&11UUKRT \ FOUNT KK, Editors. VOL. 1. ®Jir Centre srm octal Term* 51.50 per Annum, in Advnno*. a. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor*. Thursday Morning, September 18, 1879. Democratic State Ticket. STATE TREASURER, DANIKL <>. BARK, Allegheny county. Democratic County Ticket. JI KY COMMISSIONER, JOHN SHANNON, of l'ottor. CORONER, t Dr. JOSEPH ADAMS, of Milesburg. THE Bcllefonto lit publican grows severe as well as sprightly. "The fos silifcrous Court House fodder grind ers!" Why, that phrase is exceeding ly brilliant in conception and positive ]y excruciating in effect. WILL Conkling require Sherman to eat erow in New York by stumping for Cornell. Conkling is an incorri gible, tyrant and it will not be sur prising if bo insists that the wily Secretary subsists for a time ou that kind of diet. REN. BUTLER is again in the field. At the State Convention of the Na tional Greenback-Lalior party, which met at Roston, on Friday last, be was placed in nomination as a candidate for Governor, and Wendell I*hi 11 ip for Lieutenant Governor. EX-GOVERNOR HOFFMAN, of New- York, abandons Tammany. In a let ter addressed to Augustus Schell, he resigns his office as Sachem of the Tammauv Society, and declares his purpoee to vote for and support the Democratic ticket headed by (lover nor Robinson. THE Republican National Commit tee at Washington lias nlade another assessment upon the public employes. Chairman Fisher lias issued his circu. lar, stating the increasing aud urgent demand for campaigu funds, and again calls for "voluntary contribu tions." That is, stand aud deliver, or take the consequences. COL. THOMAS A. SooTT, the dis tinguished and able President of the Pennsylvania "Railroad Company, after a year's recess in Europe, has return ed invigorated in health. The an nouncement made a year ago that Col. Scott's health had been broken down was received with much regret, and the information now of his restoration will be received with corresponding pleasure. WM. A. WHEELER appeared in the New York Republican State Conven tion and made a violent and very dis creditable partisan speech. This we believe is the first time that a man representing the second office of the Govefnment ever thus appeared. He, however, may be excused. A man who is a notorious fraud, and holds a position by fraud, could not lie ex pected to be restrained by any official dignity that is supposed to attach to the office he represents. IT is something to know that there is one man in public life who never solicited any of the high positions he has held. Senator Thurman in a re cent interview with a New York Her ald reporter said that his election to < 'ougrcss, his election as Judge of the Supreme Court, and his subsequent election and re-election as Senator, were all unsolicited by him. Senator Thurman has vindicated the wisdom of his friends by a long, arduous and spotless public career. From the time he emerged from privacy he gained the confidence of bhCfellow citizens. * He has given bis whole attention to his public duties, depriving himself of the lucrative income he could have commanded in the practice of the law lietwcen sessions of Congress, thus pre serving a position and reputation as su|ierior to malice and scandal as it is superior to any criticism except that which concerts exalted statesmanship. "KqUAL AND EXACT JVBTK.'K TO ALL MUX, OF "WIIATKV KK HTATK Oil I'KHM'AMON, HKLJOIOUH OR FOLITICAL."—J-Ittnuu. Tho Now York Domocracy. The action of the Democratic State convention of New York, at Syracuse lost week, will meet the unqualified approbation of Democrats in every section of the country. The arrogant, dictatorial attitude of Tammany Hall and its impudent assumption of su preme authority in shaping the policy and in naming the candidates of the party bore the legitimate fruit of ig nominious ami deserved defeat. When John Kelley began his relentless war on Governor Robinson and trained the batteries of Tammany's wrath upon him, there was a wide-spread be lief that he was making oue of those irreparable mistakes often committed bv men, who, flushed with power and flattered by the adulation of sycophan tic followers believe themselves om nipotent. There was no imputation upon Governor Robinson personally or upon his administration of State affairs made fy John Kelley. The only grievance Tammany's chief had to parade before the world was the re moval of several of his henchmen from important |s>sitions in the New York City government. In his action in relation to the city clerk ami the jsdice commissioners, the Governor was supported by the intelligent judg ment of dispassionate men of all par ties. The charges made against these officials were of the most damaging character, and there was and lULS been no effort upon the part of the accused to explain them amy. For his inde pendent and patriotic course in prompt ly removing these unfaithful officers John Kelley demanded Governor Robinson's |>olitical decapitation. Rut the people in the rural districts had no sympathy with Tammany Hall or its fight for the spoils of office. They hail seen with gratitude and pride that Governor Robinson administered bis high public trust with rare fidelity and with the single pur|sse of advanc ing the prosjierity of the whole people, reducing the burdens that bore heavi ly upon them and enforcing economy and honesty in the State govern men ts. He had reduced the rate of taxation from ten mills to four nml diminished the .State debt over eight millions of dollars. Remembering these things the Democrats outside of New York City sent practically unanimous dele gations to Syracuse instructed to vote for honest Lucius Robinson. Against this solid phalanx of ilelegntes who could lie neither bought, rajolcd or bullied, the waves of Tammnny's hnte surged in vain. For once since John Kelley a-ccaiise it is a victory for this man or thai, not because it BE IJ LE FONT E, l'A., THURSDAY, SEITKMBKR IH, I87!>. advancoH one man or strike* down an other, hut for the reason that he is one of the best (Jovernors who ever cat in the executive chair of any State. He I in a faithful public servant, alike true ! to the bent intercut* of the jwople and to himself. We deplore aujrthing j that may endanger the success of Democratic principles or entail defeat 1 upon the party. Rut in this ease there is no cause for fear. John Kel ley will be impotent to work Gover nor Robinson's defeat. Already the ! most prominent members of Tammany are breaking loose from Itim and it is safe to say that before the ides of No ' vembcr the "Ross" will have bitterly | regretted that his inordinate vanity I and wounded pride bad led him to I party ostracism. THE admirable platform of princi ple* enunciated by the Democracy of New York, in *tlie late Convention, will command a hearty response from every liouest man who under.-tundi and appreciate* the true principles j which underlie aud form the ground work of republican democratic gov • eminent. The denunciation of the tendency of the Republican party to "centralization nnd consolidation," i well-timcd in view of the bold ami defiant |s.itioii taken by that party and the administration in the last Congress, and now reiterated and made the burden of the leading arti ; clc* of the subsidized press in it- in terest. We make the following ex tract : The Democratic party of the StAte of New York,'in Convention assembled, profoundly sensible of the important consequence* depeoding on the imme diate result of their deliberations, do declare snd reassert the principle* of popular liberty and right* laid down by Washington, Jefferson and tbe other founder* of the Republic. We hold to tho Constitution, with nil the amend ments, sacredly maintained and enforc ed, and to t.ierighoiof tho State* un der the Constitution. The tendencies of the Republican party to rentr JlM tion and consolidation are contrary to tin- principle* of our institution*. The ; I'nited States form a nation in the sense, to the extent and f.>r the pur poses defined in tho Federal ConslllU lion, and we resist every attempt to transform it into an empire. We insist on unity, fraternity and concord, and that the issue* settled by the war shall not l>e revived. We deprecate the effort* of the Republican managers to revive sectional feuds and to rekindle ! the pa**ions of tho pasL We demand honest elections nnd an honest count of votes. Never again by fraud or force shall the (topulnr will Is; set aside to gratify unscrupulous partisans. The Democracy oppose all favoritism. No single interest or class of |>er*on* should lie protected at the expense of others. Democracy means the (lovernment of the whole people, for the whole people, and by the whole; but if any class is to ' receive *|*cial consideration it should lie the working people, whom all other , Governments op|>o#e and crush. The rights of the people should l>e srrupu lously protected from the encroach ment* of capital nnd the despotic greed ! of corporations. The Item'wrncy believe now, as they have always lielieved, in gold nnd silver as the constitutional money of the country. We condemn the speculative ; method* of the present Secretary of the Treasury: the questionable favoritism i he ha* shown to particular monetary | institutions or so called "syndicate*," i nml the extravagance he has permitted I in hi* department in connection with his refunding schemes. We look with shame and sorrow on the disgraceful j repudiation of all their professions of ' civil service reform by'the Kxecutive and his *up|>ortcra. Federal office* ; have been freely given for despicable ' partisan service*. Leading officers of the Government are making partisan speeches, managing political campaigns and requiring their sultordinate* to con tribute to campaign funds in derogation of every principle and promise of an honest civil service. The 104,000 Fed eral officer* constitute an army moving under a single direction to keep the Republican party in power, and this vast patronage is now used as a corrup tion fund against the people. THE constitutionality of the United State* election laws,enacted to perpetu ate Republican domination, is to he tested in the Supreme Court of the United States, in a case taken up from Rnltimorc, where the parties are im prisoned for disobeying the mandate of Deputy Marshals. THE anniversary of the overthrow of the Kellogg Government ou the 14th of Hepteraltcr, 1873, wa* celebrat ed by a public parade in New Or leans, on Monday last. Tho County Convention. In reviewing the work of the Dem ocratic County Convention, of host Tuesday, the proceedings of which will he found in detail in another : column, it is gratifying to note the good feeling and unanimity of senti | mcnt that prevailed throughout its deliberations. The convention was ' composed of the very boat material — representative Democrats from every section of the county being in attend ance us delegates. There were no nominations of importance, so far as the emoluments of u(litre make them important, to he made, and nothing of special interest to engage attention, and for these reasons it is surprising that the attendance should have heen so full, every district in the county i living represented. The work with which the delegates were entrusted was done well and faithfully. The nomination of .John Shannon, Ixj., for Jury ( omrnissioii er, h one that will give universal sat ■ isfactiou. Mr. Shannon is so well und favorably known that it is needless to make extended mention of his fit no* for the jsisition. He lias in the post Ihm ii entrusted hy his fellow-citizens with positions ot rcs|s>nsihility and trust, and the manner iu which he discharged important duties heretofore is an earnest that he will carefully scrutinize the names that go into the jury wheel, and prove n faithful and efficient officer. The nomination of Dr. Joseph A darns, of Mileaburg, for the office of Coroner, was one eminently fit to Ik made. He has occupied the |>osition before, ami is thoroughly conversant with the duties of the office. The convention was also fortunate in the selection of J. L. Spangler, Esq., for the important position of Chairman of the County Committee for the year that will la-gin in January next. Mr. Spangler is young, active and aide, and will undoubtedly prove a most thorough and efficient leader for the party in the great campaign of 18K0. The good work of the convention was fitly rounded off by the election of J. N. Caisuuov , Keip, and Hon. Fred Kurtz, as representative dele gates to the next State convention. The resolutions have the right ring and correctly express tho sentiments of the people of the county. The United States Grand Dxlgc of Oild Fellows met at llaltimon- on Monday lat, John (i. Harmau, grand sire, in the chair. Ik-legates from the various States and Territories and provincial jurisdictions wen* present. The annua] report of the grand sire was made and referred to the usual special committee for distribution. It contains a full statement of the nuin -IST mid financial condition of Ihc Or der at the present time, a* follows: Number of grand loilges, 50; in crease, 2 ; subordinate lodges, 1!,075 ; increase, 07 ; grand encampments, 30, same as last year; sulmrdinate en campments, 1803 ; increase, 28 ; lodge initiations, 33,860; decrease, 2,227 ; bulge mcnders, 82,408; decrease, 2,370 ; total relief, $1,740,405.68; in crease, $35,1.'18.07 ; total relief, $4,- 266,086.52; decrease, $156,965.33. It also contains a vigorous protest against adopting a system of life insu rance or endowment, as it is termed, and says : "This lnsiy must determine whether it shall become a principle of the order. The eudowment plan now before this lodge involves a vast ffnancial scheme embracing the anliro jurisdiction of odd fellowship in Amer ica, and impiwe* upon the grand sire, the grand secretary and the grand treasurer, most onorous duties, and exposes the order to tho daugers and disgrace of insolvency and crime. It creates within itself a power greater than itself. In short it creates odd fellowship into a colossal insurance company, and that would be death to the institution." The report of the grand treasurer shows that the available assets of the grand lodge on the .'list of August, 9, consisted of u cash balance, on deposit in the National Farmers' and I'lanters' bank, of Raltiraore, to the credit of the grand lodge, 811,190.17; I ni ted Btales coiqion bonds of I*Bl, at par value, $8,000; cash advanced to surplus relicffund, $23. r >o. A total of BRI/t 18.67 , or an increase of assets since August 31, 1870, of $807.1*. Ir is reported from Washington that Mr. Hayes has carefully prepar ed an elaborate political speech, which he will take occasion to inflict upon the jM-ople of Ohio, at the first favor able op|sirtunity. It is said bv a gen tleman who has read the draft of it, that it will be exceedingly stalwart in tone, and will justify and defend Mr. Haves' course in the veto business. The- s|K-etacle of even u dc facto I'r.xd dent taking part in an excited jtoliti eal campaign, frothing from the hust ings aud generally putting himself ujKin a level with pot-bouse politician* and preeinet bummers, is one not cal culated to impress the average citizen with any great degree; of ro|*-ct for the man who furnishes it. It is some thing to know that the fraudulent President lias woke up to the fact that hi- course need* justification and de fense. '■ " ■ - ♦ A Chll-Senlee It/form story. WASHINGTON, September 19. The Star, A conservative paper, furnishes the following civil service reform incidents : Congressman Fisher, of Pennsylvania, who in the absence of Jay Hubbel, of Michigan, acts as Chairman of the Re publican Congressional Committee, i* in the city. He says the atno nt of money raise.! for |.ohtiral pur|OM-s among the clerks in the several department* is not nearly so large as many have been led to imagine. The amount contributed by tho Treasury Department was in the neighborbood of $6,000, the War De partment. Jl.ttf.', and in all tho other departments not $ I ,(no all told. It i* said, too, by prominent Republican* that prior to Secretary Schurz's depart ure for the West he isiued order* for Lidding tbe canvass of hi* department by the collectors lor campaign fund*. A gentleman who once occupied an of ficfkl |.osition at the While House say* that the celebrated civil service order No. I was written by Secretary Ncburz and that it was at the White House for two week* in one of the drawer* of a secretary'* d.-sk liefore the President acted upon it, and that he only *igned it at the urgent request of it* author. Mr. Hchurr. Jut after the President signed the order and directed that it should be promulgated an officer of the (lovernment who happened in the Pre# ident'* room remarked to him that it would prove a failure. "Why,?" said the President. "Well," said the other, "any civil service ordered that i# based sitnply on policy and not on mandatory statutes will fail, because you will make exceptions to it. and once an exception i* made the lettoni falls out." Sure enough, the very day the order wa# pro mulgated an exception to it* provisions wa* made, and at the request of the identical Cabinet officer who wrote it— Mr. Secretary Solium. A CORRESPONDENT of our somewhat Republican contemporary, tho HrraU, in Maine, throw* thi* pleasant light on the machinery of the Republican can vais in that State : "Beyond the arrangement* on the •tump, distribution of political litera ture, bullddfeing of employe* and I'nited State* pensioners, the Republi can* employed a lever which was more powerful anort two new i-a*e of Yeiloty fever at ( oneordia. Misa., since Sunday, and ten new cases at (arson's banding. Miss. This place is sixty miles below Helena. In a Ixindon letter to the New York Sun Mr. Charles A. Dana gives interest ing particular* relative to the crops in Europe, from which we gather that the prospect is even worse than baa hitherto teen supposed. Inocsaant rains, from the commencement of the season, have produced most disastrous results, ee- # penally in the British Islands. The best of the crop# in most favored locali ties are below the average. In many places the scarcity will he such as to produce great suffering. As to the great cereal wheat, it is poorest of all in Kngland and Ireland, where the yield can not par more than half ita cost. In France there will be, perhapa, about three-quarters of a good average. The same is true of Western .Switzer land, Southern Germany and Holland. But the United Kingdom will have to seek for its supplies elsewhere. Ih Rus sia, on the other band, an immense wheat crop is reported. The fiftieth marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mia Charles Francis Adsms occurred on Wednesday of laat week. It is an interesting and very unusual fact that three golden weddings of suc cessive generations of the same family should have been observed in the same house. That of President John Adams and his wife was celebrated on the 2 "ilk of October, 1814. That of their son. President .lohn Quiney Adams, and hk wife, on the Sftth of July, 1*47. The third has Just taken place. It will be noticed that the intervals between three occasions were respectively thirty-three and thirty two yeara —almost exactly the lifetime of a generation. At the time of thair golden weddings President John Adams was seventy nine, and Preaidant John (4. Adams had just ce* ' tared hi* eightieth year. Mr. C. F, i Adanu is seventy two. NO. :JH.