./. 11. 11A KLA S IPS Her-Hire" Store, Alleyhtmy Street, ttellefonte, I'a, GRAND FALL OPENING AT TTTTTT mm nun KKEKK 88888 KKKKK KKKKK nun nim urn vvv vvv KKKBK TTTHHKKBBKEK K II II II V V K I T H H K B B S K II II II V V K T 111111111111 EE HBHB EE EE 1111111111 II V V KK T HUE B B E K II II II V V K T 11 11 R ■ B B K K E R II II II VV EE TTT HHH HUH KKKKE 88888 KKEKK KKKKK 111111 111111 II 111 V KKKKK OISTE PRICE, EXCLUSIVE IDIR/Y - GOODS STORE. I wish to inform the public that I have just received an IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS. ALL NEW! ALL NEW! And am also falter prepared to furnish you with all your wants in my line; having made it a study to buy just such goods as are wanted, and, notwithslandiny the advance on all yoods, I am still selling them at the lowest market jrrices. My business is founded on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM. which yon will find in all cities. SQUARE DEALING A IST I) ]I()NES r rY. MY STOCK IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, CONSISTING OF Dress Goods and Silks, Shawls, Cloaks and Blankets, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS and TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY AND RIBBONS, CORSETS, GLOVES AND TIES, ZEPHYRS and YARNS, CARPETS, &c., &e., &c. ALL MY (Hunts All/: Mi mi Kit IS I'LAIS KKC KICKS. llol'lNG TO RECEIVE AN EARLY CALL, I rcmnin, rotix-ctfully, your*, J. H. B-A.TTL-A.HSriD. My motto i, "OAK PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST, ASP SO MISR KPR EffES TA TIOS.'' ELECTION PROCLAMATION. 1 GOD BAVK TIIK COMMOJtWKALTII. I JOHN BPANGLKH, High Slier- j I , Iff of the ('...inly t.f Cettlro, Contm < f I'eiitMjrlvMils, ik) hereby it.oh. kn..n m l icl.e n.'llce t.. the elector* f thaCaunty afra*al*l, that an elrctiun i will he held in the said County of Owtiw On Tuesday November 4. 1879, | It U ing tha Tuesday following the first M-n Ur of Nwraoiher, (Ue to le janf#l at savan o'd-n k A M , and cloned at se\an o r cluck P M •. at which j time tha freeman of Centr* County will rota by tailot for the following oUlcers, namaljr One parson for the ofllra of ttate Treasurer of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania; tbie pamxi for the ofß. e of Jury (oimnissiunrr , One perw.n for the #fh e f Coruuar I also hereby make known and gira n tire that the placm of holding the aforemid election In the savaral lVtrunghsand Town*h;w within the County Af Centre ai a* follows, to wit For the Township of nainea, at the puMlc house uf I l. Hoyar (Anfonshnrgh For Ilia township of Half M wn, at the school house In JRonnstown. For the townshtn of Taylor, at the house arectel fr th tt fn the property of I.#* nard Merry man. For the township of Miira, in the irbwl house in the (own of Relx-rsburg Fr the township of potter Northern preciort). at the puMlr house of I> J. M .rrr. in Centra llall. For the township of Potter (Southern at the pqlilk h->uw of I). H Ruhl. at Potter's Mills. For the Township of 4regg. at the public houm owi>a| hy J. H Fisher, Penn 11*1! For thsTownsht- af College, In the school house st Lemon t. For the Township f Ferguson (old p red act), in the school house at Plneflrra. For the Towmship of Fargus>n (new ( "prectnet>, at tle s# hool lenase at Baileytllle. F r the Tuwnstiip uf Harris, in tlie act<*>l h# u*P at Ibwlslmrg. For the township of Patten, at the b#>u*e of P**ter Murray lor the B"r*>ngh of Ihllefente, and the u>wnsbi|w of Fpi itig and Banner, at the Court House in Beileioate.l For the Towuship .>f Walker, ia tha s* herty,at the arh*d h#se at Eaglet ills. For the T'mnahip of Worth, at the school house st p..rt Matilda. Fc the township of Unrnslde, at the It .use of J. K Bak. For th* Township of Curtin, st the srb'-d h -use near Robert Mann's. For th* H. rough of asd the Township f I'ninn, at tlie new sch**>i h-u*e in I'nionville. For the It -rough of Phili|>*lHirg. In nsw srtoe.l hmse in said Borough. KOTICK is also hereby given. M Tint every person excepting the justices of the pence, who shall h*dd any office.r apfedntment of any pro#t or trust under the tior*mrnent of the United Mtatee, at of this JMate, or ••( any tity or Incorporated district, whether a ft nn|s stoned officer or otherwise. ewl*rdlnate officer r ag-nt. Who Is or shall he employed under the l#eglU||re, Kxerntive. or Judiciary Itopartment of this Htate, or of the I'nife*l Ftatea, or of any city or Incorporated district, and ai* that every ammlter of G>ngr*** or Btate fe>gisUtnre, and of the select or common Council . 4 any city, or ' <*nmi**toner* of any lncor|oratnd district, is by law Incnpatds of holding or exercising, at the mm* time, theoflh e or app>diitmeut for Judgs, Ins|iect#.r or Clerk of any election of this Common wealth ; and that no Inspe* tor. Judge or other officer of any snch elertton, shall lw eligible to any office to lie then voted for.** Given under my hand and seal, at my dike In Bellefonte, this 2th day of September. In the year >4 our lefd One Thousand Right Hundred and Revrnty Nine, ami in the One Hundred ami Third year of the Independence of the lotted flutes. JOHN ftPANOLRR, Nheriff f Centre County. Auditor's Notice. IN the Court of Common Plea* of rvntr. cn*mly, Ro Ifi6, April T, 1*77. In th- mnl* Irr nf th. untfnni Ut. nf Al.ntßD RtCIIOLUt Tti. uixl-mign-d ■adltor, pf..iml l.p lh- Otirt la msk* ilUirtl'nlkm "t lh fond t-lnnin P. lb. an Id *M.lgn*d lalif In ibr hnnd. of JAMM 1,. WMMfK Vlnnmnrr. la nnd nm.oi* tb< l< cnllr -ntlll-d Itn r.Ki, will ntland o lb. dallw. rrf bin n|i(-Hnlm-nt nl bin In Rrll.p.nl., Pn.. no TL'RHDAT. Ifcn 2Mb .Ur nf txhoHEH. A D l*7,n oVlnek. A. M., whm nnd nhrrr nil pniwou 101-rn-d will plrnnc ntl-nd or 1.. iMarr-d from coming In no raid fond. 41 ,iw WII.RI R f HRKI-r.R Andllor Notice. IN the Orphans' Court of Centre I rnooir. In lb. mntlnr of Ihn nrronr.l of JACOB l-I NM.K. ndmlol.UnliW of Ihn mini, of DAVID MiRKLR, dnrntnrd: Tb ondondgn—l. nn nndlb-T npprdnlnd b Ihn Or plMn.' Conrt to nrwula tba hair, nf Dnrld Donbla, dar'd, sad mnka dialrll.ollon of tba fond shown to l-a tn tbn hurts af th* ndainlntrnlor among Iha tnjd bain, will maat tba pnrllan Inlaranlad (or tha pwrpma of hi. nppotntmaot, nn KATI'RDA V, (KTOBKK 4i, 17. Nt 9 clock, V. M , nt tba olllcn of AL Bpanglar, Kn.|, In tha Bomogli of Ballafonla. 41 ,1w KL1.1.1 1.. ORVIJt, Auditor. PREPARED COKE FOR FAMILY USE. f PHE Bellcfonte and Snow Blioe X Rnflrond Onnpaap baring romplstad lb-lr Ooka Bcmkar and fc rnsna. nra now prapuad to fornUh nil •fun of OMKE roR TOa *ARKB nnd fI'R MAVRR. Krtrn, MJ par ton of *0 Ihn. ' DANIRL RIfOAIM. 57. Ja. Ganarsl Nnparlotandnnt. I PI'IVLIC SALK —OK — Farm & Timber Lands. Assigned Entato of John Curtin. I N pursuance of an order issued out of tha Court of OMR**) Hm . f ftrtt rout,tr, I lh re will to nt nii'l lr In the lnt)*hi|< -f li|>Hni.ln !• cone tv of Contra, Iwundetl n4 iio north Mt, IT| perrh'-e; thrriff south *ll 117 perches to ths |la> uf beginning—<* nt*ltiing 169 ACRES and 65 PERCHES, wjh Ilk' lmildx th i'-u elected a fraio.' dwelling Ivw, lank I am. and other ttec*a*ary . bulbtlßfi. No. 2. All that certain tene no til ai.-l tr*. t of land situate In the township of spring afurrolil,lmnwlwl an l de rlbed m foil •. via Beginning at a p"iiitln the Fihirig Ure-k f"*d . tl.. t . anuth 7lPat, ll) |>rrhr ; ihsnce a>rth ••al.Mi parrhsa; lb*no- north 7' ■!, 4.' |r bra; thmo i a •nth "7 aiat, 4b ptrcbn; theuce aouth 'J wwt, 42 fMclfli: dwtra rmlli TV want, u bsu; llaiiw north 71° t, 25* p rrb-^, thence north meat, i Mn iua to point In road iheftr# |y Un>| uf Jacob I aleutln# aailh 47 mat, 1 fitchew , th rx bv Uixl* of Ihr heirs .f ItoUtvl t'urtln. d, north tit -aat. JMS-IO jrf 1,. to itoDN; thence north weat, '* |arrhi t<> a point In Ibr Fishing Owk nal, th* plur* •4 l * iflMihif— oulniiiintf 151 ACRES and 140 PERCHES, ar.t batlni thsrran rf l| a frame dwelling louse. j lank tarn, • latrm, and all other aareaary -nt (mil-ling*. No. 3. —AH that certain m-.ukK<\ tene man! an l trn# t of U< I illtulcl In lh l# JJ4 pwrrhas b*rce north 2V eal, 22 janha, ib-me a< South I'M aal, 70 perrha*. j thcr*-* nth 33| ' want, 10 perrhev to stns thenc* • >qth 27' rtl 13 parrhaa. UtW w nth 21 anl, 4 i parrhm to a whits 'k . thaora rk#th 11° M pen has; th'-m north Im nut a p* f h*w th • • n- rth &i° ant. 72 par haa to • whlta ek : tha-nra north 4/ e!t, 16 (arrb' i |i. * hita piria; thafira *nith 14 aul, 21 |-ar* haa. thanra north W aaat, 20 (artha, than/-#, ft-olh 41 ait, 32 fanba; thc { a wmlh 4A • rat. 20 parrhaa to Itiaa; than.#- a.nth far nt. 16 parehan. that), a >nth *nt. /I janbei ; IbeiKS •oiith 32° WMt, 30 par* ban , thanra o>th H *t, N parr haa to m thorn thafir# a-nlh 74" want. 24 nmhai. thanra aonth 4 •!. 134 |r- hwj hi * whlta k thanr# south 11 want, 14 pafrhan hi st.ns . thane, north 77'' want. 4a parrhaa; that. a north Ml® w>nt. 1* p>r hw . thanra north 71 mil, 24 | tha riht to dig. mlua. r*ts, vssh. dapwlt, m mute, and haul, or carry away, tha lr##n on, In. u|>on. an l utMlar, tha lart-U nantlota*l and dwrrlUt. l-t tha oansrt of tha lfo W-rki. that* hairs and aa slgtMi, mar. with tha fnll right f tngrsw. a^raws and )kla f)||al aa anon as thaaawrrh for Iron ora la abandoned. No. 4. —All that tho undivided five- Hghtaanth (4-I*l in tha TIMRKK I hi.N MAR,*II 4 IIt.F.K. in tha t*>wnshlp of H- gga. f'nrtln and Ifowaid, in tha mwnty d iVntra, •ml known aa tha Marsh f'raak pfoparty —r*#ntalning 3451 ACRES and 113 PERCHES, mora or laws, hahl ty tba mid aaaignaa aa tenant In rtimmon with Andrew 4 mla. am! tha l>lan*a In ona roar thoroaftar. Tha lattar parmont to ha wrnrwl by lwnd and moftßßf* npon tha |famlar, with latum from rotiflrmation f aal*. ( bii J. I). HIIIKIKKT, A*iffn*t. Auditor's Notice. : IN the Orphans' Court of Centre Jl rownty, in tha mattar of tha astnfr (l f J \Cng tboaa lagalty cntitlad tharapk, will anowt tba partis* In Intoraat f..r tha pwr- C-wa of parformlng tha dntlas of his afipotntmont. at la otßra In tba Romsrgh nf h i ' T ; > I' \ . tha mth day of Ortol**r, A. H. I*7®, at 10 oVlork, aw 1 Pc4w 0. M flow EE. Auditor * Notice. VTOTICR is hereby given that an it ftpplk-attea will I* miel- 111. (V,rt nf onn. 1 MB rtnaa nf Oalr* nwnlf, PnMflniifai, on M*. > dai.Ortntef nth, A. D I**. f o th. lie.Tr*tlnn of I tho "t NIONVIIXS CRMKTKBY AWth lATI-iN," ■ nmhr nl In pnrononco of the Act <>f Aa/aiMf n( the mnmmonllb of FnutflnaU npf.*4 Rth of Atoll. A. f> I*7l 39 Jt 11, A S'.KBK, fWt/ftor ho AppUtoot. ( lENTRK COUNTY, ks: V RK4I TL* * •tillil-nw • dttli ■ f I'n.liftltinlA. T nil tbo i fp.lit< ra . f I*AA< Af*. ili K \ ti r< li'f-I'y ■ iti-l bii'l MttiiaaißM bi l mi4 •pfwr at a ! • urt OomuP'Q Plchv. U tw libM t ! ii# lit f in bi. i fur at* uf Ofttrv "i ihi r)UlTII II0MAY op NoYBMHFR NKXT. tl.rr, •n4 Ihon t h * 'iiiiftß, II ftii jrotj ha*p, why la*.,. ! Mill hf'll, A ••I/.'Tif# tf IbdRA. TlfftUM, f"T tllf I Wft <- ft | I.f , rnxltlorft, ftboul'l u> t !• mil* ! fnt : tllfl r-wkl of thw ft.aU'l,r| rwtfttr* r|-.M ft t f|a* | oppI t< thp tai l |kM< Th 'tiiftß. • it-1 why tl taiftipd i fn tlip tl loftil f |*A*< it*hftll hotiidl not I* j flißrhwrgwtl from furth r ItglAllljr. Wllii'M th II t. A Mori, l'rfi<]. IB7V J t lIAKPKm, Pruth'y, A Ifftf Copy of writ iu tuy haitila ■> URM JdRR INNURMI Not ICCa I) H. HAUI'T has np]ilic ft*rwa of l*t4 utiiatdwl in th tdiwikfthip of IV |p, lo tbr xtutity f Cwotro, ftdl>t*lt>tiif Uit'U In th# warraiitw# nam** f WtllUm Kuwll .. th# r<-rth. J.**# Hr >kt th* #wftt, Th mw PotU on tli •- titii rir) Jarnw It# la ml on ' th# w#|. (Ml A Uab. .1.-raa-.1. lat# of th# Iktftaiffh "f Hfllrfufttft, UlH| l-#ft gflftiit#4 !#. th# iin#>l. t*+i<\*ul f B#il* f"fttdP. h# rw|tita ftlt kw-winrf thonalTMi lIKM4M||O mi 4 dfYwhftt ftu rona# f-rw*rl *rnl n.*A< lnm#kliat# .• .t, riJ all luiiff g rl*im• *■ *!•>• hina to |r#a#nt thtr j c* tiiita. duly aathcftticwt#l. f l />ufrtV/,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., TA. ; A. N. RAUB, A* M., Principal. r PI I IS SCHOOL, a at present con -1 RtitiC-Rj. off. r# th# w; IftclltD#* M j fMioft*J and Cl*Mh *1 t'dfTcnj. Rlii4ln ftftrk, i|Titii| *d 'oiri, lb *# prrparlng In tawh hn UftU iHinitM at any tlm#. Oo'iww *'f *tody |.rweriift*| by (h# Btat# I M l#l BrbW. 11. Preparatory. 111. K)##nUry. IV. Art •ftttlc. Brr art rot IBW I A al'ml' 11. CtKiimmW 111 Mf(r IV. Art. Th- Blcrn#ntwry and Vl#attftr rowraw* ar# Prv iMMifMiil, and •tabnU cra/ltaating th*r#n r*f#|t# Bt*t# rnnfarrlnff th# fr.ib.uing and r*-rr#a. f*.r ling d#gr*# Mulw of th# Vd#m#nt. and Mat#r of th# !u*t" i• lb# >'tb#r oonmw* r##i# i formal #rtißrwt#* of tb#4r atialnm#ntft, fttiru-l by , tb# Farulty Th# Proffwair oal m tir#r< ar# liberal, and ara in 1 thf"iichi#dkd not infpftor b the*#* of owr l#Rt rw||#g#a Tb fUt# rwqnlr#n a highar ■ r4+r of rlllrenfthlp. Th# liw 'hnuui'l It. ft ta ,# f tb# prtm# oh# t of (hi# *rtoi| h#tp to a#nr# It by Dtrnt#hlftn Intel ligant and #flVt#wt ta h#r# br h#r arbonl# To lbt and il ftolMU ywing l . For ratal-*gwa and i/ rw# addr### tb# PrltK i|al ftotin or rit *tKg* Fiorkholdarft* Tmatean—J II llarfon. * D, A II n*H. Jar..b flft.wn. A. M Hikfrd. S*mi#l fbrt#t. A N Maui., Ii f. Onnk, T. C lltppl#. Kn-i . fl Kintrtng. F. P. MHVinftlrk. f W. W Kaokm. J .hn A Vlubb Rtat# Trurtee# ll n A fl Cortin. Vf.>n II L. Dt#f f#nl* h. ti#n J#w#M< nlll. linn William H.gl#r t J. C. C. Whal#y, A. Wilier MrOwTnkk, S*-|. rrif ma. lion W 11,1.1 AW HMI.F.K. Pr.#bl#nt, Clearfield, Pa fl#n. JFJMtK WKRHILI,. V Pr##id#nt, Lork llaven. Pa A Ml 1.1. A K MfCrtRWICK. Aerrefary, TIIOWAH YAKhi.F.Y Tranrwr, " • WOODWARD BEMIK\Ity. Boß7d!&g Red Ear School for Toes/ Ltdioi and Little Children. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, IIAKRISHUEO, PA. R-rnUr ara will lofta SKPTFMURH I* I7* C.inraa of #4n.ly—r-Ruatr ami S iantifl., with Muni, and Art nnd tuition from %lho In f-VO a year and no #1 trail /o. rlrrtiUn and all da#irnbl Intnrnrntion add ram -•_ PRINCIPAL. *. c. araaa, Pm*T. t. r. **. flmb'r. 171KST NATIONAL HANK OF A BEI.I.KPORTR, All#*b#ny fr#*t, Mll#fonl#, Pa. Mf pBNTRE COUNTY HANKINO OORPART. RrK-.iTa Dapoalu Aad Allow Tnt.rrat, Dia. i,mi I N Ota. } Buy and R.II Out. RnmrillHi, Hold and Conpona, Jin A Hum, Pf.idnL J. D. Pne**.Cnblr. 4-tf CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in mott F I wm wllboul iwln Apply In C W. P FI"IIKH. M 11, Rrwhrhnni JM* Oali. Cvwaly,Pa. S. <( l A. l.OKit, General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, Jielleftmte, J'a. DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU HEAR, on EVEN SEE, UJTTII YOU PAY US A VISIT AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES Thai we are llic CHEAPEST under all Circumstances. S.&A.LOEBJ all . e e si™ et - IS.&A. LOEB, TJ IK "'IJOSH" CLOTI TIERS, —AND — TilK OLDEST OENEKAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. I'ro/ennionat i'l N(, Ii IG LER A WILSON, ATTORXRVS-AT LAW. My CLKAEFIELD. PA. JOHN 15 LA 111 LINN, l attorney at law. RELLKF-iNTK. PA OAr* oft liUuftori4, i)ft rtilf* CVawaty Ikiik 21-ly I L. BPAXGI.ER, J • ATTORf KT AT LAW, ftRLLBPoNTR. CEXTBE fFiI'RTY, PA •lUulk.n 10l ..!lU. prartlraa t .11 IW Ruutt*. Cunnltoiliw lu iPnwui or Rifllub Mj t..| atmbtr. crar. ao*noa. \| UKUAY A GORDON, a'l ATTVRXEVA-AT LAW, (I EA BUI LD. P A Will ulUud lb# [Lllal.nl. Guib b#u ,.t.lly I 17 'V C. HII'I'LK, 1 • ATTORNEY AT LAW. UKR lIA A EN. P A All Lnslmw. promptly attn.l~l la. My W'M. P. MITCHELL, f T PKA'H' AI i n> EYOB V* K lIAVEX, PA, WHI illpn l In ail 'Hk In Clenrftetd, OftU ftft4 Oif.t n c|')ioM(# l/'k Haven K*U"ml Hank 80 ly W C. HEINLE, F * • ATTORJiEV AT LAW. RKI.LRFORTX, PA OB" la omr*d Bun##. Ait -allan J >u4 Apaalal *ttanli>m fiMi to lb# r*dlactbn <4 claim*. All MM* ÜblnW I** pfu|illy 11-1/ . a. auun. • t- ttttt. WALLACE tV KKKIiS, F F ATTOREKIII-AT LAW. CLEARFIELD. PA. Will illwil and try i* *1 RalWt.nl. *kn f ri*lty ratainM. 1-1/ WILLIAM McCULLOUOH, FT ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All !>tn4nTM pr-mjdlv attended to. lly I \R. J. W. RHONE, Dcntiat, can I / im f-mnd at hi* oflk* a*d r#wid#fre cm Krlh aid# of High ilriwt, U>rf-R d**+ Vmrt of iWlMofti#, Pa 18-ly | \H. DOBBINS, M. 0., 1 ' PIITA-'IAJS AND ECROEOJI f-lf iWR-p Rwhoji MM -wP, To. Hotel Card*. MILLHEIM HOTEL, MILLIIEIM. CRICTRE COIRTT, FRXVA. W. 8 MUSSKK, Proprietor. Tli# town of Mlllh#lm I* |nratd la IVnn' Valla?, al'iii two milcw from Oobum (mlica, on tb Lwt bur*. Oawlr* and Pprnr. Ormk Railroad, wlib nr- Tmndlnp 11.a I makr it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. ()<*! trout Aahing In U> lmMitr v|r(rilty. A cab niftft to every train. At ll Millbetm lf4e| arm**- hkmUUcim will Iw fonnd flrvt- RELLEPORTE, PA. TIIR ORLT FIRfITCLAM HOTEL IR THE CITT. T#n* flnopt day. Urarr attacked ftportal ralna ylrwi to wtliuaaaa and Jarw, Oto. Ilorrta, Prop - /. W. P*aa Bwti. Clark, DROCILfIRHOrF HOUSB, 1 > RELI.KFONTE, PA. HOUBEAL A TELLER, rropritom. (iood .Sample Room on Pirt Floor. •#-Fr#c Roa, lo and from all Train# Epc-rtal ralrn to wlta#*aa# and jarofa. 1-1/ nAHMAN'S HOTEL. \ a tip|maitaCnrt llow*#, RELt.KPIIRTE, PA. TERM* EIRA PER DAY. A rnnd Urrrt atlac-Hnd. 1-1/ HOUSB, V I 00RRRR CHKPTRCT ARD RIRTII RTREKTP, HIUMMtA. Tbl* boaa#, pmmlßnwt la a rtt/ famnd for Ha am fortabl# bol*la. ta kapt la arary raapart a., mat to any Arat-rtaaa bcdall In tba roaalry. Owla* to lb# atrth ■awry of tba linxw, tba iwbw of board ba. baaw iwdaraf to ,aa mium par day. /. M RIRRIR. I d-tf Mnaa^af. Harry I\. Ilitim, Hardware. JEZA.-R'RIZ- K. HICKS, [SitATcssor to T. A. HICKS A BRO.J DEALER IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Slrtr t, BKLLKFOSTE, PA. South of hiamond. li iii tirx* (Vi rtl*. I TARNESS MANUFACTORY * ia Garmaa'f N Hl V, BKLLKTOKTB. PA. N| j? P. BLAIR. 1 • JKWFt.KR. • •mm, jrvtiav. Ac All IMQUtlo. aad F.mll, lU*l|m-. Mrortolj i S Trwaaa, SkwMw Rivn, A< ,kf 1 3 H ill piNK OLOTHINO. SUITS to order 412.50. Hat, Cnp ©hirtw. i MONTGOMERY A CO., Tailor*, *KLLiernHTR, pa. i-i* j lrf/ i.'"ill" ami H r< trie*. \ TJARPER BROTHERS, ; j annua PTRRKT. brixifoxtr, PA. Have their counter* and ahelvo* filled with NEW GOODS, i BANKRUPT RATES Purchared At ' BANKRUPT KATKS 1 ( BANKRUPT RATES *Him tiikt opprr at BOTTOM PRICES. BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, j OOKMRTINO OF Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SIIOKS at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATH and CAPS Lateat *tyle* of HATS and CAPS u HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Paraaol*, Ladle*' Cloak*, L Carpeting, Grocerio*, j ccieii me ntion of them all, but call atten tion dirretly to a few itrme that arc now being nought after e very day. TIS H . Mackerel art of good quedity this season ami art telling rather faster than ueneil at this season of the year. If r hart been selling noth ing but full weights—'it) IV of fish in eaeh quarter barrel and 100 TV. in eaeh half barrel. They hair better rei/ite for the money than short iccighis. leoke Herring and White Fish are very fine this season and tell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured Hams. Dried H r ef, Ilreakfast Bacon and Cheese are all worthy of special mention. F R U IT. Orange* and fjcmons are very i fne and the price loir enough to to bring them into riery day use. But the price on these gooe)s will, be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next eioor to our Grrwrry room, is always icell supplied with the choicest' meat.-. Hr kill the be < J ar iwwfrlaf r"* eeerr As?, an thai rwefcwarta raa M certain of (. tunc Ct ltt: AXIS Fit ESI I GOODS! I Their atorh I. and well *IHM, and f-usMS la part of Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WAItR, i Oranges. lemons, Nuts A Raisin*, \ CANNED AND 1)1(1 KD FRUITS wf rwtf kitef and earl Hp THE rm.KURATKP W AMI I K (ITOK Rt TCIIKR Hams, Sides, Shoulders —AXD— BREAKFAST BACON. ► TiythH with the fhnlraat DRIED BEEP. Pera.*a aaaUaf (wnAa la their Mae will lad II M , th> If adtwaUtr Ut ft re theta a nail. I CASH PAID Poll POTATOES,