Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 17, 1879, Image 8

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    ®fce €ctrc §emtjrtutJ
Thursday Morning, July 17, 1879. |
Coß*iroMD*x<K, containing Important new*, •oiiclt
h| from rdjt part f the county. N> ronißiuiiit-atioM
h)M>rttMl unlet* *rcoiii|mnlHl ly the rt*l imui* of the
Local Department.
—Look out for the now moon on Satur
day night.
—Tho veranda* on tho Bmh House have
been painted a vivid green.
Mi** Mary McKoe, of Half Moon, was
registered at tho Bush House on Monday.
—Hon. William 11. Armstrong, of Wil
liamsport, arrived in town Tuesday eve
Mr. W. F. Crider is erecting a hand
some iron fence before his Linn street
—George Barrett and William Kober,
Ms.|■#~ left town on Tuesday afternoon, to
return to-day.
Mrs. John (. Love, after tho fatigue
of her musical entertainment, visited with
her friends at Lock Haven.
—Bright red letters have recently been
painted on each side of tho entrance to
Frank Green's Drug Store.
Dr. C. P. W. Fisher, of Boalsburg,
was in town on Tuesday, and did not seem
to sutler much from the heat.
Kdinund Blanchard, Esq., is making
extensive repairs and improvements on the
interior of his High street residence.
—A party from the Bush House and
Brockerhoff House united and visited the
wonderful Penn Cave on Friday last.
—Two Sisters of Mercy wero visiting,
the beginning of this week, at the resi
dence of Mrs. Brockerhotf, this place.
—We regret to hear of tho illness of .
Mr. Daniel Lose, of Farmer's Mills, and
also of Mrs. Michael Harper, of Aarons
—Dr. Mingle has laid a new pavement
before his property in Millhcim, which the
Journal says is in that b<>r- j
—Representative Gephart started off on
Monday afternoon for Philadelphia, in
tending to stop off for a few days at Har
—Mr. IJenner Waddle, of this county,
recently paid a visit to his brother, Thomas
Waddle, Esq., of Jersey Shore, Lycoming
—Rev. Thomas X. <>rr, of the First Re
formed church, Philadelphia, preached in
the Presbyterian church, this place, !at
—Rev. 1-ane, who will bo remembered
as pastor of the Centre Hall Lutheran
church twenty years ago, died about two
weeks since.
—Sixty dollars have been contribute.)
towards an addition to the library of the
Episcopal Sunday-shool. The books will
probably be ordered this week.
—Rev. John Tomlinson, of Aaronsburg,
received the degree of "A. M." from
Pennsylvania State College during the re
cent Commencement exercises.
—Sometimes the Brockerhoff House om
nibus will scarcely contain the large num
ber of guests who arrive and desire to
take up their residence at that hotel.
—The mmmslc given by Mrs. John &
Love last week on Thursday and Friday
evenings was only a repetition of that
lady's many triumphs in this direction.
—By careful count, it took fifteen men, I
two boys, one hors<f and wagon and one
dog to successfully liberate and kill a rat
caught in the Bush House Saturday morn
ing last.
—The corner stone of "Miller's church," ;
the new edifice erected by the Evangelical j
denomination of Sugar Valley, has been
postponed, and will now take place on
Sunday neat.
—We thought that the prophesy of the
Adventists regarding the final end of, this
mundane sphere was to be successfully ful
filled on Friday afternoon last when that
big storm came up.
—An elegant and appropriate tribute U>
the memory of tho late Mr. J. 11. Keller,
of Centre Hall, has recently been erected
in tho cemetery at that place, in the shape
of a handsome monument.
—Wo regret not being in our sanctum
on the occasion of a recent visit from Dr.
D. 11. Mingle and George Ulrich, Esq., of
Millhcim. Hop* they will call again
and meet with more sucreas.
—On Sunday our town seemed to he par
ticularly full of musical talent. Mr. Am- ,
brose Stradiing, who is exceedingly skilled
in instrumental music, aided the choir in
the Presbyterian Hablmth-scbool.
—An elegant piano from the firm of
Bunnels & Aikens was received at the
Bush House on Tuesday afternoon, design
ed especially to accompany the grand or
chestra at the sociable this evening.
—John C. Moore, Esq., the photograph
er, is of a decidedly scientific turn of mind.
He is constantly making new and interest
ing experiments, and devotes much of hit
time to the study of fresh scientific discov
—The M. E. church at Pleasant Gap,
last Sunday, enjoyed the presence and
efficient ministrations of Rev. S. C. Swal
low, Presiding Elder of the district. Tho
rite of Communion was adminislerod in
the evening.
Mr. J. H. Bauland, of the Bee Hive
store, always keeps on hand a full line of
the latest novelties in ladies' dress goods.
Indies buying of him can always be cer
tain that his goods are of the latest style
and best material.
—Do not forget tho n-gulnr meeting of
Logan Huso Company on Thursday eve.
ning next.
—Mr. James A. Loydcn, our West
Point Cadet, will not leave for Wyoming
Territory until October next.
—Raspberries and whortleberries are not
of such excellent quality this year as usual'
owing to prolonged dry weather.
Mr. John Derstino was suffering with
nn unusually severe attack of rheumatism
Saturday last. Ho Is now recovering.
- Mr. and Mr. Calloway, of Baltimore, j
are now at the maiden home of Mrs. C'.,
the residence of Hon. Daniel G. Bush, this
place. ______
—The police are again after Peter ll>-r
-dic with long sth ks. This time it is at <
the instigation of uu Klrnira bank, from
which ho hud borrowed money.
—Several sweet misses in our town
Japanese parasols carry.
Those are the ladies whom we know
It would be sweet to marry.
—Joseph Ilolloway and Samuel Beaver,
of Aaronehurg, are each erecting now
buildings, while James P. Coburn and
Emanuel Cronniiller, of tho same place,
are making additions and improvements to
their present residences.
—The large potters and indeed ail the
job work executed at this office surpasses
in excellence anything ever before thought
of in this-community. We record this
as the verdict of those who have recently
given us order- <> fill.
—The sudden ruin which fell on Sunday
evening was very acceptable. After tho
storm a beautiful rainbow was visible ; or,
it would perhaps be bettor to say a num
ber of ruiuhows, as each |>ers<<n, it is said,
see.- a different bow.
—Judge Franck.of Rehersburg,an A-<>.
date Judge noted for his dignity on the ,
bench and Ins affability when in the capac
ity of a private ciliseii, Irequcntlv conn*
to Bellefonto. We had a pleasant chat
with him a few days since.
—Rev. Fields, who is now visiting, in
company with his wife, at her maiden
home, the residence of Mrs Judge Hale,
this place, preached two very acceptable
and extremely edifying sermons in the
Episcopal church last Sunday.
Rehersburg ba received an accession
to itsjsipulation in the person of Mr
Mii-hael Hctzel, of Frechurg, Snyder
county, who will use his la-si efforts to
keep the natives of that burg constantly
supplied with clothes of his own manufac-
I ture.
Michael Shaffer, Esq., with his son
James L. Shifter, two of tho ttauncbewl
Democrats and most pleasant men who
I ever honored Zinn by their residence, fa
vored us with a call on Friday morning
last. We will be pleased to have them
come again.
—The "Grinders,'' as the miller* of
Pennsylvania are sometime* railed, met in
convention in the le<gan House parlor,
Altoona, on Tuesday week. Mr Wm. P
- Duncan, of the well-known firm of Dun
! ran, Hale A Co., was elected president yru
! Inn., presiding with great dignity.
—Friday last brought our friend Ilcnry
O. C'ronister, Esq., of Martha Furnace, to
town. lie started from home about six
I o'clock in the morning, executed a variety
•>f Business and was ready to return before
the 10 o'clock mail train arrived at this
place. But, then, Mr. C. always was a
man ol great energy.
—The State Agricultural Board, accord
ing to the Jersey Shore Herald, has is
sued its edict prohibiting County Agricul
tural Societies that receive the annual $ 100
State appropriations, from offering pre
miums for horse racing. There can lei trials
of s|ieed, hut no premiums ran ho offered
without losing the appropriation of $lOO.
—Three teachers were elected for the
schools at Millhnim last week, to teach
during the winter session. I). L. Zerby,
Esq., will teach in the Grammar school;
Mr. J. R. Van Grmer in the Primary
school, and Mr. W. H. H. Eisenhulh in
the North street school. The salary in
cacb case will IK- $27 dollars per month.
—Prof, Charles Bauer, who for a long
lime has been giving instruction* in the
art of writing at the Bellefonte Academy
iind to private classes in this place, has
closed hi* labors after a successful engage,
ment. He is at present at Unionvilie
where he ha* a class of forty-two pupils.
Those who learn of him scent to improve
—The Jersey Shore Herald has taken a
new departure. 11 deviated from iu cus
tom of omitting an issue on Fourth of July
week, and instead will take a week's vaca
tion during next month, and permit the
proprietor and employes to attend tho ses
sions of Wayne Camp-meeting. Our friend,
S. 8. (i. e. Sunday-school) Seely, must be
developing into a good Methodist f
Mr. William Rrachbill returned homo
from New York on Tuesday evening of
last week. He ha* been residing there for
sovoral months past, adding the finishing
touches to his already well-learned trade of
manu/acturlng furniture. Accompanying
him was a Mr. Lange, of New York, who
will visit with bim for a short time, and
then re.ume hit travels to Buffalo and
Niagara Falls.
—lt will Iw hy our !
announcement* thai, our old friend, John J
W. (let*, of Lomotil, has concluded that
hu has lived H life of single blMi'dniM
loot; enough, and no ha* married one of
tin) fair daughters of Lindnn Hull.
—Tuesday was HII unusually dull day in
town. This inay bo owing to tlio absence
of o many editors. Kditor Tuton wax
visiting "way up in Vnirniont," ntid I'.
Gray Meek nd our own twoinior luinin- I
arles were at llarrisburg. Hut still the
town survives.
—A few days since the llrrn of S. A. |
Hrow A Sun received two immense bunches
of banannas In a day or two afterwards
they were all gone. This is the way all
the goods received at that store vanish,
however. As soon as anything new is receiv
ed people Step in and buy, as they can al
ways rely on S. A. Hrow and Son soiling
the best and cheapest goods in the market.
What color and what quality of dross
goods to buy is a question which frequent
ly troubles ami perplexes the female mind.
It is certain that they should always select
that which best corresponds with their si/.o
and complexion. The same rules should
apply in making up dre**i-s. Hut the ques
tion, where to buy these goods need never
trouble the fortunate Indies who live in
Hcllefonte, as J 11. ilnulnnd's lice Hive
store is a good us any place in the country.
-Much di--ntisfaction, irritation an 4
feelings akin to those of dyspepsia are oc
casioned arnolig gentlemen by the fact that
they do not buy their clothes at the right |
place. If clothes do not Hi, a sensitive
man is troubled about it all day. It makes )
the ladies laugh at him, it take* away his
appetite, and makes him feel altogether
cross and dejected. Hut this can all to
cured if every gentlemen will buy clothes •
of .1. Newman, Jr. They will always lit
well and look new,
—The latest story about tin gra.hopj>ers
was related to us by a well known and
prominent gentleman whose vera, ity is
above suspicion. As ho was driving with
two ladies through the region where the
grasshoppers grow thickest, the hungry
hoppers attacked the raised parasol* of the
ladies and before the fair female* had lime
to utter a scream the silk coverings bad
disapj>cared, leaving only the extended
wires ami handle* to prove that they were
originally intended for parasols.
A saying which certainly deserves a
place among the "beatitudes' is, "Hlesscd
are masters when they have good servants,
lor they will not lose anything.' At least.
Mr. Auman, of Farmer's Mills, has ran*-
to think so, as the Centre Hall NepwUr j
•ays that on Sunday week, while he and
his family wero at church, an apprentice,
hi whom he was giving instructions in the
miller s trade, took $2O and a wedding suit
from the house and departed <n the
proper authorities being Informed of the
fact, however, the fleeing lad was promptly
arrested and is now confined at Fort r>|>an
gler, in thi" place,
—The rdhimon school roj.rt of Sujs-r
-inlendent 11. Meyer for the year ending
.lunc I, 1H79, Is among the article* on our
I fourth page. He says it is the opinion of
a majority of the teachers that the annua!
institutes should he held in some other tow n
than Hellefonte, as the people do not see
fit to support thein very "liberally, finan
cially nor morally, by their presence." |
We hope that this will not remain the
opinion of the leathers, as their presence is
1 enjoyable, their institutes elevating and
we feel sure that our community will ap
preciate their presence anil encourage them
by all meana in their power if they will .
continue holding their institutes here.
—The camping-out party,—composed of
J. Wesley Gephart, llarry Orbison, Jaine*
Montgomery, and a half-d--7.cn others, em
barked on the Snow Shoe train Tuesday
morning. They could not well help look
ing like a thoroughly wilted party, clothed
as they were in dark blue shirts, and car
rying so much baggage. They were par
ticular to lay in a sufficient quantity of
provisions, and it quite certain that twenty
five dollars' worth In connection with the
game they will capture should prevent
absolute starvation. Just at this mo
ment they are catching an innumerable (")
1 quantity of fish, perspiring away super
abundant flesh and doubtless heartily en
joying themselves.
| —The Jersey Shore Herald, on authority
of State Superintendent Whkersham, says
that thero la now over $200,000 ready for
distribution to the public school* of this
Commonwealth, He requests all the new
ly elected Treasurers of the several town
! ship* to send him their reports and names,
and he will at once remit their respective
sums. Owing to the many recent changes
in township Treasurers of School Boards,
he has been unable to remit as he would
have don* had ho been notified when the
new Treasurers took their place*.
—We enjoyed a visit recently from Mr.
Thomas C. Houlx, son of Christian Iloutx,
Kq., of Lament. Mr. iloutx was one of
the recent graduates at State College, hi*
address being upon the comprehensive
topic, "Social Influence.'' Atlhetimewe
did not have space to give any criticism*
of the various able orations, hut we have
heard it remarked that the one delivered
hy Mr. iioulx was particularly creditable
to the speaker and an honor to hi* honor
ed Alma Malar. We hope Mr. iiouU
will call again.
CONI.KV KK.IOICINU,— It lias for aoinii time
been M subject of regret to tile friends of
| our respected ex-Sheriff, Kit-hard Conley,
that he we - afflicted with that terrible and
dangerous source ol discomfort, a rapidly
! growing cancer, which appeared on the
side of his neck, about half way between the
angle of the jaw and that prominence in
the neck known ns Adam's Apple. It had j
attaineil a circumference of seventeen
inches, and oven now, much decreased in j
si/.o since its successful removal, is over '
eleven inches in circumference.
I'r. (J. S\ I*. Fisher, of lioalsburg, was
| summoned to the aid of .Mr. Ceiiloy. Hit
: explained to the ex-Sheriff that, siluuted j
IU the cancer was, danger ol hemorrhage ,
I existed. Hut Mr. (,'. determined to risk
the consequences, and Or. Fisher went to
work with bis plaster ami poultices. For
two weeks they were continued, the plas
| ter being removed occasionally to give a
few hour* of refreshing sleep. Ono week
ago to-day Mr Conley was overjoyed, when
in a fit of coughing, the uncomfortable ob- i
jet t fell to the floor.
Tbu will of course In- glad new* to the j
friend* of the ex-Sbcriff, and also to the !
! public, a it promises a cure for their
i friends who may be similarly nlllit tod.
We ho|>c it may prove a permanent euro.
The repulsive object is now on exhibi
tion at the drug store of F. I'. Grci-n.
Til* WKIHUNU. —We make it ari invari- :
able rule to go to pre,* at an early hour. 1
and therefore are unable to give an ex- ;
I tended account of the wedding about which j
I our fashionable community have been for -
I some time past on the tip-toe of cxjieota- ;
lion, and which took place yesterday at ;
: :o r. M , in tho I'rcsbyterian church
Met H. M. I'earson, the beautiful bri Is, it
■ a sister of Hex Mr-. Hewitt, of this place,
and comes from Haltimon . Md. Tin
gentb-man whom she will wtd is Itev. I
Marquis, I). Is., formerly pator of
W> tlministor I'riwhylcrisn church, Halti
more, ami now of St. Louis, Mo. Then
w. re neither bri lt •mai-1* nor groomsmen
l'r. f Ambrto. Mrttdlir.g jerf rmt-1 a VM|.
ding march composed expressly for the nc
■ asion, and Rev. William Insure-, ~f t).i,
place, performed the ceremony. The hat -
py couple departed on the afw-rn -;n train,
with the congratulation* of their friendr.
A reception was tendered them on the
. | revit-us evening, at the residen ■ of Rev-
John Hewitt, which was an enjoyable af
—The severe storrn of FHdsy afternoon
was greater than tho ordinary sewn r for
conveying away the water would ncrom- j
moiate. It rushed from our high hill*,
washing before it the surplus dirt in the
street, and throughout tho remainder of the
evening tho crossings at tho foot of these ,
hills were almost impassable. It alto
create,) some destruction among the dense
foliage in our Court House yard, tearing
away several branches tin the premise*
of Mr John I"ib it blew over a valuable
grape arbor. W* also hear that it unroof
ed a portion of Mr. Khy's barn, at Zioti.
and b>->k jarl of Use roof from the Old F"tt
Hotel, In I'enn's Valley. The house of
Mr. Proud foot at Mileaburg, was 'truck by
lightning, without doing serious injury.
The storrn was -quite severe at PlcaeantGap,
making the usual has <* among the branch,-*
of the trees. For a short lime the wind
blew fiercely and the rain toll in torrents.
We are doubtless now passing through
the hottest wave which has been felt this
summer. From the South and from the
North the report* which come to u* all
alike speak of unprecedented heat. The
wind* which4>low over us seem fired as if
they had passed through a furnace. Hut
we must endure it a* best w* can. While
we write locals, we are compelled to keep a
fan moving with one hand while our j-er
spiring other hand feebly propel* the lead
pencil. It would seem like one of Job's
adviser* for us to left any one to keep cool;
but it may not be out of place to counsel
all to wear thin clothes, and to avoid as
much as |>oa*ible all undue excitement.
—We have received three copies of *
| beautiful little story paper, published at
HOH Walnut street, Philadelphia. It it an
eight-page paper, crowded with delightful
stories and select miscellany, and offered at
the amazingly low figure of two cents per
week, or one dollar per annum. Those of
our friend* who do not receive an enter
taining paper of this sort Into their famil
ies cannot do better than to subscribe for
thi*. We believe the publisher expect* to
appoint an agent for this county. It U
' called the Philadelphia Weekly Story Pa
per, and all communication* may be ad
dressed to "OH Walnut street, Philadelphia.
—Among the numerous arrival* at the
Rrockerhoff House during tho last tow
day* we notice the name* of James Haines,
W. M. Shoemaker and W. 11. Wilson, of
Philadelphia; 1,. L Sperry, of Massarhu
; sett* ; Cha*. T. Stencr, of East Liverpool;
J. A. Wilson, John U. John*, Mrs. Shaw
and Mrs. Klxel, of Haltimore; A. F. New
kirk, of Buffalo; Robert Neily and wife,
Master Neily and Mr. Kenny and daugh
ter of Weet Chester; Hon. W. U. Arm
strong, of Williamsport; and Col. John (I.
Freexe and wife, of Bloomihurg.
—The weather i* supremely hot and tho
run shine* down with withering fury, and
the best thing gentlemen can do under the
circumstances | to repair to Newman,
Jr'a, Eagle Clothing Store and lay in a sup
ply of thin, suitable clothing. There la no
other place where it can be bought so
Til K How Aan IHOX WOKK HI naxii—
MEN HADI.V I v.i trait*.—Many of the im
provement* ami additions to tho Howard
I rori Works, of which we sjioke a few
weeks since, as being then in progress, j
linvo been completed, and a few days since
fires were lighted in the old furnace slatk
ami the now cupola. All was operating
with great success, and work wa being ex.
ecutod willi wonderful dispatch, when on
Tuesday afternoon last all was brought to
a sudden ami disastrous termination by
reason of tho burning of the building* con
nected with the furnace and foundry.
It seems that by some unaccountable ac
cident a ladle containing about sixteen
hundred |>ound* of melted iron, which tho
foundrymen were about to pour into a
mould, for the pur|s>u of making some of
the large castings for the new mill, was
upset, ami tho liquid iron coming in Im
mediate contact with tlio sides of the wood
en building, set them on fire instantly.
The enure foundry building was in flatm-*
in a moment, am] the lire communicating
to the bridge ami wheel house attached to
tho furnace, all the buildings were in a
tow moment* reduced toa-dict When tin
tie lal b-ft the ladle it instantly spread over
tin- floor of the building, and in its swift
course, seriously burned two of the i-inpl- y
es. Mr. Butler is most severely injured.
Ho has two painful burns on bis right side,
and toith of his feet are re lly injured, ; nr
ticulariy the left foot, tho shoo of whii h
wa> filled with melted iron. Mr. M--
j Cartney, tho foundry man, also received
j soma severe burr,.. Both men are suffering
mtiib, but under tho care of I)r L. R
Hens/.! will receive every attention which
hit.dm*-, ami skill i art ;r--iii|t. By 11, c
| active ami r-ffl, i,-nt exertion* <■{ employes
|of the works, and citi/.< ns - f the pla<w ho
happ-m-d to be near, the coal houses, wit!
their con two Is, were saved, or the los
would have been much m re serious.
It i. la lievi.l that the new iron cylin
ders, which were recently put in, are un
injured If this j.rox. - t-' to- the rar- . th<
work of rebuilding w ill j ns- 1 at oni<
I We understand thai the buildings had an
insurance on them ,-f tie-.,-and dollars,
which, if the machinery pr v<-. t-i to- un
fij ,red. will probably cover all the 1
e*i ept that in •tt •lb d<!ay.
Mr Lautb *• ab--' -.1 fs- rib -rrie at the
time • f the fire. Mr .1 hn N. Lauth wa
, .ite ill for a*h -rt tir', from the effect*
,f over-exert a but is ab it ag on, a< 1-
. ively u; erintending
Mi >i- Al. —<n Sunday evening la*l the
music loving p--ri;on of the Episcopal < ->n
grcgalion were delighted and surprised at
the riih innsi-a! treat given them The
music --n the organ at both the morning
and evening service was skillfully rendered
by Mr MacNcal, of Camden, N. .1., who
was a guest of Mr. W. 11. Wilkinson. He
play* with skill and r-a*e. bringing out the
full, rich tones the organ to their great,
est extent and power At the morning
i service the choir was unusually full *nd
the music particularly enchanting. Mr..
John H Knowlcs, of Richmond. Va., and
at present a|g-ie.t of her sitter, Mrs. Teller,
wife of the genial proprietor of the Rrock
erhoff House, was a valuable addition tr
ibe choir. The opening anthem was well
•ustained in its principal part by Miss
KaU- Curtin. The faufaie no ami
- Renmlie:, onima sirs were chanted wlUi a
[tower and expression seldom before hear.i
in R-dlefonto. Tho music conrlud-d with
that familiar hymn containing the line, "A
mortal man ashamed of Thee." This was
•ting AS aaolo by Mrs. Knowle* in a most
exquisite manner. Mrs, K'S. voice is pure,
I rich and distinct in it* lowest accent. She
j sings with wonderful expression and pathos
Many considered it the finest voice they
I had ever heard. She is the principal
-inger in Memorial church, Kicbmond.
The assistance of these two artists, Mr,.
Knowh S and Mr. MacNea), was a valuable
acquisition. MR. M. left on MONDAY morn
ing, but has consented to return again in
November next. We do NOT know how
long Mrs K. will remain, but trust her
voice will frequently be heard in the social
and religious gatheri. gs of the town.
SON.—The word "festival" suggests not
only an abundance of ice cream, lemonade
I and cake, and the usual variety of g-od
j thing* to tempt and delight the palate, but
; to a greater degree it mean* a large amount
jof fun, gavety and /esfirify. A [-lea-.ant
' room, ornamented with all the beauty that
art or nature can devise, chief among which
reigns supreme ten or a doxen of that last
and greatest creation, beautiful maidens, <
*ll assuming their most winning smile and
enticing manner, may be mentioned a*
among the component [>art* of a festival.
The people of Ruffs to Run more than
any other community in this counlrj' un
derstand the virtue of such a combination,
and tho mere that they have
concluded to give one in tho Presbyterian
rhuroh, of that place, for the benefit of the
Union Sunday-school is sufficient to at
tract people from nil the surrounding
country. As it ia for the benefit of the
Union Sundgs-school, of course everybody
will lend their hearty co-operation to make
it a success. It will be held next Saturday
afternoon and evening, July 19, and every
body is invited to attend, partake of ice
cream and enjoy themselves generally.
—The grand operation of painting tha
Rush House terminated Tuesday afternoon,
after twenty-nine full day* of work. Of
course, tho hotel is much Improved in ap
FlirriVAl AT Fli.LMoßi._On Priilay
evening Htul Saturday afu-rmrfin arid eve
ning next ilia [nwipli; of Klllmor* will *tcp
to Hi'* front ami invito every lioly t/j n f<*-
lival to lx- fir on in ai'l of tli<-*Metl,odUl
| Humlity-wlioot', of tliat place. Tlia lmlie* "
will M'rva tin- mot <)<-!ic lotm refrenhrncnU
to nil who will honor th*m with tlo-ir
presence. There will also be line mu*ic
iin attendance to enliven the ova a*ion.
That it will lv a huccet* i certain, n the
young ladle* of that place can make better
ico-crcain and Fill nu>re ilitbo with it and
do it fimtcr than the maiden* of any other
plate. Any one of them, it f* raid, can at
the rhino tune Fill more fellow* with her
( harm* than a o re of ordinary female*.
'Jive them an opportunity to try their
jukili neit Friday evening.
iio! For iiik Sua Siioaa I—A large
number of persons who anticipate any
amount of rp- rt departed for the different
point* alofij* the <-a shore yesterday morn*
ing. Among them we noticed Vk'm, I*.
Duncan, rnief linage*- lihgting*, .lack
Mr. arid Mr* Wilson, Mr. K.
A. Smith and Mm, George Dare, t'alvin
and Gyrus Wearer, Mr. Hiram Hoffer,
Mr. and Mr*. Ilra/hbill, I>r. Geitsinger,
lev. A. D. Yoeum and <.n, ami several
other*. A few will return on raturday
'■'f'■ L plher* ! Monday or Tuiwday,
v iiiie one or two of them will vi*it several
"tier place* of interest ai.d remain away
(or Mime time.
—1 he Itenovo ll't/ird tell* of a not
dangeroua event which occurred to Miaa
De Haas, daughter of Mr. JoM-ph De llm,
of Liberty towmhip, on Sunday, the. fith
intant. She wa, at \\ Mar, Clinton coun
tv. in the capacity of a*< liool t**aeher, and
on the ~,, H ,\,. n in en t ion "d wa* bitten by a
i p| ,-head nake. Prompt action and
| r per remedie* saved he r life, and be i*
now doing well, she j* h *Uter of the
young lady who wa* killed by le-it -
thrown (!■ m a buggy on the lit), of May
n't, that oij a . lent alao occurring or
Sunday. *
—The J!u*h llouae now ha* forty per
rnanent gm it*.
HOI K -I'll \\ K I I: —CI lb* 111., ! H |n. nag*. Relic
' '• Mm - o Jt II,. , I;, ,U A lll***alt
" "' I' ' " * 'I Mw Lille Sfiaukl', all f
IA 1 • Wol.F Oil II i VI of J sir *| ha rwidaie
' ' < C-i.t- I,a K i V C I: r,*ri (jftg, a fno,
I M.m M W .41. a!) I *htr, conaty.
•itvirv - *-t; tit - m it- ii. f.t. •
c- mi, .r J, it- i , ( . w * Rtrmri ~4v •
-'ohl.y * '3 Wo* MoiJi Kiiaub act .1 a.,,' V |i.
lo|. C'to • antj.
* ' ••'l'*' W"MFR <i th< ill, .4 Jut. I , R.. 1
w MjOil *ttb* ' lea* tMr Rli Itrio,., *t I ,
Malion. 'f • null liu,k*.,.| |,,10 i.m 0.,,1,
!• . M* Miriam W- of o Cl*artl*>i I
'•it 7 HUM 11: -At m .•*' M is. la lav.
i ti .(,*,M. J,.to. w 0.-t i w't. ud M.~
1 , finite* A Trawaloe of Ut,|' | ll%||
AI AM- New Ml Kagl*. Jul; .. „f Mna| .i| M ,
Mi. Mil,w> I. *lll ,4 I <h* V'lMua, * ,<hJ r,.' Ji-c,
if untitle Mel ' day*.
Wttt.il.t%if ct plea ;,.aw it lie **• Of it r r Jl.' ,
1" *'• ■ w Wi.xiug ifd vt }..*, toaM,u
Mr* %. wrwrml ?*mn *t *4 tin*
11* At Hi*} l*r ttnm i# r*mtU< 1 a t-rj 4<J a^*-.
*lf IC o,ft * ,tr<A .( |uOfJ>M* Ml Tfiewta) ue) die,l
ttc tell Mill* TliuraUt .
•It Cllltt- On Tl.utnUi Joly Id. 10. Ml, l,. I
•ludM, ui *|t cAib of Slttaaj t*l'.*.a
Tie tfi* tret aaacmrxfeiacnt tH* of nee S bad
•|ieiit llclfl) ettl leal* In Ibi* late, and a* boitfjf*
(rew fcflle arid bi* I, fml ' 1 f Tee alii, * flown nf *T*
bait, an bi, lift lee at in a fri win*. *l.if V >n* iteitiwiwent
.4 teifie. wl.ffb will arte* and al tdf (on no tiiat C 0.4.4
the *|e.t when- etew liied ari 4 If- life. Xnr. I*tbwall.
lie fame tit clnfviw* aMHCin . and ka* lived l. ee, ),h
it.ildrwa and bt* fbildren'* fklldren epiin* ap at--ut
biin follow In* bt* re CU '■ x etn pie.
Till •ul.eft ,4 Uie aba** anftf anoetnent wa* tbe
eldiwt iti ctf A date Fhaffe*. fir., wli.au a R. , <.] *.
tem* ry a Idler and wbo dint la I**l', and wtioeo
►ldfll ha* *~-n„ l a tntdm* atar In Uie lII* of hi* mm
which ale rtuaed lael Thnmlaj Mi'iix I Miafn wa*
•*'d the ear Ileal aettlota of Uie lowa* end of W alkr
t'fwnalflp. where far I*l J ve*ra be baa reatded cafnoi*
tbe re*|ieat and aenemu. ,4 hi. fli. nda and .4 bitn It
Mi? le *ald that ba waa a man na bntaffralde ami n|-
rldhl aa *ea llaed Tli* leawlt* |4 an etlateme <4
I rhanmd Integtiijr and f"Te m, are aiwa in the ar.alth
and Indi|ieml*nf e who b be bad arhteved throngb tlie
I fweupwOon of faimnfr I'nrt n* to life be held a bom
ber of A.lnriari femtione and ahoae all. twt ronata*-
j ent (Tirieiian, and almwet a life 1..i, c mean her <4
tbe KvanrHb-al I.nth- oan ibwrrb. Kaila la llfe_ be
wa* married to an ewtlmalde 1*4% l.j tbe name -4
W'h*l horn, who, prw. eded him to hi* death wraeral
: rear* a*rn
Ilta f hil ireif — and id tlnwn wa ran *feu,h aalth pleai -
•r*. *• I* thetf llo* and (harm tern they aeewi a Atting
crown to hi* pwre career. There were eight all told,
and l.wt one, we |e.|ie*e, ha* yreceded him int" etertilty.
A da lighter 1* the wife of a I .alio ran < leap, man. and
Ihetr won, t. T. Kum. ara* laat wintar a firomlnent
m< mlr of tb Kanaa* btblnlai*. and waa im of th*
eommiltee aer.l l.a thai trpialalwav to Waahinghm to
prafaa 'barge, again* T S. llMl lt Ingalla lion.
I Mtr bael fthalTer.tb* eldeat ami. while in llllnule. waa
I < Hair mar. of a committee <4 three afif-riatod ha tbe
OfWetWor. to ret lee tbe Staic.r* of thai Mat. ll* wa*
•('pointed by at-preaidrwt Uraat a. (Tftef Jnatfce ,4
the Aoprero* Coart of Ttah Terrli.wy. tl.m J. J.
Shaffer, th* tl aon. I* the honored HUM id Kanaa*
•ho wa* twice eler ted Henahw fr m, that Mate. 04
the m il and yrmnpoat aon. B F Mmffer. Sag, It I* wa
nemaaary .. aprak He lit,a on tbe add h iti'wi. at.
anJ wn* owe if the late aheaifl. of Centre connly.
Ill* tlrlnea are Well known to all Ilta lamentml Ibth
er ai-,.t mid of tbe Anal ear* of hi. itfe al tbe
of thia aon Tb* other tklee rblVdreo are daughter*,
all of whom haaa married ra*|*ttad man and at* now
bringing up children who will haae raanon to h-.k M
hack with I'ctde to th* lite af lb* rmerwtde grand,
parent trja m they have Jwai Slk>wed to hi* gra**.
A an** '4 glory I* on bi* brow
A* •lib hi* Baehair be"* rnatlng na* ,
If w Imitate bt* example Ihlt
W trill lb* wain* glot y el.are
MIM.KR—On lb* *4h .4 June la lamina ilta. Ka .
Mr* KH*a Miller, wife ,4 WVlSiam MUln. (ht„lhr*
of laaar Mlll'-r, <4 Belief, vntw,) aged 7 yew,*, laarl.
m* Of tb* lat* John Xortta. fc*,, r RtwwV* M.n s
TCRNKR —At Jnl'an done *t. Amanda, wife Tbna.
Tamer, and daughter of M illbun M. and Jane Id.
ding*, aged U year* and IS day*.
Pardon Notice, *
is hereby given, liitt r|>-
A. T (Heath n will he nuuh to the Board of Pardon*
' m.J!S °* Ib * T,UR " tt!WA* OP Al".
UCST. lfi, fo* the Iarrh .4 ST KM ART WAI.RRR,
•• tb* gtvmnd of coo It It wed *) kteeaa. ran 111 d h* a rwnalawd
rwnalawd hofora bM arrnd Mid