r Stati* Trwarer, iuit traoaactiiig *uh uth*r Uui* !•** v* th* of tliw party umjr re*|iiirc. Bjr onl*r of tlio Stair (Vuutiiittavt. It. M SDK Kit, Chairman. 11. I* iHrrrtnucii.) I'. J. I'iKHt'r, StrrUrio*. I'. C. lunar*, ) The Democrat ha* now been in existence six months, and still exists, with sufficient vitality to allow our kind friend* to extern! it.* life another term. How far we have met the expectation.* of the public, we will not discuss at present, but we have endeavored to present them a readable, and to the cxteut of our ability, an instructive paper, free from anything offensive to render it an unwelcome visitor to the fumilv circle. The price of the publication was placed at the lowest possible amount for advance payment, 81.50; 82.00 if not in advance.* We state this now, that there may be no misunderstand ing iu the future. We have lieen requested by Mr. Fortney, the Chairman of the County Committee, to announce that the Dm --r ocratic Conferees of this, the .')4th ♦Senatorial District, will meet at this J dace, on Saturday next, sth iustant, to electa Senatorial Delegate to the State Convention. Tiie ( anadian government have en gaged farmer.* nt fixed salaries, to in struct the Indians in agriculture. This is much lietter than the United States system, which sends out thieve* to corrupt and roh them. Ax exchange says that Mrs. Hull, who was recently murdered, seems to have been one of those vulgar women who wear on all occasions large quan tities of showy jewelry. An ignorant negro servant, dazzled by this display, crept into her bod room, and to avoid discovery, choked her to death. After all, the brilliants turn out to lie paste, the gold tin.*el, and the foolish wo man has returned to her native dust, whither the negro will soon follow her, A Rkit'iilican paper claims that Mr. Hayes' approval of the army bill . disposes of the bayonet issue. Not nt all. The law authorizing the outrage, pusscd under the Grant administration, is still in existence by the veto of the fraud and the votes of the Repub lican member*. It is only rendered inoperative by the refusal of Congress to appropriate funds from the treasury to pay the soldiers, for services at the polls. The issue will continue to exist until the infamous Inw is wiped from the statute book. The people of the United States will not down while a law exists that will permit u White House tyrant or fraud to menace them at the polls, when in the enjoyment of their natural and inestimable right of free suffrage. When Mr. Garfield, says the Washington Pod, as a member of the Electoral commission, desired to assist his associate conspirators in the con summation of the theft of the Presi dency, he subscribed to a theory of states rights which made the general government a mere instrument to exe cute the decree of a State without in quiry as to the geuuine or spurious character of such alleged decree. Now, when Mr. Garfield desires to in spire a veto by the usurper whom he helped to place in the White House, he finds no words to express Ids con tempt for the arrogance of a State $ that demands the right to superintend its own elections. There is no other American statesman who shifts his po sition and re-adjusts his principles with greater facility than Mr. Gar field. "JKH'AI. AMI KXACT J ('STICK TO ALL MKN, OK WIIATKVKII STATE rH I'KKsCAAION, feKLIUIOt'S OH I'OLIT KAL."-J. (ter^n What or Ohio ? Tlic key-note of tlio coming politi cal campaign in Ohio was pounded at Columbus, on lust Thursday evening, by Gen. Thomas Kwing, the gallant standard hearer in the contest, in a speech which lie made in response to ja serenade, lie presented the issue* upon which the battle is to be fought in a terse, vigorous and eloquent man ner that left no one who beard bis ringing sentences to doubt where lie stands upon all the questions that now divide the political parties of the country. He concluded a brief re view of the centralizing tendencies of the Republican party as follow-: "In every government, everywhere, there lire two great opposing forts*—the force proceeding openiv from the ms.**-, : tending to equality of right* and the force* proceeding secretly from th- few tending to exemption, favoritism and cla* rtjt.-. I The one mm* nt government by and for the whole people ; the other by and for a da**. The one to rule by manhood, the other by money. In our Itepuhlic tlnse opposing force* have atway* la-en at work molding and controlling the action of par tic-. The Democratic party, founded h\ Jefferson, the inspired Hp-Kile of liU-rtv, ha* generally throughout it* history been the exponent of the sentiments and the champion of the interests of the masse. . while the Federal party strongly favored policies tending to centralization, favorit ism Hnd cla* rule, ltut never in the histo ry of our Government have the principles and method* opposed to true Democracy Iss-n so boldly and p-werfully maintained a* by th Kepiihlican party in the past twelve year*. It* long and firm hold of rapidly expanding power and the enor mous growth of concentrated wealth have develop'd and ripeio-l the force* inimical to popular government until now, having reduced the lalmring masse* almost to pauperism, having stripped the middle dasse* of Urge share of their wealth, having learned how to exact enormous tribute from corporations it ha* enriched by unjust legislation, it seeks by corrup tion to briU> and by force to overawe the electors, and to perpetuate its power in ut ter contempt of the Constitution mid of i the free and unbought suffrages of the people." These are words of truth. They are word* of momentous import, and should convey a warning to !>*• beetled by the masses of the people if they hope long to enjoy the blowing* of free government. This party of the few against the many ; this party of Fed eralism against the Democracy of Jef ferson ; this party of centralized pow er ; this party of opposition to the principle of home rule, must l>o shorn of it* power, a* were the Federalists of old, or our boasted freedom will soon become a mockery ami a re proach. In this contest of opjto*itc policies it is encouraging to know that Tom Kwing and the Ohio I)eitinerary have taken so firm a stand. They promise to fight the dangerous politi cal heresies, so boldly avowed by the opposition, with vigor and determin ation, and with the right so clear ly on their side the result cannot be doubtful. Except by a few carping and cap tious mal contents, it is conceded that the Hon. William A. Wallace is the ablest and most efficient* representa tive the Democracy of Pennsylvania has bad in the. Unites! .States Senate since the days of James Buchanan. In practical statesmanship, ability, in dustry ami power a* a debater, Mr. Wallace stands to-dny high up in the front rank of Senators. Since the extra session began his service* have lieen invaluable to his party and the country. No lalsor has been too great for hirn to uudertake, ami in the actual work of the session, it is safe to say he ha* liorne far more than his share. Thanks from his Democratic constituents are his due, and they should lie tendered freely and unhesi tatingly. Military subordination to civil |xjwcr, is the great victory won by the Democrats of Congress, in their fight with the stalwart Republicans and the fraudulent Executive. The National treasury cannot again he used as an election fund, to plant the bayonet at the polls, to influence Republican victory. Coxukkx* adjourned on Tuesday, and Mr. Hayes, believing that "dis cretion is the lietter part of valor," ha* wisely concluded not to call another extra session. BKLLKFONTK, PA., THURSDAY, .11 LV 1870. Osk of the most solemn orgnn* of the Republican party, sitys the Wash ington Pont, gravely asserts that "I're<-- iilent Hayes did nothing whatever to j secure his present position ; lie had 110 ! part in choosing the high court which : determined the claim- of the two ean j didatcs, and he did not emerge from the i dignified seclusion of hi* distant home until the court had decided in hi* fa ' vor." Suppose all that were true, | though no sensible person will concede it, it still remain* a fact that he took the place to which lie km w and had admitted that hi* competitor wa- elec ted; thai he had no sootier got warm . in hi* stolen seat of powvr than lie he gun to parcel out oflieo* among the men whose crimes had made hi* instal lation possible; that lie continued this work until all the title thieve.-, big and little, had been paid, and that hc has used the authority of tin office thus obtained and thus paid for in a way calculated to excite the bitterest animosity of a majority of hi* fellow citizen*, even if they believed he bad been honestly elected. All tin -c un deniable fuels fully explain the feel ings of the insulted people toward* Mr. Haves. It was quite enough that he came in through fraud, but bis eon duet iu the usurjied place ha* con stantly tended to aggravate the origi nal outrage, and render intolerable that which, under any eireum-tatn-e*. would have Iki-u a severe t-*t of tol eration. -♦ THE bill appropriating tHO,000 for the expenses of Federal marshals, pa--iiit* through out the I nited States, North and Suth Fast and West, the day will he observ ed with inij>osing and patriotic cere monies. The "Stars and Stri|>c*" will be flung out to catch the earliest morn ing breeze, cannon will roar in clamor ous salutation, pyrotechnic* add their annual contribution to the patriotic of the day and orators en- ; trance listening crowds a* they depict in glowing words the growth, glory ami greatness of our country. Well, the Fourth comes but once a year, and its grand memories must never be |or mitted to slumlter. It is a day in which the largest intitude for the dis play of patriotism niUFt be nllowcd to man, woman and youth, and good na ture should prevail with all. Hurrah ! for the Fourth of July ! TIIK New York Tribune lias start ed a story, which is receiving au ex tensive circulation, that Mr. Tilden now entertains a serious notion of running for Governor of New York this fall. The Tribune, however, has of late earned a reputation for reek lens and unscrupulous mendacity that causes the truth of its statement* to be largely discounted. Anything it ntay cay about Mr. Tilden should especially be taken with several grains of salt. Tin: quinine monopoly receive* severe blow in the closing hours of Congress. |\ir years tin- tariff due* , tijMiU quinine have been so high u* to |he practically prohibitory, and just 1 before (he adjournment a hill wa* | passed placing it upon the free li*t of j ini|K>rt*. Should Mr. Hayes npprove the hid there will he eonijxliiion and this useful medicine will conic down to a reasonable price. Tiik hill appropriating niouev to pay lettt r carrier* tvas signed by the President ~n Monday. That law al lows from the date of it* ]mssagc 91,G<)n p, r annum to two-third* id" the carrier* in lirst-cla-s cities, 88"ifi | M -r year to the carriers iu -econd-eluss cities and Bh(mi j„ r aiitiutii to tie re mainder. As tVH go to press a few prepara tions towards the observance of the " day we celebrate " nrc • vident in the wire* being stretched from house to *hi.tisß for the purpose of di-plaving the -tar- and -tripe* and other appro priate elnhleilis. ♦- I lIK Democratic State convention of Maine nut at Itangor on Moudav and renominated I iov. I lareidoii a their candidate for governor. Aluiut Tlldeu. 1 A remarkable communication,aigncu by Mr. .1011 it F. Mine*, of I' tie*, N. Y., appeared in the New York H'or/.f. It professe* to giva some inside history of the closing act* of General Grant'* Ad ministration, and *ei* forth with min uteness of detail the plans which bail been arranged to prevent the inaugura tion ol Mr. libb-ii. The authority Mr. Mine* quote* is General Stewart L. Woodford, who win appointed I'ntted Mat*-* District Attorney at New York by General Grant jut before his term of office expired. It was a surprise to General Woodford's friends that he ac repts 1 the office, but tl,s General now explains his nction by saying that it was by s|hs-ikl re.jiiest of General Grant, who tobl him that ho feared an attempt would bo made to seal Tllden by a great jmpular uprising, ar.d he wanted a man in the place who would not sciuple to cru-h a mob. General Woodford says: "I believe that during the month Hist closed the Administration of Grant and opened that of Hayes the country stood on the brink of a civil war more terrible than that which we passed through, and it would have drenched the whole North ill blood. He further dec,are In* belief that a plan to inaugurate Tll den existed 111 New York, and says "My plan* were all laid systematically. Wo had quietly taken aome very effi-c live precautions betorehand. Had Til den attempted to have carried out his rouji ,fetat and had hilnsejf inaugurated on thei'ily Hail steps, my orders and intention* were to seise him al once under a warrant charging him with high treason, to convey him secretly and *e curely on lioard a Government vessel lying in Fat river, and ship him to fort Adam* or aome other secure |>oint where he could undergo his trial. . . . While I was in Washington I made ar rangement* with Robeson not only to secure lildcn, but to ovctawe the tnob and shdl them out if necessary." The General further states that the Custom House and Nub-Treasury were prepared for resistance; that troop* were quietly brought from the West and South mid in***ed at Washington, Fort Mcllenry and in New York harbor; that Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and other military men were outspoken in their opinion that the army ought to tie used for re pressivo measure*, though Sherman Irankly expressed some doubts in re sped to the Democratic tendencies of tin- rank and file. Grant had deter mined to u*e every soldier, sailor and gun at hi* command to put down any thing like Democratic rebellion, (ten. oral Woodford 1* possibly right when he say* that "if it had been anybody but Grant who stood in the way Tilden might have been inaugurated and got ten pos-easion of the revenues in spite of Congress and the Electoral Commis sion ; but he is probably more nearly correct when lie say* Tilden's "natural timidity and irresolution" held him back. - - 1# Sxvxv thousand seven hundred and thirty dollar* i* the precise ainounlpanl for the service* of Republican repeater* in the disguise of deputy marshal* at the election in Philadelphia last year. Marshal Kerna haa sworn that the elec tion law under which the deputies are appointed ia not required for the pro tection of the ballot box, and Congress has made no appropriation for their payment. Herealter the deputy marsh als must be paid out of the radical cor motion fund. They will never get a dollar for their infamous party service* out of the publio treasury as loog aa the Democrat* have a majority in either branch of Congress.— l/arritburlU>B. • W<-11, *rif* Jc Ui*. uhxU) *lmrdi ' I vorabil' ! , I"* !l "" . H Bik'l" m- think *f k* Thn M-it/r, didn't ni-nt tn Vit Wh hi 0,. llr kli> flint I *MoIJ fttid tlfmi M Hi ** r: ll n.u.t ♦,<*. Uru n < hriatui*. #.r he led me boldly till- 14 Kh The toi.l, „f ,| |mt * f .,„ ( |, , e ||(lff hto ftnd ft id-ft* I i I*M mw*4 Mia 1 it u,i UM iiU !!■ ; itiiir ; lI.A „|| ,ti, tiumi -1 all 1t... i i—i la j* tin* lub. v.a. "( '.if.tiaii a'l l)i. uiu,. tti bi ' • -"nM UJ tie It v, my j ill caught ; I Jliu d Ml I t" Mr. Iff riiMln' valM With that Hi* iwll-'Ue *l. 1 aa-'K, a* 11, youthful ilae, • let anuria t t wtrat, fail ' 111 111 | I. lit. the l lal IU aiellO . u If In. I. i J of all." I tell i- 'i w tfe, it ill J ii, e g --I | aing that hy Mil, ■in I I'll IA. ■!,„ w te, he I matin. r h Igrta a (lll|a< of aliol. . I aim < wat.t t laaa.Mr ll.la weal h. r l-wt, „ f.tlii Ami aie l, iu, it,- i Vaaa ~J ~,n f fi, u, 11., at in The t iea.hn, • Will, J ,ai, t Jnatt.ll ail that the I | !■. IN i aaii . I h lo.w it a ...|, | white n . Ik- a II a ear, I te. ! Ha hall, t l,m. to loa.l ,| to 11,, hgMlt,' af |,|. aye W aul , aaall, long fioui lew h, j. uof |IIU it a le I Th. eet|to wait, I floweiy |. M alu,|,|. g.a|el truth llflll.-1,. , |.||,,.„ like i„e, II *tl*,l 1,..j..|.il } „11, Twa. 1,1 f ,tt ti w aiy heart* that 11.. i. "Taaalull I itialui, i.a I Chital aud lo tto ■ rwaal. Th g.r, */ hei mJr alb li. I-.. In (ientilaa an t In Jr.. . II- al, I ||.e a-ol'lrn a.ntri, aad, Wn Ml thrfii.aal |„aa j And it. ugh I nan i arr iai; wall- I aaw th* (aim i That l-.ld o.e hell waa am* wai off, and haavrn arry I neat II w aa ft th* golden momenta fll itiiia ll al h. ia fitona . II a 11 ahtlj l-.m-d thr light of l.tai'ti fi .iu weary I, ~ | a f, . Agaiu I ogiel for that aa~t I.Be when flirnd atmll n, -at with frtm.l . When r .ogiogat, ne'al l.teaa hi., an 1 haMwtha ha* e bo , t„l I h ;e I . tt,w| that Milalat, r the , "ngregat lon. I *•— lb the daat home M , nd the akowthat at ,oe It-lb bmtcti i i.|* I d'/til ! n \ I llrr,W|and gr*) W*ilJ "f tb*i 4)f ra} ii GENERAL NEWS. I'-urtflur* *ro plyinp their rocation at Ixick Haven anfow bray * nitroglycerine works. North Ad am*, Maa., exploded Monday afternoon, killing .lack Pierce and William Lang. In .lohntown on Thtirnday a fourteen month* old child was set upon by a rooster and so severely pecked and struck by the bird's spur* that it was seriously injured. William Stoneback, a brakeman on a freight trabi running on the Valley railroad, was struck by a bridge al Hokendaiiqua, at noon Monday, and instantly killed. The Ohio Itemocratie State Commit tee has decided to formally open the campaign early in Auguit with speecb e* by Pendleton, Thurmau, Kwing, Stoadman and others. It is rumored in Tamas|tia, Schuyl kill county, that the extensive iron work* of Measra. Shoener A Allen, al that nlvce, have iieen leased by the Philadelphia and Keading Koad. The nineteenth annual struggle in the aquatic race betaeen Harvard and Yale college*, on Friday la*t, at New I/ondon, Conn., resulted in victory for the Harvard boat club. Tiote 22.15. At a meeting of nail manufacturer* helil al Wheeling, W. V*.. Monday afternoon the price of nail* was ad vane ed to f'2.10 card rates, which ia equiva lent to an advanoe of ten cent* per keg on the present card. A Paris dispatch to the London Standard state* that Prince .lerotne Na poleon will publish a manifesto after the Mineral of the Prince Imperial urging all Konapartial* to submit to the Ke public and that he Lh already iasured President Grevy. Friday morning last, about 8 o'clock, a tremendous boiler exploaion took place in the large saw mill and planing establish men I operated by A. Wilts I Son, on the east side of Front atreet, Philadelphia. Several persons were killed and the surrounding property in jured. It has leaked out at Bt. Louis, Mo., that in aettling the accounts of the de funct Southwestern Railway Association the diaoovery was made that the Han nibal and St. .loseph railroad had failed to report to the pool officer aome 992,- ! TKK.MS: tfl.oO |wr Annum, in Arivitncr. j <**) received from freight traffic. Tho I Si i rctary lnw been ordered to make out I bills and proceed to collect tlma. i Considerable indignation in expressc 1 here among the Western railroad men over the transaction. James Cordon Bennett'* ahip, Jean nette, Lieutenant b<-I/orig commander, bound on an exploring expedition to the North I'ole, i. now prepared to aail from the port of San Francisco. I.'Udrr. tho organ of M. It/mher, of Paris, makes the following declaration : Prince Jerome Napoleon i* recognised as the chief of tho Na|>oleoriic dvnasty and consequently the cliief of the l'.onapartict party, lie cannot fail to reive resolute and devoted #up|>ort of all faithful to the Lmpire." This de claration is made by the advice of M. Rouher, hut it i* doubtful whether all tile Imperialists will rally around I'rincc Jerome, who will probably con tinue to maintain his silent attitude. The troop* with the I'rince Imperial wh<-ri killed declare, in contradiction of Lieutenant < arris'statement, that tho survivors galloped two or three rnile* without stoj.j ing. The correspondent say* the C^uartertnaster tieneral die obeyed Lord Chelmsford's orders by •ending the I'rincc on a dangerous ex pedition, and the escort of which do s rted it* duty. In the whole atfair there is not on redeeming feature. I iie troop *hip < iriento, with the l*ly of the prince, is e*|e-cte<-n regarded a- partially insane for some time. A few week* ago she shot her husband in the head while ho slept. Monday last when Mr. Pearoo went to dinner he found the door* of hi* house fastened. He forced an en trance. and going to a chamber found Mrs. Pearce in bed wrapped in flames. It appears that she had saturated tho bedclolbing with kerosene. U.d down ami set tho bed on fire. The fire was extinguished, but Mrs. Pearce was so badly burned that she cannot survive. The completion of the Sutro tunnel in Nevada, was celebrated on Monday. After ten years of ceaselews labor day and night and an expenditure of (mO.Ctftfi the tmwerful engine of the combination shaft of the H*!e A Xor cross and Savage mine* was started up that morning at precisely 0 o'clock, d.s charging water into the Sutro tunnel, at the mouth of which it made it* ap pearance in one hour and twenty ; minutes, showing a temperature of 101 degri-es, which gradually increased to :11k degrees. In eight hoar* the water in the long drowned out mine# was low ered one hundred feet. Kverything worked well. The success of the great engineering work surpasses all ex pectations. Hade Hampton on the South. WIIST 111* IXCTtOJt Dot* AMi DOtS MOT WANT. Vr<*n • Idile iMrftp* it Tort P*j>r. I think the Southern people are in accord with the views I expressed in the Senate, and they will be generally adopted. Judging from the letter* 1 have received and the Southern men I have seen. I can safely say I believe they are in full accord with my view*. \ The South is eminently conservative, and has always been so. It want* to be quiet, and doe* not want to be the vic tim nor the mover in anything that will create trouble or mistrust. As to the laws permitting the presence of troops at the polls, they were war measures, and all wish them repealed. 1 would never have delivered the speech I did but tor a speech of Mr: Thurman'a some time ago, in which he denied, and truthfully denied, the charge that tho South ws* dictating the |*>licy of tho Democratic party. If the Northern paper# would try to get at the true dis jwnition of the Southern people, it would promote reconciliation. I know that they have sent able correspondent* through the South, many of whom I have met and whose ootre*|>ondence I have read. Rut I do not think theX have seen with impartial eyes. They have felt constrained to write to suit tho politic* of the papers they represented, I refer a* much to the correspondent* of the Democratic pre** as of the Re publican. At least, they have mistaken the true feeling of the South. It did not attempt to secede for war, and it does not follow that, because it did not succeed in leaving the Union, it still wishes to injure it. This is the only country the Southern people now have, and they wish to make it as great and prosperous a* io**ihle. The South ought to be credited with having prevented ; war in 187fi, when the whole country was at fever heat over the Presidential election. A gun fired in South Caroli na then would have precipitated a gen eral war. The South ia stronger to day I than in IftfiO. There ia no feeling of timidity actuating her present policy. There i* no desire for another war. The South wants peace. Tbi* I know to be the feeling of the whole people there. 1 want to see the country settled and quiet, and toy only object in going to < 'ongre** was to help bring it about. Pt* Pour* AIT or Por* I.xo.—Pope bo XIII is tall and spare, with a pa trician air. ITe ha* a Hue head, crow n ed with white hair, strongly marked feature*, the aspect of an ascetic, with something marble-like in the general appearance of the figure. Hi* face i* lighted by a piercing look, and hi* smile ia very winning, lli* voice ia so norous, not *o mellow as Pope Pius's, but more powerful. Though he U moderate in hi* opinion* he doe* nol lack firmness. NO. 27.