Snuff In the Senate. On each side of tho Vice-President's' seat in the United Statea Senate arc fas tened two old Htiull boxes, which are kept filled by the attendants. They are | the result of a custom inaugurated al most at the loundation of the Govern ment, when snuff taking was a universal habit. Thurman is the only Senator who makes a habit of using snuff, hut sometimes a Senator will stop and take j un occasional pinch, while the many vis- | itors to the chamber take a little out of I curiosity. At first the box wits kept on tbe Vice-President's desk, but in tbose j days so many of tbe Senators ustd tbe j article, and so frequently forgot to bring their boxes with them, that it was re solved to place two public receptacles for it, and in the atiual expenses of the j Senate is always found the item ot smith , Thonged doorkeeper, Isaac Bussitt, slat ed to your correspondent that ho had j often seen Ilenrv Clay leave his place i in the midst of a speech, walk gravely j to the box, take a pinch ami continue his remark*. "When I was a page, , nearly fifty years ago," said he, "many of the Senators would give me a sign , which indicated that they wantd s.iutf and I would carry the box to them. Nearly all tho Senators used snuiV in those days. Ilenrv Clay was in the habit of giving mo 50 cents a -v-ok to keep bis box lull of *liulf, aid I have never lorgotten that when he left hero for the last time, he owed me oOc.-nts for this service. I nev-r brought a bill against the estate,'' acid the oM g*i tie man, smiling, "and I guess tho debt is outlawed by this time." A toad caught in Sewickly township, Westmoreland county, weighed ten pounds. The (Ireensburg 7Y*'< c w> i ll,raid is responsible for this story. James 11. Brown, of Lock Haven, was fined tbeotherday $l5 and costs for kill ing a brood of young robins. Served him right. THKRK never was such a reallv good, substantial, satisfactory, and rapid-selling first-class Lock Stitch Sewing Machine offered so low a* the "N ITw FAMII.T SIII:T -TI.K," reduced to only $25; more complete with oquiptnents, and lower in price than 1 any other machine. It is elegant in work manship and finish, surpasses all others in , its work and fulfills all the requirement* of every family as a helper. Thoroughly warranti-d by written guarantee for five years, and kept in order free of charge. It will do every description of work—fine or coarse—that any machine, at any price, ever did, or can do ; equally as rapid, cor rect, smooth, neat, and strong, lias all the late improvements, is easy to learn and "manage, Is serviceable, don t wear out, always ready, and never ouVof order. Sent C. O. D. anywhere with privilege of j examination before payniontof bTil. Agent* make money rapidly, supplying the great demand for this tho Cheapest Machine in the World. Territory free. Addrett, for descriptive book, Ac., "Family" Shuttle , Machine Co., 755 Itroadwav, New York. 80-ly Tub I)K*Tr-H*TK or—Our country l getting to he fearfully alarming, tho aver age of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, deatri resulting generally from the most insignificant ori gin. At this sew-on of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we an' apt to over look the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way every winter, while had /lose A re's German Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large hill from a Doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. lUjtlln of his "Compound Syrup of Tar, Money - and Bloodroot," which will give you almost instant relief. It is a rffudual preparation,containing the virtues of Tar combined with some of the lu-st txptclorunia and nnr*tvnct>, allaying all those ditn*s*ing symptoms which if not ! promptly arrested will too frequently re suit in that fatal disease, Consumption. I'rice, 50 cent* a bottle, or six for $2.50. 21-eow •/. 11. lIA t'LA \ It'S '' lire- Hi re" Store, AtteyUenn Street, llrtlr/nn tr, I'n. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE LOWEST PRICES AT TTTTTT HUH Hit II KEEEE It It It It It EEEEE KKKEK 111111 lIHII 11111 VVV WE EKE EE T T T II ■ ■ E It It E E E fi II 8 II V V K E T II II E It It E E II II II V V K T lIIIUIIII EE It It Bit EE EE 11 111111 H II V V EE T HUE B B E E 11 II II V V K T II II E E It B E K E E II II II V V E E TTT 111111 111111 EEEEE It It It It II EEEEE EEKEK 111111 111111 11111 V KEEEK ONE PRICE, EXCLUSIVE TDIRTSr O-OOIDS STORE. NO ONE CAN DISPUTE THE FACT THAT IT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS! I wish to call the public attention to my Dress Goods and Silk Depart ment, which I can safely say is the largest, cheapest and most complete stock in the county. Look at the prices and judge for yourself. Summer Suitings for 5 cents per yard. Matalasse, - 10 cents per yard. Alpaca, black and colored, - 12 1-2 cents per yard. Cashmere f - - - - - - ' 20 cents jter yard. Cashmere. f one yard wide, - 35 cents per yard. AND A FULL LINE OF NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. Slack Dress Silks in all qualities. Colored Silks in all shades. An elegant assortment of Lawns. 9oT It need* no argument to convince tho public that en eicluiive Dry (tooda Store bar a great many advantage* over a general mcrehandiao atore. AN EAHLY CALL IS SOLICITED AND I WILL BE ABLE TO PROVE THE ABOVE. Yourv, rerpectfully, - DIRECTORY. CUl'Rl'll KS, Ac rHKSIIVTKIUAN. Mlliwlt-il un M|*rli*i ami f.-.t "f HOIMNL TTNXITI Icevii TAN > UKO L A M 184 7J y v. I'raynr lUM lIIIR, WiiIIH U\ ill"| rx. Hundai■ * liuol, 'iU i*. M in the Witfwnni. iHirtlic*uil ciiruer f-f Spring :*II l.;int*. I'l|ur, llci William l.atirlr; tni •It'll' **, *(iwt, south of M* tlcli.t ihuri h MKTIIOhIdT KPIdOiPAI.. Hitimtcl aoiithwiat .r -lirr of Spring nn*l l|iittr I •trrs*|. JC rvu • ■, Hutnl y, MI li;:ii a M tHiilT' jF x ('rftyr-mHlni, W ".imwlay Ml 7 1 v l' X BtnLA> W Ii'MTL, HIIIKII> *-!:-*• I* x letsriiipfil •if cliun l. I'Mhir, lit ?. A.1. Vncmu; re*|tltir', t'nrtiii Htr<'*(, wift if Spring. sr. JOIIN'H HUMAN CWTIIOMP. SITUITRI |U||(||l alir.-t Iwtfk* 11 All' gh' II? Mil l Pciill Kef *!• •• huela> M AM.I |i .< A M ili-L 7 1 „ I*. X. ; Mil oilier •!)•. 7 •" * H Pa*>l •• r. |Uf. A* J i • 111 i ii . i ■ ei'l- i* •i'l* "F Lmliy wvta 7' ; y M H'rl Mitl'U V .i" *l S'ill la* J I' M .11 1 .• llunl of ckiiinli. K'fisir, lie*. .li'l'ii llcwltt; rrtii*( *1 r■* l Hrr*ir*-w miii-U* at lo \ m MII'L * I'IIYCF HI-* UNI! F M SiuiiiUj'sM'hi'o!, fiiiitUy i' '*' k. w In lkji ihuith. IAPT IST. l"rlb**sa*t rnrniT <*f fPsCb anl IVnn >trN'lft, h* r*trc*. HIIIPUJ 1; HI * * an.L7 v .**iiiutb of K|lm*'jHil • bun b I MTK.It IMIKTIIIIKN, mrnrt s-*utb IlUb fttpl TbvuiM *tr' t* Scrtlrw Sun Iny at 10m * w in 17 1 .• x r •*i *• * • "•.i,W'• dih m>7. i x taa t**r, J M Smith . P.-t * ITi ** mllrr. It* U. f it AFUICAN MKTIK'Dtvr s.niat *1 >utb en.l ..f llicb trt s.*ri swi, Bun*ln* lu. k * x iisl 7| r x |*r'j*r-mH'tlnic. M swlue.lay 7| r x Sufi'lajrHßrba'l In < bun b at MU r x I'utor, ll* *. Jiio, rcttilfii'v, Tb xiia* itr.w t Fit IKN Hd. HihMlcl -ill .if I** trwct, u.r He I left lit** Ae<|e||)>. M* til'd*, duiMUy II * x . \> *lu. -Uy 11A x. \| r Pravar tn**ting< are hM HuieU* at I ati.l p*-'ft Fri-Uy at r x iti th* rarn if tb* A*a.xrkali"n \U- P • fb. e \ Pni -n meeting i* lo i*i fr* l<* room llin ttreltandaji in ra. b mnnlli nt * ■ x KoiMiw nMi Mk'bt ftamt to % * r . i>i Ita S*ti- .nl ITlirintUii Tmp*riRP I'DIOH at 7 R. x *.U ThnrxUtr. ih. I.\IHP>'TKMPKICANPK PP.AVKII MKrTlN'i in . t in tb> b-jjaii II

■( i 'lil/p *s*riti, •ml ts> tii" illfa* t*l. an lnji*t ill 1-* b!4 t the lata rX*VtKP f II K.N BY P!.fTIIKU in the tsiin*htp of II ivtril, ani|tt. A It. !■?•, at lo oYhirk A . M , TI VALUE AMI |.i*MlM> the m N,. K any nddreas in the United Slat*-, or Canada, latst-paid, until January 1, 18N0, for () X I<; DOLLAR. Thr Xru-ipiprr in thf L'mUdStaUi. Tho Loading Democratic Journal of tho Country. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! Address "THE WORLD. ' 27 M Park Row, Its* York POII BKNT—three tleairahle front I rw.m. tprnud ln b -n# •ItnaN on tbe X K romar of huii di-l-aoifaLl. f.r "IB ea, a ual family *.r tle| ing rontiui. raMnMp. Kifilr* • f If. ■ w Ibu,ut W. a BAJUtI l 11 -1f on Ih# pauiiaMi. AVw A Avert /newen/*. VALUAItLK HEAL ESTATE —AT— ORPHANS'COURT SALE. \\/ ILL be Hold lit public Hide at the I V ! ridn< of J. lIKNHY bUCK, deed, lu <)r-gg towii.hlp, On Thursday, August 7, 1870, lli* following nal iU(n, tl* No. 1. One tract of land Imtindod end ilcm rilH'it a* follow* No. 1. •Hunt* In ry \Y mil llfiiiMi, Rank I tarn with iu-r-e power Hiad, two Wagon Hh*d. alia* hrd, Cider Pr*, and outbuilding* AIMIUI l**" A r** bar. the bttlaii. • w*|l iiliiiillol a lilt and bk timber. Tim RIHIVP 11act contain# two .*U building., and Will k fb r*d ill two trat U, If found dclraldr, th* olio with a. rvT and 7.'| pari low haa a two .Pry w< ath*i Uiard lIOIIRT. Kpnng 11 ••", llnrn and ilh*i mi canary oiitliitlding., with iierrr falling Spring of Water tiiNUP the door , aUmt 1"* air**, rlear . a g.wal Outlaid and other > hob" fruil with • w li ti. t No 2 127 ACHKS Htid 1 I I'KIU'II Ktt, |)ittudid by land* of J |ir, balance Chaatiiut and * put. La*' I with No 2 It nlid"*) by laud, of ftam'l V*ub k and othei lamfta of 4< • iud A'""it '£% a In i b ai, buUm• g"H"l Oak and I hotuiit tlhil**r. N.i. I J'i ACRES nml 'M', I'KKrllKs A' ut „.*.••• rI. r, IHI lam - 4 '.a, Mo.tont id PHcdl Ptlie tiiii' •r, Willi toil.ln road ruutiitif; '* i gb I!. No fi, s| AC It EH oid 47 PKIiCHEH, •filiated In tlr*gg Mile. and \% alker townehl]** in on* ly in Walker. om.i.ting >f good li*a*y W iiak. White Pin> and lleiuha k Unite f, with • d water on It, with g wat"t jw..r. bailiiM by I tioU f 8. " HIOI Krbr, Wm W llo.b n. Join. Y.-tn k and Hriilda/> r Tb. trail I. ktuil In Lltib Pugar \ alley. PtiwiaaloU glteti mi tonftnwa tloil of MI . All of the a' 'T- cleared land i. In a Idjrli t .if f rulttvati .il. an I li** within four udleauf spring Mid. i( It HUlioii. Ti-im —OiiMliliJ purcb*** v t r.mail. In hand, of pU'ch. ' - liming natural life, f widow ; |u teinat tli< r.mti t b- |*aid annually by purri. owr, bit heir* or .*lgtt*. holding hl pnoile* during her t..if ural life; at h-r tlewlh tha prtto 4|l t > lM* |4.d t I • .<• and |egl fept. tlative. of • .id dee..|-' • The • usaiulng two thiol, to I. dh t le.l into thre . ,M.I n*. ut* - ■ lie third to la* | u I • Mh "It conO'ttMttoU of *lln, IMUKM lu uii and two i / IKNTUK COUNTY*, hs: V *|ii The I w • dti. f l' T 111 MM lilt AY. ah.r of, 4< ,of A.r u I'art* ag. iWniiiil. You are Upi>r rit I and r. n.anted t. .*.d .|*| *r at an Lai. t'urt t - I*. IoM at |1- ll.f nb in an I t t th- • only of • *.tr' u t!•- fourth Ai •. • lay uf A'.g'i*! Mtl ti. an 1 lhar* lo *bo . .nae !,i ll.* b4(ni grant**! 1 *• •> on In* Kalate of MI I Aar -u Pa. t*rage, .) . *** J •b'-uld '• >t If otukaiL W Ittvea*. the II t. ' \ Mutt flw. liit Judge f t|.- ahl O urt, at |b th iIU .lay f June, A I l*Tf. Yl M K I! 1 lUMII IKI.D.C Or Wteilff • t-Jftl iw iJef.-nte. Ji-I .* |*IU fj Iw J"I|N SPA NO I n - w ( IENTIIK COUNTY, h* : V_ Tb' (*• n.i . ' • aitb cf !'• nnaylrauU, T AARON t.t'hCMtA( If. AdmlftUtrwt. r f b, f Mb K Miller, late .if llama b.wnahip. 4e**wl You are hereby rite*! and ' tnßualel t t>e arvt appear at an thphai>' I'ourt t I* h* U at fV'|ef>tt. in and £ r lb* * - uoty 1 litre u the forth M to day •A Auguat ti* tl. then a"1 there to *t. • lanaa wby tb. letter* of A'tauaidfili t. granted unh- you on Ratete ~f aald J*bu L Miller, d*- ae*l, Mi<.ai4 lo| U revoke.) H llMee., tl.e II n C k Mill*, rMlrill f th* Nth) C rt, at I tall* tow te. th' * - . i f Jt.. A. Ii I*7* v. m r. HI iu ioi:i.t> r o *hrl • <•<•, lt. >.-* J-lIIH HCANIU.KK. M> 4 UDITOK'S NOTICE.—The un -4 M StfSMflpMia an A * 14MB 4 * t ute-n of the fund. In the ban !• of th* Hherllf ariaing from the Mb f the real eatate of I. a MIKARRK among User legally etotitle.l lh.tbi, will wt the IMI tie. ibfrrrtlMl at iih toSkw in fb ilef-nte, on the I*l lay of AIHi rr. A 1 17. at two u rWwk. P N Z7-4w W C. 11R1.11.K, Auditor WOODWARD SEMINARY, Seiriisr red Ctr School for :mi Ladies and Little ShCdren. SECOND AND LOCt ST STREETS, HAitRISBURG, PA. Urm 11l HKCTKMIIKR I eitraa I r rtrrular* and all desirable informalt- a ektiew 21 ! ALLEGHENY STREET, ( O if 4 I / iPm 1 • '*• li' ) BELLErONTE. PA., (O# tV j\ , 1 / I"v I TllK u HOSS" CLOTIIIKIW, —ASI> — THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COCNTY. / Vo/V shhuuil i V##•#/#. C- T AlEXlftM*. C. M Bow IX. 1 LKXANDKII A HOW Kit, A \ ui"i;Mr AT LAW, II lDf.nt- Pa , vny U 4 *• • ull< >l til KA VKR A (iKl'll A HT, I > At lUMIT " AT I AW tim— on A11.,!. .I.J Mr—l, hotth ..I lllfh. Ma|l<- Fa 1 Jjr I \ V. FOKTN MY, I "a AIIORMIV AT I.AW lIM.I.KKiNTK. PA. Uii .1-1 1., till. I'M lb lb' Court l|.-u I I* I t S. KELLER. 1 ATTiIHXFY at 1 \n all v .rk In (IwUpJal, Cil;r in') Clinton n*iht 1 *TV- * |/>k lUcfj Salxmal fUt.k WM J I W C. HEINLE, ™ fa ITTOKIR AT ll BKi.i.rmxTit pa In Ponr4 llnf AlD,•♦>?. tpMtal iiLnii' O dm t- On oadimHi <4 eldii AH •iunj>l)y. il-ly AT. A UAIUCL . I IEAKt. WALLACE a% K RHUS, ' * ATTORXKt* AT I.AtA, cir.AiiriKi.itpA Will *tt#-n*m. HHl***!*. r | ly ' I \R. DOBBINS, M. !>., I " FHTNIOI AN AND BUH'tftO* 6-tf iHlr# Rli *|- H(-r|. |, P. I lintel Curd*. YfILLHEIM HOTEL, I MII.I.IIKIW CRXTKK COt'XTY. PKNX A W. S MTTIMIB. tlii|iitf>n Th* Irttn "f MHIhHm to in Pfnii'i Y%||#y, ■ln HI I two mllt fr-m (Wmrn Station, on thr U*to luff. IVntr* unit J*pn'* Owk tUilrr4, nilli nr MiiKttof* tl*nt tilth* it • PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. tl-w-l tnml fl-lilng In th* vktnltjr. A rl< HIM t trln At th* Milth*im ll.ifo'l ih UU"M ill In f"nn lIKI.I.KfOXTK, PA. TIIR OXI.V Ft lIOTKI, IX TIIK CTTV. T'rUu I2f*l pr iUr. Urtnr allurbnl. A|"wll ntai *l*'n I" Hir Oitn. llnrrM, Pne'r. Pta lt|. ~,. Clrrk. DROOKBBHOFF HOUSB. ' * lIIII.LEKIXT*. PA. IIOUBEAL A TE4J.ER, rropr^ton.. Oood Sample Room on Finl Floor, •#-Kr Ru. In an.l fn.m all Train* A|—, lal rain In *llimn anil jnnira. 1-1, < IIRARD HOUSB, V * OORXKR t 111.-TM T AMI NINTH *TRKKTA, raiLAbttrnu. Thla hiMwa. In n • llj f.mM far Ma mm fnrlahla tint* I*, la kr,il In rtexj r|— < I "41?* l lo an, flrel rlaaa hoiala In Iba mnnlr,. (lain, Aa Aba alrta |if) i* tb* tlmaa, lha fair* nt Inanl li l*-n r—lacad bi rnnat nounaa par Int. J. M'KIMRIX, I** M—^w. /;ARMAN S HOTEL, o <>|,alia (Aiurl l|..B BKI.I.RKOXT*. PA. TKRMf I 1 PKR DAT. A (noil Urarj altar bad. 1-ly Harry li., llarthrarr. HK. HICKS, [SuriH->M>r to T. A. Hli'KS A HltO.,] IiC.II.KK in II.tumVARE, SAUDI, KRY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. |~ EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. J f'. jhrn v Sire- t, IiKI.I.KFOSTK, /'.I. South of Diamond. HiiMUtf ** Cants, I lAKNESS MANUFACTORY * ' N llfirk, RKLLKrOKTK. PA l-ly \: P. BLAIR, I • jrvrELrß, km in>tuv. Jkc. All 'k ftKiUL O* A'Ufbrr.j tr*l, < i4 ll"w 4-u i ouis dollZ I J f A.MIItnKAHI.K It'KT * MinRMUIR. i liißo, Ai*'nU+to} I ____ MMbfett, Pa DKALIRB IS PURR DRUGSONLY | a I ZBLLBR A SON. | ; tW • . tire*, rh .lt & J. All lh' fUfi-Urd N<4klh* P * j - rtj U 'i *nrf/ (,'(km/h and iirorrrir*. Y J lAKPKU BROTHERS, M'BlMi BTRKrr. UI.LIIOIITI, r*.. | Have their counter* and idielve* filled with , NEW GOODS, f BANKKUPT IIATKs Purchaeed at . BANKKUPT BATES ! ( BANK KUPT BATES wmrn tii kt orrKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. oosMHTiKa or Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Faney Good*, Notion*, Ac. , ' BOOTS and SHOKS HOOTS *nd SIIOKS at very low price*. > ] BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Laical tylo of HATS and CAPS ' HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Para*ol, | Ladica Cloak*, Carpeting, Grooeriop, Queenwar, Ac. Onmprialng *} thin* thai can be *>an* la a Int. cla ih*.. HARPER ItROTIIKRS, amino rmmcT, . ari.ucroxT*, r* COONTRT moMTK taken la Mohan*# at the bi*heet auktl *TtM. 1-1 1 (irort ri * ami I'rorlnionn. NEW GOODS -i oa TllK si'Rixc TRADE If > hare given eery doer and car-ful attention to the selection of gimd* far iJf Spring Trade, and feil justified in saying thai our prc*eni .Stork rati not In excelled other in regard to Variety, (futili ty or /'rice, and ire doubt if it i* equaled in either of their re*].ret4 by any house in (V ntr< county. I here are too many leading ar ticle* in our etork to riiake special mention of them all, but rail atten tion dirt rtly to a feu items that arc nou- briny sought after every day. FIS H . Markerel are of yood quality thin season and are ceding rather faster than ueuaJ at (At* rcanon of (he year. If. hare been telling noth ing but full we ight*— .lo It*. of fi*h in each quarter barrel and 11)0 It*. in each half barrel They hair better value for the money than short weights. leik> He rring and White Fish are very fine thi* tcaoon and tell ing freely. meats. Our Sugar-Cured J lam*. Dried Rrral'fitst Jincon ainl (Jhrejtc arc all worthy of special mention. F R U IT. Oranges and arc very fine and the price loir enough to to bring them into every day u*e. liut the price on there 'good* will be much higher in a short time. MEAT MARKET. Our Meed Market, next door to our Grocery room, i* alweiy* id I tupplied rcith the rhoicaU meat*. Me kill the beet Beef, Mutton and I eal that can bo found; dressed in fret - da** style and served to customer* in the nrated, cleaned manner possible. Groceries* and Provisions. Xo house in the Grocery and l*rori*ion bueinr** in Beliefonte. i* prepared to supply all the imnt* of the family so veil as ur can do at present, SKCIILKU & CO. OEOCEE3, hu*h House Block. Ih He font c, /Vi, CHEAP GROCERY AKD— PROVISION STORE. S. A. BKEW & SON, Hume* Block, next door to I'ost Office, Ar BOW llln In Mr MB. •< n.n< 1. r~luc.d prtow for ( AMI .* IB for .11 kind* <4 001 KTRT raoix cR. Tk-r r wnilti to IK.I nlimirr can M mt4ld t4 rrttinjt PVRK A Slt FRESH GOODS/ RiiKk ii and and la |art of Light and Heavy Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Orange*. IrPmon*. Nut* A Raisina, CANNKD AND DRIED FRUITS of ervcy a tad and wtWy. Till (KMCPIIATKI HFTniKI Hams, Sides, Shoulders AND — BREAKFAST BACON. Tptkr with Ih* dtnlnai DRIED BEEF. *•*>• BBBMBC gwxfo In thwrt In. *lll And It to thrtr Mrutat* to fl* tb*n * UI. t'Asu paid for potatoes.