Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 23, 1879, Image 1
Sill GF.KT & FOIISTKR, Ftlifnrs. VOL. I. Cnitre Urawrat. ko Term* SI.AO per Annum, In Advance. 8. T. SHUGERT .n.t R. H. FORSTER, Editor*. Thursday Morning, October 23, 1879. Democratic State Ticket. STATE TREASURER, DANIEL <). HAltlt, Allegheny county. Democratic County Ticket. JL'KY COMMISSIONER, JOHN SHANNON, of l'otter. , CORONER, * Dr. JOSEPH ADAMS, of Milesburg. THE lion. A. 11. Coflrotli, of the Somerset District, Ims gone to the Rocky Mountains on a hunting oxjic dition. THE trial of the legislative bribery cases, which was to commence on the 17th of November at Ilarrisburg, has been postponed to the 24th. THE DEMOCRAT is under obliga tions to lion. ('. T. Alexauder for a number of valuable State document*. The Senator will please accept our thanks. SENATOR BLAINE impaired his voice so much by bellowing to the lowa Re publicans,and fixing up a Blaine boom for the presidency, that he was com pelled to cancel his engagements in Wisconsin. THE estimates of the amount requir* • rxl for the jiustal service is stated at $39,R20,000. The revenue to be de rived from the postal service is esti mated at $32,210,000, leaving a defi ciency to be supplies] by Congress, in the appropriation bill, of $7,710,000. THE grand jury of Barnstable coun ty, Massachusetts, have fouud a true bill against Charles Freeman for mur der in the first degree, and he will be tried at a special court. Mrs. Frce- I man, his wife, was discharged. These are the fanatics who professed to have a revelation requiring them to murder their little girl. THE sheriff of I'ike county and seven other county officials were ar rested at Milford, on a charge of chasing deer with hounds. They were taken before a justice of the jieace, who held each in $lOO hail. Refus ing to furnish the hail, they were com mitted to prison. Served them right. Men who will run the deer with dogs ought to go to prison, and should re main there a good time. SECRETARY SHERMAN has been in vited to go to Ixiuisiana to eogage in the canvas of that State, hut he ha declined on account of an engagement to eat his crow in New York, where he is cx|>ectcd to prove that the man who could not lie trusted with the Na val office in the Custon House, is the proper man to be Governor of the Kmpire State. The Secretary, how ever, has not given the true reasons for declining to appear in Louisiana. That State does not now afford the same facilities for the manipulation of cdcctions as this virtuous statesman found in 1878, when he counted a Fraud into the Presidential office. The thieves arc not in the ascendant. Ot'R Republican friends make a wonderful hurrah over the Ohio and lowa elections. One would suppose they had achieved extraordinary vic tories instead of only maintaining their ground in States in which few, if £ any penons, expected different results. Their success in Ohio will probably le the rock upon which their hopes for a solid North in the presidential •canvas will founder. Thoughtful peo ple will have time to reflect upon the •civil and danger of again dividing this government by geographical lines for political purposes, and may lie in a I mood to hold the party that advo- I cates such a policy to a fearful ac- P couutability. It is union and har mony between the North and the South, not division and discord, that at e needed to aid the country to return to complete prosperity. 11 KM I ' A L ANIi EXACT J I'HTK'K TO ALL MEN", or WHATEVER HTAT K OH FERMI ANION, RELIGIOUS OK VOI.ITICA 1.."-J. ttrtm.n. GEN. W. Is. FRANKLIN, who at one time commnmit'il the titli Army Corjw, lut* written a letter in which he com ments very severely on General Burn side for making public despatches writ ten tohim by (tcneral I'orter during the war, which hud much, if not all to do in the conviction of that officer. They were mere private missives, and as such much freer in comment than if he hud supposed they were to be given out. General Franklin says : "The late developments in the I'orter case show how dangerous it is to trust u fool, however well meaning a fellow he may be. Porter's despatches to Burn sido were friendly missives, and what ever he said nbout Po|>e was intended doubtless for his own ear. Nobody hut a fool could have looked upon them in any other light, and it was the height of folly (indeed of knavery) for Burn side to have transmitted them to Wash ington." Here is the opening for a very nice tight. There is plenty of "fuss and feathers" in Burnsidc's make up, hut he is not devoid of courage and will no doubt call Frankliu to account for his language. ♦ - Kx-Gov. CIIAMHKRLAIN, of Maine, has been delivering himself of senti ment* which Mr. Zachariah Chandler will despise. It was ou the occasion of the dedication of a soldier's inonn umcut away down in Maine, and the following is hut an extract of a s|ieoch that is worthy to he reprinted in full and everywhere: "There are some who will not have it that th" war is over till they have their way. From much of the talk of late one would think think that all the toil and trial of the war was in vain, that these soldiers and sailors of yours did nothing of lasting value, that that glorious war and the (iou given victory must count for nought, and that the real way to save the country is to 'keep certain politicians in office, and that servile following of them is the only t<-*t of loyalty to the Union. For one, 1 resent this perversion of our motives and this lie. littling of our achievements. lam indig nant at this insult to the memory of that great company of noble souls who are mar tyrs in a sacred cause and a trumphant cause. Do not mistake the issue. Your sons will not have died in vain because the tliej rebellious Stat-s are brought back into the Union, and send their host men to re present thorn in Congress, oven though they had the courage to wield the sword instead of the p>-n In the time of moral struggle. Men who freely poured out their heart's blood for their convictions, though wrong, are less to be feared than thov who skulk in the rear and gloat over the strife so long a* they can till their pockets with plunder, snatched alike frotn friend or foe." . w - —_ THE Governor* of the original thirteen State* met at Philadelphia on Monday, and were received by Gov. Hoyt and staff". The object of the meeting was to make preliminary ar rangement* for the celebration of the Centennial anniversary of the sur render of the British arniv at York town. This Centennial anniversary ore runs in the year 1881, and it was re solved by the Governors that the event should be commemorated by a na tional celebration befitting its histori cal ini|M>rtanec and the greatness of the country. A number of patriotic speeches were made deprecating the spirit of sectionalism, and earnestly appealing for unity and fraternity throughout the land. THE contest for Senator in Ohio will no doubt be lively. The Kcv. Gar field will not brook oppoaition without showing his teeth to Sherman, who will no doubt be a candidate if the Grant boom rules him off the course for the presidency, as is probable, while Stanley Mathews will make faces at both, and may slip the bone from the other growling curs. THE Hon. William M'Lellnn of Chambers burg, a prominent member of the Franklin county bar, and wide ly and favorably known throughout the State, died at his residence in that place on Monday last. He was strick en by paralysis on Friday previous to his death, and never recovered con sciousness. The use of photography in wood en graving promises to be a great improve ment, Instead of drawing directly up on the wood, the artist now makes bis finished picture upon paper, which is then photographed upon the wood. The engraver then proceeds to cut the photograph, and, during the time of cutting, has the advantage of having the original drawing before him, to which he may refer. BKLLKFONTK, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2.5, IS7O. ADDRESS OF THE Chairman of the Democratic Coun ty Committee. To the of Centre county : In short time you will bo called upon to choose by the exercise of your right of sufl'riige, State Treasurer. The candidates of each party have been nominated and the platforms, upon which tln-y stand, enunciated for some months. A careful study of these plat forms,-the manner in which they were made, tin- bold declaration of the one in fuvor of an honest and pure admin istration of the affair* of our Stale, and its strong denunciation of the "attempt to delmiich the Legislature by whole sale bribery and corruption on the part of Republican leaders," and the scorn ful rejection by the other of a reoolu. tion denouncing the "corrupt practices jn connection with the riot bill," and demanding "honest men in office—men "with brains enough to know dislion "esty when they see it, and courage "enough to fight it wheresoever they "find it," ought to lie a sufficient reason for every man, who desires an honest official, to HUpj>orl the Democratic can didate for State Treasurer. 'if our candidate, tUXIIL O. HUIK, others have said, "He is noted for his quickness of intellect, activity in what , ever he undertakes, unimpeachable honesty, courteous manners and great kindness of heart." "Mr. Barr is in all resjwot* a moat "creditable candidate for State Treasu rer. A trained banker, thoroughly "familiar with our financial system, act ive, intelligent and faithful in his husi "ness relation, and personally blameless "alike in public and private life, his fit "lies* for the re*|>onsible trust will not "lie questioned by friend or foe." The Famxer't Advocate said : "We place "at the heud ol the Advocate the name ! "of 1. O. Barr, of Allegheny, for .State "Treasurer. This we do after knowing "that Mr. Ilarr wdl under any and ali "circumstances, if elected, conserve the "interests of the State and the people, "and not rings and cliques—and now "we ask all, without regard to party j "affiliations, who cherish public and ! "private integrity, to prepare to give "Mr. Barr their hearty support." The same Mr. Barr to whom this tes timony is borne was, in early life, a laborer on a railroad, afterwards a tele graph operator, and who by diligence, hard lalmr, honesty and integrity in afl hi* relations has qualified himself well for the high |>osition for which he has l>een nominated, and to which we hope he shall !>e elected. The man who front his past record is most likely to fairly and honestly con trol the finances of the Stale, who will be by his integrity, a* well as by his high pledges given, alstve the control and influence of the rings, cliques, and a corrupt lobby, is the one who should receive your votes, regardless of what may have been his or your previous party predclirtions. The refusal of the Convention that nominated Mr. Barr's opponent, to de nounce "corrupt practices, and endorse the nomination of honest men for of fice," warrants the conclusion that should he l>e elected it will be but giv ing the ring and the lobby control of the treasury of the State. ltebei Brigadiers, however much our Itepublican friends may lash themselves into a foam and sweat over them, have nothing to do with the election of a Treasurer in Pennsylvania. The whole question is, whether you thai I have a State Treasurer, for the next two yeart, who thai/ honetlly administer an,/ tcrupvlout/y rare for the money of the people that tkall putt thmvyh hit hands, or whether you shall have for Treasurer a creature of the lobby'a convention, and a restoration of all the peculations and evils prac ticed upon the treasury of the State before the adoption of the Constitution of 1873. The County Committee has done and will do all it can till the close of the polls on the evening of the 4th of No vember, to have full vote polled. Much rests with the individual voter! His patriotism, love of good govern ment, desire for relief from the evils of misrule and bad government should impel him to poll his vote. The com mittees in the several districts are urg ed to be active in the discharge of the duties enjoined upon them. When this is done, let the result be what it may, the Democrats of Centre county will hrive tho proud satisfaction of having discharged their duty to tho party and tho State. By order of tin- Committee. DAVID F. FoRTN BY, Chairman. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ! A HOMICIDE AKKKHTEII.— On Monday, j .September 22, as Matthias Hoffman, of J Carrol town, was passing along tlm r>i| , from l'.-ntlold to Clearfield, ho w* met by a stranger who walked with him as far as the place generally known as the ; "Big .Spring,'' where Hoffman tloopi-d down to drink. While in this position he was struck several time* with a club in the : hands of the stranger and terribly injured. The stranger then took from him a < le . k : for fifteen dollars and some change, and 'departed. In Ida wounded and blooding condition Hoffman made his way to Clear field, where ho was properly cared for. 1 Ills said that 11-tin.an died on Sunday, tho 10th of this month, from tho in juries received. Suspicion for the com mission of this foul deed fastened ujioii a Daniel O Harm, or O Hern, residing near Slitrer s hotel, in Union county. Captain ( I'. L. ( lark, of Osceola, accompanied by Howard Hartcr, of Laurelton, on Satur day, (lie lmli inst, approached the place ai.d inveigled O Hern outside by engaging in the sjeirt of shooting at a mark, and when I) Hern had become an interested participant in the the two strategist# suddenly arrested him. He accompanied tho party very peaceably to Clearfield ■ and was lodged in jail. His story in re j gard to the murder slightly differs from the above, he saying that Hoffman was the attacking party. Tho truth about tho unfortunate affair will, however, be devel. : oped in tho January term of Clearfield court. f'liAJtor. or TIME V<>H DR. FOWI.KK'S LK'TTRR.— Tho many persons who have determined to 10-ar the Rev I)r. Fowler, in his lecture on "Great Des-ds of Great Men," will have to wait for that event two days longer than was cs|>ccu-d. The lecture was first announced for Wednesday evening next, October 29, but the power* that !*• have determined to change the time ' to Friday evening, the 31t, which will j give us another opportunity to refer to it. This is a very sensible change. a> Wedneo j day evening is the regular time for prayer ' meeting, and people either have to forego the pleasures of that meeting, or hurry over their devotions in a very unscenilv manner in order to reach the lecture in j time. Therefore, prepare for Friday even ing, October 31. I'ositively no further |M>stponcments. Restrain all undue excite ment, go early, secure a good, comfortable i seat, and prepare to be thrilled by the learned Doctor's eloquence and convulsed by bis humor. Ticket* and seats may now be secured at Blair's jewelry store. —The octagonal frame edifice, situated Just above the lofty crags overhanguim Spring creek.- Daniel Hush, summer resort and and family. The place command* a com prehensive view and will catch every pass ing aepbyr. There, through the long, warm summer days, the leisure hours may be most delightfully while.! away. Sum mer fruits to eat and charming romance* U> read will add to the pleasure, while a fountain in the centre would make it sim ply perfect. Duplicates for Ixwl or Defaced ltond*. WASHINGTON, (icfober 12.—Tho pro vision* of the Revised Statute* of the United States and the regulation there under, concerning relief in case of !>ond* of the United States which have been defaced, destroyed or loat, are published by the Treasury Department for the in formation and guidance of all concern ed. They provide that whenever it ap pear* to the Secretary of the Treasury by clear and unequivocal proof that any interest bearing bond of the United States has without bad faith upon the part of the owner been destroyed, wholly or in part, or so defaced as to impair its value to the owner, and such bond is identified by number and de scription, the Secretary of the Treasury shall under such regulations and with such restrictions as to time and reten tion for security or otherwise as he may prescribe issue a duplicate thereof. Other sections give elaborate directions concerning the proper method of pro cedure in any case of lon or damage. Duty on Steel Blooms. WASHINGTON, October 17.—The Seere taiy of the Treasury designates! the 23d instant as the time when a hearing of parties interested in the proper rate of duty on steel blooms may be had. Two questions, among others, appear to be involved i First—What are the distin guishing characteristics of steel blooms r Second—ln what respect do steel bloom* differ from steel in ingola or from steel in bare f Evidence upon theae point* or uisin other branches of the case which parties may deaire to present must be in writing. GENERAL NEWS. New York city lost $130,(8)0 by fire on Sunday morning. A woman has been arretted in Pitts burg for eaves dropping. 1 he petroleum region in flooded with counterfeit silver dollars. 'I he official California vote on Chinese immigration was *B3 for and 154,038 against. Emrna Hilton, aged eighteen years, : fell out ol u boat at Allegheny, on Friday, and was drowned. Arrangements are being made for a mammoth national Methodist camp meeting at Old Orchard Beach in July. 1880. (ieneral (irant was everywhere re reived with much consideration during j hi* Oregon trip. He left Salem lor *an 1 Francisco Friday last. Senator and Mrs. Bayard, the latter much improved in health, will sail lor home ill the steamspip MOM-|, from Southampton, on the 2'-th instant. • harle.l I'eeples, a fireman on the Pittsburg Southern railroad, was run | over at Washington on Friday while oil ing his engine, and instantly killed, j ("lark Smith, aged fifty-five years, an inmate ol the jail at Cumberland, Md., 1 while trying to *wal!ow a large piece ol meat at dinner on Saturday, wa- choked 1 to death. Thursday forenoon Agnes White, aged i twenty years, and living in township, Crawford county, committed suicide by shooting here|f in the teui pie. She had become despondent from I sickness. Alarm prevails at Newbury, N. Y., at ! the prospect of a water famine. At | Washington lake the depth of water 1 over the eight eon-inch main has de -1 creased to two inches. The eighth annual exjosition of the Berkeley county, W. Vs., Agricultural a id Mechanical Association at Martins i burg, has been a greater success this | year than ever before. Edward Hanlan received from the stakeholder last Thursday a check f >r $6,000, the amount of the stake* in the | Hanlan Courtney race. The other side i will contest Haitian's claim to the j money. The total collections so far returned j from the Catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Baltimore in the aid of Archbishop Pureed aggregate $2,860.76. T he return* of collections lor the Pope j foot up $2,715.68. At the meeting of the Presbyterian *ynod in Lancaster, on Saturday, ad dresses were made by Rev. I'rs. Cat tell, Mulchmore and Agnew. Pulpits in Lancaster were supplied yesterday by ministers from the Synod. A young farmer named Isaac Warner, who resides near Mc< dnnellsburg, Ful ton county, while attempting to jump !on a fanning mill backward, Friday, j slipjed and fell forward on bis head, ; breaking his neck. Widow i ffiver is said by Simon Camer on's attorney* to drea* 100 well and givo j too many lecture* for the benefit of yel low fever sufferer* to admit the plea that I she i* in the im|>ecunious condition j which she professes. Mr. John Horner, of l.igonier, West- I moreland county, recently fell from a breaking hia arm and skull. Death was almost f'V His wife and children rl the tree at the time. f itastonia, N. C., says ( Blacker, assisted by I Oylea, ha* uneatihed gross frauds in Gaston county. North Carolina, carried on by registered grain distillers in collusion with Government officers. <>n Friday the new bridge of the Sun , day Creek Valley Railroad, over Big Walnut creek, near Columbus. 0., fell, : on account of a defective trestle, into : the water. Eight workmen were on the bridge at the time and five of them | were injured. On Saturday, Thomas Parson was cleaning hi* revolver in the basement of his residence, in Brooklyn, when it accidentally went off. The ball entered the forehead of his little daughter | Emma, aged three years, killing her i almost Instantly. Mr. Parson was tak ; en into custody. Lincoln, the war horse belonging to Gcnercl Gallagher, anil on exhibition at Philadelphia during the Centennial, died at New Alexandria. Westmoreland county, on Friday. The horse was '.£ year* old. and had been on the "retired list, with full pay," for several years. Hereafter the hands of the Heading railroad are to be paid on a sliding scale, based on the rates of freight ob tained by that company. Tho Heading Timet ami Ihtpaleh says that the wages will be from ten to thirty per cent, more than under former rates. William Howard, late City Treasurer of Indianapolis, Ind., in an encounter with J. D. Simpson, editor of the Suir, was shot on Thursday night and it is thought mortally wounded. Ma jor Simpson claim* the shooting was done in self defence. William Howard died on Saturday. Five counties in California contain auicksilver mines. During the past three yeare tire aggregate production has been, in flasks : Napa county, Red ington mine, 25,494 j lake county, Hul phur banks, 30.849; Great Western mine, 14,266; Sonoma county, Oakland, 4,687 ; Fresno county. New Ida, 17,846 ; Hants Clara county, Guadaloupe, 18,952 ; New Almado, 56,488. A flask of quick silver contain* 76J ponnds. TKRMS: |M*r Annum, in Advance. The schooner Catskill, of t'al'kil), WIIM run <lown and sunk in New York hay on Friday night by the steamer C'ity of Troy. All hands escaped in a boat. The steamer was slightly injured. Funeral services were held in New York Friday at St. I'aul's Methodist K|ii*oopal chureh over the remains of Miss Abigail Wright, who was thrown from a carriage and killed in Switaer* ' land while journeying with the pleasure j party under the direction of Itev. J>r. , •). It. Tiffany. fieneral A. 1., l'earson, of Pittsburg, : states that certain papers and docu ruent ate in his liosscHsion which, when I üblishcd, will place a digerent light on his connection with the riots in that city, lie had asked repeatedly for an investigation, and had always been told j there was nothing to investigate. A Washington dispatch says that ; Professor loerster, ol Berlin, announ- I res the discovery by l'slisa, on the I7th jof i ictoher, lt7'J, of a planet of th j twelfth magnitude in two hours fifty : two minutes right ascension, fourteen | degrees thirteen minutes north decli nation, with a daily motion of five min utes south. ' 'ien. 1 rancis A. Walker, Superintend ent of tiie Census, with a view to secur iiig greater accuracy and uniformity in the agricultural statistics to he coin p.led for the tenth census, has just is sued a ci.cular setting forth the aim* and wisliea of the Bureau with regard to the method of arranging such si at is ; tics. In Pittsburg.on Friday night, a young man named John Mot'artney was at tacked and terribly mutilated by un : known parties. He slaies that somo time ago he fruslrrted ih-attempts of j bur gluts toget into his employer's store. Since that time they have, by jiostal card, warned b ; m that they intended ■ to do turn violet ce. < >n Friday morning. Rev. A. Tripncr. I pa-tor of the t'nited Brethren church, j at I'uncannon, Perry county, while vis j iting at hi* brother's in Manchester, | York county, rose from bed during t. o i absence of his wife, and, cutting ofl'a | piece of cord, went into another room and hang<-d himself. In order to ac complish the task he was comjK-lled to draw up his knees. The deceased won well known in York, Cumberland and I'erry counties, and, on account of sick ness, had become quite melancholy. The jury rendered a verdict that tho act wa* committed while deceased was laboring under an aberration of the mind. Itedtrred to Ashes. THE uoov or MU I.* iovst < REMATEO— mormon* or BIS WILL. PI R rani ton, ttctober 16.—The body of l>r. Le Mojne, the noted cremation ist, who died on Tuesday, wa* today i places! in the rreuialory of bis own construction, at his late home, Wash ington, Pa., and the work of incinera tion begun. Brief religious service* were first held at the house in the pres ence of the family and a large numler of cilitens. ftev. Irt. Bronaon and llavs read from the Scriptures and offered prayer, the whole ceremony oc cupying but a few minute*. I he remains were driven to the cre matory. a mile out of town, accompa i nied only by the family, immediate j friend* and pall hearers. At the fur nace 1 >r. Hays requested all others to depart. Four policeman were present to keep the crowd away, and, after the body hail been places! on the catafalque I 'r. Hays, standing on the steps, said : "We have now brought our deceased | friend to the place of his choice, and j here leave him." The benediction was pronounced and the door closed, shutting out all but j relatives and those employed to do the work. The body was removed from the oollln by the pall-liearers and placet | upon the iron crib, and at 10:30 tho door of the retort wa* taken down, the body thrust quickly ih and the mouth again closed. Instantly dense volumes of black smoke rolled out of the chim | ney, and the horrible odor of burning flesh was distinctly noticeable to the ' score or more of persona on the out j side. The persons employed to heat the furnace were inexperienced in audi things, and as a consequence the heat was many degrees below what was at tained in the Von Palm and Pitman cremations. Though the fires were started yesterday morning they were kept up until thia evening before the icineration was completed. Tho re mains will not le removed until to morrow. The will of the doctor require# all hia children to sign a written agreement that their bodies shall be cremated at death*; refusing to comply, their share of the property is forfeited. The Parmer* for llarr. The Farmer's Arivo.au, published at Stroudshurg, extensively read and be lieved in by the clam after whom it ia named, ha* enrolled itself under the Barr banner. It says: "We place at the head of the Advocate the name of Hon. I>. O. Barr, of Alle gheny, for State Treasurer. This we do after knowing that Mr. Barr will under any and all circumstances, if elected, conserve the interest* of the State and the |.eopl*, and not rings and cliques— that he will promote pure Hemocratio | principles. In this, as in all our politi cal conduct, wa have considered well the welfare of the Hemocralio parly; and now we ask all (without regard to party affiliations) who cherish public and private integrity, to prepare to give Mr. Barr their hearty support," NO. i:'.