slw Crutrf HkfrLKPONTB, PA. -A. CIE X aTJ JL, T XT 7R, .A. NEWS, FACTS AMI SliaOKSTlOffS. Till TUT or Til 1 tTIoIAL WILMS! 10 Till IHTKU-I unci aid riom-uiTT or mi riimn. Kerry farmer is Ail annual er/tertence discover* somethiny of value.. Write it aml tend it to the "Ayrieultural Editor of the DKMOI-KAT, lUUe,'onit, I'enn'a," that other farmer* may have the benefit of it. Let eom.nnnwaii\m* be ti neiy, and be sure that they are brief and toed />oin ;d.' KKMKIIBER! no roses Will spring from tbe wood And tu> bountiful fruit From unworthy seed. FARMERS, particularly young farm ers, do not fail to attend the fair this fall. Begin now to make your ar rangements and plan your work so that you ean go, and then go. And go in a two-fold capacity, first as an exhibitor, second as an observer. As an exhibitor contribute your full share toward making tne fair what it should be ; as an observer derive all the benefit from it that you oaii- Don't go us you "would to a circus, simply to see the crowds and be amused." The "Amusement Depart ment" is all right for an hour's enter- j I tainment, but don't confine yourself to it. Take note book and pencil, go carefully through all the departments, make close observations, ask que.'-' tions of exhibitors and committee-; men, and jot down whatever may strike you as interesting or worthy' of future attention. In no other way, at so little expense of time or ' money, can you gain so much knowl edge directly relating to your pro fession, nor do so much to establish your future position among the lead ers in agricultural progress. Oi'R views as to the importance ol | jioultry on the farm have been so often and plainly expressed that we need not now reiterate them. That this particular class of farm products is growing in the appreciation of the public is evinced by the large amount of "poultry literature" now in circu lation. Every agricultural paper has its special poultry department, and many of them employ an editor ex clusively for it, and in addition, there are a number of weekly and monthly journals devoted entirely to this in terest. Among the latter one of the most elegant is the I'et-Stoek, Pigeon un2 Courtlaudt street, Xcw York. As suggested by its name, this journal does not confine itself strictly to the interests of egg and meat producing farm poultry, but embraces within its scope pets of all sorts, making it peculiarly adapted to the boys and young people on the farm. One of the praetieal men interested in this journal is Geo. K. Hawley, of Glenn's Falls, X. Y., who is the only man we know of in the country who confines himself to the breeding of Dominique fowls, and lias undertaken to bring them up to the highest possible stand ard. Our opinion of the substantial, solid merits of these old-fashioned fowls, as specially adapted to the every-day wants of the farmer, is too well known to require repeating here, and we are glad that so enthusi astic and experienced a breeder as Mr. Hawley has undertaken to devcl ope their best qualities. We will continue to publish, from time to time, hints, facts and suggestions concerning poultry, and again urge upon our readers an increased atten tion to this "minor farm product." For the information of those of our readers who arc unacquainted with tbe Dominiques, we publish in an other column their characteristics, as required by the "American Standard of Excellence," and to which Mr, Hawley is aiming to breed them. Legally Protected Birds. If our farmers will bear in mind j the following paragraph and enforce It, and liack it up by protecting the birds from destructive agencies other than the sho'-gun, there will shortly be less complaint of destruction of crops and fruit by insects: It ia unlawful to shoot at any time a - nigbthswk, whipporwill, sparrow, thriin our readers the importance of making experiment* with a view of ascertaining the precise value of the practice; and in support of this have published accounts of very suc cessful experiments in this direction. That we may not 1m accused of hob by-riding, and in pursuance of our intention to give all sides of all questions a fair hearing, we transfer to our columns below, from the Jiurnl New Yorker, an account of an experiment tried on the "Kural Farm" which would seem to lie con clusive against the practice. Wo do not, however, accept it as such, by any means. Without attempting to explain, or stopping to discuss the reasons for the adverse result of the Rurnl'i experiment, we publish its statement in fairness to our readers, and ufgo them again to try it for themnelret. We hsve lisd during the pwl year a £OOd desl to any aa to the cultivation of wheat. Last Octolier Int wo prepared s piece of land 165x33 feet, or one-eighth of an acre. It plowed, harrowed twice, then broadrsted with bone flour st the rate of 500 |X>unota that will be continual remind ers of the "mistakes" we are making from time to time. i "WITH wain* R„<| tiiMunr— ami pot A a ,„| |, alia| And itl.h— of fruit hr, Tin wlfn i if jr.iur bonoin alta all ilay, Auil no oaa ilar"* to bar. A pound of tbU, four pound. f tlial, l III"' wjr aim go— uu planning. And luaara your Ilia you darari'i *y a wor.l, tor Idnaa your avnl, alia'a eaiinlng." Early Summer Plowing. Frufn llutiif* osc that lime was one of the rare substances in this world. Burnt oyster or clam shells, burnt bones, even egg shells themselves, are re commended. Teaching a hen to eat her own eggs is beat done by throw ing the shells to her. How many j folks in the country have oysters or clam shells 7 Then again, gravel— ; hen's teeth—is not as often supplied as it ought to be. A late writer act i ually recommends pounded hita of j gloss, or queenswarc as being bolter than gravel. How strange to see people going so far out of the line of , common sense! Now, both of these very difficult tilings to accomplish for the health of our feathered hi|cds are easily done by making a mortar of small gravel and lime, in the man , ner of stone ms ons, and when the mortar becomes hard, breaking it up small with an axe. Keep this little , piece of "necessity" always before ; the hens and burn all egg shells, and the moral and physical character of the hens and their husbands will tie in the ascendant. Characteristics of the Dominique*, AH RKQUIRKD BY TIIK "AMERICAN STANDARD or KXCKI.I.KNCK." Plumage slaty blue, penciled across with delicate dark liars. Beak—bright yellow, short, stout at base and nicely curved at liase. Comb- -bright ml, double or rose, with a spike behind, the point turn ing slightly upwards. Wattles—bright ml, broad, full and well rounded. Karlobes—ml. Tail—full and slightly expanded. Thighs—large and strong, in color of plumage. Shanks—stout, well apart and of medium length, and bright yellow in color. Carriage—upright and pleasing. IT is always safe to assume that the long-established practioes of farmers are founded in good rcaaoii' J JARDWARE. WILSON, McFAItLANE CO. DEALERS IN STOVES AND RANGES, TAINTS, OILS, OLASB, HAKES, FORKS, CRADLES &o SCYTHES. HOLE AGENTS FOR J 0111 ST BON'S KA LSOMI >* T K. AM.EOIIKNV STREET, .... lit'MM' BLOCK. .... BEM.BVONTE. I'A CEITTRA.L STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ( Eighth Normal School District LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON <;<>., PA. A. N. HA I'B, A. M., Principal. r I Ml IS SCHOOL, as nt present con -11 ililu'ed, ttoa varjr l-m-i Udlltl< f"f I'rtk fmm tot) a I aiitl ClaMii ! Larding. ! HuiMiug* !#• totto, ititiliieg and otnire<*di"ua ; com |l'leljr bMsiw*i uy r|| v'btilatfl ed furiittto- M! Mill) a ts'untifol •'G'i'ij "t I'itr* *i , fewfi vprltig Watvf. h*filttoful nil'! of rhmi, Hiiiiidiuttiiii *> oitry uhsihtamml. T< a< hi ts uja rii'tut*!, wdlcitml, nt* I ftilrt to (heir work. Ilwlplluf, firm •) Itoowe |>r< |**ttug UT I Ptil'lvflti fet fetijr time. ? CvurMM of ituacftLMl to) the I Mod"I Ksli*|. 11. I't *l**l *tor). 111. KL tut-M dm . IV, Kcfr j etillftr ADJI -nrr rotqura I. A fe.Ut.ur II (iii„tuif,ui 111 Mufeir. IV Art. Tto. KlonoiUrj him! HrieuUtor roeisra ire Fi | |es*)n*+- ( |wtdirig d-grw Mfefel't of lto Ki rnn.ta. fetid Mt< r • of tiir ?v ion*. . (irfelul th .< of our Iwwt odtoitM 111* lUU rraguirs-fe r higtoet otder of rillf bshiji. | Tii' tiflJi s •.k ptrmm -t gmi Mkltftlta mid K •— I thir St|t>• VJ itfejifow* ti.*ir J tim* and tto-tr tfel-r.U, im stud'tt* Tu all fetacli it j j.r. u..*** aid m d* I *|4tig th#ir |- w*r and Jmu ianl JJ*otlutiltifes for till paid I*l- f aftsr Las log M laotd. Wi't ' atal-igufe feti-1 t tins ad'lr<** the |*rtt) -|*i noifet* or rat sttfes ftowkli'dd* rV TrusiswM—J. II I A II Jfe I, It tow u. * M HirWf fd. fUtnti*! < ton*t. A N I. an'., H I). < • k, T f 11 I'l'L . I-* t 0 hjr.t/ltip fr'. I* M< run h fr* |. W W lUi.kin. J |,n A ftc4>l* Ma!. ll , % (1 r w ,tsr. II t. If I. Ih.f f*i.Lai. L.t. M-trtll. Ilofi Wilhfet.. Istgl't. J C. ; " WtoaUy.H Hairt -*■, rri' tti. I II t. WII,!.I \ M lIIGI.KH Hrosi'Ufit. fharf-ld |* Jl**| HfHlill.l. N Tro, li-t.% Uwrk**. f HI 1.1.AH MfOtHlllGK, N- fHiti TilOMAll V A t ; r IMiK CKNTRK DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUSE BI.ocK, BKLLKFONTK, PA., !* sow orrxKtxo (JURAT I X I)UCE M KNTB TO THOSE W I*ll ISO FIRST-CLAM : Plain or Fancy Printing. J o We have unusual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALtKHTRH. PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CI KIT LA RB, BILL II KA OS, NOTE IIKADB, IM SINKSS CARDS, ! INVITATION C ARDS, CARTES DK YISITK. CARDS ON KNVKIAJPKS, ANI) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. feaif' Printing done in the best style, on short notice and at the lowest rates. fetferorilerf by mail will receive prompt attention. EKUEMBKR THE ft. ACI I CENTRE DEMOCRAT OFFICE, RusA UVUM Mark, IIIOH STkKIT. BElXKmsnt. ft. GREAT REDUCTION. ECONOMY 18 WEALTH. The nraal S7O Machicee reduced to ea!y 125. 11.50 PER WEEK. I tolfM* X \V fitfon to AgiMita, • THE FAMILY** SHUTTLE tW SEWING MAIV MACHINE. W -*nl—l a|in B. p".tt.,<*tMvl nlnnt t.p taN. ■..! nanpl.l. •ilk • uun •** at lhn e> mlm nrhln. *n"t IMnral to "olr fit'" E*
  • r mifMj t—t—l riM RI*I in ihMtMßii r.f I,.an— An Mb I—it., r|*l. r.U*l>l. .n-t .tamit r U> tb. —rj *lf.—* th.t mil do lb. work of * f.mllj fta 111.- ttno or it will *•— from ft to b pnriUj f• — for n ItHns.nnd nmtm I—* ibnn ntr T.l s*ict of nut >!• mm hln— ..f lib. "jmtlilß. ll.*.rtrn long. Ur*" -ir—t Nhnllb-, —ml, r.nn tnl kitraltr)—tiot 801-lanß. IoMIRI lt jrrW of Ihr—4, .l-an* l.t with lb. fr—,l r- .India* of 1*.144 m. It m.k— lb. sbnttl., donbln-thr—4, Wk •tlnli.lth" nun. on U-th U4— ■-( tl>. n-otk , bnb —l*4 tb. nmn*t *w*nnnl tb- IVntsnnlnl Tb. kninjfft. An—t.u>4 nwnt lu*in*Ulub rtWH<4t—l tt I. bnllt for Rlr. n*lh nn4 mmUnt hnrtf nor* !nt.r --< b.n*—M. w-all to. part* M.mifnrtn—4 of An. |ml l.h*4*t—l Will mn for t— vllbonl r*-fmir*. I. Mmpl. to I—rn,.—j to mno*.., aol.—too,! tlj In nn bom, *n4 .1 n*r r—*l In . mnml to 4o .r.rjr 4—rrtjaloo of h—*r n 8"*. fr.m In— or —brfr to h—*r < fotb or hnrnraff, *" ttli u; bin 4of Ibr—4. *n4 rnn off tlt) I.f-I*; m n .Iron*. Rt—ifbt n—4l., nn4 una l-r—bt It nnnnra mi— or 4—l> n Rlllrh. —..1 or la—k lb. thr—4. Tb. mn.y ch—-rfnll, —fnmlml If It will not orrnon* nn4 om.*l *nr nwrhln. *1 40nt.1. lb. (Of—. If jva hnr. u; olb*a nmr bln*. bar tbii n4 b*r. n Wtt.r on. Tli. nn4 —(.i ltty of it, motion nn4 annlltj of Its work It Itt I—t l- iwmtmlß. tlon. Il nil] h.m. Ml. took, tan14,—r4,14n4. (nib—, *1 nllf, —|-l—l. fobt n—Hop, tblrr. roll. I— •■mbrnMor, rnn *r r—'llht, .tr.., wflh -I—.lo. nn.l nnbkn— t, unxirj—>l by nj mm bio.'—r Inv.nlmt Th. PHr— of oor rw nmrbln— nr. I—, II nn Iboßff Mb—l bj 4—lm In —r-a*4 b*t>4. —bnllt nn4 r.Anlßbml mu hin— ,ot than. t.lUn onl (M 4 IMnrb •a rl—s bnnln—n. m*nj inwh tnf.rt.a *r,4 <>l4-Wjl. mn.blnr* Uln* nWral R* n.w nt —4n—4 prir— R-w.r. of ImltnUoM *4 only hoj n.w mm bin— Tb.r. nr. no 4 -f. 4. r.rr n>, nnl—4, wt.b jtiillm of n rnoftorna *i*atn*rtan toftan i—rir—it of Wll, or nn moNf4 of prt— to *l-4 lotlw, feno-j ro4" r. or It— a As—or wmM tb-nfffaliit tto onnntr* Aw tbta. tto rh—P-K "wt nlbbrfe) *•! runMowlltM morbln. la tb# world tor lit-—I iwrii. Jdrm FAMILV MICTTLE MAt'MIMB 00.. TU Broadway, Bus York. IJKLLEFONTK& KNOW KIIOE J '•! JH""* ti *TH* ton ai4K. W inl'V "*"* *'"* 7 - "' * X.,tTlr* 111 Ballafnnta ,oa " *•" .•##<• l Knout-lc- I UVU 242 r " In Belief..,.!* I JIT? f " Of file. Ht Huow Hll'y* ejn r •"• IMNIKI. HIIO A ÜB. I- Jfit*b2*-tjt ' |MIJ> KAiJLK VALLEY KAIL (. ; I P R.iAli -Til:...„,i., .11, lie: ■ • a*i **■ "•' Kip. Mall. ! •* -Arrt.| Tyrone hear* ..♦* i **• K*t Tyrone heart... || t, •ay! ?1 " V *" " ?It II 1 ? " " H.U t* r i. •• 7a : 2 5!? „ "•••'■eh *■ ... TM V. iri - li' •' „ Martha " . J1; v ar, :?* JJ! M f" " ... #Ol a ■, Ji? ?F: : - ... i a • . .?! ?2" „ f'"• in ■ . -.1 - |ft 4-1 &J , .. lltlwl'Uf ** ... * *l4 V'A jjl. O* 4 4' •• Mvufi! IC*jrl* M ... v# <■ ji, v "i! ?! !il " n'wi m ... > ji, •Ift AO 4 Jfi .... " K*irlnill M ... |lf ia , ' '• 4 M fW k M . t# ►' )., 7 " •** 4 " Mill IUN •• ... v MII LU >f :• 2V 4 '•'t " ti|.'t - k llti 4/'* t •Wl. TO. 10 . m I unit— nl I 1.1 "... J .SIAIJAIIA !■-.. I 1.1U4.1, M. " J,. m . j lltrrlnl'Uif ... )n ;.i. Iu ; " Willlnin.|**t. a*., I " llrni/ii. ,.... i n i u I unrnirrtn l.jr tl.i. i, m n, M ,., ! KArr' i-i, , t \ 4 r;~ c " " * Hlnnn.i rl 7 ftrnv ki litrTi fc j, KAH WAKI). PAH Fir KX l*R EM |f, r, 4/ m WiiiteMfMifi . T LU utu • j/ltf* f lUrrft*i me 11 :A h " l'Ljik..Uh 2 4 1 in j lIAV KtPRKfI Iwiih. Rwt,. _ j<, ~ lt| ' " M 11... . 11 gin u , J j " W j " wflii nl Ilirml'Uit 4 l*i u * Millnli 1ti1iLn.......... T J"- im ' EIUK MAM. !., U.,. i " IyA lU..—'/ 4' j. in - W 11 it', in. trtiMH lliiThimti j t:. . J " " l*lillmli-1t..1t.. .... 7OOa di FArT I.IKK Iwny W 12 a;,, " nrnim al llayyiyturg ;i ..a . rj| • " fbiln.|ai|.i., 7 Kim Krta Mall t al Niagara I i|iraa W . Iali Haim • A..n,m alal. i. W art ami |.a< l i|ra Kan n,al runaiyaltiiiia at tritli I. A B. K R. traina f..r Vltlialani aad 7iraliti.ii Kiir Mail Mral. Nlaaaia Kagrrat *aat. anil Ktla Rll rraa ami I .* L llarrt. An >miDitaliiib Waal, nialia riiw l ¥ i#l t at Pair vitt* train* t nn I. a A M .* R li.. al < .ir* vitb nirintrn>l#*.t. 1879. THE PATRIOT. 1879 I Ovt Up n Club aid Rarair* Your Papar Fraa, Vbo DAILT PATRIOT will bo wr.t bv mail to club# at tbo fullowini; rate# : lAOn par orpF I~r P"ar u. a . Int. of Bra. U-M |VI ropy par paar hi a rlvt of |r. , n. • f f oopy Ir raat to a rlvt. of tvanty. 14 M (-V N |vr ro(,j par vaar to a clnh of Bfly. Ainl oaa ropy fraa f..r no* taar ia arar* rvaa tr. tha ~#, patting np u,. tloh. rn ~*ti.m.J rat.a for , patta rf a jaar Tho Wkeklt PATRIOT will bo #cnl by mail at tbo folbtwini; rati# : • tiJO par annum lor aingla opt tl JO |vr annnrn |vt oopy to a , | a |, of Biar. 11 HA par annum |vt copy to a rial, of atghl. • <1 |r annum par mpy ton rlnhof Bltaan. • par annum par oipj to a rial, of thirty, pn annum par copy U. a cluh of Bfty. In Ti par annum |vr cpy |n a rial, of iaa hm.ttrn And una oopy fraa for .*• ,aar ia arary uC iVUKS. W# pmrnra l.lmn Pum or lamrtoua. Nn Arrnmm* rcca i* tavauru In appltcaunn ha Ptrcvra Intha In I larl # intra Ppacial atirntt. n glt.r, t„ Intrrlannta Onau haora tha patent tMRrv. am) all liUcmUon apfo-rtainlng tn In.or.tinu, nr Patoata Wa aim prmara Pat aula la Canada ami other h.ratgri cnuntrtaa • Oaraata Pllad, OnprTtghr# oMalnad. and all nthar hmlaam traaaartod Ivh.ra tha Potent (inter, and the fVmrta uhi,h demand# tha aarrhr* of ~|vwen,l IT*' Attnrnaya. t* a ha*a had tea y nara ampertavto aa Patant Attrvnara. THE NCTKNTIITC HKCOKI). All Patavta ntdained through our agenry are act ten) la tha Art cirri nr, , aooithly caper vf targe rtcrutaUm,. pahltahe.l hy m. ami 4t Idm ArientX and Mchaatrul matter. It mnUlnn Ml Rata of all alloyed Paimta. Auparrtpttna renta a f—t. oat 5m Mid aa a dim ■ l|4im ad year Inreuttoa. Bring Tear ta#r lu your uu langvaga. and a- nil I glea an Mahrn aa tn pataatahlllty, ulth Ml loatrvttl.a., ( hargtng nothing Bv nut adrtrn Our hank, -R„a pnvara Potent.," uhnvl th. Potent lava. Pnleuto, Oataala, Trade Mark., their nam, Ar., aaal free ..a tvguaat. ADDRESS i Ha 4 A. P. LAOEY, PATKNT ATTOKNKYB, No. 604 F Street, Waokinciton, D. C., Xadrty Oppnattr Patent otßca. ArrMun of Pay, Bounty and Pension*. *" hora a Human ia rhorg. of a* Barium ed tavrar. and rtarta, Bar |werut. of all IMdlai'tClalnw. lin Snuaty aad Pvwduuo. At va .horga an tea uuhva oacmvtM, rtampa Bar luturu I—tog. ohm,id he mat i u a. b. A A. p. uacCv.