tfrntvf Ibmocrnt. BKLLKKONTK, 1A. NEWS, FACTS ANI) HUdUEHTIONH. Till till r TM I NATIONAL WIUMI I* TM* IStILLI- Every farmer in hit annua/ experience discovers something of value. Write it ami send it to the "Agricultural Editor of the Dkmoi'hat, Itellefonte, J'enn'a," that other farmer* may have the benefit of it. communications be timely, anil be .11 ire that they are brief and welt /minted. AURICUbTURK feels the ctt'ect of the "boom" along with other branches of business, and with wheat "booming" close up to $1.50 and threatening to go beyond even this figure, and other products in proportion, farmers can well atford to join in the general cheerfulness at the prosperity which they, more than any other class, have contributed to. Tiik current issue of the Rural New Yorker is its "potato number," and it is well named. Illustrations of sixteen varieties of new potatoes adorn its pages, and the letter press nearly all relates to the same subject, and besides the editorials and "Rural Farm Notes," is from the pens of such well known farmers and writers as Prof. Caldwell, W. I. Chamberlain, I'rof. Real, K. J. Rrowncll, Henry Stewart, and many others. These special numbers are making n splcn era i tions of the harvesting and thresh ing machinery the good bishop's spectacles exhibited multiplying as well as magnifying {towers. Afu r giving statistics of some of the I "large farms" of that large country, the Rishop says: bet this suffice to ftamplc the farm* and lite large product* of agri ; cultural industry in tin* Htrang" ooun | try. Imagine a vast plain, foniewhat j undulating, and yourself in the midst of it, and splendid farm*, and immense s ly larger unbroken farming land* ex tending to the horizon in all direction*; and then think two thousand mile* on beypnd—nearly every acre sandy loam, vegetable mold, or alluvial de|osit, I from two to six feet deep, the greater projMirtion of the whole richer and finer I than the garden* of the Hast ind you will begin to have some idea of this I Northern Northwest. The very large farm* nre an evil. | They have generally been obtained by | railroad bonds in the band* nf sharp | eyed parties when the Northern Pacific ! suspended. The large and increasing ; number of small farms—from lfrft to I .",(**) acres—are more hopeful a* to pop ; illation, bringing into neighborhood the large immigrations, and advancing all j the forma of civilisation are the great : hope of this country ; while the mag | nates on their 10, 20, and .'lO.OOO acres j will imitate the manorial greatness n f j the old world, demonstrate on a Urge ; -cale the capabilities of the soil, and for | a generation hold large control over the j social and civil interests of the country. , Tn the days nf their early descendant* j these vast cstatcswill be broken Up and ! mini mixed for the good of the greatest numbers. harming in (he Red River countuu would astonish a New Kngl*n|kßflw| many others, who had for t been moving around on thihtl/VuH den patches in the bast, f i-]j|tp9 one team with a single pknfcjfl see fifteen or twenty gangX L Jmh powerful teams, managed | riding on a sulky, with furrow* so wide, taken all together, that you would think, and think well, that the whole force would plow a farm of the Kastern pat tern every day. Harvesting i on a scale equally large. Ten to twenty teams follow each other around a field of wheat, drawing reap ing machine* which cut an immense swath, binding every straw as they go, and pushing bundle* oil' from each ma chine so fast that you cannot count them. Threshing and cleaning are equally wonderful, barge machines nre worked by steam, and the straw is the fuel—the machine pulling it in and feeding the flame with it* own fingers —while the pure wheat roll* out so last that you can hardly put it into sacks, when it is moved otr to market in bulk. The Law of Trespass. The general rules in regard to tres passing on another's land are pretty well understood in the community, and yet many erroneous ideas pre vail. For instance, many persons believe they have a legal right to kill their neighbor's fowls found trespass ing upon their premises, and doing damage to their gardens or crops. This is an entire mistake. Undoubt edly the custom of doing so, and tossing the carcass over the fence, af fords the gardener some satisfaction, but it renders him liable to pay the full value of the fowls, besides the costs of the court- Ills remedy is to bring suit against the owner of the fowls for the damage occasioned by the trespass. An unsatisfactory rem edy, no doubt, but the only legal one. Another prevalent idea is that if a person simply crosses ymrr land for twenty years he thereby acquires a right to continue the practice. This is onlyj true when the crossing for twenty years has been adversely to the bind owner, and under a claim of a legal right to do so against the will of tiie farmer. < Hhcrwise, fifty years' travel by consent of the owner would not give any one the right to continue to pass after he had Is-en forbidden so to do. One ol the most annoying forms of trespass to the farmer is that of hunt ing and fishing. Many persons seem to suppose they have a right to fish or hunt over another's ground as they please, but this is quite erron eous. lit all ordinary streams and ponds the right to fish belongs only to the person owning the adjoining land. If the stream is navigable, that is, if the tide ebbs and llows, the public have a right to boat up and down it, and to fish from their boats, but nut to go ou shore and do it. Relative Intelligence of Farmers. Krm tli* Ihiral Nrw* Yotk*r. While we shall continue to insist, until new light breaks in upon u, that there arc a good many profitable things in their business yet to be learned by the fanners of America, and that a good education of the right kind is required by every young man who aims at cxrS-llence in the ; pursuit of agriculture,—while we hold these statements to Is? self-evi dent, yet well worth being kept be fore the people—we still believe that the farming class really give as much attention to the science of their art, and read up as well on their busi ness as any class in the country, and much better than some. Take, first, those classes which re ceive a special education—the so called professional classes and compare them with the farmers iu this respect. Beginning with the I ministers, and taking all the denom inations together, how many of them ; had a sufficient preparatory edtica ! tion, arc 'sound theologians, or men ! of real hreadth of culture or cathol i icily of thought ? Take the physi ; clans, and what proportion of the men in this profession are thorough -1 ly skilled in anatomy and physiology —compe tent and reliable diagnosti cians, safe and effective in their ! therapeutics, ready anil apt in surgi | oal practice, sound hygicnists, c.-irc | ful observers and earnest students ? Among our lawyers, how many of them deservedly stand high with their brethren on account of their j sound knowledge of the principles of law, extensive acquaintance with the j statutes, skill as advocates, reliabil | ity as counsel, or for general juristic ability ? And what proportion in all i these professions arc to any great ex tent notcei for their love of knowl edge outside of their own immediate needs ? How many patronize their : professional journals better than the farmers patronize the agricultural j press ? When we go outside of the learned professions, and inquire into the ; state of things among business men and artisans, how do we find it? , Mow many merchants know more of | their business than its routine? How many are acquainted with the laws ol trade and finance as laid I down by the great writers on these I subjects ? Are the works of Adam Smith any more likely to lie found !in the hands of the average mer chant than are the writing* of Lie ' big in those of the average farmer ? ! What, even, do our bankers know of i scientific finance ; or how many of our statesmen (so-called) are there I who are students of the works of the authorities on subji-cts rcla- as a body, BkcMtuily of the literature, rich and varied as it is, of the branches of - knowledge in direct relation with their respective industries? And when wc come to hard workers in the | useful arts, the mechanics of the country, how many of them lake and | read their trade journals, or study } the hand-books written for their | practical instruction ? Looking over the whole field in ; this way, we are compelled to award | to the farmers a very high compare | live position. While they are far Ix-hind where they ought to stand, I and where they might easily stand, they cannot lie regarded as laggards, when put in comparison with most other classes. To be sure, in a coun try where land is so plentiful and cheap, nnd where consequently it is so easy for every industrious Inliorer to become the owner of land, wc necessarily have a vast nuinlwr of ii ! literate men cngagi-d in tilling the soil. But with all this, a close in vestigation will show that the farm ers as a class compare favorably with any other as lovers of knowledge, and as progressive workers in their art and business. A !,OOSK soil, like a sponge, will hold a great deal of moisture ; a hard rock, like a block of wood, will absorb but little ; a few hours of wind and sun will soon evaporate that little ; while a deep, well pulverized soil take many days—perhaps a month would be re-quired to evapo rate the moisture it would retain. A soil ftriUited to the depth of ten or twelve inches is ns much as the most exhausting crop would perha|>* require. But let the unfertilized sub soil lie pulverized as deep as possible, and a good crop can be grown in the most unfavorable season. Good Hints About llorßrß. I tim- i >im, iiiiMin, itoUmi. The horse's stomach has a capacity of only Kixtecn quarts, while that of an ox lion two hundred and lifty. In the intestines thin proportion is ri - versed, the horse having a capacity of one hundred and ninety quarts, i against one hundred of the ox. The jox and most other animals have a gall bladder for the retention of a j part of the bile secreted during diges tion. The horse has none, and the bile Hows directly into the intestines as fast as secreted. This construc tion of the digestive apparatus indi cates that the horse was formed to eat slowly and digest continually bulky and innutritious food. When fed on hay, it passes very rapidly j through the stomach into the intes j tine. i The horse can eat but live pounds of hay iu an hour, which is charged, J during mastication, with four times its weight of saliva. Now, the stom ach, to digest it well, will contain but about ten quarts, and when the animal eats one-third of his daily ra tions, or seven pounds, in one and one-half hours he has swallowed at least two stomaehfuls of hay and saliva, one of these having passed to the intestine. Observation has shown that the food is passed to the intestine by the stomach in the order in which it is received. If we feed a horse? six quarts of oats, it will just fill his stomach, and if as soon as he finishes this we feed him the above ration of seven poc ids of hay, he will eat sulll e'ent in three-quarters of an hour to have fo-ced the oats entirely out of bis stomach into the it tcs.ine. As it is the office of the stomach to digest the nitrogenous parts of the feed, ami as a stomach full of oats contains four or five times as much of these as the same amount of hay, it is certain that either the stomach must secrete the gastric juice five times as fast, which is hardlv possible, or it must retain ibis food five tbnes as long By feeding the oats first, it can only lie retained long enough for the projier digestion of bay; consequently, it seems logical, when feeding a concentrated food like oats with a bulky one like hay, to feed the latter first, giving the grain tin- w hole time between the repasts to lie digested. The digestion of a horse is govern ed by the same laws aa that of a man, and as we know that it is not best for man to go at hard work the mom ent a hearty meal is eaten, so we should rememiicr that a horse ought to have a little rest after his meal, while the stomach is most active iu , the processes of digestion. Pork producing Value of Corn. , J. W. IWhlairii, iti Rural N • V kork and lieef production, entail ing a great loss upon our agriculture- Making a specialty of early pork and lieef production will do much to re -toru these industries to favor in the East- I will not give the details of the tnnny weighings of food ami of pigs, as the condensed results will j cover the point of inquiry. Several lots of Chester White grade pigs of two in a lot have been fed from the time of weaning until they would weigh, dressed, in round numbers, 200 pounds each. These pigs have lieen put in pens, from which everything that they would consume was excluded, and their food consisted of weighed corn meal moistened with water—and nothing 'else. The first year, 1*77, 100 lbs. of meal made 24.8 pounds of growth. The second year 100 pounds of meal made 24.* fiounds of growth. This year's results arc not completed, but arc more favorable than heretofore. They will dress when fed and fat tened thus: *2 pounds j>cr l'K) pounds of live weight; or, one bush el of corn would give 11.3* pounds of pork. It would be proper to say that I do not think this method of feeding is calculated to give the best results tbat may be gained from corn ineai. The cx|>eritncnU in question were comparative, and were not de ! signed entirely with reference to I economy. It is perfectly safe to as sume that one bushel of corn will ' make 12 pounds of |iork. In fact, I ; find among mv re-cords instances where results far exceeding those given, have been realized. I have stated what I believe may be an average result from a well bred pig judiciously fed. A New Trick in the Trade. f* Rnfti* Ma*rtri. East fall I planted aomc plum stones in my garden ; they grew nbout as usual, except one plant which is double the size of the rest. Close by it came up a parsnip from accidental seed. I tielicve the par snip in its rapid growth, shooting its root down by and in contact with the plum roots, kept the soil loose and thua favored their growth unusually. It is worth further experiment. SAVE your wood-ashes to fertilize your cultivated ground, whether field, garden or grass land. II 'it HUH, Mr Parian*' <1- FV>., Ifarttumrr Ihn/rrn. HARDWARE! AVJLHON, MrFVA RLA N K CO., STOVES, RANGES ' HEATERS. ALSO _ l'ainls, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BUIX.DEES' j AUHIIRTmnt; .... llt'MKS' BLOCK, .... BKLLETOMTK. I'd OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Ilr-ot liw Ti r < it V rerili >i Jan uary, A|'fll, August aii-l Nutrait**. J.nJg. If u i us* A Mivtk, Uk lIIVef. A MJU l*sw Ji ||..1,. John II nan* IMI#. fcilltr. £**••• ial< Judge* Hot**. Hltll tt Kb INCK, Jiilia |l|Vt Pfwtl ' ? J I Hxkffth U'glaf. rof Ikuf 41 4 R W |tt B' firtCLl' It. i Set ,f |>. sija, a - UII LIS* A Tvaits j iHstrh t Attorney liar iti A Kofcvaci. i 1* tier Ift John Ur4iittU.fe Tr.assurer llt.aat VcAftirg. j • "Uht} Ku-•#! J'ac*N UtTLINQ. 4'-. Pl,.r A • C* /!*,* I , *' I f.Uulml -.ii .Mf .-t.-l ir M I'tat *r mart, i, w. -(,.► i,, ,i;j i * • •I. * In i!.. W Mil. ..t ...fnw.if nil.l Uu.l. ISllll, Or. Uul .. IW I I -I. ii . Sf'lii t *linrl. 'illi ..f Mill. .. .( . I,ul h. I M:Tl|.l|llST KPISOOTAL, Nlu.l~l n..,.!!**.! I I 1.. I f ~ nn.l II I*ui| .III*!. -..11,.., • I . In 4. M at, I.' , * H l*i a i.-f lit". In!,- U 1.11.1*1.,, • fun,l,l *■ 1... ,|,l< ~ 1., .. , , -- * I,ni' li l*,i i. it, i a li. 1• urn. i *„ii-mi . uMiii .ifi-m. ~i -f hj.rlnr MT JOII.V S R iWAX I \TII0LI'?. silii.l*4 lit.:. *- ~1,-ny „t ~ . una*) .I.ii lu-ni n ,n.| ,11 1.1,11 |... : -■ m l'i- 1, li,-i A -i uiiii.i,*,i,,,, l I* -I It.*!- t l.*ta*a All. *1., i,, ,i„l |i, I -I Jwlls g cfijM il AMs,tu*ld ~nn..t ; I AlUclirn, i.4 l*u<- .'!**.* h.,,„ i - > ,1.1 : ,i w,*.ri . :> i M.-I Bnii'ln, m ' . 1 Mit-U* l t ■' in l,„^ n .-i.l .f bin I, M.-1..1, 1t.., J 1,,. Il.mtt, ~*n( , „* „„ Luli *tm*4 rnu <4 K| i~ t^l:. . . m lb* BRrriIKKX. I>il'>,u,l w.rn*i n-n.tb ll,*l i will- u *tt**i. . , 1,4.) ,1 10.. , n ,1. -iv I*I*I.I - -*li,|, 'U llt I'm* t-i.J W fn.HI,. I*l-. „M,.-*. S-iiil-iil ; AfkicAv mrrmmiKT. 5,10,1*4 , ~u, „r !l'*b it," 1 f'ln,... SiUii lo A1 A. n .ml 74 f n :l-r.)*tl .*4 In* W..!,,|.*1) : t * ■ . ui,4j bi,l li, I,in*b ,t . "*ll h |-..t * it., Jon*. rw4*, . , Tb.-tt,.* *lt**t * j lllllXliS. Vt!,,,1n1 ti4 nf 1*.,-*n *ll*l-1. n,*i I 11.I 1 . il*l--i,t* A-.1-my. M.-lit,g. fuii-U, 11 *. n. w>iit<*4*, ll . n. 1 M < A. I'r.l'l ir,**l,i,£. ,r* h*44 r***7 Sun,l,i ,! t ,i..| •) ful,. n ,n lb' t-m ,-f 11.. A— n it,. f,i wih— A Cnbrti ti,-line ~ j 1,*14 It, tb lv**n lb- UN fi11,4,, In I, |* -nib .14* 1 Ib.-n, j* ii -** i• nicbl : ti, 0 * n ,i„| u,. H ,1] >i,,l 11,,i, T-tn|-*i,tj> . I'n, n,lT> -* .-c, i , Tb'itU|, Tl.< I.AMR*' TKMI-RRAXCK l-RATKII MI VTl\i. in—l, In lb- t**ii ll * 11-nn, TI, i,n*ia i, ,1 3 * n CM TBS VI All TKMPKHAXIB Ctca. tt*Ai,l.r i ' n.-Htin* h Mnil) S I t.| In VMM MM Im : j Itn.h , Anwi- Mini, -ti— l. GREAT REDUCTION. ECONOMY 18 WEALTH. The z:zk'. $7O Machissi reixced tc cz'.r $25. 81.50 PER WEEK! llm-ni-.V Wnttmi | '■•*.. t*> Agi'iitn. "THE rAMILY" SHDTTLJE SEWING U/JU MACHINE* w.-onl'-l nt"in fln |.ilW.4 n* >4l*4 Mnrk-wnlMrt * j tnl-l- nti.l iiomll*. *<>u.|-l-l* nltb , uanntm *, -,ini,i 1 | .4 ri*n iu I ,i, t,j nlbt mm bit,-. nn4 b. , "1,11 Ti-'- P.,- h ni,-bin* * *. *. nnlil, n,ir,nl*-l mib |, , *littu r Aw inni* k-|-l in ,*>l. i nil I I'f •*..! H liftimb-l ,1 ~ntw If .I*l niMv-1.,1) Tb- n,"*i *-114, i-ll,il-, mt-l ~t,.f„ bin urn. Inn* | *• tn,-ni*4 f-.r *ll bin-l, i-f* ni\ An m- An .If-!*- I nn—inlrnml m—hnniinl n,,i*n, Ib>*r -1.11*1,1) I—*t. I ,n.| In tb.,iimn.|* f I,.**.* An - IS-,ml, mli-nl. rn|44, *li,M* ,„4 *Tr-r*n4]r b*l|i In lb* ***** *lf* .i —un,*lw.. 11.,1 *lll d-. lb* *.. ib •f • (.mil, f.,1 * lII* llm*. "i II *lll n*m funn Si In K |l 4*l f..t ■!,, cm* *bm |.,* f..| ■ twine.t,4 wU l-. than n.n 111 rtio* nf an, n* mm I,it,-* ~f Ilk* qnklitt. llm-tit* I. Hl* 1,-*-m-4 M.ulll. .-mull *,11• l.t** *ir> S"l4>,n.. hnblln* l'i i,r4* at Ibmnd. 4-,ln* .*) *IU. lb* i-*lnilin* nf 1-4441,• || mnkn, ih* •bnltlr, -1.-nl-l-lln-. l. 1,,*. , .llUb, lib- nam* on l-4h ,|4* ~f lb- *,*|i . bi-b f i—l*ml Ih* ninnivl .*l*ll,l tb- l't,l*iil,i,l Tb* Ai 'iifi'l An-,t.*n4 mi- 1 I**lin*,lll-h *i*r pr,*ln*n4. !It I, l-nlil fui ,tr-n*lh and w-uaUnt b,*-l wmk. If-1■ r • h*n*-nl4* vi'thln* |*ib. M.nnfm Inml .4 An- |,l -i-h-l •■**) Will run f,w inn itl*>ul r*|nlra. 1, •imf.l* b> I*,TTI,-*., I- m*t,*s*. nml-mtund p*rfc. tl, In *n hmir. .mi •■*•>• rmml, In a t„ 4 **y d-mriplh.n nf h-*) •* An* *mli *| 1-m ~t, n,.,r -ennll,, *IIM, tbl, *n>l f*l*t. and llh IM* |,l„i of Imnbl* than aa, 1 harnnnt, "lib *n, kind of tbi**4. and run off l**nl> ,ard* |—i mmlit*. u*<* • *lron*. lr*i*hi n—4l- and n*r brnnk, Ih-m. It nanm-1 mi** i* drop a atili b. r***l or t-rnak tb* ll, #4 Tb* mon*, i b**rfnll, t, fin. 1-1 If || "111 not oern* and itl an, mm bin* nl 4-ml.l* Ih* prl— II ~.* bar* ay nlbr mm bin* bni Ihl, and ha— a li*li*r on#. T>i —a* and ia|44it, of it* imdl' -n ami qnalll, ol It, *nrk It 11, ln*l —• --inmandm Hon. || "111 bm, fall, lurk, l-nud, ird. Mnd, *ath*r, •llll. rnflW- plaat, fold, analln|>, ahlrr, lull, I .ml*.* np b—mill,,. •*., "lib -lafan—.— and <|Ulrkn*aa. an,ui|n*am>4 b, an, mm bin- *i Imrnlad. Tb* Prlrmi of our *** mmhim* a— I.*, than I boar aahad bjr 4-nl*r* In a—nd-hand, —bnlll and Anl.h-I mm-hinaa.or thia* arllin* onlOld Sb.h to ilnn- up l-italn-m, man, **rh inf-rlor and nld*,la mm Inn— I nun* off-r-d a* *** at —dnr—t prima R**a— of Imitation, and onl, ln, n** mm him* Tbr- a— no *** Aral-riant mm-hln-t ofl—d at I** at tb- "painil,." b, man, dollar* For totllnionlal* t— dmr rlpllvt book*, mailml f—t with mmpl-* at work. floral* tblppad loan, part of tb* nmmtr,. no mall** bow —mot* lb. pin— ma) Ira, and aaf* d.lw.r, *nar nnlood, *l*h prltil-** of * tnonomui tt.nintVbi* Irabi— p*,m-nt of Mil. or on —I-Hpt of prtr* l>, H-*iil"ti*-l Iratt.r, Mon*, ordar. or IktA Ar—nt "I*4 lbrnn*brml tb* rv.nnlr, A* Uitt, tb* -bayra-l. mirat lor, and i,i,ld**4lin* mm bin* I* tb- world. For lllraral inm. tllm FAMILV Mill MACKIXR Oft.. 7b H—adwn,. X-* Torb. r IIRAED HOUBB. X S OORNRR CHKATXI'T AXI) XIXTII KTKKfTTIt, rntvna.fnw. Tbi* bona* |r mln-nl la * HI, f,m*d S*r ll* com f..rial.l. bol-I*. tt k-jd In arar, i**|m I -jnal to an, ■nbrlna* hol-l I* lb- cxranU,. Owl** |a lb- atrx* fan-, of Iba llm**, tb* nrlr* at brand bat 1.-n —-Imrad M mart ooi prt ELLKFONTK A SNOW SHOE JJ*® ■ HMMIi iii *n~t M i. i nit. i 1,... Katra Kline 7.'i> *. M,,rrir* In li*n*|,.r,i u.wr a * ..'.V" 10JPJ * ■> ~ atria** at gaoa gi,,^ 11 17 A. n l-aa* Hnuu Ma'm- !4: r H , arrit** I (hll.f .nt* 4 I*l u 10-ai.a* I v. ,- „ nrrivw at gnoar Pl.,* '■ W I HA Ml I. II ll'IA llf. <#-!<• ral I>A I*I EAGLE VA LLKY KAIL -1 9 BOAS Ttm-Tm I j.. . „,i.,, urn Ki( Mail **&. lArruikn. Kill MnJl. ;i : * ;" •'• Arrlt. >| Tirute* lowo- 7o> A „ • '*' ft *'• .... lAii- K*ft tMiA Lnait... 7 15 5 :7 55 .'I •' V All " ... 7 )ji ait ■ ' 17 " hld Ca K la ... 723 al7 7 .'I ft (II ...... " Ham.,}, •' ~ 7 M V rr^ 7 555 " I'.irt 51,1,1,1. - ... : , 4,| 5 4 'S> .... " Ka 1 1 ill. ... ,)h It, • '• 4'i 41' " It*-** li *r v k " ... ¥ Id '.7 133 4 H ..._ Mill llall " ... ¥ .",4 II 10 '' 4 '■ 11. r„1, ... t, ; ; 11 ]4 |' ** * W " 1.-5 11...n ... ¥u II 1* j >KN NSY LVA NIA RAILROAD. I HnHaMMt aad Mi ITlittoua IQi ,1.4 altr Is*<4tsw I. 1*77 W BMTWARI). KKIK M All. U.K. I lAAIA,.!. I,J„. 11 v, ~ m ll.kial uis 4 ... , W ilttatr*|Kl*rt. 2 • j, tm WTltm ,< u*t>, , 4 4, fwyn t'J !••• tin,tj In Italic f - *.t * 1. 4 x. 1 m 2AHT I.IN 2 lei*, I'liii..!. ||. 1 ~ 11 4., m llxn.liKf ;• 35 ~ " 3 illiißiiutrl ............ 73 p if, •TrttM .1 U*k ll,tin 5 4 ,: 1 it, 5. 4 TW A RIl. PACIIJ< l:\rHKfs inti* I,* 5 l|,i.n f 4. , 3 II!„M„,*.M 7 I.', 1,, nnlicnt lUrrl*lAnt' ]] 55, 1,1 ri,iicj.i, t,„ 3 45 ~ M DAT r.XI HK.-? INK, RM. , 11 , „ " 1A.5 lUten 11 .. , u , W ,Hi,*•(.■ , t la 4(1 a 111 " nrri(i 11.m.1,,*, 4 In p m •' llnlndi-lphin.* 7 15* Itu ritii: MAILUMIm • 1 ttpm " l*,.k llitin ¥4' l IB •• M i11,,!,*,t 11 11', ~ n, M nrrlac, ,t llxvt.liury .. 2 4.'. , m M I'bila.l, Iphia . . ...„ 7on, n, FAST LINK l*,io 3 liiiir-#,.-tt 12? .m " inn, ,| a 5. , H " PlillaJftlplit, 735* ■> Ko* Meal It iyc,r Rtpran, Vt. lA. k llat. n 4(*- t1,Uj.4,1 ,ti 3*l uti,l 1 *AI 1.1}.,,,* u., A.akA | < I,ami AiaM-|„,tiM| atfUMBl-nlaiai a,th L ili.IL , R train, t i W,1k~i..r,. ainl A- raut, t j Krt Ma-,1 R tart. Mmm*, M .at an*) Cri RMaVal .i,ll*.sllatHi A,aan,uu., ..i. luafcn el-aw oana4s,n U W ,n„m.,.n ,n, JR. C. R. R . trairiA rtiatl Kit* M*i, R..1, Xlaara Waal, and I>ay Ili nalaAl , .1. ,|.m- oobbh tion at U-k llao n W.lh It R 4 It |( t„„„ Kit* M. ! Ka*l a,,-l R'ctt oahni* I at RfiAVlta tea A, < a I. AM a K H at (Votj mil, n r i V K R , at UrcifH.Kau, alth It. K I. i f K |L. anJ at ; l*r,ft* - .(d attl, A 3 II K l'ak.r (a a 111 ran la-mc-a Pl,.la4<*l| I,la and illta>i,t,i i n Sla.-ar. Kt jncaa R tat. Kit* Kti-raaa R-M, rtiila't*lpl,,, I I|4*. Kail and Iw> Ki,.,~a l*a.t. at.ll jttibdaj KtptMA Kail. Ma*,At, ,ta .a all ; night trait,a 34 A RAU,I*. 1B"1 l>*i>*nt,4*nd*t THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE HUSH HOUSE HLOCK, BKLLEFONTK, PA., i row orrnßixo GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO TiIOAR WIAUIRO riRAT-4-LAMt Plain or Fancy Printing. j Wo have tinuAual facilitioa for |>rintini; I.AW IHMtKS, * PA M I'll LKTS, CATALOOUKS, I'JCOfi It A M M KS, STATKMK.NTS, CIRCTLARB, BILL HKAIS, NdTK II K A IS. BUHINKBB CARIJS, INVITATION CARDS. CARTKN UK VISITS, CA RDS ON KN VKLOPES, ANI) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. BaT"Printing d<>n<\ in the I*t tyle, on hort notice and at the iutriwt rali." *s|rOrdor by mail will receive prompt attention. RRMKMHKR TU R PLACR t CENTRE DEMOCRAT OFFICE, Hu h //(4iM Blof k, IUfIH RTRRKT, RRI l KPORrK. PA 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879. 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