£ljr Centre t&k Democrat, NlllJGKltT A FOKSTKIt, Editor*, VOL. I. Site (Cmlrt Terms SI.AO per Annum, in Advance. 8. T. SHUQERT snd R. H. FORSTER, Editors. Thursday Morning, October 16, 1879. Democratic State Ticket. STATE TREASURER, DANIKL uly article of value they obtained was a gilded chalice valued at 875. AT a recent Republican meeting, in the city of Brooklyn, Cotikling and Bcecher were the chief orators of the evening. Conkling made an outrage ously malignant attack upon the peo ple of the South, and Bcecher an elaborate defeucc of machine politics. Coukling, Bcecher! Bcecher, Cotik ling! I'ar nobile fratrum! GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS, editor of Harper' Weekly, has resigned his jxisitiou a* Chairman of the Republi can Committee for Richmond county, New York. He thinks the nomina tion of Cornell was one not tit to lie made, and therefore can not receive his support. Many pother iudependent Republicans entertain the same senti ment. BEN. BUTLER defines the kind of Democracy be espouses now, thusly : " What is Democracy ? The right of the people to govern themselves, to have their own ballots and to make their own laws, to have the equal pro tection of these laws everywhere ou earth." This is a brood, comprehen sive creed, and if Bcti stands upon it in good faith, no Democrat ought to object to"his being elected Governor of Massachusetts, where the people are so much in need of just such prin ciples in the administration of their Btntc affairs. MR. POOL, the late Republican Sen ator front North Carolina, recently ntadc a speech in Baltimore, at a meeting of Southern representatives, in which he denounced the project of creating a solid North in the selection and election of n Presidential candi date. It is said the ex-Senator will shortly issue an open letter to the Re publicans of the South embodying his views, aud urging all representatives • in the South to vote against any can didate for the Presidency nominated on the idea of a solid North, justly taking the position that if a solid South is to lie condemned, a solid North cannot lie justified or defended. CAPTAIN DoixiE'a swift march, remarks an exchange, to the relief of his comrades lielcaguered by the hos tile Utes deserves our warmest praise. It is on occasions like this, when an officer is left to his own judgment and resources, that the highest soldierly qualities are best exhibited or the lack of them most painfully shown. It is the true genius of war which dictates such movements in the ab sence of orders. To march toward the sound of the cannon, to hasten to the relief of a friendly command in danger —these are the golden opportu nities of one having an independent command, however small, within reach of the scene of action. Many officers in Captain Dodge's place would have waited for orders. He has made a splendid record hy taking the responsibility. And due honor should not be forgotten for the colored soldiers who so bravely followed their gallant captain. "Eql'AL ANI KX ACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, Or WHATEVER STATE OR I'BRHU AMION, RELIGIOUS OR POLlTlCAL."—Jeffsrsuo. "Two Senators.'' Under this heading the New York Journal of Commerce very happily draws a parallel between the partisan speech of Senator t'oukling, in IJrook- Jyu, on Wednesday evening last, and the sjieech the next day delivered by Senator Gordon, in upon occasion of the tins per centennial. As the./our/iaf says: "The Northern Sen ator, in his speech, was nothing if not sectional and the representative of a party. The Southern Senator repu diated sectionalism with great vehe mence and eloquence, and said not one word to identify himself with any |>olitiral organization." "Mr. Conk ling," says the Journal, ",-ank far be neath the level to which a man of his pretensions should have risen in dis cussing campaign issues." The Geor gia Senator, on the other hand, "took and easily kept the high table-land of patriotic thought which so many American statesmen —Senator Conk ling chief among them —long ago de serted." Our New York contcmpura ry adds : "Senator Gordon calls the Federal conHtitution 'the omnipotent arbiter from which there is no appeal.' lie prays for a 'broad patriotism, broad as the republic itself.' He says: Ood speed the day when the iraxim, "This is my country, all my country—eve-y section, every Stnte, every acre of soil over which the flag of the republic floats—shall be embraced by the Amer ican freeman." It is said that the part of his address containing these pas. sionate words of devotion to the I'nion 'elicited the most vociferous and pro longed applnue.' How is this? Sena tor Conkling, in a speech totally de void of patriotic enthusiasm, told his hearers in effect that the I'nion is hat ed at the South, that State rights are ns rampant there as ever in the days be fore secession, that the ex rebels hav ing failed to destroy the republic by war, are now seeking to capture and control 4 with a view of upsetting all that the war had settler), as we had fondly supposed. He declares that the national finances, proj>erity, economv, safety, light and justice are all imper iled by these bold, unscrupulous South erner*. And, for answer to all this sound and furv, the men of Georgia, 15,000 or 20,000 strong, stood out in the burning Wi on Thu-sduy and frantic ally applauded every allusion of their distinguished Senator to the flag and the perpetuity of the I'nion." TUB very astute and sagacious alit or of the ll'alrhnuin infers front our brief article of lat week, that we are dissatisfied with the action of the late I-temocratic County Convention, and have "come out flat-footed for Han cock," insinuating that we have "heard from somelnxly" on the subject. To relieve the fears of the Watchman, how ever uiiini|*ortnnt it may be to do so, we may lie permitted to state, that while speaking npprovingly of our distin guished Pentisy Iranians, Hancock and Black, for whom we have the highest regard |ersonally and polit ieally, we do not overlook the merits and claims of the other distinguished men mentioned for the Presiden tial nomination; and whether it is Mr. Tilden, Mr. Heiidrii k-, Mr. Thur nian, Mr. Bayard, Mr. Black, Gen. Hancock, or our own distinguished and talented Wallace, we shall lie equally satisfied, and contribute as much as in.ua lies to the success of the candidate nominated. In a word, we are for the nominee of the Democratic National Convention, and no other. When the representatives of the lX*tn ocralie party meet in convention and give ua a standard hearer, we shall support him whether it ia Tilden or any other one of the able and worthy men names). Of one thing our friend of the Watchman may lie assured, when the proper representatives of the |*rty have acted and selected (he candidate, we shall not net up our judgment against theirs, and labor for the tut**** of the oppoeition, even if the candidate is not the one we prefer, or not the one whose nomination and election would inure to our pertonal interest. We hope we are now understood. THE people of Washington Territo ry arc making arrangements to apply for admission to the Union as a State. They have held a eon vent ion and formed a constitution with that object in view, BKLLEFONTE, PA., TIIUILSDAY, OCTOBEK 10, 1870. The Ohio Election. Ou Tuesday last the people of Ohio voted for State officers and for mem bers of the State legislature. The result has been unfavorable to the Democrats. Enough is kuown at this writing to assure the election of t.'hus. Foster, tin- discreet stny-at-honie-Rc publican, for Governor, by a consid erable majority, over the gallant Gen. Thomas Ewing, the soldier-statesman and Democrat.* The legislature of the State, upon which depends the election of a successor to Senntor Thurmau in the Senate of the United States, though claimed by the Repub licans, may still be considered in doubt. Wo bud strongly hoped for a different result iu Ohio; yet, considering the odds that were against the Democrats in this contest, anything better would indeed have been somewhat surprising. Iu an even contest Gens. Ewing and Rice, and the entire Democratic State ticket would undoubtedly have been elected by handsome majorities. Hut with the vast and far-reaching powet of the present Federal administration of fraud ; with the power of the thou sands upon thousands of dollars ex acts! from 91,000 dependent place men with which to buy up a venal j vote, large iu the great centres of population; with the power of op pression exerted bv Federal revenue j officials u|xin distillers, brewers, man- ' ufacturers of tobacco and their nu- j merous employes and dcpcndcut*; I with the |Kwer of corporate capital I fighting thcu —with ull this aggregate i of force thrown into the scale to over- j balance our Democratic friends and allies, we painfully realize that it was almost too much to hope for a latter outcome. This result in Ohio is but another evidence of the effective power of the Federal government, under existing laws and present methods of admin istration, when it chooses to interest itself in the concerns of the jtcoplc of the States. This election was solely a ' Htnte affair, in which "the powers that la*" at Washington had no business whatever to interfere. It was a mat ter for the voters of Ohio to decide for themselves, and had they been left free to so decide it, nn entirely differ ent verdict would have been recorded on last Tuesday. Of coui-se there must be acquiescence iu the deter mined result. But how long will this thing last ? How- long shnll this un warranted and unjustifiable interfer ence with local affairs continue? Will it continue until the last vestige of local self-government is oblitcraU-d and the people of the States become ! the mere vassal* of a great centralized |>ow-er at Washington? Is Pennsyl vania the next State to lie throttled by outside force ? Is her will to Ih> set aside in the same manner? What cotncs next ? Is it the Empire with a silent man at its head? If this theory of our Federal government is correct, in God's name, let us at once wipe out State lines, abolish local governments, dismiss from service State Governors- Legislature* and Courts. Instead of governing ourselves, let us lie governed from the top at oncband lie done with it. The jieople are nothing! the gov ernment is everything! this is the ultimate end of radical teaching and stalwart practice. Fellow-citizcns, think of these things, and, as you value the liberty of your country and your own peace, prosperity and happi ness, determine at once whether you shall rule, or whether you shall be the mere, puppets of a centralised des potism. To judge from the way a majority of the people of Ohio vote, a Union Brigadier is of no more account in that State than that terrible fellow known as the Confederate Brigadier. The stalwart Buckeyes seem to hate the one as much as they do the other. CALICO CHARLKY is his name. The Union Brigadier was no where. Ob, how we do love the Union soldier! Tho Grand Democratic Rally. WALLACE, .IKNXH ANJI CU It'll N REHIRE TIIK DEMOCRACY or < KNTRE COUNTY. I Tho mooting nf tho Democracy of On | tro county, t tho Court House, in Hollo (unto, on Tuesday evening, was in all ro- I nj-octs a brilliant success. In point of numbers it exceeded all expectations, and the words of statesmanlike wisdom ad dressed to the assembled masses by tho j three able and distinguished gentlemen who appeared before them were in every way worthy of the occasion. It is seldom , indeed that three such speeches are heard ! by one audience. Free of all passion and prejudice, they were ca'.m, dignified j and logical appeals to reason, judgment and patriotism. The s hi audience to kupj>ort the l-h-niocretic candidate*. The audienee called f-nthu#ia*ti< ally fur Kx-Governor Curtin, who wa introduced and received with gr<-at applause. He "poke of the pleasure it would give him U I addn-#* them at length, hut mutt necs*a rtlly be brief btcauK of the -late of hi* health and the laU'iiea* of the hour. Hi* brief remark" however were among the most eloquent of the evening, bearing principally upon that engroMung topic of growing federal power under our j.re*- ent rulert, and taid that tbi* had jroved the CHUM- of the dway of every Repub lic that ever existed. Keferrinf Ui the war and the 7&0.000 brave men who went down U< death through it, bo paid a grand ascription to patriotixrn, call ing it ilronger emotion of the human I heart than mere Stale, but that it embrace* | the grpßtiwt good of all the people. To all the tpoechna the audience listened with the most earnt aUention, and throughout the evening until half-(ia-t U*n when the meeting < bated, the M-BU and aide* of the Court House were thronged. | All in all, it wa* a glorioua meeting— ; one of the beet ever held in our Court ! House. IN addition to Ohio, the Republi cans have carried Iowa; but a bright ray of light bn-ak# through the dark I cloud in flic direction of the city of Newark, New Jersey, where the iK'ni ocrat- elected their city ticket by a splendid majority. Thanks for this comfort, slight though it lie. Pit. F . Is. LINIIKKMAN" announces that he will be a candidate for Con gress in the Tenth congressional dis trict, composed of the counties of Northampton, Lehigh and part of Huck.t. The doctor intends to be in j time. THE water in the 'VuNjuehauna river at llarri-hurg is now lower than it ha- been since INH'J, at which time the lowest water mark wa- made. IN Ohio, last Tuesday, Calico was alwve par. and Patriotism at a big discount. GENERAL NEWS. A sererr drought it rej>orted in Vir ginia Juniata county claim* 500 veteran soldier*. • in# of the Lancaster iron work* will employ 200 men within a fortnight. There were 521 birth*, 230 marriages and 493 death* in New York city last week. Mayor Ka)loch's church in San Fran cisco i* to give a musical entertainment for hw benefit tbi* week. Three out of every five people along the "Blue Juniata" are afflicted with the ague, say* the I'erry county Freeman. In view of Talmage's return from I'ngland hearties* exchanges say the Valance of trade is not altogether in our favor. A tree fell on a young man named I W ilsoti at Winlerbtirn, Clearfield coun ty, on Tuesday last, killing him in s-anlly. The Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition closed on Saturday night. The entire receipts give a surplus of $lO,OOO above expenses. The Cumberland agricultural exhibi tion was a success, pecuniarily and oth erwise. this year, the receipts footing up nearly $3,000. Anthony Fuhrman, of Tyrone town ship Terry county, wa* awarded the first prise for the V-e#t wheat on exhibi tion at the State Fair. The llaltitnore Bulletin suggests that the letters b r tie prefixed to Ctes, in order that they may lie appropriately designated as Brute*. It is a rare thing to be sunstruck in October, yet that ts what happened to Fred Hamilton, a tank builder, at Tar port. McKean county, last week. His condition was alarming, but he will re cover. Governor Blackburn, of Kentucky, pardon* by wholesale. He visited ttio |>enitentiary at Frankfort the other day, and sent away sixteen jiersons whom lie found in prison. The drought ha* made navigation in the Schuylkill canal impossible, and at diflerent points lost# arc tied up await ing an increase of water. Between Au burn and Leesport 400 boats are high and dry. At an early hour on Friday morning, tri Carr, of Meadrille, aged forty-five years, while under the influence of liq uor, jumped out of a window and re ceive" 1 injuries from which he died sooa afterward, Chester county at last hss secured a female lax oolleeior. The County 1 Treasurer be* eppointed Mr*, denies liorton, of Atglen, tax collector of the delinquent taxes of that borough for the year 1876. The appointment wen asked for by quite a number o( the |*o pie of Atglen, as Mrs. Morton is a good j business woman and can very readily perform the duties. NO. 12.