Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 16, 1879, Image 8

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    ®ltt Crntrc
Thursday Morning, October 16,1879.
roßHMrtiHMwri.ronUhiliiK lni|M>rUiii newt, eol|clt
•si from Any part of tho county. No roniniunu Atloiia
iiiilam nrrompanlod \<y tho reel imtuo of tho
liOcul Department.
—Kelt skirt* nt 45 cents at Lyon A Co #.
—The best cigars In l*>*n are those sold
by Harry Green.
—Splendid yard-wide cashmcro for 29
cents at Lyon As Co'*.
—The season for |uail and partridge
shooting began yesterday.
The people of Aaronsbnrg are now en
gaged in boiling apple flitter.
Tho biggest lino of Indies' and chil
dren's hats, trimmed and untrimmed, at
Lyon A Co'#.
—The orders for job work still continue
to test the utmost jxiwersof tho DEMOCRAT
otllee to till them.
—The water in the West Branch of the
Susquehanna is lower now than it has been
since the year 1808.
—All applications for pensions front sol
dier* of Centre county must be inudo prior
to January I, 1880.
Mrs. Frank Ueed,of Lock Haven, was
in town last week visiting her numerous
friends in this vicinity.
—The Kev. John Hewitt, rector of the
Episcopal church, this place, has indefinite
ly po*t|oned his trip to Kansas.
—Tho sewer leading from High street
into Spring creek was enlnrgial last week,
in anticipation of heavy fall rains.
—The Y. M. C. A., of Centie Hall,
held a public meeting in tho Lutherau
church, of that place, last Sunday.
—(iottleib Haag, of Pleasant (inp, will
celebrate his marriage anniversary with a
silver wedding on the 13th of ne.\t month.
—The people of Spring Mills are at pres
ent being photographed by a Mr, Norris,
who will remain in that place until Satur
day next.
—Tho moon wo* "new" again last even
ing If you failed to see it then, remember
to look for it over your right shoulder
—Messrs. Edward Powers and Daniel
Witxotaky accompanied the excursion to
tho top of tho Allegheny mountains la-t
—Pleasant Gap lost another of her citi
zens lost week, in the death on Tuesday
night of Mr. Joseph Miller, in the both
year of hi* age.
—Tho centre of attraction at tho fair
was the man who had a stock of Harry
Green's cigars in his pocket and treated
the crowd to thorn.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rankin are at
present in Muney witnessing the ceremo
nies connected with tho unveiling of tho
Brady monument.
Mr. J. D. Long, of Spring Mills, is
erecting a grain house opposite his shop
near the de|*>t. He is one of Spring Mills
most enterprising citizens.
—Another meeting of the Ladies' Mis
sionary Society, of the Episcopal ahurch,
has been appointed for this afternoon at
3j o'clock at tho residence of Mrs. Wil
Mr. Agnew Sellers, Sr , of Fillmore,
wo* one of the visitors at our office lat
week. He is a pleasant gentleman, and
we will be pleased to see him whenever he
may call again.
—The Tenth Annual Sunday-school
Convention of Clinton county will be held
nt Kenovo, on the 21st and 22d of this
month./ Rev. Crittenden, of this place,
will be present.
Mr. Charles Fenstermacher, formerly
an employe of the Repnblienn office, but
now connected with the AI toon a Tnbune,
revisited this place lost Saturday, leaving
again on Monday.
—A. T. leathers Ac Co., the well-known
merchants of Unionvillo, have dissolved
jiartnership. Mr. Leathers, the junior
memtier of the firm, intends soon to make
a tour through the West.
—Mr*. M'Kean, formerly of Zion, Is
now making her home with her daughter,
Mr*. Wells, of Wellsville, York county.
Hhe departed for her new place of residence
on Tdnsday of lost week.
—The library connected with the Protest,
ant Episcopal Sunday-school has recently
received addition* of many valuable vol
ume*. The entire collection of books has
boon re-catalogued, and the library is now
ready for use.
—Prof. D. M. Wolf,of Penn Hall, is at
preaent in Philadelphia, to which place be
* has found it necessary to go to havo an
operation performed on hi# eye. We ho|.e
that the operation tnay result in the full
recovery of hi* light.
—Judge Klwell, of Columbia county,
ha* recently decided that an "outline" i* a
"device for entrapping fish," and hence i*
covered by tho law prohibiting the same.
Those piscatoria'ly inclined will pleaae
take notice.
—England has had a surfeit of rain dur
ing this summer while we have not had
enough, and the only way to find the mean
between these two extremes 1* to purchase
all our groceries at the store of 8. A. Brew
At Hon, on Allegheny itreet.
—Where Profeesor Wiieand hi* balloon
have disappeared to bo* not as yet been
discovered. But if we cannot find Wise
in person, men and boy* in Centre county
can at least do a <• thing by procuring
all their clothing at the Eagle Clothing
Hall, on Allegheny street, kept by J.
Newman, Jr,
—Canton llannols, <1 ocht* |t yard, at
Lyon A Co'*.
—Tho prospect* of Penn Hall Academy
for tho coming school term, commencing
on tho 27th instant, aro exceedingly en
couraging. Mr. Win. P. Ho* termini, A. 8.,
will make a very efficient principal.
—Services preparatory to Communion
were held in tho Presbyterian church on
Friday and Saturday evenings last. Bev.
Dr. Hamill, of I'tik Hall, preached n ser
mon ami assisted Kev. Win. Laurie with
tho Communion service* on Sunday morn
—A visit to Tusseyville would bo pleas
ant just now. Tho band at that place is
giving a grand festival, commencing to
night and terminating on Saturday. They
havo had ico cream and supper tickets
printed and persons who visit thorn can
get all they wish to eat.
—Fancy alpacas, at 7 cents jier yard, at
Lyon Ac Co's.
Mr. K. P. M'Closkey, agent for the
Singer Sewing Machine Company, in this
place, has been called to takechargn of the
company's otllco in Danville, Montour
county. Mr. John Kingsley, of Lock
Haven, will for the present continue the
company's business in this place.
—As Mr. James Spangler, of near Pot
ter's Mills, was assisting in repairing a
bridge near what is known as the Bed
mill, on Monday of last week, hi# foot wa
cauglit and tightly squeezed between a
heavy piece of timber and a stone. It
was the most painful squeeze J ami's ever
submitted to, and found it necessary to in
voke the assistance of I>r. Net!', who we
hope will soon restore tho foot to it# origi
nal condition.
Black silks, 58 cents |>er yard, at
Lyon Ac Co's.
—A well-known and popular young
lady and gentleman of this town, whose
nupitals have long been looked forward to
by their friend", will, if the course of true
love continue* flowing in its wonted smooth
channel, bo married and will start off on
their wedding tour tho same day on which
next week's Dkmockat is issued.
—lt is supposed that the author of the
incendiary fire, which recently destroyed
$30,000 of property in Curwensville, Clear
field county, ha* been discovered in the |-r
-*on of a German rigarmnker named Lsehe.
But a much more valuable discovery has
been made in Centre county, viz : that J
Newman, Jr.'*, establishment on Alle
gheny street, I* the place to procure men's
and boys' clothing nt but lmlf the cost
charged by other dealers.
A woman's warranted shoe, 98 cents,
at Lyon Ac Co's.
—On Saturday of last week the Oddfel
lows of Millheim hold a picnic in the vicin
ity of Penn Cave, which proved a very
satisfactory occasion to them. Messrs. Ben
jamin Stover and Daniel Long, of Mill
heim, took an active part in decorating
the speakers' stand, and contributes! 4n
many way* to the enjoyment of the day.
Rev. 8. f. Shannon, of Milroy. delivers!
an oration, and most of those present en
gaged in the pleasure of a trip through the
wonderful cavc.
—A splendid winter suit nt $3.90 a
Lyon At Co's.
—An excellent mode of preserving au
tumn leaves is to spread the fresh leaves
and press them in a suitable dish, with
alternate layers of fine sand, which is
thoroughly dry and as hot as the hand ran
bear. When the sand ha# cooled they may
be removed, smoothed under a flat iron,
dipped for a moment in a clear French
spirit varnish, and allowed to dry in the
—We hear that diphtheria has been rag
ing to some extent recently among the
children in the vicinity of Curtin'* Works.
Of eleven roses, three deaths haveoocurrrd.
By the attention "f Dr. Dobbin* and other
phyician it* course ha* been arretted.
The low water, inattention to sanitary
laws and a variety of other cause* are said
to have cauod it.
—An immense stock of new goods at
Lyon A Co's.
—Tho following school* throughout the
county hove with teachers,
whose names we give in connection with
their school*:
Spring MUD —F. F. Jamison.
Hearer Dam — Maggie Hanna.
/Van Hall —K. F. Smith.
Folk Hilt— H. M Cain.
Deekrr'e —Lot ltunkle.
Murray'* —B. K. Stover.
date —J. B. Crawford.
Croee Road* - J. A. Grenoble.
Valentine* —T. M. Barnhart.
l/agan Uraneh —J. E. Williams.
Homtmrn—O. M. Noll.
dentiel* —P. O. Gentzol.
Wearer —K. C. Wood*.
(Mil drove —M. K. Hoy.
Itea*ant dap —W. H. Noll.
1/ogan Uraneh —J. Harrison.
Fair dntdM—V. K. Bible.
Varum —J. W. Barnbart.
I'leaeanl Hill —J. M. Holmes.
—A splendid boy'* suit at $8.25 at Lyon
A Co'*.
—That gentlemanly Individual, 11. M.
Brishin, of the Osceola Reveille, paid a
flying visit to our office on Monday morn
ing last. Legal businea* connected with
the Pruner v*. Brishin ejectment suit de
mended hi* attention in this place. The
two week# during which ho will *ojmtrn
here will lie largely spent In court, which,
inasmuch a* ho I* a very court-eoua gentle
man, may he all right.
- A distant lady acquaintance of the
lato Miss Hose Shoemaker, whom dint to
know wa* to esteem, ends tho following
1 iit*!* dedicated to her memory. The line
with which tlio poem opens, it may bo
remembered, is one of tho last sentences
said to have boon uttered by tho deceased .
" CIUI tills |.n itjrhiK : ■ F**l no |wln!"
hurtly, 'lmr Is-.im ure Vftitt;
o Icll nit* why yv vliutiM Milly m*••(•
To in*- (u Kt nlly full ularp '
K*-*liiik •* ntliii sfi Ihnt Ann l Miglil
VN lill® my M*ul wiiiKH i ig Mj lo rtliii of liplii.
"I'm llit® IH lIJIIIK , I fill ti* |mlti V*
Cull till** ID *t dim til; 'tin lift*' 'tin icniti!
Tin* til- lor'■ cruwu, Ui® tthll® nrmyr,
Th* I'ltwMs-tl l*stiii* wlipfi tlif itfijft-la Uy
Iht'ir KlHtrritiK tr|i)iipn, |**irt ninl hriKht.
At tlm ft <-t *f Him. tht* t*f Dglit.
<*nn thin Is** <l*th, thin h<ly calm
Th tt t< "|N hi) n>'Ul in itn ll"®vcnl) l.nliu,
Thnt nt'fll) ntilln my |iuln®*n |ly
Wliilo I K**ntly lrnthf my llh- niy >
Can tiiib li® UfntU y Tht-li |iny thnt )r
Hot h lilmkml hn||*y ilmth iimv new.
Kttvvtll, nwi*e*t It-®**, I woul'l thnt
Wert nil • nt for lltairii n* tli**^.
Our lll*"*** .| I/.i l nu Ati|{' I wnt,
Ami iffiitly 'r tb*> line h® hnnt,
And I'lot'kiwl It fnoo tlit* item ,
Thfii nviftly l<k through nrorr iklm,
Through gohh'ti fc®t*n of I'nm-iiM*,
|| |a>gn tlx* nfth T -rti if*- HI.
AIDI UYN it hy Iht- <L f*wt
Tlnt *-mt ||f 9 thorny j..ih hn*l Itlre],
Atl'l th' f ill fn<leleM Ih-nul)
luiui'-rtnl nlinll thnt ll"*' il-i<l
—Tin- sermon of Kov. John Hewitt,
rvs-tor of the Kpio-opal churt b, lal Bun
ilay evening, wa another of th-tso well
prepared, thoughtful ami instructive de
liverances for which he is noU*|. The
text "And devout men carrii-d Stephen to
his burial, ' gnvo rise to many thoughts on
the subject of the ceremonies t-> be observ
ed over tlio body of a deceased |<-rs<j|i
wliirh were original an-1 well ( ORceivi-d.
One of the tlr-l !•-*■'.n* drawn from the
text was that if this first reconh-d instance
of a Christian burial is to bo followed,
none but devout person* should lake (.art
in this Cliri-lian ceremony over llic t*-dy
of one who lis* -ii"-l in the Christian faith
That tho prayers and orations said, and
the hymns sang, over a corpse, are not de
signed to fa* the most im|>rtant part of the
ceremonies, but instead the joyful bote* of
a resurrection held out as the heavy clods
of earth fall upon the coffin lid. Will., ut
this the long funeral procession, the high
bred assemblage, the richly caparisoned
steed* with their n<bling plumes are a
mo kory ; and the tomb, hewn from *<d-d
marble and ornamented with ail that art
can devise, is indeed a ret.ulsive burial
r-lace if its terrors fa- not soften<-<l by this
liojrf-. The entire discourse wa* replete
with deep thought, adorned with elegant
expression, and delivered in the gentle
man'' usual animated style.
--The finest overcoats at Lyon A CVs,
--The November .SrriAncr is esjrf<ialiy
strong in a class of j-apor* that seem to fa
more and more in demand with this mag
a/.ine, vix.. authentic pa|-ers on topics im
m-diately or recently orrupying |>ublic in
terest. Such in thi* numie-r are I, The
pap<-r on "The Mississippi Jetties, by the
resi-lontengineer, Mr F. I ("orthell , the
first complete account of this important
work, with a portrait of Captain Had* and
a number of plans; 2. An account by
Clarence Cook, F.sq , of "Mr. Morris
Moore and hi* old Masters," one of which,
the "Apollo and Marry as," of Raphael,
may now he purchased for America This
topic was lately a good deal discussed in
tho newspaper*, and a* th- picture ha*
never fa-en engraved— at least in America
—the editor of .Wfaner ba* had a large
cut made of it hv Mr. Cole which, with
other cuts, accomi-anles Mr C<K*k * ac
account of the discovery of the picture by
Mr Moore and his expose of the misman
agement of the National Gallery, etc., etc.
t The present revival of interest tn agri
cultural subjects in Kngland and America
I* reflected in several paper* : one on the
"Distress in Great Britian," showing the
unfortunate state of affair* in the kingdom ;
another on "Kan*a Farming,"—a very
different picture—and other* on "Sucre**
with Small Fruits," etc.
—The biggest lot of entire new clothing
at Lyon A Co'*.
—The following brief but old manuscript,
which Masons may find worthy their no
tice, was handed us hy a gentleman of
this place who has carries! it in his pocket
for tho last thirty year*. We believe it
has never been published, but now for the
first lime oes the light of day through the
columns of the DKMOCRAT. ' It is yellow
with age and reads as follows :
God for his sun, Charity for his moon, the
Graces for his stars, the Bible for his guide,
Chastity for his snow-white apron, Tem
perance for his physic. Industry for his
portion, Truth for his seal, Hea-o'n for his
compass, and Justice for his square.
Best calicoes, 6 cents j>cr yard, at Ly
on A Co'*.
A CONORATVLATION.—We had the good
pleasure last week of recording the wed
ding in Harrlskurg, last March, of tha t
handsome young couple, Mr. John L.
Linn to Miss Alice A. Alexander, but be
cause of the crowded condition of our col
umns forboro to mako extended remarks.
Known as the young gentleman is to
everyone as one of the most gallant beaux
Bcllcfonte has ever produced, and as the
partner whom he has selected for life has
been for a long time rccognfacd as a prom
inent belle, and a very sensible young
lady, they cannot but receive the hearty
congratulations of their friends. It is a
union of hearts as well as of hands, and
will result in the utmost liappiness to
them. As they pursue tho 'drama of lifo
together may tho curtain rise on naught
hut joyful scenes. May the freshly blos
somed love bloom on into a fadeless flower
which shall give forth its beauty and
fragrance e'en through eternity !
One of th tiißny natural wonders of wliirh
Centre county ha* a largo proportion is
what is known a* the It lm-Spring, situated
on tins farm of J. Dunlop Bhttgcrl, at thu
source of thu water* of Logan's Branch. It
in larger tlmn tlio fatnouii spring from
wliicli our town derive* It* nuinu, it* ex net
depth, which i* known to hi! grunt, ha*
never been definitely nncertaim-d, nrid its
wutcra fa-cause of tlieir depth, are in hue
the color of tin! ocean—which give* the
spring its name. Thi* water, in however,
of crystal-like purity and very cool. It
i* related that yearn nince a yoke of oxen
attached to a harrow plunged over the
niden of the npring, disappeared within iU
blue depth*, arid no trace* of them have
ever nince been discovered. Thin tale,
though not well authenticated, forum one
of the dogma* of faith which many |mrnoni
entertain in regard to the npring. At one
time the flow of water from it found it
way by a natural channel into Logan's
liranch, but in the course of time large
trim fell across itn outlet, nettled itnclt with
the jaiint downward in the hii|io of two
niden of a triangle, collected the leave* arid
other ilrbri from the npring until at length
an effectual obntruclion to the natural out
let wa* formed. Thin eauned the water
in the spring to rie until it soaked it*
way in varioun direction* through the
limentonn nek which form* it* niden and
went no one known exactly whither.
At all event*, the water flowed under
ground for mile* before it found it* way
into the bed of the creek.
I>uring thin nutnrner the water in L>gan's
liraneli ha* fa-en *o unprecr*]enlodtly low
thai it bit* been found iiii|>*nib! to operate
Maim * Axe Works. and the other manu
fa> turing establishments situated on it*
bank* and deriving their motive power
fri'm thin nource, except for a portion of the
time. The employe* and manager* have
occupied a |*>rtion of their npafe time in
•p>-culation concerning the Illue spring,
and it apparently no disturbed their
thought*, that they finally determined t<-
request of Mr. Shugert th<> privilege of ex.
(•erimenting u|*>n it. Permission Iming
given, trial* were made, whii h have prov
ed entirely successful, in |-erundiiig the
•pririg to again *ink to it* former level and
flow through it* old outlet. The increased
water in the crock ha* alr--ady enabled
Mann Axe \\ oik* to ojmrate more regu
larly. and the spirit* of ail concerned are
correspondingly elevated. The water in
the *pring alternately rim* and fall* a* the
tide in the ocean. A* the reanon for thi*
i* not clearly understood, the pring w ill
probably before long receive further at
tention from cientit. Hut until future
development* are made we will permit it*
blue water* to rct undisturbed in their deep
b*in, merely speculating upon the won
der* which time may reveal.
Afaiul ten o'clock in the morning of a
lovely day in the early part of October we
l'fl the h<*j.iublo boriK! of our fried*!*,
nestled among the Bald Kagle hill*, for a
trip to the Allegbenie*. Nine of u*, large
and *mall, crowded into a long wagon
drawn by two tout borc*. We were a
merry party. Nothing could lie more
charming than our ride. The road that
wound up the mountain'* ide wa* lined
with tree* and underhru*h—before u*
*lretche.| a long vit* of overarching tree*
narrowing with di*tance, while growing in
the cool, shaded place* among the rock*
wa* the graceful waving fern, some a bright
livid green and oilier* huff or creamy white.
Kverything showed ign of drought.
At one place where a limped dream
wa* wont to come bubbling down the
mountain idc, it wa* only a dry lied of
•tones, but farther on we found a little
•pring, that, although not no large a* it
u*ually i, *upplicd u* with a cool, refresh
ing drink. Hut to the right and to the
left of ii*, though *ome distance away, we
aw the tmoke from fire* on tho mountain*.
What a grand view we had from the
top ! Slo|*s after lnpc *eemd to rie till
they almost touched tho *ky—the bright
pine* and evergreen* contrasted lieautifully
with the yellow of the hickory and the dull
color of the oak leaves. Here and there
the overhanging clouds were pictured by
the shadow* that rested upon the face of
the mountain, bringing the sunny {pots out
into brighter relief.
At the top we diverged from the road
into a by-road to what is familiarly known
as "Wolf* hollow." Here we selected a
level, shady place and spread down our
blankets and buffalo robe from the wagon,
the seat* of which served as comfortable
sofa*, while we eagerly gathered around
the large basket of tempting refreshment*
and jug of sweet, rich, fresh cider that we
had taken with u*. After satisfying the
wants of the inner man the gentlemen of
the party went in search of chertnuts, with
the understanding that should they lie suc
cessful, they would call us to the pleasant
task of gathering them. In a little while
they returned, but as others had been ahead
of them they were unsuccessful. So we
turned our faces homeward and were folly
compensated by tho luxuriant beauty scat
tered along the pathway.
Tho quantities of grand pine and fern
tempted us not to go home empty handed.
While the trusty horses jogged leisurely
along, most of u* strolled down the noun
side culling boquefa of the green and
creamy white ferns brightened with the
glowing leave* of tho maple. When we
were tired we returned te the wagon laden
with what we considered treasures, but
wim some of tho gentlemen denominated
What a free, easy, gipsey life wo led
that day. Dusty and hungry wo reached J
homo at tea time ready to partake of the
bountiful repast spread for us, fooling uro
wo should long rotairi pleasant recollections
of our picnic upon the Alleghenles.
—Tho corn ml too appointed by Ontro
J/odge, No. IM, I. O. O F., to prepare a
tribute to the memory of their late Brother,
Past Grand John D. I Job, at the regular
meeting on Thursday evening, 'Jet. it,
lH"it, submitted tho following, which was
ordered to bo fublithcd in the county
papers, spread upon the minutes of the
ledge and a copy sent to the family of tho
deceased brother
Hrolhor John D. Inch's life was one of
more than ordinary banpim *s. Possessed,
as ho was, of a kind and gonial disposition,
ho was a companion at once pleasant, social
and agreeable. Full of good nature, and
blessed in a large degree with sterling
common sense, hi* conversation wa* de
lightful to all with whom became iri con
tact, while hi* counsel was sought as safe,
reliable and trustworthy.
Socially, our brother was justly entitled
to bo held in high esteem by bis neighbors
and friends, as well as by hi* brothers of
the Lodge, In hi* home, at his hearth
stone, and in the social life of hi* family,
dignity of manner, kindliness of speech, wn
dom and good judgment, marki-d the rule
and law bv w;hich he reared a family of
sons and daughters to honor their father,
and love arid revere hi* memory.
Asa i it- en H othe- Liob filhxl the full
measure ,i qu'red of him. Sober, honest,
intelligent and industr'ous, he discharged
well every duty laid upon him. M'-dcst
and quiet, in his detriment, lie neither
court'-d favor or iHtsilio-i, nor did he
shrink from any duty ; quietly and unos
tentatiously in- discharged tin- duties of a
faithful and upright citi/a-n, giving liberal
ly of the good- of Ibis life t> the needy,
relieving the sufferings of the dilre*ed by
ministering t-- their wants.
Over and al>. all these excellent and
admired trait* of our brother shone the
true, earnest ami faithful Christian life he
lived : the influence of which was felt, and
which endeared him aliketofamily, friends,
neighbors and brothers. F->r a long time
a faithful and trusted member of the
M- iho-itst church, he ha* entered into the
full fruition of his hop*** and joys, while
hi* good deeds,'bis excellent example, and
Godlv life remain as a iw-t savor to the
|ov-*i one* left la-hind.
As an Odd Fellow, as a member < f tliis
lodge for more tl-an a quarter of a eeritu
rv. Hro'her L -h w.. A living witne-s p-,-
tifving daily to its thr-<- gr<-nt object*
Friendship, Love and Truth; burying the
dead, relicvirg th-- distr<-so*| and educat
ing tii" orphan Hi* life was *n MM ex
emplification of the principles of our order.
Ai-i whether in the l<lge room, on the
committee, or in any station. Brother Lieb
may have been rallod uj>on to ait he will
la- sadly rnis*j-d. The )<•*• of bis <ria' arid
always conservative counsel will long ba
Ml in the lodgl r-.tn His kindly w.-rds,
genial smile, iqa-n-hearted g--od nature,
and true genuine Odd Fellowship will fa
rememfared by the brother* of till* Lalge,
wilti whom he so long associated, A* an
• AM*, ever green ARID fresh in their journey
through life. II F. FOBTWKT.
II li. I'oXTlla.
(I. F ll* KRIS.
the recent pension act if a deceased K>ldier
WAS A pensioner At the time of hi* doAth,
Ami At the jime had two children under
sixteen years and left no widow, the chil-
I dren arc entitled to the arrearage* of jam
sjon under the act. If *uch a soldier left a
widow she i* entitled to the arrearage* and
they are not. ]f he wa* not a |<en*ioncr
' at the time of his death, neither the nor
they are entitled to a |a-nsion and arrear-
I age*, even though he may have boon. Hi*
failure to obtain a pension for himself bars
the widow or children. But if before bis
death he lias made application for a {tension,
the widow or children, as the case may be,
are entitled to the pension add arrears if
■ hi* application i* granted. In other words,
the fact of his death nowise affects an ap
plication, but carries with it the right to
enter an application. The Commissioner
says that it is impossible to give a general
j derision which will cover all case* Al
m<t*t every case raises a new and knotty
question as to the construction of statutory
law. Out of this uncertainty there arise*
; much misconception. The claimant's best
plan is to stale his or her case and patiently
await decision, without relying implicitly
upon what may have i>een done in other
case* imperfectly understood.
Y. M. C. A. Doixoa.—On Friday even
ing next, the exercises in connection with
the Young Men's Christian Association
will lie of an unusually interesting and im
porlant character. The officers for the
ensuing year will be chosen, which is of
itself one of the most important exercises
that the Association is ever called upon to
perform. A report of the recent State
Convention will also be submitted by Mr.
J. Harris Orbiron, and it is expected that
many useful hint* will be gathered from it.
In consideration of these important events,
it is hoped that every member of the As
sociation, Active and Associate, will make
it his convenience and consider it hi* duly
to be present
Best muslins al fJ cents per yard, al
Lyon A Go's.
Kns. DEMOCRAT— Dmr Sit .- I notice by
announcement in your excellent paper that
Dr. Fowler, of the Chittmn Jifwrafs, is to
lecture In this place on the evening of the
2t'th Inst. It is my good fortune to have
heard Dr. Fowler deliver hi* "Ureal Deeds
of Ureal Men"—the same lecture for which
he is billed here—and in the interests of
refined intellectual entertainment and cul
ture of the highest order, I ask room
enough to advise every one who possibly
can to embraca this opportunity to hear
him. I will not undertake to give any
idea of his lecture, nor the renewed lectu
rer's eloquence. The opportunity to judge
of| both wlil soon be here, and should not
be loat by any who are capable of appre
ciating them. AviMVt.
H I For tiir Snow.—Tho ironworker*
at VilmtinM' Forge* hve arranged for at:
enter!*!nmerit next Wodneaday evening,
October U2d, in tlioir new building, which
will rival tin. Ingenuity of tin; furiiou*
iiarriuin biintelf. An animal will bo ex- %
hibitcd on that ocxaaiori which I* pronounc
ed to Ire the moat wonderful ever exhibit
ed In the United .State*, A* the name of
the animal i not known, ninety pert on i
have been invited to attend arid give it *
name. Kverybody it urged to be prenent,
and a tjiecial invitation it extended to the
ladle*. The proceed* of the exhibition
will be devoted to the purebate of a ttovo
for the building. lioor* open at 7 o'cloek ;
admittance, li/iccnt*. To tbi* notice, band
ed u by Joaeph iioup, the celebrated ani
mal tamer, i* H|.|rendod the following litt
of name* :
II. tl urn, OiMtUi bnt
lluaUutft'aa Co '..ri.toLlr- lAO* .
Phil llklip, Mali tlriohliM
M'tili liiflii HUii Jaatua Pultun
Tb. Tr.J.r, iMupbiu Co. Ai.dp K"im|,
John Tate 1,., 14 llnrrta
0-mx-TtU Kale K-(,1,-rt
W . Ikiu || Pmltli. J.„ W rait)
W iilhur. hallui T)(. Miller
Ikft'l ttlri*. MiMrtin; lUii,, flack.
Hiram Ihoidhun, Blair Co a m Agio w
• I Kraaw. W llllaui littler,
I hauiael Be a J l. a iM i, ( i,,
*"t'ii lllmlarr|. i Tirana. lU|...
William Miller. .1 oneph Klt!. r
Mat"* Hi*k-tiberr}. Will am ll.i t.urt.
W'llllarn Ici't. R. Mlll. r
Aicl lcin-1 m, li4|r W If uiiltir
Alfi—l Ncli.,ll. J'.lia Loft*
Prank firt" AmutMuflea.
Ilarrp V a1.i.1:r,. • 1.1n,1it,-.
William II Hinl.f. If \ elentine.
tarn in I Shirk Tito. K*) L..11*.
Jar k Hew II lir.*ikt
I Jika llradcnM J It- <llk .
Harp Re - Jama. P,, MlleMuirr
Th.-.krrr l>r 1. 1,-,. Jatti.e a bar I I,
l> II llaalluga. Williari. Mnrgaii
W A K*-l|. jr. 'i.-Cfi flar k.
r Oarr.l. r>i„.j t,„ ~
* flvl ilheb ria. k.
trek Urroji.
As Importakt Law Sen o> Trial
The preaence of tboae two dittinguiabed
individual*, I'riitod Stale* Senator Wa .
lace and Hon. George A. Jenkt, in our
mldt, at preaent and for a week to come,
1- in part owing to an important action in
ejectment now being tried in our court,
involving about tix hundred and ninety
i acre* of land, part of which forma the it
of the town of Unit/.dale, Clearfield
county Menri. I'runer and iiurley, the
plaintiff*, located a warrant for thia land
in llf&'.t, the Iloutr. heir* then being in
poaanaaion. A uit waa brought before
Judge Linn in the Clearfield court and
won by the plaintiff*. In conaerjuence of
a juror having roomed with one of tbu
aurveyor* daring the trial, a new trial waa
granted, which again came up in tho
C'h-arfl- I court and reaulted in the plain- •
tiff* taking a rion-auit. Samuel C. Smith,
of New Jeraey, purchased the property,
and in a auit brought by bim before Judge
McCandle**, in the I'nited State* Ibatrict
Court, the defendant* won. Pruner and
Hurley becoming j*aM*a<,r* of the pro{>erty
a change of venue wai made from C'iear
lieid to thli county, which give* rue to tho
prrwent ac tion. Hon. Geo. A. Jerilu, Gen.
Jatnn* A Heaver, J. L. Sjaangler and I>.
11. Haatinga represent tha plaintiffa, and
Hon. William A "Wallace, Meaara. Alex
ander A Rower, and I>. F. Fortney, tho g
defendant*. The juror* cmftanncHcd in
thia trial are H. G. Miller, Haino* town
fhip: Frank Miller, Walker; L S. Kddv,
M>lt*burg; W. M. Adam*, Milo*burg;
(.ha*. McGarvey, I'nion; Samuel Crotter,
Potter; Jamet Lingle, Rogg*; Owen
M itherbaugh, Harria;John L. Sbo|
Rogg*; Tho*. W. Fiaher, I'nion: John
Griffith, Spring, and Joaeph Itoyton. Ruah.
—Poatmaatera are now authoritod to
redeem f-oatal card# which have been spoil
ed by printing or in any other way, at tho
' rate of four cent* for everr five card*.
nt'si.kp —miTT —cat a. tr. *t u> w r. t*re.ie
•I* *1 Pl*m*l Ha*, I,} R*< J. A. W .l . J>, M
John L l>.,tili and liliaa yr t ..| Mnitt Will, ,4
At.T ICR* -KICHOM —AI fmtfv lUU iirt**2.l,
17. by Um> R* v rtela.r Mr. * m II Dion. .4
W(di, tw) Mi* M•iy I. > x h'.tu. lU-11H.■*!, I*s.
Dl JSI.AP -PARBOX ~AI Iba M K iwre-oa**.. Nil**
lAirg. Oil, 12,1.} 11*.., J R Naw, Mr lait* I'm,.
Uf. to Mim* llacii* Paraeti*, 1. 11. of Juluat. Fur.
aaea. Pa
. WRAV Kit—l'K IcM)—AI Ik* R.f o*l* far*.nac",
Ja. ke eill. .J R. . Uan p llartaell.Wr Jamm A.
Rewf, A Mn.<n V obi|., 1c Mia* *lniA. J ta
lc(. Nt iSirna tcanabl).
;CR All 111 WOK—Ori (kb4#r .Ik. at tka r**n.|. r
of the bfhte'a |r*nU. pi fir- <;)•. I.v R. u 1.un1.,
Mr Woi Oralt, In Mlaa Anna thaann
fiAV I*—MnORIC— AI Plilllplnra,. Bataotav Sit*- '
O-u.1.-t 27, lata, t-f lir-a-i* II.a, Ka,, Mr lw. M.
11*11*. to Mn IWIIa C Mm*n, l.|h .4 Ibm-r Mill*,
Oaalo raaatf, Pa.
lIKV KRLT—HAIMca At lh* ltci.li>'* rtolr*,*,(ld.
i 12. I*7*. b* R-r J R-t. r, Akerr Mr Rlmi r Rile Ml
net*. 11-rcrlr, nf ll aar l to Mi~ Lk> Anna
Helena, rlaacht** of Prt-r llainaa. In,, ,4 M-inl
| Matl*
JRI'.I KK _ln Qnegg townrhlp,na the Iml, laatoal,
Mr Sarah Mtek*. alt* <4 liaab l Sr . e.|
•2 Tmre an* 2* ,tar
I.kAV -o n lh* AH—i . ~f diphtheria. Romt young
ret child of Inaac wfi.l Mara tlrar. of Palt.ni ti.nn
•hip, aad ", pear andVl teenlbn
M'SKAh- At Hi,nnrr-*llf. (Vntia (VrantT. Pa, Ort
, I*?, ..f Panlvnt*. Mr. Harlwia M haal. aced R
pear*. month* and 14 dap*.
BtXMIM —At lh* mldOKo of her aruadthther. Mr.
Knlierl Kdnaimtoa, | n pntion t. nnnhln,the la*
of lament. I*7ll, of dI( I,therm, Oma Ball, danahw
f Tb irrtac J and Chat l dtn Ithana, arrd 10 train k
m..nth* and tt dap*
FA RN KR —On Tneadap merninp. Orhrhev T, at Oratm
llall. alter an lUnea* id arr.ral .--k, Mr Ramnrd
Faraer, and 41 pean, to mi.r.th* and * dapa.
Rnnal aetrice. oter the demaaml won held la*t *
Thnnatat aanrnlnf raaann in* at * o it.ak, ftana tha
M K rhan h at Centra Halt, after ahhh the rnryaa
amuk'Bh. (Samaduaa Oetwetwp, and latorrad with
Manatk <ninmate*.
|>Y virtue o( n writ of Venditioni
I t Ktponaa. tamed rati >4 the tVmrt ,4 (Warn
I*l m* <4 Centra eeantp. and to m* dire, ted, time, all!
he eayaaed at fmhUr aale, In Aae Mbar*. on
Thuraday, October 30, A. D. 1870,
at rme eVtorh. PM, the Wtowta* draretmd rml e*tato
<4 the detaad.nt, to alt f
All that certain lot or pi*c of ground
Mtmle la the rtllaa at Anrnamtmra, Centra enantp.
Pa, I—aeded and dmrrthed m Wlonat On the nurth
hp tatnpth*. nn tha moot bp aa aikep and lanM 4 Rrrirh,
<m the earth hp lamb nf II A. Mlnrb . and < the rand
hp land* id J. Wtm-eentoistac two mt-rm. mora r
lea* thtre.ru itwtM a Imeanrrp (run tmn, rtalde
and other ..at Imitdlnaa Ratard, token la rterailma
and to he n4d aa the prepertp at Adam P. Wtnkbe
hlerh. JoUX RPARUtiKR. I%ert.