®]tf Centre gnjwrwt. - Thursday Morning, Beptember 11, 1879. CofcAtNritifDkNrK,containing ln|ortiut newt, ■oltclt •Nl 'ram any part f tho county. No comtuuuii atima In*rt4 t *• r . Local Depart incut. —Mrs. Nannio l)aro H|>ent Sunday laiit at Snow Shoe. —Rev. John Hewitt delivered a discourso at tho Stato Col lego last Sunday afternoon. —A now sidewalk In being laid on Alle gheny street near it* intersection with Linn. —A new water wheel is being put in by T. K. Reynolds A Co., at the Phomix Mills. Sweet potatoes were offered for sale on our streets on Thursday last for one dollar ]ier bushel. —The people near Mt. Kaglo think they have discovered traces of a panther on the Muney mountains. —We acknowledge the receipt of tickets to the coming fair to bo held at Jersey Shore, Lycoming county. —lsn't it about time for our exchanges to inform their readers that the days and nights will soon be equal ? Miss Haves, ono of Philadelphia's most attractive young ladies, is visiting her cousin, Miss Klla Hayes, of this place. —Tho Presbyterian congregation had the pleasure on Sunday of again listening to their regular minister, Rev. William Laurie. —Mrs. John Tonner and Miss Tonner have been visiting for tho past week at the residence of Mrs. Henry Harris on How ard street. Miss Margaret Shaffer, daughter of our friend ex-Sheriff Shaffer, of Nittany Hall, is attending the Female Seminary at Lutherville, Maryland. —Mr. Henry Harris was the victim last Saturday morning of a severe sprain of the left leg. Just how the unfortunate acci dent occured we did not learn. Mrs. Julia Valentine, of Baltimore, was in town last Sunday. Sho is a promi nent member of the Society of Friends and an earnest Christian worker. —A picnic was held last Thursday in the woods near the Fair ground, joined in by about all of our colored population. It was much enjoyed by them. —Among the artificial articles which seem to be invented for the purposed giv ing peculiar pleasure toman aro those ex cellent cigars sold by Harry Green. —The markets are very largo these bcautifuljnorningt, and the face of Thomas Shaughensey, market clerk, glows with satisfaction as the dimes pour into his hand. —Company B, Fifth Regiment, Nation al Guard, departed on Tuesday last for liraddock's Field, in Fayette county, to take part in the fall inspection of the Fifth Regiment. For at least one month past this office has been so crowded with order* for job work thatcveryavailalde minute that could he spared from tho pa|>er has hoen occupied in filling them. —Mr. George Wells, an aged gentle man who has lived for a long time in this place, died last Sunday morning. He was almost totally blind and quite feeble for a long time previous to his death. —Tho meeting of the Young Men's Christian Asaocialion last Sunday after noon was fully up to tho standard in Inter est. Rev. 8. E. Forst, of the Lutheran church, conducted it in his usual able man ner. —Mr. J. Newman, Jr., of tho famous Kaglo Clothing Store, went to tho city yesterday to lay in his fall stock of cloth ing. He will certainly bring hack with him the most desirable goods and the latest styles. —I)o not forgot tho picnic which will be given in Valentines' grove, to-morrow, by the Logan Fire Company. It will be tho most jolly affair of the season, and alt who delight in fun and frolic should attend. Those who go should not neglect to take along the necessary viands for a good din * ner. —We can never cxpoct to have ail wo de sire in*this life, for like Alexander, we will ever be wishing for more worlds to conquer. A very important part of our desires, however, is to have good clothes, and this can he readily satisfied by a cal' on Newman, Jr., at his Allegheny street clothing bazaar. —Tue contents of our agricultural col umns this week, as ever, are very su[>erior. We do not hesitate to say that its equal is not to be found outside the exclusively ag ricultural journals, and perhaps four col umns equal to it in condensation of tho very best published anywhere (s not to be found. —The shapely and graceful evergreen arches, bearing appropriate mottoes, and the beautiful decorations of many of the houses were greatly admired features of - the picnic at I'ieasanl Gap. Tbey bespoke refinement and a cultivated taste on the part of those by whom they wore designed and arranged. —The Turner- Waple murder trial, which Is now occupying the attention of the Clin ton county court, Is attracting much inter est. Such eminent counsel as U. 8. Sena tor Wallace, of Clearfield, and ex-Senator B. 8. Poale, of L*k llaven, are engaged on it. It will he remembered that the case was tried a year or more ago in Clearfield and that the change of venue baa aince been made to iU present place of trial, j whore we bojie it will be finally settled. —Lieutenant Leyden 1* now on hi* way t<> Wyoming Territory to Join hi* regi ment. We predict that he will make an excellont officer. llarry Green may he grtn i in name, but ho i* not grrrn when he come* to will cigar*, a* every orto testifies that they never smoked more ox Calient cigar* than those sold by him. —A party of sixteon from Snow Shoe composed of Mr. Kd. Nolan, Mr. Ilolt and other Indie* and gentlemen whoso name* we did not learn, visited the famous I'enn cave Inst Thursday, returning to Snow Shoe on the evening train. —Saturday, the 20th instant, will be a gala day for the people of George'* Valley and vicinity. The Union Sunday-school of that place will hold one of it* pleasant picnics, and an interesting exercise will be the taking down of the old bell which ha* for so long called them together and the substitution of u new one in its stead. With to-day the interesting sessions of the Sunday-school Convention of the Ju niata District Kvangnlical Association, which commenced in Millhcim on Tuesday last, were brought to a close. An inter esting feature of the convention was a children's meeting last evening. We hope that the exercises throughout were ail that our friends had anticipated. —"Where arc all those men going T' Kxclnirned a lady the other day, As she saw thocrowd (lowing Along Allegheny street way. "Oil, I know," she so<>n said lightly, "And I should have known before; They are going to buy new clothe* At Newman's Kagle Clothing Store. 1 —The citizens of Potter township are now called upon to mourn the death of Mr. Samuel Hover, who dn-d of apoplexy one week ago last Friday. He was uni versally known as an upright and estima ble man. His funeral took place from the Loop church on the following Sunday, and was largely attended. A notice of his death may lie found in tho usual place in our column*. —"Compliments of BrockerhofT House, Bellefonte, I'a.," is the legend that ap pears in letters of gold u|*>n handsome load pencils, which the this pop ular hotel are prose tiling to their numerous friend* and patrons. This is a novgl as well as substantial mode of advertising' and we hope this experiment will prove so satisfactory that tho next departure will be in the way of solid silverware or well set diairiVods. —The obliging Secretary of the Agri cultural Society, Wilbur V. Boeder, E*q. ( has sent us complimentary admission tick ets to the fair which takes place on the Ist, 2d and 3d of next month. We hope that the farmers of our county and all persons who have any article* of merit to exhibit will make extra efforts thi* year to render the fair *uccesful by sending them for display. Tho officers of the society are doing all they can to make the collection largo and oxcollent and the fair throughout worthy tho patronage of the j>enplc of Centre county. —On Saturday morning of last week as Mr*. Isabella Barber, widow of Mr James Barber, deceased, of Potter's Mills, was walking in the orchard near her resi dence, she stooped to pick up an apple, and fell over on the ground. To those who came to her assistance she could only say that she was suffering with a severe pain in the head when she became unconscious and remained so until her death on Bunday morning. As may bo seen by our death notice*, the deceased lady was over seventy seven years of age. —Two Hebrew festival* are close at hand during which all the place* of businc** kept by tho Hebrews in this place will be closed. Tho first, known a* New Year's Day, commence* on next Wednesday, Sep tember 17, at six o'clock, continuing until tho following Thursday evening at the same bour. The next festival is known a* the Day of Atonement. It will begin on .Saturday, the 27th instant, at six P. m. and laat through the following twenty-four hour*. Person* Intending to purchase at any of tbc* store* should make arrange ments to do so at some other time .than during tho continuance of these festivals. —On the 20th day of August, IH7O, Amos E. Garbrick, of thi* place, received an injury to the second finger of his right hand by the falling of a cutting-box knife thereon. Baid injury caused Amos some trouble for eight days, but he having an accident policy in the Knickerbocker Cas ualty Insurance Company, of New York, for $5.00 weekly indemnity received $5.71 for the eight days' disability, said policy having cost him $4.50 for one year. The Knickerbocker Casualty Insurance Com pany i* represented by W. B. Kankin, of thi* place, from whom can be procured accident policies from one day to one year at moderate rate*. —There are several kind* of perfumo known to civilized communities which are exceedingly agreeable and are much in demand, but we believe that the aroma which i* peculiar to a pig-sty is not gener ally considered to be among the number. At some point not far from the Diamond one of theso sty* must bo situated, and every evening the gentle fragrance from it is wafted upon the twilight air, making tho still evening hour twlc* pleasant to those who are sitting on their porche* and who may bo po**e**ed of sensitive nasal organs. If thoro are poopto who delight In this perfume It would be well If their pig-sly* could be *o arranged that they alone would get the benefit of tho aroma that it need not he wasted on their !*•• appreciative neighbor*. —A wonderful escape from serious in jury if not (lentil wn* made last week l>y two dAwght.tr* of Mr. John 11. Leathern and one of Mr. John lloy, while driving through the Narrow* from Curtin' Work* to Nillnny Mountain. A largo pine tree that Htood on top of thu hill, from whoiui root* the oarth had heen removed, elicited the adinirntion of one of the young Indie* m> the party approached, and she expressed a desire to atop nnd enjoy it* pleuauiil •hade. Hot they found dlllleulty in (.top ping the home and hud gone it short dis tance beyond the tree when down it came with n tremendous crash behind them. Of course, the young Indie*, when they real ized their deliverance, were very thankful the hor*o had not obeyed their command. It ia raid that no wind wn* blowing whon the treo fell, and it wn* owing to an Insuf llcieney of earth around the root* that caused the fall. As there tiro other tree* in that vicinity in the snine condition It Would pcrhn|i be well for thu *u|(ervi*or* of the road to givo thorn their attention. —We received call* last week from a number of Mile* township friend*—among them Mr. Simon M. Spangler, who attended the picnic of the Veteran (dub at Pleasant (lap on Saturday. We also re-call Mr. John lloaterman, Mr. Jasper Wolf, and the venerable Jared Fullmer. We were exceedingly glad to learn that Mr. Fullmer has at last been granted a |H-n>ion by the government. His ease wa a very deserving one, surrounded a* it wa* by circumstance" that made a strong appeal to sympathy. Two line boy*—William and Laiah—the stay and *up|(ort of him self and a blind wife, were taken from him during the war. Those brothers wore members of Company A, of the I4Btli Pennsylvania Regiment, and lx>th yielded i up their live* upon the field of battle. [ Hy a singular fatality both were killed in : the anie fight, viz at the battle of Poe river, near SputUylvania Court House, on the 10th of May, 1874 The old gentleman received about 91,000 of arrearage*, and in the future will receive 9* per "onth. —The Patrons of Husbandry of Centre county wiil bold their sixth annual picnic on tho top of Nittany mountain, north ; west of Centre Hail along the pike to H.-llefunte, on Thursday September 26. Kxtensive preparations are being made to render the occasion pleasant and entertain ing to all. An observatory has been erect ed on the grounds from which the principal places in Penns and Rruh valleys can be seen. A field glass has also been provided for the accommodation of those who will mount the obss'r valory. Speeches will lie made by prominent patrons. Cornet band and vocal music will tie given during the day. Provision has been made for the feeding of horse*, and a restaurant will fur nish refreshment to the inner man. Kvery accommodation has been made that any one can desire, and a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. —The Haltimorean, of a late date, prints . a bright, gossippy letter from lis Belle i fonle correspondent, who is supposed to have been a young lady from the South 1 who spent the summer with u*. The lct j ter is very readable, treating as it doe* of i Bellefonte, it* people and their manners, its buildings, public and private, and then branches off In a racy, discriptive style to tell about visits paid to various points of interest in the surrounding country, chief among which was an early morning ascen sion to McCoy 's lookout, which wa* made in company with a party from the Brockerhoff House. The discrtplion of this fsmou* view is very fine, and the letter as a whole is well calculated to give the |>eople of the " Sunny South"a very good idea of the eternal hills among which we live. If •pare permitted wn would give the letter entire. —At the picnic, of the Veteran Club, it was our pleasure to accept an invitation to dinner from Abram V. Miller, and such a feast of good things as ho set before his many guests! Why, it was enough to tempt the appetite of the most rigid and abstemious anchorite that ever lived. We noticed (len. Blair, Mr. David Oilliland | and other friends at the same table, and we think Mr. Miller had no reason to complain that full justico was not done to his bounty. Other table* that we saw in the immediate neighborhood were just as generously sup plied with the substantial* and the luxuries of life, and were partaken of with the same relish and pleasure. The veterans will not soon forget tho kindness of their gen erous entertainers of Pleasant Cap. The ladies are especially deaerving of the most sincere thanks. —A communication from Mr. D. M, Lieb appear* on the fifth page of this issue. While we have not given the sub ject any further consideration than have our contemporaries, we think the explana tion given hy Mr. Laib in regard to the motive of the Board in securing the ser vices of Mr. Duncan for instructor in "Language and History" will be found sufficiently clear and satisfactory and that the action of the Board will be considered by all a* eminently proper. —The printers' picnic atCreason on Sat urday was largely attended and exceeding ly enjoyable. The delegation of forty or more which proceeded from this place ail axpreaa themselves as highly satisfied. —-We learn that Rev. W. A. Blggart, of the Baptist church, has received and ac cepted a call from a church in the Weat and will not return to this place. VETERAN Ct.tJn REUNION Tho Sixth Annual Reunion and Basket Picnic of the Veteran Club of Centre county was held iti (Little'a drove, Pleasant (lap, on Saturday, September 0, IH7, and was more largely attended than any proceeding one, it being estimated that ut least twenty-live hundred persons were U|K>II the ground. Tho weath er was all that could be desired. The ex ercise* though comparatively brief wore interesting and the good order and cordial feeling which prevailed would have reflect ed credit upon u religious instead of a merely social gathering. The picnic of tho Veteran Club may now he regarded a* one of the social irutifution* of Centre county. Tho line was formed at the intersection of tho Turnpike with the Hub lersburg road about 10 A. M , when the procession moved ut once along the turn piko toward tho grove. A number of evergreen arches decorated with flags and appropriate inscriptions of welcome span ned the route at proper interval*. Delega tions wi-ro in attendance from almost every part of the county. Those from Centre Hall, Lomont, and Pine Orove Mill* were accompanied by their respective bras* humls, and the Bellefonte delegation wa headed by the /ion cornet hand. The Pleasant (sap band was also out in force and contributed much to the pleasure of tho occasion and the comfort of their mu sical brethren. Arriving at the sje-akers' stand about three-quarters of an hour were devoted to general greetings and to music by the band* and a drum corpe from Curtin * Works with "Tine" Uumbarger of the 148 th as lifer. At 11.15 a. m., President Beaver called the meeting to older and I prayer wa* offered by Rev. J. A Wood, Jr., pastor of the M. K. church. The ad dress of welcome was delivered by Rev Jacob Yutzv, of the Lutheran church, snd was responded to on behalf of the | Club by the President. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved, and were followed by tbo "roll call,'' an < vent which showed how fast the survivors oi : the late war are pas-ing away, more than ; half a score of the members of the Club having already gone to join their comrades j who fell during the war. At the the eon j elusion of "roll call ' the following com* I initios* were announced with instructions : to rcje.rt at the re-assembling of the Club in the afternoon, viz; i On place of next meeting— Dr Theo S. Christ, of Collage : D. W. I K line, of Huston; Ll. (MM. M. I! I*l, ~( Potter ; Geo. 11. Jack, of Harris , Jnn. R Tate, of Spring, Capt. Christian Dale, of Benner; Major R C. Chessman, of Bellefonte ; Marshall Cox, of B<-gg G<*. G Tate, of Miles burg; Curtis D> Has*, of Howard; Benjamin Holler, of Howard borough. tin nomination of officers for ensuing year— Col. James T. Stewart, of Harris ; Cant. Wm. J. Thomson, of Potter; George \\\ Mile*, of Htiib n ; W. C. lluey,of < .dirge; 1) W. Miller, of Ferguson ; Wm. A. lb --ler, of Benner ; Matthew Riddle, of Sj.ring Capt 11. H. Benner,of Bellefonte ;W. B Smith, of Howard ; Jacob Shultz, of Bogg ; Dr. George P. Harris,of Bellefonte; Chris tian Swsrtx, Walker, Dr.JaniosA Thomp son, of Snow Shoe ; Lieut. S. M Spangler, Mile*; Capt. S. 11. Bennison, Marion , and John A. Doley,of Curtin. At 12.30 a recess of two hours was an nounced. Although tho meeting had been an nounced OS a basket picnic tho good people of Pleasant (Sap and vicinity *ecmi to have made preparations to hare entertain ed the entire assemblage. Nearly every resident of the neighborhood had provided a large and bountifully spread table, and the chief source of anxiety on the part of the hosts seemed to lie to And a sufficient number of guests to share their hospitality - A number of the tables were handsomely decorated with beautiful epergnei of fruits and flower* and were spread with dinners that would have reflected credit upon a first-class hotel. We hope the kind host esses were in a measure repaid for their labor hy seeing bow heartily their guests enjoyed themselves. At 2.30 r. M., tho meeting was again called to order. The report of the Treas urer, Capt. Austin Curtin, who was de tained by the iilnea* of hi* brother (since deceased) was read by the Secretary. The following is a synopsis ; Rr4|u M Iftftt tn#Onj[ u4 riIMV f 4f< &• taring ya* 9 'JI l| !<•)*'• ot h*fd frfteftitirv ft, SUA Oft The report of the committee on place of next mooting, fixing Union villa therefor, was read and adopted. The committee on nomination of officers for the ensuing year submitted its report, which was unanimously agreed to. It is as follows, viz; Pretulent— (Jen. James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte. Vie* President —Lieut. George M. Boal, of Potter township. Secretary —l>. 8. Keller, of Bellefonte. Trearmrer Capt. Austin Curtin, of Boggs township. At additional mei/xhert of the Erecutive (hmmittee— Major R. C. Cheosman, of Bollolonte; W. B. Smith, of Howard; George (}. Tate, of Milesburg ; Capt. C. T. Kryberger, of Phllinshurg; Capt. W. C. Vanvalin,of Untonvnle; William A. Ish ler, of Benner township: William 11. Bhoullz, of Boggs township; John B. Newcomer, of Burnside township; I)r. Theo. 8. Christ, of College township ; John A. Doley, of Curtin township ; David W. Miller, of Ferguson township; David Bur rell, of Gregg township; Capt. O. W. Vanvalin, of Haines township; Simon Sellers, of Half Moon ; Dr. John F. Woods, of Harru township; John B. Hotter, of Howard township; I). W. Klina, of litis, ton township; John D. Thompson, of Lib erty township; Capt. 8. 11. Bennison, of Marion township; Thomas K. Row, of Mila* township ; Fabian Matt*, of ration township; Samuel D. Muaaer, of Pent) township ; Lieut W. P. Shoop, of Potter township; I>r. James A. Thompson, of Snowßhoe; Lieut. Abram V. Miller, of .Spring township; Frederick Sensor, of 1/nion towvi*M|); C'lirißlUn Bwrtx., of Walker township; and H. 8. Miles, of Worth township. (lov. A O. Curtin waa then Introduoed, and though quite feeble in health, deliver ed some interesting remarks, congratulat ing the nation upon it* deliverance from tho evils of war and upon the era of pros perity upon which the people of the Unit ed .State* were entering. He wa* followed by Col. James Oilliland, formerly military agent at Washington, for the Ktate of Pennsylvania, whose kindness to Pennsyl vania's soldier* and their anxious friends will long lie gratefully remembered by its recipient*. In concluding his remarks, the Colonel assured the boys that whatever he had tiesm able Pi do for them bad been gladly done, and that be had done no more only because "red la;*;" bad prevented birn. President Jicaver then introduced Mr. F. 11. Allen, formerly of the 4th Wisconsin Infantry, but now chief of a section in the Invalid Division of the Pension Office, ft* a representative of what the community is accustomed to regard as "red taj.e," some thing which though at lime* on inconven ience individually, is nevertheless u neces sity to us in our collective capacity. Judge Ailen rescinded briefly in some appropriate remarks, his story about the letter from the hank cashier who insisted that while the itI.ACK TAi'lh abounded in Sumatra and other tropical regions, the HKI> TAI-KR was principally confined to the District of Col umbia, creating much merriment, lie also spoke very warmly of the hospitable treat ment received by the regiment of which he was a member, when marching to the front, at the hands of the citizens of Wil liams|>ort and Harrisburg, and assured the audience that in Wisconsin as well as in Pennsylvania Gov. Curtin was best known as "tho soldiers' friend." The attention of members oi the club I and their citizen friends) was called to the I propriety and importance of securing cotn : plete lists of all deceased soldiers of tbo late war whose graves are not marked by headstone*. It was urged ujon them that some one should undertake to secure a list f.,r each tow nship and forward the same to | the se< r*tary <>f the club, who will then forward a consolidated li-l to the (Juarler masler-General hy whom the headstones ! wiil l.e provided. Suitable blanks will be , furnished to any |ieron willing to under take the task of making a list of uotnark the r'tirn of lleasant (lap **d vicinity f-.r their generous hospitality, p. the local committees for the zealous and efficient manner in which they had ;*rformi iheir duties, to tho rnu'ical organizations f..r their assistance, and Pt Mrs. (settle, the owner of the grove, for her kindness in affording the club its use. A vole of thanks was also tendered to Mr. Gottlieb Haag, proprietor of the Pleasant Gap Hotel, for his courtesy in closing his bar snd declining to open it before 4 p. m., thereby contributing much to the good order and harmony which was so generally commented upon. A little before 4 o'clock, all business having been transacted, the club adjourned to meet al Unionville, on Saturday, Sep tember 12, 1880. D. 8. K ICI.LKR, Secretary. JUNIATA VAU.ET PRINTERS—The picnic of the Juniata Valley Printers' As sociation, which came off at Cresaon on Saturday, was an entire success. The As sociation embrace* in it* "jurisdiction" the counties, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, ClearflelJ, Huntington, Indiana, Juniata, Mifflin and Perry. The following were elected offioers of the Association for the ensuing year : President, John M Bow man, Kverett Press ; first vice-president, 11. C- Dern, Alteon* 7ViAa*; second vice-president, George B. Goodlander, Clearfield Republican; secretary, W. K. Buckingham, Altoona (Ml; treasurer, Frank Willoughby, Huntington Sew*; executive committee, James F. Mirkel, Bedford Gazette; James 11. Irwin, Al toona Radical; 11. A. M Pike, Cambria Freeman ; R. H. Forster, Bellefonte CENTRE DEMOCRAT; J. W. Soott, Oscco la Reveille, Al. Tyhurst, Huntington Globe ; J. B. Ransom, Indiana Democrat: John W. Bpeddji, Port Royal 7Vm*s George Shorm, Newport ledger ; K. Cong rad, M'Voytown Journal. Prof. A L. GUM, formerly of the Hunt ington Globe, delivered an historical ad dress on the subject of journalism in the Juniata valley which was ordered to be printed with the addition of a biographical sketch of "each and every editor connect ed with the prtws within the limits of the association." THE VETERAN CLUB.—The annual meeting and picnic ol the veterans of Cen tre county this year was one of the most enjoyable that has yet been held. TBO meeting al Howard two years ago was im mense, and at Pine Grove Mills last year, who that was present will ever forget what a delightful occasion it was? Pleasant Gap, on lost Saturday, was not behind either. Too much credit cannot be be stowed upon tba good people of Pleasant Gap for the interest they manifested in the affair and for their generous and untiring effort* to make it so grand a success. —Mr. Robert McCalmont, of Walker township, lost a valuable horse soma lime since. The animal suddenly dropped down dead while at work ia the field. Coum Ph ih s.ki.ino* Last Wkkk. TIM la#t wk of court win wcapM with civil <***•# and the il iiiulen of Court lliow that Uie following cmmm were dia posed of: William Lyon A Co. vs Jacob Van Pool ' Tried by Jury. Verdict for plain tiff*. M. I). Bilknitter v. Kcbcr'n Gootuch. Tried by jury. Verdict for defendant. John If. Thomas use of v. Joseph Khirk. Plaintiff suffered non uit. Centre county v*. Philipshurg Borough. Cauae continued. I*aae Mitchell, assignee of Isaac Thorn* a, v. Lot h'tratton. Plaintiff suffered non ult. K. (' Henderson vs. Merchant* and Me chanic*' I ii*iiranee Company, of Pottaville, Pa. Found for plaintiff in turn of fl,- 811.27. U ,} Meek, William K Meek, Bu#an M Mock and I. 0. Mek, in right of aaid Kusan M. Meek vs William Biddle. Ver dict for defendant. Z. IJ. Hoover v*. William P. Ard, who wa interpleaded, Ac. Verdict for plain tiff in turn of $W55.44. A Geary v*. Samuel Krydcr. Ver dict for defendant. Williard M'Kntiro by J). 11. Veager, hi* ne*t friend, v. John Kommerville and J a me* L. Homnervillo, doing husintws a* J. I-. Kommervilie A Son. Plaintiff* non tuited. H. I). Gardner v*. William .Singer A Co. Plaintiff non suited. Henry Booaer t*. J. Kreamer. Verdict for plaintiff- in mm of $7.1.43. Court adjourned until September 17 1879. RICTt *s rtir Look*.— It it desired to again open the reading room of the Young Merit Clirittlan Association for the fall i season, and for thi* reaaon St i* deemed | necessary to collect together all the bottk. | belonging to the library. A few valuable : work# have been taken from the library | and have Im-n held in the hand of the reader* for a long lime, and j.er*on# baviag • ueh volume# are requested to return therri ' immediately. Among the wt.rk* deemed . particularly valuable because tbev le-long | to series of the *arne kind are the follow ing "The History of Ku*ia," by Abbott, ' one of a series of three valuable work# ; ; and "Mercy Philbrook'iChoioa" and "Tlie Great Matt h, belonging to No Name *er- I ie*. Perron# having these volume* or any i other# belonging to the library will confer ' a great favor by returning them at an earlv j day. A FATIi-VAtTOKT A ri#rtrTMgtT.—Tier j extensive mill property of K M. Hturde- ant A ' <>. ,in limb town l.ip, the l*urmng of which we noted la*t week, wan insured in the following companies lloyal Insur ance company, Adriatic Insurance coar j.any. Tran-Atlantic Inrurance Company, Manufacturer* and Builder* Insurance j Company and Lycoming Inrurance Com pany. During the pat week these various risks have been satisfactorily adjusted by Mr. Butler, of the itoyal Kiro Insurancn (V>mj>anr, and by Mr. Bartlet, of the Lycoming Fire Insurance Company Wo are happy to state that theae settlement* gave entire satisfaction to insurers and in- I urod, and the money ha> been promptly paid over, which we believe is about ff - IW. This promptness in settling business affair# abow* that all the gentlemen coa cerned are among our most honorable and fair-minded men, and will gain for them eren an increase in business in the future. —(iood groceries are something that poople need every day. There are several place* in Bellefonte devoted to the wperial purpo*e of supplying thi* want, and prom inent among them i* the firm of 8. A. Brew A Son, who are ever ready to supply the best the market affords. —A Greenback meeting was held in tho Court House last Tuesday evening, at which Mr M illiam MrCloitan was maJo • hairman, Measr*. Webb and Dolan,Vico Presidents, and Mr. James Schofleid, Sec retary. Mr. WaUon.of Williamsprt, was the orator. He it a fluent, pleasing speak er, and upon some live political issue would undoubtedly make an effectivespeerh. His audience did not number over flftv or siaty. ' ——- 4 MARRIAGES. WnMKR— SMITH.— At tb* M K. Mnra***. Dnul i.. by It" J i Mr MirStss* Knmr of Wno.S .P* . **ei Miss Mary A Mall*., u f IVII-t.nt., I'* URKRiSBt.iI—KRIMRIRK—Oa tb- 2*ih at Itps. !2 R * T _ IV W *" ,f - *" I J Orwi.W. sa* Mm Pboabs It nonror#, I- tb '.I Sfvro.s Mill*. Al MAN- W KAVKR On Iba IMb albatn. at tb* wn- Mrorr at lb# hrM*' |nb. mas Aaronaburg. by Rr Jobn T,.ilinn,,. Mr Wat R. Simq.nl Mill b*lM- with Mm M Knaiq# Sm. daughter at rrwii J, VMtff. i-trcm—nomr — oa tb* tatb at aowm. t tb* Kranr-llrml parsons, g*. MHlbeiwt, by Br. P p. "Ma*. Mr. Babarl Lynch aad Mm liloia J. I**l It, buth'.d Rngnr V*il*>. DEATHS. mtTIR.-R.4sa4 Bysnrt Oarttn, ft *Mb *na of tb* a I*l* K.4*u.l Our tin. • l>m *t B*gl* Rolling Mill. ivntr* tVomty, l*s. January IS, IMS, and dud la Whfcstn, t *ntr* < nunty. ric, MsrStt. Smlialw Hbjsrs. at US r M.. *4*4 M jam la, 7 axmibs *.| IIrMBS —AI IMMbntr, Pa, na A(*t Xk. ofrbnlfta InMtaa, Urt HaaailSnn. naly cbtM at w illUm r. anl Kits* P. Hum**. *f*d • amtta# *m4 a 4*yt BI T I.RR. - At RSark Bnsr. Cratrv matt . Asynvt 3Mb , IST*. I*ll4 fbaoslil. T al PaaM an 4 CUerSet Bailor, *#*# Sir aaualb# aa4 sis Asya. BABBKB. SaAAwily oa PaaAay nmralaß, Arm Sl* ■I Potior'* Mills Mrs. Iql*4l* vMo* at Jam.q Bsrtmr. Bo|. *4*4 77 yoara, 7 m- utb, sad 30 days RitVRR- In Potior tun*blp, cm CrtSsy. Aaftm r* of aynrdcty. Mt.BaatacJ R..y*r, *od 87 yoara. I aaemth att.l • S*)i. (IBAMLT —At BUtmilt*, Raaalltaasa u> awiy, lowa A*4**l IN Mrs tlraaaly, aitr at Bos. C. B UMaly. ami Aaaabtsr of 3b K. asad Kolmnta WS*r. „7 lbis lbis roaaty, af4 *s years, 4 aaanatba and II day*. KBRAMKB -On tb# 744 Of *.*, aaS Mmrnolq, BMtißhaaa "maty. Illtools Mr* Ann. >l**#., *l4* of Mr. Haaaaaet Kroanm bwaanrlj a ro*b!#*t <4 Hsiao# towaabljs thi* emaaty, *c—l tt| y an, t aausitb* aad tl days