ADDITIONAL LOCALS. COMMITTKK MKKTINO. —There was an unusually full meeting of the Democratic County Committee at the office of the Chair man, on Friday, the f>th inst., tho following named members being present or sending names of men to bo appointed on the com mittees to hold the delegate elections : I). Z. Kline, N. W., Bellofonto; Arthur Hrown, S. \V., Uollofonto; Wm. Harper, W. W., Uellofonte; Austin McClain, Milesburc; A. T. Leathers, Unionvillej Howard Hirckley, Howard ; L. G. Lingle, l'bilijisburg j Joseph L. NefT, Boggs; Os car Holt, Burntdde , Wo. Grove, College; <>. M. Sheets, Half Moon ; John C. Stover, Haines; Cyrus Bruingard, Miles; F. I*. Muster, Penn ; John Shannon, N. precinct Potter; T. J. Dunkle, ltush, J. 11. Holt, Sftow Shoo; (J. P. Gentael, Spring ; Sam uel Hoover, Taylor; John 11. Stover, Union ; Samuel Decker, Walker ; William A Kerlin, Potter; Daniel Irvin, Huston; William 11. Gardner, Liberty; William From, Potter, S. precinct. Worth township was also represented, but not by tho member of its committee. The j mooting was larger than any ever held by I Bny Chairman for thesaino purpose. It is ! duo to tho present Chairman to say, that j tho meeting of the Committee for the pur- | pose of making out the cominitteea under \ Rule "d had boon determined upon more j tlian six weeks ago. At no time lias the j Chairman attempted or even desired, to do j anything outside of the rules of tho party. | The committees selected to hold the dele- j gate elections are good, and it is to be i hoped that they will attend faithfully to their duties. Tho School Question. Kditura Centre Democrat: Tho articles that appeared in last week's edition of the Rejmblican and Watchman, having reference to a late action of the school hoard, show plainly a misundur- j standing and ignorance both of the action and its purport. Tho intention was not to elect a new assistant principal, but to elevate the stand- | ard of our schools in so far as economy would permit. The moans taken to ac- i ■complish this result are best given in tho j resolutions adopted by the Board, to which ■earnest attention is invited. They areas ! follows: "With a view of elevating the standard of our schools, increasing their means of giving instruction, and securing those bene fit* that arise from tho tub-division of branches among specially qualified instruct ors, be it resolved by the Directors of Uello fonte District, — "I. That a separate department of "Lan guages and History" be made in connec tion with our High School as it now exi-t*. i "'J. That this department shall include three branches appertaining to the thorough study of the English and Latin Languages and the History or the United States "3. That a teacher specially qualified to give instruction in these branches he em ployed by the Board ; who shall be under the same control as the other teachers of j tho school ; whose salary shall lie sih>o per ! year; and whose regular duly it shall be to give instruction in the branches pertaining to this department during at least two and a half hours of each day, and a* sn extra duty to take charge of the Principal's room when he niay be absent therefrom. "4. That this s|K>cial department exist during one month, to be continued or not ; at the option of the Board." The following is the second resolution : "After a year of faithful and successful work in our own school, and with a good reputation obtained in public and private schools elsewhere, "Resntred, That the Board deem Mr John Mason Duncan a person well quali fied to fill the position of M-ecisl teacher of , '• Languages and History, and according- ] ly elect him to the same." As will be seen, these resolutions contain : no reference to the position of assistant principal, or any change therein. How such a misconstruction got abroad can only Ise explained by the one who made it. D. M. —. . The Reward* of Economy. From Ui N*w York WnvM. Young men who came of age in 187'! | when, according to official tallies, near , ly $160,000,000 worth of textile fabrics I were imported, will see that such itn- Jiorts had fallen last year to almut Xfi,ooo,ooo worth. They will also see that last year in the single article of hreadstuffii, and on the top of this de crease in im|iortatinns, there was an in crease of nearly 9113,000,000 in our out put over that of the year of their major ity. All classes of the community— those whom disaster has made cautious and those who have been educated to practice prudence—ought to lie able now to maintain and develop the re turning prosperity which has come to us with our return to common sense and sound principles in the conduct of our atTairs. every man lay to heart the moral of the striking remark made by one of our business men who have obliged the World with their views ty day, that an increase of only one dollar in the yearly income and outgo of every man, woman and child in the United •States means a difference of nearly a hundred millions of dollars in the year ly trade movement of the country. IN WAR, as in other kinds of hard work, there is a good deal of the prosa ic element. It ia not all poetry and rfl mance. The battle of Kutaw Springs, September 8, 1871, wa* the last action of the last Southern campaign of the Revolution. Though full of martial glory in itaelf, and fruitful of great his toric results, rum and potatoes were con trolling influences In the conduct and iasue of the engagement. The British, for lack of bread, send out "rooting parties" to dig sweet potatoes, and the surprise of one of theae parties by the advance of General Greene's army threw the enemy into a temporary dis order, which wa* greatly to the advan tage of the Americans. The complete ness of the victory, however, was mar red by the inopportune seat with which a part of the Continental troops fell upon the abundant rum found in the British tents. While the patriots were drinking the British rallied, formed their line anew, and saved their army from annihilation, Franklin county people are agitating i the subject of erecting anew jail. Seven Singes of Drunkenness. All (ho world'* a liar, And atl turn and women m*rly drinker*; Tlf> liar* th*lr tik< ii| and th*lr *i*n*f If.*- ; And on* man In a day drink* many rUmc*, Ilia a t 1*IIIK aaran MAG**. At flr*t tho GENTLEMAN, Mlady and Ami than tho win* and blttar*, *|'|tl—r, Ami i-ining, yaarntng look, l*aiiiig Ilk* a *nalt Tha eoinfortalda liar. And than tfa argument*, Trying Ilk* llrrui< with a wrathful front*** To rrfUM una mor* gin cocktail. Than tha uiyMlftod, Full of ttrang* thought*, unhanding good advice, fan I. ** of honor, ao!d*n, thick, and gutt'ral, tWktng ih* troiildtnl r*|*lltlon Kt*n !u tha Uittlv'a mouth ; and then unit* Jovial, In fair 10**1 humor whila thn world swims round, With *yrtiall* nil*t) , whlla hi* friend* liiui rlt. Full of nlco oath* ami awful blrkerlrig*; And no h* (day* hla jxtrt Tli* *lth ago *litft Into Mtunld. al!|t|iing diunkvii tnaii With "hloaaoiii* ' on hi* mi* aud bleary *yad, 111* shrunken far* uu*haved, from *ld to lda Ih roll* along, nml In* unmanly vole* Huskier than *v*r, fulls aud files Ami loavaa him--staggering round. I*at nran* of all, That cud* till* true and (sinful hlfttory, I* tii|iid fhltdihu*a, ami thru oblivion— &ui* watch, *au chain, *wn* coin, *an* everything. —£an Franciaco Nrw* hotter The Vugaries of I'ullUcal Hurtles. From the Philadelphia Record. Vice President Wheeler in 1876 was | one of the first to lend off in declaring i for a bloody-shirt campaign. He own led the canvass with a rpjecli the bur i den of which was an assertion thai the | contest at tho ballot box was no more i tbun the conflicts on the battle Holds of ; tho South over again, save in another ; form. On Wednesday, at the Republi can Convention of New York Slate, Mr. ' Wheeler traversed again the same ! ground, though ill tl e latter instance the details were far more blood curdling, i In relation to the so called national ' election lie said : "We assert the right of i the Government to co ltrol national ■ elections, so that every man entitled to suffrage may cast, in peace and security, j one free vote and no more. Wo de | mand one law—-ju-lly enacted, equally ! binding upon every citizen of the land, to be respected and obeyed alike by all, and, when all other means fail, to bo enforced by the strong arm which sub dued the rebellion. We make no se i cret of our partiality for the regulated bayonet in ll e bands of men wearing the blue of the Government as against the shotgun in the hands of tho red j shifted mobocracy of the South." Tho demand of him who secured the I Vice Presidency of the nation through | the vigorous assertion of the State rights doctrine against Federal inter j ference with the conduct of elections i under State laws constitutes a biting satire on the vagaries of political par ties. The Electoral Commission, which placed Mr. Wheeler in his present office, i decided that the power of the nation does not warrant an inquiry into the j choice of Presidential electors by the voters of a State, lb-fore the Comntis -don Mr. Lvart* said : "If the State does , not act there are no qualified electors." The utmost respect was then paid to tho prerogatives of the State. Now they are universally scouted by the He publican authorities. Should the Dem ocrats succeed to the control of the Government in ISSO, the Republican leaders will undoubtedly enter upon , the advocacy of tho rights ol the State*. Judge Black's Portrait of Republican ism. . Fp m • t*tt*r t" th* Uncvtrf !nt#lllg*iK#r They bail elected a President sworn to preserve, protect and defend the ! Constitution, for a compensation of twenty-five thousand dollar* per annum, | but the enemies of the Constitution se -1 cured hira to their side by giving him, in thn form of presents, more than his legal salary would amount to in four years. When the private gifts ceased Congress presented him with an equal amount out of the public Treasury, and ; so his Administration became an anti constitutional job from beginning to | end. Tbe army and navy and all the executive departments, the whole or ganized physical force, all the offices and all the money of the Nation, were in hostile hands. Every atom of this mighty power was thrown ngaiost liberty and justice. The .Southern States were wholly deprived of their autonomy, their governments crushed : and their jieople placed under the abso i lute domination of notorious thieves, ; while in the North, a* well as in Con i gress, legislation was controlled by great rings organized to enrich them selves by robbing labor of the bread it earned. White Deer Mills Burned. Early Saturday afternoon of last week a fire broke out in tho well known White Ieer woolen mills, in White Deer valley, Union county. Tho build ings being frame, and very dry, the flames spread rapidly and soon the whole structure was enveloped in a cloud of fire and smoke. Every cfFort was made to combat the progress of the devouring fire, hut without making an impression upon it, and only when the mills and hat factory, together with the fine brick house in close proximity, had been consumed, were the flames aUyed. The Watsontown steamer wa* taken over the river upon the flat and hurried to tho scene of the fire, in the hope of being able to render some assistance. Beyond proving a protection for some of the dwellings near by, there was little for the steamer to do. It was after dark before the fire was sufficiently sub dued to allay all cause of further appre hension. The origin of the fire is not definitely known, though it is believed to have l>een accidental. The most generally credited theory is that the fire caught in the card room, from one of the pines. Every precaution had been observed to pievent any such an occurrence, and it is evident that the mishap was of a character that could not well have been prevented. The loss will not lie below #150,000 on which there was an insur ance of #50,000. HtcatTART H IIURZ said in his recent Ohio speeches that he did not think the Southern people contemplated "rebel lion." Mr. Schurz Is not afflicted with the horrible fear of his Southern fellow citizens which robs his brother Renubli cans of their midnight rest. He thinks tbey only want to "control the Govern ment." They probably do want that thing, together with the entire Demo cratic party. So do the Republicans want control. There does not appear to be any demonstrable crime in that. TIIKHK novor w nuoh H ronllv good, HiilmtnutiHl, M*tifHi'tiiry, HIIwcr, or memory, difficulty in Breathing, Ner vousness, Trembling, Weakness of Vision, Wakefulness, Pain in the small of the hack, Muscular Lassitude, Hot and Dry Skin, Kruptiona on Face, Pale complex-I ion, Ac., should at once procure a bottle of Compound Fluid Kxtract of Buchu. A judicious and prompt use of this preparation may be reliisl upon to give tone to the Or gans, restore their jw>wer and remove the symptoms. Price one dollar—six for five dollars. For sale at F. PoTTft (sheen s Drugstore, Bush House libk. ly-lilleow \rw AilrrrHriiriit*. Subpoena in Divorce. (.crass M II i • *. | In th.C. n,| <.f Cumm n '• tain omm, n■ t An* SAiiat C llat sm. ) T. IST'J. T"K undersigned, a Commissioner a s|.|-.oit*-l I.* Mm i - 'ifi, t.. US* Mlnnftst In ll* a>r.. will mess Il,s parti** l lh 'ln. of At*!' aodar A H w*r. In, Tt HUT, lb* *Hh •lay f SKITKMItI K. A l> HTv. .1 L. k, A M. wh*o all |arllN isHwid mar afUWI 11. A. X EEL. I 'mnlflnobrr. STATE FAIR. Twenty-sixth Annual Exhibition Of fMR PENNSYLVANIA State Agricultural Society WILL HE HELD IN Main I'.jhihition llaihli ay, FAIEMOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA, September H/A to 'JI Hh , 1879, inWotirf, Entries and Competition FREE rnlfj R> k. will ,|na* at th Offlc*. Nflh.'sl < T*fith J Cbnthul HlrM*. Nt>t*mt*f 24, I*7o. • 16,000 in Coah Premiums. Cash IVi7.ew lor Live Slock. jjMMNMI. A Klnf. l-i MrctM %nU. k> . it. Fioirwr-.n TkkH* •( gr*ailr rtlss r> *ll r*llr<4 *1 an t fr* Ir*n*|*rl*lin hte p w nitn. Kimi4i H'roatitT. mru, lUr 9my. ( n-1 f Vr'y. AdminlMtrutorM* Notice, f BTTERS OF ADM IN ISTRA JLi lien on Ik* —talc nf la lh*lr ao-innU. .Inly antlo ntteat..! U>r iym*nL ADAM HOT, AAmlntatminr Hkllefontb a SNOW SHOE KAILKiIAD KXCUHSION TO SNOW SHOE KVEKT Tiunday, Thursday ,f Saturday, Ihirluy Auyunt, IHJU. TICKI-rrs SI.Oo lvr Roand Trip. Jtt-.lis DANIEL RIIOAIN). EnperlnlaodenL \i \ l H w vCHICKENS WANTED /( "" ' AJk T R ORtKNT. 31-4 rnimt||V, Ontr* OMHII;, Pa. OAITOBB KEMOYEI), \VMTHOUT KNIFE, and in moat ▼ iWfiN without Mln Ajflr In C W. V. riRIIKR. M. n. Btmlahnr^. (Vflft Cotinlf, K WOODWAHI) SKMIXARY. Boarding and Day School for Young Ladioa and Littlo Children. HKCOND AND LOCUST STRF.KTB, HAKRISBUKO, PA. a*cnlar (eras will l*in RRPTRMRRH Jfk t*7t. Cnora* ..f at inly—<3aaoU ami RiratiA*, woh ami Art B-ranl ami lalUnn (Ms PtM) in (MO a y*wr and on silraa. Ear rlrralarr and all MraUf fatnrmatloa Mrw ■-•s ramctEAL. pENTRE COUNTY RANKING VJ HOMPANT. Heral** Dcf-Sta Awl Allow Inlerral, Dtwxmal Notes; Roy ana 11*11 Oos. ■*rnrlll*, _ OwM and Onapnoa. Ja* A. Bursa. Preald*nl. i. D fiaoonr, Oaahler. (.(f ■. e. ai asa. Prrwt. t, r a.asis Caek'r. NATIONAL BANK OF A aaLLREONTK. , Allegheny gtrral, a*l|a(vte, Pa. |.(( S. d- A. I AH: It, Oetieral Merrhantn, Allegheny St net, ItritifoiAr, J'a. SOUND REASONS Why we can undersell any exclusive Clothing Store in Centre county. Reasons which if carefully weighed will convince any one with average common sense: I^irnt—We deal in all classes of general merchandise, including DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Notions, Carpets, Hats and Caps, and everything generally kept in a well regulated Country Store, Second-—We hep the largest and Itest assorted stock, in styles and gutilities, of Men's, Youth's and Childrens' Clothing in Centre county. Third—From the two foregoing reasons any one can easily see our maintenance does not depetul upon the large profits that must he made on a suit of clothing hj any exclusive clothing store, and consequently we can afford to sell at a smaller profit than any of Quern. And since we can afford it we are willing to give our customers the benefU of the same. S. & A. LOEB,} ALL B E^™ T , E a EET {S. &'A. LOEB, THE "BOSS" CLOTI TIERS, "AND THE OLDEST OENKKAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. Fro/'rHMloiHif Cm rHAVER fi UEPIIAUT, 1 * ATTORNEY* AT LAW. OfTk# on AUrghrb/ trr*l, b> rth of lllfb, Il#ll#- jobt#. Pb. 1-1/ I\ F. FOIITNEV, I '• ATTORN KV ATI.AW. HKI.I. LPuNTK. I* A I*a*t 4. 11/ I \ 8. KELLER. I 'a ATMRNKV AT LAW l. LMELDINX. 1 ATTORXBTR-ATLAW. My i I.KARPIKLD. PA. lOIIX BLAIR LINN, ♦' ATTORXrr AT LAW, BKLLKPOXTE PA Offif. ua KW ''lr huk Ally I L. BPAXGLEK, tf • ATTOBXEI AT l AW BKI.LKPONTR.fIIXTRKOi.INTA". PA Hf** ial tlOnU to rV,ll*rtton. jrwtl<<# lb *ll th# • CibMilUlimii ib Hnr**n <-r Reg'.Ufe. 1-1/ T II HCtBAT, rrmt't ItfUREAY A GORDON, A'l ATTORXUVR AT LAW. CI.KARPIKLD. PA Will itUad Ib# lUlUfobt# C<*irt bb#a tail/ •b|*lo/R"K IIAVEK. PA. All I wliMbi |4b|'tl/. 21-1/ w. *. VIU.I t . k. I* I. lit. WALLACE a* KREBB, F F ATTU( IH. V V ATTORNEY AT I AW CLEARFIELD, PA. All hnainna. promptly >IP*M 10. My •I \H. J. W. RHONE, Dontiut, CRH I ' I# found *1 lit# ofßr# *bl <>b Noflk vll# of lllfh UM, Uifw ilnon Kaat of AlltkHijr, H#ll#fnt#. It. 15*1/ | All. DOBBINS, M. D., I r PUTftICIAN AND ICROBDN. ill IKHx lliabny ftlrnrt. Ft. I Intel Cards. MILLIIEIM HOTEL, MIUIIKtM, CKNTKK CXJCUTT, PRNN'A. W. 8. M VMS Kit, Proprietor. Tli# town r,f Mlllb#lin l |nrtbl In P#nn*a Vtll#y. about two niN from (Vlbm Rtation. on tb# l/v# borg, (>tr# and Npruc# CY#*k Railroad, vltk wf mr4lbc that m*k# It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Omwt Iron I flvliiny In lh> ImmMlat. rVtnlty. A rnb run. 1., .my train. Al Ih. Mtlllintva ll RtI.I.KPONTK, PA. THE ONLY FtRAT-CLAM HOTEL IN THE CITT. Tar in. U.ID |*r day. 1.1 rarj allarh.ll *rial ratm glrnn to allamin and Jon*. Oto Harm. Prop'r. W. pgnn Hwtt, CtHi. RROOKIRHOVf HOUSE, i > RRLLEPoNTE, PA. IIOUBF.A L A TELLER, Proprietor*. Good fhmpU Room on F\rt floor. MpFm Boa. Io and (Mi *ll Train*. >{— < la I rat*. Io nllMaana and Jan*. l-ly j | lIRARD HOUSE, V I OORNBECHENTNLT AND NINTH imnrni. rvtuniltliu. Thta hon*. prnMlnant la a rlly (aan*d ft* ll* OMB fortnM. h0t.1., I. krfii I* miy rwparl aqnnl to any DnUlan h. ml. In tfc* rnnnlry. inning n. Ah* (trln gnnry at Ik- 11 mm. tb* iwlr* t bonrrt ha* b*a tndnmd j h> t*an muu |*r day. J M'EtEEIM, I S-tt Maar,_ /1 ARMAN'B HOTEL, VJ (>|.|.-lln (Aoirt ltn**, DELLRTONTR, PA. TERM* 1 Jft PKE DAT. A food Urnry allarh*d. l-ly Harry K. llirhn, Hardware. H:IK:. hicks, [Suocvasor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] DKAI.KR IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BRLLEFOSTE, /'.I. South of Diamond. HuHiii'urtl*. I TARNEBS MANUFACTORY ' I In (iunui'i Rlwk, ULUCPONTB, PA. l i> I? P. BLAIR, ■ • JRWRI.RR. **. ortti. inrait, kc. All fl Bov, AlUfbrnv irirM, l'\f fwiU|oU. hi DI dLKKs IN PL'UK liRl'OS ONLY 2 I ZHLLEK A SON, t j prltl# MU'GOINTt, 5 N<. A Htry ami fi merries. J TARPER BROTHERS, PPRINO ITRRRT. RRI-LRPriRTR, PA, Uin thrir counter* and fbrlrn* flllfd with j NEW GOODS, ( RANKRUPT RATRH PurrhMod at J RANKRUPT RATKS ( BANKRUPT RATKS WHICH TUKT OPTIR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. noxMtTiNo or Dry Good*, M illinnry Good*, Clothing, Pancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. ROOTS and SHOES BOOTS and BHOKS at *ory low pric*. ROOTS and SHOKS HATS and CAPS Lalmt *tyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Car|*t Rag*, Umbrella*, Paravol*, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, flrowriw, tjumMwara, Ac. CV>prMkTrj tklni Maih li 4 la a Int rlnM alnr*. HARPER BROTHERS, arnma BTRRRT, . . RRLLKPOXTR, Pa OOPRTBT pnnnrCß Uka la •otwp at tfc. bifhnf nukrl prtr*. |.|| Groceries unit I'rorislons. NEW GOODS FOK THE— SPRING TRADE We hate given very clow and Cartful attention to th> selection of tf'xiil* for the. Spring Trade, and I feel justified in raying that our jirtrent Stock cannot he excelled either in regard to Vari-ty. Quali ty or frier, and \ce doubt if it is fquabd in cither of there rtsjiecis by any houre in Centre county. There are too many leading ar ticle* in our dock to make, special mention of them all, but call atten tion directly to a Jew item* that are now being sought after cvmry day. TIS H . Mackerel are of good quality Uti* season and are tolling rather fader than usual at thir reason of the year. We hare been wiling noth ing but full weights—!*) lb*, of firh in each quarter barrel and 100 Rm. in each half barrel. They have , better value for the. money than *hort weights. IsiKc Herring and White Fish are very fine this season and sell- I ing freely. MEATS. Our Sugar-C\ired Hams, Dried Beef, Breakfad Bacon and Cheese art all worthy of special mention FRUIT. Oranges and Demons are very fi nr "nd the price low enough to to bring them into every day use. But the price on these goods irill be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meat Market, next door to our Grocery room, is always well supplied with the choicest meats, We kill the bed Beef. Mutton and 1 eal that can be found; dressed in fird-class dyle and served to cudomers in the n rated, cbanrA manner possible. Groceries and Provisions. No house in the Grocery and Provision business in BeJUf'onie is prepared to supply all the watUs of the family so well as ux can do at present. SECHLER & CO. onocsns. Bush House Block, BrUefonte, Pa. CHEAP GROCERY •—AND— 'PROVISION STORE S. A. BREW ft SON, Humes' Block, next door to lUt Office, An no mains rA la tkrtr tin. .1 nark toSucA pricro for r A*H or In M-h.nyi fbr nit ktada or ooLirrmY promts. TW, nr. rwM.I.,, (tcwd. rrmj dar, - thai mM.n a * (S (attain of RRITK AXI> RNK.SU GOODBI TWtt Mack U reai|dn* and mil nl(td, and - r Mill In part ,4 Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Orsnßwt, I/cnions. Nnt* ft KAJhIm, CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS d rrorf kind and mnrt, rui <-M.KHRATm wash moron tcmin Hams, Sides, Shoulders —ARD— BREAKFAST BACON. Tnfrtt... *