in MlHciQh Fur thr Towuahip of Walker, in tha arhool houar at Jlublersburg. For thr Bop-ugh and Townabip s *of Howard, at thr •rhool house of aaid Borough. For the Townahip of Rush, at thr Cold Stream arh*sl hotiar. For thr townahip of Snow Shoe, at tha achool hosier at Snow Show station. For thr Townahip of Marlon, at tha houae of Joel Kllng, In Jacksonville. For thr Borough of Mileahurg. at houae In Mitrabnrg. For the Township of B"gga, at thr nrw school houae In Central City. For thr Township of Huston, at tbr Jfillver I tale arhool houae. F*r the Township of P* nn. at houar of William 8. Miwer. For thr Borough of Millh* irn. at the achool houae opposite the Kvaogeliral churv h in said Borough. For the townahip of Utterly, at the school h*m*e at Keglevtltr. For the Townahip of Worth, at thr school houae at Port MatihU. For tbr township f Burnaidr, at thr honae of J. K. Bonk. For thr Townahin of Curtin, at thr a* h*-l houa* nrar Bobart Mann . Foe the Borongh of Cnionvillr and thr Townahip f Colon. at the nrw achool houar in f n.nville For the Horongh of Philipaburg, in nrw srhonl house In said Borough. HOTIt'B is also hereby given. "Thai every person excepting thr Juatirer of the peace, who shall hold any office.* •{ |.iniiu> ni of any profit or trust under the tkivsmment >f the L*tilled fflater,or of this state, or of any city or Incorporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise, stiUirdinat*- .ff|rer *r *g- tit, who Is or shall le employed und-r the legislative. Kierulive, or Judiciary Department of this fMate, or of thr l.'nited .Hut* s. or of any city or Incorporated diatrict, an I also that every metnt*er of Cmgre*a e State legislature, and of the ae|ert tr common Council of any city, i* rotiiuiwioner of any district, is by law Incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment for Judge. Inspector or Clerk of sny election of this Common wealth ; and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to - If HUM Voted fag ™ (liven under my hand and seal, at my dfir# In Bellefonte, this 29tb day of September, In the year f our leurd (He Th* u*ml Right Hundred and Seventy Nine, and In the One Hundred and Third year of the Imlependenre of the Cnlted fltatee. JOHN *PAN aale. |.f publit t>Ut*crV. at the Col KT llntHK. IN BKLIaKrONTK, on Thursday, Oth of November, 1870, at • n. ..'clock, I". M , th. fullowlog drw rllwd r*al ■atata, .U No. 1. All (tint certain ni"- ten'-- mt-nt and tract of lan I situate in the t*>wnship f , Rpring.in the county of Centre. U>unde.| and -les* ril-e*l aa follow* iw-gintiiug at (times. then* •by lan*!s .•( K tUifl Curtin * heirs, >nth '1 west, ITi pr hf* thence aomth *'j eSBt, imMBaH thence lortk II '••si. 47 |#rrhs, theno sulk 31 enst, perrb*, thrice n >rth "V east, 14' |*r. hes , then-*• r >rtl west, 11." i perches thence •••nth hi® weit, 117 pSfcbrg b thn plat uf l-egtnuing—O'litaimog 169 ACRES and 65 PERCHES, with the appurtenances, hating therein *t*>t*d s frame dwelling h**use, bank t-arn, and other net ewwary bslMtsp No. 2.—A1l that rartain ttH'.'ting*, tmn ineni an l trw* t ••( land tituste in the t**wnthip <>f Apring af *rewnhl, i"'un*lea| and "Iwrfi'dd • follows, rtt Beginning at a p*iut In the Fishing Creek r*wd. thence •••nth 7v weet. 10 |n les . thence n*rth * -t. W) perrhaa. thence north ?!• west, 4J perrhew; tlf IMb e nth *7° west. 4k perrhes; thence south 7T 4'J ptrchea, then.. fulh "O w.si, perch"#. th*|i north 71' wt per*lies . th* i>< e north tf ■it, k. per- hes to prdnl In pad. theme by Un*l of Jsroti I Valentine sixith 47 east. l*9 perrbw , thence by lan l* of the heirs of Roland ('urtin, dec f t*ginniof - containing 151 ACRES and 140 PERCHES, ami having therein erected a frame dwelling houae, lank lam, • istcrn, and all other ne.s*ary *ut- Uiildings No 3.—A1l lhAtorrUin nn>iigßp, t*np toent and tract of land situated In th" township of H**fgt. In the r.runty of Csatr* aforraaid, tunde.l and aa fidlowa. vit Beginning at a j>*-*t t then* e north IB Bait, 50 pec hes. thence n**rth da west. X* l*er* lea (1) a pine thence n*>rth J ■it, y pep lns, then* e West, V perches, then- e nrth 14° west. Id perchee; then* e north .V- at, 1* jerc|w tn a white ak •tamp, theme north AF "ssf. Hi perrUes ; thence north 3F west. 1J perches to white pine, thence n- rth ]£ last, 1 per hes , thenre north tr cwat. il psrehes t* pine . them e north 4 east, id perr hes . thence n- rth i weal, 17 pervhea. thence m*rth IJ° west, 24 |ap hes . thenre north 2lf eaat, XI perches; thence South *y east, w perches. thefce south l l l west. 70 Jetrhet; thence south 331° weat, lo perches to St* nes . thence •oath JO® WMrt, 1.1 perches, thence s>>nth 21 *sl, 4 perr hes to a white lak . thenc north *l' eaat W pet•'ies. thence n**rth ty ea/>t. 1 jefchw; then* e n*rth fti ewet. 22 pen hea to a white 1 COM MARXII i'RRRH, In lh* of Ik***. Curtin ami llowaid, tn the county of Centre, and known aw the Marsh ('reek property—containing 3451 ACRES and 113 PERCHES, more or lees, held by the mid assigns# as tenant In fimßKHi with Andrew 11 Curtin. OiinUAi Curtin and •he heirs of Rolaml Curtin, der'd. This is the I. A IDI OT BODY OF TIMBRK I.AJfßfi in the county It lw well ami heavily covered with Umber treea, constat ing of WIIITR I'INR. YRI.I.OW I I>' R, IIRMMtCK and OAK. The great majority lelng TVhltwOak la convenient to the walerv of Marsh ore#k, Beech Creek and the Bald Ragle, and near the lock llaven and Wiiliamsport Booms and Lumber markets generally. Twins r fisLl.— One-half the pur* haw# money to he (slid on confirmation of sale, and the balance In on# year thereafter. The tatter |aym#nt to he secured by bond and mortgaga upon the premtwww. with Intereat fr*tn coiafirmatlon of tale IMi J. 1). HIIUGKRT, Atnigntt. AdminlHtrator'H Notice. I ETTEKH OF ADMINIBTRA -1 J lloa having lwn granted to lb* nnl la ih* warrant** nam** of Wllllnin Rtiawll on ll<* north, J*na Bmrtk. on Ih* *n*l, ThomM poll, on th* tooth .nrt Jam** RnkwtA on Ibv ** 4111 YAI.IAIII.K REAL ESTATE —AT— OKI' 11A X S'CiH •KTSA LK. I M'RSI'ANT to an order of the I Onluaa' c..„,i f Cwlri Ntti*U k aoM i Pul.llr ral*. al Ilia raaldatira o( WtLI.IAN R"M. brar rbuirktlll., putUf duty, P, On Friday, October 31st, 1870, at 1 oYtnrk I* M th* following real • *t*te . f JON \j< IR'M, late .f |'. tt r lu*hi|', dewe***i No. 1 A (ln Tirnlwr Tract, lying one ARI'L a-half IBIIN •oath from Churrhvllle, containing 22 ACRES and 5 PERCHES. Thl trat It filled with the rbdcwtl tlftolurk, hlit and uk timber. No. 2 I* ft cho)! and wn|l cultivated fmi lying In th. rllitga ■•( Chimin ilia, rualainlhg 117 Acres and ill Perches, lli't" *re ted lti cium •li -n. KIJ.IMi 1101 one f bhh it th# M*ni n It •. tli* other a large Tenant II naa . at*.- a large RISK HARN. HAOoN J*IIEl, BPRfNO IKIUfR. and other Molding*. There artr tag e*cell nt taring* of tairt on the j ia/e—,,T>e ,• a STRONG SULPHUR SPRING. A Urge arid el- cwnt m**d<>w |it I —low the dwelling ttouee lU>|.IM: KILN* ON Tlf K PI.ACK *r* in full optraU' under a!**• whi riLLKt> WITH (HOICK KRI'IT The aI"G farm lie* In the town f l"hurrh llle, ai<-ng the I'utdlc re land, and take II all In ail, la the m *t dewlralde property f-.r a home In Centre county TKRMf* —One third of the parch*** money t/ I* jnid in naeh ; "tie-third In on# tear, and the laligra in two Jearw—the latter two (aimenu with Interact, 1-ajaMe annuallj, t- t*e * nr*d by bond and mortgage on Ue pr*tnt* • WILLIAM rBOM. Truttee. V t further iwrtiruUr* caU at the ..ftke <4 J L tfpnngler, ote, |' 41 U CEITTEAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ( F.ightH Sormal Stkool J)itrwt,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. ItAUB, A. M. ( /Vinri/W. 'PHIS SCHOOL,aa at prcacnt con 1. atltu'ad. .,■ Ik* to, ll hdlitlo at toe fmatoctal and Claeeb el learning. Rwildlnga tfiwrioua. Inviting and . mm p lately hwated by tt'm. we|| venlil*4d. n4 f undat ed with a l- unliful upply of pure water, a..ft tftting water. a healthful and enay of traratrry. 111. ElnatnUri IV, tkl entitle. *jr*or rogue and Urine addrewa the Priori|m| •otßit or tirntaa tbwk)o|drr a Truateen- J ||. Barton, M. D . A II Bmt, Jarvd. Brown. A. W Hi kf rd. tamuei i hriat, A N. Kant.. K 0. Cork. T. C Hippie. | o Klntfing. K P. MH'ormirk. , W W. Rankin. John A Kohh. f*tate Truatee* H n A l (.'tiffin. Il l) II L Ih*f fenharh fien Jaw Merrill. Il'n William Bigler. J O. C. Wltaley, H. Miller MH 'vwmirk. Ke-| ORRNAMA. linn WILLIAM VHoLf.lt. Pr ai dent. HeaHleld. Pa Hen. JVttkHp. M ICR RILL, V PreidenU Lorß liar en. Pa. S MILLAR MrCoKMICK TIIOMA* TAKDLBV, Trwowrer, WOODWARD SEMINARY. Boarding and Lxj School for Young Ladioi and Littlo Children. SECOND ANI) LOCUST STREETS, HARRISHURO, PA. tUpkr t.ra *lll tw(, ftRITRMRKR Ift, 17. Txr nt linly—Hue anil ft. )■ ntlftr, mik Mnt and Art. Boftrt an t tuition from |2VO to SXV a jnar and no Mtraa tut < irrnlan and all dnalraM* laformathm addraaa 81-Bra PRINCIPAL a. e nvaaa. Pma't. i. r ataan. <'aah'r. I?IR8T NATIONAL BANK OF 1 RRI.I.EeiNTK, Allackanf Mrnt. Mldhala, Pa. 4-tf f IBNTRE COUNTY BANKING OMIPANV. liwlT, DafNial.a And Alton talon*, Dtamnai NMaa: Bn, and Hall HOT. HornrittM, Hold and CVmpoM. Jaaaa A. Ilea. an. Pmaldanl. i b ■jcatat.Oukiat. k-.f S. a A. 1. O/; It, General Much an in. Alley hell // Street, I telle font e l'„ Z - - • J, % DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING, YOU HEAR, Ol! EVEN SEE, UNTIL YOU PAY US A VISIT AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES That we are (he GREATEST iimleral! Circunislances. S. &A. LOEB, *"2255™™- IS.&A. LOEB, THE " I JOSH" CLOTI-IIKKS, —AND— THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. I'ro/'eMitionoi Car tin. o. r. ALaiannsn. c. a aooaa. t LEXANDEH A BOWER, i * ATThRNKVS AT LAW. Helleftinte, !' . may I* coiiaulted In Kuglith ur Her man. Offte lu (iartitan'B lluildtng. l~ly a*u a moii J. vaui otratif. V >KAVKK k OEFHAHT, I > ATTORNKV§ AT LAM*. Ofk GO Allegheny itreet, o .rth of High, Belle* jonte, Pa 1 H I \ F. FORTNEY, I 'a ATTORN IT-ATI.AW. IIKI LKPoNTR. PA LAIL d to the left In the Court HUM. tly I \ K. KELLER, I "a ATTURNRY AT LAW. OA( on Allegheny Street N utft de of Lyoh'i •tore, 1 ly Bellefonu, Pa. nnM4. ** r iwin, trt w. WILT * KLDI NO. BIOLKR A WI I>S<)N, ATTORNKYft-AT LA W. My CLRARPIELP. PA. | IOIIN BLAIR LINN,. ATTURNRY AT LAW. HKLLKTONTK. PA (NBr* r IHaju aid. cnar CanU* Coaolj Rank 11-ly | L. BPANOLER, fl a ATTORNEY AT LAW K.I.t.r."NTR CRNTREOOI NTT. PA Apeelal ■ttet.tl-.f, U i V>ilr||ooi, prwrti ew in all the Court*, Ooneu I tall' n* in Herman of Rr glleh Ily t. m. nra*Ai CTHI oonnop Murray A oordon, ATTORNRTRAT LAW. CLKARriKLD. PA Will altand Iba !Wllf..aM Cunrla ban •mpYiyad. I ly r r c. HIPI'LK, 1 a AfIOMUtY AT LAW LOCK BAVOI. PA. All I neinem pmtnptly tttended to 1 ly \V.M. P. MITCHELL, * PRACTICAL iCRVKTOR, LOCK II AA EN, PA, Will attend ta all w..rk In Oaarfteid, Centre nnd Clinton ftdbtiw. |a*iu L>k llnven NathnaJ Bank 2ait>U]r 21-ly . . i- tilUrt p l tiißft. WALLACE A KHKBB, * ATTtiRNETC AT LAW ri.EAHriEI.il PA. M ill attend and try raaeee at Be Defiant* when |>e cially retained 1 I v WILLIAM MgCULIJOUOH, ATTORNKTATLAW, CLEARrtKLP. PA. Atl bneinem promptly attended ta 1 ly | \R. J. W. RHONE, Hcntiat, CRII ■ ' le Lund at hie office and r*4enee .► Nrth aide of High afreet, thre* n VUet of Allegheny, ■ Bellefonta, Pa |R*ly ■ —— | |R. .IAN. 11. DOBBINS, M. D., I ' rHTftICIAN AND 8I ROWIN 'Blire Allegheny Ht.. over Keigier"a lrg Btare. •-tf RRI.LKrDNTR. PA. Ilatrl Cartl*. MILLHEIM hotel, MII.I.IIKIM. CRNTHR OH NTT. PKNN'A. W. S. Mt'SSKH, Proprifttor. The town of MillhHm la lomted in Penn'a Tnlley, | that two mitew from Oohtiru Station. n will be found flrat* laae and lerma moder ate June IkTa ly* DUBH HOUBI. I> I'M I F.PONTK, PA. TIIE ONLT riRNTCLAM HOTEL IN TIIK CITT. Trm* M'W Ir day. Llrory atlarkad. "I— I*l ralva ,li*n In wltnraaM and jar-.ra. Clan llnaaaa, Pm|.'f. W. Pm Btnna,. Clark. I3ROCKKRHOFF HOUSE, 1 > RRI.I.RPOKTR. PA, HOUSEAL A TELLER, rroprietorv. Good SampU Rtmm on Firtt Floor, •fPr* Nnn In and (hw all Traltu. Rpartkl rataa In wltnaaaaa and Jarora. 1-1J fiAKMAN'H HOTEL, V I Oppoallr Ooarl llnaaa, IIKI.LRPONTR, PA. TKRMB II. PKR DAT. A food Idrary altarkad. 1-Iy GiraritTliou.se, CORNER CHKETNIT AND NINTH FTTRKKTE, IEHIHIHH. Thia knaaa, pmaalnanl la arMy btaiad P.r lla torn fnrtabla bolala. la katd la arary napot a,l to aay flrat-(lalkliww. Pi*, - _ rl t .!k-t. >nl P.mllr R )[•• *.* r.l.ii ~ i R ! iimwuL Ttmi.l, f1w.14 Hi.., At ,At 13 I *1 4 '' ill DINI CLOTHING. SUITS to order $12.50. lints, Cn])s cfc Sliirt.s. MONTGOMERY A CO.. Tailor*, BRLLEMNTK. PA. l-ly I fry fi inula nn*l (irocrrl+M. JJARPER BROTHERS, RPRINO BTBRItT. RKLLRPOKTR. PA, i Hare th.-ir counter, and .helve filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKKUPT KATKB Purchaaod at BANKKUPT RATKS (BANKKUPT RATRS WIHOI Til ACT OPPKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. cospirnNo or Pry fKiod., Millinery (}>xd. Clothing, Fancy flood*, Notion*, Ac. i BOOTS and BIIOKS BOOTH and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and HHOKH HATS and CAPS Lalet itylo* of lIATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Parana)*, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Urocerlea, bring them info every day use. But the price fn these goods will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, nest door to our Grocery room, is always writ supplied with the choicest meats. He kill the best Beef, Mutton and I enl that can be found; dressed in first-class style and served to customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. A o house in the Grocery and J'roii si on business in Bellefonie is pre/tared to supply all the wants of the family so well as we can do at present. SECHLER & CO. &EOCEKS, Bush House Block, Bellefonte, I'a. CHEAP GROCERY ——AND PROVISION STORE. S. A. BKKW i SON, Humes' Block, nest door to Post Office, Aw aw wiling * —I. in thnlr tin. t ninth mined prion, iff CASH r lb ntrhaagn ft* all kind. l OWHTRT PBOMVS. Thy aro rwiving g<|. rrj day, nr 0..1 i u*t-mata ran M om tnin of gating Pt'itK AXD FBKSH GOODSt TVrit k i coanpi.t. awl wnil anlnrtad, and mwau la part of Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Oraiunw, lemons. Nut* k KaKin*, CANNED AND DRIED FRI ITS of ntrj kind and narinlj TBS OCI.RBSATKD WAnhlMiToX HI Till US * Hams, Sides, Shoulders -AID— BREAKFAST BACON. TgnW nrllli Ik. rkmlrmt DRIED BEEF. Nww wanting gond. la Undr Ua will (ad II Ml adnata*, la gIT ikm a rait. CASH PAID FOR POTATOES.