TIIE STATE TREASIR V 111 NR. TIIK ATTEMI'T TO KEVINE A CORRUI'T AND row ERI CL. CONSPIRACY* We have no Congressman to elect in Pennsylvania tli's lull; no member* of the State Legislature, and no State offi cars with the single exception of State Treasurer, but upon the choice of this officer important results depend. He is by law the custodian of all money* in the public treasury and resjionsible for their safe-keeping- In recent years, Republican 'Treasurers have had control of nvllion* of dollar* of balances, pre sumably lying idle in the Treasury vault*, but in reality loaned out all over the State. With the reviving business, which will largely increase the State revenues, it i* almost ceitiin there will be large balance* under the control of tb State Treasurer to be elected in November, and who will a**ume the duties of the office in dune next, suc ceeding Colonel Noyes, the present Democratic Treasurer. 'The Democratic party hold* that this system of unex pended treasury balances i* all wrong ; ami they are a constant temptation and invitation to the liberality and corrup tion of legislators, a* well as a mean* of corrupt and unlawful gain by the State Treasurer, who is tempted to use them, as Republican Treasurer* invariably have done in this Stnte for the past twenty-live years, for purpose* ol spec ulation. These unexpended balances, the Democratic party holds, should be applied to the reduction of the State debt, ami if this cannot be advantage ously done, then the taxes should be reduced so that the revenues collected will only be sufficient to defray the expenses of the Government, economi cally administered. We bold further, ami our candidate for State Tresurer, Daniel O. Rarr, Esq., is pledged to this course of administration, that the State fulfils, remaining unexpended in the public treasury, shall not be used for speculative purposes, but sacredly guarded to meet all ju*t ami lawful demands of public creditors. During the two year* past, that the State 'Treasury has been under Democratic guardianship, there ha* been no scandal as to its management—no Trcusury Ring dispensing lavors in the interest of a political party or the section of a party —no misappropriation of the pub lie funds. Thi* condition of utlairs we desire to perpetuate, and if the |>wmo cratic party is successful in the election of its candidate for State Treasurer, the n*urance can be confidently given that it will be done. How i* it with the Republican party and it* candidate? With their success it is an admitted fact, demonstrable by the controlling influence* of their Con vention and the surrounding* of their candidate, that the infamous and cor rupt Treasury Ring which dominated the politic* and legislation of Pennsyl vania for year*, will be rehabilitated in all it* power at Harrisburg. 'This can not be gainsaid. It i* in the air. The election of Mr. Butler will mark a re vival of the old Treasury Ring, with all it* demoralizing schemes of jx-rsonal and political gain. The adoption of the new Constitution and the election of Colonel Noves in 1*77, drove the Ring from the 'Treasury, but a* the Republi can Legislature has steadfastly refused to pass the needed law* for carrying out the reform* of the new Constitu tion. let the Cameron4fi>ptiblican King candidate for Treasurer be elected thi* fall, and within a year the old combi nation* will be at their old work in the 'Treasury and throughout the State. From 1861 to 1 >*77, with the excep tion of two years, the Treasury of the State ha* been controlled by ringsters, some of whom secured their election by the Legislature by the most auda cious bribery. This was the golden pe riod of the Treasury King's power. It is reported of one Treasurer that he paid out in one day, from hi* room at Harrisburg, over sixty thousand dollars lor the Legislative vote* that secured his nomination and election as Treasu rer for one year. The salary attached to the office wa* but five thousand dollars a year, anil under the law the Treasurer was not allowed to u*e a dollar of the Slate funds for speculative or personal purposes. But the Treasury Ring cared nothing for the law or official oaths. At times there were a* high as three millions of dollars of unexpended bal ances in the Treasury. This was the banking capital of the Ring ; the money it loaned out in prosperous times at six, eight and ten per cent, in terest. The fact that a candidate could pay out, for one year ia the n/lirr, sixty thousand dollars bribe money, show* the money there was in the plare for the ring. Treasurer Mackey lost, by the failure of political friends with whom he had dej>o*ited State funds, over one hundred and sixty thousand dollars in a single year, yet lie prompt ly made the delalcation good out of the jrrnfitM of his other operations with the unexpended balance*. Tlio Treasury Ring conducted a banking business with the people's money, against which no legitimate bank in the State could suc cessfully compete. Their capital waa the two or three millions in the State Treasury, and operating through the legislature—of courso corruptly—they had no difficulty in securing laws main taining the uncx|iended balance at the highest figure*. They actually collected unnrrcttary tare* /rom the people that they might * peculate with the money ! Nor was this all. While the Treasury ring*ters amassed great wealth out ol their s|>eculalive operations in State funds, they built up and consolidated a political power that controlled the Re publican party for years, and through that party controlled the State; and the attempt is now being mad<, through the election of the ring candidate for Treasurer, to reinstate this i-ower at the State Capital. The way* or the Treasu ry Ring in strengthening their |>olilical supremacy were |culiar, and were felt in every county in the State where a needed delegate to a convention or a desirable member of the l-egislature was to be chosen. Deposit* of State fund* were allotted to favored politi cian* to place in banka for their own personal benefit; and private banks or chartered banks, whose influence it was im|M>rtant to secure, were made de jMsiiiones and allowed to make what profits they could by loaning the people' t money back to the people. It waa by such methods, a* well as by hold, unblushing bribery, the Treasury Ring of Kemble niul Mackey, they being tlift lending director*, wa* maintained and perpetu ated. It* bold on tlio politic* of the Slate wa* linn and sweeping, but fear fully demoralizing. It controlled the Republican party in Convention and Legislature; nominated and defeated candidate* ; bad a powerful Harrisbur lobby at it* beck and nod, and the Ite publican pre** pensioned and corrupt ed, It wa* master of the State. It ia this Treasury King that the He publican manager* and jobber* propose to teiiiHlate in power at Harrisburg. There ha* been an interregnum of hon esty and si|uaro dealing for a couple of year*. Hut iho King i* hungry lor it* old power and it* old gain*. The plan of operations waa laid down at the Re publican State Convention, and the first step wa* tlio nomination, under the auspices of Cameron, tjuay, Kemble & Co., of Mr. Butler, of Chester county, for State Treasurer. Kemble, who pro moted this nomination, was a leading spirit of the Treasury combination when Mr. Mackey wa* at it* head, as well a* during In* own term a* Slate Treasurer, when ho amassed immense wealth on a trifling salary. Itutler i* the chosen one of the Ring. He i* al lied with the legislative corrupt ionits. lie moved in the Republican caucus that Cameron's nomination for the United State* Senate should be made unanimous, thus ignoring and diar< • gardiug the honest sentiment of the Re publican* of Cheater county. He voted against the expulsion (roni the legisla ture of the convicted briber and lobby ist I'etroH'. Hi* especial friend* and supporter* in the Republican State Con vention rejected with insults and con tumely Wolfe's resolution demanding honest men in ollice and denouncit g the corrupt method* adopted to pas* Kemble'* four millions steal last winter. * 'bviously, in selecting Mr. iiutler as their candidate for State Treasurer, tl o treasury Ring knew what it was about. It picked out a reliable man for the work projtosed. We turn from thi* dangerous and alarming record of the Republican can didate fur State Treasurer, which clearly *how* hi* connection with the worst elements of the Republican party, to the I'emocratio nominee, Mr. Ifarr, ami we have every assurance that under hi* administration of the State Treasury the Constitution and law* will be rigid ly construed and implicitly obeyed, in the management of the State funds. 1 here will be no speculation or stock gambling with the people's money. There will bono Treasury Ring*. The book* o( the ollice will be open to the public. The unex|>cndcd balance will not bo the banking cspital of a combi nation of rookies* political ami financial speculator*. Mr. Ifarr is pledged by the resolutions of the I>emocratie Con vention, and by hi* own record and dec laration*, to this course. And hi* elec tion is the one guarantee possible to the jeople of Pennsylvania that the old Treasury Ring will not be revived in all its power ami conuption. This is the most important home issue on which our people will vote in November. The Maine Election. Up to the last gubernatorial election, when the people lulled to make a choice -and the legislature elected Oarcelon, j Democrat. Governor, the State of Maine wa* regarded as an unchangeable Re publican Stnte. Lincoln carried Maine by liS.tmO over the other three candi date*. and Hayes carried it hv 17,0"0 I over Tilden and Cooper. In 1877 the ; Republican majority was only 11,517, and in 1878 there was a regular revolu tion, and, as slated before, the Demo crats secured a governor. This year, with all of Blaine's bard work, the Re publicans carried tlio day by a very cloe shave, and the victory is dearly bought, and the least encouraging that | has ever been shouted from that State, which baa always been first in line f in Republican triumph. There never wa* such a really good, 1 snb-tantial, satisfactory, and rapid'-o-lling tirot-cias* lah k Stitch Hewing Machine offered so lowa* the "New FamilyHiiit ti.k," reduced to only s'*!•'>; more complete with equipments, and low.-r in price than any other machine. It i* elegant in work manship ami finish, *urpa*o* all other* in su work and fulfills all the requirement* of every family a* a helper. Thoroughly warranted by written guarantee for live year*, and kept in order free of charge. It will do every description of work—flue or coarse—that any- machine, at any price, ever did, or can do ; equally a* rapid, cor rect, smooth, neat, and trong. Has all the ' late improvements, i* easy to Team and I manage, i* serviceable, don t wear out, | *1 way* ready, and never out of order. Sent C. O. D. any where with privilege of examination before paymenlofbill. Agents ! make money rapidly, supplying the great ! demand for tills the Cheapest Ma< hine in the World. Territory free. Arfdr*, for descriptive book*, Ac., "Family" Shuttle Machine CV, 7">6 Broadway, New York, i 30-ly Wnr Witt. You— Allow cold to advance in jrour system and thu encourage mow wrloiH maladies, such ■ Pneumonia, Hemorrhage* and Lnng trouble* when an immediate relief can be so readily attained. Borhtt r's Herman Syrup has gained the largest sale in the world for the cure of t'oughs, Cold* and the *evere*t Lung Dis eases. It i I>r. Boschee't famous German prescription, and is prepared with the greatest care, and no fear need lie enter tained in administering it to the youngest child, as per directions. The sale of this medicine Is unprecedented. Since first in troduced there has been a constant increas ing demand and without a single report of a failure to do it* work in any case. Ask your Druggist as to the truth of these remark*. l-arge size 76 cent*. Try It and bo convinced. Sold by F. Potts Green, wholesale and retail. * 20-eow-ly Ptasoxs who are troubled with weak lies* arising from a disordered state of tho Urinary and Pro-creative Organs, such a* Indisposition to exertion. Los* of power, or momory, difficulty in Breathing, Ner vousness, Trembling, Weakness of vision, Wakefulness, Pain in tho small of the back, Muscular Lassitude, Hot and Dry Hkin, Eruptions on Face, Pale complex ion, Ac., should at once procure a bottle of Compound Fluid Kstrart of Hurhu. A judicious and prompt use of this preparation may Ire relied ufioii to givetone to the Or gans, restore their power and remove the symptoms. Price one dollar—six for Ave dollars. For sale at F. POTTS GREEK'S Drug Store, Hush House Block, Iy-2ifcow OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. llf'iUl TfrftMN or Curat Fourth Monday* of Jan' nary, April, August fiiigUt rof W Ilia and iTk of n.C.-ltW lli uciirißf.ii. It 'ii<|-r of I|, Me., Will UN A. ToaiA*. DUlrlrt Attorney— DAVlD A POBTMBT. Sheriff— JOHN SPANOLBB. Treaaurer llr.MNv YBABICI. COl nty Surveyor —JOßKlH DCTLINO. Coiolii l -CoaaTAMa CAMUBIDUB. County Cofutitlaaiotirra- A NDBF. a HRBOO, Geo SWAB, J At on I'INK it tlerk to County Pomnilaaloher* lIBNNT Heb. Attorney to County <>iuinilwiliieni—o. M ItoUBB. Janitor of the Court lloua*—- lIAKTRIM HAL** UTH. County Auditor*—J amm T. HTIN ANT, CißOfcuft U H il- UAHS, TBOMAI 11. J UHBOS Jtiry l otiimlaaloner* — lIINBT KBI LKB, Jr., NATHAN J. MIICNBLL. Superintendent of Pnhlh huoU I'rof. 11 b hi Mnin NoUiici Puhlk KVAN >1 HLANI'M AND, W. to#. I'orrrm, 11. C, ( IIKUEMAN, llellefolite. DIRECTORY. OIIITRCIIKS, Ac. PKKSHYTKKIA N, Hltuated on B|irl tiff and fcot of Howard atrwta. Hervhe*, humlay at ID:.HI A M. and •Irs Prayer meeting, Wednesday mil |rn. Sunday* •' llo|, 'J 1 , p. MHi tin Wlyw.ini hot corner of SPRING NUII lAIHII. Pa* tor, llet. Will im lamrte; real* donee, Spring *treet, MMIIII of MathodUt chart la. lIKTIIoDHtt* EPISCOPAL. Hitiiwt4 MHIMWI cor ner of spring and Howard atreeta. He* v tree, Sunday, at Jo :;o A . M H „,| 7 1 jP. m Prayer Wedliewlay .at 7' a v M. Siindai hool,Sunday '/.Hi p M , haarmetit f hurt h. |'a* tor, Rev A l. Yw*.; real deuce, ' x .n.l 7 1 , i x W-.1n.-~1., ;i- . X. .nil Still.l. -afTvml Htimlajr i!•x .In lIMIMHII of i hurt li. R'Hf.ir, B*. John ll.wili, m1.1.n.0 on 1 I ..int. nliwi r.t of K'|.l..|i.l chnrrh. LtTIIKI'.AN, Mfii.|.i. x .n-IT'si x SHUIU,-K11..11 Snn.l., in I..* turn N.ni of . hurrh. rmviinwllo* W. In-~l, T l , rx. I'ulor. H. T s.m -.1.1 K i'or.l, mkloiH., .1 l-xnuut*". ni K t, Strn-i. ni-xi ilo i tinrii. (H UM AN KRPORMED, Silnnlml n..rth.< rotn.r ..f Linn *ml S|lnx S.-rTir.-. 5.m.1., .t |u x *nd.',r X fit).rnwlinf Wtiawlaf Sut.'U, ~ 1|...1, SnioU, UM t. x in lb. church. lIAITIST. Siiu.bol norlhixrtt rorti.r of High n.t IVun *lr t. s i *|.... Htii.'U, I':*i4. x .nij 7*4 *. x Sanilorsx liixil, Sunda, ■ . x In hur. h. I'axtor, H. W. A liiKK.it; r..i li ne. .( .id. C.f All.iih.ii> I .mill uf h|.ift..|.l fliOrth. LKITKII HRKTIIKKN, rorti.r South lllgti and TtioUiaa Btreeta Stt I-Sunday at 1 Wi A M •n'l'Ur N Prat, i ineetinKt • •Im-aday pm. Pa* tor, J M Smith I'oat-office aiElra, lh ll f->|ite. A KIIICA N MKTIIGDIftT, Httnatad *.uth md of High alfeet Hert h Holiday A and 7( r a Prayer meeting. Wedtieadav 71 r a hureUt h-ul in rliunh at -to p ■ Paetur, R v. Jorir*, ridaarr, , Tie m aUrvt. EKIENHH, Mtuat'd erel of la>gAti atr*set, n>f Relief Uite Academy. >l - ting*, Hoieiay 11 A. ■., WadQaadajr 11 A. M. Y M • A-. Prat'T meetuiga ar* held every Hurelay at 4 and every Friday r in the r> ui ..f the A*a-ration al--v the puat Oftci At niuri tn*riing l held In the r>m the flrt Honday In mv h in nth at 4 t m R'-'n ojwn e% rv night fr n 7 to 9 r. H,an l the NatlenaJ i hrw*n • Union at 7 m pa , on TburieUy. Tin LADIR** TKMI*KI:A*rE PIU inert* In tin li te llouee, ThurUy, at 3 r M CENTKNMAI. TKMPRRANCE I'MII. Regular mr. ting -act* nday at 7 r M in Uiur r in Roah'a Amale. High atroet. Xrir Advertienirntfi, Subpoena in Divorce. 1.1 talk M II .1 #*a."| 11. 111. i. utl Ir. u.n.l. plan, of *• Ootr* County, Ku. I*4. Aug , ."** C. Hot at* ) 1 KC'i. r PIIK undersigned, n (.'otntniMioner I •l i- irif. iLy tii- Hirl. tk* tmtuuiy In tb# •" *##, ftll m#f. In H#llrf i.U. < n Tl'KfnA V. !h ttth •ley .f HKPT I MM Ml A ! I*7*. at 1< •.Vlurfc, AH. • h*n *ll j*rti'* itit#;#*t#rl may nit* tut || M-KKK. ('itnmiwk'Oit. / 'KNTRE COUNTY, hk: \ Thi G RMUfIM< f } UiriU To *ll tli* rr#,llb.r vf I*AAC T il< \| %. . r##tn.g Von fr b#rhy itl an u rxl •|'|#-ar at • o*irl •! i'-mm a t.. !•# b*M at li*ll#f ♦nt#, In ami fc tb# rmntv if f on tb# ; rot HTII M'IM'AV or NOV I'.MIiKII NKXT. th#n 5 •ml tb#r# I*. ♦! w r*•#, |( any p.q fan*. hy I*** j Mil h#ll. A##tgn#* of |ftft Th niftft, f. r th- UnHH of j rrlnf, *Houl'l ftoi I# r#i #*#-! from tb# further -i#* f iH°fi "f H>* ftftbl Inwt. Mi'l hy of tbft rrohtM# >4 th* fc*ifcn#>t rwtftt# ib>iiM nut I# <|# rr##*l fo fh# ftfti'l IftftA< in••-1 of |l4' MlLh#ll fttiotlM not | ) fbrMffol fnnii liability W iinifti, tb II *i. r a M*t in, Pr#anl#nt J •!*• of •ar t'onrt, at lv#H-f-.nt#. thi ■Mb -lay >4 Vium h#f, A.! I*7* J C lIAKI'llk. Protb y. A Im# copy of orlt in my hml 3* Att"t J u* Nrftvm rm. f>b#rllT NOTICE. PENNSYLVANIA, I Jl i CKXTRK mrXTV. m I. Wm V. Hurrhfl-M, Cl#rk of th# Qrphaa#'ftmrt of •at 1 rmmty. V• r#rllfy that ftt an or|4>n* (V.art b#lf at |L ll#f nt#. th# 2- th Hay -4 Angaftt. A I>. It*t, th# ll#ftraW# tb# JuA V or No. \EM itl.K NK\T. to ftovjit r fuft# to a*-<#ft. at th# ftoluatioo. or hi #l#'w ■ ftt- hy tb# r#al rtt# of Mbl lr $ ftli iii-l nH I# #oil. bun* notka h h# gin a# ifi ln<)tiitiiofi. In tcftttmony mh*t+*4, I hat# b*r#nnh> ft#t my bH ami ftlfl#*l th# ##•! of th# ftabl Cort, at lhll#f..nt#, tb# Ath Hay of Anfnrt, A I I*7*. K HI HrilUfll., A#|-t#nb#v, A D IO •. r AA-im Attftftt Job* HfiboUb. *h#Tllf. PREPARED COKE FOR FAMILY USE. 'CUE lU'ilt'fotiU' and Snow Shoe 1 lUllmxt l'..Ri|n| h>ln . tk.ti link. Ilt**k*r i.'l *lm. •>. n.. In fnmlth *ll "I"" O"KK Ilia HTuI l>. HANdM UMI rVB- N AFKR 114> 1. 0 i.f JWti |l DAXIKI. RIIOAtW. 'i-'" Omtll Audltor'M Notice. IN the matter of the eatate of (IKO. I AMI. IX, th* . n Anlll.* ■(•(•itntMl hj th) (Vnttl, h. *•> •tt.in 11-n" . ( %ln.t Ml.I ft*)*.U-nt' r**l "Ut *r. l tn*k r*n>tt tli*>*>f. mill th* |*Mi— lnt*r***4 *t th* ..fc. * ..f Al> t*n>l*r * lk.*t. in ll*ll*#..nt*, on th* *Hh .In, of h*|>t*tnb*r. A. 11. lnT,nt |n u'tlorli, A M !• 11. A MrKKR, A milt.n, VOODffAED BEMISABY. Boarding and Bay School for Tonne Ladioi and Littlo Cfiildrtn. BKCOND AND LOCUST STRKKTS, II ARRIS BUBO, PA. R*nl*r l*r will h*gt RRPTRMRRR Id, |J, font** of ml J —) 1 **j. Mil a ftVO a )wi nn.l no •*tra Riw < ID nlnm nml all .MraMn laformnthm aAAma I'RIXCIPAI. pIMTRI COUNTY RANKING \J tXIMI'ART. lUr*l* I>*t""lt AnA Allow In*r*nf, Di*n>nnt N AT LAW. OlTbft no Allegheny street, n rtb of High, H#U#- j I 111 Vfc I ly | \ F. FORTNEY, I '• ATTORNBT AT LAW. BKLI.RPORTB, PA. Iwat door to th* l*ft In lh* Caart lluoaa I' 1 y I \ H. KELLER. I "a ATTORSKY AT LAW. ttthra on All*ch*oi Pita.t !V.iitk a>la of Ljroa'a •tot*, 11) IWllafoiiU, Pa. rtifti rist*tn. . t feioua. mita v. wti^nv. pIELDIMLRIOLERA WllitoN. ATTORSKY* AT LAW. I ly CI.RABPIKI.I). PA. lOIIN BLAIR LINN, 1 L AITORXBT AT LAW. nriLKPttSTE PA : (pfft. •Un Ibftiu'-n l. linn 4>nU# Oftibty Hank 21- ly I L. SrANOLEK, ATTOIUf IYATLAW. BKI.IJtrtiNTIL rmftimtiHTT. fA f*|x*tal ftll#itti*ii h> V*||ftarfb*nft. jirftetb - In ftll tbft tuwrt#, CWulUUifti In tiiiii "f Rbgliali Ily v. ■ uramar. rm • ootMi. \f URBAY A GORDON, a'l ATTOaMBYa VT LAW. CLKABYIKLP. PA Will atlaod tb* B.ll*L>nt* Coart# *l**t) ajmnllj *mi i I ly r p C. HIPPLE, a a ATTOKXKY AT LAW LACK lIAt ICS. PA All l nftir>#ft promptly fttt#nH#l to. l-ly \VM. P. MITCHELL, i ft " PBACTtCAI. M RYKTOR. LOCK HAYEB. PA, Will alt*nd to all a -tk In o*aHl*M, C'amtr* and Clinton fa'tinti#* irfTWft f|i>ftlt# bf k IfftT#n Nftti ttftl tUnk 130-ly W C - HEINLE. a ATTORXKY AT LAW. RLI.LKPoSTB. PA. Ofltr# in C.ftinif llutift#, All#gh#tift tr#ri H|*#rtft| att#nth*v fl*#n h th# ni||#rti< if rlaim. All atl#txl#l h> prranptly. Si-If t.AatdlUCt. H. k. IBM. W A LLACE A K RKBB. ' ft ATTORXKYX AT LAW. t'I.RARPIBLIt. PA. Will att*a>d an l try ranaaa at R*llf..nt wh*n ayw rtally ratainad. l-ly WILLIAM MKTJLLOUOH, "ft ATTORXKY AT LAtA CI.KARRIBI.It, PA. All hnatnaaa promptly altandad to, My nH. .1. W. RHONE, Dentiat, CIUI I# fbtitnl at hi "Hire and rft*4#n # < N rlii •I'l# of High itr#H, Ihr## Awn K*#t uf All#gh#nf. IHI-font#. Pa IA-lp IXR. POBBINB, M. Do 1 I ' PHTAICIAX AXD Rt RlißriX ft-tf tMlb ft Hlthop Wr##t, H#ll fofit#. Pa. Hotel Cards. MILLHKIM HOTEL, MII.I.IIKIM. CENTRE iVrt'NTV. PENN'A W. A MCSSKR, Proprietor. Til* town 'f Mlllbeim i Lwwfed In Pn.n'e VAlley. •Unit two irllm from tVLttm Sfnio-n. -n tle Uwk t*r. (VU* ami prn"> (Yml lUHunml. wttll Mr- Momlinga float maka It A PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. 0i*1 trrtt ft.Line In the imnMiaip MnitT. A cal. mm t every train At th# Miilhom llotel Arrow m■definite will l*e fownd ftrtsla* and term* moder ate Jane SI. l?ft-ly DUIH HOUSE, I > lIM.I.KPONTK. PA. Til* ONI.V PIMTCI.AM HOT EI. I* THE CITT. Term. 11 Itl per rru. Ptvp'r. W. Pt* **>, Oert. PBOCKBRHOFP liOUSK, I> i n I M NTI r HOUSE A L A TELLER, Proprietor*. flood Sample Httom on First Floor, tf-Frte Boa* to and fro* all Train*. Apodal rata* |o arltneeee* and jaora. Wf I IIRARD HOUBR, \ I OORN KH CniCPTNI.'T AND NINTH CTRKHTO, mmtmi. Thla bonne, prominent la a rltp famed Air M* I■* •■ruble hol.lt, I* kept In tttrj reaps t tqaal to an* trat rlaaa hot.la in lb* omnia*, "mint to the ttrlo r t of tbe tlmea. the price of boned bat too* nlatid rnaaa amuaa per da*. 1. WK limit 1 *" m—pr. UARMAN'S HOTEL, Ilppuell* Oonrl lloaee, HKI.LEPtNSTK. PA. TERM* II .* PER HAT. A (nod Urrr* altaeh'-d. |.|* llarri/ K, Jiichu, Hardware• HARRY K. HICKS, [Suceeuor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] FKALKU IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. AlU'jhrny St rest, KELI.KFOSTE, PA. South of I'itimond. HII situ mm Curtis. HARNESS MANUFACTORY In • N> Rl<*rk, inuvoim n i if j? I'. BLAIR, 1 • JEWEI.RR. • AT MM. Oon. itVIAAT. kC. AU '>rk rowdy On Allegheny utml, iwln llot 4 tf f oris DOLLb \j IAMII"N AIU.K w'T i MIOEMAKEK. UrtK k HOT, afreet, 1- ly J- I DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS ONLY 9 I ZBLLBR fi SON, s r * P • Ml • .I- T!• 2 ' W <1 Rrrk*rHnffßon £ J , AH U) IVUftl lv-i * B, ar-rlpi!' oa ••mI I'atmlj mx-wtiMj! h nrniML Ttue ehmldtr HIM*, kt.tr * S I 4,r | CLOTHING. SI'ITS to order SI2. let ion of good* for the Spring Trade, nod feet justified in saying that our present Stork cannot he excelled nl/ier in regard to Vanity, (Quali ty or I'riot, and we doulit if it it equaled in either <>t these resjiects by any house in Centre county. There arc too many leading ar ticles in our stork to in like sitcein] mention of them all. but roll atten tion directly to a fere items that arc now being sought after every day. FIS H . MaeJ&ret are of good quality this season and are selling rather faster than usual at this season of the year. II c have been selling noth ing but full weights— so It*, of fish in each quarter barrel and 10011*, in each half barrel. Tiny hare, better value for the money than short weights. hake Herring and White Fish arc very fine this season and tell ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-Cured Hams. Dried Beef, Hreak last Ha eon and Cheese arc all worthy of special mention. FRUIT. Oranges and hemons are very fine and the price lore enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods trill be mueh higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, it always well tupp/isd with thf choicest meals. II r kill the best Jiff, Mutton and 1 eat that can be foun/l; dressed in first-class style and served la customers in the neatest, cleanest manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. JVo house in the Grocery and Provision business in Bellefonle is jircparrd to sujtply all the irants of the family so well as we can do at present. SECIILER & CO. O 33. © C 2E X* s. Bush House Block. Beliefonte. Pa. CHEAP GROCERY 4KD— PROVISION STORE. s. A. BREW * SON, Humes' Block, next door to Post Other, An mtss nilin, 4 nit. I. ~1 !**• A>t CASH of In aanfcnne* >' all kitvla ofOOVKTRV PROM-I K. TV'T r rhnHTin* * In M In. nilt M II Ux4t arfvartac In Rita Itwn * mil CASH PAID FOR POTATOES.