®lif (firnlrt U K LLKFONTK, FA. -A. Ot-IZ I O TJ X* T "CT xt X*. NEWS, FACTS AN LL SUCHIKHTIONS. Til* TUT •* m* SATIOKAI* KlLT*** I* TSi.ISTIU.I -nisei RSUTI-THITT or THI runt*. Kerry farmer in hit annual experienre ! iliecoeer* eomethiny of value. Write it ami ■ e,ul it to the H Agricultural Kfiitor of the j DKMIM'KAT, IMlefonte, I'mn'a," that other farmer* may h/tve the benefit of it. Let communieation* be timely, aiht be eure that they are brief ami well />ointron its plan we urge the DEMOCRAT'S plan of combin- ing fruit and vegetable garden in one, by planting the blacklierrics, cur rants, rhubarb, asparagus, and so on, in rows ten feet apart, and growing the summer vegetables between them. A row of early blackberriea, ten or twelve feet distant from another of late ones, with a single row of peas between them, put in with a horse and plow, and worked by a horse and cultivator, to be follower! by celery or lntc cabbage, or turnips, will prove a more economical use of ground for "living purposes" than the Journal'* plan of a fruit garden by itself: Half sn sere of small fruits, or even one-fourth of an acre, will give an abundance of fruit for any common fsmily. Hut a short time is required to bring a patch into hearing ; thus plant- od now, blackberries, raspberries, our runts, etc., will bear u crop in the sum mer of 1881. Such fruit will be promo tive of the health of the bitnily and will cost but little. According to the (\mntry Gentleman eight square rods of strawberries will atl'ord him at least live bushels of fruit, or four quart* daily (or *ix weeks, with moderate or fair culti vation. Two rods with currants will give a copious supply for a month or two. Six rods of raspberries will supply three quarts daily for three or four : weeks. The same area of blackberries will extend the fruit till near the end of August. Ten rod* with vines will givo live hundred pounds of grapes, part of which may be kept until <'liri*t nins. All this 011 less than one-fourth of an sere. But two or three day* Rro needed to plant such a patch and it may be cultivated by horse power, with little cost of labor. Why not begin now ? Asparagus. The importance of asparagus in a sanitary sense, is not duly appreci ated by one out of ten fanners, who, more titan any others, are so situated as to have it with little trouble or expense. It is a permanent thing, requires planting but once in a life time, and comes very early in tin spring, just at a time when the appe tite of the fanner who has lived dur ing the winter months upon bread, potatoes and meat, demands "some thing green," and the good housew ife is longing for "something to cook for a change." We copy the following, plain instructions as to its culture from I 'ick't llhutrahil Monthly, and suggest that it be used as one of die "permanent rows" in the horse gar den which all who want to make the most of their garden are now pre paring : There can be no better time than the present to make Asparagus bed*, peep spading or plowing, and working in a good body of well-rotted manure upon a pieoe of well-drained soil are the •* nential preparation* for the crop, (iood, strong plants, one or two years old, should be procured, and of a good variety. Conover's Colossal is the best, anosed that the preparation given the soil is so thorough that every spadeful is line and mellow. After planting, cover the ground with a dressing of old manure, but do not use fresh manure, as it near ly always contains more or less of weed seed ready to germinate in the spring. Cultural Uses of Lime. The Journal of Foreelry, ( English),: in an article on the cultural use* of litnc, chemical and mechanical, and a* to its influence on both the organic > and inorganic constituents of Uif soil, gives if summary of its chief benefits,; from whieh we make She following extracts: A larger produce of crops of superior* quality. This is especially the case with wheat, which becomes thinner skinned, and yields more flour. The |K-as grown upon limed lands arc better boilers. Upon deep alluvial and clay soil it increases the crop of potatoes, and renders them less waxy. Sprinkled ! i over itotatoes in the store heap it ; preserves them, and when riddled over the cut sets, it wonderfully in-1 creases their fertility. Lime eradicates the finger and toe disease in turnips, and gives greater soundness and more nutritive quali ties to the bulbs. It gives, when applied to the meadow lands, a larger |p-oducc of more nutritious grasses, and checks the foot rot in sheep pastured upon tbem. It also exterminates bent as well as coarse and sour grasses, de stroys couch grass, and acts power fully upon the rye grasses. Upon arable land it destroys corn marigold and weeds of various kinds. It rapidlv decomposes vegetable matter, producing a large amount of food for plants in the form of car bonic acid gas. It destroys or neutralizes the acids in the soils ; hcnqc its adaptability to sour soils. It acts powerfully on some of the inorganic parts of the soils, especially on the sulphate of iron found in peaty soils, and the sulphates of magnesia and alumina. It proves fatal to worms and slugs, and the larvie ot injurious insects, though favorable to the growth of shell bearers. It destroys the germ of smut u|Kn the seed of wheat, barley and oats, and is especially acceptable to the barley crop, which is generally of good quality u|on chalky soils. .Slacked lime added to vegetable mutter cututcH it to give ofT its nftro in the form of ammonia. Upon noils in which the amnionia is com bined witli acid, it acts free the am monia, which is directly seized upon by the plants. its solubility in water causes it to sink into and ameliorate the subsoil. When the soil contains fragments of granite or trap rocks, lime hastens their decomposition and liberates the silicates. Its combination with the acid in the soil produces saline compounds, such as potash, soda, etc. Its exerts a marvellous effect upon rape, though it is said to injure flax, which in Belgium is not grown for seven years after liming. Strewed over young plants, it de stroys or drives away the turnip fly. Worked in with grass seeds, the beneficial effects of lime, chalk, marl anil shell sand have been visible for a period of thirty years. It is generally supposed to hasten the ripening of corn (cereal) crops. It promotes the formation in the soil of what are called the double silicates. This process starts with the clay, or silicate of alumina, and is afterward continued through the S. of alumina and lime, the 8. of A. and soda, A. and potash, and A. and ammonia. Applied to the rot heap, lime ef fectually destroys the seeds of weeds. To sum up its advantages, when applied to the soil it puri fies and stimulates it's action, there by promoting the grow th of bcallhly vegetation of all kinds. Improving Country Roatla. "Agricultural Kiglt**r" in < <:iitry ID ntl*tna>i. One of the greatest draw hacks to the ease and pleasure of a rural life is the general badness of country roads. The wretched system by which they arc mismanaged is con ducive to waste of money and labor, the injury of horses ami vehicles, the destruction of harness, the in convenience of the rough driving, and the most disagreeable walking, in clouds of dust or deep mud us the ease may be, and to a very great ex tent, a great additional cost of trans portation on every load of produce taken to market, and every load of supplies brought in. Bonds, to is; most useful, should l>e as short, straight, level, smooth and hard as |>ossible. A straight, level road is the shortest road, Aul a deviation from straightness is to IK preferred, rather than to lose the level. For the use of a road is measured by its least effective part, and if a lull is to be surmounted about once in 10 tuilcs, the load of a team for the whole distance must lie regulated by that one difficult sjiot. I lie increase of distance in a hori zontal curve is comparatively little ; a road 10 miles long may curve so much that not more than a fourth of a mile can be seen from any one point of it, ami yet the whole dis tance will be increased only 150 yards orcr that of a straight line. This corresponding increase of cost in construction is a trifle as compar ed with the avoidance of n hill that would require a load to be decreased one-fourth to surmount it. The ef fect of grades is very great in in creasing the resistance to traction. A horse that can draw a ton upon a level road ran draw only 1,500 lit*, upon a grade rising 1 foot in 45 ; only 1,000 lfis. upon a grade of 1 in 25 ; and lmt 500 lbs. upon a grade of 1 foot in 10. Otherwise lie must exert an increased force of four times his usual power in the 1 in 10 grade, and twice his power in that of 1 in 25. The frequent re|ictition of so great an exertion upon our ordinary roads, is a prevalent cause of lame ness and disease in farm horses. So in descending grades, the departure from a level of more than I foot in 35 is exceedingly destructive of horse flesh, as causing injurious and unu sual strains upon the tendons ami joints. At the slope mentioned, a vehicle upon the smooth surface of the In-st made road will descend of its own weight; all steeper grades, then-fore, tend to the rapid wear and tear of horses and harness. Moreover, as the a|iocd must neces sarily lie decreased in traveling up ami down slopes, that is equivalent to the lengthening of the distanee to double the length of the shqies. The common idea that it rests a horse to travel up and down hill, is contrary to fact and common sense—as much so as that it would rest a man to go up and down stairs, rather than to walk upon a level floor. The previously mentioned condi tions of a road refer to its location ; its smoothness, hardness ami the con tour of its surface refer to ita mater ial and construction. These nre the all-important points of this subject; for a road may be undulating if not hilly, and yet, by reason of ita excel lent surface, may Ihj a really good one for all poroses, while a straight and level road, such as are common in the western prairie States, may lc utterly impassable, because it is bad ly constructed, or made of poor ma terial. Again,of the two—material and construction—the latter is by far the most important, for it is flifllcult to mention any kind of soil, except one almost wholly of vegetable ori gin, that cannot be used successfully, in a greater or less degree, in making roads, by means of skillful methods ol construction. Thus, any mater ial, except loose sand, may 1m; pack ed ami consolidated by proper meth ods, so that it may furnish a hard and solid road bed, while it may be so shaped on the surface as to cause water to flow off quickly without pen etrating it, and may be sub-drained, so that whatever water may enter it, shall ho quickly removed, and the surface dried. I shall recur to the question of materials in greater de tail hereafter. Evaporated Fruits. Vroin Hi* <>lilo Farmer. The time has passed when it is profitable for the producer to dc|>cnd on the sun or on ovens, or heated rooms, to preserve perishable fruits. The markets everywhere siiow this. During the past winter sun-dried apples have sold at three or four cents, while evaporated apples have sold at from eleven to twelve cents at wholesale. .Sun-dried {teaches have sold at from seven to eight cents, whilcevap orated peaches have sold, and the mar ket Ims been emptied, at from thirty to forty-live cents at wholesale : while even unpared peaches evaporated have nil been disposed of at from twelve to fifteen cents. The produc er must accept the position and adapt himself to it oi go under. It is vnin for liiin to contend with the markets in this direction. The eye and tlietnste give evidence sullieient of tin; vastly superior qual ity of evaporated over sun or kiln dried fruits. Nor should the state ment lie received that even the best evaporated fruit is in no wise dis tinguishable from green fruit; unless the word cooked Is; inserted before the won! green. Then, when made into pies, it is diUU-ult in she winter season or in the spring to discover a diirerencc ls-tween"green apple pies" and pies made from the Itest evapor ated apples or {M iches, either in tin color or by the taste. It is not long since we were eating apple pie w here we knew they had a supply of w in ter apples, and suppose.) we were rat ing green apple pie, when we were in formed that it was made from evap orated apples. We do not (relieve one in a dozen could, under the cir cumstances, have told the difference. The same fruit used as a sauce, sim ply soaked over night and their slightly sugared, very closely resem bles green applesauce. So of peach es and some other fruits. Kvaporn lion, while by the great heat neces sary to give freshness to the color and |iorfection to the process, does modify tin- taste of the fruit, though less than by any other process of preserving. It is a philosophical process, carry ing out the ri|M>niug o|ieralions of nature more rapidly by artificial means. Hence there is, while tin natural juicesof the fruit are removed in the midst of an atmosphere satur ated with moisture, an increase of actual grape sugar, not cane sugar, from fifteen to twenty-five |>cr cent.; so that evaporated fruit requires that much less of sugar when UM-d. Hut it is not all evaporated fruit that is perfect. Ignorant or careless hands make poor fruit. Yet the poorest evaporated is sii|K;rior to the lest sun-dried where the color is no IH-lUT. Varieties of apples or peaches give variety to the color. Some varieties scarcely change in color at all. Over ripe fruit is darker colored than that wiiich is less ri|v. The pro|K-r point of excellence for the evaporator for peaches, is attout forty-eight hours is-fore they are fit to be cut up for tabic use. Five or six hours in the evnporator will perfect the fruit as much and increase the quality far more than forty-eight hours on a rail way train or on the tree. Three things arc essential in an evaporator : 1. The fruit chamber should IK: at a high temperature, from 212 degrees to 240 degrees, when the fruit first enters. 2. The air in which the fruit is evaporated should lie saturated with moisture. 3. A strong current of cold air should enter at the liottom of the evapora tor and bo carried oir almve the fruit without stagnating. The more rapidly a current of moist heated air can be made to pass through the fruit, the more perfect the product. Any evajmrator which docs not se cure these results Is not a perfect machine. Hut skill and good judg ment to know how long fruit should lie exposed to such influences, and carc in not allowing the surface to liecoinc discolored before it is put in to the evaporator, are absolutely essential to the production of the I test quality of evaporated fruit. An oven is not an evaporator ; it is sim ply a kiln. In kiln-drying or sun drying the surface dries first. In evaporating the natural moisture is cx|s-lled from the fruit in a moist, hot air chamlier, which keeps the surface always moist. Fruit after coming from the evap orator with only twelve per oent. water in it, should lie put lip in a dark closet secure against insects, or U-Ucr,put up in moth-proof package*, when it may be kept in a cool place almost indefinitely without injury. Ir all the cahliagc heads arc not Eood, big, solid ones they will alill e relished two months hence by the fowls, and those that mav not be good enough to save for house use may be kept for the hens. A little green food in winter is of use to hens. H Uaoii, MrFarUine <(' f'o., Hnrduuirv Ihah-r*. HARDWARE! WILSON, McFARLANE & CO., DEALERS IN STOVES, RANGES ? HEATERS. ALSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BUILDERS' HARDWAR/E. a I,l,oukmy eTiirrr, .... iu-mks- bi/x:k, .... bkllkpontk. PA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Pcmrlli M i. Uj. ~f J.i, ' Uary, A|'tl, August and Ho*r-tiil—r. I'r.'M. ut J.ilg* Holt. Cut* A. If 4rt ir. Is* k Hater., A 1411 :U 1 Ifl li NJMM Jl (Mm 1 A-* it* lions HiWt gi I'trc* I'f tii u-.tary j. CaLtlft Haft M*. 11-. 1.1. r,f ft' fIU „d 4lbif it t Kft 111 ft ln\ tv \ t 1.7*11 Motif? J oil ft PrAftoLfcft If -ourr. Iltftftt VftAftlr K • Mint) Purvey* J im DtrUnu. I" fulirr < ('AMLftiDoi Coutiljr ( - rrittiisatoqefft--Aftt'fctw OltM, GftCl. Jv< ft In*hi t <*l*tk to I "iiiitjr I omtrrimioufffr Ham.T Bf' K Attorney to (•• out; f-mitlUalurier. '' M Ikwri j*tilt"l of the Court li .•-- fUblfrtta IiALMAIVH. 4 ui,t% A . lil'.fk JmM T -tlftlkt 'ftoOfr.l K Wit. UAMi, i o *A* It .lift,; a Jury' run*! *.'!<•-!> Ilnfci Ktitu, Jr. Kitlii J. ItfKMIAI M||.. ril.ti 1.. J. r.t'lf Pul-ll'%W! fr -f Ihni Mntfr K IftlfM Put lon M I.uxmui .. w ft rervsa, li < < Hioiftiv lirlUf.-nt* DIRECTORY. cut iti 11 k>. A ' rUKfHSVTKKtAH. P.tua-d .r, P ( .r.r> ar. 1 f.d of If-arl .4f.. 1. Oritur Kar'U) alii .'A m m> 1 T j i* u l'mM nus ti'q l W< u.< a *t ? | r m Pli#4av - —I, ." -J M lit I jr ft if UNH) Butllc .St -f r.Lgi..| Uml I'-i -r.li'ft ft Illiato Liiri< fsi ,lfU" Pj-nng strew t, *tJi , 1 M fli'slist rhtlfvll MirTIDiDIPT Kl'Jp'f*AL - tuaD 1 ► ithf*st < r- IM • 1 f|'Ml g At. !II Sir I drer U -■ f - - Uft . ft! I' "ft M M I'lAfSf mr llU|, H s-llMwUj atT'il ft- h-,r,.1.*h.l dft ft.Uftlkf t -f rh'.f h I'lrt -r, \ I. i uru, rmlrkot*, i'rUii iswt .f f,.rfnic hT 3flfN ft RoMAV CATIIVM' Mtoai#x| ou I'.Uh : fttrwl MHf. AHigUit.y at I *. , i ( NlMt) • so < |H SH ft M MMfHI M . ill •th f lift*. : V. , w pHh.r It'F 1 J 41 Hrief. .?. ..! u>* , a-Mil), • • fI. - I , .■ r f J*IIH f* KI'IfM * M'A I. HIUSIM! *. ciier f \i>|h't.j ftti-l l^iF sti.wts Kuios, hur.Uy 1< *• * w w ft ft w-fuoft T'j r^ mm l ruti'lav-as f, ..d .* r r in 1 hximiil -f i. ■ :r.p. . ■ KUtHll riiUnin u U)i- ftiiwt ri f I'.j • J'*) rtiur h I t Tlll IiAV. HtttfttMl ft. uthwrwt r,.rr„ f ,4 || # itMl'ri n irw-n fW fvjus "aidsi I ' *> a > r wrhu,! ir. Uwlut' p.-n, of < | ICM , U. I 1 '*? 1 • iuo Uhf ft -' < wi*ft 1 j r m Ifth f. Rm .Mitw fi* I V Nrt. , kl l'k* riksr, lligti Iflirel. B r 4'.ln • m itt th*-r hurrti. HAI*TI"T, SitisUd i- ftbnkit ofgsr r*f lllfti tu ) I'-fln N-rfth'w. fuilftji Ju. wi v w n.-Uft *I.. I. *wr-Uft > * w iti . r'at r. H. ft A Ihgjrwfl. thln.ei. A.0.1 4*li7 11 4 m. Y M 1 I'tkift nts-iiiiff kit |iM ststt Fm Uf at 4 A red w*4rft Frota* At TU r M itt the r"tn of the Am wist I n Aisle the |*m< ' A I tll'Hh I* h'M in th- fx m th* Arwt Puii-Ui in rwrli m- nth At 4 * v I 14 ' I V arxf th H'ati f.AI (ifhlikA tru|#fkw tbiul) At T *• r M .<> j Tbufw-U j. Th' 1 \PIWT TFMI'EI: PPATRR-WKmSM i#h|* in th* l/qtkn II * II'•*, ThuisUi.kt .1 r < I RMENMAI, TRWrRIIAKrK nm. UC*U* meeting tAri M-ft U' At 7 r m in tfcctr in Huh • AmK Ifigh *ty**t. GREAT REDUCTION. ECONOMY 18 WEALTH. 7ie ua S?C Kachisci relied U csl 7122. j 11.50 PER WEEK. IhuM"- At Aavnto. "THE FAMILY" SHUTTLE COK SEWING MACHINE. M unfed uj.on fin* f>lihs4 '<4l*sf bt*r k-wrAlnnt b p UM* iM tl*n4t*. rvw||rte With A Hl-.lft ft**' a ynl a v i of run IO thAn other ttift/hin*. A>id selling mnrnlna in th* world For liberal term*, k-Hrse FAMILY All! TTLI MACHINK OK, tfcA broad*ay. Row York. | - m; \I:I- IIOUBB. \I OORXRR CHCTSI'T *Sn SIXTII STSKKT*. rnuMimi. TBI. Ikhm. ln • rMj hmnt Sir It. rwat hilaMf it la I;FIJ;F(NTI; & HNOW SIIOK •d H R. Tiii. Table hi effect on an-1 after Dec. i l^-ai> a Sa., 7.:>i a . .rrl- In Mlf-Smto t 'i.'Jlt 1 a Uml-MM-i loan t. a., .trlii-1 .1 , 11--.7 a L.f Hi ("100- -IU r a ~rrl.. In IHUfonl. 1 li I- a. 8.-I|.f,,rit. t.f,', r a .rrlim .1 Su<>* Yb,.n | •- '* ► "• IIAMIKI, HIIOA I'H, 'J.ncrml B|>arlt>tMi4oaf. I )AI,l) KA4JLK VAI.I.KY KAIL • e 11 1 1 \i i .<7 -v • PdoamtkM I Iffl Lap. Mail. ajtvaAi. Kat>. Mail. t Y ' * P n AM. I f ' *' • • Arrir at Tyf*t* l/ao- ... !Gl ft :yi ; •" '• l ' Ka*t Tyrr/ue Luaftf 7y, s 7 2hi to 41 ..... " Vajl •• ... 7)V g '** ' l7 " KaJd Fjftgl* " ... 723 ft 4? Ji* 4. 'JI ...... •• Hi una I* " ... 7 Voi •** '* M ** F'rt Matilda " ... 741 'J 11 j I* •'* I* " MsrtbA M ... 7 ff'i l 7 M altilian M w ft u| v :yt to 'a Lr. " 1 iiot*ft in* " 11 04 • *• 4 " '•* " Frioftt Khfo. In " ... *il V I tug " a u v i Ito -11 . ' I , ** li' il f<>|*te " , M ft :tjf J(| n:| ' y?* ! i -;; " k *'■ ><• • to M 44 I 4 At to '• 4 -Jl _ " l| .war ! " ... v 10 .'.7 •*' Xi 1 - " Mi l Hail " ... V .4 II 141 '& 4 • " FLERNIR.GTOB " * 13711 14 i i M " I/sk likreti " ... II la IJi: N X SYI.VAMA It AIL K0 AI. 1 ~u/—Ou and aftef |x Slit's f J. 1 7 W r>7 WARD. ERIK MAIL lea ft f PLlladelphla 11 V, j, m " llajr 4 4 ai ft ilii*iits)ns|* a in arji los at llantsiuirg .. 11 *in •* Fhlladeti-biA . 4:. 1 tu DAY KXMKM Imftltif <. t T „. ii,ja . 7 4ft Ain Krie Mk'l West. Niagara Et|ffeas ft'ret, b* k Ilaveu Aw -tain, -late-t, ft set and Day r.t|rm Kaet make itota ' ntiK ti ; • at Hiortlitnabfrlntad with L A B. R. H tnuns f- r ft ilkmlnrrn and F raat"ii En* Majl ftfst. Niagara Kij R-* ft*t. and Erie Etprees West a- d Uk !!ar*n A ' i ,m slatf t ftf*t, mak* fbsrt < i.tio Uota at \*ihafi>sj.tt itta N.C R. ft trams north Kr* Mail ft est. Niagara Et|.r#* Wot. and Day Etprews l.wt m.k. tbo* roonerUun at U.nnm with It N Y A P R R.. an I at Drift*•! with A A II li Parlor f*n nlll mn Iwtw*n V'hita4e)|.hia and ft f)Uan>*|M.rt on Niagara Kipr.as ft ,*t. Rn, Etprem ft est. PhllodelphiA Ft)- pe T7 par tmi In ■ rhti nf ire. RAH l-i-r np> per ynar in a el til. nf lie,. B MI pn mpy pM- 11*1 m ft tint- nf fhirfj. AM inp ftL (Or ■. tw la rtrry mm In Ihe pmn )in ap th* r The WkcklT PATRIOT wiii be eent by moil at the following rale*: •too |*i una fhr Nn|h mpF f 1 AO pre imn pre cupy h> • rteh nf kftf, flja pre urn* pnr npj to • Hah '4 rteht. Itß- p •** pre rwpy h, •