Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 11, 1879, Image 4

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    ®br tCrntre grraocr.it.
Tho Lnrgoit, Chn])it nud Bast Pnpnr
tlnluol nvnrjr ThnrUy innrntiiK. * Belt-font-, (ni.tr.
count)-, l'.
TtiHW-Oah In J J JJO
If not iHii.t In .l*n. n. 4 OO
PtjWnla nin.ii' within thro® muntba wtll t' c>n
•t'lortul In ilTnm. ,
A LIVS l-Al'KU—.le*ol-d to the int-r—t- or Uin
wholo p-ot.lp. .
No ||wr will ho dl-rontlnn-I until nrr.'tKn r
--li.ltl, -*c*|>t nt option of |>illill-h-r.
I'uperi going out uf ths coiiuly must ut paid for In
Any |M'i*-on proctir...E u* t-nrn-h nilufrlbtri will
Ih- —ill n rapt fr— of chnrg.
iiur -it-u-iv- rircuUtloii niakta hu l"l"'r nn tin-
U.onllt rvllahla unit pn.lttnhl- for niirnrtuii.j!
\Vr hv- the ni.Mi umi'lo f-cillll'W for JOB WOHK
mot an- iinptrwl to iir.nl nit Vlnda of llo"k-, Tnu U,
I'r.Mfmmni—, IV>t-r,('..inin-rrll nrintlns.So., In th
|tu, ,t tlyl- nn.l nt tllf low—t |.)wllilr rt' .
" Tiino. 1 In. iiT :tlu. i 4tn. [Sin. ;luia
rwv.dr"i#Too ci ti * t*',iA"" v* o" D- <"
aW, .-k'a t h<t 800 t t| (I (Oil I t on
Iffirta | a tut 3 60! o .ail 00. 7 00|I3 00 I* .•
1 >|o.ith,' a6O 4 (■', .1 0"1 7 I* * 00,16 IK)I 20 IK.
•J Month;. 400 0 *< 10 (|la £OO
3 Month- 1 6 on (. .K>ifi 0o 13 On 15 00 i' On 36 <.
OMonlltf. S Of. 13 IKI, la 0o JO iK. 23 u0;36 00 Si i' j
1 Y-nr, 112 l IS 0" -4 0" 2" 0' 42 i>o fa nii'llKl IK)
A.lvrU—nn".l- nr ralcnlatcl hy th- Inch In l-n-th
of .tilumu, an J any I-- I- ratcl an full Incn.
K'.rvtgn drtl—menl- mu-l t>- |hl f"t l-f"r- In
sorlion, rir-i'l on y-arly .'oiitrwta, when lialf yrarly
■invni-nM In a tnnc will to l r-ijulnwl.
i-ouncAL NOTIOM, I.' . .'HI- pt line-non Inn-rtlon.
Nothlag lu-.-rt.-l for I— lh*n >• C-nta.
It. IMIW NOTII KK. In th.' .-lltorUl •olamn-, 15 cnt
p.*r lln—, -nch In—rtion.
Ia i NoTlciK. 11l local milium-, 10 rent- |UT lln-
AXKOI*K i KM --KTK of nnmiw of 'amll'lal-■ for oßlc-,
fS —-h.
fir—: hut nil obltnnryr nolle— will h- ctorH 5 cenl
l"r I ins.
drit-ui N*>rirj '.'ft p*r cnt wlhv* roguUr rstw.
Democratic Platform.
Fi*VT. That w. th* Prmurrtlk party *f Psnnsyl
▼ .vti14, in ftvnveollon lusrinld.-sl, i"iiew our v*ws ti •
fidelity FT. ths fimiUmniUl principles prvslaimed SIMI
prwrtiil by the illustrious men sh settlr-l our fn-.
Institutions nnd foundml the DemMT*tif i*mrt> to pro j
leel and preserve tlicm.
m< ..vo That thejust js.wers -f the Fnl- nsl union
thr rights of ths Staira sml th*- <.f the psople, j
*r* vital parts of one harmonious system, and b ssv.
ww h |mu( in its whole oonstttutional vigor is to ' save
the life of the nation
THIRD That ths lWnocr*tlc pvrty maintains, as it )
sref kas maintained, that th- nulltsry are and ought
to be,in all Uilngf, •ul-.r.linats b> ths civil 4uthontM-*
It denies, as It has denied, the right of the Federal
administration b kHp on fieri at the general etpeuse
m standing aruiy to invade the Ht.*tw for i-ditbal pur
pose* without regard to couotituUoual restrn in n-. b
ositn.l are I entourage fraudulent coonUof the v.-t#s
ur to inaugural# candidates rsjHTel by the majority.
Fourth. That the right to a free Isiiut Is the right
preservative taf all rights, the only tueans of ;M. efully
r-slressing grievances and reforming abuse#. T!
presence at the polls of a regular military forrs and of ,
a host of hireling ofth ials. < Uiudng the p.*wer b>
arrest ami imprison citir* i< without warrant or hear
ing, destroys all frsakitn of alsvtleivg ami upturns th" |
very foiimUti4>n of se 1 f-goveminent We call upon all
g'N.t ritixens t. aid us in preserving onr institutions (
fnsu destruction by thaaa methods *.f super* (
Vising the right of suffrage and eerring the p>pnlar
will; in keepaog the sj to the I*l lot-I**l i|*eu an t '
free, M it waa to our fathers; in removing th" ariav
to a safe distance when the |>e*ple assemble to express
their sovereign pleasure at the polls, and in ssiurlng
ol<iienc* to their wtll when •*pressed by their votes
FIFTH. That Rutherford R Hayes, having
plat e.I iii power against the wsll knowu and legal*•
expressed will of th" people. Is the represelitalive i.fa j
conspiracy only, and his claim f right to surround j
the f*alhri bi'tes with tr—ps ami depute marshals t !
iniimitlats and -dwtruct the electors'ami his unprece
dented ue of the veto to maintain this unconstitu
tional and despotic power, are an Insult and a nieuase
to the country.
SIXTH. That tLe democratic party, as of old, favor* |
a eonatitutlonal currency of g-.ld and silver, and of i
p4jwr convertible into coin.
XIYKXTt. That v are opposed IO the system of
snbsidiee hy the general government under whb li dar
ing the period of Repuldi'-an aw*-endanry. p*lith-al cor
|A(rations profited at the people's expense, aod to any
appropriaaon of the public ui .neysor the public credit
t# any oliject but the publk service. The reforms sn*l
e.xmit.i'S enforced by the In-niorratii |*vrty since its
advent to power in the lower house of Congress hsv*-
*avfl to the p*i*|*|e many milllotis of ddlara. and w"
believe Hint a lik" result would follow its restoration
to power in the fitate 4*f pcunsy 1 vants
Km UTH. That tha I)em.er*tlc party Iwing the *-at- j
nral friend of the worklngtnao, ami having through
out its hiP*ry sba-l Uinwn hin aad npprewsbm, r
new* its expression of yni|**tliy fur labor and Its )
promise of prwtactbn to Us rights
Nixth. That w* look with slarm am) appr"henb>n i
upon the (retenion f the great transportation r.m
pan lea to lw aims the fundanieotwl l* of this
mouweahli which governs all e|oe within ir lirder
and until they accept the constitution <*( 1*73 In
laith they stemM remain ..bjwrta of the utmost vigi
lance and jaaloosr by U.th legislature and people.
TtVTM That the r veat attempts under the per
soital direct!.*n of ruling Repul.lbua leaders to 'le
lait. ii the legislature by wh-dewale britieryand rufmp
lion aod take from the c.mmoowealth four mill**** uf
MUr* fir which its liatdlity had never been sv
talne*!. is a fresh and alarming evidence of the *g- |
g/-aiT"uess of corporate p>*wer in ntllvioii with i
|s*litlcal rings, and should receive th* signal fti
•lemnatioii *f the p**pla at the polls
KLIVIVTH. That th* present condition of the Btat* .
tr.-asitry, a bankrupt general fund ami evert srhceds
and charities unable h# get the money long Mnre sp
prof*riatet| to thetr supj- rt. is a sufficient illustrelion |
>4 tho reck lean financial uf the R* .
puhlit all party
Democratic Delegate Election.
Tho D.-mocratic voter* of Ontro county 1
will moot itl LL.o regular plurc of holding; J
tho G.-noral oloction for thoir dictrict. on
Saturday, 13th of Soptembor, 1879,
to oloct dolcgklo* to tho Democratic Coun- I
ty Convention. The election will open AT
'i o'clock, P. M., and close st 'lO'cltwk, R. *t.
The DELFGATC* chosen t tho sbovo time .
will moot in tho Court House, AT Bellofnnte,
on TCKHDAY, the Lth dy of BEPTKM
IIKit, at 'J. o'clock, r. M., to nominsto H
candidate for .It BY COMMISKIONMR, and
transact uch othor business as may ho reg
ularly brought before it.
Tho numler of delegates to which such
district is entitled under the present ap
portionment, is a* follows :
)S. W. 2 ll*rr. Towsshlp 2
WHsSmte, Vs. w. a ii'—u.i • s
) W W. I IF- I
l n-r.NIh 1 IJhetj • " 2
Mflsstmrg 14 1 Msriun M 3
Flsilipsburg M 3 Milm " ft
f'nhmvilb •' 1 Psltnn M 1
IB'tiiwr Township 1 P*un •• fi
Boggs " 3 Potlsr M north 3 T
Buri'srd* M 1 I 'utter M snitb 4
f'urttM " 1 Rush ** 2
f>4kfi " 2ji*now Hh*" ** 2
Ferguuon ** r*ld, 8 Kpring ** 4
FsTgiMtm " new, 1 Tsylur ** 1
flregg M ft I'nb'U M 1
llsin** - 4 W.jfth " 1
The delegate election, in all cases, to be
conducted strictly in accordance with the
rules of the party heretofore adopted, ex
cept as to the time of opening and closing,
which is as above itat<-d. The following
are the rules :
lit Th- sin tla for 4>lplM to r-jtr— nt tie. DIF
•r-st lUitrim In 18- nnnual IMNOO—TFC rnunlr ..n
--v-ntton, -hall U H. 61 at lb- UOWI plac- ID HOLDING
tb- a-n-ral -BCU'W for .* H dhtrtrl, on th- ItntnrdaU
pt— ding LB- third To— DA) In It-pi— nl*r. Is —H and
-re— )—R. t*ont>ing *1 too O'rtnrk P. A, .HI SAD da),
tuatmalng until IX o . lock p. a.
34. Tb- —id d-l-gnt- -I—thaw shall h- h-ld b) an
rtsrtton Iwaard, to .at of tb- M-mler of Ooont)
4 iwtailtl— lor —la ,lt-trtrt, aad Iwo oth-r Pwnrral
h" Vid*rs tii-rmf, -ho ahall l-> api-dntxl or d-atgnat-d
b) lb- Count) iVamlita- In .a— any of lb- p-laona
.no aueatlimiug tb- 1,—r.l thai IIH al—nt from tb- plara
rd bidding tb- detks Srr a >inart>r of sa boor aft—
-11- II HI- afii-'liil—l. |.) Rol- tint, for th- npontng of
tb- mm-, ilia or ll.rtr ld~ . ptac-a .hall l *II J bf
an —l—Sloe, to b- roadwinl. rlra roca, br lb- D-mo
tralk rot— praa-nt at tha llaia
34. Kr-r) oaalin-.! rot— or th- dktrht, who, at
I ir lair g-n-ral -t< thill rula4 lbs Inr- rmtir lkk-1,
•Sa" b* saIMW to a roto at Ui <t*l-gat- al-etiotM j
sinUiiv .|ii*nn .lrlmor nfth'dUlHcl urlm wlllplixlg*
bis Wtml ..i ). ti.. in support llm l> ilclw • •'
lln* m*il KdM inl cli'i'tioii siisll • ® prriiiltt.'tl fo v.riu *1
Clio <l*l<gsto elnoUuM, . .. .
4th. TLIS ToliDM at al! drlsgut* MICTIONS *>*"
l*y IMIIO( ; U|N>Q whl*b aliall l* wrlttrn NF
l>tiul tli* nam* r nfißl- *' r l* l * drtcggtu ur •J*
gut.** VOIMI fr. lucvibttr with anv Instructions which
(lie vol. r may ilrsll* th" nwlctfsto r doli'galaa.
Km I, I. i 11..1 altsll la. rwalvi*.| from tin* voting
ih. Mll io ■. Iy a Divuilwr of ilia •Itrtkui buurtl, an.l l.y
Uim lwgwslt*l In a la.lnr otlirr r#|Ucla provided
for that (MirpoM. I" * lilrh b"* r nthsr TiMrpturl" no
|H' >II Mil MiailNifi of ill* election lnmr.l lm*i MN-A.
ft ill. No instruction# aliall TO. rw olvwl or RECOGNISED
utile** LB# Minr IN* voted I|M> tln Imllot aa |imfldnl
in KNLA Fourth. U<r liall auch Instructions If votwd
upon HO. I.A I lot | L* MIL Una upon THE L.L"gst#W, ttnlaaa
ots-tukif or rnolw of TIN' twlM* shnlt contain instruc
tions mnrrrulni tin* SUMS oflrr. W'brnrrfr half or
none of tin- I-allot* EH.II rontaln instruction# wflfvm
iiiC any office, th" dolvtfatio RL.I ted at such "LE tlona
•hull la Io 1.1 to )*e Inati N t. .1 to support tin. rumlidstsu
having tha highest number of votes MR h office.
till. Km It election I-41.L aliall an M urata
lint of tha nanira of all |iaota Voting at such RL* •
tlona ; which Hat of voters TOGETHER vaith * full an.)
COMPLETE N turn of such election containing an mm
rate statement of the persons el". t"D drhgwtes AMI
all Inatriu tlona voted aliall la* . "Milled Ly AAHL board,
to the County Convention, upon printed filstiks to L*
flimlahml Ly lha County Convention.
7th. Whenever from any district .jnallfted DON.N
cratlc voters, In nuinl.er* e.jnal t- five time* the .L. LE
tea a lit* h anch dial I id HAS in the C.umt V I 'onventloU,
•hall complain 111 writing of an undue election or false
return of DE LEGATE* or of inatruetloua, Ih alitcli com
plaint* tile alteg.lT fm I* aliall La ■peeifhall) aet forth
*Od verified by the affidavit of one or mora |ieraooa,
•U< H com pi aina LIT! aliall have tlie tight to iimtaat the
•eat of such d. legate* or the validity of such instruc
tion* HUE hCU in plaint shall I* heard I.) a commit tee
of live delegate* to !*• appointed by the prrsideut of
the Convention; whlrlt aai.L oanmltlee •hall PROCESS!
to hear the parties, their PROOFS and allegations, and
AN awn ua may Le report to the COHritbH WHAT dele
gates are . ntithd to . ,IU therein, and what instruc
tions are binding upon audi delegates W loTvti|*.Tl
the Convention shall pro* EE L Imme diately upon tlie
call of the >.•* ami nav. to adopt OR reject tha r* |**rt
of the contesting parties. In which call of >aa and
nav *, the names of tha delegates WLEAE ECAT* ARE . on
test ad or w Imse iuatru* LIOUS are disputed shall I--
Sth. All delegates must reside ill the district they
represent 111 • **•"••! sheotu or inability to attend,
substitutions MAY L*E made from citiicus of the du |
KB Dslegatea must obey the Instructions given |
them by th.ir ra|Mtivr districts, and If vbdatsd, it
•hall lO* the dul> of Ih" I'f ealdnUt of HIM ITINVENTLOQ
to cast the Rde -f •uc| drlrgab or d- B gales in ai
cordunca with the Instructions; ami the d legate
*b legates SO offending shall !r forthwith S&|a*||tN|
front the convention and •hall not be eligitde to any
office or placo of trU"t ill III* |aili for a jarriod of two
loth. In Convention a MAJORITY of all voters shall
LA* necessary t<> * nomination , and no PERSON'S NAME '
shall U> E*< lud.il from the list of <amli.Ut-s until ,
after the third I*l lot or vote, WHEN THE person RMWIV. |
lug THE least numhr of votes shall U OMITTED and
struck from the r>dl. ami so ON at ewch *u<X > wai*R vote J
until a U< INITIATION IN made
lltli. If any per*n who Is a candidal, FOR any >
NOMINATION BEFORE a .otinty convention, •hall L prov
en T > have offered or |<aid any MONEY, OR other '
valuable thing, or made any promise of a considera
tion OR REWARD t- any |H*rsoii FOR hi* vote or influence, 1
TO MVRTIRE the delegate fmm any district, .r shall have
offered OR FEUD any MONEY OR valuable thing, or PROM- '
IM-.| ANY c*.lid- ration (>R rewaid, to any d b-gate for
his vote or to any I'ERS. I. with a tirw of Indmtngor |
securing the v..t.N of delegates, ,>T If the ANIE shall !•*•
ibine L.y any other person with THE KUOATEDG* and
consent of su H candidate, the name of such candidate '
•hall be Immediately •trirken from the list ..F mndl- ,
>Ute . >r if NU LL fa> t U ae< crtaiived after his n mina
tion !■' any off}. •- and before the FTUAL
NOMINATION shall bo tru k FROM the ti. K'T and ths
vacancy •up|DIEL by • NEW NOMINATION, and in either
AEE, TMH I-RS'II •hall be Ineligible to any nom it CATION
I.y the convention, or to an I- thai as a delegate J
thereafter. And in ra*e it shall LA alleged after th*
adjouriiiiient of the < ottventhsn that any candidate put
in munination ha* guilty of AMH ads OR ..f ny !
OTHER fraudulent practice* TO OBTAIN S*H h n nlnalf4l. |
th- FLHIFGP ahnlf bt BTTUTIFDAD by !• OtNMity COM- j
mittce, and AU- U •!*!■• taken a the g --l of the party
may r*O|tiire.
lith- If any delegnta shall receive any m ney or
other valuable thing, .r accept the PROMISE of any con
si da ration or rwtni B. I- |-% !. dalivertd or TO ,
Mm AR to any person F- r •M H can Ibiate. AS an induce-
MERIT FOR hi* vote, upon pc-.f of ths fa- t B th" aatis.
fa* TI-'O of the CONVENTION, SUCH DELEGATE shall be forth
with espe||ed, AND hall riot U rvwetfesj a* a delegate
to any further ronveution and Lall \<+ ineUgible to j
any party noruinati .n.
13th. CA*A ARISING under the 7th. Uth and 13th ,
rulea, ahall have P.RW -dence ..RER all other bt*ine* in
convention until dtermined.
14th. Tlist Iks KM if th" • H AIRMAN - f th- > .♦ v
O-tiiml tt*e shall BEGIN >n the first dav of JDl*ari f
"•ch and every year. By order of the COMMITTER
coanirvsaa to nou> MA NAINUATA TURMV.
1. Ibliefonte IW.rouch, N -rth ward— D /. KLMA,
Chairman, I> Vt, W —-Irlng. Hart iialbraith.
2. Beliefmts H>r."igh, WEST snl—HM LLAR^-R,
C'hairmao ; t B-rr. WAT -L iee
3. IWLLEF.MLE BOROUGH. MTB ward—Arthur Ilc.-wn,
4. MILSSL-URG LB rough—lr J-SEJ H A L*n*.F'b airman.
K 11. I arr.Ml-hael McLaughlin
V Unionvilie H.vrough—A T L/EWTHERS, fltairman ,
J.T' imtlh, C II ''am'-ridge
C II WANL BOROUGH— Howard Bricklsy, Chairman.
A J tsnrdner, K V {ihaffer
7. Pbihiaburg B- rough— I, 1 langI", OVALRNMN . R
K Mnna.n.F' A Fanlkn*R
C Beoner Township— 1 riah fftover. Chairman ; Iai
iel Kerlin. ROT t CV.rl
BNJQGS Township— JNEPH L Nrff. *hairman . W M
Marks, Kdward JOHNSON
10. IbirdsWle TT-enahip— rasrar llolt, RTIAIRNVAN ; MM.
11. COLLEGE T"wmliip~-MB L*a*l (SRV'TE, T'bairntao ; 1.
•" Taylor, J ALIOS Olllilnnd
12. Cnrtin Townahip— WM M vnn. Chairman fn*. .|
B !>EJ *FMG. Conrad F*LNER
13. FERGN*/N Township. ID precinct — Albert II y.
Chairman ; Krspe. A J TTRNDORF
14 FERGUSON T.'wnshlp. new pre* INET O M FWT<,
(*halnnan ; John II 'latee. ."IM N Ward. BR
IV HRKGG T vmship W illiaot A Keflin. I hair man
JOSEPH Hnitli, Jari*T. M TIED.
IK llainW Tow NSBIFO-J L i|. #r, Chairman . Mi
chael C. fsidlar, Wm Bright
17, Half M'-U T- wreshlp— BIBS l.y tie, fhairman ,
John War*L, A T.fira y
LT. Harris TOWNhip—FERGUS P-itter, Cheirman . Ja
ND* Weber. Jr MICHAEL IF we. A
19 II- ward T'-wnship W illiani .
Mk hm I Confer J din l Hal)
JFF lluston Township — I HOTEL lrw;r, CA. ;
Jerry Merrit. II D RRRMISTSR ¥
21 Liberty Township -Mm. II Oardror. < hair man .
John A Hlovsr, IllduH Kunea.
22 Marion Township— Isaac A. I'rnine. Chairman.
J<iah LL'iy. JOHN M.T'nnley,
23 Miles Township Cyrus Rrumgard, Chairman .
A F.. M.df, W J Cnrliw.
21 Fatl.'n TOW nship— Agnew VLLERS, Chairman .
tlsrge |*TttsgfoVe, r-orge W Ruiiilsirgcr.
2ft. FRNN TOWNAHIJS—F P Mnaaer. Chairman. J. It. J
lUifsnvder, P 11. ItoVsr,
24K POTTER fosrnship. north PFEEINCT— John L*hann*W.
Chairman: H II Arney. Jacoh Wagwer, Jr
27. Ptter Townnhip. smith precirvet —W oi From,
Chairman . W ilham Jordan. W WT Fpnngler.
SB Huh T -wnehlji —T. J l*unkle. Chairman. Jaa.
I TUMBLE t<n. Hsrnsv Coy |e
. Mnow ghoe Township—J. II Holt. Chairman , Kd
N*dan. John ('trie.
30. Bprlng Township hp, Hentsel, Chairman ; LI. j
W R*t, T. M Harnhart.
31. Tavbw Township-fantnl llwvff, Chairman:
llifam Blowers, Benjamin Fink
T'tibn TOWOSHLP— John IF ft#ver, (Ttairman.
Jeaea Fr-lrb ks. John H llall
33. Worth Township - UENRGE R W'iilUms, Chair
man; John O. Jowws. Owen M-'ann
34. Walker Township- Hawinel l* kr. Chairman;
I). F. FOBTHKT, Chairman.
WE are inform-i that Gc-orgo Wil
liam Curtis was "vociferously cheered"
every time he made his ap|>earance in
the New York Republican Htatc Con
vention, and that when his name was
called a- a delegate there was "enthu
siastic applnusc." This sounds very
well, but the result of the ballot for
j Governor shows that "vociferous
j <dicen" and "enthusiatic applause"
embraced alwut everything in the
! way of allegiance to the "man Mil
! liner" that the convention had to of
j fer. When it came to voting the del
egates promptly stopped their fooling
'And followed the plumed hero of Cau
IT is said the implacable enemies of
Gen. Fit* John l'orter are persistent
lin preparing the bark-bone of Mr.
j Hayes to veto any hill that may lie
j passed by Congress to do justice to
: this gallant nnd much wronged sol-
I dier.
What County Offleors aro to bo
A question lias been riiiacil in rclu
tion to the county officers to be elect
ed in Centre county thin fall. The
cull of the chnirnmu of the Democrat
ic County Committee afiecifiea hut one
office to be filled—that of Jury Com
missioner—hut it has been asserted
that a Csninty Surveyor and a Coroner
should also he elected to fill vacancies
that now exist in those offices. In re
gard to th! office of Surveyor there is
no vacancy. The law providing for
the election of county surveyors pro
vides that a county surveyor shall he
elected for a term of three years.
The same law provides further that
"In case of a vacauey occasioned by
death, resignation, removal or other
wise, it shall he the duty of the Court i
of (Quarter Sessions of the proper J
county to appoint a eom|stcnt person, i
ln ing a practical surveyor, to fill such .
vacauey until the time prescrilied by !
this act for the election of said offi
cers." The act of Assembly provid- j
ing for the election of county survey
ors was passed 9th of April, 1850. 1
County Surveyors were first elected in '
this State on the second Tuesday of
October, 1850, for the term of three j
years, and uuder the provisions of the
act of that year they were to lie elect
ed every third year thereafter. That
makes I*Bo the year for the election
of a county surveyor. The day of'
election under the new constitution is
now in November.
William P. Mitchell was elected in
1871, resigned iu 1875, when Joseph
Devling, Kiq., was. appointed by the
proper court to (ill the vacancy.
Iu 1*77 Mr. Ellis Lytic was voted
for, hut it was without proclama
tion by the sheriff, and the election
was held to Ik? void. The Court de
sired to ap|siiut Mr. Lytic, who had
received a large vote, hut when that
gentleman learned that lie would Ik
obliged under the law to keep his
i office in llellefonte he declined to re
ceive the appointment. Mr. Devling
was again appointed, ami by the law
, his term coutinucs until the first day
of Januarv, 1881.
As to the office of coroner we know
that I >r. Constance Cambridge was
j elected in 1878; whether Dr. Cam
bridge ever qualified and lifted his
commission the writer doe* not know.
If there is n vacancy it is the business
of the Governor to fill such vacancy
I _
bv appointment till the next general
election. If it is the duty of the
coming county convention to nominate
it coroner they can do so. There is
no rule or law that require* the chair
man to *|>ecify in the call why the
convention is called. It has Iwcn ens- i
tomary for the chairman's proclama
tion to contain a summary of what
the convention is to do. The rail of
the present chairman is made in strict
accord with this usage and custom.
Ok r of the licautics of civil service
( reform as prartieed by the present ad
mi uist rat ion is illustrated by a little
: thing that has just seen the light of
•lay. It appears that there is a color
ed elerk iu the office of the Third Au
ditor of the Treasury, Cbarlea Is-mos
i by name, who draws the handsome
salary of $ 1;000 per annum. It has
long Ik-cii a wonder to the other clerks
and attache* of the same office wlint
i his dutie* were, us he never performed
I "
any in their department. It has just
transpired that Lcmo* is a tonsorial
artist, and that his clerical duties con
sist in keeping the hair of the fraud
ulent President from standiug on end ;
curling the ambrosial locks of the
poetic Ilodgcrs, his private secretary,
and in anxiously awaiting the ap|cnr
anceof Webb Hayes' mustache. Thus
we glide.
THE Sherman boom thus far has
not been a success. His sjieeche* in
Mnine were considered damaging—his
tour in Ohio abandoned for the same
reason, and the efTeetual failure of
Fenton and other friends to capture
the New York Republicans from Couk
ling, places this bold manager of the
Hayes Presidential fraud largely at a
Tin: administration are no doubt
much gratified with the nomination of
the man they ejected from the office of
Burveyor of Customs for incompeten
cy, as the Republican candidate for
Governor of New York. Conkling's
I*mm now overshadows the Hhorman
boom, and the wily Secretary is cor
respondingly happy.
. # . "tea
The Government Finance*.
The correspondent of the New York
Journal of (hmmerce has been favored by
the Treasury officials with a statement
of Iho receipts and expenditures of the
Soverninent lor the fiscal year ending
une 30, 1879. As this is the statement
which will be embodied in the next an
nual report of Secretary Khcttnan it is
replete with interest. Summarized and
compared with the three preceding fis
cal years the statement is as follows :
lUv-Hl'ls. Kstwtxlllitri-i
IS7S UKl.t'imi IB |e.*,4.'/1,7V7,.Tt
1*77 urifti.:.*!.zxK.ftan.iMs ut
is:- gni.wHitts.au
is;i ri.s/T.lsl.+B iyi.u4T,sr;i^.i
It is thus seen that the receipts for
1879 show an increase over those lor the
preceding year of $16,063,305.76. At
the same time the receipts for 1879
were not so large by some $13,000,000 as
those for 1876. The lsst fiscal year
shows an increase over I*7B in the cus
toms revenue of $7,079,367.50. The
profits on account of coinage amount
for the year to over $1,500,000. Turn
ing to the other side of the account it
appears that, while the receipts show
an increase of some $16,000,000, there
was an advanco in expenditures ol
over $30,000,000. The course of the
Treasury since 1*76 is thus indicated :
"At the end of the fiscal year 1*76 the
receipts exceeded the expenditures by
$29,022,211.83; in 1877 bv $30,340,577.
69; in I*7B bv $20,799,551.90; in 1879.
by only $6,879,300.93." The detailed
statement of receipts and expenditures
lor 1879 is as follows :
Cufl-m-. 1137 WMHt.TO
Inurtial i.miw H3.l*| !.|o '*
Iftlfll llbll lUMIf * 1"I N
M tes - IbUicsjua *rur> r- <•*)." j
Tot*) .. .. I
Bin N|| IT I CM.
< UII aatcl hiltrelliri'BN tte-fn* f flip4l IS#
Vb m 4SfMVUMBI .. ...... 40,426.66
Niry (lepßrlmoil I&.lt'' I'/fi M 1
In WMM I -M"' *
Pri.ui.na .V.,lit.4*2'
Inie-mi on publk 4M .. 1 ~:/7>4V im |
T.UI 4Jj4.U47,Mii.WI >
After deducting from the increase in
expenses for 1*79 the $5,500,000 paid out
on account of the fisheries award, SB,- i
000,01*1 on account of arrears of (ten
sions and $3,000,000 for interest on oc
count of resumption and the refunding
operations, there remains an increase
of over $13.000,0U0 to be accounted for.
To make matters worse, when the
record of the current fiscal year shall
have heen made up it will show still
greater extravagance. The Journal tJ :
(iwnwirrtt corres;on<lent recalls the late
official statement from the Treasury
Department announcing a decrease in
the cost of collecting the customs reve
nue at several of the larger ports for
1879 as compared with the cost tor I*7*.
The showing was, of course, favorable
to John Sherman's administration.
Hut it apr-ear* that the total cost ot col
looting the customs revenue for 1*79
was $19,025,452.84, a* against $17,412.-
717.33 for I*7B. It is thus seen that
outside of the two or three large ;>orta,
the cost of collection was increased in
1*79 about $2,000,000. Tins mean* that
extra jiatronsge having the money
value named was distributes! by Candi
date Sherman's agents at the various
minor Custom Houses of the country
during the last fiscal year, although for
that |eriod the cost of collection, hal
ing reference to the universal decline 1
in price* and the wage* of labor,
should have heen loosened. The per
sistent tendency of the government
toward increased expenditure*, while
the cost of living and individual ex
pense# have been decreasing, affords
food for a ileal of reflection on the part
of the people. Thn lesson to Ik- en
forced is that a greater degree of vigi
lance in lookiog after the acta of public
officials of every class must come about
if government ol the people and for
the |>eople is to endure.
The CDII Right* of Indian*.
Kx Governor Horotio Seymour and
ex llepresentative W. J. Bacon, of Ctica.
N. Y.. have signed the annexed appeal
for the civil right* of Indian*:
"Thequestion of the right of Indian*
to claim the protection of the law,
which ha* attracted the attention of
the public since the hata-as corpus for
the re!oa*e of Standing Hear, the I'on
ca chief, is one which we deem of vast
imjHirtance. All those who sympathize
with the Indian* and desire that they
should have thn same right* before
the court* that we accord to all other
human l>eing* now have an opjKirtuni
ty to give practical aid to secure that
otject. The |>ople of the North re
proach the iK-ople ot the South for the
wrong* of slavery, yet there never was
a time when they were not allowed to
have their cases tried before the courts.
Surety we should take care that the
American people do not lay themselve*
open to the charge that in this respect
they uphold a denial of that justice
which wa* never withheld from the
slaves in the South, when they were
subject to the utmost rigor of the law*
which made them the property of oth
er*. We therefore appeal to the be
nevolent everywhere to send in contri
butions for that nurjKKie. F.minent
counsel have offered their service# free
of charge, and the money asked for is
to pay witne** fees and court ex
penses." •
lace far Sarah,
from Pari. I-*UT.
A friend of mine has just been shown
a piece of trimming destined to adorn
one of the stage dresses of Mile. Sarah
Bernhardt. It i* half a yard in depth
and is a sort of lace, or rather a fine
passementerie, oompooed entirely of
small imitation pearl*. This rich and
elaborate trimming was marie to order
from a design furnished by the artist
art res* herself, and ita cost is SSO per
yard. A narrow passementerie to match
ha* heen made for the waist of the
dress ; this is comparatively reasonable,
its price being only $lO a yard.
The walk for the Astley belt will cer
tainly commence at Madison Square
Garden, New York, on the morning of
September 22. Mr*. Weston paid the
entrance fee for her husband (£100) ouf
of a legacy from her father's estate.
Weston, Howell and the others wha
have entered are in active training.
The belt is In the custody of the Turf,
Field and Farm.
Uliiontown is to have a prize fight at
its agricultural (air.
There are 1,250 i.U| lis enrolled in the
public schools of Johnstown.
Secretary bus sold his lb-aver
residence and wdl make I'hiladel. hia
his home.
(,'urrolltown, Cambria county,can trot
out more children than any town twice
its size in the .State.
Lafayette College lis* received the
insurance on Pardee Hull and its con
tent#, amounting to ♦120,800.4'.'.
Stale Senator Jackson, who has been
dangerously ill at his residence in Sulli
van county, is rapidly recovering.
Ihe Wiliiamspott /Sannrr is of the
opinion that ' undidate I'.arr will get
over 2,000 majority in Lycoming county.
So many laLoter* are sick at Mar-hall
furnace, Newport, that some difficulty
is experienced in managing the in
Mr. Barr will speak at a big picnic to
be given by the I'emoerats at Pine
Grove Park, Cumberland county, on the
17th inst.
A fight between rival ga companies
is going on at Lancaster and the price
of iho illuminating vaj/or is down to
fl.Bo per thousand feet.
In 18i0 there wt-re 610 academies,
seminaries and private schools, with *l*
teachers, and 24,815 pupils, be* d s pub
lic schools, m Pennsylvania.
I'aniel Wagner, residing on the Hals
hitugh farm in Swatara town-hip.
Dauphin county, raised IU) bushels of
euily rose, peerless and other potatoes
a two acre patch.
The latest information received at
Reading states that ih<- condition of
•fudge Warren Woodward, who is ill at
his country residence in New York
State, hits in no way improved.
Mr. .losrph 'iuiiiler, of Don Moines,
lowa, is visiting in this Mate, gathering
relic# lor an exhibition to tak- place at
his home. He captured an old Cones
toga wagon in Lycoming county.
Professor Leslie has addressed a com
munication to the Monungahela Htyuh
lie an staling that to make a complete
geological survey of the sixty seven
counties of Pennsylvania would cost
♦ I It),US'.
1 lie Hoard of Pardons have been ap
plied to (or the pardon of John • I'Neill
and Peter McManus, under sentence of
death at Sunbury for murdering Cor -
ner I lesser. The papers were received
this morning.
During August 24" wells were com
plete" n, the oil region*, 17 less than
in .'ufv. l'hfee dry holes were sound.
I he total production of new wells com
pleted in duly was 7,490 and of new
Wells completed in August, 6,4','1, a de
crease of 998.
The village of Hunter-town, near
fietlysburg, was visited last week by a
tornado, which demolished a church
and damaged a number of other build
ings. The storm cloud was funnel
shaped, moved irregularly, and covered
a path about sixty feet wide.
The biggest |K>pular demonstration
Philadelphia has witnessed for some
tune has just been made against the
removal ol the permanent exhibition.
If tbi- meeting be a correct expression
of public opinion the pr<qo*ilion of the
park commissioners is not very |>opular
with the people of Philadelphia.
Mr. O. T. Phillips, of Wallace, Ches
ter county, one night lat week, took
from a chimney a swarm of l>ee# that
came on the first Sunday in .'une. The
flue was full of honey, stopping the
draught entirely. There were about
two and one-half feet of solid comb
and thirty |>ounds of honey.
The Reformed Synod in the Coiled
Stales assembled in St. .'ohn's Church,
at !/et>aiinn, on Wednesday evening of
last week. The opening sermon was
preache<l by the Uev. Dr. 11. A. Horn
bcrger, President of Crsinus College.
An interesting incident of Thursday's
session was an address by the Rev. Mr.
tiring, one of the oldest ministers in the
Reformed Church.
The Democrats of Mifflin county met
last Saturday and put in nomination
the following ticket: Associate Judge,
Felix Norton; Coroner, Thomas
Mayes; Director of the Poor, Albert
Horning, and Jury Commiasjoner. B.
F. Worrell. Since the convention Mr.
Mayes has withdrawn from the nomina
tion for coroner, and ihe name of Mr.
William K. McCay has teen substituted.
Henry Gilkcy, who has a cobbler's
shop in a slab shanty near Pine (drove,
Pike county, quarreled with William
Hrooa a few mornings since about a job
of work the former had done for the
latter. Gilkcy seised a gun to make
Hrooa quit hit premises, when the
weapon wss discharger], and a stranger
standing near by was so badly wounded
that he cannot recover. (Jilkey ea
The Mmrrt Journal says that the coal
product of the Schuylkill region for the
week ending August 30 was 181,576
tons as against 147,211 tons for the week
previous and 156,646 tons tor the cor
resjionding week of last year. The
total product was 578,436 tons, against
372,626 tons for the same week ot last
year, an increase of 205,810 tons. The
product for the year so far foots tip to
16,632,401 tons, against 10,358,914 tons
for the corres|K>nding |<eriod of last
year, an increase of 6,273,487 tons.
The court records in the case* of the
sjx Lebanon murderer*. 'barb* Drews,
Frank Stichler, Joseph Hummel, Henry
Wise, Israel ltrandt and George Zoch
man, were received at the Kxecutive
Department, Uarritburg, ,Saturday
morning, and examined by the Govern
or. Henrv Wise was remanded for
sentence beoause of a confession he
made, and Zechman was granted a new
trial. The Governor has set Friday,
November 14, as the day for the execu
tion of Drews, Stickler, Hummel and
Captain !<ewis Lawshe, a schoolmate
and playfellow of ex-Senator Simon
Cameron and Colonel James Cameron,
died in San Marcos, Taxaa, on Monday,
st the ripe age of 90 years. He was
born and raised in Lewisburg, in this
State, was a soldier in the war of 1812,
served under General Patterson in ihe
Florida Indian war, and fought with the
South In the early days of the rebellion.
While on the battlefield of Man tun** he
auw, reconiwl and hed tear* over the
•lead body of Colonel .lame* Cameron.
Captain Irawibe *M one of the oldent
Ma*ona in the country, having been a
member of the order for *ixty five year*.
Important to Vote™.
The amt *hetUm In F)| T* h* J,J ON
Tu<*d my, the 4tk of Nufmlr
V(/If HI o*l hate |l4 a iUU or ">vntj tat uw
moult* |rrnc4ing ibn Indian, (Iwl 1,
Hiur>Uy, fht/.lxr i
Mert*r* v 1 D+ut'xrnUr mimU, and cfty
U*ttUtt •hwuM MX- f/i it tft*f ftefjt lotrf of lAU |*My
haa with the law.
Pailute to pay Ui In <]rp,U-m the tbhr t$
lha privilege >A tjfriftjc. An elect* < M. r hia
toU, lh"ti*h b# t*> i>t aa. wl, hut th< n< gix t n,iy
rnuM him tiiu'h Uouht*.
Bellofontat Murkotft,
HmtWftl, fed f\rUt\.*t 11, IH7O.
V 4 hitr * heat, ppf 1 fi ,x,
Ji*xJ wheat | (M
(■.'.a; J;
Hour, rH*il, jpf lrrl / .,
HvUf, i
Ilmr, fU'ti'4 11 moth). per hm 9 )o <p>
ilar.lMite4.lMlM. , (W
>'•* If Mraw. I'UIi'IImI, J,*f t/.| 4 r t Tj,
fLort lift*, per h/fi M ...A M
Cttvugm. r'"<tn!, per too 9 u <*,
Noulki'tu, gf.und, \*t urn 10 <*>
Provision Market.
OiTTwM weekly hj Hf -,tli# r.
Auple*, dried, |if pound .... 4
< t*rrta, dried jwr ja.ui.d, wj< j
liwiin* j-e <|Urt " * H
fr*h l it* r j.. r| * -Ijt.! ] |
till* ke|| |xf |*Jl<d .rr.r.r*, •
1 1 " I'M J ... |f
tx/tiotry bftiiii |xf j*ouud jo
lUint, * ufwj 1
h*f'ii. r . J 7
laif j !*#• poait4. MM , 'l,
ftgje pr ' ]<
fMaOxw per l u.h* J
Uef | ||
* tiintluaa jx-r * mi* .101*11#
Um .M due ..
l*r .4 • * t M. |a*r |f QtMl n
Hi iuTiinii.. t i r M.iida;. of Ju
uui, Ajvil. Ai.|fu.l ui .Vc.fM.l~t
l. t,i Ju .j, 11 . 1 hi. i Hini.Uk liittn,
A 1 ill. i.al !*• J1 jt. Il.ii, J I.a || ntj. lan.
AfUif JX|m II 1. -itin Vatac*. Joa* leu*.
I-. 11. .n i.r. J 1 >l.l. Heart..
K.gi.irf ■* Will. ,1, |(lk ■f 11 1 -K W" 111 a. anil!..
H" l.lrt • f Im-i. A' . *IU lik A Toat.a.
litatf. 1 Ait iti.\ li.ui. A I 11111
VbrtlS- Joi.a rr.ai.ua.
Trrawtrrt- lltaai Va.ai a
i f.iini) run.. 1 j ..tta limn..
Cetuaat i'<ittiiat('ia.ttMi
I ..tit iy (taana.ii.~rv Anait litre > ot' *.,
Jaoaa in a. oa
(Tnk L* 1 .-ai.ij 1. lutoiav. t.rrv— liawar Ht- k
1 ' 111 tl. I la 4- M MO.
JatilL r cf li.. imtl l|..uv*—il.ttaia liALaauaa
("mult Audilet* Jta i. T Mia aar. i.Mia... K WiL
u.aa. Tn a.. I:. Jtaiu.a
inamWaan lliwi KHCU, jt, RAMUS J.
Ultra atx
*n|~-tlt.f.i.^.t.i cf I'uMl' V-l".la - l'r.tt ]ll a 1 kltii..
V iwi.a I'iit.l 1:14a m 111.a a..!., w w l-unaa.
R C. f'liutlllll, lb ,lrf. tlit.
flit K< iIRR. 4r
rRRVBITRRIAN. hilualfd '<u ijaiiix at..l |.4 t.f
II vaelvtrnu. v-tiinv. -ut>d.i at )'i:3o a. i. J
*t r I'tvyrt tavrlltig. WClarvlat a(TJr a voudi..
v h.. l. r. a la lb. Wn ro. a. rtl...t ...ran '.4
V|iagal lAtnl. I'a.f.f. Il.k W.lil.M. lam... trvi
•*. >HI, vmlli ~f M. i|.."|it ( bar. I.
MimiOlllVT KI'IM 11|-AI-. " luvi..l vHitli~..t '..f.
l" t"> Vising vail ll*.a vnl tbola larcii,*aaiiy,
at . j i i iunlirvkuol *ui.4a| 2..H1 r a Tiaat 111 1 111
<4 rl.utih I'ad .t. ii. * A It. Yunin. rfaMAiof r.
t-ortia at iwl. wrat <•', V|.nog
lUah~|< vtraH M. Altngfora? at.) I*rt.a. v~-t til •
AatiAar *ud lo:i a a ia<i 7', r a. all <4krt l.i.
. in a.a I'm'"! R* t A A ORrirM; a... v .nit.
•i-ir 1 4 Hiali -|. Irlaaa Allrgbray aaJ I'. a I*.
tT JIIIIV C II'IMYII'AU NtialfJ aaikme 'unav
of AUrglivay aii'l lvi.il 1.-~1. Vl.w.v ruojay
I"--* 1 a. w atrl T l , t a WrJbMji* anK lit r.
a ati 4 VanAay MCMtcl AuaJay 'i r a , ia lataieii nl V
cbatfii R~~tm, lln J.,bn llraitt; tvri.kn.tr n
Iwti.l. Mrv~4 i~at ,4 Ky.iw A*a) 'liattb
I.tTHKRAN. KlluH aalkar.l Oinvt .J w. k
Md'waMraHa N-rit. taaa.iay litAka. a a.il *YI r
a rMa.lyrli'.i Aamtay la l<~tar roan. cbai' V
i-t*irtrß(~iitig W ~di,~vii ra. I cwr. Ri i Saw-
Bl It turn. i...1.i,..., .1 |-,a..aagL, *,l Mgrril.
*. al Utir 1 ban h
UKRMAR KI ItillM l it A.tuakfaJ a rlibon* I cwn~f
. 4 Ut.a aa l *|an.g ativrt* R. ri l( ra tauaAay at 111 *1
aa V 1,.!.' t a l-tayn mortnn W r.ltruj !Ur. a
Aua Uy v 5...1 RanAay Van 41b iUr <bur. b
RAPTIRT. RilaalvJ I,orlbvaal o.rt (4 Iligb ar.J
r.i.i..trort. Nrn.Vuu.kay llnSd 4 a at.a \t. a.
AnnAak .. I. .I, V.ir. la* a 4. a la ibunb l'vri..r
K~ W A Riirgnt. i~i,l~a<, ml rtdr .4 Attvgbvi.r'
•rutb X f I;•! < hurt I*.
IV ! T Kl l Hli in IIK FV, y.imird 1. rD.T Vail. Iligb
va.l Tl.nri.v4 titr.tr Sotruva VfiuAai at i<r.*i 4 a
*'•" S t I'iaiti-tar.iiag w.~tt„4., Ji ra. I'a.
bit. J M VIMIII . PualvAfciv addmaa, Brllrlonf*.
AIRICAN WnHoMaT. AiluatrJ aoaib md id
lltgb attrva Anvtfva. Aimdatt 10*0 a a and 74 r a
Prayvt inertit.g, W ."1t,.,!, 7J fa Vonda 1 -v. trvl In
iliaeb at i*l r a I'aabd, R.i. J,v tiradn,..,
Tl •*** clrwb
rßlmift. *ltuat.~l md r4 Logan tlrrl. B'r
>4. ilrti.atr Anadrtay Mv.ttt.ra Auoday 11 a.a
W tdawUy II a. *.
TM ' A.. I'rai.-T mwttnga arr l.rld rrtvr Anadar
at * and n,., fndai ai7' t r a 11. ft., nam X tkv
Aavv lattf.ri atw?ar tb- I'.vl Hflkr. A rubra tawilag ia
bXd to tkr I ' Vti thr fitat Aim.lay in nab month at 4v.
* Ron 'l*i' tint algiit frtaa 7 Iti V r. M., and tb
Natttnml I human Tnafaraotr Tab* at 7 Sa ■, oa
m.vtt In Otr I. trai. li ar Honor, Thutvday, allr t
riwmsnt rmriRAMK CUB. IWnlar
Minting rntb Monday at 7 r a ia tbnr twaaa la
Haah'r Amadr, Iligb rttvx.
.Yen' A tirrrti*rimnt*.
I >IU>I*OSA LS for building Stone
1 Attatmmtr lor 1 Bridge noma thr It.ld Raglo
4**R. x 1-1 HI Mal.lda a ill la raXtnl l y Ibr Omtnt*
• V.maiart.aim until 12 t riork M Vu tlMllll; 3A.
I*7. A|n iltoatb.na ran br arm at tholr 04,v. la
IbllXoitr, Pa. Thr oonunrt to l M to Otr lo.X
miawatblr Idddrt. tkr Ciotaatiaabntrra matt thn
right to tvjnt nay x nil U.I.
A \ MirW iißKlbi.
Ontßliß At* AH,
*f~* Camtnlaatnnira.
THK lk>llefonte antl Snow Shoo
.1 Rai'road Onmpany baa In* ooaofdrlX tbXr a*#
Bi 'lrt and A. mm arr n..tt pratarrd to ftarnMi all
Mara X OtJtR puR ATiit KA. RAMIKA atX PI R
NACe Prior, |A*t prt tna of mxi n*
® -Ma Oinr. al An|iiitalin4nL
Audltor'N Notice.
V N the matter of tlie cvUitc of (1 SO.
1 t'ARMR, iinianil, tb~ mdrntnid. an Anditx
appdntnl by tin (Van, I" norrrtoln Itro* ago tun .aid
dr.idrt.Ca rral nlali and mnkr nprt tbrrvX, trill
arrt Ibr parttn labmbd at lb. idßri X Alraad~r
A Rdttt. in VlXnl.. ■* tbr 2*tb day X Rvptrml 11,
A H I*7*. 1 10 o dorß, A. m.
4L*w H A Andltot_
Pardon Notice.
it hereby gireo, that tp.
A * pHnaUtm ill br mad' to tbr Rnard X Pardon*
X li* atvxtng on tb~ THIRD TCMAbAV OP RKP-
TkMBRM I *7*. tar tbr pardon X r TRW ART WAlr
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• minnd laxwd bXiwv ht. arm* and leutrtanntaeal.